Description of the professional image is an example. Personal and business qualities of the employee. Groups and templates

You can interest the employer if you immediately write in your resume about what you can do. This will help him determine how quickly you can adapt and understand the nuances of the work. To understand how to properly write about your skills, you can look at an example of professional skills on your resume. Just be sure to correct for your personal experience, employer requirements and the specifics of the future position.

Possible professional skills

It should be understood that in this section of the resume, you need to indicate your basic skills. If you do not have work experience yet, then you can enter the results of undergraduate practice. Almost all resumes can include the following skills:

  • work with a PC;
  • knowledge of foreign languages \u200b\u200b(indicating your level) - this can be fluency, the ability to perceive written information and translate it with a dictionary;
  • ability to analyze documents;
  • work planning and organization of the work process;
  • ability to make decisions quickly.

But they should be used in cases where you do not have practical experience and any achievements.

Skills for communication professions

Sending a resume to the emerging vacancy of a sales assistant, you must describe your experience and indicate what you can do. The professional skills of the seller may include the following:

  • experience in communication and direct sales;
  • ability to adapt and seek an approach to the client;
  • the ability to work in stressful situations, under pressure;
  • willingness to communicate politely, without imposing one's own position;
  • the ability to move away, but at the same time fulfill their duties;
  • the ability to solve problems without involving the administration.

You need to convince the employer that you can communicate with people and sell products.

But for a psychologist there will be other requirements. He can be shown what he has worked with and what he can do best. He may have the following professional skills:

  • diagnostics of personality, relationships;
  • solving problems in a team and family;
  • conducting tests and interpreting their results;
  • conducting trainings;
  • solutions to personal growth problems;
  • listening, empathy, calming;
  • search for approaches to each client;
  • implementation of psychological rehabilitation measures;
  • work with phobias, shocks, stresses.

Skills of narrow specialists

The selection of candidates begins with the assessment of the resume. If you want to be scheduled for an interview, then list your basic skills, not hoping that a couple of general phrases will be enough. You can see an example of professional knowledge for a sysadmin resume to understand what to specify. The following skills can be distinguished:

  • practical experience in laying and diagnosing networks;
  • providing technical support and working with clients;
  • diagnostics of failures and malfunctions;
  • experience with servers, their installation and customization for specific tasks;
  • monitoring the operation of systems;
  • risk planning and development of IT structure recovery schemes;
  • ability to work with Windows programs;
  • knowledge of technical English;
  • installation of equipment, adjustment of its work;
  • control of the appropriate level of information security;
  • work with technical documents.

Don't go overboard with listing! Too many declared programs may raise doubts about your level of proficiency in each of them. After all, real competence is acquired not even in one month.

But the professional skills in an accountant's resume may look like this:

  • tax and accounting;
  • knowledge of relevant legislation;
  • ability to work with accounting entries;
  • inventory taking skills;
  • the ability to manage primary documents;
  • knowledge of the principles of calculating sick leave, accrual wages;
  • skills in drawing up and submitting reports;
  • knowledge of the "Client-Bank" system, profile accounting programs;
  • ability to carry out mutual settlements, reconciliation acts.

Don't write skills that you don't have. After all, this can be identified at an interview or on the first working day.

For an employee or head of the legal department, you need to be able to work with documents and look for the necessary information.

For a lawyer, the following professional skills are generally expected:

  • the ability to draw up and analyze the submitted contracts;
  • negotiation;
  • representation in courts;
  • implementation of claim activities;
  • drafting legal documents;
  • support of the company's activities;
  • legal support of the organization's work;
  • representation of the company in government bodies and various instances;
  • ability to work with legal documents and legislative frameworksubmitted in electronic form.

Having indicated such skills, be ready to confirm them at the interview. The employer may ask for a lead specific examples or give you a practical problem that requires these skills.

When searching new job the applicant needs to make competent resume... In addition to listing the places of study and work, you will need to describe your highly professional form ... It consists of several components: professional achievements, professional skills and additional skills.


1. Describe your key skills. Start by introducing the kind of activity that you know better than anyone and consider yourself quite skilled. State why you consider yourself an expert in this area. Do not include in this section your functional responsibilities from previous jobs and do not indicate your own qualities. Only pure high professional achievements, they must look like a product statement with all suitable properties. At the end of this section, detail your main achievements, which will be especially important for this particular employer. This can be the benefit of the company, expressed in numbers: an increase in sales by a certain number of percent or a decrease in costs by a certain amount. Certain facts are allowed to produce the desired sensation on the employer; they will confirm your attraction to bring financial benefits to the organization.

2. The next item will be a statement of professional skill. Here, write down your work autobiography in detail, start from your last job. In addition to the profile of the organizations and their previous position, this paragraph must detail the achievements throughout the place of work. If there was a career growth within a company, this is also worth mentioning. If you have little skill, emphasize in the statements excellent theoretical training in the field of functional responsibilities.At the end of the presentation of all his previous place work, indicate the reasons for moving to another organization. Here name such reasons as a change of field of activity, lack of professional growth, etc. In no case, do not write about conflict situations with your bosses or with the team, as well as the fact that you have not been chronically fulfilling too high plans. This will negatively affect the judgment of you.

3. Additionally about your professional form You should not list your computer skills, foreign languages. In chapter additional information indicate the presence of a passport, open visas, the likelihood of long business trips and the presence of a car that you are ready to use for business purposes.

4. The final finishing touch is a statement of your personality and interests outside of working hours. Do not write about the typical qualities of sociability and stress resistance. Indicate your real excellence: patience, knowledge to smooth out conflict situations, pedantry, etc., depending on which of them will be the priority in this position. And in the statement of your interests, mention those that characterize you as form a well-known and erudite person.

Experience jobs are the most basic part of your resume. And how you describe this skill depends on whether the employer will show interest in your resume. Consequently, special attention should be paid to the presentation of the work skill. This will help you get a decent job.


1. When filling out the column "work skill" in the resume, you need to start from the last place of work, ie. from the company in which you work now or from which you quit. If your work experience is more than 10 years, it is worth indicating only those places of work in which you worked for the last 10 years. In this case, the employer will not be interested in your first work skills.

2. The section "work skill" should look something like this: "XXX company, 2005-2008. Field of activity: providing legal services. Position: attorney. Responsibilities: development standard forms lease agreements, purchase and sale of real estate, advising on real estate transactions, drafting legal accomplishments, due diligence. Achievements, participation in big plans: work according to plan XXX, participation as XXX, was responsible for XXX. "

3. From the above it follows that it is very important to describe the scope of the company and your actual job responsibilities. If you have had a lot of job responsibilities, describe the key ones. At the same time, focus on what is significant for the employer to whom you are going to send your resume at the moment. The job skill statement must be tailored to the employer.

4. Do not forget to indicate your achievements, participation in huge plans (for example, known in your area). When describing such participation, you need to concisely state the essence of the plan and indicate your role in it, list those areas for which you were responsible. Describe operational achievements, if any (for example, “increased product sales by 20% in a month”).

5. Remember that the resume should be short and hefty informative, because the HR administrator often does not have time to review the entire resume. Try your presentation to focus the administrator's attention on the most successful workplaces for yourself, i.e. at work in elite companies in which you were engaged in the most serious plans, recruited the main skill for this employer and rose in position.

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"Stress-resistant, energetic, sociable, goal-oriented, easily trained, independent, executive." This list can be continued - it is quite famously famous for both job seekers and employers. This is precisely the task - these epithets are more than expected, and if you want to get a great job, you need to come up with something new.


1. Don't get carried away praising yourself on your resume. Many, for example, write in a row - pedantic, neat, executive. As a result, the resume sample is overloaded with reinforcing the same quality - excellent internal organization. And it turns out that not a person is applying for a vacancy, but a kind of "cyber employee". But recruiters are charmingly aware that there are not so many supermen, and a similar resume raises doubts. As a result, a person creates the feeling of a superficial unsubscribe author or a shameless liar.

2. Keep a short About Me section because employers often easily overlook the aforementioned clichés. In the end, a person's ability to work, sociability and responsibility are tested more closely during the trial period.

3. Instead of laudatory epithets, give clear and definite statements of your job responsibilities, which you performed in previous jobs. For example, it is better for a sales administrator to indicate his own specific achievements in the resume, for example, an increase in sales or, for example, stretching customer basethan copied from somewhere "own quality ».

4. Make sure that those indicated in the resume quality corresponded to the vacancy you are applying for. For middle management positions, for example, leadership is not necessary. quality or charisma, and for the vacancy of the secretary, communication skills and stress resistance are the main ones.

5. According to many recruiters, much more the main point for them in the applicant's resume is its construction, logic, details of the previous professional skill.

6. But, in order not to leave the column "Own quality »Empty (although some employers consider this option as opposed to stereotyped), make a list of qualities that are especially often used in job advertisements. After that, ask a loved one to choose from them what is inherent in you. Leave 3-5 qualities, no more, and include them in your resume. In this case, you will avoid the risk of "piling up nonsense", the so-called - "butter oil" and will not mislead a potential employer. Let the portrait turn out not hefty brilliant, but it will be natural, and naturalness is invariably in price.

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An Employer Interview Resume is a short, detailed story about you in which you prove that you are successfully coping with job responsibilitiescorresponding to any vacancy. The resume should contain information about your education, work skill, your knowledge and skills. If you are applying for a job for the first time in your life, then filling in the item "skills" is the most important thing for you.

You will need

  • - A computer
  • - A printer
  • - Paper
  • - Time to review and refine your core skills


1. Include in the item "highly professional competence" only those skills and abilities that are needed to acquire the desired position. The list of your knowledge should look logical and consistent in the eyes of the employer. Remember: the sole purpose of writing a resume is to get an interview invitation.

2. From what is in modern world in many professions requires knowledge of the computer and the Internet, start with them. Feel free to write the phrase "seasoned PC user" or "advanced Internet user" in your resume. List what programs, in addition to the standard ones, you know how to use: accounting, design, statistical, economic. Add information about which graphic editors you work with. Describe your Internet skills - knowledge of promoting sites, seeking information, etc.

3. Move from computer skills to other, say, the ability to foreign languages. Proficiency in European and Eastern languages \u200b\u200bis welcomed by employers in any field social activities... List the languages \u200b\u200band indicate the degree of proficiency - freely, with a dictionary, I write, I read.

4. The item "skills" should contain information about your participation in plans, say, "development advertising campaign magazine about real estate ". Name these plans and state what skills you have that helped to realize these plans.

5. If you have publications related to the activities of the employer, indicate the names of magazines, newspapers, sites where they were published, under what title and release date.

6. Observe technical requirements when compiling a resume collectively. Use typical fonts Times New Roman or Arial, 12 or 14 size. Do not use any color other than black.

7. Use verbs in real time: I can, I can, I know, a lot, I have.

Don't be tempted to get the job you want at any cost. Do not exaggerate your competencies, and even more do not invent. You should also shy away from a formal approach to resume writing as a whole and to the list of skills in particular. If you rewrite all the requirements of the employer in the paragraph "highly professional competence" in order to pass off as your skills and knowledge, this will at least raise doubts. Do not expose yourself to the threat of being in an awkward environment if false information becomes the legacy of the team in which you intend to work.

Helpful advice
Do not confuse the item "highly professional competence" with the item "additional data", where you indicate your own qualities and hobbies.

When looking for a new job, the applicant must write a competent resume. In addition to listing places of study and work, you will need to describe your form... It consists of several components: professional achievements, professional experience and additional skills.


Describe your key skills. Start by introducing the type of activity that you know best and consider yourself skilled enough. State why you consider yourself an expert in this field. Do not include in this section your functional responsibilities from previous jobs and do not indicate your personal qualities. Only purely professional achievements, they should look like a description of a product with all useful properties. At the end of this section, describe in detail your main achievements that will be most important for this particular employer. This can be the benefit of the company, expressed in numbers: an increase in sales by a certain number of percent or a decrease in costs by a specific amount. You can make the desired impression on the employer with specific facts, they will confirm your desire to bring financial benefits to the organization.

The next item will be a description of professional experience. Write down your work history in detail here, start from your last job. In addition to the profile of the organizations and their previous position, this paragraph should detail the achievements for each job. If there was a career growth within a company, this is also worth mentioning. If you have little experience, emphasize in the descriptions good theoretical background in the expected job responsibilities. At the end of the description of each of your previous jobs, indicate the reasons for moving to another organization. Here name such reasons as a change in the field of activity, lack of professional growth, etc. In no case do not write about conflict situations with the management or with the team, as well as the fact that you chronically did not fulfill too high plans. This will negatively affect the opinion of you.

Additionally about your professional formdo not list your computer skills, foreign languages... In the additional information section, indicate the availability of a passport, open visas, the possibility of long business trips and the presence of a car that you are ready to use for business purposes.

The final finishing touch is descriptions of personal qualities and your interests outside of working hours. Don't write about standard qualities like sociability and stress resistance. State your real strengths: patience, smoothing skills conflict situations, pedantry, etc., depending on which of them will be the priority in the given position. And in the description of your interests, mention those that characterize you as forma well-educated and erudite person.

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Professional skill is acquired through experience. In the resume prepared for the desired job, their personal, labor qualities, they are also called competencies, you need to indicate objectively, concisely, clearly.

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What are Key Skills

The key is the main, convincing, weighty argument. Key competencies can be defined:

  • from the perspective of the employer, this is a summation of the acquired aspects of the theory, practical experience of the candidate in the context of the vacancy announced, which can be useful in the work of the company;
  • on the part of the applicant - a set of requirements put forward, based on the requests of the organization itself, its strategic plans, an assessment of how much his knowledge and experience are acceptable under the specified conditions.

In other words, the employer wants to see the key skills of the employee that will fit into the general “portrait” of the company, and their work will be carried out efficiently and fruitfully. This is not only high-quality, timely performance of functional duties, but also maintaining the corporate style of the company, the ability to introduce useful innovations in the work of the team.

How to find out what an employer wants

The main points when writing a resume should be:

  • the reality of the specified information;
  • relevance of the applicant's competencies to the type of activity of the organization.

Often, companies select employees based on the "three pillars":

  • the candidate must be successful;
  • be able to make decisions;
  • work in a team.

To find out the requests of a certain employer, thereby increasing the likelihood of getting a position, it is worth collecting as much information as possible about the company via the Internet, a circle of acquaintances, and subsequently focusing on personal ones in the resume. professional qualities, starting from:

  • type of activity of the company;
  • its position in the market;
  • states of success.
  • cooperate with nice people, the first impression of appearance which is formed from the photo in the resume;
  • work only with competent employees who know how to express their thoughts, correctly present information;
  • see a logical career path;
  • observe the presence of referees, which indicates that the applicant is not afraid to indicate them;
  • he does not want to read the experience, reflected in one sentence, to guess the abbreviations of unknown names.

The resume must reflect the responses to requests made in the job posting.

How key skills differ from the personal qualities of the applicant

The efficiency of an employee's work depends not only on the acquired theoretical knowledge, practical experience, but also on his psychophysiological abilities to perform the assigned tasks.

Therefore, when writing a resume, you should correctly separate professional merits from personal characteristics:

  • key skills are: to know, have experience, an idea of \u200b\u200bsomething, be able to do something, own something, be familiar with something;
  • personal qualities - what is genetically inherent in a person, but can be adjusted in the process of working on oneself: temperament, character, willpower, emotions.

For example, when it comes to the profession of an accountant. For him, “I work efficiently and efficiently with reporting” is a key competence, and “scrupulous, I have analytical warehouse mind ”is a personal parameter.

CV: graph Professional skills and abilities

The column "Professional skills and abilities" is considered one of the most important in the document. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to the following when compiling it:

  • When writing a chronological resume, it is better to place the column after the description of the experience to personal qualities. It summarizes what knowledge and skills are acquired during employment.
  • IN functional summarywhich is effective when there are gaps practical activitieswhere the emphasis is on career achievements, the item is placed immediately after the indication of the full name, position.
  • For programmers, various technical specialists, this section can be designated as "technical skills" or "qualifications".

This clause describes:

  • a short list of skills, from 4 to 6 positions;
  • professional merit.

It is necessary not to forget about the compliance of the list with the employer's requirements.

key skills

Key skills are formed depending on the position, functions performed, the most in demand now aimed at managerial features or performance, for example:

  • management of subordinates and time;
  • personal and business communication;
  • business management;
  • sales;
  • strategic and creative thinking;
  • organizational ability;
  • decision making competence;
  • multitasking;
  • the ability to develop and teach others;
  • business ethics;
  • computer literacy;
  • knowledge of languages.

Examples of other special skills

Among the volumetric flow of job seekers for a vacancy, a resume with prescribed special skills will surely be remembered by the employer, it will not be scrapped. But truthful information should be indicated there, albeit slightly embellished. This speaks of the applicant's ability to present himself. For leadership positions, managers, presentation skills are important.

A candidate who has:

  • critical thinking;
  • ingenuity;
  • the ability to make risky decisions;
  • adaptive competence;
  • integrative (prioritization), conceptual (solid) abilities;
  • interpersonal communicative competence.

Examples of professional skills for different professions

Possession software products, certain language levels are necessary for almost all professions.

There is no standard set of core competencies, but the following can be distinguished:

  • For project managers: skills in building tasks, developing projects, conducting negotiations, competence in team building, resource allocation, knowledge financial analysis, accounting, economics, personnel management.
  • For teachers: high erudition, wide cultural outlook, tutoring skills, mastery of technology pedagogical work and communication, organizational competence, pedagogical endurance, skill.
  • For accountants: skills in tax and accounting, cash discipline, warehouse accounting and settlements, payroll, work with primary documentation, drawing up and submitting reports, conducting inventories; knowledge of tax, accounting legislation, transactions.
  • For customer service: ability to establish contact, experience with clients, possession of methods for identifying needs, the ability to listen, ask questions, manage a conversation, knowledge of the basics of conflict management.

A very common mistake

Professional competencies arise due to the personal inclinations of a person. But the most common mistake when writing a resume is when the applicant does not share these concepts, and the key skills column describes personal qualities.

Also, often, trying to compensate for the lack of key skills or achievements, the candidate describes himself as a superhuman:

  • initiative;
  • highly intelligent;
  • communicable;
  • stress-resistant.

These phrases can be easily replaced with two sentences, for example, such a plan:

  • “I'm not afraid to start difficult cases, I bring them to a successful completion”;
  • “Able to think analytically and strategically”;
  • "I regularly attend seminars, I have subscribed to the mailing list of a specialized Internet site."

What key skills to indicate if there is no work experience

How to describe the key points labor achievements young professionals after graduating from educational institutions or with an insufficient level of knowledge? It is worth trying to specify the following:

  • passed industrial practice in this area;
  • during his studies he worked part-time in sales;
  • studying english language remotely;
  • i quickly find the information I need;
  • i perceive, systematize it, process it, which effectively helps when working with unknown practice;
  • able to reorient towards new knowledge;
  • i speak German well;
  • i can handle a computer, and so on.