Weak staff motivation system. stage. Identification of the problem of staff motivation. The system of allowances is also necessary

The task of any leader is to obtain maximum performance from his subordinates. One payment of wages, even if at a level above the market level, does not keep good workers and does not force them to work with greater efficiency. A well-organized system of personnel motivation helps to increase the interest and efficiency of employees. It not only improves the efficiency of individual employees, but also the entire organization as a whole, and also reduces staff turnover.

Staff motivation

Motivation is an additional set of incentives to improve staff performance. This is a system of rewarding high labor productivity and punishing negligent employees.

An example of the simplest motivational system is performance-based bonuses. The amount of monetary remuneration depends on the percentage of performance of the indicators brought by management.

However, any effective manager strives to achieve his goals, while minimizing costs. Therefore, in addition to monetary incentives, non-material instruments are also used in motivation systems.

None of the motivation systems will give results if the salary level in the company is lower than in similar organizations.

If an employee has a low threshold wages, then it is difficult to expect great returns from him.

Highly qualified specialists, when looking for a job, first of all compare the level of basic pay for their work and only then choose from several companies they like, the one in which they like the system of additional incentives.

For example, a person has chosen two companies where the level of payment is approximately the same. He then compared additional social benefits to staff and chose one that provides its employees with additional health insurance.

When building a personnel motivation system in an organization, it is not necessary to focus only on measures that will increase the material well-being of employees. Social instruments that do not require large financial investments by the business owner.

Types of motivational tools

Measures to improve staff productivity are divided into separate types, depending on several factors.

Firstly, all methods of motivation can be divided into those of a material and non-material nature.

The tools of material content include not only bonuses and bonus deductions. It can be:

  • various prizes for professional competitions and competitions;
  • social spending;
  • expenses for gifts for memorable dates and public holidays, etc.

For example, compensation to employees in part or in full for the cost of renting housing, distribution of gift certificates.

The intangible ones include the creation of a comfortable working environment and motivation through a career. This includes any measures that do not actually increase staff costs.

For example, an employee can be asked to choose a work shift, remote work. Or organize food delivery at lunchtime, which employees will pay for themselves.

AT staffing introduce several gradations of specialists, depending on the experience and performance of employees, for example, positions of specialist 1, 2, the highest category. Assign them after certification events and a certain length of service at the enterprise.

Secondly, the methods of motivation are also divided depending on the direction of their impact on positive and negative.

Positive ones are aimed at encouraging certain behaviors and results of each employee.

Negative ones are a system of punishment for negligent workers. For example, disciplinary action for being late for work or forfeiting bonuses for an unfulfilled sales plan.

Stimulation through coercion and punishment should be reasonable, understandable to employees and not play a dominant role in the motivation system built at the enterprise.

If the motivation system is based only on punishments, and employees can receive (or rather not receive) bonuses for their work once a year, when the manager allows himself to speak about low professional level employees, then such incentives will work with the opposite effect. Only those employees who at the moment cannot change their employer will remain at the enterprise - people who have little time left before retirement, and who are working out the target allocation.

Building an effective system of personnel motivation

The construction of a personnel motivation system in an enterprise begins with determining the needs of employees and their attitude to the work performed. Thus, the most appropriate measures of motivation are identified.

To determine the actual needs and build a motivation system, a questionnaire or a survey of personnel is well suited.

The questionnaire must contain a paragraph where employees can express their wishes or comments.

After building a motivation system, it is necessary to periodically conduct a survey in order to identify non-working incentive tools in time and introduce effective ones.

After the survey, the responses of employees are analyzed and the staff is divided into groups, depending on the preferred incentives.

Then, the most appropriate tools for stimulating employees are selected for implementation in the context of the specifics of the company. They can be developed independently, based on various theories of motivation, or you can study the experience of competitors, and then copy the effective elements of the system.

Before introducing a personnel motivation system or its individual elements, it is necessary to organize informing employees about upcoming changes.

This should be done not just in the form of a newsletter by corporate mail, but to create an interactive platform, for example, in the form of a separate page on the forum, where only employees have access. Employees will be able to express their opinion on incentive measures, vote for each of them, and make constructive proposals.

The existence of such a dialogue between management and employees is in itself a good motivational tool.

Feedback on all corporate issues emphasizes the importance of the opinion of each employee for management and has a positive effect on the effectiveness of employees.

After building a motivation system, the work of such a site does not need to be stopped. It will be an indicator of the effectiveness of the adopted motivation system and will allow you to quickly change one or more of its components, which will require transformation over time.

For example, on this site, employees can leave wishes for participation in various professional seminars, courses, and exhibitions.

The choice of individual elements of the motivation system

Measures to stimulate the efficiency of employees are so diverse that the choice of the most productive of them becomes a problem for the business owner. In this case, the division of employees into groups based on the results of the survey will help.

Conventionally, they can be divided, depending on the incentives preferred by the employee, into the following groups:

For those employees who fall into the first group, material incentives are important. They are guided only by the level of salary, bonuses. If they participate in some kind of professional competition, it is only because of the impressive amount of the prize. They can easily move to a competing firm if they offer a higher reward. Such people are not affected by other forms of motivation, they are indifferent to honor boards and congratulations by corporate mail, if they are not supported by a monetary component.

The second group includes employees for whom public recognition of their merits is important. They may be satisfied with simple praise from management, if it is expressed publicly. They are happy to take part in all corporate events, often initiate them. For such employees, it is possible to offer holding various competitions (not only professional), competitions, etc.

The third group of workers is focused on the process of work. It is important for them to show their competence and expertise. For them, training will be a suitable motivation. Various seminars, trainings, advanced training, career advancement, mentoring - such measures stimulate the effectiveness of this group of employees.

The fourth group includes employees with a high level of self-control and discipline. They value freedom of choice and decision-making. Such workers require minimal supervision from management. Delegation of authority is used to motivate them, they do a good job of working not in separate areas, but on large projects.

The last group of employees requires the manager to constantly monitor the process of their work. They are indifferent to any incentive measures, whether it be bonuses or recognition of merit. It is possible to stimulate such an employee to work only under pain of punishment.

Examples of personnel motivation systems

The most common and simple motivation system is the distribution of bonuses among employees. They are paid with a certain frequency for the implementation of the adjusted production targets, cost savings, concluded contracts for the sale of products.

For greater efficiency, a progressive bonus scale is introduced.

One of the varieties of the bonus system is the point system. In addition to the material incentive, it added a competitive component. In such a system, it is necessary not only to fulfill the plan, but to earn a certain number of positive marks for various stages of work.

Bonuses are a basic component for all motivation systems. Various incentives are added to it, for example, career growth.

For example, based on the results of certification, an employee can be transferred to a higher position or upgrade their qualification rank.

The motivation system will not work if there is no working climate in the team or comfortable working conditions are not organized.

Measures to develop corporate culture and strengthen interpersonal ties within the team will help here.

For these purposes, many large companies develop codes of conduct for employees, organize trainings and corporate meetings in an informal setting, hold competitions that are not related to the performance of work duties, congratulate employees on significant dates in their lives.

The employer is obliged to provide the employee with the minimum, fixed in labor law package of social guarantees.

This is the provision of regular and additional holidays, compulsory health insurance, compliance with work and rest regimes, etc.

The employer can independently expand this list and add to the motivation system additional bonuses, for example, to conclude an agreement with a certain clinic, where employees can undergo a medical examination, the payment of which is covered by the employer.

You can also pay employees to receive professional or additional education. In return, require the employee to work at the enterprise for a certain number of years.

A good effect is provided by the system of discounts for manufactured products for the employees of the enterprise and the provision of loans to employees at below market rates.

Efficient system Staff Motivation combines many different tools to stimulate employee performance. When building it, it is necessary to take into account the opinions of employees on each of the components, while taking a balanced approach to a combination of measures to encourage and punish employees.

2. Non-material factors:

— system of advanced training;

— internal competition for vacancies leadership positions;

— corporate sports;

- corporate holidays

As a result of the introduction of the system, the task of reducing staff turnover, which decreased by 30%, and increasing employee loyalty was solved.

More details: http://www.psbank.ru/Bank/Career/Benefits

II. Famous developer of computer games - Nival Interactive company- set the task of finding and retaining staff of rare specialties for the domestic market: game designers and programmers. The company has created its own employee motivation system — an example of a creative approach to solving a problem.

The company offered employees:

1. Participation in interesting, innovative projects with the possibility of learning right in the course of work - with domestic and foreign colleagues, with VGIK teachers, with famous artists, cameramen;

2. Salary higher than the industry average, bonus system for successfully completed projects, payment mobile communications, interest-free loans;

3. Convenient work schedule without a clear fixation of time;

4. Organization of office space in accordance with the wishes of the staff, identified through a survey;

5. Providing free meals at the workplace, creating recreation areas;

6. Corporate events, tours.

This is a vivid example of non-material motivation of employees.

The system is constantly being improved, for which meetings and surveys of personnel are held annually to identify needs and make additions to the program. In fact, employees themselves determine the necessary incentive measures.

Today, there is no shortage of personnel in the company, moreover, up to 10 employees of "rare" specialties apply for each position.

More: http://en.nival.com/

III. Oil company OAO Lukoil set out to create a stable image of a reputable employer and to standardize the system of employee incentives. She has developed a coherent HR policy in all regional divisions that is binding, clear and transparent. An integrated approach to employee motivation is an example for all enterprises to follow.

The list of stimulating factors includes:

1. Material part:

a) direct reward:

- fixed (salary and additional payments for the implementation of KPI);

— variable (annual and long-term bonus payments);

b) indirect remuneration:

— social protection programs (state and corporate);

— additional benefits (general and for certain categories of employees).

2. Intangible part ( state system incentives and corporate).

As a result of the introduction of the system, the company received the desired image, was able to simplify the personnel management system and increase employee loyalty.

More details: http://www.lukoil.ru/materials/doc/LUKOIL-HR_Policy.pdf

IV. Another example of employee motivation is the company RA "Promo Center" is one of the largest Russian agencies specializing in BTL marketing. It is worth considering a brilliant solution by this company to the task of motivating employees using the example of a system of incentives for promoters. Usually students are recruited for such work. Young people often consider participation in promotions as a temporary part-time job, and neglect their duties. The company decided to raise the prestige of the profession and the efficiency of the staff.

RA "Promo-center" has built an incentive system in several directions at once:

– providing the opportunity for high, stable, predictable earnings, while maintaining a convenient work schedule;

— introduction of a bonus system, redistribution of the incentive fund in favor of actively and conscientiously working personnel;

- organization of competitions and awarding of winners;

– creating opportunities for career growth to the positions of project coordinator, supervisor;

- formation of a team spirit, a single team;

– organization of corporate holidays, entertainment for working students.

As a result of the introduction of the system, the discipline of the personnel has increased, and the turnover of personnel has decreased by 35%.

More details: http://www.btl-center.ru/

V. Samara clinic of reproductive medicine "Eco" has developed an effective personnel incentive system at the enterprise to attract and retain highly qualified specialists, the best in their profession. Such employee motivation is an example for all medical institutions.

The main goal of the system is formulated as "providing peace and prosperity for workers." The list of factors for increasing employee loyalty includes:

financial incentives(high salary; bonuses based on performance and long service; organization of training and internships in leading domestic and foreign clinics; provision of free meals on the ground, work clothes, subsidies for cellular communication and gasoline; employee loans)

- intangible (organization of leisure - corporate events, going to the theater, tourist trips, congratulations on your birthday).

The implementation of the program made it possible to fully staff the staff with specialists, many of whom are considered leaders in the profession.

VI. Moscow holding "SKM Group"— a leading investment company set out to increase the loyalty and efficiency of its staff. A powerful system of employee motivation is an example of the responsible attitude of management towards personnel.

The incentive program of SCM Group includes:

- material factors (high salary calculated on the basis of performance indicators - KPI; prizes for winning competitions; 15% discount on the purchase of real estate in houses built by the enterprise, provided to employees who have worked for more than 3 years; paid vacations and vouchers);

— intangible factors (organization of sports events — trophy raids, hunting trips; holding corporate holidays).

Thanks to the incentive program, the company solved the problem of staff turnover, significantly increased the efficiency of the staff.

Read more: http://www.hr-skmg.ru/index

Employee motivation is not always just a list of rules that are equally effective in various companies. This article will consider the main factors affecting the improvement of labor productivity in the enterprise.

You will learn:

  • Why is it necessary to develop a system of employee motivation.
  • What is the basis for the development of a system of employee motivation.
  • How is the employee motivation system developed?
  • How to develop a motivation system for the head of the sales department.
  • What methods of motivating employees have been developed and successfully used by foreign companies.
  • What mistakes do managers make when developing a motivation system for their employees.

Who needs to develop a system of employee motivation

The development of a personnel motivation system can be called the cornerstone for a large number of companies. At the same time, each organization solves this problem in its own way. Basically, in teams they try to apply various systems of employee motivation, however, there is no comprehensive scheme, and remuneration is not always based on objective parameters. This approach does not ensure the effectiveness of the company's performance.

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If you do everything yourself, employees will not learn how to work. Subordinates will not immediately cope with the tasks that you delegate, but without delegation, you are doomed to time pressure.

We published in the article a delegation algorithm that will help you get rid of the routine and stop working around the clock. You will learn who can and cannot be entrusted with work, how to give the task correctly so that it is completed, and how to control staff.

Both employees of the organization and its leaders need a well-formed system of employee motivation, due to the fact that such a system:

  • helps really competent specialists to receive high wages worthy of their knowledge, while irresponsible or poorly trained employees will receive appropriate wages, which in the future may contribute either to their dismissal or to improve the quality of work;
  • motivates staff to fulfill the goals and objectives that are directly required by the employing enterprise, while such work must be quite creative and carried out with enthusiasm;
  • helps reduce company costs.

A well-designed employee motivation system works independently, without additional external intervention from management.

What should the development of an employee motivation system be based on?

Approaches to the development of a personnel motivation system are very ambiguous: each director has his own answer to the question of how to properly motivate employees. It is possible that the chosen motivation system will not work in all cases, but it will be familiar to the manager.

The main factor determining the formation of this or that system of motivation is that the specialist really has to fulfill his duties, and not just get paid. Thus, the main part of remuneration should be a variable value, which will directly depend on the performance of a particular employee. It seems that this is logical and it should be so, but in practice this approach is rarely used.

It is also necessary to establish specific indicators that will further determine the level of quality of work of each specialist.

As good example You can tell an anecdote when a new leader comes into the office and wonders how many people work here, to which the deputy director replies: “I think about 50%.” In the figure above, you can see what happens when the staff is not motivated, but managers are not always concerned about this issue. And this happens for the reason that if the manager’s income does not depend on the performance indicators of the team entrusted to him, then there is no need to develop a special motivation system for employees. From this we can conclude that a competent motivation system should be formed in such a way that the income of top managers directly depends on the quality of work of their subordinates.

Success is determined not only by the very fact of achieving the goal, but also by the price at which this goal was achieved. For example, if the general won the battle at the cost of the death of the entire army, then such a victory will not be effective. Efficiency can be defined as the ability to achieve a result, while efficiency is the ability to achieve a goal at a minimum cost. Thus, if the battle had not only been won, but at the same time the soldiers had survived, then such a general could be called both an effective and economical leader.

Business in many ways is very similar to war, so the work of a top manager of an enterprise can be evaluated according to similar criteria. And it is on these criteria that a system of motivation should be built, which is aimed at achieving results. According to this method, a set of indicators is determined, which are interconnected by causal relationships, since it is actions that help achieve a certain economic result, and not vice versa.

Visually, such a system can be represented as a funnel: at the bottom, in the narrow part, the goal to be achieved is indicated, and above it are intermediate results that contribute to this.

The indicators must be divided into groups depending on the cause-and-effect relationships between them, while the influencing factor will be above the dependent, that is, above the result. The degree of detail of such a scheme can be determined independently or together with the financier, however, in general, the recommendations are such that it is necessary to go deeper until the description of the simplest actions that the performer can adequately evaluate and for which he is able to bear responsibility. It should also be noted that ultimate goal must be indicated in monetary terms, and intermediate results (for example, labor productivity, material consumption rates) - in kind.

It should be done in this way, because. very often it is difficult to correctly determine what kind of income an individual employee of an organization has brought. If you correctly form this funnel, without missing important parameters, then elementary actions that employees perform every day will appear in its upper part. As a result, a system will be obtained that will link the daily actions of each of the employees with the final economic result.

Practitioner tells

How the motivation system works in our company

Elena Barnyak,

CEO, Valen, Perm

The whole team must be motivated to achieve the overall goals of the organization, so we regularly try to improve motivation systems and try new ones.

A couple of years ago, we created the Most Valuable Employee of the Year competition, where any employee who comes up with an idea that can increase the profitability of the business can become a winner. The conditions of this competition, its main provisions and nominations were formed and agreed upon by the whole team. Now each department once a month offers its applicants in certain categories. It could be:

  • the most active: an employee who has performed an action that is not directly included in his functionality, but is important for the organization as a whole;
  • the most positive: a person with whom work is as pleasant as possible, forming a comfortable emotional atmosphere in the team;
  • the most efficient: an employee who most efficiently and competently used the available resources, prepared new project, attracted maximum amount clients.

The monthly winners in the nominations were specialists who took the initiative in creating a corporate anthem, helped a socially vulnerable family, created a collection of recipes as a gift, planted flowers in a flower bed in front of the office building, attracted other employees to sports, etc. From the monthly winners subsequently the best ones were determined quarterly, and then - for the year. The workers who won were awarded various travel certificates.

It seems to me that a general expression of appreciation for quality work or a useful deed is a very good stimulation, the effect of which can be compared to a monetary reward. Very often, managers do not pay due attention to this method of encouragement, but in my experience I can see that collective appreciation effectively increases the morale of employees and sets them up to achieve even better results.

What are the stages of developing an employee motivation system

When developing a personnel motivation system, the director needs to pay attention to both the recommendations of the personnel department and the needs of ordinary employees. The higher the degree of trust and understanding, the more effective the motivation system will be. In a situation where the staff of the organization is small, it is much easier to pay attention to the wishes of each member of the team. If the company is in the category big business, then the development of a motivation system becomes a much more complicated process due to the significant number of employed people. In this case, various incentive methods can be applied in combination, in accordance with the results of surveys conducted within the team, which will help in the development process to take into account the needs of employees at different levels.

As a rule, the personnel department is engaged in the development and implementation of a personnel motivation system, however, in the absence of an appropriate service, a marketer may well cope with such a task. You can also contact a consulting organization for this purpose. With any of the chosen methods, it is necessary to pay special attention to the moment whether managers of departments are included in the system. The development of an employee motivation system consists of the following steps:

Stage 1. Preparatory work.

The director of the organization must convey to the rest of the employees information about future changes, for example, announce it at a planning meeting or general meeting. If the company's staffing is large enough, you can instruct the HR manager or PR director to write a letter on your behalf, which will be accessible and clearly disclose the meaning of the changes taking place.

Stage 2. Study of personnel.

At this stage, the personnel department must generate a report on personnel in the context of individual categories. Such a document should give an understanding of what kind of people work in the company: their education, work experience, age, specialization. Additionally, this report should contain information about which departments work "for the result", and which ones provide support and support.

Practitioner tells

What should be considered when developing a personnel motivation system

Larisa Nasonova,

Head of Human Resources, Corbina Telecom, Moscow

The Corbina Telecom group of companies was established in 1995 and is a universal telecommunications holding, which today includes telecommunication operators - the organizations Investelectrosvyaz and Kortek, co headcount over 2000 employees. The holding's management selects personnel very scrupulously, therefore only specialists with the highest qualifications in the field of telecommunications work here.

The motivation system in our company was formed on the basis of the theory of Vladimir Gerchikov, the main meaning of which is that when stimulating employees, you need to pay attention to internal motives. So, it is possible to make a forecast in advance of what effect certain incentives will have if the motivational type of each employee is determined in advance.

In the process of forming the questionnaire, it is recommended to divide the entire staff into separate groups (for example, by age, gender, length of service or departments), after which, depending on the individual characteristics of each group, develop a motivation system.

  • Correspondence of motivational types and forms of stimulation

Forms of incentives

Motivational type





Lumpenized (avoidant)

Negative - displeasure, punishment, threat of dismissal





Cash - salary, bonuses, allowances





Natural - the acquisition of ownership or rent of an apartment, car, etc.





Moral - certificates, presentation for awards, Honor Board





Paternalism (concern for the employee) - social and medical insurance, provision of conditions for recreation, etc.





Organizational - working conditions, its content and organization





Participation in leadership - co-ownership and participation in management






  • "Basic" - the maximum effectiveness of the specified form of incentives for an employee with the appropriate type of motivation.
  • "Applicable" - the specified form of incentive can be applied.
  • "Neutral" - the use of this form of incentive will not affect the employee, that is, the result of his work will not change.
  • "Forbidden" - the use of the specified form of stimulation will have the opposite effect and is likely to lead to destructive behavior.

Stage 3. Analysis of motivation systems of other companies.

At the third stage, the personnel service or marketer needs to determine the level of remuneration and compensation payments for the relevant categories of workers from other organizations (competitors or partners). Based on the results of this analysis, you can create a list of various incentive methods that can be used in your enterprise, paying attention to the nuances in the work of each department.

In departments whose work is aimed at achieving a certain indicator (such as the sales department), the variable part of the salary should be a large part of the total monthly income and be directly dependent on the result achieved by each individual employee. At the same time, the variable part of the salary should also be largely dependent on the overall result, otherwise, “unhealthy” competition within the team and poaching customers from each other is likely. For units performing support or maintenance functions, the variable part should be minimal or non-existent. It is only possible to leave the payment of bonuses depending on the overall results achieved.

Stage 4. Survey of employees and creation of a motivation system.

At this stage, you need to conduct a survey of staff. Yes, most the best option there may be anonymous questionnaires and distribution by employees in order of increasing importance of all methods of encouragement. Moreover, if the company consists of several departments, the questionnaires for each of them can be marked with various inconspicuous signs to form correct statistical indicators in the future.

Based on the results of the survey, it will be possible to determine the most appropriate methods of stimulation and use them in the further work of the company.

Practitioner tells

How surveys help in the development of a personnel motivation system

Konstantin Melnikov,

Head of Human Resources at 1C:VDGB, Moscow

The organization needs to conduct surveys with a certain frequency, since they themselves will act as a stimulating factor (if the manager is interested in the opinion of subordinates, it means that he wants to be aware of their problems), and also with their use it will be possible to find out important information .

You can distribute anonymous questionnaires to employees in which they will rate their managers (how fair, polite, accessible, etc.) the management is. In this way, the manager can show his own interest in providing the best working conditions for his subordinates. You can also use the 360 ​​degree method.

To determine the most optimal motivation systems, you can try each of them “try on yourself”, otherwise a situation may be provoked when a waiter in a bad restaurant recommends a dish that he only smelled, but did not taste.

Stage 5. Informing the staff.

After the survey has been conducted and until the motivation system is changed, it is imperative that this information be communicated to all employees. You need to talk about the period of the beginning of innovations and the methods used, because otherwise the employees may assume fraud on your part.

Practitioner tells

Informing is the most important tool for developing an effective employee motivation system

Inna Samoilova,

Analyst, Gradient Alpha Group of Companies, Moscow

When in one of the companies of the group, in connection with its development, a reorientation of the business direction was carried out, at the same time the job functions of the employees underwent changes, including the development of a new software. In order to relieve the tension that has arisen in the team, it was decided to expand the social package and determine the bonus fund. At the same time, due attention was not paid to the moment of informing the staff about the new tasks of the organization and changing the direction of its activities, which led to the emergence of the effect of a lack of trust on the part of the management towards its employees, who, moreover, could not understand the logic and sequence of his actions. The combination of these factors turned the initially positive initiatives of the director into a banal "bribe", and the system of motivation formed in this way received a negative connotation. The logical conclusion of this situation is the departure of several employees from the company.

Each method of encouragement must necessarily have a connection with the tasks of the business, therefore, at different stages of growth and development, the optimal methods of stimulation will differ. Thus, the system of motivation, which is most effective at one stage, will not bring the same “fruits” at another stage of development. It is recommended to analyze the activities of competitors twice a year, and it is necessary to constantly monitor the work of the motivation system within the company, thereby checking staff satisfaction with incentives.

When interacting with employees, it is better to maintain an open information policy, including receiving from them feedback about the services provided. For this purpose, you can create a separate box in which employees can leave an anonymous wish or feedback. In a similar form, you can conduct opinion polls. At the same time, it should be noted that such a method will be an indicator of the average level of satisfaction, however, if the most problematic areas of the motivation system are identified, then it will be possible to offer staff other ways to encourage.

Most often, at the origins of the creation of the company, the majority of employees in it are people who like uncertainty, who like to look for and find ways to overcome it, as well as solve the tasks set. For such people, the financial component is not as important as the very fact of achieving the goal. Of course, this does not mean at all that employees do not need to pay wages at all, however, since at the beginning of business development there are rarely big profits, a high level of income is not guaranteed at the moment, while it can be postponed for the future.

At the stage of the established sustainable activity of the organization, stability and prospects will be in the first place for the employees working in it. In such a situation, it is necessary to apply the most simple and transparent motivation system so that people not only strive to achieve goals, but also have an understanding of real tasks that you need to complete to increase your income.

Development of a motivation system for the head of the sales department

When developing a motivation system for the head of the sales department, as well as creating piecework wage conditions for him, you need to pay attention to the following factors:

  1. The head of the sales department is a role model.

A highly professional leader must also have a sales skill, that is, be a real example for his subordinates, and not just to order or make recommendations. A competent manager must also be able to effectively negotiate with customers and partners.

  1. Salary + interest.

According to this paragraph, piecework pay should also take into account the fulfillment of a personal sales plan.

  1. Personal sales plan

An individual sales plan must be formed for the manager, which in no case can be inferior, but rather, let it exceed the sales plan set for subordinates. If the order on remuneration provides for the presence of various categories of employees with the corresponding planned indicators, then personal plan head of sales should be the maximum. Additionally, in the administrative document that determines the procedure for remuneration, the measures of influence that stimulate the implementation of the plan should also be indicated. An example is the use of a special coefficient.

  1. The main motivation of the head of the sales department is the implementation of the department's plan.

The main motivating factor for the head of the sales department should be the fact that the overall targets of the entire department are being achieved, and not just the fulfillment of the personal plan.

Thus, the motivating coefficients for the boss, arising from the achievement of the planned indicators of the entire department, must either be equal to or exceed the coefficients from the fulfillment of the personal sales plan. At the same time, the ratio of such indicators should be controlled if both the personal and the plan for the entire department are fully implemented. In practice, both overfulfillment and non-fulfillment of both types of plans may occur with equal probability, however, the manager should be more focused on achieving the planned indicators of the department as a whole.

  1. Unique technique - "Bonus for stability".

The foresight of the manager is also welcomed: developing an action plan not only to achieve the indicators of the current month, but also to perform similar tasks monthly in the future. For this purpose, the bonus part of the manager's salary can be divided into two parts, one of which depends on the implementation of the plan throughout the department, and the second is the so-called stability bonus. In this case, the first part can also be based on the level of implementation of the plan (for example, minimum, norm, maximum) and increase as each new level is reached. If the plan is fulfilled for the second month in a row, then the second part of the bonus is paid additionally.

For example, you can determine the amount of the bonus for the implementation of the plan at a minimum level in the amount of 20,000 rubles, and the bonus for stability, if this indicator is reached within two consecutive months, - 30,000 rubles. Thus, if the plan is not met in the current month, the manager will not receive any part of the bonus, and in the next month, even if the minimum plan is met, the stability bonus will still be excluded.

If you calculate in general, then the manager will receive less than 80,000 rubles, which is a rather significant amount even for managers with an average monthly income ranging from 100,000 to 300,000 rubles. And for managers with lower income levels, the loss of such an amount is even more tangible. Thus, the stability bonus encourages the manager to achieve targets on a regular basis.

  1. One leader is not enough.

To improve performance in the sales department, it is necessary to have at least two managers (for example, the head of the department and his deputy).

A larger number of leadership positions is also acceptable: 3-4 managers for 7-10 ordinary employees are considered optimal. The presence of only one boss will not ensure competent and effective management the whole division.

What methods of motivation have been developed and successfully implemented by the heads of foreign companies

Day off Friday the 13th. In one of the German firms, employees have the opportunity to take a day off if the 13th coincides with Friday. Based on the results of the performance analysis carried out over the last five years, it was revealed that on this particular day many negotiations did not bring the desired result, and customer complaints (usually very unusual ones) also came in large numbers.

Suite for honeymooners. Such an incentive is offered by a chain of hotels in France, while the room is beautifully decorated with flowers and balloons, and champagne with fruit is offered as a compliment. However, more recently, a restriction has been imposed on the use of this method of motivation - you can use it no more than once a year.

Recreation areas. Investment and construction holding Selvaag from Norway is doing everything so that colleagues have the opportunity to communicate outside personal accounts. In this organization, premises for negotiations and recreation occupy about 60-70% of the total area of ​​offices. In such areas there are comfortable upholstered furniture (sofas, armchairs), tables where you can drink tea or coffee, eat fruit, and on Friday - delicious pastries.

Paid holiday. An additional day off on September 1 is provided by a Ukrainian carrier company. In addition, useful gifts are presented on Knowledge Day: stationery, backpacks for schoolchildren, toys and books.

Award for healthy lifestyle life. Some organizations in Norway give cash benefits to non-smokers; those who have given up this habit; employees who come to the office by bicycle, etc. This is explained by the fact that people who lead a healthy lifestyle work more efficiently and, accordingly, bring higher income to the entire company.

Sick leave without documents. The Swiss are very attentive to the health of the staff. In this country sick leave paid in the amount of about 80% of the salary. Moreover, if the illness lasts within one week, you can not submit any supporting documents at all, but simply warn of your absence due to illness.

To work with a child. In Sweden, during the holidays or simply in a situation where there is no one to leave the child with, it is allowed to come to work with him.

Leave without explanation. The so-called sickie - days of rest, which can be obtained without explanation, are practiced in Australia. However, there are also abuses, when sickies are used to relax on the beach in good weather or to sleep after a party. For this reason, in some organizations this method of motivation is still actively used, while in others they are asked to provide sick leave.

What mistakes do managers make when developing a system of employee motivation

No matter how effective the motivation system is at a particular point in time, someday it will stop working. More recently, separate motivation systems operated for 5-6 years, but in modern world this period was reduced to 1-2 years. In a situation of obsolescence of the stimulating tool, the quality and effectiveness of employees' activities also decrease. In this case, the director should try to develop a new remuneration system, but it is not certain that it will be effective for the following reasons:

Mistake 1. The company does not take into account trends in the labor market.

Starting the development of a new employee motivation system, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  • when hiring a new specialist, it is quite acceptable to be interested in the parameters taken into account in the formation of wages and bonus payments for a certain time period;
  • the variable component of wages is now also used in calculating the income of employees of various support departments (legal, administrative departments, accounting, etc.), while just a decade ago, wages in these services were completely based on salary alone. However, now the total amount of remuneration of such departments also depends on the established parameters. For example, a lawyer can be rewarded for competent documentary support, the absence of disputes and claims under contracts, accounting - for the absence of reporting period penalties from the tax office, etc.

At the same time, an unambiguous relationship between the variable and constant parts of the employees' income has not been determined, but based on established practice, the employees of the main departments directly involved in sales have a variable part of the income that makes up a larger share than employees of support departments (see table).

Error 2. The motivation system does not take into account the stage of development of the company.

Sometimes a situation occurs in which an actively operating enterprise continues to use a system of remuneration based on two components, in the same ratio as in the early stages of business development.

For example, a Russian furniture company began selling expensive interior items made of natural wood, while the income of employees consisted of a low salary and a certain percentage of sales. Thus, even if at the very beginning there were few people who wanted to buy expensive furniture, managers still received a more or less stable salary. However, after about three years, the firm already had enough customers and good income, while the growth trend was significantly reduced. In such a situation, it was decided to continue paying salaries to employees according to the previously formed scheme, but the income of managers decreased, and many specialists left their jobs before the changes were made to the wage scheme.

Thus, we can conclude that at the initial stage of growth and development, it is necessary to increase the variable part of wages, and when stable sales figures are achieved, the constant part should prevail, on the contrary. At the subsequent stages of development of the organization, a permanent staff of competent employees and a stable sales volume are required, for this reason, the proportions of the constituent parts of remuneration should change over time.

Mistake 3. The motivation system is implemented without taking into account financial condition enterprises.

An example is travel company, in which, upon the completion of the season, the payment of a bonus was announced. However, the director did not take into account that just during this period it would also be necessary to pay a large sum for renting a land plot and making a payment on a loan taken for the construction of a tourist base. Thus, the managers never received their bonus, and the salary was issued with a delay. After a while, only one person, who is its founder and director, remained working in this travel agency.

Therefore, in order to avoid such an unpleasant situation, when preparing and implementing an employee motivation system, it is necessary to consult with a financier in order to understand the volume and sufficiency of available funds for these purposes. If it turns out that the financial situation at the current moment leaves much to be desired, then you can instruct the personnel department to create a non-material incentive scheme.

Practitioner tells

Exaggerated plans as the cause of a non-working motivation system

Dmitry Kolokatov,

General Director of OJSC "Agrika Foods", Moscow

It is quite common that the planned indicators are greatly overestimated, which is a serious mistake. According to the head, in order to achieve the tasks set, employees will give their best at work. However, almost always, this approach leads, on the contrary, to demotivation, because sales managers, realizing that it is unrealistic to fulfill the plan, will not even try to achieve the set targets.

A mistake is also made by middle and lower managers who use motivation “at the discretion of the head”. At the same time, an ordinary employee will not be able to clearly determine what the bonus was received for, and will not understand what actions he needs to take in order for the bonus to be deserved again next month.

Another mistake is the fact that the received tasks can overlap between specialists of one department or several departments performing the same type of functionality. In such a situation, the manager mistakenly tries to ensure the emergence of “healthy competition”, but in practice it turns out that there is a “struggle for survival” between managers or a failure to fulfill their duties at all, because there is a feeling that there will still be no encouragement.

Mistake 4. Focusing on average salaries by industry, region.

Factors such as distinctive features industries, region, the company's affiliation to the category of regional or federal, the level of competition, the period of the company's presence in the market, also affect the remuneration system. Very often, enterprises create a system of motivation in accordance with the average level of wages in a particular region. Of course, regional peculiarities must be taken into account, however, in order to create more favorable working conditions for employees, one should try to at least slightly raise the level of income relative to competitive firms or to create such a system of motivation that will keep the staff in the workplace for a long time.

Thus, the forestry of a regional scale, being quite far from the regional center and offering far from the highest salaries, organized a competition for hiring an IT specialist to support accounting software. The incentive was an apartment, which will become the full personal property of the worker after a three-year period of work in forestry. It is worth noting that earlier this apartment was bought by the timber industry for 2 million rubles.

Mistake 5. Blindly copying the experience of other companies.

When developing a system of employee motivation, it is imperative to take into account the individual characteristics of a particular area of ​​activity, because a scheme that is successfully used in one enterprise will not necessarily work just as effectively for you. It is recommended to use the experience of competitors only as a basis for creating your own scheme, that is, you need to correctly adjust the existing motivation system to the tasks and characteristics of your business.

For example, a meat processing plant with large production capacities began to operate in the Russian regional market, where they hired a technologist and other highly qualified specialists from competing companies that have been successfully doing business in this market for a long time. For these employees, a high income was determined, corresponding to the previously received, and it was also supposed to pay a bonus depending on the quality of the products, which was analyzed in accordance with international standards. During the production, it turned out that local raw materials are not enough to fully load the production capacity of the meat processing plant, which entailed the need to purchase raw materials through intermediaries. As a result, product quality is stable high level the technologist was not provided, so his salary was reduced, and the story ended with dismissal. Thus, due to the fact that the specifics of the local market were not taken into account and the system of employee motivation was not adjusted accordingly, the vacancy for a technologist was a “weak link” at the meat processing plant for two years.

Error 6. The manager is based only on his own ideas about the motivation system, not taking into account the opinion of the staff.

The system of employee motivation should be adjusted in accordance with the ongoing personnel changes and the general atmosphere in the team. Most often, the survey of employees' opinions is carried out using questionnaires, informal conversations, etc. In this case, as a rule, the obvious needs of the personnel are not taken into account. For example, at one enterprise, when analyzing the effectiveness of the motivation system, it was revealed that an employee who was offered the use of a car with company symbols as a reward refused such a bonus, because. did not express a desire to travel by car with visual agitation. This incident occurred due to the fact that when developing a motivation system, the real needs of employees were not taken into account.

If a merger or acquisition of a company (M&A) is planned in the near future, then you need to understand that a new system of employee motivation will have to be formed in advance. At the transitional stage, it is necessary to pay special attention to the specialists of organizations participating in M&A. As a rule, at the merger stage, the variable part of wages is either minimal or non-existent, which allows employees to receive a stable income. It is recommended to avoid reducing the level of wages, and if this cannot be avoided, you need to correctly justify this change and introduce it as a temporary measure, otherwise mass layoffs of employees are possible.

For example, a company operating in the field of sales of automotive parts, has taken over another company. The new leader cut wages for the managers who were the backbone of the company, while no one was previously informed. Further, the predictable result is the mass dismissal of disgruntled employees.

Mistake 7. Ignoring obvious intangible factors.

For an employee, not only the amount of his salary is very important, but also such intangible factors as the title of the position, his status in the company, the attitude of the head. For example, a company selling cosmetics through sales representatives, tried to lure a highly qualified employee of a competitive organization to her job, who was supposed to report directly to the CEO. But this man turned down the offer because his job title sounded like "sales representative."

Thus, having an idea of ​​what factors can demotivate staff, you can correctly determine the direction in developing a motivation program in modern organization. It is possible to find out the negative aspects in the company's activities with the help of questionnaires upon dismissal, as well as by creating working conditions in accordance with the unique characteristics of those specialists who work in the company in leading positions. However, such methods are rarely used.

Mistake 8. Implementing a new motivation system without explaining the reasons.

In many ways, the effectiveness of the newly created system of labor motivation will depend on how positively such changes will be perceived by the team, therefore it is recommended to warn all employees about future innovations in advance, and also explain the reasons for what is happening. In order to avoid the occurrence of various conjectures, it is necessary to ensure the transparency of the remuneration scheme and factors affecting the size of wages.

At the same time, the remuneration of the heads of departments and their deputies should be established on an individual basis. The main criterion is an understanding of the professional parameters that determine permanent part salary, and factors influencing its variable component. Sometimes middle managers are also involved in the process of preparing the motivation system. This happens if the specialist has a long service and experience in the organization or in order to assess the compliance of the motivational scheme with the needs of the staff.

Mistake 9. No transition period from the old system to the new one.

In a trading company operating in one of the regions of Russia, almost all employees quit in a short period of time. And this happened after they received a bonus. Management's mistake was that the sales plan was changed upwards, and the wage scheme was brought into line with the newly approved plan from the first day of the next month. Thus, although the sales volume remained the same, the premium payments decreased significantly.

In order to avoid conflicts and dismissal of employees en masse, in such a situation, you can leave the ratio of salary and bonuses set earlier, and use the new parameters during the transition period only with an increase in sales.

Information about experts

Elena Barnyak, General Director of Valen, Perm. JSC "Valen" Field of activity: cargo transportation. Number of employees: 23. Growth in the volume of cargo transportation: by 23% (in 2012 compared to 2011).

Larisa Nasonova, Head of Human Resources at Corbina Telecom, Moscow. Group of companies "Corbina Telecom" is a universal Russian telecommunications holding. Formed at the end of 1995. At present, the group of companies includes telecommunications operators - Investelectrosvyaz and Kortek. Number of employees: more than 2000. The management carefully approaches the selection of personnel: the company employs only highly qualified specialists in the field of telecommunications.

Konstantin Melnikov, Head of Human Resources at 1C: VDGB, Moscow. Company "1C: VDGB" carries out automation of enterprises based on the program 1C: 8.0. Areas of activity: implementation of corporate information systems, accounting consulting, support, maintenance and development of information systems. There are 125 specialists on staff. In 2001, the company received a certificate of compliance of the quality management system with the requirements of ISO 9001:2000.

Inna Samoilova, Analyst of Gradient Alpha Group of Companies, Moscow. Gradient Alpha Group of Companies was established in 1995 to manage the commodity and financial flows of the International Farm Project, established with the participation of the Government of the Russian Federation and the US Congress (the program "Food for Progress"). Provides services in the field of financial and management audit, is engaged in consulting.

Dmitry Kolokatov, General Director of JSC Agrika Foods, Moscow. JSC "Agrika Foods" unites a number of specialized enterprises that are engaged in deep processing of meat, the production of quick-frozen foods, animal feed, protein-vitamin mixtures, etc. ”, OJSC “Cheboksary Broiler”, LLC “Rostok-Shupashkar”), as well as trading companies (LLC “Agrika Product” and LLC “Agroimport”). The proceeds for the nine months of 2006 amounted to 4.7 billion rubles. (without VAT). In October 2006 JSC "Agrika Foods" placed by open subscription documentary interest-bearing non-convertible bearer bonds (for a period of three years, the issue volume is 1 billion rubles).

Bibliographic description:

Nesterov A.K. Motivation of personnel in the organization [Electronic resource] // Encyclopedia site

Work motivation management is a key factor in the organization's personnel management system, since there is a direct relationship between the employee's motivation and the efficiency of his work.

The concept and essence of labor motivation

Motivation is the process of creating incentives to achieve goals. Needs and motives are involved in the process of motivation. Needs are an internal motivation for action. The process of motivation ends with the development of a motive; in addition to needs, value orientations, beliefs and views also participate in this process. This is a hidden process, it is not observable and cannot be determined empirically.

You can only see the result of motivation - human behavior.

Not only the increase in the social and creative activity of a particular employee, but also the final results of the enterprise's activities depend on effective motivation.

Each of the existing theories of motivation proceeds from the results of certain theoretical and applied aspects, laying them in the basis of its concept, however, a single approach to the definition of the concept of motivation has not been developed.

Approaches to the definition of the concept work motivation

Within the framework of this article, we will use the following thesis characterizing the essence of labor motivation.

Staff motivation is a set of internal and external driving forces that induce a person to carry out conscious activity.

As an element of the management system, personnel motivation is aimed at encouraging people to perform their work most effectively within the framework of their rights and obligations. In this regard, motivation directly affects - the skills of an employee will not bring results if he is not interested in him. In the management of the organization, a complex of internal and external factors.

Separately, these factors are of little significance for a person and in modern conditions their impact is not so strong, but with a complex effect, they reinforce each other many times, creating a multiplicative effect.

Theories of staff motivation

The table shows the content and procedural theories of motivation, in which complexes of motives and incentives are formed, which act as elements of motivation for the work of personnel in the organization.

Content and process theories of motivation

1. A. Maslow's theory of needs


1.1. Physiological Needs

- high-quality food;

- pure water;

– good living conditions;

- favorable conditions for recreation.

– fair salary;

- loans for housing;

- sanatorium vouchers;

- social package.

1.2. Security Needs

- protection from physical and moral dangers from environment;

- confidence that physiological needs will be satisfied.

– good moral and psychological climate in the team;

- democratic management style of the leader;

– health insurance;

– help in emergency situations

1.3. Social needs

- communication;

- imitation;

- complicity;

- solidarity, support, friendship, mutual assistance.

- the ability to communicate;

- democratic leadership style;

- equal opportunities, "equal chances";

- Hall of Fame;

- giving thanks

- recognition of merit;

– justice in everything (in the distribution of work, assessments, remuneration);

- programs of cultural and recreational activities.

1.4. Needs for recognition and respect

- self-respect;

- personal achievements;

- competence;

- respect from others;

- recognition.

- decent salary;

– participation in management and decision-making;

- expansion of powers;

- personal benefits;

- increase in the number of subordinates;

- universal recognition and respect.

1.5. Needs of self-expression

–realization of potential


- personal growth;

- vocation;

- self-expression;

- curiosity;

- creation;

- invention;

- innovation;

- doing science.

– participation in management and decision-making;

- participation in project teams;

– wide opportunities for training and professional development;

– active career growth;

- providing work according to interests, according to vocation;

– professional orientation;

- increasing the creative nature of labor;

- taking into account the personal qualities and abilities of the employee;

- awards for innovation, inventions, discoveries;

- nomination for state and international awards.

2. Theory of existence, connection and growth of K. Alderfer


2.1. Existence needs:





- food, water, shelter, rest;

– protection from physical hazards;

- confidence that

physiological needs will be satisfied.

– a sufficient level of salary;

- payment for housing;

- social package;

– pension system;

- health insurance.

2.2. Communication needs:



respect, appreciation


- communication;

- complicity;

- support, friendship, mutual assistance.

- the ability to communicate;

– favorable psychological climate in the team;

– equal opportunities;

- giving thanks

- Recognition of merit.

2.3. Growth Needs:





- respect, recognition;

– realization of potential opportunities;

- personal growth;

- self-expression, creativity.

– universal recognition and respect;

– the right to implement their proposals;

– opportunities for training and advanced training;

- Prizes for inventions.

3. The theory of acquired needs D. McClelland


3.1. Need for power

desire to influence other people, to feel useful and significant

– participation in management and decision-making;

- expansion of powers;

- an increase in the number of subordinates.

3.2. The need for success

– participation in promising works;

- achievement of the goal;

- prestige;

- career development.

Providing initiative, broad powers;

Reward for results;

Participation in success;

International recognition;

Assignment of the title "Best Employee of the Year".

3.3. The Need for Involvement

- communication;

- imitation;

- complicity;

- solidarity, support, friendship.

- the ability to communicate;

– favorable social microclimate;

– participation in management and decision-making;

- holding meetings;

- helping others;

- business contacts.

4. The theory of two factors by F. Herzberg


4.1. Hygienic

- career advancement;

– recognition and approval of the results of work;

– high degree of responsibility;

- opportunities for creativity and

business growth.

– good moral and psychological climate;

– normal working conditions;

– fair salary;

– friendly atmosphere;

- Moderate job control.

4.2. Motivations

- granting initiative, broad powers;

- reward for results;

- participation in success;

– career planning;

- fair remuneration;

- providing a high degree of responsibility;

- education and training.

Process theories of motivation

5. Vroom's expectancy theory


5.1. Costs - results

- the significance of the task;

- feasibility of the task;

- carrying out the necessary consultations.

– evaluation of results

5.2. Reward results

– certainty and timeliness of remuneration.

- trust in the leader;

- the efficiency of the enterprise.

5.3. Valence

- Compensation for achieved performance.

- guarantee of remuneration;

- exact correspondence of remuneration to the results of work.

6. The theory of justice by S. Adams


- compliance of remuneration with the average value of remuneration of other specialists for similar work.

Application of compensatory wages at the "market price" of the employee.

7. The concept of participatory management


– awareness of the importance and significance of their work for the development of the enterprise

– participation in management and decision-making;

- participation in projects;

- self-control;

– personal and group responsibility for the results.

Source: Vikhansky, O.S. Management: textbook / O.S. Vikhansky, A.I. Naumov. – 5th ed., stereotype. – M.: Master: INFRA-M, 2012.

The construction of a motivation system according to substantive theories of motivation is based on identifying and satisfying the dominant needs of employees, and procedural theories of motivation assign a key role to the formation of motivational behavior of employees.

Methods of motivation of personnel in the organization

The methods of labor motivation are presented as managerial regulatory influences of three types: passive, indirect and active.

  • Passive impacts do not affect employees, but are aimed at creating conditions labor activity and include the development of norms, rules, regulations relating to the work of personnel.
  • Indirect impacts affect the employees of the organization indirectly and are implemented in the form of comprehensive bonus and incentive programs aimed at the staff of the enterprise as a whole.
  • Active influences imply a direct impact on specific employees or groups of employees.

Motivation methods are presented in the diagram

Methods of personnel motivation

Economic methods of motivation are based on the receipt of certain benefits by employees, which increases their well-being.

Direct forms of economic methods:

  • basic salary;
  • additional payments taking into account the complexity of labor and qualifications, overtime work, etc.;
  • remuneration in the form of bonuses and payments depending on the contribution of the employee to the results production activities enterprises;
  • other types of payments.

Indirect forms of economic methods:

  • provision of a company car;
  • use social institutions organizations;
  • purchase of the organization's products at a price below the selling price;
  • providing various benefits.

Organizational Methods:

  1. Motivation with interesting goals for the main work of employees;
  2. Motivation by the enrichment of the content of labor activity;
  3. Motivation by participation in the affairs of the organization.

Moral-psychological methods:

  1. Pride in the assigned and completed work;
  2. Responsibility for the results of work;
  3. Challenge, an opportunity to show your abilities;
  4. Recognition of the authorship of the result of the work or project done;
  5. Appreciation, may be private or public.

Requirements for the methods of motivation of the personnel of the organization

Directions for improving and increasing the efficiency of personnel motivation in the organization

Employee motivation system is a flexible personnel management tool focused on achieving the company's goals using administrative, economic and socio-psychological methods.

Enterprises need to build an effective management system labor resources, which would ensure the activation of the human factor, for this, organizations use methods of motivating the work of personnel in order to orient people to the maximum effective solution assigned tasks. Labor motivation is aimed at increasing labor productivity, increasing the profit of the organization, which ultimately leads to the achievement of the strategic goals of the organization.

The main problem is the issue of creating an effective and efficient system of personnel motivation in the organization. Since every manager strives to ensure that the employee does not lose interest in work, organizations develop special events, and a motivation system is being built to keep employees interested in work.

In a previous study, it was found that there is a stable relationship between, it is expressed through the types of motivation and factors that affect interest in work.

An inefficient system of motivation leads to a decrease in labor productivity, therefore, the importance of the rational use of effective methods of stimulating labor is obvious.

The interdependence of the motivation of employees and the results of the economic activity of the organization is the basis of the enterprise.

The task of any leader is to organize the work process so that people work efficiently. The productivity and climate of relationships in an enterprise directly depend on how much employees agree with their position in the company and the existing reward system. Which, in turn, affects the reduction of rigid formalization of intra-company relations, aimed at their transformation in the context of objective reality in the conditions of the enterprise.

A typical direction for improving the system of personnel motivation in an organization is the expansion of forms and types of incentives. For example, if material incentives are most pronounced in the enterprise motivation system or there are practically no non-material types of incentives, it is necessary to use more species moral encouragement of employees, for example:

  1. Putting various records of the employee's achievements in his personal file.
  2. Verbal gratitude on behalf of the company's management.
  3. Additional training at the expense of the organization.
  4. A paid invitation to dinner at a restaurant that the company allocates to an employee.
  5. Flexible working hours.
  6. Provision of car park for car parking and free gasoline.
  7. More high quality equipping the workplace, as well as the purchase of new equipment for the best employees at the end of the year.
  8. Placing a photo in a wall newspaper.
  9. Souvenir with a special mark "Best Worker".
  10. Posting testimonials from customers so everyone can see them.
  11. Subscription to periodic specialized publications.

To increase the motivation of employees, it is necessary to create conditions for the self-expression of employees, provide them with a certain initiative in decision-making and create conditions for employees to have the opportunity to influence the processes taking place in the company. To do this, the director can delegate some of his powers directly to the heads of the company's departments.

It will be useful for the manager to use some significant events in the personal lives of his subordinates (birthdays, weddings, etc.) in order to pay attention to them, to congratulate them all as a team. On the part of employees, similar actions are also possible.

Also, to increase the involvement of employees in the affairs of the company, it is necessary to introduce a system of actions, denoted by the term "open door policy". This means the readiness of a leader of any rank to listen to the proposals of his subordinates. The motto of such a policy is: "The doors of my office are always open for you." However, the question arises as to how this relates to the manager's time resource. Indeed, what if the subordinates decide that they can enter the boss's office whenever they want. In fact, if employees are busy, they visit the manager's office much less often than you might expect. In addition, you can use some tricks to organize such contacts:

  • The manager can set the time of the meeting himself, without refusing the employee an audience, but transferring it to a time convenient for him.
  • The use of written forms of presentation of information also helps to reduce communication with subordinates. The presentation of ideas in writing is characterized by conciseness and certainty.
  • Evaluation and promotion of specific business proposals. Sometimes employees, when submitting an idea, accompany it with a large amount of related information, although you only need to specifically state the essence.

Increasing the motivation of employees with the help of methods of moral stimulation and the introduction of an "open door" policy at all levels of management will significantly increase the participation of employees of the organization in the activities of the organization as a whole, as well as in decisions made by managers. This will contribute to the optimization of intra-company relations through subjective-objective methods of achieving balance in formal and informal relations that exist in the organization. It will also improve the quality of information available to management and necessary for decision-making. Moral stimulation will also help employees in realizing their involvement in the goals and values ​​of the organization.

A promising direction for improving the efficiency of the personnel motivation system is the introduction of a personnel adaptation program. Even if there is no separate service for managing the adaptation of personnel at the enterprise, the work on the adaptation of a new employee can be performed by an employee of the personnel department.

The adaptation program is a set concrete action to be produced by the employee responsible for adaptation. The adaptation program is divided into general and special. General program adaptation concerns the whole organization as a whole, and it includes such issues as a general idea of ​​​​the company, organization policy, remuneration, additional benefits, labor protection and safety compliance, working conditions for an employee in an organization, household service, economic factors.

A special adaptation program covers issues related specifically to any department or workplace and is carried out both in the form of special conversations with employees of the department in which the newcomer came, and interviews with the manager (direct and superior). But the organization of these conversations rests with the employee of the personnel department. Key questions to be addressed in the process special program adaptations are: the functions of the unit, job duties and responsibilities, required reporting, procedures, rules, regulations and representation of the employees of the unit.

The development of a personnel motivation system is carried out to solve strategic objectives enterprises. Effective Methods will help improve the quality of management, labor productivity, ensure stability and sustainable economic growth. Optimal parameters are achieved when taking into account the specifics of the work and production features of the organization.

From this article you will learn:

  • How to develop a system of motivation of the organization's personnel;
  • What options for developing a system of motivation and incentives for personnel are the most effective;
  • Why the development of a personnel motivation management system is subject to periodic review and correction.

How to develop a personnel motivation system in an organization

The development of a personnel motivation system will allow creating effective tools for managing labor resources. Creating incentive programs encourages employees to perform at their best. This, in turn, contributes to the achievement of the main goals of the organization. Motivation goes beyond designing a set general rules, which will work the same in all companies. It is extremely important to highlight the main points that help increase productivity in a particular organization.

Who develops and implements the personnel motivation system in the company

Development and implementation of a personnel motivation system is an important task for managers personnel service and head of the organization. The system of incentives encourages each employee to work with the greatest return, to strive to improve their skills in order to perform assigned work in a short time and with high quality indicators.

Before development of a motivation system it is necessary to analyze the existing incentive methods. This type of monitoring will reveal the strengths and weaknesses of motivating processes. Determine what mistakes were made during implementation. What is worth working on. Which options are outdated and require complete processing, not correction.

The development of a system of motivation of the organization's personnel is carried out taking into account the solution of issues related to:

  • The need to improve the efficiency of all employees.
  • The ability to reduce the cost of achieving goals.
  • Building an effective team.
  • Formation of skills in the system of management and strategic planning.
  • Creation of a regulatory and information base for obtaining data on the performance of operational indicators.

Implementation of a personnel motivation system: main stages

  1. developed motivation system claim.
  2. All the basics are included in the internal regulations.
  3. The list of motivating systems includes sections on material, indirect and non-material motivation.
  4. New rules have been tested for a long time.

"Are employees satisfied with their leader? This is the main factor of non-material motivation"

The personnel motivation system is considered effective if it was possible to significantly increase the productivity of all employees, strengthen market positions, and competitiveness. In the absence of positive indicators within 12 months, a review of the current system is carried out. Adapting incentive techniques to existing conditions is the basis successful work organizations.

What options for developing a system of motivation and incentives for personnel are the most effective

The development of a system of direct motivation and incentives for personnel is considered the most effective. The development is based on the revision of the wage system. Cash considered a core value. For the sake of obtaining material wealth, a person gets a job.

Financial motivation will help to increase the efficiency and productivity of employees. But you should immediately consider what this will entail additional expenses. Therefore, the development of incentives must be treated competently, taking into account a number of nuances.

You will first need:

  • Monitor staff salaries in other organizations. The level of remuneration must correspond to the average market offered for the performance of duties in a particular position.
  • Determine efficiency the work of each employee at the time of development systems of material incentives for labor. Identify all the points that completely suit the employer or do not satisfy the needs of the enterprise.
  • Form the main tools material motivation. They should optimally combine the interests of the staff and the company.

It must always be taken into account that the same incentive methods are not applied to all employees at the same time. There are several categories with different wage systems. With this ranking method, the payment system will be beneficial for the employer and staff.

Why is it necessary to develop a personnel motivation system

The development of a system of non-material motivation of personnel at the enterprise is aimed at creating ways to increase labor efficiency without material costs. The success of the organization traditionally rests on the teamwork of all members of the team. If employees are ready to invest all their experience, knowledge and skills in the development of the company in order to achieve success, the system is considered effective.

When designing a system, attention must be paid to the choice ways to motivate, which will be directed to the general concept of enterprise development. Choose professionals who perform their work qualitatively. It is impossible to single out only those who bring the highest percentage of profit. All structural units should take equal part in the program of non-material motivation.

The incentive system is developed taking into account the level of development of the company. For small organizations verbal praise from the manager to the employee is a good incentive. And for large concerns, it is rational to organize large-scale events at which the winners of the month, quarter, half year or year will be publicly awarded.

Traditional methods for the development and implementation of a personnel motivation system

To traditional methods Non-material motivation includes activities with the participation of all team members:

All methods can improve productivity. This has a direct impact on the economic growth and competitiveness of the organization.

Indirect material motivation

It is developed as an additional component to the non-material method. The compensation package is provided to employees of the organization depending on the level of professionalism, achievements. To social package does not include payments required by law. These are benefits in the form of additional health insurance, services for all family members or only the employee himself.

Indirect material motivation also includes benefits such as life insurance, payment for advanced training courses, the provision of company vehicles, and free lunches. This allows the company to gain a competitive advantage over other employers and fill open vacancies with highly qualified specialists.