How to make a sample resume for a job. How to write a resume for a job. Sample resume writing. Throw functional responsibilities out of the job description into the trash bin

How to write a resume to get the employer interested?

A resume is the first thing to prepare before starting your job search.

What is a resume

The term "resume" comes from a French phrase that sounds like a life course in translation. Sometimes the Latin term curriculum vitae or CV is used, which means the same thing. In Soviet times, the term "" was used more.

The concept of a resume is understood as a document that reflects the education, work experience, skills of a person applying for a certain position. It should indicate any information that relates to the position of interest, as well as the contact details of the applicant.

Today, these terms are used for different life stories, which must be taken into account when selecting a ready-made sample for compilation when applying for a job.

  • Compilation of an autobiography is still required for employment in government agencies.
  • CV is written by applicants for high positions in scientific or medical institutions, is characterized by a broad and detailed presentation of life, contains a list of publications, scientific papers, personal achievements.
  • Other cases involve writing a resume with information for a specific position.

A document presenting an employee to a future employer can have a different form of preparation.

    Distinguish resume:
  • universal (professional);
  • chronologically functional;
  • chronological (retrospective);
  • functional;
  • academic;
  • targeted.

Picking up ready-made examples filling out a resume for a job, you must take these features into account. So, in the universal version, all information is indicated by logical blocks and is described in detail. This form is recommended for those who have an impressive track record, and they have something to brag about professionally.

If a person is just entering the labor path, when there is nothing special to describe, it is necessary to use a functional resume. In this case, all work experience and training are also indicated in chronological order, but the emphasis is on education, skills, knowledge. This example of writing a resume for applying for a job is suitable for those who have had a long break from work and who are planning to change the direction of their professional activity.

For those who have worked in one area for a long time and plan to continue to develop in it, a retrospective resume is suitable, in which all work experience can be presented in chronological order. The functional consistently reveals the achievements of the applicant, and the combination of these two types of resume gives the functional-chronological.

Typically, when writing a resume for a job and looking for a suitable option, job seekers come across a sample of the target resume. It contains information relating exclusively to the position that the applicant wants to take.

An academic resume is written by applicants who are looking for a teaching job. Titles, awards, scientific achievements and publications occupy a significant place in it.

The structure of the summary may differ from country to country.

Today, job search sites provide sample resume and special forms, templates, after filling in which you can get finished documentcontaining information about the applicant necessary for the employer. In addition, resume writing helps special companies, recruiting agencies.

Recently, video resumes have become popular - a short video where the candidate himself talks about what is usually stated in the resume.

Has the employer set you an irregular working day? The main thing is that your rights as an employee are not violated:.

Probation when applying for a job. Is this good or bad? He talks about the benefits of testing.

For requirements for the compilation of characteristics for employees of various professions, see.

Basic writing rules

There are open and unspoken resume rules. The first includes the formalities that are put forward for the preparation of the document, the second - the nuances that the employer or HR specialist pays attention to when studying the document.

For example, it is not recommended to write a lie in a resume. If there is any information that puts you in an unfavorable light, it is better not to mention it, but to focus on your achievements. But it's not worth twisting the facts and telling a lie.

Information must be presented simple languageavoiding passive forms, concentrating on positive information.

In the resume, it is necessary to briefly and clearly state only the information that relates specifically to the position of interest and can characterize the applicant from the best side.

When drafting your document, please note that any sample that you can see will have a clear structure. It should take no more than two sheets, so you should try to present the information succinctly.

The text is written in one font, usually Times New Roman, but Arial is acceptable. The font size is 12 point size throughout the text. A smaller font can be used if the resume is sent in electronic form, it is difficult to read in printed small print. The document must be executed strictly, sections are structured and separated from each other.

Headings are underlined or bold. It is necessary to maintain indents from the edge of the paper by 2 cm on all sides except the left, on this side there should be 2.5 cm. Before sending your resume to the employer, carefully proofread it, check the grammar. If the document is printed, the paper should be white and good quality.

Ready resume for a job can be non-standard, but this is suitable in special cases, for example, when a candidate creative profession looking for an appropriate creative position. Then the creative approach of the future employee to self-presentation can be assessed.

In other cases, it is better for accountants, engineers, salespeople and others to refrain from liberties.

The document must be prepared in Russian. In English, you can write it in the case when the applicant applies for a position in foreign company or a foreign language is one of the requirements of the employer. But in the latter case, it is better to prepare a separate sample resume for a job in a foreign language so that the employer can view it in different languages.

Step by step guide to compilation

Now let's take a closer look at how to draw up a resume, what sections should be in it and how to fill them out correctly.


The document should begin with the title "Resume", as well as the name of the applicant. Specifying the name at the very beginning in bold type will help in the future to quickly and easily find your document among others.


There are many tips on how to write a resume sample for a job, but many examples contain an indication of the purpose of drawing up a document - seeking the position of a salesman, manager, accountant, and so on.

It is also desirable to indicate in this column other positions for which the applicant agrees to go to work. The fact is that by specifying one specialization, you automatically deprive yourself of the opportunity to take another, since your resume will not be at hand at the right time.

Applicant data

Any competent resume for a job device, a sample of which can be downloaded contains this item. In it, you must indicate information about your date of birth, address, contact phone number, e-mail and marital status.


This point should be given special attention to those applicants who cannot boast of extensive work experience. Education must be specified with specific dates, placing them in chronological but reverse order: from the last to the very first. If there is additional education, courses, they must also be indicated.

If you download a sample resume for a job, please note that high school is only listed if it was a specialized school or if you graduated with honors. But it is obligatory to indicate secondary specialized education.

If college education somehow correlates with the position you are interested in, it is advisable to indicate the department that graduated you. A young specialist can celebrate his achievements at contests, olympiads, competitions and so on.

Scientific and other publications, own developments, inventions, awards are also indicated here.


The next point in the question of how to write a resume for a job is an indication of work experience, a sample of which can be found in any example found on the Internet. Usually, university graduates cannot boast of great work experience; in this case, they focus on education. But if there is one, especially if it is impressive, it must be indicated in chronological order, starting from the last place of work. First, the period of work is indicated, then the name of the organization, position.

Practice and internship are counted along with regular work. Moreover, some internships have even more weight than the entire accumulated work experience.

The question may arise: how is a resume for a job written when the work experience is too voluminous and the usual sample simply does not fit it into the recommended two pages of text? In such cases, it is advised to stop only at the last 3-5 places of work. However, if you have little overall experience, it is better to list all of it.

Job responsibilities

Sometimes this item is not allocated in a separate column, but indicated in the previous one. But if the vacancy is rare, at the previous place of work you held other positions, it is worth highlighting this information in a separate column.


Many people are interested in how to write a resume correctly in order to interest the employer. The achievement clause helps a lot in this. It should list all the achievements in other jobs that you can be proud of. They will become the main markers for the employer by which the candidate is assessed. By the way, it is desirable to describe them using the correct wording. So, all proposals must have a complete form: reduced costs, introduced technology, increased sales. In this case, it is desirable to indicate specific numbers.

Additional Information

Some resumes, examples of which can be found on the Internet, provide additional information about yourself, a sample of which can be seen below. In this section, you need to maximize your strengths, skills and knowledge that help you to better fulfill your professional responsibilities.

You should not praise yourself especially, indicate only the facts.

Personal qualities

Often, many have problems with this item. How to properly fill out a resume for a job in order to show yourself as an example of a specialist in your field, but not go too far? In this case, you need to build on the position for which you are applying. Think about what qualities an employee needs to do their job perfectly, how much they are expressed in you. Those that show up best, write in this section.

This is an optional paragraph on a resume, but its presence will give the document more credibility. It is optional to provide a list of referees. It is enough to indicate that there are people who are ready to confirm the skills you have declared. But it's worth having it. Make a list of the companies you worked for and their contacts. Check in advance if they are ready to give such recommendations. It is recommended that you go to your interview with this list.

What else can you include in your resume: practical advice

Even taking into account all of the above, job seekers still do not always understand how to properly fill out a resume for a job, they are looking for an example that suits their situation in order to make a similar one. In this case, it is worth paying attention to some practical adviceprovided by recruiting agencies and job search sites.

It is also important to understand that such a document is drawn up not so much for the sake of describing you as an applicant, but for a specific position. It is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of the company's business, its specifics, corporate requirements. Therefore, it is advisable to prepare a separate resume for each new interview, but never come without it.

Practical tips for writing a resume are detailed in this video:

What is not worth writing

The question of how to create a resume for a job correctly includes not only a sample of a correctly drawn up document, but also recommendations on what should not be indicated in it. So, it is strongly discouraged to indicate false information. This was mentioned above, but it is worth emphasizing again, since many inexperienced applicants have a desire to add some merit to themselves in order to get a good job. In fact, any lie always pops up. And it will be worse than if you immediately admit that you do not own certain skills.

Introducing professional sample resume for applying for a job, as well as ready-made resume examples for various professions, which you can download for free in DOC (WORD) or PDF format. Our sample resume is compiled by highly qualified job search and career development professionals with years of experience in the industry. In this form, a resume is convenient and attractive for HR professionals and everyone who decides on the choice of candidates for an invitation to an interview.

What a professional resume template looks like

Sample resume for applying for a job

Smirnov Alexander

Date of birth: 01.04. 1981

Accommodation: St. Petersburg, Primorsky district. Ready for business trips.

Ready to move to Moscow.

Contact Information:

Phone: +7 (9xx) xxx-xx-xx

Email: [email protected]

Career objective:Sales Manager

Desired income level:100 thousand rubles

Key skills:

  • Sales department management.


  • Created a sales department from "0". Subsequently, the department (5 people) under my leadership regularly carried out the plan to attract new customers and sales;
  • Brought 7 key clients to the company (up to 50% of orders in total);
  • Developed and implemented the technology for the sale of technically complex equipment in the company.


10. 2008-07. 2014 Sales Manager

LLC "NNN-group" (, St. Petersburg

Scope of the company: wholesale construction equipment and accessories for it

  • Sales department management (subordinate up to 5 people);
  • Work with key clients, elimination of arisen disagreements;

07.2003-09.2008 Sales Manager

LLC "XXX-group" (, St. Petersburg

Field of activity of the company: wholesale of construction equipment

  • Active sales, expansion of the client base;
  • Working with key clients, eliminating any disagreements;
  • Timely and systematic monitoring of prices for similar products of competitors;
  • Dealing with accounts receivable.


2003 St. Petersburg state University Economics and Finance, St. Petersburg

Faculty of Labor Economics and Personnel Management; Specialty: "Human Resources Management"; Qualification: "Manager" (Diploma with honors).

2003-2014 Attending numerous seminars and trainings on sales and working with clients (Cold Calls, SPIN Sales, Active Sales, Service Sales, Tough Negotiations, Dealing with Objections, etc.)

Additional Information:

Foreign languages: English language - advanced.

PC knowledge: confident user (MS Office; CRM; 1C).

For your convenience, you can download our sample resume in DOC (WORD) or PDF format:

When writing a resume on english language it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of foreign standards and the specifics of individual companies. Here is a standard sample resume in English, suitable in most cases.

Dear friends! By Denis Povaga. I decided to prepare a post for job seekers offline. Although I advise - and build a career on this. But there are readers who choose a profession according to their specialty and are looking for a resume to get a job.

I often got a job and quit my job. And I was always puzzled how to competently present myself so that I was chosen. I think your situation is similar ...

Gradually, I began to understand that I could not earn a lot of money in any job. And one day, he completely devoted himself to the Internet business. I work from home for myself, publishing articles on this blog.

First, let's get acquainted. My name is Denis Povaga. And you are on my blog site

And below there is full list, and resume examples. And you can download any, and all you have to do is enter your Name, Surname, fill in required fields, and send it to the employer. But first, I recommend watching a comic video clip on how to behave correctly in an interview:

12 ways to get a job right?

Of course, this is a joke video from YouTube.

And below you can download real resume for work.

For convenience, I will analyze each profession. And I will give a recommendation as to how it is possible. And you already take the information that is more needed)) And if you have questions, ask in the comments below. Hope this review helps you!

So. We begin.

Why do you need a resume when applying for a job?

Not everywhere, the employer provides such an opportunity to select a resume. But self-respecting companies choose this method. And first, the preliminary interview is among those who filled out the forms. This can be a direct appeal to the company, or you can send a questionnaire by email. In some cases, the resume follows the company's template. That is, there are those questions that interest the employer, and from how competently you fill out the questionnaire, the more likely it is that you will work with them. In theory, 70% of success can depend on a well-filled resume.

Imagine that a company is looking for an accountant, but the competition is too big. There are so many applicants that more than 100 people apply per day. But the employer does not need everything, but only the accountant who is best able to cope with the tasks. They choose the best. And your resume serves to help you in choosing.

How to write and write the right resume?

And here it is more interesting. If you are given the opportunity to fill it out by email, then do not be afraid that it will not remain unread. Another thing is when you send it, you can additionally call the company and clarify or inform that I am such and such, and I sent you my questionnaire on the chosen profession.

That is, on the one hand call, can you raise you higher than others this time. And second, they sent it via email, and additionally confirmed that you exist))

It turns out that you can stand out among other candidates.

Do not be afraid to tell more in the questionnaire if there are additional fields. But about the salary, where they ask the desired one, you can not write a big one. Choose medium. Let this amount seem not so great to you, but the chances that you will be chosen are increasing. After all, the first thing you do is get a job, and already along the way - both salary and social services are provided. package. Of course, if there is one))

With regard to education... Write the ones that are actually available. But again, you can lie about the fact that there is an unfinished second higher education on such and such a topic. And plus additional courses - indicate those that can distinguish you in the eyes of the leader.

Write honestly, but where there is an opportunity to embellish - do not be afraid to write more. Since the main selection will follow the questionnaire. That is, the examiner may not see you beautiful in person, but how beautifully write your resume, and success will depend.

Therefore, in detail, point by point, fill in the fields. Below are examples, as well as ready-made templates for different professions.

note that before the main resume, you can send an accompanying... Moreover, if you do it via email. There is an option to make a resume in physical form. That is, print. And when applying for a job, do not hesitate to tell more about yourself, providing everything in a couple of sheets. At a personal meeting, if you approach the question correctly, you may not only like it, but after the interview, leave your personal resume on the manager's desk with contact information. 90% - that they will choose you!

The main thing is to take the compilation seriously.

A cover letter for a resume - what is it and why do you need it?

And this thing will help provide a basic resume. It wouldn't be right to send your profile to email right away. Much more efficient, write covering letter, in which in a couple of lines write who you are and how you responded to the vacancy (where you came from, where you learned from).

Just information, kind - I am such and such, and found out about your vacancy from an advertisement in the newspaper "Work" or from the site "Avito". After all, a company can provide several sources of advertising, and by doing so, by informing from where you learned about the profession, you help to determine their working channels.

This is one of the perks of an accompanying resume. And most importantly, the role of the letter is to introduce the reader on the other side to your main resume.

In general, it is compulsory to draw up if you send a sample by email, and not necessarily if you give your resume in person. Just by meeting in person or by phone - you can verbally explain who you are, what vacancy you are interested in and from where you learned about it ...

Example of an accompanying resume:


My name is Anna Ivanova. Let me attach your resume to the vacancy - "Accountant". I learned about the profession by advertising from the site " Avito". Ready to provide any additional informationrequired to consider my candidacy.

Best wishes,
Ivanova Anna, tel. 8-977-777-77-77

Thanks in advance!

p.s. I attach my resume in a separate file

Universal resume sample (for any profession) + example

In case you need a standard form, download it for free. It consists of 2 pages. The first sheet is the necessary information about you, and the second additional skills. Convenient and simple template. Nothing extra. And can be attributed to any profession. But still, if a certain specialty is chosen, then look at the templates below. Perhaps choose the best option.

As for downloading. That is pdf format in in electronic format... I write all mine in this format. Opens on all devices. But you cannot edit the text in it. Therefore, it is only for printing, and then you fill it in with a pen. Suitable if you need to quickly print and fill out on site.

And the second option, an already completed example. It can be edited with the word text editor. Use this option for quick editing. And by the way, after that you can save the correct version in pdf format, and then send this version by mail to the employer.

Empty - (pdf format)

To provide a potential employer with information about professional achievements, it is important to correctly write a resume for a job. Leaders large companies can receive hundreds of resumes for prestigious jobs.

Therefore, the chances of success largely depend on the consistency and clarity of the presentation of information in the resume.

What is a resume and why is it so important when looking for a job

A resume is a concise description of professional skills and personal characteristicsthat will be useful at the desired place of work.

This includes information about educational qualifications, previous positions and additional skills such as foreign language skills or driving.

They are brought in to add value to the job seeker.

Registration of an applicant for a new job position is regulated by Art. 68 of the Labor Code. To improve your chances of success, it is important to prepare your resume correctly. This includes:

  1. Brevity.
  2. Complete information in the absence of details not related to the vacancy.
  3. Ease of perception.
  4. Printed text.
  5. No spelling errors.
  6. Moderate volume - no more than two pages.

The resume helps the employer get a general idea of \u200b\u200bthe job seeker. When compiling, it should be borne in mind that no more than 3 minutes will be allocated to read it.

Therefore, the information should be structured and clearly presented.

What data to include in the resume

The resume should preferably be in a standardized format. The familiar clear structure of the document will help you quickly navigate and get information about the applicant.

The 2016 samples highlight the main points that make up step by step guide by drawing up:

  • personal data (full name, age, marital status);
  • contact information (phone number, email address);
  • goal - a vacancy that interests you;
  • data on education (starting from the last educational institution, the dates of admission and graduation, name, faculty, specialty are indicated);
  • previous jobs (starting from the last institution, the dates of the start and end of work, title, position, it is advisable to mention specific achievements in professional activity);
  • information about additional education (various courses, list the same information as in the paragraph "data on education");
  • information about skills (knowledge of foreign languages, handicrafts, degree of mastering the PC);
  • personal qualities that are directly related to the chosen vacancy (for an accountant it can be a mathematical mindset, organization, for a designer - a creative approach).

Some information may be useful. However, if they are not required for a given vacancy, it is better not to provide them. These are all jobs and reasons why a new job is needed.

The employer will be more interested in the last 10 working years and the specific success of the applicant. You don't always need to attach a photo, a list of references, or a salary preference to your resume.

Important: the resume should be very clear about the abilities of the applicant, directly related to work responsibilities.

What to pay special attention to

The most significant for a potential employer are the achievements of the applicant for his professional activity. However, it is important here to specifically describe the results obtained.

The figures will give greater clarity to the information. They will show what the applicant actually managed to achieve.

In terms of accomplishments, it is worth noting factual details such as:

  1. specific definition of the task;
  2. the time frame in which the result was achieved;
  3. figures characterizing the result obtained.

It will be easier for a potential employer to read printed text. To emphasize certain points, it is worth highlighting them in the editor. However, the text as a whole should be kept in a business style.

Important:you can attach a small letter with a request for an interview to the prepared resume. There you can also indicate why the applicant is interested in this particular position.

So that a potential employer can get brief description professionalism and personal qualities the applicant, provide the data of the previous bosses. Before posting contact information, you must notify them about it.

Indicate the following data:

  • position;
  • phone numbers.

Calls to previous jobs are not always received. However, having it certified and increases the job seeker's chances of success.

Important: referring to previous employers is better at the end of the resume.

What to avoid when drafting

In order for a resume to make a positive impression on a potential employer or HR employee, it is important to avoid:

  • spelling errors;
  • complex structures;
  • vague wording.

Spelling mistakes are most common when writing resumes. In practice, in order to minimize them, it is worth re-reading the prepared text.

If errors are found, they should be corrected. You can ask your friends for advice: show them a resume and ask them to read it aloud. Difficult moments should be corrected.

Also, when drafting the text, it is better to avoid complex wording. A resumes containing an abundance of terms are less interesting. Text written in simple language will attract more attention and be better received.

A competent resume contains specific information. The key aspect is goal setting. If the applicant simply demonstrates his experience and qualities, the search for a suitable vacancy is shifted to the potential employer.

To increase the chances of success, it is important to clearly define the vacancy of interest and show that the applicant has the knowledge and skills necessary for the position.

Important: when describing previous jobs, it is also worth focusing on achievements, and not on the duties performed. While the latter are worth mentioning, they should not be central.

Is it worth using a ready-made sample

Now you can find many options for ready-made resume forms for different positions. It is worth downloading one of the proposed options.

This will facilitate the task of drafting the text and help to correctly format it. The original approach is best demonstrated in the attached letter, but not in the form itself.

What is the best way to deliver a resume to the company's management? There are a number of ways:

  1. mailing;
  2. fax;
  3. electronic.

Sending by mail allows you to deliver a document without loss of quality. However, in this case, it will take longer to wait for a response. The purchase of an envelope and stamps will require some expenses. If mail is chosen as the delivery method, the resume is sent by registered mail.

To get your resume faster, you can use a fax. Delivery will take a few minutes, but the quality of the document will be severely distorted. Another option is email. To avoid technical problems, the letter is sent as an attached file.

In case employees of the company use another text editor, the text is additionally copied into the frame of the email message.

The resume must contain accurate and structured information. With proper design, the chances of getting the desired position increase.

How to make a resume. Summary yak warehouse. How to write.

A good position is a very relative concept. For some, this is primarily (and perhaps only) high wages, which give a chance at minimal costs energies to fulfill old and very recent dreams; for others - an activity to their liking, ideally coinciding with a hobby; for others - the opportunity to learn something new every day and express themselves in previously unknown areas of activity.

But getting such a job simply by walking into HR and writing is nearly impossible at present - too many happy coincidences have to happen. If so, it remains only to congratulate the lucky person; in other cases, an applicant who has already looked after a suitable company for himself will have to start with and send it to e-mail.

The easiest way out is to download the ready-made, the most suitable form in common formats doc or docx, without problems opening in the "native" microsoft program Word or any other popular text editor.

A standard word template is enough for any resume:

  • plain text;
  • with a photo;
  • with complex formatting.

However, it is too easy for a real professional to fill it out without thinking too much about the structure and opportunities that the very first, albeit written, contact with the employer opens up. I would like to personalize the document, turning it from a template text with an attached photo into a small work of art. It will definitely attract the attention of a specialist in the personnel department; but to write such a summary, you must first learn more about the purpose and principles of drafting the document. After all, this is not a questionnaire with pre-written questions - this is a way to demonstrate your strengths as successfully as possible.

A resume is a document in which, in a concise and succinct form, all information relevant to a potential employer about the applicant is presented. You should not get carried away: HR employees, and in the vast majority of cases, the email goes to them, they work with large amounts of information and read many other resumes every day. With all due respect to your work, you should not overestimate a document drawn up or written on the basis of a sample: most likely, the employer saw the letters and more interesting.

You should not even give up the creative approach at all, simply entering the required information into an empty template: last name, first name and patronymic, places of study and work. It is better to choose the middle ground: after downloading a couple of really successful resume examples, create your own, unique and inimitable based on them. Such that a specialist in the personnel department, having read it, decided that the applicant deserves the next stage of getting a job - an invitation for an interview.

Important: regardless of the type of work and the requirements for a specific position, it is necessary to draw up a document not only briefly and to the point, but also competently: an error or typo in the text can greatly spoil the impression of the resume, especially if the position for which the applicant applies is related to intellectual labor. It is assumed that a person capable of serious mental stress can express his thoughts correctly; therefore, before sending a letter, it is worth rereading it thoroughly - at least twice.

It is necessary to indicate in the document the information required by the employer, even if it seems unnecessary or unnecessary to the compiler. Do not be lazy: it is always possible, if the form itself is not at hand, to find your military ID or certificate of advanced training. How successful the job will be depends primarily on the person applying for the position and, in particular, on how much effort he is willing to put in at the first stage of acquaintance. Open a blank sheet in Microsoft Word and it is easiest to fill it with superficial information, but there are thousands, if not millions of such resumes; a good document not only gives complete (within reason) information about its compiler, but also answers non-standard questions from the employer.

The first step a resume writer needs to take is to plan out its structure. Since there is no single generally binding sample, a deviation from the rules for drawing up which immediately deprives the applicant of the chances of employment, do not worry too much: resume should be beautifully designed, well-written and interesting - and how to achieve this, everyone is free to decide for himself.

The document will look much better if you attach a photo to it. The requirements for the photo are simple, understandable and meet the interests of both the potential employer and the candidate for the position:

  1. Photo must meet business standards... Of course, it's not necessary to wear a formal three-piece suit for the sake of the picture; casual clothes are enough. But there is no need to offer a specialist in the personnel department pictures taken on the beach or during a trip to barbecue.
  2. There must be only one person in the photo... If this is a group photo, the rest of its participants must be "cropped" in any photo editor or through the built-in Microsoft Word option.
  3. The picture must be of good quality... A human resources specialist is unlikely to be interested in trying to guess, looking at the pixels, what an applicant looks like in general. In the end, it is a matter of respect for the future employer: if a potential employee does not find the time or opportunity to take a decent photo, it is unlikely that he will continue to work hard in the future, giving his strength for the good of the organization.

Brief structure of a standard resume:

  1. Contact details:
    • surname, name and patronymic (depending on national traditions, this list may change);
    • date of birth (day / month / year);
    • number of complete years;
    • mobile and (if any) city phone number;
    • email;
    • optional - links to pages in social networks, Skype and so on.
  2. Goal of request: what place the applicant is applying for. If the author of the document would like to try himself in several positions at once, it would be logical to draw up a separate resume for each of them. This will allow you to avoid confusion and in the future communication with an employee of the HR department you will immediately go to the heart of the matter. It is possible and not to indicate a specific position at all, but this sharply reduces the chances of the letter writer for employment.
  3. Education... Here it is necessary in reverse order (from the last to the earlier ones) to list all educational institutions that the author of the resume graduated from. Secondary general education schools need not be mentioned: these data are unlikely to be useful or interesting to the employer. You can arrange the list as a table with the following columns:
    • start and end dates of studies (it is enough to limit yourself to specifying the month and year);
    • the name of the institution (it is better to decipher the abbreviations in order to save the specialist from unnecessary work);
    • faculty;
    • specialty and qualifications (digital code and decoding);
    • additional information (diploma with honors, incomplete education, etc.).
  4. experience... As in the previous paragraph, you need to start from the end: first - the last place of employment, then earlier. Contrary to popular belief, the applicant can indicate in this section not only the organizations in which he was officially employed, but also write about the experience of part-time work or work as a freelancer: it may well be that this information will interest the employer. But to explain why the author of the document left previous place, not worth it: if necessary, the HR specialist will find out about this at an interview. The information can also be summarized in a table with the following columns:
    • start and end dates (you can use labor contracts and orders to terminate them; as in the previous paragraph, it is enough to indicate the month and year of each event);
    • name of company;
    • the scope of the company and its small objective characteristics;
    • position held;
    • rate (half, full, combination, other options);
    • official duties, powers, access to state secrets, other classified information;
    • the presence of subordinates and their number;
    • service achievements: certificates, awards, social activity.
  5. Availability additional education ... If the applicant has attended advanced training courses, trainings or seminars, the subject of which is directly or indirectly related to the position he liked, it is necessary to list them, as before, in reverse chronological order. It doesn't make sense to mention non-specific courses new job: For example, a resume writer applying for a programmer position is unlikely to benefit from the massage certificate he received a few years ago.
  6. Other skills... At this point, you can mention anything that the author of the document considers important or capable of attracting the attention of a HR representative:
    • pC skills;
    • acquaintance with one or another software products (text, video editors, design, engineering, computing software);
    • proficiency level foreign language (languages);
    • availability driving license (you can specify the category) and your own vehicle;
    • other information.
  7. Personal qualities... Perhaps the most standard and tedious section for an employer. The job seeker should try to come up with something more interesting than boring sociability or learning, especially if he positions himself as a creative employee.

Important: desired size wages (unless, of course, it is strictly fixed in the proposal of the employing organization) it is better to indicate not in the resume itself, but in the accompanying text - usually this is the body of the letter sent by e-mail. There you can also give other explanations regarding the compiled document, which are inappropriate in the summary itself.

If the applicant, for any reason, cannot cope with the design of the text, but does not want to use ready-made templates and forms downloaded from the Internet, he can contact a company that specializes in writing a resume for help. The service, of course, is not free, but at the exit a potential employee will receive a high-quality, beautifully designed and well-written document.

Another option, which is gaining more and more popularity, is to store your resume in the "cloud" of a large job aggregator, for example, HH (HeadHunter). In this case, the potential employer can, on his own initiative, familiarize himself with the document and invite its author for an interview: the resume writer does not need to send it to every suitable place. It cannot be ruled out, however, that under the guise of an employer there will be a fraudster who wants to lure money from the applicant: despite all the efforts of the largest job sites, such cases are still quite common. Therefore, one should not lose vigilance, especially if the person who calls himself a specialist in the HR department offers deliberately high salaries and working conditions that are incomparably better than those of competing companies.

Whichever way of job search the author of the resume chooses, the main thing for him is, without giving up on a creative approach, to follow the generally accepted structure of the document, revealing in it all the really important information and refraining from listing insignificant details. Such a resume, well-written, well-designed, detailed and capacious, will greatly increase the applicant's chances of getting a position that interests him.