A letter of recommendation to a student from a teacher in Russian. An example of a letter of recommendation. How to write a letter of recommendation from a company to an employee, for admission, for a nanny. How to write letters of recommendation to schools and universities

World universities and business schools. Key tips for writing a recommendation letter:

1. The choice of referents (those on whose behalf it will be written letter of recommendation)

Behind the scenes the higher status from the referent, the more solid the letter of recommendation will look. The admissions office of any university or scholarship fund will definitely pay attention to this.
Moreover, the more important criterion is that how well the referent really knows you and can assess your potential. If you choose between the dean of the faculty, who did not teach you a single course, and the teacher who taught you a number of disciplines during all the years of study, choose the second one! Such a letter of recommendation looks much more solid in the eyes of admissions officers.
And of course, try to choose a teacher in one of your key subjectsor in the specialty for which you are going to apply.
And if you manage to combine all 3 conditions, then the letter of recommendation will be the most advantageous.

2.1 How easy it is to prepare the text

If the teacher told you to prepare the text yourself, then the easiest way for you to do this is, collecting opinions from... Even your classmates, friends, colleagues - those who are familiar with you and can appreciate your potential and your personal qualities - can help you with this. Ask what, in their opinion, are your strengths, what would they emphasize, characterizing you? If it is inconvenient to ask this question directly "on the forehead", then make a small online survey (iAnquette, SurveyMonkey, etc.) and simply send it to your friends, explaining why you need it. When you collect a few opinions, you will already have a base for your letters of recommendation.
Otherwise, if you rely only on your perception, then it will be difficult for you to immediately prepare your own motivation letter, and two recommendations. Even if it succeeds, it is almost always possible to understand that all documents were written by one person.

Make a plan, in which you briefly indicate what details you will include in each of the letters: motivational essay, in both letters of recommendation. Of course, some information will overlap in all documents, but since it is assumed that all 3 letters were prepared from different persons, accordingly, the angles should be different. In the presence of general plan It will be easier for you to understand what to include in your own essay and what to leave behind for each recommendation.

- Specific examples
A very common mistake in recommendations is to list all possible laudatory characteristics separated by commas, without giving any examples (I see a lot in letters: “the student showed himself as capable, talented, hardworking, thinking, with high potential and leadership qualities”). This is the dead weight of the letter, with almost no impact on the commission.
To revive these characteristics, it is necessary to bring specific examples... If it is written that the student is purposeful, this needs to be explained; if the teacher thinks that the student has leadership skills, you need to prove; if he recommends continuing his studies in the magistracy, you need to clarify why. Examples make the characteristics really valid.

- Information about successes, achievements relevant to the chosen program
The length of a letter of recommendation is usually 1 page of text, so there is simply no place to list all the merits, successes and characteristics. That is why the text of the letter should be tailored to the requirements of the program.
If, for example, you are applying for finance, then special emphasis should be placed on analytical skills, the ability to work with numbers and analyze a large amount of information. Usually, the websites of the programs themselves indicate which qualities are most important for applicants.

- Characteristics for professional and personal qualities
The fact that you have well-developed analytical skills, you can absorb a huge amount of professional material, and are fluent in research methods, etc. - this is what interests the selection committee in the first place. But, having received this information, the members of the commission want to know what kind of person is going to them. This is a potential future representative and face of our university - how much does it fit our culture, the image of our university? Therefore, in letters of recommendation it is very important to indicate personal qualities - how well you can work in a team or individually, how well your communication skills are developed ... This information should logically complement your profile, and of course, it should relate to what you wrote in your motivation letter.

3.1 Allow more time to prepare recommendations than you expect
(very often it will be necessary to additionally or coordinate the text with the teacher, who may be away, or wait for the signature and seal at the dean's office for a whole week),

3.2 Check in advance in what form it is required to provide letters of recommendation to all universities where you are applying:
- in a free format or in a special form of your chosen university,
- is the scan of recommendations online enough or do you need to send originals by mail,
- is it possible to upload letters by yourself or it can only be done by the teacher through his official university email.
It is better to find out all this in advance in order to immediately understand how many sets of documents to prepare and in what format.

3.3 After you have completely prepared all the main documents (motivation letter, CV and recommendations), check how all the information is logically connectedwhether there is disagreement or excessive repetition. This is such a ‘reality check’ before submitting a set of documents.

The structure of the recommendation letter should be as follows:


  • In what capacity and for how long does the referee know the candidate.

Achievements of the candidate

  • An overall assessment of the candidate's abilities that have played an important role in the learning process, assignments, projects, research, or job responsibilities.
  • Characteristics of the activities and achievements of the candidate during the mentioned period of study or work (here you can list awards, honorary places, certificates, etc.).
  • A characterization of the strengths of the candidate, especially in comparison with other students or work colleagues with a similar background.

Personal qualities of the candidate

  • Assessment of the motivation and maturity of the candidate (especially when it comes to admission to a master's or doctoral studies).
  • Characteristics of leadership and communication qualities, the ability to work in a team or individually.


  • Finally, the referee should justify why it believes the recommended candidate should be accepted into the specified training program or awarded a grant.
  • At the very end, the name and initials of the referee, his position and contacts (email address, phone number) are indicated.

The document must be signed by the referee. If possible, the recommendation can be printed on the official letterhead of the institution where the referrer works. However, this is not always possible, so you can do without it.

To confirm the personal and business qualities of citizens during subsequent employment, letters of recommendation are drawn up. However, the need to obtain such a document may arise from students of educational institutions. In order to characterize citizens for the period of study, a letter of recommendation to the student is drawn up.

Letters of recommendation nature are issued by officials in whose subordination the citizens worked or studied. Only in this case the characterization of personal and business qualities will be objective and reliable. For students, such documents are drawn up by the leaders of the educational process - the dean, scientific supervisor, or another curator at the training stage.

  • The name of the institution in which the student was trained;
  • Personal data of the student to whom the recommendation is given;
  • Specialization in which the student's educational process took place;
  • Personal and business qualitiesthat the student has shown during the period of study;
  • Scientific or public achievements;
  • Recommendation for prospective employers or teachers.

The specified document is in the nature of a business letter, so all characteristics and wording should be clear and definite. The listing of the student's achievements must be accompanied by specific evidence and an indication of the events in which he showed himself.

  • His position in the educational institution;
  • Full decryption of personal data (surname, name, patronymic);
  • Contract information.

To a foreign university in English

If the student is to further study at an educational institution located outside the Russian Federation, it will be necessary to submit a letter of recommendation to english language... Its form and content will not differ from a similar document in Russian, however, the presentation of the text in foreign language may pose a problem.

  • Standard language business communication is English, therefore letters of recommendation should be drawn up with this fact in mind;
  • The document can be immediately drawn up in English if the domestic educational institution has qualified translators;
  • The document can be drawn up in Russian, and the translation will be certified and legalized by a notary.

Note! If a document is translated into Russian, both versions of the letters of recommendation must be of identical content. In case of notarial legalization and translation, this compliance will be established by a notary.

Of the additional information that a letter of recommendation to a foreign university may contain, one can single out an indication of the level of theoretical and practical knowledge of one or more foreign languages.

To magistracy

Another possible area where a letter of recommendation can be presented is a master's degree, which guarantees the student the opportunity to continue the educational process. Since passing a master's degree is not a prerequisite for obtaining higher education, a letter of recommendation may have an impact on the results of the competition when enrolling.

A student can choose a master's degree not only from the university in which he studied under the bachelor's program, therefore the content of the letter should describe in detail his attitude to the educational process, as well as information that allows him to give preference to this particular student.

If there is an enrollment in a magistracy of the same educational institution, letters of recommendation, as a rule, are drawn up directly scientific advisers or tutors of training. Only these persons have the opportunity to assess the student's personal attitude towards learning and recommend it for further education.

Life situations are different, and you may someday need a sample letter of recommendation and how to fill it out.

In this article, we will reveal the question of why a letter of recommendation is needed at all, what information must be displayed in it, and how to write it correctly.

FROM legal point opinion and according to some lawyers, letters of recommendation are a relic of the past, they should not be required when applying for a job, and even more so it should be considered a mandatory requirement for obtaining the desired position, but employment practice shows that employers still ask for recommendations from the applicant from the previous place of work or study. What functions does a letter of recommendation, reference letter, letter of introduction actually perform? In fact, the role of letters of recommendation is nothing more than an attachment to a resume, which significantly increases your chances of employment.

Let's turn to the concept of "Letter of recommendation" and understand what it is. This is a characteristic that is compiled in free form, where the professional qualities of a person in search of work are fully disclosed. The letter of recommendation is drawn up at the place of study of the person or his previous job. Its task is to reflect the qualities of the applicant that are important when applying for a job, and this information is ready to be confirmed or educational institution, or a former employer. There is no standard template for a letter of recommendation, although there are approximate forms of its writing, reflecting the personal and professional qualities of a person.

It is recommended that this document be prepared in accordance with generally accepted rules for writing business letters, and such paper is for informational purposes only. Let's list a few rules when writing a recommendation letter:

  • Use of a business style;
  • Compliance with the requirements when addressing a person: Partner, you, colleague, employee;
  • The absence in the text of artistic phrases that are used to decorate the narrative and do not carry any semantic load;
  • The document must be certified by the signature of the person who filled it out;
  • The originator of the recommendation letter should also be indicated.

Recall the fact that the letter of recommendation is drawn up at the previous place of work or study, and there is no standard template for writing it. But if we consider the issue in general terms, then a sample recommendation letter will have the following structure:

  • We fill in the upper right corner: here the full name of the employer and the institution where we want to get the desired vacancy are indicated, or we write the phrase "for presentation at the place of demand" if the citizen is looking for work.
  • In the middle, at the top of the sheet (just below the right block), write the name "Letter of recommendation".
  • The next block is the main body of the letter, and it might look something like this: “I, Saveliev Ivan Petrovich, in the period from April 20, 2013 to March 15, 2015, was the direct supervisor of Oleg Ivanovich Pavkin. During this period Pavkin O.I. held the position of chief accountant of the financial department. In his job duties included: accrual wages employees, preparation of annual financial statements. Occupying this position, Pavkin O.I. repeatedly went to refresher courses, seminars in order to get acquainted with innovations in tax legislation. I coped with my studies perfectly, having mastered the skills necessary for work. During the period of work at LLC "Business Project", he was repeatedly encouraged by certificates and prizes for high results labor activity... He showed himself on the positive side, not conflicting, sociable, friendly with colleagues. Has a number of achievements such as: "The best accountant of the department".
  • After the main part of the recommendation letter, there is a place to indicate the reasons why the applicant left previous place work.
  • The last block is intended for the employer from the previous place of work to give a subjective assessment of professional qualities former employee... Here an opinion is expressed about how the applicant worked, what qualities he showed and is provided with another helpful information... The end of the letter is drawn up according to the following principle: “Based on the above facts, and personally assessing the professional qualities of O. Pavkin, we note his readiness to perform similar duties at a new place of work due to his full compliance with the previously held position. We wish Pavkin O.I. success and career advancement, improvement in the chosen direction and professional growth. "
  • The entire text of the recommendation letter must be certified by a signature officialthat made it up. The date of its writing is also put.

The employee's immediate supervisor must certify the letter of recommendation. This can be the head of a structural unit, department, branch. Today, such powers are gradually being transferred to personnel departments, due to the expansion of their powers, in particular to personnel managers.

If the job seeker is a student, then the letter of recommendation must be signed by the dean, the head of the department and, in extreme cases, the rector, which is rare. In the case when a student was trained in refresher courses or attended preparatory courses, then it is the head of the courses that is assigned the role of the compiler of the recommendation letter, he also puts his signature on paper.

Irina Petrova was hired as a journalist for the online publication PapaYurist.ru in December 2014. Already in February 2015, she was transferred to the position of managing editor of the news section, Irina Petrova worked in this position until June 2015.

For the entire period of work in the online edition of the site, Irina Petrova showed herself as a professional journalist and editor, showing the best qualities: efficiency of work, an inquisitive mind, analytical skills, instant switching from task to task, the ability to captivate readers with the published materials, a broad outlook and individual writing style.

As a journalist, Petrova performed the following functions: filling the site with news, monitoring the work of correspondents and freelance correspondents. As editor Irina Petrova performed the following functions: stylistic and literary editing of materials, search for topics for future publications, selection of illustrations, coordination of texts with experts, moderation of comments.

Irina coped with her official duties flawlessly, as her immediate supervisor, I can safely recommend her for work in such positions.

Ivan Fomichev, editor-in-chief of the Internet edition "PapaYurist.ru"

Zabelina Natalya Nikolaevna worked at LLC "Advanced Technologies" under my direct supervision as an accountant from December 15, 2005 to June 2015.

Zabelina N.N. was responsible for maintaining accounting and tax accounting in the company, for work with primary accounting documentation, she monitored settlements with suppliers and buyers, prepared and submitted reports to the tax service.

Zabelina N.N. possesses high level diligence, represents an absolutely non-conflict person, constantly improves her professional level, she is characterized by responsibility and attentiveness, her mathematical and analytical skills are well developed.

Personal qualities and professional skills of N. N. Zabelina allow us to recommend her for work in the positions of accountant, assistant chief accountant, chief accountant.

Chief Accountant of LLC "Advanced Technologies"
Gromova Antonina Sergeevna
Contacts: postal address, telephones, e-mail
Printing. The date.

Erokhin Sergey Fedorovich worked at ZAO Vkusny Mir under my leadership as a driver-freight forwarder from September 4, 2008 to May 20, 2015.

The duties of S. F. Erokhin included: control of loading / unloading, timely delivery of food retail outlets, enterprises catering, and maintenance car. During his work at ZAO "Vkusny Mir", Erokhin S.F. fully coped with his job duties. The cars entrusted to him were constantly kept in good order technical condition and cleanliness. He showed himself to be a responsible, accurate, reliable and non-conflict person, won respect and authority among colleagues. Erokhin S.F. is well aware of the technical base of cars, is well oriented on highways Moscow, during the work of accidents did not allow.

The personal qualities and professional skills of S. F. Erokhin allow us to recommend him for work in the following positions: driver, freight forwarder, driver-freight forwarder.

Director of CJSC "Tasty World"
Contacts: postal address, telephones, e-mail
Printing. The date.

Nikitin Yuri Dmitrievich worked in the "Textile City" company as a sales manager from January 2005 to July 2015 inclusive.

As a sales manager, Y.D. Nikitin was engaged in large-scale wholesale of textile products throughout the Russian Federation. In the process of work, he demonstrated the ability to navigate well in the textile market, conducted an analysis of competitors and their assortment, and over ten years of work, he collected an impressive client base.

During all the years of work in the company, Nikitin Yu. D. demonstrated a desire for self-education, regularly attended courses on the ability to build a dialogue with clients, work with objections, and conduct presentations. Y.D. Nikitin has shown himself to be an employee with a high level of self-organization, loyalty to the company, and a focus on results. Y.D. Nikitin is highly communicative, easily finds a common language with clients and employees, and is non-conflicting.

Director of the Sales Department of the Textile City company
Contacts: postal address, telephones, e-mail
Printing. The date.

Egorova Kristina Albertovna worked at OJSC Business Consulting under my direct supervision as a secretary from October 1, 2010 to March 1, 2015.

The duties of K.A.Egorova included: planning the manager's work schedule, maintaining electronic document management, business correspondence, reception and sending of materials to regional offices, preparation of analytical reports.

Dismissal from Business Consulting OJSC took place on the initiative of K. A. Egorova in connection with her move to another city to a new place of residence.

I believe that Egorova Kristina Albertovna possesses the necessary professional skills and qualities necessary to fulfill the duties of a secretary / assistant manager in another company.

General Director of OJSC "Business Consulting" Nikiforov Evgeny Alexandrovich
Contacts: postal address, telephones, e-mail
Printing. The date.

Letter # 1

Vorontsova Ksenia Aleksandrovna graduated from Moscow State University in 2014 with a degree in International Journalism. During the years of study, Ksenia Vorontsova proved herself to be a responsible and purposeful student who seeks not only to accumulate knowledge, but also to apply it in practice.

Ksenia studied perfectly well and at the same time accepted active participation in the life of the university. From the third year she headed the student trade union of the Faculty of Journalism and Mass Communication, organized concerts, did charity work and blogged on the university website.

We also want to note a wide range of interests of Xenia. In addition to the main lectures, the student attended electives in Spanish and Polish, and achieved good results in their study.


Alexander Viktorovich

Letter # 2

Alexey Belousov graduated from Voronezh in 2014 National University and received a bachelor's degree in Urban Environment and Interior Design.

The teachers who gave lectures and conducted practical classes with Alexey note his dedication and great creative potential. Alexey chose the right profession and, undoubtedly, will achieve good results in it.

Alexey was responsible for his studies, received good grades and was singled out among his classmates during practical classes.


Alexander Viktorovich


To become a graduate student of the chosen university, you need to have Russian citizenship, age not more than 35 years and a diploma confirming that a person has already received a higher professional education. A candidate can submit an application and recommendations for admission immediately after graduation, or after having worked in production in his specialty for at least 2 years. In the event that he wants to enter immediately after university, a recommendation should be given to him by the department in which his diploma was defended, or Academic Council... When a person enters, having worked in production, the management of the enterprise should recommend him. The form for writing such a recommendation and the requirements for its design will be the same.

A letter of recommendation, in essence, is the same characteristic, but it has its own specifics in accordance with where it is presented. The recommendation given for admission to graduate school, of course, should reflect the qualities of the future graduate student that he will need in scientific activities... In addition, this document is a kind of guarantee. A recommendation is written on behalf of legal entity, therefore, it is drawn up on the letterhead of the university or enterprise, which has all the details that make it a legally significant document.

In the title, which should be written in the middle of the line under the requisites, you need to indicate the name of the document - "Characteristics-recommendation", for whom it was drawn up and for what - "for admission to graduate school." In the first paragraph, mention should be made of the year of birth and the time since which this person studied at this university or worked at this enterprise, his specialty or position.

In the main part, it is necessary to list the qualities that make it possible to recommend this person for postgraduate studies and scientific activities. But one should not just mention or list them unfounded, it is necessary to confirm what was written with facts that would serve as confirmation, to mention the received increased scholarships, grants, awards and certificates, participation in olympiads, competitions.

At the end of the main text, you need to write that the department, the Academic Council or the management of the organization considers it possible to recommend this candidate for postgraduate studies. The recommendation is signed by an authorized person for this person, indicating the position and academic title, surname and initials. It is also necessary to indicate the contact phone number of the referee so that, if necessary, university employees can contact him. The signature must be certified by a seal. At the end of the document, the date of the recommendation is put.