Analysis of the flow of documents on environmental education. Environmental education of the population. Varieties of environmental education

Possibilities for analyzing the documentary flow of the "cinema" industry

motion picture document flow bibliographic

A film production - a film, film source materials, film chronicles, film chronicle source materials, circulation or part of a film circulation - are information demanded by the consumer, which he can obtain using a variety of information resources.

With regard to the documentary flow of the art industry, the type of media is essential. Thus, the introduction of electronic resources into use has created ample opportunities for the distribution of film products. So, on the Internet there are catalogs of films, differentiated by time (the beginning of the cinema era, Soviet, perestroika, military), by the main actor (Greta Garbo, Charlie Chaplin, Marlene Dietrich), by genre (comedy, melodrama, tragedy). In the libraries of the world, including the National Library of the Republic, catalogs of films on reels, microfiches are presented, which are translated into an electronic version. In the global network there are sites that allow the user to get acquainted with films.

The essence of the phenomenon of cinematography involves an appeal to technical means of creating and storing information. But such means as tape recording, film, are not perfect, are limited in circulation and pose a threat of damage and disappearance of information.

The document flow can be presented in the form of electronic libraries, e-books, electronic journals, photographs in electronic form, reports in electronic form, diaries in electronic form, etc.

The most rational way of presenting cinema information is an electronic medium, which, due to the possibility of increasing the circulation, increases the likelihood of storing information. The creation of a global information network facilitates access to information, the user becomes independent of the location of the information. The linguistic one becomes the only barrier that complicates the understanding of information.

The sphere of screen creativity includes: cinema, various forms of television (terrestrial, satellite, cable), various types of video production, so-called multimedia, based on the synthesis of television and computer technology, in particular (video games). In addition, holograms and experiments in the field of virtual reality, where the screen itself disappears, require special emphasis. In accordance with the established tradition, types of screen creativity are distinguished on the basis of the functional orientation of certain works. So there are: feature films, documentaries and newsreels, popular science films, science films, educational films and programs, commercials, animation (animation), commercials.

The division of film products can be carried out on the basis of classification: fiction, cartoon, documentary (including popular science and educational) tapes, films and programs.

The difficulty in dividing the documentary stream lies in the fact that the boundary between them is conditional: many works are based on a combination of fiction, cartoon and documentary elements.

In addition to the species division, there is also a gradation of screen works by duration. Practice determines the existence of the concept of a full-length (about 2 hours), medium-length (less than one hour), and short (usually less than half an hour) film. The above classification applies exclusively to motion pictures, since the repertoire of cinemas is based on full-length films.

On television, there are 2 standards: a little less than an hour or half an hour / sizes "less" are determined by the norms for the inclusion of advertising, as a rule, from 10 to 15 minutes /. It is clear that the duration here is determined not by the nature of the work itself, but by the peculiarities of the structure of the television program. There are rules for video clips and commercials, where the count is not for hours, but for seconds. These characteristics can become the basis for the classification of film documents.

The genre structure of on-screen creativity turns out to be complex. M. Kagan in his book "Morphology of Art" urges to consider film production in several dimensions: thematic, cognitive, axiological and typologically figurative.

The resources of the "cinematography" industry can be divided into copyright and collective resources (that is, those that are prepared by a group of authors). For example, collections of conferences and articles on this topic are presented in the collections of libraries, but author's documents constitute a more significant segment of the documentary flow.

The type of information presented by the document is also essential. The following division is justified here: resources that publish only news information (posters, announcements of upcoming events), resources that publish only comments (literary and art criticism), and resources that combine these two types of information.

Cultural information resources should also be subdivided into funded and those that are created without external funding.

However, the basic principle of accounting should be the territorial one, since it is this principle that ensures the primacy of bibliographic accounting of the national press. And NB editions, built according to the linguistic and complex principle, are secondary in nature, since they rely on the already made accounting in the current national bibliographic indexes of other countries. Thus, Poland has allocated "Polonica" as an independent index since 1960, Czechoslovakia - "Slovak" and "Bohemia" since 1957. The totality of publications published outside the state is usually called "exterriory".

To divide the document stream, the timing principle can be used, according to which the film resources will be presented as current and retrospective.

Thus, the analysis of the literature made it possible to single out the following possibilities for analyzing the documentary flow of the "cinematography" industry:

  • - by the type of information carrier;
  • - according to the classification of film products;
  • - by the author (group of authors) of the film production;
  • - by type of information;
  • - on a territorial basis;
  • - by the time of creation of film products.

For the analysis of the document flow, other bases can be worked out to allow for more detailed fragmentation. In our work, we used the possibility of analyzing the documentary flow by the time of creation of film production.

Information worker's guide / scientific. ed. R.S. Gilyarevsky, V.A.Minkina. SPb .: Professiya, 2005. - S. 127-134. - (Series "Library").

Each separate primary document captures only small fragments of knowledge related to new scientific and technical or management decisions. A more complete picture of the state of the market, directions of research and development, the introduction of innovations, etc. can be obtained by studying the documentary stream.

Documentary stream is a set of primary documents functioning in society.

Document flow (according to NN Kushnarenko - this is "an organized set of documents (primary and / or secondary), functioning (created, distributed and used) in the social environment" (see No. 2, p.133).

DP - a time-varying set of documents in motion, in dynamics.

DP is characterized by intensity. Intensity - quality of units of publications, publications, storage units per unit of time. For example, books published by a publishing house over a number of years, library receipts for a specific period.

In contrast to the concepts of documentary fund, documentary database, "stream" is presented as a kind of abstraction. It becomes a real object only in the process of its identification and analysis.

Real flow- the flow of primary documents, which is revealed through its reflection in secondary publications.

Stream of cited literature - study the documents reflected in book and article lists of literature, lists of publications and unpublished documents for dissertations and research reports. The visit counters allow you to study the intensity of access to electronic documents that can be accessed through computer networks.

In the practice of information support, they most often refer to the real documentary flow. In a complex search, it is practiced to identify the necessary information through the flow of cited literature. But due to the extreme laboriousness, this path was rarely chosen. The appearance of indexes (DB) "ScienceCitationIndex", "SocialScienceCitationIndex" "ArtsandHumanitiesCitationIndex" made this procedure more accessible.

The flow of real, quoted and used literature in the aggregate is considered when conducting informational, sociological, scientific, historical, prognostic, and other research.

Consider the functions of DP as a channel in social communications:




Function of "external memory" of a person and humanity as a whole;


All functions in general are inherent in all documents and are performed in any of them simultaneously. This means that they are inherent in DP in general.

But the value of DP in social communications determines, first of all, the property of transmitting a message, the ability to trace the path of a document according to the formula "Who, what, through which channel, to whom with what effect communicates." (see # 10)

The documentary stream includes documents of various content and purpose, combined according to various principles.

In the course of information support, the following flow structure is considered:






In most cases, as the leading (basic), they choose the attribute of subject matter or industry affiliation of documents. This is due to the specifics of the reader's queries in a certain area of \u200b\u200bknowledge. On this basis, there are:

1.industrial stream (documentary stream on nuclear energy, shipbuilding) or a thematic stream of documents of cross-cutting, cross-sectoral topics (problems of ecology and rational nature management; protection of metals from corrosion, etc.).

Analysis of the structure of the documentary stream allows

1. to clarify the search task and criteria for selecting publications, showing which authors and authors' collectives, organizations, firms, countries should pay special attention to.

2. allows you to judge the state and directions of development of the very research and production activities.

3. to outline the trends in the development of scientific and production activities, to identify and analyze the patterns of development of the sectoral documentary flow.

And educating citizens

The relevance of research - Today, the most important task of a modern, educated person should be to take care of the ecological state of the environment. Rapid industrial development in the twentieth century led to the fact that the impact of man on nature has increased significantly. It is often extremely negative in nature. That is why today there is an acute issue of environmental education and enlightenment of people already from school.

Research methods -theoretical, comparatively comparable, analysis of psychological and pedagogical, scientific and methodological, special literature and research on the problem, survey methods - conversation.

Education plays an important role in solving environmental problems. From an early age, every person living on Earth should know what a careless attitude to the environment leads to; he should be aware of diseases caused by environmental pollution; about genetic abnormalities; about the death of animals and plants; about a decrease in soil fertility; about the depletion of drinking water supplies and other negative changes in the environment. And not only know, but also feel personal responsibility for her condition. However, today's graduates of the school are poorly oriented in global, including environmental, problems of preserving human health and the biosphere. Consumer views on nature prevail, the level of perception of environmental problems as personally significant is low, the need to actually participate in nature conservation work is insufficiently developed. Many people identify environmental protection and rational use of natural resources with the protection of certain natural complexes and rare species of plants and animals.

The purpose of environmental education and upbringing - the formation of a system of scientific knowledge, views and beliefs that ensure the formation of a responsible attitude of schoolchildren to the environment in all types of activities, the formation of ecological culture.

Thus, school education and upbringing in the field of environmental protection should fulfill two "strategic" tasks:

1. Convince students about the need to protect the environment.

2. To equip them, at least, with the necessary minimum of knowledge in this area.

Based on these tasks, work methods are selected:

1. Educational activities - essays, oral journals - contribute to the development of the theory and practice of interaction between society and nature, mastery of the techniques of causal thinking.

2. Active forms: disputes, discussions on environmental problems, meetings with experts, business games - form the experience of making environmentally sound decisions.

3. Socially useful activities, setting up experiments under the guidance of a teacher at a school educational and experimental site to study the effect of mineral fertilizers on crop yields, performing soil and groundwater analyzes - serves to gain experience in making environmental decisions, allows you to make a real contribution to the study and protection of local ecosystems, the promotion of environmental ideas.

4. Excursions to enterprises - theoretical material becomes clear, obvious, visible.

Environmental education is understood as a continuous process of education, upbringing and development aimed at the formation of a common environmental culture, environmental responsibility for the fate of one's country and loved ones, the planet and the entire Universe.

Considering the goals of environmental education for schoolchildren, it is possible to determine its various levels: environmental education, the formation of environmental awareness, the development of environmental culture.

The first level - environmental education - provides orientation of students in the problem and the corresponding rules of behavior. It is achieved by including environmental information as fragments of educational material in lessons or extracurricular activities (environmental warm-up, environmental express - information, reports and abstracts on specific environmental topics, etc.).

The second level - ecological consciousness - provides for the formation of a categorical apparatus of students' thinking. The formation of ecological consciousness presupposes mastering the system of ecological knowledge and the conceptual apparatus of ecology as an academic subject (elective, special course, academic subject).

The third level - the development of ecological culture - brings students' awareness of the "nature-man" interaction as a value. The transition of environmental problems to the category of global problems of our time necessitates focus on achieving this level. Environmental culture in the context of school education can only be formed on the basis of an integrative approach. The integration mechanism provides for the study of environmental problems in the "nature-science-production-society-man" system, covering all levels of "nature-man" interaction.

Distinguish between environmental education and the greening of the education system. Although they are interrelated, they characterize in some respects different phenomena. Environmental education is the direct assimilation of environmental knowledge of various types and levels.

There are two main directions of environmental education: education in the spirit of the general ideas of environmental protection and human health and the acquisition of special professional knowledge about the general laws of the existence of natural and anthropogenic systems. Both of these areas are interconnected, because they are based on the knowledge of the principles, approaches, laws of ecology.

Greening the education system is a characteristic of the tendency for the penetration of environmental ideas, concepts, principles, approaches into other disciplines, as well as the training of environmentally competent specialists of the most diverse profile.

Until recently, environmental education focused mainly on natural science (mainly biological ecology and geography) and partly on technical sciences related to the technology of environmental protection (with an emphasis on wastewater treatment plants and technologies). The social part of ecology, except for separate fragments of ecological-economic and ecological-legal knowledge, was not taught.

Now it is obvious that a significant share of environmental education should be devoted to social ecology, which is directly involved in the search for patterns of sustainable development of the "society-nature" system.

The implementation of the ideas of environmental education presupposes both a new reading of traditional subjects and the introduction of new disciplines that help to reveal a holistic view of the relationship between nature and man.

The scientific and theoretical basis for environmental education as a whole should be biological and geological ecology, human and social ecology (social ecology). Additional sources can be environmental engineering, agroecology, and several other disciplines.

The subject of human ecology research is the preservation and improvement of human health, taking into account the relationship of a person with the natural and social environment.

Social ecology studies the "nature-society" system, the prospects for its development and harmonization at various levels - local, regional, global.

Environmental education includes not only own
scientific knowledge and understanding, it is also complemented by
images of art and literature. Integration of scientific knowledge and
appropriate artistic images allows you to overcome
the gap between the logical and figurative forms of cognition of reality also serves to humanize education.

Scientific - ensures the development of a cognitive attitude towards the environment. It includes natural science, sociological and technological patterns, theories and concepts that characterize nature, man, society and production in their interaction.

Valuable - forms a moral and aesthetic attitude to the natural environment, overcomes excessive rationalism and consumerism, encourages the younger generation not only to be able to see the beauty of the surrounding world and admire it, but also to make a feasible contribution to the protection and restoration of the environment, to lead a healthy lifestyle.

Normative - focused on the system of norms and rules, prescriptions and prohibitions of an ecological nature, irreconcilability to any manifestation of violence.

Active - forms cognitive, practical and creative skills of an ecological nature, develops volitional qualities of students; teaches to be active in solving environmental problems. Acquaintance with the greening of technology and technology allows you to deepen your understanding of the formation of fundamentally new directions of scientific and technological progress.

Research results -today, a unified national concept of environmental education is needed, taking into account not only the relevant international guidelines and programs, but also the specifics of educational institutions in Russia. Main pedagogical problem in this case, it is the definition of the content and volume of the teaching load for each educational structure, depending on its level. The development of environmental education technology, substantiation of criteria for assessing learning outcomes is also becoming increasingly important. It should be noted that the need to prepare teachers for environmental education of students is also justified by the entire history of the development of domestic pedagogical education.

The issues of environmental education are enshrined in the Law of the Russian Federation "On Environmental Protection" (adopted on 19.12.91). It contains a whole section devoted to environmental education, upbringing and scientific research.


1., Haskin. Naturehumantechnology. M: UNITIDANA 2001, 343 p.

2. Dzhugaryan. ecology and nature management. Smolensk. 2000,151 s.

3. H System "Teacher" and the modern ecological situation. Development of continuous environmental education. Materials of the 1st Moscow Scientific and Practical Conference on Continuing Environmental Education. M. 1995.S. 415.

4. Pokrovskaya and ecological education of youth. Development of continuous environmental education. Materials of the 1st Moscow Scientific and Practical Conference on Continuing Environmental Education. M. 1995.p.140.

Documentary stream is a set of primary documents functioning in society. It becomes available for use only in the process of its identification and analysis.

If the flow of primary documents is identified through its reflection in bibliographic manuals, we are talking about real flow .

If they study the documents reflected in book and article lists of literature, lists of publications for dissertations and research reports, they identify cited stream ... Visit counters allow you to explore intensity of access to electronic documents , access to which is possible through computer networks.

When readership demand is monitored, flow of used literature ... Book publishers and book distributors examine the flow of literature acquired by various groups of citizens.

In the practice of information services and support, they most often refer to the real documentary flow. At the same time, in difficult cases of search, bibliographers have long practiced the identification of the necessary information through lists of references to publications known to the reader, that is, through the flow of cited literature. However, due to the extreme laboriousness, this path was chosen extremely rarely. The emergence of indexes (databases) "Science Citation Index", "Social Science Citation Index" and "Arts and Humanities Citation Index" changed the situation and made this procedure much more accessible.

In the aggregate, the flow of real, cited and used literature is considered when conducting bibliographic, sociological, scientific, historical, prognostic and other research.

Possession of the methods of analysis of the documentary flow allows you to identify:

Exactly the kind of social information that is preferred by readers;

The level of information security of the industry or problem;

Directions and rates of development of various areas of scientific and practical activities;

Integrative links between industries and issues. In the course of information and library activities, the thematic, type-specific, geographical, linguistic, publishing, organizational-corporate and author's structure of the stream is most often considered. In the overwhelming majority of cases, the attribute of the subject or industry affiliation of documents is chosen as the leading, basic attribute, which is explained by the specifics of the reader's requests related to a certain area of \u200b\u200bknowledge. On this basis, an industry flow or a flow of documents of cross-cutting, cross-cutting topics is distinguished. Further, within the industry or thematic area, all other structures are analyzed and, first of all, type-specific, geographical, author's.

However, there are times when the activity of some organizations, authors or groups of authors is of interest (for example, in the compilation of biobibliographic indexes or indexes of collective works), or the state of publishing. Then, organizational-corporate, author's and publishing structures, and already within their limits, the subject of documents are considered as the main ones. This allows us to characterize the profile and range of activities of organizations (including publishers and editorial offices of magazines) and specialists.

In the process of information service, the analysis of the structure of the documentary flow allows us to clarify the search task and the criteria for selecting publications, showing the work of which authors and groups of authors, organizations, firms, countries should pay special attention. When conducting information research on the features of the structure, the state and directions of development of the scientific and practical activity itself are judged.

Studying the patterns of development of the documentary flow is essential for many industries. Forecasting the volume of documentary funds and computer memory, the need for personnel in libraries and information and analytical centers, the prospects of the printing industry, publishing and book distribution, education in higher and secondary schools - this and much more is determined by the peculiarities of fixing and transferring social information to society, and hence development documentary stream. Active research of the documentary flow dates back to the beginning of the 20th century. and continue to this day.

One of the most pronounced patterns is growth in flow , expressed in a continuous increase in the number of newly created documents.

In 1956, D. Price proposed exponential model (accelerated) growth of the flow with a doubling of the number of publications every 10-15 years. The concepts of "information crisis", "information explosion" have appeared, expressing fears that humanity will not cope with the avalanche of knowledge generated by it. However, by the beginning of the 60s. the same D. Price wrote that the exponential growth of the flow does not continue indefinitely, it gradually approaches a certain limit, after which the process slows down and stops, without reaching absurd values. Factors limiting the growth of the flow were identified. This is the completion of any lines of research; termination of appropriations; staffing constraints leading to a reduction in the number of potential authors; changes in public interest, etc.

It has been established that the exponential growth of the documentary flow in any particular current direction or problem is characteristic for a relatively short period of time, after which it stabilizes and sometimes fades away. The growth rates of the flow are not the same both for individual industries and for different directions within the industry. In economics and linguistics, energy and transport, there are problems that are developing extremely actively, there are problems that are stable and fading. Therefore, the averaged data characterizing the growth of documentary flow even within only one industry does not reflect the real state of affairs. I had to realize the impossibility of creating a universal model for the growth of the documentary stream today.

The experience gained in the course of studying the dynamics of the documentary flow made it possible to identify a number of points that are significant for information and library activities. So, firstly, the growth rates of the flow of documents on a certain topic, certain countries, organizations, authors testify to the relevance, social significance of the problem and the real contribution of various specialists to its development. Secondly, there are mechanisms for self-regulation of the volume of the flow, which do not allow basing its study only on statistical indicators. These mechanisms are: aging of information and the ability of information to condense.

Discreteness (discontinuity) of fixation and transmission of social information, leading to fragmentation the content of documents is explained by the fact that messages, as a rule, are created in the course, and not at the end of research, development, introduction of innovations. The reason for this behavior is the desire of the authors to declare their right to an invention or significant improvement of the object, and the need to promptly notify the professional community, the entire population about any events or phenomena, and the complexity of preparing generalizing publications, and uncertainty about the possibility of continuing work in this direction. or a team.

As a result, individual documents appear to be embedded in each other, and without knowledge of the previous documents, the reader does not understand the meaning of the subsequent ones. But this is only one consequence of fragmentation. Another is duplication, the presence in documents of repetitive information of a theoretical and factual nature obtained at previous stages of activity or gleaned from publications of other authors.

The task of the information specialist is to put together pieces of knowledge and provide users with information about a set of documents that reflect the real picture of social practice. At the same time, it is desirable to eliminate or at least reduce the duplication of information. The difficulty of solving such a problem is due to the fact that direct indications of the relationship between related documents are often absent, and it has to be established independently.

As already noted, aging - this is an objective process of loss of social information and documents that fix this information, value properties as new, more complete and reliable information appears. The aging of social information and the aging of documents are closely related phenomena, but not identical. Aging of information consists in refuting some views, theories, replacing outdated methods with new ones, refusing to use any processes or equipment due to the emergence of new ones. In other words, the information that ceases to adequately reflect reality becomes outdated. Determining the rate of aging of information is an extremely complex process, while the method for establishing the rate of aging of documents exists and is widely used.

For this purpose, introduced in 1960 by R. Bartan and R. Kebler indicator "half-life of documents" , measured by the time during which half of all used publications are published. Typically, the half-life of documents is calculated based on an analysis of the flow of cited literature on a particular industry or issue. It is possible to establish it according to the data on the use of the library fund by the readers, although in this case the accuracy of the result decreases (readers could use the literature of the previous years of publication not because it has not lost its relevance, but because of the lack of new publications in the library fund).

Comparison of the half-life of documents of various industries, and within the industry of different types and types of publications, indicates that:

The rate of aging of documents varies from industry to industry;

In many cases, the rate of aging of documents is in direct proportion to the rate of development of the industry (this is why, for example, documents on computer science, radio electronics, aviation and rocketry become outdated extremely quickly);

If industries are actively developing, but the newly created knowledge describes a natural phenomenon or is related to artistic creation, documents age slowly or do not lose their significance at all (literature on architecture; describing natural phenomena, flora, fauna; mineral deposits; archaeological discoveries; folklore expeditions, etc.);

Within the same industry, macro-documents (monographs, manuals, textbooks) become obsolete more slowly than micro-posts (articles, abstracts), and theoretical, generalizing documents - slower than documents containing mostly factual information, which explains the reasons for the rapid obsolescence of reference books and dictionaries.

Aging is counteracted by the process updating information ... This is a return to the active use of publications of past years, which occurs in connection with the reassessment of any concepts, ideas, methods, methods of production by society. Often the reason for this overestimation is the realization that the paths taken in social life or science are wrong; obtaining new knowledge that allows you to look differently at the experience of predecessors; striving to consider problems from a historical perspective. Actualization manifests itself first in an increase in demand for published literature of past years, and then in the reprint of these works with detailed introductory articles and commentaries by contemporary authors.

S. Bradford is considered to be the founder of the study of the phenomenon of scattering. Having analyzed in the 20-30s. XX century distribution of articles on electrical engineering, geophysics, friction and lubrication, he described the revealed regularity as follows: “If scientific journals are arranged in descending order of the number of articles placed in them on any given subject, then in the resulting list we can distinguish the core of journals devoted to this subject, and several groups or zones, each containing the same number of entries as the core. Then the number of logs in the kernel and subsequent zones will be referred to as 1 : n: n 2» .

Subsequent studies of the phenomenon of scattering for different fields of science showed that although this phenomenon itself is observed in the flow of articles of any topic, the degree of concentration of publications in the nuclear zone and the ratio of the number of journals in the zones are different everywhere. In this regard, there is no universal mathematical model suitable for describing the distribution of publications and journals, regardless of their thematic affiliation. And only one universal pattern can be said: the increasing complexity of information search while striving for the completeness of its identification.

Further research showed that scattering intensity depends on the stage of development of the problem. At the stage of the emergence of a new scientific direction, the absence of specialized journals leads to a scattering of publications. At the stage of its formation, first thematic collections appear, and then specialized periodicals. This period is characterized by a concentration of publications. When an already formed direction is faced with the task of large-scale implementation of the results in other industries, innovative publications will be placed in non-core journals (that is, scattered), and materials for further research of the problem - in specialized ones. For specialists interested in this area, the scattering of the first publications is the loss of valuable information, and the scattering of innovative messages is insignificant, since they contain information already known from publications in specialized journals.

Studying the causes and mechanisms of scattering, D.Yu. Teplov came to the conclusion that it is advisable to consider it as a mechanism for information exchange between industries. He experimentally proved the possibility of dividing industries into information-active and information-passive. The active ones are those who "attract" the achievements of related fields and for which the concentration of articles in specialized journals is characteristic. These are aircraft and rocketry, mining engineering, and automobile manufacturing.

Industries that “donate” their publications to periodicals in other areas are information-passive. The clearest example of such industries, which are characterized by the scattering of articles, are jurisprudence, economics, history, computer science, automation, and radio electronics.

The results of the scattering study turned out to be even more interesting when they began to comprehensively analyze the real industry flows and the flow of cited literature. Moreover, the researchers quite reasonably emphasize the practical significance, applicability of the results in terms of establishing:

The relationship of this problem with other areas, which is important for adjusting the acquisition of the fund, and for determining the thematic boundaries of information retrieval;

local history document flow bibliometric

Each separate primary document captures only small fragments of knowledge related to new scientific, technical or management decisions. A more complete picture of the state of the market, directions of research and development, the introduction of innovations, etc. can be obtained by examining the document flow.

To improve information and bibliographic services for users, it is necessary to have information about the document flow.

By definition N.N. Kushnarenko, document flow is “an organized set of documents (primary and / or secondary) functioning (created, distributed and used) in a social environment”.

The concept of "document flow" began to be used in bibliographic practice in the 60s of the XX century. It denoted a set of documents entering the input of any communication system (automated information retrieval system, library, bookstore). In the 70-80s, researchers realized that the document flow is not a set, but a thematically related set of documents that function in society.

Its development is conditioned by the processes of social cognition of the surrounding world. In this regard, the flow of documents began to be defined as the selective reflection in the documentary form of the results of social activities. In the process of social activity, subjects (members of society) receive new information about the world around them (facts, hypotheses about its individual objects, properties, connections, etc.). The most significant of them are recorded as separate documents.

G.F. Gordukalova notes that “each document is discrete and remains unchanged in its content over time, therefore it is capable of performing only the functions of storing and distributing a certain“ portion ”of information in society. The document flow is constantly updated with new documents, therefore it is a unique way of accumulating information about the world around us. The interconnection of the elements allows us to characterize the documentary stream as an integral functionally significant phenomenon for society. "

The flow of documents is formed from books and articles in periodicals and serials and other documents. Depending on the nature of the processing of the data contained in them, it is customary to divide documents into primary and secondary.

The primary documents contain the direct results of research and development, new scientific information, facts, ideas, etc. Primary documents are books, brochures, monographs, collections of articles and works of art, periodicals and continuing publications, advertising publications.

Secondary documents contain the results of analytical and synthetic processing of one or more primary documents or information about them. Secondary documents include various types of reference books and encyclopedias, catalogs, bibliographic publications, reviews, and digests.

All documents, once arisen, begin to move and move in the direction from the document producer to the document user and thus form a document flow (Fig. 1).

Figure: one.

Note that quite often in the specialized literature there is not a completely correct use of the corresponding terminology.

First, the flow of documents is often identified with an array of documents. In fact, the word "flow" reflects only the process of movement of an array of documents, and, speaking of document flow, it is necessary to investigate what is connected with the state of movement, and not with the state of rest.

Firstly, this flow is precisely documentary, not documentary - based on the definitions of these terms.

Even more objection is raised by the word turnover "documentary information flow". Since information is an integral part of a document, this expression is akin to as incorrect concepts as, say, "river-water flow" or "jacket and sleeve fabric", since water is an integral part of a river, and a sleeve is an integral part of a jacket.

Document systems that provide transit of documents are adjusted to the physical characteristics of the document. But according to the law of document support, they need their own documents and sometimes give rise to new types, which, in turn, serve as the primary basis for all new types of documents. For example, the standard for the size of postcards is the format of diamicrocards; the postage stamp was the impetus for the emergence of stamps for other purposes.

Like any documentary system, transit systems are partly generalization systems: they produce a large number of documents that provide a management process that regulates relationships with consumers of their services (receipts, delivery cards, etc.), act as trade institutions that have a designated for sale assortment of specific documentary products: stamps, envelopes, forms.

The document stream can be so short and weak that it is barely noticeable. This happens if a document is produced for internal use, when it does not go beyond the system that generated it. So, the diary kept by the author does not leave its place at all, in the old days the diaries had a strong cover, were locked with a lock and only their owner often knew about their location. The same applied to some documents of public importance: for example, the annals were filled in and used, almost without leaving their location.

Currently, the main part of the documentary resource of the institution circulates in the Intranet system, but nevertheless, these documents move from the head to the performer and back. Their movement is characterized by either progressiveness, or pendulum, or progressive-return.

The main properties of the document flow are:

  • - power, i.e. the number of documents transmitted (transported) per unit of time;
  • - flow direction (flow can be direct-flow, forward, shuttle, forward-return, return, counter, transverse, etc.);
  • - the number of transshipment points on its way (they complicate the structure of the flow and delay the transfer of documents, so there should be as few of them as possible);
  • - rhythm (the degree of saturation of the flow per unit of time; unjustified failures, a sharp increase in the volume of documents are equally undesirable);
  • - noise (semantic - the distraction of the document specialist on extraneous matters, interference in his work; physical - sound over 40-80 decibels);
  • - the imposition of streams in space and in time (when dissimilar documents are transmitted simultaneously over the same channel in violation of the technology - this is also interference or noise; there is, however, the benefit of overlaying streams of different quality: combining work on a document with listening to functional music, perception of color design etc.).

An important factor in the optimization of document flows is the area of \u200b\u200btechnology for the formation of document resources.

“In the case of territorial“ diversity ”of the document and the user, the length of the stream is lengthened, intermediate points are possible on its way, at each stage there may be profiled services with their own staff of specialists for the optimal organization of the document flow. Moreover, such services - it is legitimate to consider them as transit documentary - are both unbranched and very complex, equipped with powerful equipment and having their own network around the world.

In the simplest case, the function of transporting documents is performed by a courier - the person responsible for the direct delivery of the document to the addressee. In the institution, a special messenger is engaged in this, delivering documents from the office to the structural units. In a small institution, this function is assigned to a secretary. It is a widespread practice when, on the contrary, employees of structural divisions regularly visit the office to receive correspondence. In large state and military institutions, especially important documents are delivered by a courier.

In most cases, the document producer carries out the delivery of newly created documents to customers on his own. In this case, it is not only a generalization, but also a transit system. At the moment, the last function of generalization documentary systems has intensified: direct deliveries of literature by our own transport to subscribers from publishing houses and editorial offices are developing. This category also includes messages received by phone or computer.

The main flow of documents passes through the two most common channels - mail and bookselling.

Mail is the main transit channel through which document resources are moved, created in generalization, as well as stored in terminal systems.

The largest share in postal items is correspondence - private and official. The most active in this regard is the United States of America, where annually over 160 billion letters and parcels are sent to internal and external subscribers. Each resident receives an average of 160 letters per year. By means of mail, the population in the United States and Great Britain solves most business issues, such as registering companies, paying taxes, paying for utilities.

In second place in the world at the beginning of the 1990s. was the Soviet Union, the postal service of which sold over 60 billion postal items. We deliver letters, telegrams, press, money orders via mail. The Post Office has its own powerful transport system: vans, railway carriages and whole postal trains, postal aviation, etc.

At present, the correspondence and telegraphic contacts of Russians have decreased by 6 times compared to the 1980s. XX century, but the main functions of the transit documentary and communication transport system have been preserved, adding to them some new ones: the post office concludes contracts with advertising agencies and distributes their products. Email is booming.

The second powerful channel through which document resources flow from document producers to document recipients is the book trade. In bibliology, her activities are studied by a special sub-branch - bibliopolistics.

The system of book trade by the end of the existence of the USSR included 17 thousand bookstores, 43 thousand kiosks, 171 library collectors. The system employed 364 thousand people.

Now in Russia there are 350 wholesale enterprises selling book products, 6 thousand bookstores, 20 thousand permanent outlets of street trade. In addition, there are book sections in some department stores and supermarkets. Books are sold by peddlers who do not have a permanent trading place: in electric trains, on platforms, etc. Previously, such mobile booksellers-hawkers were called `` Offeni ''.

The most important link in the book trade is bookstores. They offer a wide range of mostly new books and have their own warehouses. They are affiliated with wholesalers who supply them with products from various publishing organizations.

According to the composition of the book resource, stores are divided into universal or specialized (Akademkniga, Pedagogical book, etc.). Second-hand bookshops or departments specialize in buying second-hand books from the population that are not on sale in other stores. They are irreplaceable sources of sale of books of various content related to the retro resource, which is especially important for newly created companies that are starting to collect documents in their profile. The generalization system in this case is the delivery of a book to a second-hand bookstore.

Finally, antique book stores are focused on buying and selling rare books. They are of the greatest interest to bibliophiles.

The "Book-by-mail" system continues to operate, when the transfer of books ordered using advertising forms, book brochures and publishing catalogs is provided. Now this system is becoming more and more automated (information can be found on the Internet at the sites of electronic bookstores).

The new formations - book clubs - are licensed to print books with their own branded cover. Sell \u200b\u200bthem to their members at a discount.

In some regions, library collectors have survived, and the Central Collector of Scientific Libraries continues to operate.

Books are also sold at book fairs (mostly in Moscow and St. Petersburg). Fair (German: Jhar - year, mark - bazaar, means an annual event for the sale of goods) - a place where authors, editors, publishers, sellers and buyers meet and where, thanks to this, it is possible to study the reader's demand for newly published literature and identify trends reading tastes.

The document flow is also defined as a time-varying set of documents in motion, in dynamics. The document flow is characterized by intensity, which is expressed by the quality of units of publications, publications, storage units per unit of time. For example, books published by a publishing house over a number of years, library receipts for a specific period.

Researchers of patterns in the functioning of the document flow distinguish various groups of functions. Based on our topic, we choose the following to characterize the document flow as a channel:

џ communication;

џ informational;

џ cognitive;

џ function of "external memory" of a person and humanity as a whole;

џ educational;

џ hedonistic.

The latter function is inherent in art literature.

All functions in general are inherent in all documents and are performed in any of them simultaneously. This means that they are inherent in the document flow in general.

But the value of the document flow in social communications is primarily determined by the property of transmitting the message, the ability to trace the path of the document according to the formula "Who, what, through which channel, to whom with what effect communicates." In addition, the fact that a document is always formed as a result of human activity and performs those functions that are due to its specific purpose, determine the formation of types and types of documents.

The documentary stream includes documents of various content and purpose, combined according to various principles.

The document flow brings its content to the document stores, and thus the flow becomes a static array. In the course of its movement, the flow branches, documents are sent to different addresses even within the same institution. Basically, documents accumulate in places of their use, and terminal systems simultaneously become utilitarian.

The library fund of local lore is a documentary base for a comprehensive study of the uniqueness of the economic, social and cultural development of districts, territories, regions and is intended for public use.

In modern Russian library science, there is still no single generally accepted generalizing concept for designating documents related to the region. Terminological inconsistency to a certain extent introduces confusion and interferes with the accurate perception of the meaning of the concept under consideration. Any inaccurate essential definition of a "local history document" inevitably entails a violation of the logical consistency of all the processes of formation of a local history fund built on it, and plays a decisive role in the content of local history activities of libraries. Based on the ambiguous interpretation of the term "local history document", the concept of "local history document" is also vaguely defined.

The movement of information in time and space presupposes the presence of a source and a receiver, between which information tension arises. As a result, an information (documentary) flow appears as a set of documented information moving in space and time.

Document streams have a rather complex ramified structure, since they include separate groups of documents that differ in type, documenting method, material medium, industry sector, language, etc.

In the structure of the stream, micro-streams can be distinguished, consisting, for example, of published and unpublished, primary and secondary documents, from documents of open and limited access, etc. However, the main, system-forming basis of the document stream is the semantic (content) component, which gives it integrity and expediency.

The study of document flows allows you to optimize the process of working with documented information, contributes to the adoption of more effective management decisions. In particular, the study of the structure of the document flow makes it possible to determine the quantitative prevalence, the ratio of certain types of documents in a given flow, their functional significance. In science, the analysis of document flows allows one to judge the state and prospects of development of certain scientific branches and directions, since it has been established that the predominance of certain types and varieties of documents in a particular branch of science depends on the intensity of its development.

In particular, the emergence and development of a new scientific direction is accompanied, as a rule, by intensive publication of articles in periodicals and serials. The largest share of this kind of publications in the flow of documents is associated with the need to promptly inform interested readers about a scientific problem, as well as with the intensive process of accumulating empirical material and understanding its various aspects. Periodical and continuing publications are traditionally the most important part of the scientific communication system; up to 90% of the entire flow of scientific information passes through them.

Another stream of documents is associated with a deeper and more comprehensive study of this problem against the background of a partial decline in public interest in it. As a result, the number of operational publications in the document flow decreases and the number of monographs and other publications that differ in analytical depth, universality and fundamental content of the content increases.

The further development of the scientific direction is characterized by the emergence of textbooks and reference books, which accumulate well-established, tested knowledge. At the same time, this indicates a gradual loss of this scientific direction of its relevance and a decrease in interest in it.

In the science of science, the study of the structure of sectoral document flows is necessary to assess the state, identify trends and prospects for the development of certain scientific industries.

The streams of documents are in constant motion, which, in turn, causes a continuous change in volumes, types, types, genres, material carriers of documented information in the stream. Based on what was undertaken in the 1960s. An experimental study of the growth trends in the flow of scientific documents has established a certain pattern in its dynamics. As a result, the period of doubling the annual volume of the document flow was calculated, which characterizes the rate of development of a particular scientific field. This made it possible, in particular, to highlight:

  • - branches of accelerated development (radio electronics, automation, telemechanics, communications);
  • - branches of medium development rates (industries);
  • - industries developing at a slow pace (with a doubling period of over 20 years - history, literary criticism, pedagogy, and others);
  • - fading industries (characterized by a decrease in the volume of issued documents - classical philology, studying Latin, ancient Greek).

However, in general, despite the rapid development of science, the average time for doubling the size of the array of documented scientific information is 35 years.

The study of streams of scientific documentation is also carried out using the citation analysis method. This makes it possible to measure the aging process of documents, and also allows for a more objective assessment of scientific research. A decline in citation rate usually indicates an aging document in the stream. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that almost any industry has secret research, access to information about which is limited. In such cases, the citation index loses its effectiveness.

There are such types of information, including scientific and technical, for which it is difficult to indicate the timing of the loss of its significance. Moreover, in some cases, the value of information may even increase over time. For example, hydrometeorological information makes it possible to objectively analyze changes in the environment and natural resources that have taken place over tens and hundreds of years, as well as to assess the degree of influence of human activity on its habitat. The same applies to medical information, the analysis of which over long periods of time makes it possible to identify trends in the development of certain groups of people, manifestations of various diseases, their dynamics, etc.

In various countries, specialized institutions have been created and are successfully functioning that analyze flows of documented scientific information, including using the citation analysis method. In particular, the American Institute for Scientific Information produces citation databases for scientific papers in the arts, humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences. It also contains an index of links reflecting the links between previous and subsequent publications, which makes it possible to isolate the current directions of scientific research in world science.

Among the most important databases of this institute is the Social Science Citation Index. It contains information on cited scientific publications in the following areas: anthropology, geography, demography, ethnography, education, politics, economics, business and finance, management, sociology, psychology and psychiatry. The source for the formation of this database are scientific publications (monographs, articles, collections) published in the developed countries of the world.

Another base - "Index of Citation in Art History and Humanities" - contains data on the citation of scientific publications in such areas as history, archeology, architecture, art history, linguistics, literature, folklore, music, theater, philosophy, theology and religion, ancient civilization.

To create these databases, a total of more than 8 thousand of the most popular scientific journals (out of more than 30 thousand published in the whole world) are used as sources.

In the management sphere, in the process of communication, the aging of documented information also occurs, and, as a rule, at a greater speed, which also depends on the specific management sector - administrative, economic, etc. All this must be taken into account in the practical work with documents.

Management documentation flows have their own characteristics. In organizations, institutions, enterprises, all documentation is usually divided into three document flows:

  • 1. incoming (incoming) documents;
  • 2. outgoing (sent) documents;
  • 3. internal documents.

Taken together, all these flows make up the workflow. The definition of the concept of workflow in the office sector is standardized and is considered as "the movement of documents in an organization from the moment they are created or received until the completion of execution or drafting." Accordingly, "the volume of workflow is the number of documents received by the organization and created by it for a certain period." Usually, the volume of document flow is calculated by the number of documents of all document flows of an institution, organization, enterprise per year.

The study of the processes of movement of management documentation is carried out by drawing up graphic operagrams and tabular route-technological maps, which reflect all stages of working with documents, the sequence and procedure for performing operations, and their performers. The study of document circulation, its volume serves as the basis for determining the staffing of the management documentary support service, for equipping it with office equipment, allows to optimize document flows in the organization and thereby contributes to improving management efficiency.

When designing documentary flows of management information, it is also necessary to take into account that for the development of control actions, not the entire set of available documentation is used, but mainly filtered (only necessary) and generalized (aggregated) information.

Summarizing the information presented, it should be noted that today the definitions of the main terms of the issue under study, such as "document flow", "document array", "document flow", have been formulated.

Document flows are a reflection of socio-political, cultural, production-technical, management processes in society and are intended for the implementation of relevant specific tasks. This determines the main characteristics and properties of document flows.

Document streams have a rather complex branched structure. The document stream has basic properties: power, direction, rhythm, noise. There is a continuous change in volumes, types, types, genres, material carriers of documented information in the flow.