Personnel management system environment elements of relationship. The concept of a personnel management system and methods of its construction. Federal Agency for Education


State educational institution higher professional education

Siberian State Aerospace University

named after academician M.F. Reshetnev

Department of NKPU


By discipline: "Personnel Management"

On the topic of: The main elements of the organization's personnel management system.

Performed: MZU 81

Nikonova I.V.

Checked: Kazakova A.N.

Krasnoyarsk 2010

Introduction 3 pp.

1. Elements of the control system 4-8 p.

2. Personnel management system 9-11 p.

3. Principles of personnel management 12-13 p.

4. Methods of personnel management 14-22 p.

5. Features and disadvantages of management methods 23 pp.

Conclusion 24 pp.

References 25 pp.


The relevance of this topic is that a large number of enterprises work with an outdated personnel management system, which objectively gives rise to the need for reforms that require new knowledge and skills from employees.

In this regard, the study of the problem of the personnel management system is not only relevant, but also necessary.

The topic of my test is "The main elements of the organization's personnel management system." In the main part of my work, I revealed the elements of management, methods, principles of personnel management of the organization, as well as the features and disadvantages of management methods.

1. Control system elements

Any organization is a complex social system, consisting of two elements - the manager and the controlled. Being a subsystem of the organization as a whole, the control element at the same time itself represents a very complex formation, which we will call the control system.

It is characterized by a certain configuration of structure, the degree of centralization or decentralization, formalization and regulation, stability or variability, openness or closedness (susceptibility or immunity to external influences).

Structurally, the control system consists of a control and a controlled subsystem (the boundaries between them are very conditional), in the unity of the constituent entity of control, as well as the mechanism of their interaction, including a set of powers, principles, methods, rules, norms, procedures governing the procedure for implementing managerial actions in relation to the control object. The systematic approach requires to consider the subject and object of management as a whole and in conjunction with the external environment.

The control subsystem of the control system can be understood as the part of it that develops, accepts and translates managerial decisions, ensures their implementation, and the controlled subsystem is the part that perceives and implements them in practice. In the context of hierarchical control, most of its links, depending on the specific situation, can belong either to the control or to the controlled subsystem.

At the head of the control subsystem is its director (central link), personifying the control actions. It can be individual (manager) or collective (board of directors of a joint stock company).

The control subsystem also includes the mechanisms of its influence on the controlled one - planning, control, stimulation, coordination, etc.

The controlled subsystem includes elements of the control object that perceive the control action and transform the behavior of the object in accordance with it, as well as the mechanism of interaction of these elements (personal interests, goals of employees, their relationships, etc.).

Usually, the control subsystem is smaller in scale than the control one and its complexity is lower; but it is more active, dynamic. The controlled subsystem, on the contrary, has a great inertia, which usually requires a lot of energy to overcome. This system refracts management decisions in accordance with its specifics, which largely determines the effectiveness of their implementation.

If management is of an official nature, then its subject is organizationally and legally formalized in the form of a position or a set of positions that form a management unit (management apparatus). Otherwise, the subject may be an individual person, or a group of people who are not formally associated with certain positions. The main thing here is that the subject of control generates decisions that regulate the functioning of the control object.

It is necessary to distinguish subjects from the subject of management management activities - living people in whom management relations are personified - managers and employees of the apparatus.

In order for the interaction between the controlling and controlled subsystems to be effective a number of conditions must be met .

First, they must match each other. If there is no such correspondence, it will be difficult for them to "dock", they will not be able to understand each other in the process of work, and, consequently, to realize their potential capabilities. It is easy to imagine, for example, such a case when a person, in himself intelligent and capable, becomes a leader in that area of \u200b\u200bactivity that he does not well imagine. It is clear that the decisions he makes will be incomprehensible to his subordinates, and the latter will not be able to work with the required dedication.

Moreover, the controlling and the controlled subsystems must be compatible with each other so that their interaction does not generate negative consequences that could lead to the impossibility of performing their tasks. So, if the leader and the subordinate are not psychologically compatible, then sooner or later conflicts will begin between them, which will have the most negative impact on the results of work.

Secondly, within the framework of unity, the governing and controlled subsystems must have relative independence. The central link of management is not able to foresee all the necessary actions in specific situations due to remoteness from the scene of events, ignorance of the details, interests of the object and its possible psychological reactions, especially in unforeseen circumstances. Therefore, the decisions made at the top cannot be optimal.

Thirdly, the controlling and the controlled subsystems must carry out two-way interaction with each other, based on the principles of feedback, reacting in a certain way to the management information received from the other side. Such a reaction serves as a guideline for correcting subsequent actions, which ensure the adaptation of the subject and the control object not only to a change in the external situation, but also to a new state of each other.

Fourth, both the managing and the controlled subsystems must be interested in clear interaction; one - in giving the commands necessary in this situation, the other - in their timely and accurate execution. The subject's ability to control is due to the object's readiness to follow incoming commands.

A similar situation occurs when the personal goals of the participants in the management process coincide and at the same time correspond to the goals of the management object. Therefore, their ability to achieve their goals should be in direct proportion to the degree of achievement of the objectives of the control object arising from its needs.

The listed factors should ensure the controllability of the object, characterized by the degree of control that the control subsystem exercises in relation to it through the controlled one.

Controllability is manifested as a reaction of a subordinate, controlled object of a subject or a control system as a whole to a control action. It can take the form of execution relevant requirements, inaction, counteraction, formal actions, that is, it is characterized by a willingness to fulfill the requirements of leadership and cooperation. Manageability depends on such circumstances as the knowledge and experience of personnel, the conformity of the type of management to the conditions of the internal and external situation, the sufficiency of the authority of the manager, the socio-psychological climate.

Within the framework of the control system, there are a variety of connections between its controlling and controlled subsystems: direct and indirect; major and minor; internal and superficial; permanent and temporary; regular and random. Through these connections, the action of the control mechanism is carried out, which is understood as a set of means and methods of influencing a controlled object in order to activate it, as well as the motives of the behavior of personnel as its most important element (interests, values, attitudes, aspirations).

The control mechanism must correspond to the goals and objectives of the object, the real conditions of its functioning, provide for reliable, balanced with each other methods of influencing the object, and have opportunities for improvement.

The management system must be effective, which implies: efficiency and reliability, the quality of decisions made; minimization of the associated time costs; saving general costs and expenses for maintaining the management apparatus, improving the technical and economic indicators of the main activity and working conditions, the share of management workers in the entire staff of the organization.

The effectiveness of the functioning of the management system can be increased with the help of more reliable feedbacks, timeliness and completeness of information, taking into account the socio-psychological qualities of participants, ensuring the optimal size of units.

2. Personnel management system

Personnel management is a multifaceted and extremely complex process, which is characterized by its own specific features and patterns. Personnel management is characterized by consistency and completeness on the basis of a comprehensive solution to problems, their recreation. A systematic approach involves taking into account the relationships between individual aspects of the problem to achieve the ultimate goals, determine ways to solve them, create an appropriate management mechanism that provides comprehensive planning and organization of the system.
A control system is an ordered set of interrelated elements that differ in functional goals, act autonomously, but aimed at achieving a common goal.

The system organizationally assigns certain functions to structural units, employees, and also regulates the flow of information in the management system.

The human resource management system is constantly developing and improving. At each stage of the development of society, it must be brought in accordance with the requirements of the development of productive forces, making adjustments to its individual elements.

Personnel management is provided by the interaction of the control and the controlled system.

A management system (subject) is a set of management bodies and management personnel with a certain scope of their activities, competence and specifics of performing functions. It can change under the influence of organizing and disorganizing factors. The management system is represented by line managers who develop a set of economic and organizational measures for the recreation and use of personnel.

A controlled system (object) is a system of socio-economic relations regarding the process of recreating and using personnel.
Human resource management is complex system, the elements of which are directions, stages, principles, types and forms of personnel work. The main directions are the recruitment and retention of personnel, their professional training and development, the assessment of the activities of each employee in terms of achieving the goals of the organization, which makes it possible to correct his behavior.

With all the variety of organizations that exist in modern society and the types of activities they are engaged in, in working with human resources they solve the same tasks, regardless of their specifics.

First, each organization attracts the right number of workers. Selection methods depend on the nature and conditions of the organization.

Secondly, all, without exception, conduct training for their employees in order to explain the task and bring their skills and abilities in accordance with the requirements of the task.

Third, organizations assess the performance of each employee. The forms of assessment are varied, as are the types of organizations.

And finally, each organization, to one degree or another, rewards its employees, that is, compensates for the time, energy, and intelligence they spend to achieve their goals.

These functions exist in any organization, but they can be expressed in different forms and in different degrees of development.

Therefore, in order to successfully develop, the organization must manage the recruitment, training, assessment, remuneration of personnel, that is, create, improve the methods, procedures, programs for organizing these processes. In the aggregate and unity, methods, procedures, programs constitute a personnel management system.

The main elements of the management system are people who are both the object and the subject of management. The ability of human resources to simultaneously act as both an object and a subject of management is the main specific feature of management.
Hence, socially economic system is the unity of the control and control systems, and the control mechanism is a set of relations, forms and methods of influence on the formation, distribution and use of labor resources in the state.

The personnel management system in the organization consists of a complex of interconnected subsystems (elements).

A subsystem is a part of the system allocated for functional elements or organizational features, each of which performs, tasks are defined, works autonomously, but is aimed at solving a common goal.
The system of subsystems has a multi-stage structure, with a large number of areas of activity.

Traditionally, subsystems are distinguished that correspond to the main functions of human resource management.

3. HR principles

Personnel management is based on the following principles:

Scientific approach, democratic centralism, planning, unity of orders;

A combination of individual and collective approaches, centralization and decentralization, linear, functional and targeted management;

Monitoring the implementation of decisions.

Personnel management is a complex and integral component of an organization's management. It is difficult because people by their nature differ from other resources and require special approaches and management methods. The specificity of human resources is expressed in the fact that, firstly, people are endowed with intelligence, their reaction to management is emotional, thoughtful, and not mechanical, which means that the process of relationships is two-way; secondly, people are constantly improving and developing; thirdly, the relationship is based on a long-term basis, since a person's working life can last for 30-50 years; and lastly, people come to the organization consciously, with specific goals and motives.

Personnel management at this time should focus on such positions:

Man is a source of income;

All activities of the organization are aimed at achieving economic results and making a profit;

Successful work is possible only if the organization is provided with a highly professional staff, the company is valuable for its people.

According to many foreign economists, the main thing in working with human resources is:

Using the individual abilities of employees in accordance with the strategic goals of the organization, first of all, to master new techniques and technologies;

Integration of desires, needs and motives of employees with the interests of the company. The essence of human resources management is to ensure the achievement of the goals of the organization by equipping it with production personnel of the appropriate competence. Personnel management are plans that use the opportunities of the external environment to strengthen and maintain the competitiveness of the organization with the help of their employees. Managing people is the foundation of managing an organization.

4. Personnel management methods

Personnel management methods (MUP) are ways of influencing teams and individual employees in order to coordinate their activities in the process of functioning of the organization. Science and practice have developed three groups of MUP: administrative, economic and socio-psychological

Multivariate study of proposals for the formation of a personnel management system and the choice of the most rational option for specific production conditions.

The simpler the HR system, the better it works. Of course, this excludes the simplification of the personnel management system to the detriment of production.

The development of measures for the formation of a personnel management system should be based on the achievements of science in the field of management, taking into account changes in the laws of development of social production in market conditions.

In any vertical sections of the personnel management system, there should be a hierarchical interaction between management levels (structural divisions or departments, managers), the principal characteristic of which is asymmetric transmission of information "down" (disaggregation, detailing) and "up" (aggregation) through the management system.

In any horizontal and vertical sections of the personnel management system, rational autonomy of structural units or individual managers should be ensured.

Interactions between hierarchical links along the vertical, as well as between relatively autonomous links of the personnel management system horizontally, should be generally consistent with the main goals of the organization and synchronized in time.

To ensure the stable functioning of the personnel management system, it is necessary to provide for special "local regulators", which, when deviating from the given goal of the organization, put this or that employee or unit at a disadvantage and encourage them to regulate the personnel management system.

Personnel management, both vertically and horizontally, can be carried out through various channels: administrative, economic, economic, legal, etc.

The personnel management system should have a conceptual unity, contain a single accessible terminology, the activities of all departments and managers should be based on single "supporting structures" (stages, phases, functions) for different in terms of economic content personnel management processes.

The personnel management system should provide maximum convenience for the creative processes of justification, development, adoption and implementation.

Administrative methods are based on power, discipline and punishment and are known throughout history as the "whip methods." Economic methods are based on the correct use of economic laws and are known by their methods of influence as "carrot methods". Socio-psychological methods are based on motivation and moral impact on people and are known as "persuasion methods".

Administrative methods are focused on such motives of behavior as a conscious need for labor discipline, a sense of duty, a person's desire to work in a particular organization, on culture labor activity... These methods are distinguished by the direct nature of the impact: any regulatory and administrative act is subject to mandatory execution. Administrative methods are characterized by their compliance with legal norms in force at a certain level of management, as well as acts and orders of higher management bodies. Economic and socio-psychological methods are of an indirect nature of management impact. It is impossible to count on the automatic action of these methods and it is difficult to determine the strength of their impact on the final effect.

Administrative methods management is based on the relationship of one-man management, discipline and responsibility, carried out in the form of organizational and administrative impact. Organizational impact is aimed at organizing the production and management process and includes organizational regulation, organizational regulation and organizational and methodological instruction.

Organizational regulation determines what a management employee should do, and is represented by provisions on structural divisions that establish tasks, functions, rights, duties and responsibilities of divisions and services of the organization and their leaders. Based on the regulations, the staffing table of this unit is drawn up, its daily activities are organized. The application of the provisions allows evaluating the results of the activity of a structural unit, making decisions on moral and material incentives for its employees.

Organizational standardization provides for a large number of standards, including: quality and technical standards (technical conditions, standards, etc.); technological (route and technological maps etc.); operational and repair (for example, standards for scheduled preventive maintenance); labor standards (categories, rates, bonus scales); financial and credit (size of own working capital, repayment of bank loans); standards of profitability and relationship with the budget (deductions to the budget); material supply and transport standards (rates of material consumption, rates of idle time of wagons during loading and unloading, etc.); organizational and managerial standards (rules internal regulations, the order of registration of hiring, dismissal, transfer, business trips). These standards affect all aspects of the organization. Of particular importance is the regulation of information, since its flow and volumes are constantly increasing. In conditions of functioning automated system management organizes arrays of norms and standards on information carriers of computers in the information and computing center (ITC).

Organizational and methodological instruction is carried out in the form of various instructions and guidelines in force in the organization. In the acts of organizational and methodological instruction, recommendations are given for the use of certain modern management tools, taking into account the rich experience that the employees of the management apparatus have. The acts of organizational and methodological instruction include: job descriptionsestablishing the rights and functional responsibilities of management personnel; methodological instructions (recommendations) describing the implementation of work complexes that are interconnected and have a common purpose; methodological instructions that determine the order, methods and forms of work for the implementation of a separate technical and economic task; work instructions that define the sequence of actions that make up the management process. They indicate the order of actions for performing operational management processes.

Acts of organizational regulation and organizational and methodological instruction are normative. They are issued by the head of the organization, and in cases stipulated by the current legislation - jointly or in agreement with the relevant public organizations and are mandatory for departments, services, officials and employees to whom they are addressed.

Administrative influence is expressed in the form of an order, instruction or instruction, which are legal acts of a non-normative nature. They are issued for the purpose of enforcing, enforcing and enforcing applicable laws and regulations, as well as giving legal effect management decisions... Orders are issued by the line manager of the organization.

Orders and instructions are issued by the head of the production unit, department, service of the organization, head of the functional department. An order is a written or verbal demand from a manager to solve a specific task or complete a specific task. An order is a written or verbal demand for subordinates to resolve individual issues related to the task at hand.

Regulatory influence more often than organizational one requires control and verification of execution, which must be clearly organized. For this purpose, it establishes a unified procedure for accounting, registration and control over the execution of orders, orders and instructions.

Economic methods - these are elements of the economic mechanism through which the progressive development of the organization is ensured. The most important economic method of personnel management is technical and economic planning, which combines and synthesizes all economic methods of management.

With the help of planning, the program of the organization's activities is determined. Once approved, the plans are sent to line managers to guide implementation. Each division receives long-term and current plans for a certain range of indicators. It is necessary to apply a clear system of material incentives for finding reserves for reducing the cost of production and real results in this direction. The effective organization of wages in accordance with the quantity and quality of labor is of great importance in the system of material incentives.

In the conditions of the market system of management and the complex interaction of the system of prices, profits and losses, supply and demand, the role of economic management methods is increasing. They become the most important condition for the creation of an integral, effective and flexible system of economic management of an organization, which acts on the market as an equal partner of other organizations in social labor cooperation. The economic development plan is the main form of ensuring a balance between the market demand for a product, necessary resources and the production of products and services. Government order is transformed into an organization's order portfolio, taking into account supply and demand, in which the state order no longer has a dominant role.

To achieve the set goals, it is necessary to clearly define the efficiency criteria and the final results of production in the form of a set of indicators established in the economic development plan. Thus, the role of economic methods is to mobilize the workforce to achieve final results.

Socio-psychological methods management is based on the use of a social management mechanism (a system of relationships in a team, social needs, etc.). The specificity of these methods lies in a significant proportion of the use of informal factors, interests of an individual, group, team in the process of personnel management. Socio-psychological methods are based on the use of the laws of sociology and psychology. The objects of their influence are groups of people and individuals. In terms of the scale and methods of influence, these methods can be divided into two main groups: sociological methods that are aimed at groups of people and their interaction in the process of work; psychological methods that directly affect the personality of a particular person. This division is rather arbitrary, since in modern social production a person always acts not in an isolated world, but in a group of people of different psychology. However, effective management of human resources, consisting of a set of highly developed individuals, requires knowledge of both sociological and psychological methods.

Sociological methods play an important role in personnel management, they allow you to establish the appointment and place of employees in the team, identify leaders and provide their support, link people's motivation with the final results of production, ensure effective communication and resolution of conflicts in the team.

The setting of social goals and criteria, the development of social standards (living standards, wages, the need for housing, working conditions, etc.) and targets, the achievement of final social results is ensured by social planning.

Sociological research methods, being a scientific tool for working with personnel, provide the necessary data for the selection, assessment, placement and training of personnel and allow you to reasonably make personnel decisions. Questioning allows you to collect the necessary information by mass polling of people using special questionnaires. Interviewing involves preparing a script (program) before the conversation, then, in the course of a dialogue with the interlocutor, obtaining the necessary information. Interview - perfect option conversations with a leader, politician or statesman - requires high qualifications of the interviewer and considerable time. The sociometric method is indispensable in the analysis of business and friendly relationships in a team, when, on the basis of a survey of employees, a matrix of preferred contacts between people is built, which also shows informal leaders in the team. The observation method allows you to identify the qualities of employees, which are sometimes found only in an informal setting or extreme life situations (accident, fight, natural disaster). Interviewing is a common method in business negotiations, hiring, educational activities, when small personnel tasks are solved in an informal conversation.

Psychological methods play an important role in working with personnel, as they are aimed at a specific personality of a worker or employee and, as a rule, are strictly personalized and individual. Their main feature is the appeal to the inner world of a person, his personality, intellect, images and behavior, in order to direct the inner potential of a person to solve specific problems of the organization.

Psychological planning is a new direction in working with personnel to form an effective psychological state of the organization's team. It proceeds from the necessity of the concept of all-round development of the individual, elimination of negative tendencies of degradation of the backward part of the work collective. Psychological planning involves the setting of development goals and performance criteria, the development of psychological standards, methods for planning the psychological climate and achieving final results. It is advisable that psychological planning is carried out by the professional psychological service of the organization, consisting of social psychologists. The most important results of psychological planning include: the formation of units ("teams") based on the psychological compliance of employees; comfortable psychological climate in the team: the formation of personal motivation of people based on the philosophy of the organization; minimization of psychological conflicts (scandals, resentment, stress, irritation); development of a service career based on the psychological orientation of employees; growth of the intellectual abilities of team members and the level of their education; the formation of a corporate culture based on the norms of behavior and images of ideal employees.

Personnel management methods can also be classified on the basis of belonging to management functions (rationing, organization, planning, coordination, regulation, motivation, incentives, control, analysis, accounting). A more detailed classification of personnel management methods based on belonging to a specific personnel management function allows them to be built into the technological chain of the entire cycle of work with personnel. On this basis, the following methods are distinguished: recruitment, selection and admission of personnel; business assessment of personnel; socialization, career guidance and labor adaptation of personnel; motivation of personnel labor activity; organization of personnel training system; conflict and stress management, personnel safety management, personnel work organization, management business career and service and professional promotion of personnel; release persona

5. Features and disadvantages of management methods

To the features and disadvantages traditional methods HR management include the following:

The wide variety of existing approaches in personnel management has led to the fact that there is no single generally accepted concept or general professional ideology of this management discipline.

HR work has traditionally been on the periphery of corporate executives' attention. The primary role of HR professionals was that they served as advisors to management and were not directly responsible for the development and implementation of the organization's strategy. And financial and production considerations, as a rule, always prevailed over the proposals of personnel workers, going against overall strategy corporations.

HR professionals had an inherent role as advocates of the interests of ordinary workers, which, according to their fellow managers, hindered the achievement of the organization's goals.

Personnel management was interpreted as an activity that did not require special training

The lack of specialized vocational training and appropriate professional qualifications reduced the authority of cadres in the eyes of their superiors and line managers.

Against the background of radical changes in corporate management over the past 15 to 20 years, personnel management is experiencing a true heyday.


After completing this work, I learned a lot of useful information for myself, which will be useful later in my profession.

For myself, I realized that a well-selected workforce of the company should represent a team of like-minded people and partners capable of realizing and implementing the plans of the management. The innovative nature of the activity modern company, the priority of service quality issues change the requirements for the employee, increase the importance of a creative attitude to work and high professionalism. This has already led to significant changes in the principles, methods and socio-psychological issues of personnel management.

The social management system is designed to ensure effective work technical system... It is created in close relationship with it and is not transferred to the disposal of production management units. The social system includes: selection and promotion of personnel; ensuring the distribution of responsibility in the course of decision-making; an effective system of remuneration and bonuses; solving the status problem.

List of references

1. Bazarov T.Yu. Personnel Management. - M .: UNITI, 2007 .-- 219 p.

2. Gorfinkel V.Ya. Entrepreneurship. - M .: UNITY - DANA, 2008 .-- 735 p.

3.http: //

4. Tsypkin Yu.A. Personnel Management. - M .: UNITY-DANA, 2001 .-- 437 p.

Lecture 2. The organization's personnel management system

1. The main components of the organization's personnel management system.

2. Formation of personnel policy of the organization. Personnel planning.

3. Analysis of the quality of personnel management.

The reasons for the failure of many companies are often rooted not in technology or lack of sales markets, but in the wrong HR policy. At the same time, one of the main mistakes that managers make when trying to solve problems in the field of personnel management is scattered work in separate areas, without trying to link different areas into a single system.

Under system is understood as an integral and ordered set of elements, which has new qualities that are not inherent in each of the elements included in it separately. The system itself can act as an element of a higher order system. For example, a personnel management system consists of separate elements - areas of personnel work. At the same time, personnel management is an element of the organization's management system.

The initial stage in the design and formation of an organization's personnel management system is the formulation of the goals of this system. For different organizations, the goals of the personnel management system vary depending on the nature of the organization's activities, production volumes, strategic objectives etc. Generalization of the experience of foreign and domestic organizations allows us to formulate the main goal of the organization's personnel management system as providing the organization with personnel, their effective use, professional and social development. Figure 9 shows the structure of the goals of the organization's personnel management system.

Considering the totality of organizational goals, we also distinguish the following categories of organizational goals: economic, scientific and technical, commercial and industrial and social.

Economic goals are aimed at achieving the estimated profit.

Scientific and technical goals are associated with ensuring a given scientific and technical level of products, as well as increasing labor productivity through improving technology.

The production and commercial goal is associated with the production and sale of products in the volumes necessary to obtain the planned level of profit.

Social goals - Organizations are about achieving a given level of employee satisfaction.

Figure: 1. The goals of the organization's personnel management system

The social goals of the organization can be viewed from two points of view, namely: from the standpoint of personnel and from the standpoint of administration. On the one hand, the goals of the personnel management system determine the specific needs of employees that must be met by the administration. On the other hand, these goals determine the nature and conditions of work that the administration provides. An important condition the effectiveness of the personnel management system is the absence of contradictions between these two branches of goals. Let's consider them in more detail.

From the point of view of personnel, the social goals of the organization are determined by the extent to which the performance of labor functions contributes to the satisfaction of human needs. The structure of such goals is shown in Figure 2.

Figure: 2. Objectives of the organization's personnel management system from the point of view of personnel

From the point of view of the administration, the social goals of the organization are linked to the economic goals. In this aspect, the personnel management system should serve the main purpose - making a profit.

The structure of social goals from the point of view of the administration is shown in Figure 3.

Figure: 3. Objectives of the organization's personnel management system from the point of view of the administration

Both branches of social goals (personnel and administration) do not contradict each other, which creates an effective basis for the interaction of these two actors to achieve common goals. The presence of conflicting goals of the personnel management system leads to a conflict of interests between personnel and administration, which in a negative way affects the functioning of the organization as a whole.

It should also be emphasized that, despite the fact that from the point of view of the administration, the main goal is to make a profit, the starting point in modern theory and practice of personnel management is the awareness of the need to satisfy not only material, but also social needs of employees.

To maximize the potential of the people working in the organization, it is necessary to work in concert simultaneously in a number of areas. The following most important areas can be identified:

Personnel planning,

Staff recruitment of the organization and adaptation of new employees,

Personnel training and development,

Assessment and control work results,

Enhancing the potential of human resources.

The general idea of \u200b\u200bthe organization's personnel management system is shown in the form of a diagram in Fig. 4.

Figure: 4. System of work with personnel

The starting point of the HR system is the strategic goals of the organization, as defined by senior management. A clearly formulated and clearly stated strategy for the development of the organization helps to better understand the range of tasks that must be solved within the framework of personnel policy. Human resources are called upon to become the driving belt that ensures the achievement of strategic goals. Determination of the quantitative and qualitative need for human resources in accordance with the set strategic goals is ensured by personnel planning.

Workforce planning translates the strategy and goals of the organization into specific steps that must be taken in the field of personnel management in order to successfully achieve the organization's goals.

Staff recruitment (ensuring the required number of personnel) and adaptation of new employees includes the attraction and selection of personnel with the knowledge, abilities, skills and experience that are necessary for the proper performance of the work, as well as ensuring the effective entry of new employees into the organization and into the new team ...

Training and development of employees are designed to ensure a high level of efficiency of employees in solving problems within the framework of their position and timely improvement of the qualitative characteristics of personnel, in the face of new tasks and areas of activity of the organization.

Evaluation and control - setting standards, benchmarks for key work and tracking to what extent labor indicators employees meet the established indicators; control over labor and performance discipline of employees; monitoring the process of performing work, the success of the implementation of the developed plans, the accuracy and timeliness of the employees' performance of their work functions.

Enhancing the potential of human resources - creating in the organization such working conditions, such an organizational culture, such a system of material and moral incentives for labor, such a practice of informing employees that inspire people to work with high dedication, contribute to maintaining high morale, loyalty and commitment of employees to their organization and its goals.

2. Elements of the personnel management system

The goal of workforce planning is to provide an organization with the right number of people in the right profile at the right time.

Personnel planning - an integral part of strategic innovation planning. This is especially important due to the high cost of innovation and high risk, with increased requirements for the quality of specialists. A feature of workforce planning in this case is that in the first phases innovation process there is a lack of sufficient information to identify all positions. In this case, the professional profile of the necessary specialists is determined with a description of the required education and experience, on the basis of such a description, job descriptions are drawn up in a first approximation.

Here, analogy methods can be used, when various firms of a similar profile are compared, by researching and analyzing the innovative activity of which it is possible to determine both the approximate composition of specialists and the relationship between human resource planning and the effectiveness of the innovative activity of the firm. In the process of diffusion of innovation, analogy methods are most often used by firms belonging to the “early majority” and “laggards”, which are oriented towards firms-“pioneers” (early recipients).

For firms operating in conditions of constant change, development, innovation, the role of workforce planning is of greatest importance. Workforce planning should answer the following questions:

How many workers, what qualifications, when and where are they needed (planning for personnel requirements)?

How can you attract the necessary and reduce unnecessary personnel, taking into account social aspects (planning to attract or reduce personnel)?

How can workers be used according to their abilities (planning of the use of personnel)?

How can you systematically and purposefully support the development of human resources to perform skilled jobs (human development planning)?

What are the costs of the planned staffing activities (staff costs)?

From point of view systems approach the main component of the organization is the human resource system. Other components of the organization - information, material, technological, will be ineffective if the human system does not meet the criteria, requirements, tasks of the innovation process.

When staffing a new direction of the production activity of an enterprise, two sources of human resources are possible - external and internal environment.

From the point of view of less resistance from the organization's team to the changes inevitable during innovation, it is advisable to make the best use of internal personnel reserves... In this case, it is necessary to answer the questions:

How can employees be used according to their abilities?

How can you systematically and purposefully promote the development of human resources for skilled jobs?

For the timely and effective solution of these issues, the HR manager creates a system of personnel work for the development and use of internal personnel (RIVK), which is part of the personnel management system.

The RIVK system consists of the main subsystems: a reserve for promotion - the selection and preparation of a reserve of qualified scientific, engineering, working personnel for promotion; personnel rotation - the movement of employees horizontally in the organization from one functional unit to another with a change in specialty; mentoring - attracting experienced and highly qualified employees for vocational training of young people; training - the organization of continuous training or advanced training with or without interruption from production.

Overseas managers believe that the continuing education and development of managers and their employees determines the size of a firm's economic growth. A number of researchers are engaged in the development of applied problems of continuous training of managers.

Training in related professions, retraining and reorientation of employees are a normal phenomenon for innovative activities, primarily due to the constant change in technology and production technology. Knowledge of related professions is important for developers, since many innovations are made at the “intersection” of various scientific fields.

The main form of training scientific, pedagogical and scientific personnel is postgraduate and doctoral studies. Postgraduate study is a form of training candidates of sciences in the system of postgraduate professional education. It opens in institutions of higher professional education that have state accreditation, and scientific organizationsholding a state license to conduct educational activities. The term of study in full-time postgraduate study should not exceed three years, and in correspondence postgraduate study - four years.

Doctoral studies is one of the forms of training scientific, pedagogical and scientific personnel of the highest qualifications - doctors of science. The training of doctoral students is carried out in full-time form and its duration should not exceed three years.

Internship - continuing education or training new profession through practical work in another department of the organization or on the side.

Certification - comprehensive assessment qualifications, level of knowledge, business, professional, personal qualities, identifying the abilities of the employee. When certifying employees, the efficiency and quality of their work, personal contribution to the development of science and technology - patents, applications, publications, participation in scientific seminars and conferences, etc. are taken into account.

Competitions - the organization of demonstration professional competitions among employees in order to stimulate professional development, identify the best performance indicators as criteria for employees' self-assessment, assess employees during certification, assess the quality level of this activity in an organization in comparison with other organizations.

However, not in all cases it is possible to select for the positions planned in the innovation process people from internal environment... Then it is necessary to create a system for attracting workers from outside (PORS), which in an aggregated manner includes the following stages:

Determination of sources of external sources of labor;

Development of ordering and communication systems (publishing announcements in the media, concluding contracts with universities, organizing students' work during practice, establishing contracts with consulting and recruiting companies).

The third important personnel management system is the personnel selection system, which includes activities:

Interview as the most widely used method. However, there are problems of psychological "noise" that reduce the effectiveness of interviews as a selection method;

Tests showing how effectively a candidate can perform specific work;

Testing as a kind of testing, which evaluates the psychological characteristics of a person: the level of intelligence, type of temperament, type of thinking, some particular characteristics - aggressiveness, energy, etc .;

An analytical method as a final one based on the analysis of information obtained from a resume, questionnaires, letters of recommendation, interviews, tests, etc .;

Determination of selection criteria. This procedure is logically related to the previous one and is performed in parallel with it. At the same time, it is very important to maintain a balance between psychological assessment and assessment of professional qualities. Human resources managers, usually professional psychologists, often exaggerate the importance of psychological assessment over professional;

Planning the selection procedures, determining the composition of the commission, place, time.

In innovation, it is much more important than in any other, to form a team capable of jointly solving complex creative problems.

First of all, there must be a catalyst - a person or a group of people who initiate and stimulate the creative process. The most effective catalysts are the entrepreneur, business leader, and innovation manager.

Then a cognitive is needed - a group of people, a key resource of innovation, providing, on the one hand, the stability of the organization due to deep professional knowledge, experience, skills, but, on the other hand, guaranteeing a high coefficient of development of the organization due to the desire for improvement, adaptability, flexibility, receptivity of the new, activity.

The core of the cognition is creative individuals - Prometheus, generators who are able to generate qualitatively new ideas. Research carried out in Russian scientific institutions shows that only 3% are generators of ideas, active erudites - 10%, artisans - 87%.

Talented people are also distinguished by personality traits - independence in judgment, a sense of humor, disobedience to authority, non-standard thinking, enthusiasm for one to the detriment of another, love of entertainment for the release of "irrational" impulses.

Also, the team should include people not only initiating the creative process, but continuing and providing it: assistant; coordinator; moderator (opponent, critic); controller; grinder; executor.

This is how the innovative team should perform the following functions:

Initiation and stimulation of the innovation process is a catalyst;

The birth of new ideas - a generator, its kind is an inventor;

Development, design, bringing new ideas to the level of an intellectual product - grinders and performers performing work on the collection of the necessary knowledge, analysis, synthesis, design;

Criticism and control of ideas and intellectual product - moderators, controllers;

Communication with horizontal divisions of the organization and with the external environment - coordinators;

Providing internal and external support - assistants (animators), coordinators.

If we consider scientific activity separately, then, as practice shows, the presence of a strong scientist who is a good generator of ideas or a good catalyst leads to the concentration of scientific teams around him. Otherwise, the autonomy of individual scientists and groups is usually observed in scientific institutions. At the same time, the leader acts as a coordinator.

The greatest effect is achieved if a talented scientist has a professional assistant - an experienced and proactive manager who takes over the administrative work. At the same time, in relation to scientists, it is recommended to apply a democratic or even liberal management style with a combination of an individual approach. Studies show that 15-20% of scientists cannot work under strict regulations.

Members of top management have some experience in manufacturing, and most of them have several more years of experience in some other areas - finance, R&D, personnel management, etc. Less innovative technology organizations tend to have a more homogeneous top management composition. It is typical for them when the highest level of management of the company as a whole and ...

Conflict and stress management labor motivation, management of employee adaptation, regulation of group and interpersonal relations, etc. in a rapidly changing innovation system. Personnel management in an innovative organization has a number of features: Focus on highly qualified labor resources; Special requirements for the psychological characteristics of employees; High ...

fics of personnel management in the organization; - to analyze the features of the personnel management system in an innovative organization; - describe the main approaches to staff motivation as effective method management in an innovative organization. 1. The essence of personnel management in the organization Personnel is the most important functional subsystem of the enterprise and is the most valuable ...

Their contribution to economic growth as an economic resource and factor of production. The purpose of the work is to consider the effectiveness of personnel management in an organization in a comprehensive system analysis (using the example of JSC "Usko - International"). To achieve this goal, the following tasks are required: - to consider issues of personnel policy in the organization; ...

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Human resource management - area of \u200b\u200bexpertise and practical activities, aimed at providing the organization with "quality" personnel (capable of performing the assigned labor functions) and its optimal use.

Personnel management is carried out in the process of performing certain targeted actions and involves:

Determination of goals and main areas of work with personnel;

Determination of means, forms and methods of achieving the set goals;

Organization of work to implement the decisions taken;

Coordination and control over the implementation of the planned activities;

Continuous improvement of the personnel management system

The main functions of personnel management:

Selection, hiring and formation of the organization's personnel for the best achievement of production goals;

Personnel assessment;

Development of the organizational structure and the moral climate of the enterprise, contributing to the manifestation of the creative activity of each employee;

The best use of the potential of employees and its remuneration;

Providing guarantees of social responsibility of organizations to each employee.

Analysis of existing human resources and planning of its development, taking into account the future;

Staff motivation,

Personnel assessment and training,

Facilitating the adaptation of workers to innovations,

Creation of socially comfortable conditions in the team,

Solving particular issues of psychological compatibility of employees, etc.

The functions of personnel management are very closely related to each other and together form a certain system of work with personnel, where changes occurring in the composition of each of the functions necessitate the adjustment of all other associated functional tasks and responsibilities. For example, the widespread use in world practice of the contractual form of recruiting personnel has led to a noticeable change functional responsibilities.

Under such conditions of employment, of course, the importance of functional duties associated with ensuring labor relations, solving social issues increases, the range of responsibilities within the framework of the functions of recruitment, employment, and material reward expands.

The variety of forms of ownership, competition between them, the accelerated development of market relations require particularly delicate, skillful management. The management system must provide conditions under which every manager of any level would consider it his most important task to organize an active search for real opportunities to improve labor productivity. At the same time, it must have the ability to self-regulation and self-improvement, aimed at the widespread use of new highly effective organizational forms and methods of management, technologies and scientific and technical achievements.

Management teaches how, knowing the techniques, methods and ways of solving certain managerial tasks, to achieve success for a particular enterprise, be it a state, cooperative, mixed, joint stock company etc.

The widespread dissemination of scientific approaches and methods of management in management activities will give an impetus to its development by increasing the validity of the decision made and reducing the investment risk. organizational personnel management

IN modern conditions the manager must be an entrepreneurial person, i.e. able to achieve specific economic and social goals by finding and practical implementation of original, non-standard solutions, as a rule, associated with considerable economic risk.

The requirements for management that have now increased in our country are due to the increase in the size of enterprises, the complexity of technologies, and the need to master the most modern management skills. All decisions on financial, organizational and other issues are prepared and developed by professionals in the field of management, who exercise and control the implementation of the planned.

The main task of the management is to establish efficient activity of the company in the market for the short and long term. Management by setting and implementing goals is carried out taking into account the assessment of the potential of the firm, its provision with the necessary resources, the conditions of competition.

Scientific management is based on the following principles: the importance of using scientific analysis to determine the best way achieving goals; the appropriateness of the selection and use of workers most suitable for performing specific purpose; the need to supply workers with all the resources required to effectively perform the tasks assigned to them.

At the present stage in management, an important place is given to interaction with the external environment, taking into account its changes, orienting all activities of enterprises, based on the prevailing conditions.

In the field of small business, the special relevance of management aspects is due to the fact that in an enterprise of this form it is not always possible to apply detailed management systems developed and tested in large corporations with their huge financial flows, human reserves and a margin of safety in all parameters, they have to be adjusted where to reduce and change to adequately influence a small team, small production, where there is no hierarchy of subordination, surprising with its scale of the production process, a large number of departments and a budget to achieve ultimate goal - increasing the amount of profit and expanding the scope of activities.

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Let's consider the main elements of the personnel management system. These include:

Personnel planning - a set of measures aimed at assessing current resources, predicting their reduction, assessing future resource requirements, including for executives, assessing the personnel reserve and ways to quickly replace specialists;

Attracting personnel is a set of measures that ensure the involvement of the required specialists at a given time. These measures include the search, recruitment, selection, recruitment and initial development of personnel;

Personnel development - includes training and retraining of personnel, relocation, assessment and promotion of personnel, training of reserves of specialists and managers;

Motivation and incentives for personnel - includes remuneration, additional incentive payments and a system of labor motivation;

Personnel accounting is a set of measures to ensure personnel work in accordance with the requirements of regulatory bodies and the needs of the organization itself.

The presence of these components allows us to say that the basic elements of personnel management are functioning in the organization. Thus, in the majority of Russian enterprises one can note the presence of such of the listed components as personnel records, which are mandatory in the activities of any organization and are fairly well regulated by external bodies; it is also a system for involving personnel in solving common problems.

The narrowest areas in the field of personnel management, and therefore the least developed, are personnel development, their motivation, as well as resource planning, which, as a rule, is not carried out at all in Russian conditions. Therefore, the improvement of the personnel management system must begin precisely from these areas.

In the course of production and economic activities, complex and multilateral relations are formed between the elements of the personnel management system. The relevance of the problem of interaction between the elements of the personnel management system is that through such interaction, the internal management of the enterprise is carried out, the role of the head and its influence on the results of the production and economic activities of the enterprise is determined.

The interaction between the elements of the personnel management system should be considered as the exchange of information (knowledge, ideas, messages), material objects (money, documents, other property of the organization), movements and as a form. Such interaction is associated with mutual understanding between the elements of the personnel management system, the awareness, fixation and performance of these elements of their functions, as well as the manager's awareness of the problems that arise in working with people.

As a complex subject of study, the interaction between the elements of the personnel management system has the following content: interacting parties; levels; items; types; causes and consequences; flow conditions and development factors; the impact of change on other people and the feedback from those people.

Thus, the organization of interaction between the elements of the personnel management system is an urgent and difficult task in modern conditions. The complexity is due to the many signs of the classification of this interaction, the influence on the results of the work of the participants in this interaction and the work of the enterprise.

Forming and considering the classification of interaction between the elements of the personnel management system, the main types of which are organizational, motivational, educational, it can be noted that an important type of such interaction is motivational interaction. It occupies one of the central places, since it determines the behavior of managers and their subordinates, proceeds from the inevitability of changes in the management structure, changes in the content and provision of managerial work, and raising the expectations of managers.