Project activity wintering birds middle group. The project "wintering birds of our region". Learning about the environment

“So birds and people live side by side, often not paying attention to each other, sometimes quarreling, sometimes rejoicing at each other, like members of one large family. Which of them is who needs more - man to birds or birds to man? But will a person survive if there are no birds left on Earth? E. N. Golovanova

ABOUT THE PROJECT Project type: informational and creative Project participants: children of the middle group, parents of pupils, educators of the group Project implementation period: short-term Forms of work: playful, cognitive, productive, work with parents Problem: insufficient ideas of children about wintering birds.

Purpose: Formation of ecological knowledge about wintering birds and a responsible, careful attitude towards them. Tasks: 1. To replenish the subject - development environment on the project theme. 2. Broaden children's horizons about wintering birds. 3. To contribute to the development of creative and intellectual abilities of pupils. 4. To attract pupils and parents to help birds in difficult winter conditions.

Stages of project implementation: Stage I - preparatory stage II - main (practical) stage III - final

Stage I - preparatory Discussion of the goal, tasks with children and parents. Creature necessary conditions to implement the project. Forward planning project. Development and accumulation of methodological materials on the problem.

Stage II - the main (practical) Implementation in the educational process effective methods and techniques to expand the knowledge of preschoolers about wintering birds.

Homework for parents Recommendations for joint walks. Together with the child, make a feeder. Memorizing poems about wintering birds. Guessing riddles about wintering birds. Consider wintering birds in illustrations in books and magazines, bring books to kindergarten.

Content of work in the process of project implementation. Play activity Didactic games: "One-many", "Name it affectionately", "Counting the birds", "The fourth extra", "Guess the bird by description", "Whose tail? ”,“ Who eats what ”,“ Recognize by voice ”,“ What birds eat ”. N / and "Domino" (birds), "Cut pictures", Lotto. Labyrinth Wintering birds. Plot- role-playing games: "Poultry yard". Theatricalization: "Where the Sparrow Dined".

Outdoor games "Bullfinches", "Sparrows and a cat", "Wintering and migratory birds", "Sparrows and a car", "Owl".

Cognitive activity: Formation of a holistic picture of the world. Topic: "A flock of bullfinches on mountain ash branches" Objectives: to expand the understanding of the diversity of birds; learn to highlight the characteristic features of bullfinches; form a desire to watch the birds, feed them; to consolidate the ability to hold a pencil correctly; keep learning to work together. FEMP Topic: “How many birds flew to our feeder? "(Ordinal and quantitative counting to five).

Conversations: “How do our feathered friends live in winter”, “Who cares about the birds”, “Do birds bring benefit or harm? "," Bird menu "," How do children and their parents take care of birds in winter? ". Problem situation: "What can happen if you don't feed the birds in winter."

Bird watching in winter: Tit watching, wintering bird watching, crow watching, bullfinch watching, pigeon watching, titmouse watching.

Communication: Reading stories: I. Turgenev "Sparrow" M. Gorky "Sparrow" watching the cartoon "Sparrow - a braggart" watching presentations: "Wintering birds", "Feed the birds in winter", "Voices of birds" V. Bianchi "Terenty - Teterev" Sladkov "The Magic Shelf" by I. Gurin "How a Bird Appears" Creative story "How I Saved a Bird". Memorizing and reading poems about wintering birds (mnemonic tables); discussion of proverbs, sayings, guessing riddles; viewing illustrations depicting wintering birds.

Artistic creation: Drawing "Titmouse" (palm print). Objective: to teach children to draw a bird in an unconventional way, to place images in the center of a sheet of paper. Develop memory, imagination, thinking. Foster an emotionally positive attitude towards drawing.

Modeling from plasticine "Birds on the trough" Objectives: to continue teaching children to sculpt birds, transferring the oval shape of the body, to pull back and pinch small parts: beak, tail, wings. Note the variety of the resulting images, enjoy them.

Application "Bullfinch". Tasks: exercise in cutting corners around squares, rounding them. Develop the ability to work correctly with scissors. Foster sympathy for wintering birds, a desire to help them.

Municipal preschool educational autonomous institution

child development center - kindergarten "Scarlet Flower"


Middle "B" group

"Birds of our land!"


Ivanova S.A.

The project "Birds of our land!"

Prepared by the teacher: S.A. Ivanova


In our not an easy age, when environmental issues are important, if not when, the problem of environmental education of the younger generation is one of the most urgent. It is during the period of preschool childhood that the formation of the human personality takes place, the formation of the beginnings of ecological culture. Therefore, it is very important to awaken in children an interest in wildlife, to foster love for it, to teach them to take care of the world around them.

In the course of the educational process, it was revealed that the children have insufficiently developed knowledge about the birds of their native land. Children often confuse wintering and migratory birds. Also, children have an insufficiently developed sense of caring for birds. Therefore, we decided to implement the project "Birds - Our Land"! This will expand and deepen the knowledge of children about the birds of our region, will serve to form a respectful attitude towards birds, the realization that it is necessary to take care of birds during the most difficult time of the year. In working with parents, we must raise the child's ecological awareness by stimulating his interest in helping feathered friends, thereby stimulating the child's feelings. It is very important for a child to be able to evaluate human behavior in nature, to express his or her judgment on this issue.

Participants : educators, parents and children of the middle group.

Project implementation period: short-term (from 06.04 to 17.04.2015).

Project type : cognitive - research.

goal : to expand children's knowledge about the birds of their native land, their way of life.


Clarify ideas about familiar birds, their habitat conditions, the role of humans in the life of birds: external signs of birds, features external structureallowing you to fly.
- to develop observation, cognitive activity of children.

Introduce wintering and migratory birds.

To foster a respectful attitude towards feathered friends, to teach them to take care of the birds of the immediate environment.

Working methods : conversations, a selection of literature, the Internet.

Form of work : playful, cognitive, productive, work with parents.

Planned result :
Studying the birds of our region and watching the birds, helping them, the children will expand their knowledge of the friends of our little ones, and form an emotional attitude to the natural world. They will learn to rejoice, be upset, and wonder at natural objects. The bird world will become integral part the world of every person.
Children learn to treat themselves as a part of nature, practical actions to protect nature. The mental abilities of children develop, which are manifested in the ability to analyze, draw conclusions.
Children will learn to control their actions, learn to look after birds.

Stages of the project "Birds - Our Land".

1. Preparatory stage.

2. The main stage (practical).

3. The final stage.

Project stages:

1. Preparatory stage.

At the preparatory stage, the children and I discussed issues related to project and research activities.

Birds, what are they?

What do you know about birds?

How do you recognize a bird?

How to divide birds into migratory and wintering ones?

What is the importance of birds in human life?

To find answers to these questions:

Defined a goal and project objectives,

Developed work schedule,

Studied cognitive, fiction and methodological literature,

Made a selection of games for intermediate kids preschool age.

2. The main stage.

Together with the children, we looked at illustrations depicting birds of our region, read fiction, guessed riddles, learned sayings, tongue twisters, children brought books, fairy tales, shared new information.
During the walk, we closely watched the birds in spring time of the year. Observing, we found out which birds fly to the territory of the kindergarten.

The most interesting was the experiment "What will fly away next?" (paper, cloth or feather). Children, taking part in the experiment with pleasure, were convinced that the feather flies away from the fabric and paper.

Carried out directly educational activities on the following educational areas: cognitive classes on the world around, the development of speech, reading fiction, FEMP. We learned a lot about the birds of our native land, their way of life. Children learned to draw, sculpt, fold birds using origami.

To raise the emotional and muscle tone, create a cheerful, joyful mood, consolidate knowledge about birds, educational, didactic, mobile, finger games were held: “Divide the birds into migratory and wintering ones”; "Extra picture"; “Guess by the description”; "Sparrows and the Car"; "Fox and Chickens".

Children, together with their parents, designed albums with photographs and drawings about birds. With the children, we hung the feeders on the territory of the kindergarten. We added a different feed to the trough every day. As a result of the observations, the children learned how to feed the birds with various food, take care of their migratory friends.


Birds become noticeable and more active with the arrival of heat: the brighter the sun shines, the warmer, the more birds on the street, the more active they are;

Birds do not come on windy days.

From feed, pigeons and sparrows prefer seeds and millet. Sparrows and pigeons arrive in flocks, magpies one by one.

During the duration of the project, the birds are accustomed to receiving food, so feeding must continue.

Studying the birds of our region and observing the birds, helping them, the children have expanded their knowledge of our smaller friends, formed an emotional attitude to the natural world. They have learned to rejoice, be upset, wonder at natural objects.

Scheme of the implementation of the project "Birds - Our Land"

Conversations with children: Birds, what are they?Wintering and migratory birds. Learn to pity and cherish. Problem solving: What would you do if you saw. "Who flew to us in the spring?"

GCD: Cognition (FCKM) "Migratory birds", "Wintering birds"

Communication: "Description of migratory birds", "Description of wintering birds"

Literature Center: Reading a story by K.D. Ushinsky "Swallow", Reading the fairy tale by V. Dahl "The Crow", Poems: Alexandrova A. "Starlings", A. Yashin "Feed the birds in winter", V. Berestov "Birds", Learning sayings: "Every bird is proud of its feather", “Each bird has its own habits”, Evening of riddles and answers “Postman Pechkin hurries to visit us”. Viewing presentations: "Wintering birds".

Art Center: Application, modeling, drawing: "Bullfinches are like pink apples", "Birds have arrived", "Magic bird dance"."Learning to sculpt birds."

Experimentation Center: What will fly away next? I swam in the water - I stayed dry.

Play activities: Didactic games: “What kind of bird?”, “Divide the birds into migratory and wintering ones”, “Extra picture”, “Guess from the description”, “Make a picture from parts”.

Finger games: "Sparrows", "Birds", "Merry Journey", "Chicks in the Nest".

Outdoor games: "Geese-swans", "Sparrows and a car", "Fox and chickens", "We are not afraid of a cat."

Working with parents: Advice for parents: "How and from what you can make a bird feeder." Individual conversations: "Do you discuss the topic of the week with your child at home ?, Homework:" Wintering birds ",a selection of books, magazines about birds, design of drawings and handicrafts "Birds!".

3. The final stage.

Presentation "Birds of Our Land", Conducting the final event "Birds' Festival".

In implementation project activities:

1. children's knowledge of birds has expanded;
2. Children have learned to distinguish migratory birds from wintering ones.
3. During the implementation of the "Birds are Our Friends" project, children developed a coherent speech.
4. Children have learned how to feed the birds properly.
5. Many children developed a caring attitude towards birds (children every day, going for a walk, reminded them to take food and feed the birds).
6. Increased cognitive interest in children.


From birth to school. Approximate basic general education program preschool education / Ed. N. Ye. Veraksy, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva. -2nd ed., Revised and added. -M. : MOSAIC-SYNTHESIS, 2011

1. Kravchenko I. V., Dolgova T. L. Walking in kindergarten... Senior and preparatory groups for school: Methodological manual / Edited by G. M. Kiseleva, L. I. Ponomareva. - M. 6 Sphere, 2012

2. Kislova T. R. “On the way to the alphabet”. Guidelines for educators, speech therapists, teachers and parents to parts 1 and 2 / Under the scientific editorship of RN Buneev, EV Buneeva. –M. : Balass, Publishing House RAO, 2007. ( Education system "School 2100". Complex program "Kindergarten 2100")

3. Shvaiko GS Classes on visual activity in kindergarten: Middle group: Program, notes: a guide for preschool teachers. Institutions / G. S. Shvaiko. - M.: Humanities. ed. center VLADOS, 2006.

4. Davydova OI, Mayer AA, Bogoslavets LG Projects in work with family. Toolkit. - M.: TC Sphere, 2012.

5. Electronic resource:\u003d172

Poems about birds


A lump of gray feathers.

Our cheerful sparrow

He is busy in the garden, spinning,

Here I bathed in a puddle

And to the children under the window

Flies for bread crumbs.


Sits in the snow shining

A flock of red-breasted birds.

Admire it soon,

On handsome bullfinches!


Scarlet tassel dawn

Paints the breast of a bullfinch

So that in frosts and in a blizzard

He was not frozen in the snow.


This bird with will power

He visits the field a hundred times a day.

The bird has no time to be lazy

A titmouse carries food to chicks.

Pedagogical project in the middle group on the topic: "Feed the birds in winter"

This project will be useful for educators of preschool children, teachers additional education, students of a pedagogical profile.
Project name: "Feed the birds in winter"
Author: teacher of the middle group of the kindergarten "October kindergarten" Vasilkova Tatyana Leonidovna.
Project duration: short-term 2 weeks from 11 November to 28 November.
Project type: cognitive, informational, productive.
Have private owners of the project: children, parents, teachers.
Children's age: 3-5 years old.
Problemsignificant for children, which the project aims to solve:
Formation in children of elementary ideas about wintering birds of their native land, in our case, the Kaluga region. Children do not have knowledge about the names of birds, about wintering and migratory birds... Children have a small stock of knowledge about the habitat of birds, about why take care of them in winter periodand how they themselves can help the birds.
Relevance of the project: 2017 was declared the Year of Ecology in Russia by the decree of our President Vladimir Putin. In the rapidly developing modern world the problem of ecological education of modern preschoolers is becoming especially acute and urgent. Indeed, it is in this sensitive period that preschoolers are developing their personality, and it is during this period that it is important to have time to form love and care for wildlife, to learn to take care of the world around them. The knowledge about the world, acquired in preschool childhood, evokes in children a deep, sincere interest in it, expands knowledge, contributes to the formation of character and love for wildlife.
Also, in the cold season, there is less and less food for the birds, as a result, they may even die, which must not be allowed! The task of adults (teachers, parents) is to foster interest, care, the desire to learn new facts of their life, to feel joy from the realization that they themselves can, by sharing crumbs, save birds from death.
Objective of the project: To form an idea of \u200b\u200bchildren about wintering birds, about their lifestyle, oh what to feed them. Create conditions for the development of cognitive interest.
Project objectives:
To give an idea to children about wintering birds of their native land (Kaluga region).
Expand and deepen the knowledge of preschoolers on the topic: "The life of birds in winter"
Activate the children's dictionary with terms from the project topic.
Develop thinking, memory, fine motor skills of hands, coherent speech.
Develop creativity in productive activities.
Develop curiosity and interest in wildlife.
Raise a caring attitude towards birds, a desire to help them in difficult cold conditions.
To cultivate friendly relations in the children's team.
Contribute to the formation of interest in the world around.
For the teacher:
A. To teach children about wintering birds in the Kaluga region.
B. Develop curiosity, "live" interest.
B. To expand children's knowledge of wildlife, about the habitat of wintering birds and their way of life.
D. Develop the creativity of children.
Intended outcome:
A. To improve the level of knowledge of children about the world around, about wintering birds.
B. Formation of a caring attitude towards wildlife in children.
B. Raising the level of knowledge of parents.
D. Making bird feeders by parents.
Demonstration of interest and interest of children, together with their parents, to take care of the birds, the desire to help them in the winter.
Project activity product:

B. Drawing with gouache: "Bullfinch"
B. Presentation "Migratory and wintering birds"
D. Folder-movable "November 12 Sinichkin day"
D. Plasticinography "Bullfinch on a branch of mountain ash"
E. Making a toilet paper roll feeder.
G. Coloring patterns of bullfinch, titmouse, sparrow.
G. Applique bullfinch.
3.Parents making bird feeders.
I. Sparrow modeling.
Project implementation:
Preparatory stage
A. Determine the theme of the project.
B. Formulate the goals and objectives of the project.
B. Draw up a plan for the implementation of the project.
D. Selection of visual, informational material for the implementation of the project.
D. Selection of material for productive activities.

The main stage.
A. Consideration of illustrations, books on the topic of the project.
B. Carrying out GCD around the world: "Birds of the native land"
B. Carrying out GCD in the outside world: "November 12 Sinichkin day"
(as a result of the lesson, the children made mini-feeders from waste material)
D. Carrying out GCD for HER application theme: "Bullfinch"
D. Carrying out GCD JSC HER gouache painting: "Snegirёk"
E. Conducting GCD for music with listening and learning the song "Sparrow"
G. View presentation: "Migratory and wintering birds"
Z. Learning poem: E. Evseeva "Tit, tit, what are you dreaming about?"
I. Conducting finger gymnastics: "A bullfinch sat on a branch ..", "I knock on a tree ..."
K. Consultation for parents: "How and from what you can make a feeder"
L. Conducting a competition for families of pupils on making feeders: "Feed the birds in winter"
M. Carrying out GCD on HER plasticineography “Bullfinch on a branch of mountain ash.
The final stage.
A. Implementation of collective work in an unconventional mixed technique (drawing with a palm, a cotton swab and an imprint of a plastic cork) with paints: "Bird's dining room"
B. Carrying out GCD around the world: "How can we help wintering birds?"
B. Summing up the results of the competition for feeders.
D. Hanging feeders. We hung one feeder outside the window of our group.
E. Conducting bird watching in the feeders.
As a result, the work turned out to be voluminous and informative. The project activities are planned taking into account the integration of areas, helping children to master and comprehend new knowledge. Which were given to them by their parents and educators. Expanding horizons and ideas about wintering birds. Rose general level knowledge of children about the world around them. Children have mastered concrete knowledge about wildlife and they began to share this information with other children! The parents became interested in the received project products.

Project "Feed the birds in winter" in the middle group

1. Passport the project

A type the project:

By duration - mid-term

By the composition of participants project - group

By the focus of the participants the project - information-practice-oriented (according to L. V. Kiseleva)

Children's age: 4-5 years old.

Composition project team

Teachers: educators groups, music director, physical education instructor.

Children middle group - 23 people


2. Relevance the project

AT modern conditions the problem of ecological education of preschoolers is acquiring special urgency and urgency. It is during the period of preschool childhood that the formation of the human personality takes place, the formation of the principles of ecological culture.

Often during a walk with the guys, pigeons, sparrows, tits fly to our site. Children's reactions are unpredictable. Someone freezes and begins to watch, but more often than not there is that child who will run and scare away the guests. On question: "Why did you do that?", the child cannot give an answer. So the idea arose - to introduce the guys to birds closer, teach them to watch them, take care. Most of all care is needed birds in the cold season. That is why we decided to develop and implement project: “We will help the wintering birds» ... By offering children a demonstration material depicting wintering birds(bullfinch, tit, sparrow, dove) and after an individual conversation, we found out that not all children can correctly name wintering birds, them wednesday habitat and living conditions, especially their existence.

It follows from this that children have little experience of observing birds in nature... Most of the children surveyed did not have the skills to provide assistance birds in winter.

Expansion and enrichment of knowledge about wintering birds, creating conditions for the development of cognitive interest in children



Form in children initial views about wintering birds, the peculiarities of their lifestyle, nutrition, expand children's horizons and vocabulary.


Develop interest in wintering birds, continue to work on the development of the creative abilities of children.

Develop a cognitive interest in observing wintering birds.


To educate children to respect wildlife, the need to take care of birds.

Encourage children to want to convince adult family members of the need to help wintering birds in the city, to accept direct practical participation in the manufacture of feeders.

4. Expected results:

From children:

Formed elementary ideas about wintering birds.

Formulated ideas about the correct ways to interact with wintering birds.

Developed interest in observing birds(curiosity, cognitive activity).

From parents:

The level of ecological education of parents has increased.

Involved children to observe birds, to working together in nature, caring for birds.

From teachers:

We have been active in the environmental education of children.

We used various forms of work, integration of educational areas.

The experience was disseminated and generalized.

Improved technique project activities.

Working with parents

Counseling for parents: “How and from what you can make a feeder for birds» .

Individual conversations: “Do you discuss the topic of the week with your child at home?

Issue of campaign leaflets: « Feed the birds in winter» .

Organization of an exhibition of children's drawings "Little bird" together with parents.

Making feeders, parents together with children.

5. Implementation scheme the project:


area Types of children's activities

Socially communicative development of GCD « Birds - feathered friends» , “Why should you protect birds»

Theatricalization "Wintering birds»

Role-playing games "Bird's dining room", "On a visit to birds»

Walking - observation of the wintering birds.

Observing behavior birds during feeding... Observing birds for a walk: appearance, structure, nutrition, habits, similarities and differences.

Labor in nature - feeding birdscleaning feeders.

Bird Feather Experiments.

Game exercises and didactic games:

"What is it bird» , "Whose Shadow?", "In the winter dining room";

"Who lives where?", "What the birds are gone» ; Find along the contour ";

name "; lotto "Birds", "Guess by the description", "4 extra", "What bird is hiding behind a branch?"

Album review "Wintering birds» . (see pr. No. 4)

Cognitive development of GCD "Wintering birds» ... Gcd "Consideration and comparison of a sparrow and a crow"

Solving a problem situation: "Why fewer birds, "Titmouse is a guest of our site!""What can happen if you do not feed birds in winter»

Conversations "How our feathered friends live in winter» , "Who cares about birds» , "Benefit or harm bring birds, "Menu birds» , “How do children and their parents care about birds in winter.

Didactic games: "Birds on the feeders", "What you won't see birds in winter» , "Menu for birds» ;

Consideration of wintering birds in illustrations in books and magazines.

Multimedia presentation "Wintering birds»

Speech development of GCD. "Drawing up a descriptive story about one of the wintering

birds", GCD « Birds are our friends»

Learning proverbs and sayings.

Memorizing poems about birds

Reading books about birds.

Guessing riddles.

Poems: N. Rubtsov "Sparrow", "Crow", A. Barto "Sparrow", "The nimble tit is galloping", V. Zvyagina "Sparrow", A. Yashin « Feed the birds in winter» , A. Chepurov "Difficult birds to winter» , T. Evdoshenko “Take care birds» , Yu. Nikonova "Bullfinch", L. Grigorieva “Tit.

Stories: G. Skrebitsky and V. Chaplin "Than a woodpecker feeds in winter» , "Look around", "Titmouse appeared", E. I. Charushin "Sparrow", V. Zotov "Tit", "Bird's Dining Room" by V. Bianchi, "Disheveled Sparrow" by K. Paustovsky, "Vorobyishko" by M. Gorky, "Gray Neck" by D. Mamin-Sibiryak.

Word games: "Say the opposite", "Name it affectionately", "Who is giving a voice?", "One-many", "Big small", "Count birds» , "Guess by the description", "Whose is this?"

Artistic and aesthetic development of GCD Drawing "Titmouse".

GOD Modeling "Wintering birds» .

GCD Application "Bullfinch".

Making caps - masks with images birds for outdoor games.

Coloring silhouettes birds.

Painting birdsdrawing on phased samples. Modeling of birds.

Hearing a song "Birds", muses. T. Lomova, "Sparrow", muses. Vetlina.

Singing a song « Birds and chicks» , muses. and sl. E. Tilicheeva.

Physical development Physical culture leisure "Bird Trouble"

Outdoor games "Flight birds» , "Birds in their nests", "Owl is an owl"; "Birds and a cat"

Finger games "How many birds to our feeder... Has arrived? " "Sparrows - sparrows", "Bird feeder", "Woodpecker", "Magpie".

Morning gymnastics "Birds", "Sparrow Sparrows"

Breathing exercises « Birds fly» , « The birds are crying» , "Crow"

6. Stages of work on project:

1. Preparatory stage:

Determination of the level of knowledge of children about wintering birds.

Introducing parents to the purpose and objectives the project.

Design of folders for parents "Wintering birds» , "How do they live birds in winter» .

Homework: joint finding and reading literature about wintering birds, drawings, selection of illustrations, sayings, riddles.

Development of presentations for GCD "Wintering birds» , "What are the feeders".

Selection of GCD abstracts on the topic the project.

Selection of didactic and methodological material on project(teachers).

Decoration of a children's book exhibition.

Registration of consultations "How to make a feeder for birds of plastic bottle"," Feeders for birds"," Rules for keeping feeders "," What to feed birds".

2. Main (practical) stage.

Game exercises, games, dramatizations, book exhibitions, children's creative works

Learning proverbs and sayings, guessing riddles.

Memorizing poems about birds

Reading books about birds.

Events with parents, folders-moving, consultations for parents on implementation the project.

Album design about wintering birds.

Writing descriptive stories about wintering birds.

Observing the wintering birds, behind the behavior birds on feeders.

Feeding birds(daily).

Registration of propaganda posters " Feed the birds in winter".

Registration of memos - "What to feed birds?".

3. Final stage

Physical culture leisure "Bird Trouble"

Formatting the result project in the form of presentation.

Organization of an exhibition of children's drawings joint with parents "Little birds"

Competition for the best propaganda leaflet « Feed the birds in winter»

Participation in the All-Russian action « Feed the birds in winter» ... The organizer of the action is the Federal State Budgetary Institution "National Park "Yugyd va"

Products the project.

Presentation “We are implementing project» .

Book exhibition "Wintering birds»

Feeders made by parents together with children.

Beanies birds to outdoor games.

Card file for finger, outdoor, didactic games.

Album: "Wintering birds» , "Everything about birds» .

Card index of riddles, poems about birds;

Sliding folders for parents "Wintering birds of our land» . "Wintering birds» , "How do they live birds in winter» .

Presentations "Wintering birds» , "What are the feeders".

Campaign leaflets « Feed the birds in winter»

7. Effectiveness:

Joint training in design activities brought us and parents, parents and children closer together, made friends with families. The atmosphere of goodwill has become characteristic of other common affairs in group... Many parents have discovered hidden talents that they did not know about.

As a result of active creative work families in group a presentation was created on the topic “We will help the wintering birds» ... It reflects activities throughout the project... The presentation was used to conduct parent meeting, to attract and agitate inactive parents in the life of children in kindergarten.

During implementation the project our pupils and parents constantly took care of the birds, but there was question: "And others care about birds in the winter period? ". Together with the pupils, we discussed this issue and decided to involve the inhabitants of our city in feeding birds... We have issued flyers " Feed the birds in winter! "and memo" What to feed birds? "and hung them on the entrances of nearby houses.

Thus, we are sure that our pupils are successfully developing a humane and value attitude towards nature and all living things. During implementation the project pupils not only expanded and systematized their ideas about the species birdsbut also in practical activities learned which feed they prefer birds and what a variety of feeders you can make with your own hands using different materials. During the action poultry project are accustomed to receiving food, so feeding must be continued, and we will feed them until the insects appear.

In the future, we are planning even more expanded work on project« Feed the birds in winter» ... The the project started the project"Flight birds» and "Inhabitants of the winter forest".

ENVIRONMENTAL PROJECT « WINTER BIRDS » (second younger group) Prepared by: educator Kalenova Olga Romanovna

Project type : cognitive - research

View : group
Form of conducting :

Classes, conversations, observations, excursions around the kindergarten, didactic and theatrical games, leisure, experimental and labor activity, reading fiction, watching videos.

Project duration: short-term (from 19.01 - 06.02.2015)

Location : territory of the kindergarten site, music hall, group, family.

Children's age: 3-4 years (second junior group)

Project participants : children, teachers, parents.

Relevance: in modern conditions, the problem of ecological education of preschoolers becomes especially acute and urgent.
Environmental education of preschool children is of great importance, since during this period the child goes through the most intensive spiritual and intellectual path of development. Most modern children rarely interact with nature. Huge role in environmental education preschool children play practical, research activities in natural conditions. Indeed, in the process of children's research, the child receives specific cognitive skills: he learns to observe, reason, plan work, learns to predict the result, experiment, compare, analyze, draw conclusions and generalizations, in a word, develop cognitive abilities. Therefore, children are given an additional opportunity to join research work, as the leading way of knowing the world around.
In modern conditions, the problem of ecological education of preschoolers becomes especially acute and urgent. It is during the period of preschool childhood that the formation of the human personality takes place, the formation of the beginnings of ecological culture. Therefore, it is very important to awaken in children an interest in wildlife, to foster love for it, to teach them to take care of the world around them.

The theme of the project "Wintering Birds" was not chosen by chance. After all, it is the birds that surround us all year roundbringing people benefit and joy. In the cold season, the available food becomes much less, but the need for it increases. Sometimes natural food becomes practically inaccessible, so many birds cannot survive the winter and die. And we, teachers, together with parents, must teach the pupils to see this, replenishing the ideas about wintering birds, their habits and lifestyle, create conditions for the child to communicate with the natural world.

Objective of the project: Promote the accumulation of vivid impressions of nature by the child, enriching children's ideas about wintering birds,found in the immediate environment.
Project objectives:
1. Develop horizons
and emotional responsiveness in children in the process of communicating with nature.
2. To develop the cognitive skills of children and parents by methods of knowing nature while mastering elementary research activities
3. Involve babies in feasible activities for the care of wildlife.
Research objectives: - to form the prerequisites for search activities, initiatives;

- to form the ability to determine possible methods for solving a problem together with an adult;

- to form the ability to apply methods that contribute to solving the problem with the use of various options.

Educational areas:
- cognitive speech development of preschoolers;

Artistic and aesthetic development of preschoolers

Social and communicative development of preschoolers.

Expected Result: - formation of knowledge about wintering birds in children;

- joint search activities to help understand what wintering birds need;

- development of children's desire for independence

Formation of a humane attitude towards nature;

- the development of interest and love for the native land in the process of environmental education and the ability to reflect this in drawing, modeling, application, design.

“Environmental education is the formation of a consciously correct attitude towards natural phenomena and objects that surround the child and with which he gets acquainted in preschool childhood. " S.N. Nikolaev.

The Childhood program defines the following tasks of the cognitive and speech development of preschoolers in the formation of elementary ecological ideas:
- analyze the results of observations and draw conclusions about some patterns and relationships in nature;
- name the wintering birds: titmouse, bullfinch, pigeon, crow, sparrow;
- to form ideas about wintering birds and about human help to nature.

Considering that the program provides for the mental education of preschoolers through the tasks of artistic and aesthetic development, namely:
- to develop the ability to observe, peer into the phenomena and objects of nature, highlighting their properties and qualities (shape, size, structure, color), reflecting this in drawing, modeling, manual labor;
- to teach children to reflect their attitude to the natural world in productive activities;
- to introduce children to theatrical art;
- develop the ability to act out scenes based on environmental plots;
- to educate artistic qualities, reveal the creative potential of children, provide an opportunity to perform in front of peers, parents and other guests;
- to improve the ability to coordinate their actions with comrades, to teach children to correctly assess their actions and the actions of their comrades.

Working with parents
At the same time, great importance is attached to work with the parents of the pupils. Together with our parents we conducted: Master class "Save this world" (crafts from natural material), Campaign "Let's Help the Birds in Winter", exhibitions of feeders, artistic creativity of children and parents.

Health related tasks:

Teach children to understand and properly interact with nature
2. Tasks of educational focus:
- to form elementary ecological knowledge;
- to develop ecological perceptions;
- to form the beginning of the ecological worldview;
- to participate in solving various environmental problems;
- teach children to jointly find solutions in difficult situations
- to teach to understand the cause-and-effect relationships within the natural complex:
a) to acquaint children with the peculiarities of bird life;
b) show the relationship of plants and birds with their habitat: plants serve as food for birds, birds distribute seeds.
3. Tasks of educational orientation:
- continue to form in children a careful and responsible attitude towards the natural world;
- to form an emotionally friendly attitude towards birds;
- to cultivate responsiveness and sociability, a desire to help comrades, to support them in difficult times.

4. Tasks for the development of labor skills in acquaintance with natural phenomena:
- teach children to take care of wintering birds;
- learn how to make a bird feeder from waste material.
5. Tasks to form aesthetic judgments about nature through productive activities:
- develop interest and love for the native land in the process of environmental education and the ability to reflect this in drawing, modeling and application;
- to teach children to reflect their attitude to the world of nature in productive activities.
Estimated results of the project:
- To form in children ideas about wintering birds.

- Shaping knowledge by children appearance birds, lifestyle, about adaptability to life in the winter season.

- Create a constant desire in children to help and take care of birds in winter.

- Learn to compare birds, highlighting the common and differences in behavior, ways of getting food.

Enrich the vocabulary of children.

To cultivate the ability to work in a team of peers, the ability to listen to each other, to come to the rescue.

To involve parents in joint activities.

Project activity product: drawings, crafts of children; feeders made by children with their parents; photographs of children feeding birds; feed collected in the course of project activities.



Role-playing games: "Bird Park",



Writing a descriptive story about

one of the wintering birds, "Comparative observation: bullfinch and crow."

Didactic games: "Say the opposite"

"One - many", "Big - small", "Guess from the description", "Whose is it?", "Count the birds." Ecological scene “We will live to see

spring ".

Reading fiction

Reading: V. Bianchi "Owl", V. Bianchi "Whose nose is better?", "Forest houses", A. Barkov "Voices of the forest", I. Polenov "Sinichkin pantries", G. Skrebritsky "Take care of the birds", riddles and poems.

Artistic creation

Classes: "Making paper feeders", "Making feeders from waste material Z" Titmouse is a small bird "," Bullfinches on the branches "," Shape any bird ",

"Bullfinches on the branches", "Magpie - white-sided".

Physical Education

Outdoor games: "Owl", "Dog and sparrows", "Flight of birds", "Sparrows and


DIDACTIC GAMES "What birds can't you see at the feeder in winter?"
Purpose: To teach to find, recognize and name wintering birds.
"Who is giving a voice?"
Purpose: To replenish the active vocabulary of children on the topic "Wintering birds".
Educator: I invite you children to turn into birds and tell on behalf of the bird how it gives a voice.
I am a crow: kar-kar-kar. I can croak.
I'm forty: pp - tr-tr. I can chirp.
I'm an owl: uh-uh-uh. I can hoot.
I am a tit: ting-ting-ting. I can tinker.
I am a dove. I can coo.
I am a bullfinch: fit - fit - fit. I can whistle.
I am a sparrow, I can tweet.
"Count the Birds"
Purpose: To learn to reconcile quantitative adjectives with nouns.
One dove, two doves, three doves, four doves, five doves.
"Big small".
Purpose: To teach children to form nouns and adjectives with diminutive meanings.
Sharp beak - a sharp little beak.
Thin legs - thin legs.

Long neck - long neck.
White breast - white breast.
The black wing is a black wing.
Thick neck - plump neck.
Short tail - short tail.
Light feathers are light feathers.
"One - many"
Purpose: To learn to form plural forms of nouns.
One crow - many crows
One sparrow - many sparrows, etc.

"Guess by the description"
Objective - To teach how to write a descriptive story.
"Say the opposite"
Purpose: To teach to form antonyms.
The beak is thick - the beak is thin,
Long tail - short tail
Finger gymnastics "Feeder".
How many birds to our feeder (rhythmically clench and unclench their fists).
Arrived? We'll tell you.
Two tits, a sparrow,
Six goldfinches and doves
A woodpecker with variegated wings.
There were enough seeds for everyone.
An outdoor game "Dog and Sparrows".
Purpose - To consolidate the knowledge of children about the characteristic movements of birds, to teach them to imitate their voices.
Course of the game: One child: "dog", all the rest - "sparrows".
A sparrow gallops, gallops (children gallop).
Jump jump!
Jump jump!
Calling small children (repeat: "Chiv! Chiv! Chiv!")
Chiv! Chiv! Chiv!
Chiv! Chiv! Chiv!
Throw crumbs with a sparrow
I'll sing you a song:
Chick-chirp! (repeat: "Chick-tweet!")
Suddenly a "dog" came running and barked loudly.
"Sparrows" scatter.
Outdoor game "Owl"
Purpose: Learn to perform movements at the signal of the leader.
"The day comes - everything comes to life"
Night falls - everything freezes. "
Physical education
How sparrows wake up
They love to stretch
Be sure to yawn
Deftly wave your tail ",
and now we're jackdaws
"Jackdaw jumps, dances cleverly
Jackdaw flaps its wings, and takes off without looking back
This is Galkin's exercise. "

Bird watching in winter Tasks:
- to form ideas about the life of birds in winter;
- foster a desire to take care of birds, highlighting the signs of living.

Observation progress:
There are no paths in the forest,
There are bushes in sheepskin coats.
Asleep beetles and larvae
The snow fell under the bark.
Fly, birdie, to people
And hide behind the window,
And we will feed you
Crumbs of bread, millet.
The teacher asks the children questions:
- What kind of birds do you see near your house in winter?
- Why do they fly to a person's dwelling?
- Why do people arrange bird feeders in winter?

Why should wintering birds be fed?
- How many birds fly to our feeders?
- What food do they eat more willingly?
- What else did you see watching birds at the feeder?
- Is there a feeder near your house?
Wintering birds do not fly away from us to warmer regions, as they find food in winter. They feed on buds, seeds and fruits of plants, hidden by insects, they seek food near human habitation. Some birds die from cold in winter. People can help wintering birds - titmouses are given unsalted bacon, sparrows, titmouses and bullfinches love millet, seeds, and bread crumbs.

Tit watching Tasks: - continue to generate interest in birds
- to acquaint with the tit, its habits, habitat, features of its appearance.
Observation progress: The teacher makes a riddle to the children, conducts a conversation.
Guess which bird
Lively, perky, dexterous, agile,
Ringingly shadows: “shadow, shadow!
How nice a spring day! " (tit)
Painted titmouse whistles without getting tired.
I will hang her outside the window
I am a piece of bacon
To make it warmer and more fun
The poor bird has become.
- What is this bird?
- What does it look like and what color is it?
- What changes take place in the life of tits in winter?

What do tits eat?
The tit wants grains
But he is afraid to sit in the feeder.
"Be brave, do not be shy!" -
A sparrow invites.
- What are the benefits of tits?
People say: "The titmouse is not great, but even then it knows its holiday."
Sinichkin day is celebrated in the month of November.
- Where does the titmouse winter?
- How do they scream?
- How does a person take care of her?

Crow watching

- to expand ideas about wintering birds, to learn to distinguish them by their appearance;
- to cultivate love and respect for wintering birds.
Observation progress: The teacher makes the children a riddle, offers to answer questions.
Gray hat,
Non-woven vest,
Pockmarked caftan
And walks barefoot (crow)
- Who is this, what is the name of this bird?
- What are the features of her appearance?
- Where she lives? What does it eat? Does she have enemies?

A crow hides its nose under its wing - to the frost.

Bullfinch watching

- to form ideas about wintering birds, human care for them;
- introduce characteristic features bullfinch.
Observation progress:
The teacher asks the children questions, offers to guess the riddle.
- What does a bullfinch look like?
- What does it eat?
- Where does it winter?
- How does a person take care of him?
- Why did the bullfinch come to us for the winter?
Every year I fly to you -
I want to spend the winter with you.
And even redder in winter
The bright red tie is mine. (bullfinch)
There is a sign: if a bullfinch chirps under the window - this is a thaw.

Pigeon watching
- expand children's ideas about the bird world (what birds eat, where they live, how a person cares for them).
Observation progress:
The teacher asks the children questions
- Who often comes to our site?
- Did they come to us from anywhere?
- Where do they live?
- who feeds them?
- What do they like to peck?
- What is the name of the house where the pigeons live?
- Migratory pigeons or wintering birds?

Letter - Appeal
"Guys! Protect the birds - our friends and helpers in the fight against harmful insects! Help them in winter, when there is little food and it is difficult to get it. Make and hang houses for birds, feed them with plant seeds, berries, grain, bread! "

Bird Feeding Guide - Winter

To properly feed the birds in winter, the following rules must be followed:
- do not litter during feeding, do not leave on the street plastic bags, cans, boxes - it's better to make feeders;

Feed in the same place, preferably at the same time, the birds themselves will fly by this time;

Feed the birds regularly, daily, you cannot feed them from time to time, it is in frosts that food is needed every day in order for the birds to survive;

Put a little food, precisely in order to feed, support in difficult times.

Ecological fairy tale to the project "Wintering Birds"

"We'll Live Until Spring"

Characters: sparrow, tit, magpie.

(A tousled sparrow appears)
Oh, save me! Guard!
Who shot me with a snowball?
These nasty boys
Sparrows interfere with life.
Now with snowballs, then with a slingshot!
But we are already not sweet! (A titmouse appears)
Br-r! What a bitter frost!
Where to hide better?
Freeze on the fly!
Maybe I'll warm up here? (Notices a sparrow)
Sparrow! What's the matter?
You are so disheveled!
Maybe who offended you?
Or did you see the cat?
Oh, neighbor! Hush! Hush!
You see three boys there
Heartless, angry and rude?
It's good for them in warm fur coats,
In hats, in fur jackets!
Barely escaped from them!
I, neighbor, agree with you!
Bird life in winter is terrible!
Frost is against us, storms,
Hooligans too!
The cats are tracking us
And in the mouth in the morning there are no crumbs!
There are no worms and midges,
What's lunch without them?
Oh, how difficult it is to live in the world!
What should we do? Who will answer? (Forty appears)
Good afternoon, titmouse! Hi!
Sparrow, how are you?
Oh, I can't wait to brag-
I brought today
Stunning news:
We will all have something to eat:
My friend told me
About some feeders.
Say, there are such children
Well, not at all, not at all evil,
And, on the contrary,
Helping the birds! Here! (Sparrow displeased)
Stop cracking forty
About food, about an easy life,
And even about kind children.
There is no fairy tale, dumber in the world!
I will never believe
As if food was waiting somewhere!
Nobody needs us.
Eh, I would live to see spring. (Forty indignantly)
Sparrow, you're wrong!
I found out yesterday:
These nice guys
Yunnats are called.
So we fly to kindergarten
After all, the feeders hang there.
Believe me, there are a lot of them.
There is grain and lard on them,
Bread crumbs and millet! (Sparrow displeased)
No, I don’t believe it anyway! (Titmouse thoughtfully)
But I would fly.
I wanted to eat something
I was two days ago.
Who is with me in kindergarten?
So be it, I will fly-
I want to eat all winter.
(All fly away).
Children go out, hang a feeder on a tree and sing the song "Little Bird"
(After a while, a titmouse and a sparrow appear slowly)
Oh, what a wonderful feast!
I love the whole world now!
It was an ordinary day cruel
It turned out not out of malice.
People are not indifferent to me!
They need me! Well, business!
Yes, in the garden I was convinced:

I was in vain angry at forty.
And now in reality
I will live until spring!
And in the spring we are together together
We will sing to you, people, songs,
Protect from evil disaster
Vegetable gardens and orchards.
After all, on a full stomach
We, the feathered, nonsense
And any time of the day
And snow and cold!
I, neighbor, agree with you!







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