Smail virgin personal account. Smiley personal account. Subscription unlimited tariff plans

There is no provision for rent of related equipment when ordering Smile services. But, before connecting to the Internet through a provider, you can buy a router from company employees. And when choosing the "Internet + TV" package, the subscriber is provided with a set-top box absolutely free. If the client has a cable from another provider that does not have serious damage, it is possible to connect Smile's wired Internet at a zero price through it. The new wire and work on its conduction are provided free of charge.

When using tariff plans of the digital Internet of Multiservice Networks LLC, the following nuances must be taken into account:

  • To pay for Internet services online through Smile, a standard advance system operates in Moscow, which involves depositing a fixed amount into the account at the beginning of each month.
  • Those who sometimes find it difficult to replenish the balance of their personal account in time can use the "Trust payment" option. It is provided for a maximum of 3 days free of charge on all limited and unlimited plans.
  • There is no connection blocking. But you can simply not pay for the provider's services for 3 months. The company does not charge any fines, commissions, etc. After that, you can even conduct a wired Internet Smile back to the apartment.
  • Access to the Internet, suspended for non-payment, is resumed within 2-3 minutes after the funds are deposited into the account.
  • To terminate the Smile Internet tariff agreement, you need to call the Technical Support Service specialists or contact them through the website.
  • To replenish your account, you can use your Personal Account using the Sberbank Online option, Yandex Money and Web-Money systems, in Svyaznoy and Euroset salons.

To find out how to connect Smile unlimited Internet to a private house or an ordinary apartment, customers can contact the Technical Support Service by phone around the clock or to the Individuals Service Group from 9:00 to 22:00, seven days a week. The provider's staff will tell you how much it costs to connect to the Internet, as well as which tariff plans are the most profitable for you.

An application for connecting the cable Internet Smile involves the provision of a personal Personal Account. Through it, you can replenish the balance, get information on the provider's shares, payment statistics, activate options and much more. A forgotten access password can be restored by calling the Technical Support Service. When concluding an agreement with Multiservice Networks LLC for tariff plans for home Internet, each client can optionally connect to the service of SMS notifications about the balance state.

Smile is a company that provides Internet access services, broadcasting digital TV channels, telephony to residents of multi-storey and private houses in Moscow and the Moscow region, as well as organizing virtual PBX and video surveillance, developing public wi-fi networks in the offices of corporate clients. The provider's geography of work covers the cities of Balashikha, Zheleznodorozhny, Lyubertsy, Korolev, Dzerzhinsky, Kotelniki, etc.

Since 2016 Smile has been a member of the international group of companies Virgin Connect. The official website of the company ( has a personal section for subscribers - a personal account. The service was created for remote monitoring of the state of a personal account and management of connected options.

Registration in your personal account

Access to the personal account is provided to all customers who have entered into an agreement with the Smile provider for the provision of services for Internet access, connection to digital TV or telephone networks. Login and password for entering the system are issued together with other documents. Online registration on the site is not required.

Speed satisfactorily
Availability very bad
Support very bad
Price quality very bad

I'm afraid we'll have to part, I'm looking for a replacement

Has been connected to Infoline Smile for many years. They took the tariff for those times, not the cheapest, but they did not use the entire package. The technical support was good, and everything worked - this is important to me, so I didn't really think about saving.

She really loved Infoline and advised many people.

The speed is 100mb / s, although all the years my son has been complaining that the actual speed is much lower, but it was enough for me, the provider did not particularly bother.

In August 2018, I still matured, changed the tariff to a reasonable one for 450 rubles, set up auto payment again and forgot.

Then I bought a new router up to 150mb / s.

Recently, since the fall of 2019, the Internet often crashes, I was rather fed up with various situations with disconnecting and freezing of films, although I did not apply with claims, I endured it.

Isn't that the perfect client?

But no, let's keep trying it :)

12/26/19 The Internet was disconnected due to lack of funds, dialed to the provider for 2.5 hours in the morning, to no avail.

As a result, I went to the trick, called the sales, they are always in touch. Instantly answered the phone.

The girl kindly said that I was missing 7 rubles. up to 480. I could not explain where this price came from.

I had to go to the provider's website, I had not previously used my personal account (.

I didn't want to pay in principle, since my tariff is cheaper.

In the chat support was written, silence, somewhere else in the same place, there is no answer.

Tired, resigned, paid.

In the evening, in my personal account, I saw an informative entry that the prices for tariffs were increasing from 2020, and along with the price, its speed was up to 70 mb / s !!! o_0

It was 100 and increased to 70! How so? It looks like I didn't know something about my tariff :(

Unfortunately, in the personal account there is only its name, without the speed and price (to which I subscribed.


1.quality dropped (the least of the things that hurt)

2.Technical support is virtually absent

3.without me they raised my tariff!

4. Delivered a lot of inconvenience by turning off the Internet. It's a shame that not because of a breakdown, but because of the inability to work with the client

5. the format of notifications is incorrect, if the client did not recognize, then you did not try to notify him! And in this case they had to try!

4. incorrectly described infa on the site. For example, the tariff has been raised since January, still December, not every man in the street will realize that it is time to pay more, even if he knows about the increase. An incorrect amount is requested, you need to write in the format of the missing amount, and not the full cost of the tariff.

I could not find detailed information about my current tariff, its real speed and the cost to which I subscribed. Only the name of the tariff is indicated. Well, the news about the increase.

If you don’t want / cannot talk with the client, you save money, you want him to use your personal account, then learn to write in such a way that anyone, even an illiterate person, understands everything.

And the tariff increase must be notified in advance, the client has the right to choose!

You cannot substitute a client like that, unexpectedly turn off and keep silent, not give feedback!

I can overpay for years, deciding to do it myself, but when you take it up for me, even if it's even 1 ruble ... Here my patience ends.

Login 926263

Personal account 141616

Don't ask me to write to you, I've tried so many times to contact you.

Smile is a new Internet provider gaining more and more respect from consumers. The new network, which is developing its structure, already now boasts a large number of users who can be confident in the future.

Smile Internet - Personal account

Just like many other providers, Smile provides access to the user's Personal Account, which simplifies everyone's life hundreds of times. A personal account will allow you to get online access to a number of services, which was previously impossible.

How to log in to your personal account

  • To enter your Personal Account Smile, you will need personal data, namely your login and password.
  • We go to the official website of the provider, go to the section " Login to your account»We enter our data in the required fields, and we get to our personal account.

Functions of the personal account Smile

The versatility of your personal account will make life easier for every user. What does its use give?

  1. First of all, the receipt by each user of personal information about the state of the account, all transactions that are carried out within the personal account, access from anywhere in the world, is convenient, isn't it?
  2. The second plus is to top up your account by any means, whether it be a bank card, an online wallet, or even an SMS payment from a phone account, here you will also find your personal account number and you can top up your balance through the terminal.
  3. Not satisfied with the tariff? No problem, look at the possible tariffs and change to the one that you like more. Or maybe you want to go on vacation? Block your personal account before your return, so that your balance remains at its previous level and the monthly fee is not charged.
  4. You can also view all the information regarding the contract and connection.
  5. Technical support will help you solve all problems with the Internet connection as quickly as possible.
  6. Password too complex? You cannot remember and all the time you have to carry notebooks with notes with you, change the password to your personal one, which you will like.

Official website of the internet provider:

The Smile project is intended to serve the general education system. Like any modern service, it has the ability to work remotely, including the Smile personal account, available to connected users. The peculiarity of the project is that, in contrast to the type of activity specified during registration, the functionality of the office also differs, for example, some opportunities are available to students, and others to the director. The system covers different aspects of school life, providing convenient functions not only for parents and children, but also for employees of the education system. Simple and intuitive interface of the site allows you to immediately understand its capabilities. You can enter the account on the main page.

The possibilities of the project make it possible to significantly facilitate the activities of educational workers by translating many actions into electronic format. This is a very convenient way for parents to track their child's progress and attendance. Thanks to the card, which the children attach to a special terminal, after which the parents receive a notification that the child has come to class. You can specify in the settings so that this information comes in the form of SMS messages, or you can view statistics in your personal account.

Login to your personal account Smile

To enter your personal account Smile, you must be a registered user of the system. You can get to the desired page from the official website by clicking on the corresponding button. After that, a login form will appear, where you must enter your identification data. In the personal account, the teacher can set grades, view statistics on academic performance and attendance, including generate the necessary reports, and write a message to the parents of students. In turn, parents can contact the class teacher and learn about the child's school life. Children also have their own personal section with certain features.

The system takes into account the needs of all people involved in educational activities. It can also be used by librarians, for whom there is a special section that allows you to keep track of books and arrears, as well as school canteen employees who can place orders for the supply of food and approve the menu. All this facilitates the day-to-day work of school personnel, allowing many problems to be solved using modern technology.

Personal account Smile school card

Users of the service have a personal account Smile school card, it is possible to view reports on the card and monitor the status of the account via the Internet. All these functions are available in the corresponding sections of the cabinet. For parents, this is a convenient opportunity to both monitor the child's attendance and pay for meals in the canteen on time. In addition to questions related to servicing the child's card, on the cabinet page you can see your homework and schedule, as well as find out which books you need to turn in to the library. Moreover, you can read various school news. There are also functions for communicating with teachers and other parents.

A card is issued to each child upon registration in the system. This is a kind of document, in other words, a pass by which children enter the school building, can get a book in the library or pay for lunch in the canteen. At the same time, the use of the card allows a parent to be aware of when their child entered and leave school, as well as to monitor the use of money and know for sure that it will be spent on healthy, healthy food in the cafeteria, and not on chips and soda. All reports on visits and expenses can be viewed in your personal account.

How to enter your personal account Smile?

Newcomers who have not yet mastered management are often worried about the question - how to enter Smile's personal account? In order to get to this page, you need to be a registered user. If you have personal identification data, then there is nothing complicated about the login procedure. You need to go to the main page of the project and find the button labeled "Personal Account". After the transition, the site will ask you to enter your username and password, and you can use the available functions. It is not difficult, therefore, using this service, not only students who are accustomed to modern technologies will understand, but also parents who are far from computers and the Internet.

If the data for entering the account for some reason were lost or forgotten, you can restore them using the phone number specified during registration. The service provides users with various functions depending on the type of activity of a particular user. Students have the opportunity to communicate on the school social network, as well as receive timely messages from the class teacher. School workers are offered various options to make their daily activities easier.

Registration in your personal account Smile

Many schools have already appreciated the capabilities of this system. More and more educational institutions include such electronic services in their work, because they help interaction and competent distribution of work. It is also an advantage for parents who may not have to spend time visiting the school to look at their child's grades or to talk to their homeroom teacher about their child's progress. The card account allows you not to fear that at school someone will take money away from the children or they will spend it in the wrong place.

Usually, registration in the Smile personal account is performed after a school or other educational institution concludes an agreement to use this system. After that, parents, students and employees of the institution are given individual envelopes with questionnaires that must be filled out. When the data is entered into the system, all users will receive a personal login and password to enter the cabinet. As a rule, the school administration is in charge of registration and data transfer, so parents can simply fill out a questionnaire that the child will bring home. Personal account allows you to use this system at any time. It is comfortable and modern.

Personal account functionality

Since the project was launched specifically for schools, there are several types of personal accounts designed for:

  • The director of the educational institution;
  • Pupils;
  • Parents;
  • Health workers;
  • Staff and canteen manager;
  • Librarian.

The main functions of the teacher's LC

The teacher's personal account is called an electronic journal. It helps to significantly facilitate the teacher's work and improve interaction with the parents of students. With the help of the LC, you can perform the following actions:

  • Give marks, taking into account the form of the student's answer (for independent, for control, for oral answers);
  • Write an ad for a class or an entire school;
  • Mark attendance;
  • Post the latest school news;
  • Draw up a schedule, curriculum, report for the Ministry of Education;
  • Give homework for the whole class or separately for each student;
  • Write a comment to the whole class or individually;
  • Enter information about students and parents (addresses, phone numbers, places of work, etc.);
  • Send a message to either parent or post a discussion in the general chat.

Basic functions of LC for students and parents

This module is called electronic diary. Separately made for the student and parents. It completely excludes the possibility of hiding student information from parents. For example, absenteeism or poor grades. Personal account will allow:

  • View grades and comments from teachers;
  • Find contact details of teachers;
  • View the schedule and d / s, as well as find out the numbers of the classrooms where the lesson will be held;
  • Study the statistics of academic performance in any subject for a quarter, month, year;
  • Chat with the teacher;
  • Find out the news of the school and class;
  • Activate the SMS-informing service about marks and attendance, the parent will know the exact time when his child crossed the school threshold;
  • Top up your school meals account.


The interface is designed in calm blue and white colors. There is a bright stripe at the top of the page. On the left side, information about the user, his messages, and profile settings are displayed. Above is the line with the main functions. In the center of the page, detailed information on sections is displayed.

Registration in the Smile account

The administration of the educational institution is fully engaged in entering the registration data into the system, so parents and children do not need to do anything in this regard.

Authorization in your personal account

  1. Check languages \u200b\u200band keyboard layouts.
  2. Try changing your browser. If this does not help, then you need to update it and clear the cache.
  3. Restart the modem (router).
  4. Contact the school administration, perhaps you were given an incorrect username / password.

Mobile application of personal account Smile

There are as many as three mobile applications running on devices with Android OS above version 4.0:

  • Schoolboy;
  • Parent;
  • Electronic journal (for teachers).

The main functions of the Shkolnik application

The following sections are available to students in the mobile application:

  • Call / lesson schedule;
  • Grades and homework;