Charitable Foundation Leaders: Do Good Better Openly. The main tasks and goals of our foundation. From a legal point of view


Tonya Arno, Dark Horse volunteer

Dark Horse is a volunteer association of socially active people who help children and animals. We organize regular trips to the municipal shelter "Pechatniki" for stray animals and the Kardymovsky orphanage, we provide direct and material assistance. We ourselves look for and find different ways to help. We help both children and animals, so each volunteer can choose a direction to their liking.

We do not have a clear framework and regulations, so we can always choose what to do and who to help. We use different methods and reasons: we organize charity sales with the support of friendly brands, charity yoga lessons (or workshops on other types of activity), organize concerts and festivals, sell T-shirts, bags with the recognizable Dark Horse emblem and illustrations from designer friends, we help to make repairs and so on.

There are unforeseen circumstances when money is urgently needed for an event in an oncological center, for example, and then we decide together what is more important and relevant now.

Volunteers can take on a wide variety of projects, even if they differ from what they usually do. Their funds are mobile, if one of the volunteers found an animal and he urgently needs help, they will help, despite the fact that this animal will not be from the shelter. They are active in social networks: this allows not only to solve fundraising issues, but also to inspire new children to join the volunteer movement. Also, thanks to social networks, it is possible to attach animals.

We have horizontal management: there is no director or leaders. Everyone defines his own responsibilities and fulfills them, realizing that overall success depends on the efforts of everyone. This, on the one hand, gives more freedom - everyone chooses what is interesting and comfortable for him, on the other hand, it is a personal responsibility.

We are a community of friends, not colleagues. All our volunteers are in sight, they understand their responsibility both to those they help and to other volunteers. Thanks to our principles of work, we always know exactly where these or those funds went, what exactly we did for this or that child. It is very cool that we can check whether the future programmer has his computer or the football player has the long-awaited boots.

We have white accounting: we keep records and track the movement of all funds. Receipts for purchases and payments for services are posted publicly, and reports on trips to orphanages and animal shelters are published in our groups on social networks.

It's easy to cooperate with us and help. In order to connect to the initiative, you just need to write to us, we are always online and will answer any question.

We are not registered anywhere, we have horizontal management - we are an association of friends. Nobody gets paid for their work, our only motivation is to make the world a better place.


Alexander Shuvalov, head of the private donor department of the Arithmetic of Good Foundation, specialist with 20 years of experience in fundraising

Foundations employ professionals who understand well the problems and needs of the group of people they help.

The fund's employees know how to make the assistance as effective and efficient as possible.

The Foundation makes sure that the money raised is spent on appropriate programs and initiatives or targeted assistance to the child, and not "lost along the way."

The fund's activities are transparent. We publish reports on the collection and expenditure of funds, post information about the events held on social networks, share the stories and achievements of our wards. We also report on the results of educational programs in which hundreds of orphans participate. For example, the “Chance” program, which is being implemented throughout Russia from Voronezh to Krasnoyarsk, gives children in orphanages the opportunity to enter colleges and universities and find their place in adulthood.

You can help the foundation not only through your own donations, but also simply by playing sports -. They join our team of good runners and take part in races not only for sporting achievements, but also for helping children.

The Foundation can implement large-scale and long-term projects, for example, we organize a summer educational campus for graduates of the "Chance" program, which attracts children from all over the country. The main goal of the program is to prepare for the delivery of the final certification of students in grades 8-11 and admission to secondary special and higher educational institutions. However, it is important not only to give the children school knowledge, but also to ensure their socialization, to prepare them for adulthood. As part of the summer campus program, we create a developing space for graduates of orphanages, in addition, throughout the year we have a whole system of appropriate events for the socialization of pupils.

Working with children does not tolerate amateurism. This is a job for tough professionals.

What is a charitable foundation in Ukraine and in the world? This is an organization registered as a legal entity and using donations to implement charitable programs. Most of the civilized countries at the level of legislation support charity, providing foundations, as well as people making voluntary donations, tax incentives.

At the same time, the fund cannot be regarded as a tool for optimizing tax costs. Modern legislation does not allow you to engage in commercial activities under the guise of charity and not paying taxes in full. Therefore, all modern foundations are non-profit non-governmental organizations.

What a charitable foundation can do is the answer to the question about the need for such organizations:

  • Make charity systematic and comprehensive. Businessmen who try to engage in private philanthropy are faced with ambiguity and a certain randomness of requests from various individuals. The fund is already a structure that defines clear rules for receiving assistance and distributes amounts based on budgetary possibilities.
  • Strengthen the reputation of the foundation's founder. Today, charity is not a PR tool, but an important component of a businessman's activities for the entire period of his career. The foundation, which has its own system of values \u200b\u200band a number of missions, will allow achieving effective results in philanthropy.
  • Fund activities are usually planned for the long term.
  • All monetary operations of the charitable foundation are transparent: reporting can be made available to interested parties at any time.
  • Successful charities can participate in national and international projects, funding the solution of global problems.

How a charitable foundation works

How a charitable foundation works is usually described in its charter: in particular, about the principles of work, methods of fundraising and distribution of donations.

In general, foundations conduct so-called socially oriented areas or distribute grants for training and research in a certain socially significant industry. Funds for their activities can be sought by foundations in the following ways:

  • receive voluntary donations from individuals and companies;
  • receive subsidies and subsidies from local or state budgets;
  • receive targeted funding or grants from other charitable foundations;
  • conduct commercial activities not prohibited by law;
  • invest in securities or keep them in deposit accounts.

In its charter, a charitable organization determines what percentage of the proceeds it has the right to use to cover the direct needs of the foundation. Usually we are talking about 20% of each financial income, which is spent on the rental of premises, production of advertising materials, salaries of key employees, transportation costs, etc.

The main employees are people who occupy key positions in the work of the fund and are responsible for organizing activities: manager, accountant, lawyer, etc. It is allowed to involve volunteers who work on a voluntary basis for social and propaganda work.

The charitable foundation operates in accordance with the approved program, developing precisely these areas. The transfer of funds to the needy party takes place according to different schemes, depending on the purpose and amount of funding of the funds:

  • transferring money directly to a person in need (pensioner, sick person, etc.);
  • payment for certain services (study for students, treatment for a patient or group of patients, etc.);
  • purchase and;
  • financing the activities of narrowly focused funds, etc.

A charitable foundation is a non-profit organization that does not provide for the generation of income for the personal gain of any of its employees or founders.

The structure of the charitable foundation

The scheme or structure of a charitable foundation largely depends on the specifics of its activities. However, all charitable organizations have common features - this, in particular, concerns the construction of a leadership structure.

The highest governing body of a number is a collegial body (most often - a general meeting), acting in accordance with the adopted Charter of the organization.

The management body is empowered to approve the Charter (or regulations) of the charitable foundation, amend it, elect the executive and control bodies, approve the directions and programs of charitable activities, and make other key decisions.

The executive body of the foundation is the board. Its powers are determined by the Charter or the statute of the organization. The current activities of the charitable foundation are provided by the administrative and executive body: the director (or president), a group of directors by area. Their powers are determined by the Charter of the organization.

The functions of control over the work of the organization are performed by the supervisory board of the foundation, the composition of which is determined by the founder (s).

Who can be among the directors of the fund? Again, it all depends on the scope and direction of the organization. In small foundations, one director works, he supervises several key employees (accountant, lawyer, etc.), the rest of the work is performed by volunteers.

In large funds with multimillion-dollar assets, for the normal organization of activities, a full-fledged staff is required: a financial director, a human resources director, a head of the structure responsible for external relations of the fund, etc. In such organizations, there is a staff of employees who ensure the optimal solution to the key tasks of the organization. Volunteers are involved in voluntary work related to collecting donations, contacting people who receive charitable assistance, etc.

Foundations that have branches within the same city or country will have a completely different principle of management and structure of the state. However, in any case, this structure will comply with the requirements of the legislation and regulations approved by the Charter of the charitable foundation.

It is known that in any more or less developed society they are distributed according to the principle of priority. However, it often happens that some socially important processes do not receive adequate funding. Fortunately, today anyone can contribute to the development of medicine, sports or culture. This became possible thanks to the existence of special charitable foundations. What is it?

Charitable foundations are special non-profit organizations that accumulate funds for the purpose of their further targeted distribution among those in need. From a social point of view, such movements are simply necessary. After all, the state cannot always, on its own, ensure the normal functioning of certain mechanisms that are important for public life.

Anyone can become a patron of a charitable foundation. In practice, this means that absolutely anyone can voluntarily donate funds by sponsoring a particular area of \u200b\u200bsocial life (for example, medicine, science or art) or even a specific group of poor citizens. And not only the society itself, but also special state structures will closely monitor that all of the above finances reach their addressees.

Aid fund as a way of charity

For most large countries, the problem of lack of budget flexibility remains very urgent to this day. Due to the impossibility of a prompt response by those in power to current events, many important aspects of social life in such states remain without adequate funding. Unfortunately, the Russian Federation is no exception in this sense. That is why the activities of charitable foundations in our country are so in demand.

By independently creating appropriate organizations, caring people take on the responsibility of supporting state culture, science and sports. They also promptly provide social protection for certain categories of needy citizens. Hundreds of millions of dollars annually pass through the hands of Russian philanthropists, which are then distributed by them for the most urgent needs for society.

Today, the following Russian foundations are best known for their activities:

  1. vladimir Potanin Foundation (financial support for students);
  2. the “Volnoe Delo” foundation (the “Temples of Russia” program and other well-known projects related to various spheres of social life);
  3. the Dynasty Foundation (funding of educational programs and science in general);
  4. victoria Foundation (support for orphans);
  5. foundation "Link of Times" (preservation of Russian cultural heritage).

From a legal point of view

Aid Foundation is a non-profit organization

From the point of view of legislators, a charitable foundation can be considered any non-profit (that is, founded without the goal of making a profit) structure that specializes in the provision of a specific type of social services.

According to Article 118 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, any legal entity or individual can open such an organization. By the way, in the latter case, the benefactor does not even have to be a citizen of the country.

It is curious that, according to all the same Russian legislation, the described funds can also engage in entrepreneurial activity. Moreover - to do this both on their own behalf and through a joint-stock company specially founded for this, or -. There are only a few restrictions on this:

  1. at least 80% of all profits received by such entrepreneurs should be redistributed to fund charity;
  2. the scope of the fund's business activities (as well as the specifics of the charitable services it provides) must be clearly indicated in all the organization's documentation using OKVED codes;
  3. the entrepreneurial activity of a charitable foundation should not go beyond the charter of the organization (article 49 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

How to open a charitable foundation?

Anyone can create a help fund

As it is clear from all that has been said above, purely theoretically, anyone can establish their own charitable foundation. However, in practice, this requires certain conditions to be met. More specifically, it is about securing funding for the fund.

In other words, before starting such an organization, the philanthropist must make sure that the social services he intends to provide will arouse the interest of prospective patrons. That is why the founders of foundations are usually people who already have some experience of philanthropic activity.

As soon as the philanthropist decides on the front of the upcoming work, he can begin to draw up a business plan for his organization. It is not only a clear idea of \u200b\u200bthe targeting of the fund's services that is important here. The list of prospective patrons also matters. This moment may become critical, since without generous donations, a young organization simply cannot provide even its own economic activities, because 80% of its income will be accumulated for charitable needs.

One way or another, as soon as the business plan is ready, the founder of the fund will be able to register his creation with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation. This step is strictly required due to charities and nonprofit laws. To carry out the same procedure, the founder will need the following documents:

  1. for registration of the fund (form RN0001);
  2. a documented decision on the establishment of an organization and approval of the relevant constituent documents;
  3. the charter of the future foundation (in triplicate);
  4. a receipt in the amount of 4 thousand rubles;
  5. proof that the fund has an actual address (certificate of ownership of the office space or a letter of guarantee from the lessor thereof).

As a rule, the decision to establish a charitable foundation is made by the Ministry of Justice within two weeks. The same amount of time is required for the mentioned state body to certify all the necessary registration documents. As for, in fact, official activities, her organization will be able to start as soon as its founders have the following papers in their hands:

After that, the philanthropist will only have to register with the statistics service, as well as funds - pension and social insurance. Then he will be able to select a bank to service the accounts of the organization and finally start the planned activities.

As for, directly, the taxation of charitable foundations, it has some specificity. All payments are made within the so-called narrowed base. As a result, any voluntary donations made to the foundation will not be taxed. For this to work not only in theory, but also in practice, all charitable contributions to the organization's account must be properly formalized. Only a very experienced accountant with extensive accounting work experience can usually cope with such a task.

In this video, you will learn how a fund is created and how you can create a fund from scratch:

Abroad, no one thinks about whether charity should be anonymous or not, it is in the life of every person. Disclosure of your name is useful in that the organization gets the opportunity to report to the donor. Also, if a person makes a donation openly, he can become a positive example for many in his environment.

It is better to provide assistance to charitable organizations and foundations on their own behalf, and not anonymously, since this gives donors the opportunity to track the purposes for which their money was spent and become an example for other potential benefactors, the heads of foundations and public organizations told RIA Novosti on the eve of the Day of spontaneous manifestation kindness, which is celebrated on February 17.

Charity as a norm of life

Russians do not yet perceive charity as the norm, said Dina Korzun, co-founder of the Give Life Foundation. “Meanwhile, doing charity work is normal, like brushing your teeth in the morning or saying hello at a meeting. Therefore, if you tell someone that you are helping others, it just means that you are stating a fact and talking about something ordinary, everyday, And this may encourage someone else to take part in helping those who need it, "Korzun said.

According to Korzun, no one abroad thinks about whether charity should be anonymous or not. "Charity is everywhere: money is collected from children in kindergarten for funds, there is advertising in the metro about how to make a donation, in a store, when you buy a product, a part of the amount goes to a particular fund. It just exists in life. each person, "- explained Korzun.

She noted that the Gift of Life fund is unable to raise money "quietly", however, this goal is not worth it, because the more famous the fund becomes, the more people will learn about the problems of children with cancer and hematological diseases and will be able to seek help.

“We need the support of society, we need to raise money for the treatment of children, so we talk a lot and often about the fund. At the same time, specific donors who help us very often donate anonymously - and, of course, this is everyone's personal business, whether to tell or not about their good deeds, "Korzun added.


Denis Roza, director of the ROOI "Perspective", believes that a person should not hide the fact that he is doing something good. "If he wants to do it anonymously, this is his choice. At the same time, it is important for us to know who exactly is helping us, because we want to be able to thank the person," Rosa said.

In her opinion, people are often afraid to transfer money to charitable foundations, because they are not sure that the money will be directed specifically to help. In this case, disclosing your name is useful because the organization gets the opportunity to report to the donor.

"We can always send this donor a report on what his transfer went to pay for. When a person helps anonymously, he cannot get this specific and regular feedback," Rosa explained.

If a person makes a donation openly, he can become a positive example for many in his environment. "This is very necessary today for the development of charity, for the development of individual donations," added Rosa.

According to Elena Alshanskaya, director of the Volunteers to Help Orphans Charitable Foundation, people who support anonymous donations rarely help themselves. “What we hide and do secret is clearly an abnormal part of our life. It is not built into the processes of our existence. It seems to me that the idea of \u200b\u200bdoing good deeds anonymously is the opinion of the very majority, which does not help anyone, and therefore it is ashamed It seems to me that those who urge not to advertise simply do not want to look bad against the background of those who do good deeds, "she said.

When help can be refused

At the same time, many heads of charitable organizations note that there are times when they are forced to give up the donor's money.

"For an organization, it matters where the money comes from. If we are unequivocally sure that it is dishonest money, we will have to give it up, otherwise our reputation will suffer," Rosa explained.

According to Alshanskaya, hardly any of the benefactors will agree to accept the money that appeared dishonestly. "There are few benefactors who would take this money. But this is some kind of fantastic situation, because it often happens that we do not know where this money came from. We do not question people where they are from, who they are," she explained. she.

Yelizaveta Glinka, a public figure and physician of palliative medicine, known as Dr. Lisa, also noted that the past of a benefactor matters. "This applies to both parties. Both the one that gives and the one that accepts. I fully admit the idea that there are reasons why you can not take money. I have never encountered such a situation, but I admit that it is possible, for personal reasons or for some other reason, "says Dr. Lisa.

At the same time, Nyuta Federmesser, president of the Vera hospice charity foundation, is convinced that representatives of the foundations should not judge the motives and goals with which the donor came. “If a person comes to help us, we do not judge him, but accept help. The reasons why he came and his past should not matter,” Federmesser said.

You don't have to be a big entrepreneur or have serious time and personal resources to do charity work.

One of the first Russian sociologists Lev Ilyich Mechnikov I was sure that human society develops according to other laws than the animal world with its natural selection. In the process of historical development, Mechnikov believed, the struggle for existence is gradually being replaced by the process of cooperation. This is where social progress is manifested: a sense of solidarity, belonging, a feeling of oneself as a part of society gives rise to the habit of helping each other and moving forward together.

As a scientist, Mechnikov was distinguished by an unshakable faith in the natural kindness of humanity. Perhaps he was not so far from the truth: after all, one of the key trends in the modern world is the widespread development of charity. Corporation "Russian textbook" happily follows this one of the most positive trends of our time.

Why do people do good deeds?

Any act of voluntary assistance to those in need is considered charitable. Considering that every day in all parts of the world tens of thousands of people voluntarily do good deeds, we can safely say that Lev Mechnikov, for all the idealism of his scientific doctrine, was in something right.

Modern scientists, psychologists and sociologists believe that, firstly, a significant part of humanity has a penchant for altruism. Secondly, by helping others, almost all people feel better, realize their own importance, increase their self-esteem, and reduce general anxiety. An important role is played by the sense of collective responsibility for the planet we live on, and the awareness of oneself as a part of society. By helping others, we help ourselves:

  • make the world around us kinder and more merciful;
  • observing the result of our good deeds, we realize that we are able to influence the situation, change the world for the better;
  • share the results of our own success with the people around us;
  • we are aware of our involvement, connection with the world community, we help it move forward.

What kind of charity is there?

Most often, when we talk about charitable activities, we think of the names of big entrepreneurs and tycoons, such as Henry Ford and Bill Gates... Having built their giant corporations and achieved immense success, they considered it their duty to share the fruits of their success with all of humanity: to help young scientists, send large sums to funds to fight incurable diseases, and open free schools. Thus, Bill and Melinda Gates have spent over $ 28 billion on charitable causes over the years. Warren Buffett - more than 25 billion. Founder of the social network Facebook Mark Zuckerberg, although relatively recently built its capital, has already spent half a billion dollars to support educational projects in the United States.

Indeed, the most "high-profile" acts of charity are associated with material support. This can be the transfer of food, water, clothing, medicines to people in need, or the transfer of money to the current account of a person struggling with a serious illness, or the provision of any material benefits for the needs of other people (refugees, residents of countries in difficult economic situations, starving in Africa and Southeast Asia, etc.).

However, in the modern world, other forms of charity are also gaining importance. For example, disinterested and free performance of work and provision of services. This form of charity includes an ordinary volunteer clean-up, a free consultation with a doctor, and the activities of volunteers who organize holidays in orphanages. These good deeds are usually not striking in scale, but provide tremendous support to individuals and increase the general level of trust and goodwill in society.

Another form of charity is the donation of one's own knowledge and skills to followers. This can be free lectures and master classes, support by research institutes of young scientists and promising projects, educational initiatives.

You don't have to be a big entrepreneur or have serious time and personal resources to do charity work. Each of us can choose a convenient form of charitable activity: to establish patronage over a large family, regularly send small amounts to a charitable foundation, become a blood donor or donate good books to the district library. All these are acts of charity, no less important than the activities of Potanin and Zuckerberg.

Charity in Russia

Many international research centers are currently studying the phenomenon of charity. According to the results of their research, in Russia the charitable movement has its own characteristics. So, according to RBC, in 2013, in terms of the desire of capital for charity, Russia ranked 127th out of 145 in the world. Allegedly, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation "donates twice as much to charity in a year as the 15 largest Russian oligarchs combined in three years."

However, in matters of charity, the amount of capital allocated to a good cause is not the main criterion. Charity is exactly the same job as running a business: it requires a well-developed plan, professional management, and high-quality feedback. The important thing is not how much money was spent on certain needs, but how effectively these funds were used.

Where does a good deed begin?

The head of external relations tells about the practice of charitable activities of the corporation "Russian textbook" * Ekaterina LATYPOVA:

Publishing houses, which have now merged into the Russian Textbook corporation, have always supported various organizations: schools, medical institutions, libraries. At one time, the Bustard Publishing House took care of the enclosure with bustards in the Moscow Zoo. However, this is almost the only charity act that became known in a wide circle: we mainly worked on direct requests and appeals. They write to us, ask for help, we respond.

- Why is not so much known about the charitable activities of publishing houses?

We do not have a task to tell about what and for whom we have done. For us it is quite natural: to equip school libraries or to conduct free classes for children. This is part of our social responsibility.

- Tell me, what form of support seems most relevant to you now?

My colleagues and I love the idea that the best way to help is by not giving fish, but a fishing rod. That is, we can pour more and more material resources into the "problem" areas, but if at the same time we do not educate the younger generation, do not instill in children the habit of doing small good deeds (not necessarily related to money or material goods), then our activity will not be quite effective. Now that we have become a large and strong corporation, we can take on a really big thing: to help shape the right worldview.

If you were given the opportunity to talk to younger students about charity now, what would you say to them first?

First of all, I would say that in the modern world it is impossible to develop if you do not notice others and do not help them. That the help is very different, it is not necessarily money. A simple kind word, attention, simple regular work for the benefit of other people is a natural and normal practice for a modern person. And yet - you can engage in charitable activities not only within the framework of a large organization. It is convenient, of course, to cooperate with foundations or buy mittens at McDonald's, but you can do good yourself, the main thing is to see who needs your help and realize your strength. Charity is an area where one in the field is even a warrior.

I often read in the news about charitable initiatives of schoolchildren and teachers. It's so nice that schoolchildren under the guidance of class teachers help sick children, elderly lonely people, buy stationery, toys for orphanages.

In April of this year, pupils of school No. 25 in the city of Vladimir collected gifts for orphans. This is incredibly inspiring! Educators, pay attention: it's great when educational projects in biology or the world around you are not only entertaining, but also socially significant, and carry a good grain.

You can help too!

Not only large companies can cooperate with a large charitable foundation. A family, a teacher, a school class, an initiative group of parents with children can act as a benefactor.

We would like to give two tips to beginning benefactors. First, choose proven large funds, and secondly, do not hesitate! Dial the phone numbers indicated on the official websites, ask questions, specify how and on what your donations will be spent, ask for a report - many funds are happy to provide such data, no matter how much you spent.

Also, remember that doing good is not always about money. Volunteering in charity events and marathons is a great opportunity for students and their class teachers to feel that they can help others and make the world a little kinder.

Charitable foundations, which you can already contact to do a good deed:

gift a life

Aid Fund for Children with Hematological Oncology and Other Serious Diseases. Established by actresses Dina Korzun and Chulpan Khamatova... The main tasks are fundraising for the treatment and rehabilitation of children with oncological and hematological diseases, attracting public attention to the problems of sick children, and providing social and psychological assistance to sick children.

Foundation year: 2006.

How to help: the main form of assistance is money transfers to the current account of the fund.

Giving hope

International Fund for Helping Animals. The main field of activity is to attract the population to solving the problem of homeless animals in humane ways, in particular, the search for new owners for animals from shelters, sterilization.

Foundation year: 2010.

How to help: You can act as a benefactor or volunteer: help stray animals in the nursery find a new home. With just a few phone calls and social media announcements, you've been a huge help.


It was created more than 10 years ago to help orphans and disabled children with serious illnesses who are brought up in orphanages and boarding schools. A distinctive feature of the fund is targeting and efficiency: in the description of each project it is said in detail what and for which organizations can be done right now.

Foundation year: 2006.

How and how to help: a constantly updated list of things, products, children's goods that can be purchased and passed on to children is posted on the foundation's official website. Just publishing the fund's banner on your own page in social networks will also help.


The foundation was founded by a producer and director Timur Bekmambetov and producer Vary Avdyushko... The goal of the project is to help children with impaired immunity. In total, more than 600 children aged 0-18 from all regions of Russia are under the care of the foundation. The foundation develops several areas, including affordable treatment, legal support for families where children with immunodeficiency are growing, support and development of wards of the foundation, measures to create all the conditions for their self-realization. Another task of the foundation is to raise awareness of primary immunodeficiency in public circles, to promote early diagnosis of diseases.

Foundation year: 2006.

How and how to help: diseases of the immune system sometimes require very expensive medicines, so minimal monetary donations will come in handy. You can contribute to the fund with information support. For schoolchildren, a form such as a special issue of a school newspaper or a webinar of its own production covering the problem of immunodeficiency is suitable.


The foundation's activities began with the creation of the first Russian animal shelter. At the moment, five shelters have been opened on the territory of Moscow and the Moscow region, which contain more than three thousand animals. In addition to dogs and cats, geese, squirrels, crows, pigeons, owls, foxes, hedgehogs, even bears affected by deforestation, or refuseniks from circuses and menageries live here.

Foundation year: 1986.

How and how to help: at any time you can donate any amount for feed and animal welfare. There is an opportunity to agree on volunteer activities.

Konstantin Khabensky Charitable Foundation

The Foundation organizes assistance to children with oncological and other severe brain diseases. The main areas of the Foundation's work are: assistance in organizing examination and treatment of children, buying medicines, organizing rehabilitation programs, helping specialized departments of Russian medical institutions, improving the qualifications of doctors and information work with parents aimed at improving the early diagnosis of severe brain diseases.

Year of foundation: 2008

How to help: on the Foundation's portal, you can provide targeted charitable assistance to children with cancer and other brain diseases, as well as young adults aged 18 to 25 who were Beneficiaries of the Foundation until they reach the age of 18. In 2017, more than 130 million rubles were transferred to the fund's accounts.


* Since May 2017, the joint publishing group DROFA-VENTANA is a part of the Russian Textbook Corporation. The corporation also includes the Astrel publishing house and the LECTA digital educational platform. Alexander Brychkin, a graduate of the Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation, Ph.D. in Economics, head of innovative projects of the DROFA publishing house in the field of digital education, has been appointed General Director.