Which are for the purpose of improving quality. Recommendations for improving quality. A.8 Control chart


Mebelkomplekt LLC is a developing company with its own unique style. Improving product quality contributes to increased production efficiency. In order to improve production efficiency in the furniture industry, the long service life of the furniture plays an important role. On this enterprise modern equipment, which allows them not only to easily accept a large volume of sales, but also to fulfill complex orders.

The second chapter analyzed the activities of Mebelkomplekt LLC. To identify the strengths of the enterprise, we used a SWOT analysis. The analysis identified threats and opportunities for the plant. The main threat is late control.

When analyzing competitors, it turned out that Gloria Mebel uses other equipment that allows you to make various elements both on glass and on wood.

The decline in product quality is a disaster for all types of production. Applying the Ishikawa diagram, the following factors influencing the quality of products were identified: Man, machine, methods, materials. Violations in the input and output control were identified, which entails an analysis of the work of controllers.

In the third chapter, measures should be developed to improve the organization of quality control. Analyze job description... Carry out activities aimed at improving the organization of quality control.

5S system implementation

The 5S system includes 5 basic principles:

  • 1-Seiri - Sorting. Selection of useful and useless things in the employee's workflow. Getting rid of unnecessary things.
  • 2-Seiton - Maintaining Order. Proper organization of storage of things, when the most needed is always at hand.
  • 3-Seiso - Keep it clean. The maintenance of the workplace is always clean and tidy.
  • 4-Seiketsu - Standardization, which is an essential condition for the fulfillment of each of the first three principles.
  • 5-Shitsuke - Improvement. Developing the habit of following all of the above principles and improving.

To improve quality control, one of the methods is precisely the 5S method, because if the order in the head, in the workplace, everything is at hand and done on time, then the problems with production and with defects are reduced.

I think it is advisable to introduce this method into the department technical control... For the implementation of this method, the responsible person is the Director for Quality, the implementation period is three months. After each stage passed, the quality department must summarize, analyze the activities carried out, and identify the positive aspects.

Method implementation algorithm:

Stage 1: This is the preparation of the project Familiarization of all controllers and the head of the quality department with this method. We define a leader and a team for implementation and planning. Implementation proposals are discussed here. In our case, the technical control department will be considered, where the quality director will act as the leader, and the quality management department will be the team.

The term of completion is one week. Responsible project leader.

Stage 2: Scanning the workplace. To do this, we take photographs of the workplace for a given period of time, the group develops a system of indicators for the project and collects initial data on the documents and elements with which I work in the technical control department. We create an information stand.

The term of completion is 2 weeks. Responsible implementation team

Stage 3: We start with the first element of the sorting method. In order to workplace was not overwhelmed with a bunch of useless things, you need to constantly sort the things that are at hand, because the process of doing work is the same every day, and nothing should interfere. To do this, we consider the desk of the supervisors and the head of the department, give them red and yellow flags, and within a week they must use them for documentation and other elements at their workplace in order to identify which things they use more often and which less often. Yellow flag - frequent use, red - once a month.

The term of completion is one week. Responsible implementation team.

Stage 4: Rational arrangement of things. One of the most important questions to which the worker himself must approach, because from day to day he develops a skill, and he already, as it were, automatically takes the tool he needs. A list of tools and a diagram of their location should be established at each workplace so that any employee can find the tool he needs. To do this, the quality controllers and the head of the department, in a week, must provide the quality director with a list of elements with which they work and, on the basis of the sorting already carried out, arrange things by depicting all this in a layout diagram. After that, at each workplace, we install these schemes, put things in their places and observe the convenience, comfort and efficiency of the location during the week. So in a short time, we rid our workplace of unnecessary elements.

In order to check how effective our actions are, it is possible for all workers to change their jobs for two days and observe comfortably, easily and conveniently for each of the employees.

The deadline is two weeks. Responsible implementation team and working in this department.

Stage 5: Cleaning with simultaneous verification. At this stage, it is necessary to develop cleaning rules. For example, at the end of the work shift, all employees should be allocated 10-15 minutes to clean up the workplace, both garbage and tools that should lie according to the scheme that is located at each workplace.

The time frame is one two days. Responsible implementation team and workers in this area.

Stage 6: Standardization and information exchange. Standardization is an essential condition for fulfilling each of the first three principles. Standards need to be developed and implemented to ensure the ideal condition. Management needs to think about cleanliness standards and can rely on ISO 14644, Cleanrooms and associated controlled environments.

Term 2 weeks. Responsible group and group leader.

Stage 7: Maintaining the achieved and improving. Improvement is about developing a habit so that workers understand the importance of the above points and the need to complete them on a daily basis. Implement 5S in other departments. Improvements can be made in changing schemas.

Term of completion: constantly.

It is quite difficult to carry out the correct organization and implementation of a 5S system in an office or production facility. This system does not have clear instructions for each individual employee, but defines the basic principles.

Improving product quality is the most important way to increase. Production efficiency is determined by the ratio of the results obtained and the costs incurred. Efficiency can be increased in two ways: by reducing production costs or increasing the social significance of the results of labor, which can increase not only due to an increase in the quantity of production, but also due to an increase in its quality. The first path has certain boundaries, the second is practically unlimited.

Improving the quality of products is a process focused on the fullest satisfaction of the needs for this product, which includes improving the quality parameters of already mastered products, as well as the creation and development of its qualitatively new types.

The growth of product quality has two kinds of constraints: scientific and technological advances and production potential society, which determines the amount of total social labor costs required for the creation and use of products. Society is not indifferent to the amount of labor that is required to create a specific product and satisfy social needs by it. From an economic point of view, not any improvement in the quality of products is advisable, but only such that meets social needs and satisfies these needs at the lowest cost. High quality of products is evidence of the achievement of maximum labor savings to meet a specific need by optimizing labor costs at the stages of production and consumption of products.

As the quality of products decreases, the need for additional labor costs in society to meet the corresponding need increases. So, with a decrease in reliability and service life technical devices repair costs increase and maintenance... If it concerns household appliances, then the loss of working and free time increases due to the need to repair it.

Improving quality provides significant cost savings for enterprises and manufacturing firms. Despite the initial savings, the cost savings are so great that firms can revise the prices of their products downward, which significantly increases their competitiveness, increasing the share of these products in the market while maintaining and even increasing profits. The analysis showed that an increase in investments in improving product quality by 2% at the design stage gives an increase in profits by 20%. The return on investment in improving product quality is about 900%.

Of course, the cost of ensuring and improving product quality in different firms in different countries can vary significantly.

In the United States, the cost of improving product quality is on average 3-5% of product sales, in Western Europe - 6-8%, in Japan - 3%.

Two aspects of products - quality and quantity, within certain limits, are interchangeable in meeting social needs. A single unit of product with a given quality level is capable of satisfying a single need. The entire volume of satisfied demand for a given product is determined by the product of its quantity by the level of its quality. Thus, a given volume of needs can be satisfied with a smaller quantity of products with a higher quality.

In most cases, improvement in quality stimulates the growth of consumption and, consequently, production. This is due to the fact that a new, higher quality is not only created to meet a higher need, but also changes the nature of existing needs or generates new ones and gives impetus to development social production and raising people.

There is a misconception that with a shortage of products, its quality fades into the background, because everything that is produced is bought. But low quality products cannot reduce the deficit, because it is able to satisfy a specific need far from completely for the entire set of consumer properties and for a short time if such quality indicators as preservation and durability are reduced. At the same time, the required mass of goods increases.

Moreover, the low quality of this type of product can cause a shortage of other types. So, the deficit passenger cars may be the result of not only limited production capacity, but also low quality metal; shortage of motor fuel is a consequence of its high unit costs due to poor quality of engines; the shortage of shoes made of genuine leather is largely the result of poor quality raw materials due to poor livestock care, etc.

Improving quality is equivalent to increasing the volume of manufactured products without additional resource costs. Calculations showed that the efficiency of investments aimed at improving the quality of products is approximately 2 times higher than the efficiency of costs for increasing the volume of its production.

The surest way to meet your product needs is to improve quality.

A developed product market solves the quality problem simply: poor quality products do not find a consumer. In these conditions, product quality is the main indicator of its competitiveness.

The stable position of firms in the market under conditions is ensured by the stable maintenance of the quality level of the products. The constant release of high-quality products enables large corporations to receive government orders, participate in national programs and projects, which provides a guaranteed sales market.

In an acute competitive struggle the market position of small and medium-sized firms depends entirely on the quality of their products. If the position of large companies seems to be practically unshakable, because, having failed in the production of one type of product, they can compensate for it with success in the production of another type, then the release of low-quality products by small firms, whose nomenclature is most often limited, can lead to complete bankruptcy. In addition, small and medium-sized firms are often suppliers of large corporationswhich impose strict requirements on the quality of the supplied products. The contract is concluded only with firms that have proven their ability to produce high quality products.

The decisive importance of quality in the competitiveness of products is confirmed by the following fact. In a study of 200 large US firms, 80% of those surveyed answered that product quality is the main factor for its sale. No firm put price first.

IN last years the quality problem ceases to be a concern of individual firms, but is viewed as a nationwide problem. Thus, the problem of production is seen as a major national task in Japan, annual "quality months" are organized in the United States, national quality campaigns are being carried out in Sweden by government decree, and a nationwide five-year plan to improve product quality is being developed in Holland.

Such close attention in developed countries to the quality of products is explained by the action of the objective reasons mentioned earlier, as well as by changes in conditions, forms and methods of intensified competition for sales markets between leading firms different countries... The catalyst is the "Japanese phenomenon" in product quality. Japanese firms have practically ousted competitors in the global market for audio and video equipment, watches, cameras, and are squeezing out leading American and European firms in the market for cars and a number of other goods.

Most countries are making great efforts to improve the quality of their products and thereby defend their prestige and position in the world market in a fierce struggle against competitors from Japan. Industrial firms from different countries are adopting japanese experience organization of production and quality management.

The problem of quality is especially acute and requires its solution in our country. This problem is long-standing for us, it arose in the conditions of a directive economy, when all work to ensure and improve product quality was planned and controlled from above. However, at the same time, the requirements of consumers were poorly taken into account and the quality of products was assessed by its compliance with the requirements of regulatory documents, which most often lagged behind consumer requests. With the monopoly position of manufacturers and the absence of a powerful market incentive for qualitative growth - competition - they were not interested in improving the quality of products, in spending additional financial resources for these purposes. The situation with the quality of products was then aggravated by the growing shortage of goods, when demand more and more exceeded supply, and the consumer deprived of choice was ready to buy goods of any quality and at a dictated price (however, prices were affordable).

Since our manufacturers practically did not enter the foreign market (with a few exceptions), there was no external competition and there was no need to compare the quality of our goods with goods from other countries.

Now, when the market is saturated with imported goods, the problem of quality has faced our producers in full growth. Without its solution, our products will not be marketed either domestically or on the world market.

Let's define the concept of socially necessary quality. What is important is not just the quality of the bulk of a given product, not any level of its social utility, but the level that is necessary for society at this stage of its development, taking into account the actual needs. The socially necessary quality is a measure of the social utility of a product. Under socially necessary quality understand such a level of consumer properties of products, which ensures the satisfaction of social and individual needs with the most efficient use of all types of resources at the disposal of society. The quality of products will then be socially necessary when its level will be within the limits of the realized social utility, and the labor costs for the production of the product will be regulated by the average ratio of social costs per unit of use value. Improving the quality of products within the socially necessary level should be accompanied by a decrease in costs per unit of utility.

What are the boundaries of socially necessary quality? The lower limit can be considered technical quality, i.e. such a level at which the product is still a use value, and below this level it becomes a thing that cannot satisfy any need of the individual and society. The upper limit of socially necessary quality can be the maximum value of social need, at which the quality of products fully appears as public utility.

Nowadays, the social aspect of quality is becoming increasingly important, when quality is considered in a broad sense -

Photo by Vsevolod Alshansky, Kublog

Every manager wants his subordinates to work effectively. To improve the quality and efficiency of work, a lot of methods are used, from motivation to an individual approach to an employee. Oftentimes, you don't have to look for a needle in a haystack to improve performance. It is enough to pay attention to a few points. Yuri Smagin, the creator of the Shopokop service, shares his secrets to improve staff performance.

Improving working conditions

Create comfortable working conditions: organize comfortable workplaces, a pleasant environment. For example, in a companyGoogle is creative in office design. The concept of the new office in Moscow is based on the cultural heritage of our country. On its territory you can find a meeting room, created based on the work "Twelve Chairs", or a play area in the form of a hut.

Psychological comfort is also important. The absence of conflicts and intrigues allows employees to focus exclusively on work, without being distracted by feuds and bad moods. A well-knit team is an emotionally stable team. Closely monitor the mood within him, apply the method of assessing the mood in relation to colleagues and management. Conduct trainings and corporate events aimed at uniting employees, organize interest groups.

It is also important to remember about the individual approach to employees. Maybe some people prefer a flexible schedule. If your employees are creative and dynamic people, and the nature of the work does not depend on the time of day, try to create a work environment that is acceptable to everyone.


Motivate your employees financially. Create a bonus system by dividing wages for a fixed and premium part. Hoping for more income, employees will perform better the tasks assigned to them. Set feasible conditions and increase bonuses.

Organize a competition among employees. This will boost their performance.

For example, a companyFreshBooks introduced virtual badges for employees, which were issued not only for solving important tasks, but also for such merits as: early arrival to work ("early bird"), creation of articles for a corporate blog ("Hemingway"). At the end of the month, the results were summed up and the winners received prizes.

Reaffirm the significance. If the employee has lost interest in the job, find out what is the reason. Remind them that their tasks are integral part overall result. Show him how important he is to the company as a whole.

Encourage development. Moving forward is a common desire for most of us. When work only helps personal growth, this is a good thing for the company and for the employee. Build a professional library and allow books to be read. Let your employees go to specialized seminars, trainings and conferences. Arrange in-house events where employees share knowledge and experience.

Professional development of employees

One of the major problems entrepreneurs face on a regular basis is the lack of qualified employees. There are two ways to get out of this situation: to outbid employees from competitors or educate and train them on their own. Training and “nurturing” employees will create professionals who are loyal to the company. Improve the qualifications of your employees. New knowledge will help generate new ideas and keep pace with progress. One of the methods is the continuous education system.

For example, in a companyEvery year SPLAT conducts more and more trainings aimed not only at skills useful for work, but also focused on personal growth of employees.

Work on bugs

Work on mistakes at meetings and planning meetings. This will help teach employees to solve problems that arise in the course of work, analyze their actions, evaluate the consequences and eliminate errors in time. In addition, the most common mistakes can be introduced into the content of internal trainings, thereby anticipating their repetition by different employees.

Control over the work of employees

Trust but check. Monitor the work of employees. Evaluate the completeness of the work performed, and you will be able to identify in the early stages a decrease in motivation among the team. This is especially important when employees interact directly with customers, providing them with services or selling goods.

Verification of the quality of the work of employees can be carried out by the company, but such checks are not always objective. In recent years, it has become popular to evaluate the work of staff using the "mystery shopping" method. Hired people come to buy a product or service according to a pre-prepared scenario, after which they provide a report on the quality of the service. The method allows you to determine to what extent the company's employees comply with corporate service standards, what it is necessary to train personnel, and identify weaknesses in the method of attracting customers.

Secret checks are ordered from marketing agencies or self-employed secret buyers. Another possibility is to use web technologies to find mystery shoppers. Full automation of the mystery shopping method makes the system simpler and more transparent. You can directly contact performers by selecting them based on their rating. This eliminates the middleman, which leads to faster interaction.

Let's sum up

Improving employee performance is not an easy task, but it can be done. By focusing on motivation, employee development and control, you can take your business to the next level, increase profits and rally your dream team.

In recent years, the business world has become extremely complex, it has become incredibly volatile, the level of competition has increased, the environment as a whole has become unpredictable, rapidly changing. For the survival and development of enterprises in real conditions, they need to adapt to dynamically changing environmental conditions. To do this, each entrepreneur, each firm must have its own economic strategy, find the main link for victory in the intense competition. Without a "strategic vision" of the future, without seeking long-term competitive advantages, it is impossible to achieve effective business functioning.

One of the most important factors in increasing production efficiency is improving the quality of products or services provided. Product quality is the main condition for survival and the key to success in a highly competitive market. Quality is constantly changing. The quality that satisfied the consumer a year ago may no longer meet their requirements this year. Therefore, every leader must monitor the situation in the world, be aware of all events, anticipate the tastes, opinions and requirements of people. The rapidly changing preferences and tastes of people are forcing manufacturers to look for new ways to create a better product or service. Improving a product or service involves the introduction of any innovations, transformations, elimination of defects, thereby increasing the quality of the previous product, the manufacturer receives a competitive product that meets the new market conditions. Improving the quality of products is currently regarded as a decisive condition for its competitiveness in the domestic and foreign markets. The competitiveness of products largely determines the prestige of a country and is a decisive factor in increasing its national wealth.

Therefore, in order for products to be competitive, constant, purposeful, painstaking work of manufacturers to improve quality, systematic quality control is necessary, in other words, we can say that any company wishing to strengthen its position in fierce competition and maximize its profits should pay great attention to the quality management process. All of the above determines the relevance of studying the topic "quality management at an enterprise" in modern conditions.

1. The quality of the company's products and its importance in the modern economy

1.1 Concept and indicators of product quality

In the modern world, the survival of any company, its stable position in the market of goods and services is determined by the level of competitiveness. In turn, competitiveness is associated with two indicators - the price level and the level of product quality. Moreover, the second factor is gradually coming to the fore.

Product quality is a combination of product properties that determine its suitability to meet certain needs in accordance with its purpose.

Each buyer purchases the product that best meets his personal needs. On the whole, buyers purchase the product that more fully meets social needs than others. Therefore, the degree of customer satisfaction with the product also consists of the totality of opinions of individual buyers and is formed even in anticipation of its appearance on the market, at any stage life cycle products until disposal. With the development of scientific and technological progress and the needs of society, new requirements are formed, and high-quality products become insufficiently high-quality. The set of properties of a product may be the same (i.e., the quality has not changed), but this product may be unacceptable to the consumer.

A product property is an objective feature of a product that can manifest itself during creation, operation or consumption.

Products have many different properties that must be taken into account when developing, manufacturing, storing, transporting, operating or consuming. Properties can be simple or complex. The simple ones include mass, capacity, speed, and so on. The complex ones are the reliability of the technical means, the reliability of the device, the maintainability of the machine, and others.

The quantitative characteristic of one or more properties of a product that make up its quality, considered in relation to certain conditions of its creation, operation or consumption, is called an indicator of product quality.

According to the way of expression, production indicators can be natural (meters, kilometers), relative (percentages, coefficients, points, indices), as well as value.

By the stage of determination - predicted, design, normative, actual.

According to the characterized properties, the following groups of indicators are used:

Appointment indicators characterize the beneficial effect of using the product for its intended purpose and serve the area of \u200b\u200bproduct application.

Reliability indicators are reliability, preservation, maintainability, as well as product durability.

Manufacturability indicators characterize the effectiveness of design and technological solutions to ensure high labor productivity in the manufacture and repair of products. It is with the help of manufacturability that the mass production of products is achieved, the rational distribution of the costs of materials, funds, labor and time during the technological preparation of production, manufacture and operation of products.

Indicators of standardization and unification are the saturation of products with standards, unified and original components, as well as the level of unification in comparison with other products.

Ergonomic indicators reflect the interaction of a person with the product and the complex of hygienic, anthropometric, physiological and psychological properties of a person, manifested when using the product.

Aesthetic indicators characterize information expressiveness, rationality of form, integrity of composition, perfection of performance and stability of the product's presentation.

Transportability indicators express the suitability of products for transportation.

Patent and legal indicators characterize patent protection and patent purity of products and are an essential factor in determining competitiveness.

Environmental indicators are the level of harmful effects on environmentthat arise during the operation or consumption of products, for example, the content of harmful impurities, the likelihood of emissions of harmful particles, gases, radiation during storage, transportation and operation of products.

Safety indicators characterize the features of products for the safety of the buyer and service personnel, i.e. ensure safety during installation, repair, product consumption.

The combination of these indicators forms the quality of products. But besides all these indicators, the price of the product is also important. The question of economically optimal quality is connected with the price. When purchasing a product, the buyer always compares whether the price of the product compensates for the set of properties that it possesses.

Economically optimal quality is understood as the ratio of quality and costs, or the price per unit of quality, which can be expressed by the formula:

K opt - economically optimal quality;

Q - product quality;

C is the cost of purchasing and operating the product.

The main task of each enterprise is the quality of the products and services provided. The successful operation of an enterprise must be ensured by the production of products or services that meet the following requirements:

    Meet clearly defined needs, applications or purposes;

    Satisfy customer requirements;

    Compliant with applicable standards and specifications;

    Compliant with applicable law;

    Offered to the consumer at competitive prices;

    Are aimed at making a profit;

Improving the quality of products is of great importance for the enterprise - manufacturer, consumer and the national economy as a whole. The release of quality products contributes to an increase in sales volumes and profitability of capital, and the growth of the company's prestige. Consumption of products of improved quality and greater use value reduces the unit costs of users and ensures more complete satisfaction of needs. The national economy has a number of advantages from high-quality products: an increase in the export potential and the income part of the country's balance of payments, an increase in the living standards of the population and the authority of the state in the world community.

The consequences of an insufficient level of product quality are as follows:

1. Economic:

    Loss of material and labor resourcesspent on the manufacture, transportation and storage of products that are out of order before the planned terms of physical wear and tear.

    Additional costs for equipment repair.

    Loss of natural resources as a result of the use of low-quality machinery used to extract these resources.

    Additional costs of material and labor resources for the implementation of a multi-link and multi-stage system of quality control bodies.

2. Social:

    Deficiency of domestic products.

    Decline in the prestige of products manufactured at national enterprises.

    Insufficient satisfaction of production, technical and personal needs.

    Decrease in the growth rate of the well-being of the population.

    Deterioration of the moral climate in the team.

    Decrease in the profit of the enterprise.

3. Environmental:

    Additional costs for cleaning: air basin, water basin, land resources.

    Loss of productivity of agricultural products due to poor air quality.

    Additional costs for measures to improve the health of the population.

    Accelerated depreciation and additional costs for civilian buildings and transport repairs due to poor air quality.

This implies the need for constant, purposeful, painstaking work of producers to improve the quality of products in comparison with competitors' analogues. Everyone should be engaged in quality - from the director of the enterprise to the specific executor of any operation. All processes for ensuring, designing, maintaining quality are integrated into a quality management system.

5.18. Ways to improve the quality of products and the organization of scrap

Product quality in modern economic conditions has become the most important factor in the competitiveness of the enterprise. Naturally, in market relations, the manufacturer strives to achieve a stable quality of its products, to use all the tools developed by world and domestic practice. The most important of these is the quality assurance system (quality system).

Quality system - aggregate organizational structure, responsibilities, processes and resources to ensure overall quality management.

Product quality catering primarily depends on the quality of incoming raw materials. Firms or individual enterprises entering into a supply contract food products or logistics goods, must be sure of the supplier. At enterprises processing and producing food products, a product quality management system should be introduced. The quality system is not only a means of ensuring the quality of goods, but also a criterion for assessing the reliability of a supplier.

There are two ways to make sure that the goods are of good quality. The first is verification, control of the product itself. This method is quite acceptable when a small amount of goods is purchased. But if we are talking about a wholesale purchase, then even with complete control, due to random factors, you can miss a product with a defect.

In recent years, more and more use is finding another way: not checking the product, but the ability of the enterprise to produce products with quality that satisfies the consumer.

This also applies to catering establishments. The most important recognized tool for integrated quality management is the quality system. What criteria should a quality system meet? Undertook the preparation of the answer International Organization on standardization (ISO). This organization has issued three international standards, which received the ISO 9000 index, these standards take into account rich experience largest companies systems approach to the quality problem.

The cornerstone of the quality system is to cover all stages of the product life cycle. For a catering establishment, the following stages of the product life cycle can be specified (Figure 24):

1. Marketing, search and market research.
2. Development technical requirements to products, enterprise standards.
3. Material and technical supply.
4. Preparation and development of production processes.
5. Manufacturing.
6. Control, quality control.
7. Technical assistance and service.
8. Implementation and distribution finished products.

Scheme 24. Stages of the product life cycle

By the nature of the impact at the stage of the product life cycle, there are three directions in the quality system:

Quality assurance;
- quality control;
- quality improvement.

Quality assurance is a set of planned and systematically carried out measures for the implementation of each stage of the "quality loop" so that the products meet the quality requirements.

Quality control includes methods and activities of an operational nature. These include: process management, identification of various kinds of shortcomings in products, production and elimination of these shortcomings and the causes that caused them.

Improving quality is a constant activity aimed at improving the quality of products, reducing costs for it, improving production.

The object of the quality improvement process can be any element of production, for example, a technological process, implementation scientific organization labor, modern equipment, provision of inventory, tools, professional development of personnel, etc. Continuous improvement of quality is directly related to increasing the competitiveness of products.

The management of a firm, company (enterprise) develops and defines a quality policy, provides coordination with other activities and monitors its implementation at the enterprise.

The main document in the development and implementation of the quality system is the "Quality Manual", which contains reference data (regulatory and technological documentation, standards, documents confirming product quality, plans for "NOT, to improve production, training and advanced training of personnel and the enterprise The "Quality Manual" can be used as a demonstration material confirming the effectiveness of the quality system for other organizations (consumers), certification bodies, as well as for voluntary certification of the quality system. Certificate confirming that the company works " quality system ”, helps to increase the competitiveness of the enterprise

Quality records should be conducted to confirm that the required quality has been achieved. All elements of the quality system should be subject to continuous and regular inspection and evaluation.

Checks can be external and internal. External control is control by the local administration, sanitary and epidemiological supervision, trade inspection, etc. Evaluations of the quality of food of the enterprise are recorded in the audit log, waste log. If violations are found, a verification act is drawn up in two copies, one copy remains at the enterprise.

Internal control is exercised by the administration of the enterprise: the director, the head of production and their deputies, the heads of the shops, as well as the chefs-foremen. Food quality control is called rejection of finished products. For the purpose of daily quality control of manufactured products, large enterprises a rejection commission is created. The marriage committee includes: chairman - director of the enterprise or his deputy for production; production manager or his deputy; process engineer (if available on staff); chef-foreman, qualified cook; sanitary doctor (if available on the staff of the enterprise). At small enterprises, the rejection commission may be absent, in this case the head of production is responsible for checking the quality of food. The composition of the marriage committee is approved by the order of the enterprise.

The rejection commission is guided in its activities by normative and technical documentation - collections of recipes for dishes, technical and technological maps, technical conditions and technological instructions for semi-finished products and culinary products, standards, requirements for the quality of ready-made dishes.

The rejection commission conducts an organoleptic assessment of the quality of food, determines the actual weight of piece products and semi-finished products. All batches of prepared dishes are subject to scrapping prior to the start of distribution. In the restaurant, the quality control of portioned dishes is carried out by the production manager selectively throughout the day.

The most important conditions for the release of dishes high Quality is the strict observance by all employees of the standards for laying raw materials and implementation technological process in strict accordance with the established requirements. Of great importance are the mechanization of technological processes, as well as the development of a new progressive technology for cooking, the development of a technology for the preparation and use of chilled dishes, and the creation of optimal conditions for the sale of culinary products. Improving the quality of food largely depends on the professional training of catering specialists. All these conditions clearly correspond to the principles of the quality system and the stages of the “quality loop”.

Evaluation of the quality of dishes is carried out in the following sequence. First, they try dishes that have a mild taste and smell, then more spicy; sweet dishes are tasted last.

Each of the five food quality indicators ( appearance, color, consistency, smell, taste) is evaluated on a five-point system. The average score is displayed as the arithmetic mean with an accuracy of one decimal place. For example, the dish received the following ratings:

Appearance - good;
- color - excellent;
- consistency - good;
- smell - excellent;
- taste - good;
- average score - 4.4.

When carrying out a marriage, an “excellent” rating is given to dishes prepared in strict accordance with the technology and in which there are no deviations in organoleptic indicators. A dish prepared in accordance with the recipe, but with slight deviations from the established requirements, is rated as "good". The rating "satisfactory" is given to dishes that have significant deviations from the technology requirements, but are allowed for sale without processing.

The rating "unsatisfactory" is given to dishes with a foreign taste that is not characteristic of them, as well as sharply salted, undercooked, undercooked, having an incomplete output. Such dishes are not allowed for sale. In cases where the identified deficiencies can be eliminated, the dishes are sent for processing. If it is impossible to correct the deficiencies, the products are rejected, formalizing it with an appropriate act.

The results of checking the quality of culinary products are recorded in the marriage log before the start of their sale and are certified by the signatures of the marriage commission (see table):

Extract from the marriage journal

product name Evaluation of the quality of dishes and products Responsible for cooking
I batch
II batch
III batch
Fish salad

The vegetables are sliced \u200b\u200bcorrectly. The taste is spicy, moderately salty, with the smell of fish and spices.
The consistency of cooked vegetables is soft, while raw vegetables are slightly crispy.

The appearance of the product meets the requirements, the salad is brought to taste, but the potatoes are slightly overcooked.


Vegetables and fish have retained the size of the slices, but the pickles are not pressed, the taste of cucumber pickle is felt.

Chef V rank
N.S. Ivanov
Homemade noodle soup with chicken

Roots, onions have the correct cutting shape, the soup is brought to taste, but the homemade noodles are slightly overcooked.

Roots, onions and homemade noodles have the correct cutting shape. The taste of the soup is moderately salty, there is an aroma of browned roots, onions and broth
The color of the broth is amber
The consistency of the roots and noodles is soft.


The soup is finished to taste, but you can smell slightly overcooked roots. Chicken broth is not clear enough.

Chef V rank
A.S. Sidorov

The correctness of the technological process, adherence to recipes, the quality of incoming raw materials, as well as finished products and semi-finished products manufactured by enterprises, are controlled by sanitary and food laboratories. With the help of laboratory studies, physicochemical (proportion of dry matter, proportion of fat, proportion of salt, content heavy metals and others), microbiological indicators (mesophilic aerobic and facultatively anaerobic microorganisms, coliform bacteria, pathogenic microorganisms, etc.).

Another characteristic feature of the quality system that determines its effectiveness is the constant work on the analysis and assessment of quality costs.

Quality costs are subdivided into production and non-production costs.

Production costs are associated with the activities of the enterprise to ensure the required quality of products. These are the costs of preventing defects, losses from the production of defective products (losses from defects, compensation for damage, etc.).

Non-production costs are associated with product quality assurance such as product certification and quality system certification.

In accordance with the ideology of the ISO 9000 series of standards, the quality system should function according to the principle: problems are prevented, and not detected after they arise.

Systematically carried out measures to prevent inconsistencies that have arisen can be aimed at replacing technological equipment, "tools, outdated documentation, etc.

A special place in the work to ensure the stable quality of products is taken by preventive measures to eliminate product defects.

Let us now consider the basic requirements of the quality system that must be met at the stages of the product life cycle to ensure the required level of products.

The first stage, which largely determines the result of all the company's activities in terms of quality, is marketing... The marketing function at the enterprise should give an accurate definition of market demand and product sales necessary for planning production volumes, objectively assess the "requirements of the consumer based on continuous analysis, collect information about claims, etc. Marketing is a system of management levers, methods, linking in a single whole the basic economic functions of an enterprise for the development, production and marketing of products In quality systems, marketing is given great importance in determining the needs of the market and establishing feedback with consumers of products. In large firms joint stock companies there must be marketing departments.

Marketing research results determine processes product design... For public catering, this means the development of specialties, dishes from new types of raw materials. At this stage, recipes are developed, technical conditions, standards, conduct experiments, tests, check the quality in a laboratory way. At this stage, it is very important to prevent mistakes in new product development.

The purpose of the complex of works on material and technical supply in the quality system is to ensure the stable quality of incoming raw materials, semi-finished products, items of material and technical equipment. At this stage, choosing reliable suppliers is very important.

A prerequisite for effective work to prevent defects at the stage of development of production processes is the use of planning methods: what equipment needs to be purchased, to study the equipment supply market. At this stage, production processes, the creation of optimal conditions for stable production of products in strict accordance with the requirements of regulatory documents is ensured. Development tasks are being solved new technology, ensuring the stability of the equipment, training personnel, etc.

At the production stage, the quality system provides for a set of measures aimed at ensuring the stability of production for the release of products in accordance with the requirements of regulatory documents. This is, first of all, quality control of product manufacturing, control of ensuring technological discipline, metrological support of production. An important place among the methods and means of ensuring the stable quality of production is given to the system of incentives for employees of the enterprise, as well as their training and advanced training.

The technical assistance and service stage plays an important role in the quality system. This stage includes loading and unloading operations; strict adherence to product safety requirements; creation of optimal storage conditions; technical assistance in equipment maintenance.

So, the principles of building a quality system and the basic requirements for the stages of the product life cycle are considered.

The quality system must comply with the following basic principles:

Personal participation and responsibility of the manager in the work to ensure product quality;
- availability of clear planning in the field of quality;
- a clear distribution of responsibility and authority for each type of activity, ensuring the implementation of the company's plan in the field of quality;
- determination of costs for product quality assurance;
- ensuring the safety of products, works, services for the consumer and the environment;
- stimulating the development of work to improve quality;
- systematic improvement of methods and means of quality assurance and control.

Questions to control knowledge

1. What is the quality system?
2. What determines product quality?
3. In what ways can you be sure of the good quality of the product?
4. What are the main stages of the product life cycle or "quality loop"?
5. What directions of influence on the stages of the “quality loop” stand out?
6. Give definitions to the directions: quality assurance; quality control; quality improvement.
7. What does the term "quality manual" mean?
8. What types of check of the enterprise can be?
9. Who exercises external control over the work of the enterprise?
10. Who exercises internal control over the production of quality products?
11. Who can be a member of the marriage committee?
12. How is the marriage committee guided in its activities?
13. What is organoleptic grading?
14. How is organoleptic grading carried out?
15. What marks are given to dishes during organoleptic examination and for what?
16. What is determined in finished products using laboratory tests?
17. How can you subdivide costs by product quality? Give their characteristics.
18. Describe the stages of the product life cycle - "quality loops":
- marketing;
- product design;
- material and technical supply;
- development of production processes;
- production;
- quality control;
- technical assistance and service.
19. List the basic principles of what characteristics the quality system should meet.