Direct Sales Channel. Sales channels. Distribution channel management

I share a selection of customer attracting tools. The basis of the structure is taken by the material of the book - "Traction" (by Gabriel Weinberg and Justin Mares).

The word "Trekshn" has no accurate translation into Russian. With regard to startups, it is a traction, the dynamics with which key indicators change, plus the procedure for tracking these indicators. For example, the project may be unprofitable, but to show a good trackschn - anomalous growth of the audience or frequent re-purchases (retention) of customers, etc. From here, the terms of the "Trekshn-rally" type appeared, "Trekshn-card", etc.

  1. Sarafan Radio I. viral Marketing / Viral Marketing.
  2. Media and PR / Public Relations / PR
  3. Scandalous PR. Events attracting attention / Unconmentional PR
  4. Contextual Advertising / Search Enginge Marketing - SEM
  5. Social Networks and Media Ads / Social and Dispay ADS, SMM
  6. Outdoor Advertising / Offline Ads
  7. Search Engine Optimization / SEO
  8. Content Marketeg / Content Marketing
  9. Email Marketing / Email Marketing
  10. Developments as marketing / enegenering as marketing
  11. Promotion through Blogs / Targeting Blogs
  12. Partnership, Business Development / Business Development
  13. Direct Sales / Sales
  14. Affiliate Programs and CPA -Seti / Affilated Marketing
  15. Existing Platforms / Existing Platform
  16. Conferences and Demo Days / Trade Shows
  17. Events / Offline Events
  18. Lectures, public speeches / Speaking Engagement
  19. Community Creation / Community Building

Why is it cool? If you run a certain business X - all you need, it is quick to run these 19 types of driving channels and choose the most efficient. If I could not attract any of one customer channel, the startup can be quickly closed and not tortured by the thought "And suddenly there is a super marketer somewhere, which can promote my product X". You can still try to change the value proposal, the target audience and the project team. In any case, we are dealing with a finite multiple options that can be sorted out for reasonable time and money.

By the way, if you find the 20th type of customer attraction channel (different from these 19 and), write me, I haven't found it yet.

It is worth saying, there are different methodologies for launching startups / new businesses. All of them are somehow spinning around the 3 components that determine the product "Target audience (a) - a value offer (C) - sales channel (K)". Arkady Moreinis Metage called this combination of ACM (Auditorium-Channel-Messed).

In most approaches, 2 of the 3 components are recorded and the 3rd is shifted. So, what are the launch methodologies?

  1. Fix the target audience (a), for example, the moms of schoolchildren 11th grades and sales channel (K), for example, we will use only manual, direct sales, live. We go through the value proposal (C) until we find a successful combination to converge the economy, there was a potential for scaling, etc. The second step is swore different sales channels (K), while fixing the target audience (a) and the value proposal (C). This is a methodology that is used in most accelerators, for example, in FRIA.
  2. Another approach is to fix the target audience (a) the value proposal (C), go through sales channels (K). This approach is used for projects that already have stable, repetitive sales, but which have not yet learned to scalable. These are the most interesting projects in terms of investment - they are already earned, and if you find a way to replicate / Successful sales channel, a new venture history is possible.
  3. The third approach: fix the value proposal (C), for example, the service for the translation of the audio to the text and the sales channel (K), for example, Facebook. We are trying to find an audience (a) with the maximum LTV (revenue from the client, during its use of the service) and the minimum CAC (the cost of attracting). For a regular business, this is the worst of the approaches, make the product and then look for an audience under it. But, in the event that this is some kind of cool technology, for example, speech recognition or teleportation of people, then you can put technology or value offer at the head of the corner. Most of Israeli startups, for example, goes to this way.

What to put in the chapter angle? Audience (a), Sales channel (K) or value offer / Technology (C)? My answer is to put on the chapter of what is possible exclusivity.

In this retelling, I will mainly use approach No. 2 - fix the target audience and value offer and go through sales channels.

Basic Ideas Testing Sales Channels

The main idea - over time in any sales channel and in any CTR advertising drops to 0% and the sales channel is dying (the law of burning sales channels). Therefore, it is impossible to stop - you should always look for new channels. When their CTR banners appeared to 75% (!) Now the norm is about - 0.1-1%.

In the context of competition, the cost of attracting buyers is growing, and marzhinality is striving for zero. The paradox is that if in the usual business you give discounts for the volume (when buying a party out of 100 computers, everyone will cost cheaper than when buying the 1st), then in advertising for the volume you need to pay the markup (the cost of attracting 1000 customers in terms of recalculation One, much higher than the cost of attracting 10 customers).

As studies have shown, very little business dies due to the lack of a product, almost everything die due to the lack of customers and the absence of sales channels. And even those who survives effectively the maximum of 1-2 channels (the Pareto law is in the hardest). That is, the goal of testing sales channels is to try 19 types and 100 ways to find at least one (!), Which is more efficient than all existing or where the economy will converge and focus on it. Either make sure that nothing more effectively exists. Worst of all, different channels can work at each stage of development. It is usually started with "manual" or direct sales and further leave, for example, in the media advertising, which is quickly "burned" after which the contextual advertising starts to work well, then partner networks, SEO, etc.

From here pops up the empirical rule "50/50" - the founder of 50% of its time should spend on creating a product and 50% on attracting customers and the development of sales channels.

The main metrics on which channel efficiency rank:

  • For how much you can buy a client (CAC - Customer Aquisition Costs, the cost of attracting a buyer), such as their context in Yandex - 5 thousand rubles, and from Facebook - 3 thousand rubles.
  • How many clients in the channel (capacity) - for example, from context - 100 clients per month, and from Facebook - maximum 10, despite the fact that it is more expensive from context.
  • How difficult to connect - for example, Facebook runs in 1 minute and without moderation, in Yandex you can take moderation for 2 days, to connect an affiliate network for more than a month, and on SEO from 3 months.
  • ROI - return on time investment. This is the most faithful and generalizing indicator, but also the most difficult in the counting, usually consider it in Cagartes. Here is a problem:
    1. Week number 1. In Yandex and Google have invested 1 thousand rubles. From Yandex received 5 leads (for example, email registrations), from Google - 10 leaders. Let's call the group of these leads - "Cogort No. 1"
    2. Week number 2. From Yandex - out of 5 leads it turned out 2 buyers who bought 1 thousand rubles. From Google - out of 10 leads it turned out 5 buyers who bought 500 rubles. What kind of ROI will be on the 2nd week, what channel is more effective?
    3. Week number 3. One of those 2 buyers from Yandex returned and bought another 1000 rubles. Two of those 5 Google buyers returned and bought for another 2000 rubles. What is ROI on the 3rd week? What channel is more effective? Write your answers in the comments below.

Now in a pair of phrases about each of the types of sales channels.

I will take an example with a hostel. Suppose I have a hostel on 20 beds in Krasnodar and I need to "unwind from scratch" and achieve loading by guests at least 50%. Naturally, I will see the analogues and see that the main channels of attraction, such as Booking, Avito, Sutochno and advertising on the asphalt near the nearest station. And of course my attempts may fail if the product itself is not high-quality (inadequate prices, bad reviews, no chips), or the market is oversaturated, or the team is inadequate - the reasons may be much. By the way, these all problems will quickly pop up during testing.

What is all these tests? Find such a combination "Target audience - a value offer - sales channel", in which CAC and other costs are minimal, and LTV is maximally on the 1st client, while loading\u003e 50%.

So, we will pass on the list.

Channel # 1 Sarafan Radio and Viral Marketing / Viral Marketing

The essence is simple - 1 The attracted user leads at least the 1st new. The most natural and ancient way. But there are several nuances:

  • The basis of the viral distribution and the "sarafined radio" at all times and in all niches is a quality product, which is useful to significantly stand out among other products, in the perception of the consumer. The product calls "WOW-EFFEC" or at least remembered, so it is beginning to tell and recommend familiar to online or offline. You can stand out either by making something 2-10 times better (at a price, speed, level of service, etc.), or if you are first in a certain category ("first unmanned car"), or creating non-standard combinations (for example, "Books in pharmacies"). See about marketing laws.
  • To achieve virality, the product initially needs to be designed. For example, that value from the product appears only when there are other people there. Viber, messengers, etc.
  • For the appearance of virality / viral distribution, the product should get into the already existing community with good communications. Zinga has grown on Facebook, Skype and Groupon on email lists, Viber on the phone book of friends, PayPal on eBay.
  • Formulas and laws of virality can be viewed
  • How to design products for viral distribution

From myself I will add, the virility is almost the only channel for cheap products with Check to $ 10 - here include: music, books, most mob. applications, etc. Where does it come from? Very simple, all viable businesses must satisfy two simple conditions:

  1. CAC< 1/3 LTV — стоимость привлечения покупателя должна быть не больше 1/3 выручки, генерируемой этим покупателем за время жизни (для упрощения можно взять за 1 год). Коэффициент 1/3 получен эмпирически, для России я бы брал 1/10.
  2. ROI on CAC\u003e 100% for 6 months. Investments in the attraction of buyers should be disabled at least for six months, for Russia I would take 1 month.

So, if our check is $ 10, then we can buy the buyer are not more expensive than $ 3, and it immediately overlaps to us most available channels Sales with high capacity. It remains only the virality and publication in the media, which ultimately aimed at creating the initial critical mass of users. And without vigilance, everything quickly fades. The second option is to work locally. Cheap things clearly sell online (see the reasons above), but they are quite well sold offline, in retail outlets with great passability. Our hostel is just this case - with a check about 500 rubles. per day. But no one bothers us to raise the average check, ARPPU and LTV, right?

A pair of ideas for promoting a hostel on the "sarafined" radio:

  • Making a hostel in the style of "Shelter for those who kicked out a wife from home." It is interesting to tell about it, usually it happens regularly, most likely will bring friends in misfortune.
  • We make a hostel in the style of "dormitory" with dedication to students - for graduates KubSU (where I started learning from Fiztech, before I was transferred to the MEPI), who wants to experience nostalgia.
  • Perhaps the best audience will be traveling employees of companies that, in order to earn money, remove hostels and buy checks on expensive hotels. Those to whom the company compensates for expenses. For them, you can make a "business hostel" with photo wallpapers of New York lights or minimalist-white, office option.

Channel # 2 media and PR / Public Relations / PR

iAB RUSSIA infographics for 2015

There is a fundamental difference between online and offline publications. The blog is not limited to the number of bands / space - so when you write there, you do a favor to the author of the blog (the new content adds traffic). IN printed media - The number of strips is limited, so when they write - they make you a favor.

How do the media work?

One of the cunning tactics to get into the media, such:

  1. We write a story on free resource Habr or Medium type
  2. Next, Sharyim history in the social. networks. We get the maximum of like / repost, etc.
  3. After that, add a few paid advertising (promotional posts on Facebook) - for extra. Promotion
  4. After that we write to journalists and leaders of opinions, about the fact that the news is cool and attracted so much. They shake it with their audience

The media is very useful, especially if you are going to raise investments. Attention presses - pope. Confirmation that the project is in demand. Although, if the project is actively writing in the media - for me it is a direct signal that the founders end money and they are actively looking for the following investors. About profitable projects that are all good, they write in the press not so often.

A pair of ideas for promoting a hostel through the media:

  • Make a blog in which to lead the chronicle of events: how the room was chosen, as repairs did, etc.
  • Describe the scandal in the style "How our hostel almost became a public home" and bring to the idea that now everyone who wants to settle undergo a mandatory registration with passports, etc.

Channel # 3. Scandalous PR. Events attracting attention / Unconmentional PR

This is the continuation of the previous paragraph, but allocated to a separate category. Examples of such non-standard events:

  • ice cream to all Uber customers.
  • speech by Elon Mask with the Tesla battery presentation, when the entire building was fed from their own batteries.
  • a piece of ice with the inscription "PayPal - freezes your money" at the entrance to the conference.
  • something special for customers. Letters from hand and gifts from founders.
  • subsidied GROUPON shares for Strubucks. When I bought certificates of 300 rubles. and sold to subscribers of 50 rubles. (subsidized 250 rubles. for each certificate). At the same time, we received both PR and buyers, and cheaper than through ordinary channels.

A pair of ideas to promote hostel through non-standard activities:

  • Arrange a free master class on washing sheets, assembling furniture and painting of walls in the hostel. The method that Sawyer used to paint the fence.
  • Room with the "Dembel train" as in the DBM film or arrange "Dedication to Students"

Channel # 4. Contextual Advertising / Search Engine Marketing - SEM

What is good context? People realized the need and even formulated it. They made gigantic efforts to dial this query in the search bar. On the Google AdWords. Small businesses spend more than $ 100m (!) Highlights that need to be maintained when creating contextual advertising:

  1. IN contextual advertising It is necessary to strictly divide the campaigns from the search and the company from affiliate networks. Google is KMC ( context-media network) Yandex (Yandex advertising network).
  2. The contextual advertising from the search (Google, Yandex) is generally more efficient (it has a higher ROI) than teaser and targeted advertising (Facebook, VK, Mail) or advertising in the MEDICAL CMS networks, due to the fact that in the search for people have already realized the need for "warm and Hot traffic ", and in media, teaser advertising the need is unconscious" Cold Traffic "
  3. Competent targeting ( perfect hit In the audience) more important than the essence of the advertisement.
  4. In advertising with a picture of 80% of the effect gives a picture and 20% text message.
  5. To get traffic a) a lot b) cheap - the only way is to create a large number of advertisements on the LF requests. For example, create a kernel out of 10 thousand low-frequency queries, where every word is searched for 1-2 times a month (!) With almost zero competition and high CTR receive 10 thousand relatively inexpensive target transitions. The most difficult thing is to make such a big core and create 10 thousand. advertising companies. To do this, there are instruments of automation type K50.RU
  6. Classic advertisements, model AIDA - which is still effective:
    • Attention - Attention
    • Deadline - limit on timing. Why it is necessary today, urgently.
    • Action / Call to Action - Calling to the action "Click"
  7. Position \u003d Bet * CTR * Quality indicator (behavioral factors)
  8. Budget \u003d Number of transitions * CHANCE CHANCE
  9. The first 2 ads in extradition take 80% of the target traffic (!)
  10. The syntax is important (!, ", +, Minus words,)
  11. The main rule. 1 query \u003d 1 advert (unambiguous UTM markup). Do not attempt in 1 advertisement to accommodate several requests. It is impossible to understand the effect.
  12. Main errors when creating search queries:
    • 1 advertisement - a lot of search queries
    • No ODC, AIDA in the ad
    • No specifics - there must be numbers, addresses, prices,!
    • No division of ads on "Search" and CCM
    • No separation of ads on geography
    • Fast links, addresses, reviews in the ad

A pair of ideas for promoting a hostel through the context:

  • Obviously, with our low check, we will not be able to use expensive stuffy queries like "Hostel in Krasnodar" (CPA will be too high), but we can focus on the "Long tail" of low-frequency queries of the "Hostel in Krasnodar for business travelers". Naturally, if we want to get enough traffic - you will have to make a large number of low-frequency queries + to narrow geography.
  • Perhaps it will be easier for us only to use retargeting in ON / CMC for those who came to us from other channels, such as articles in the blog.

The continuation in the form of text has not yet added, but there is in the form of a webinar.

How to test 19 types of sales channels for 21 days? Announcement Kursa

Description of the remaining sales channels (from 5 to 19) I will send a blog to the email to subscribers a little later, you can subscribe in the right blog. Plus Watch a webinar record about 20 types of sales channels

For those who want to go through and try all sales channels for the 21st day - Join My

The choice of sales channels of goods is a complex marketing solution, since they directly affect the effectiveness of the marketing concept in the enterprise.

Sales Channel (distribution)- A combination of firms or individuals involved in the process of promoting goods from the manufacturer to the consumer.

Depending on the number of intermediaries in the sales system, the channel level is set, which can be played law Firm or an individual performing the functions of moving the goods from the manufacturer to the consumer. The number of intermediate levels can characterize the length of the channel.

Classification of sales channels depending on the number of levels:

Channel zero level(also called Channel direct MarketingIt consists of a manufacturer who sells goods directly to consumers. (Consumer manufacturer)

Intermediary for single-levelthe channel in the consumer goods market is usually a retail merchant, and in the market of industrial goods - sales agent, or broker (intermediary). (manufacturer retailer consumer)

Intermediary for two-levelthe channel in the consumer goods market is usually a retail merchant, and in the market of industrial goods - an industrial distributor (merchant) dealer (wholesale or retail merchant). (manufacturer-wholesale retail consumer trader)

For three-levelthe channel between the wholesale and retail is usually worth a small wholesaler, which buys goods from major traders and resells them to small trade enterprises that are large wholesalers, as a rule, are not serviced. (Manufacturer - Wholesale merchant-small-pool retailer - consumer)

Each sales channel has its advantages and disadvantages. The number of channel levels and the composition of its subjects (members) are important when the distribution channel is generated. The structure of possible distribution channels The manufacturer must determine on the basis of marketing research of markets for the sale of its products and existing funds for covering the costs of its implementation with their own supplied and market structures. Thus, when developing sales policy should proceed from the goals that the company wants to achieve, enterprise policy as a whole, marketing strategy, as well as coordinating sales decisions with other elements of marketing. The process is characterized by cyclicity - with the choice of sales channel and making decisions on the physical distribution of goods should be reviewed by these solutions in accordance with the constant dynamism of the medium. Commercial understanding of marketing as a method and sales tool, meaning only the search and selection of the buyer (customer) of products, which the company produced or is able to produce, does not correspond to the developed level of market relations. Production orientation Only on the sale of goods is the cause of constant inconsistency between supply and suggestion, as well as the overproduction crisis, since the appearance and production characteristics of goods are weakly or not completely linked to the actual market needs. The concept of interaction marketing is based on the principles of active involvement in the process of production, distribution, implementation and consumption of goods of all participants in the marketing system.

Sales channel width - The number of independent sales participants at a separate stage of the sales chain. In the narrow channel of sales, the company sells his goods through one or few sales participants. With a wide - through many.

If an enterprise produces, say, non-food products, it will be able to use the services of one wholesale buyer (for example, supermarket). It will be a narrow sales channel. Other options are possible - various wholesale buyers (wholesale trade, independent agents, specialized stores). In this case, we are talking about a wide range of sales.

The manufacturer's enterprise makes sense to organize a private trading network if:

1. The number of goods sold is large enough to justify the cost of organizing the trading network.

2. The number of consumers is small, but they are located on a relatively small territory.

3. This product requires highly specialized service.

4. The volume of the supplied batch of goods is sufficient to fill the carriage container, i.e. Corresponds to the so-called transit norm. In this case, there are no costs of funds and time on cargo transshipment in warehouses, the goods are delivered directly from factory workshops.

5. In stock There is a sufficient network of own warehouses in the markets of sales, where the company leads trade.

6. It is produced highly specialized for its intended purpose or on the technical specifications of the buyer (by orders) goods.

7. The goods are implemented on the vertical market, i.e. Where it is used, albeit in several industries, but few consumers in each of them. It makes it easy to make constant contact with consumers.

8. The price of goods on the market is subject to frequent oscillations, and the manufacturer requires a change in the pricing policy immediately and without coordination with intermediaries.

9. The sale price is much higher than the cost of producing the product, this compensates high costs of creating their own network.

10. The product produced requires changes to its design, which is more convenient to do when the manufacturer is directly involved in the implementation.

Transfer by the manufacturer of sales by trading intermediaries and the extension of the sales channel is dictated by the following circumstances

1. The horizontal market on which there are many consumers in each sector of the economy. This requires the creation of a powerful sales network, the costs of significant funds, which is forces only by manufacturers.

2. The sales market is scattered geographically, respectively, direct contacts with consumers are unprofitable.

3. When delivered large batches of goods, a small number of wholesalers can be saved on vehicleoh.

4. The need for frequent urgent deliveries of small batch of goods, for which it is better to use solid wholesalers.

5. The difference between the selling price of the goods and the cost of its production is small, and therefore the content of its own trading loss.

The organization of sales involves the union of all employees performing a interrelated complex of work in the process of ensuring the movement of goods from the manufacturer to the final consumer. It also requires identifying functions and establishing official relations between employees within the sales network and beyond its borders, coordination and control of activities in the sales system (Figure 6.1). In addition, the sales organization covers the formation activities, the selection of specialists involved in the work in the sales service, assessment of the quality and results of subordinates, as well as measures for material and moral to stimulate staff.

In general, the activities of the Sales Department staff can be built on the relationship model between this or that representative of the Sales Service and organizations in the formation and implementation of the procurement of goods.

Figure 6.1 - The main functions of the organization in the sales system

The relationship between the sales agent, the seller, the company, the buyer and the procureé agent illustrates the model shown in Figure 6.2. Building and analyzing such interaction models are particularly effective when self-competitors also come into contact with the buyer.

Figure 6.2 - Model of four-sided relationship between organizations when purchasing goods

Sales workers Along with typical functions can be carried out on the basis of the characteristics of the situation and other duties in order to increase sales and conquer the prestige of the company. The generalized characteristics of the work that carries out, for example, a sales agent may include: Sales; work with orders; customer service, work with distributors, maintenance of retail centers; administration; conferences (meetings; training) selection of personnel; cultural events; business trips. Depending on the peculiarities of the industry, which serves the agent, functions and actions performed by them can change.

The implementation policy is the main thing in the work of the marketing department. Sales is the final stage of all activities, involving the development of channels and participants in the sale of goods and services with maximum benefits and least losses. In order for this stage to be successful, you need to decide on the methods and concepts of the sale of goods. Even powerful advertising campaign Does not guarantee the delivery of products directly to the consumer. Formation of marketing policies, the choice of sales channel is an important marketing stage.

Essence of sales channels

Communication of the market and production is carried out through sales channels. The organization of product sales is an analysis of supply and proposals, the search for new sources of sales, the study of needs in one or another sphere. Sales policy is developed as a whole for the entire company or separately for each group of goods. Production must be started, focusing on certain forms and methods of marketing policies. Product sales channels play a very important role. The mastered markets should not be the final stage of work in this area. It is necessary to improve methods and forms, select new strategies and more efficient sales channels. There should be a permanent selection of market segments, but at the same time do not forget about old, tested time, participants in the product sales process.

What is a sales channel

Sales channels are an association of organizations and persons who transmit each other the right to a product or service. This is the way from the manufacturer of products to a specific consumer. Such chains are necessary for several reasons. First, the use of sales channels makes it possible to reduce the financial expenses that are in implementing. Secondly, the sale of goods and services takes place effective way. And last: there is an increase in sales volumes, and the product or service becomes more accessible to the end user. These all advantages are available only if the sales channels are well organized. An indicator of performance in this case is uninterrupted delivery of products from the manufacturer to the final consumer. Product Sales Channels may include the following links: Manufacturer, wholesale sales, retail and consumer.

Product sales systems

There are certain systems for product sales. The branded system involves the use of a network of intermediaries, which belongs to one company. Negotiated applied when working with several links on a contract basis. Typically, the enterprise marketing system has its own sales channels of goods and services. These divisions are engaged in the sale of products in the external and domestic market. Each employee has its own powers. The own sales system may have subsidiaries - both in its own state and abroad. Representatives of the enterprise can be dealers in the country and abroad, temporary and permanent sales representatives, commruises, bureaus, agencies and outlets. Firm may have joint trade enterprises, enter into agreements and participate in the Sales Associations.

Sales channel levels

Sales channels in Marketing are classified depending on the levels. Under the level understand the intermediaries that perform the same functions bringing the goods to the buyer. The manufacturer and the final consumer of the product are also members of the Sales Channel. Consider them in brief.

Zero level means that the goods are delivered by the manufacturer at once to the consumer. This is a direct sale channel.

On a single-level channel between these two categories is a retailer. If this is an industrial market, an intermediary can act a broker or sales agent.

The three-level level consists of a manufacturer, wholesale merchant, small-winding merchant and retailers. Small wholesaler buys nearly minor batch of goods and redistributes them to trade. Sales channels Enterprises must be optimal. Therefore, you should choose the best combination.

Which channel to choose

Here it is necessary to rely on the specifics of the company, its specialization and general strategy Marketing. For some, it will be more profitable to reduce the number of intermediaries and thereby reduce costs. The direct sales channel does not require additional stocks of products, the cost of their storage and processing. But if you use the services of intermediaries, then there is no direct contact with the consumer. Marketing Con.

troll is reduced, and the costs of further promotion of goods are reduced. You can choose several product promotion channels. This will conquer various market segments. The use of different channels expands the scope of activity.

Underwater rocks

Incorrect selection of the sales channel may result in serious consequences. Some firms are trying to get the maximum sales volumes at the initial stage by any ways. This is a short-term strategy. More profit can be obtained by adjusting the stable, long-term sales channel. This is long-term trade, reliability and stability. The risk of unexpected circumstances in working with permanent intermediaries is very small. Therefore, such relationships justify themselves in perspective more than the rapid product sales.

Latitude of sales channels

This indicator depends on the number of participants at a particular level. The narrow channel of sales involves using, for example, one wholesale buyer. If the goods are implemented to several wholesalers, then we are talking about its expansion. Wide channel is more preferable. Such a factor means that the enterprise has an extended sales market. Such a network is more reliable. Even during the absence of one wholesaler on the market, others will work stably. Sales channels, distribution of goods and services must be selected taking into account production volumes. For their stable work, constant stocks of goods and their continuous production are needed.

Own channels Sales

Sometimes to reduce costs and simplify the implementation process, it makes sense to create its own trading network. Such a decision must be taken only in the case of some conditions. First, sales revenues should be great to cover the cost of organizing such a network. That is, the need for this occurs in the case of the production of a large amount of products. If the sales market is small and located in a small area, then you can also organize a trading network. The presence of a specialized network is necessary if products require special service.

In the case when the volume of goods supplied is large (for example, a car), and its deliveries do not require additional expenditures on unloading or transshipment, it is also advisable to organize several product sales items. But it should be remembered that such a system requires a large number of warehouses located in the retail locations. This will allow you to uninterrupted supply stores with the necessary products.

In what cases do you need intermediaries

Sometimes the creation of its own trading network is not appropriate. This usually happens when the market has horizontal structure. Ultimate consumers are available in many sectors of the economy. In order to provide all the necessary amount of products, you need to create a very branched network. This requires considerable costs and large-scale reconstructions. Creating such a trading network for only major manufacturers.

If the geography of the market is very diverse, it is easier to use the services of intermediaries. When delivered goods in large quantities, transportation costs are reduced. If urgent shipments are required, then it is better if the goods are always in wholesalers warehouses. Unprofitably create your own trading network if net profit is not high.

Select Intermediary

The selection of an intermediary is the most important step in the creation of a sales channel. The quality and speed of goods supplies to the final consumer depends on it. A good mediator is the key to successful transactions and the entire course of commercial operations. Here you have to go through two stages. The first is directly the choice of an intermediary for the sale of goods. The second is the control and stimulation of its activities. Sales channels in marketing can be very branched, but at the initial stage should be controlled by the delivery of goods to the final consumer.

What do you need to know by choosing an intermediary? Review his commercial connections. It may be associated with competitors and harm your company. It is better to choose the one who specializes in the implementation of your category of goods. Such an intermediary has a rich experience and a developed network of retailers who cooperate with him. Preferences should be given to large wholesaler with a good reputation. It will not be superfluous to learn the sources of its financial resources (loans, loans). The material and technical base required for the successful and constant sales of products is of great importance. Also important is the level of training personnel working on an intermediary. First you can conclude a short-term contract to check your companion in business. Be sure to meet on the territory of the mediator, to personally make sure that all the necessary conditions for implementation. And one moment. The more intermediaries you have, the lower the risks associated with the implementation.

Characteristics of sales channels can be given in an even more detailed form. It is necessary to carefully consider all possible options to create the optimal channel that will work, smoothly supplying consumers with products. It will not only bring additional profits, but also will increase the status of the company.

Product sales channels

Sales channels - The system of interrelated legal entities and individual entrepreneurs making goods or service available for consumption or use

The development of product sales channels is carried out in order to achieve the main task - the construction of an effective structure of the sales network, which will allow to establish product sales.

Different types of sales channels are possible:

  • straight. Independent sales of products without intermediaries;
  • indirect. Participation of a number of intermediaries. Short chains - with the participation of 1 intermediary, long - more than one.

Indirect sales channels differ in the following types:

  • one-level - in the implementation process 1 intermediary is involved. In the industrial markets, the intermediary acts as a sales agent or a broker, on consumer markets usually retail seller;
  • two-level - links between the manufacturer and the consumer are 2 intermediaries. For industrial markets - Distributor and dealer, consumer - retail and wholesalers;
  • three-level. Products through 3 intermediaries. For example, the seller is the largest parties, retail seller and seller of small wholesalers.

Each option involves individual advantages and disadvantages, the specific option should be selected depending on the product.

Intermediaries in the chain of movement of goods

After selecting, there will be a channel to include intermediaries, the type and amount of intermediaries will be determined. It is necessary to ensure maximum effective implementation. Intermediaries from the position of sales policies may be as follows:

  • Dealers are wholesale intermediaries who carry out operations at their own expense and on their own behalf. Become owners of products purchased for the purpose of resale.
  • Distributors are retail and wholesale intermediaries who participate in promotion at their own expense, however, on behalf of the manufacturer. The products are implemented on the basis of the right received from the manufacturer.
  • Commissioners are retail and wholesale mediators who act at the expense of the manufacturer, but on their own behalf. The final consumer passes the property to products after receipt of payment.
  • Agents are legal entities operating at the expense and on behalf of the Principal, receiving remuneration for providing their services.
  • Brokers - mediators who are engaged in the establishment of links between legal entities interested in promoting products. Get a percentage of sales.

In sales chain, basic functions are presented as follows:

  • External logistics. Measures to ensure product availability for the buyer.
  • External marketing. Collection of marketing data, including information about the needs and desires of its target audience. Promotions, advertising and other measures to promote products.
  • External service. Conquest of reputation with products, supporting and increasing its status.

To determine the types and number of these intermediaries, marketing involves 3 distribution channel formation approaches:

  • Exclusive distribution - the number of intermediaries is limited to control the distribution of goods according to predetermined markets.
  • Intensive distribution - attraction of intermediaries in the maximum amount for equipping products maximum number territories.
  • Selective distribution - a combination of signs of both options. It is applied by manufacturers who seek to control each stage of collisions with less costs.

Which sales channel to choose

Selling sales channels is made in four stages:

  1. The sales strategy is determined.
  2. Alternative channels are determined.
  3. The proposed channels are evaluated.
  4. Partners are selected.

First of all, the management of the Company should determine the sales policy strategy - how the system will be organized, through the dealer or its own network, which types of trading intermediaries should combine document flow, etc.

Among the main criteria for choosing a channel for distribution, we note:

  • Economic criteria are the level of sales and costs.
  • Control criteria - it is necessary to provide means of justification, evaluating the effectiveness of a certain channel according to the criteria in the form of interaction in stimulating, delivery period to the consumer, etc.
  • Adaptive criteria. It is worth installing for each channel certain period Included in order and lack of due flexibility. In the same period, other distribution channels may be more efficient.

Partners must be selected taking into account the following criteria:

  1. the level of skills and knowledge in the producer of consumers, the ownership of the strategies of a particular market;
  2. the volume of knowledge about the conjuncture of a certain market where products are offered;
  3. availability of financial funds;
  4. the presence of proper resources (material base).

How to manage product sales channels?

Traditional classic scheme - manufacturer, several wholesale and retailers. Each single link seeks to achieve maximum profits, sometimes sacrificing benefits for the whole structure.

Vertical marketing. IN this system The manufacturer includes several intermediaries working as a whole.

Horizontal marketing - development of a unified system involving several individual enterprises in order to establish joint sales of products.

Multichannel marketing - at the same time the manufacturer resorts to different distribution options, with independent channel control.

The specifics of the channels are that after selecting specific options, it will be difficult to change something. Therefore, before selecting a specific implementation chain, the following factors should be analyzed:

  • Analysis of sales markets.
  • Analysis of profitability of a certain highway for goods.
  • The ability to control the distribution.
  • The degree of compliance of the channel of its target audience.
  • Estimated level of sales.
  • Minimum expenses money and resources.
  • The share of the maximum possible amount of profit.
  • The degree of competition.
  • Other factors can also be dependent on the specifics of a particular industry.

How does the price affect the amount of product sales?

It is from the price of production in the end, the profit and profitability of the project depends. Prices may be the following main species:

  • Production price - the sum of all marketing and production costs, also expected profits - as a rule, about 40-60% of the retail value.
  • Wholesale price - with the summation of the production price, all marketing and production spending wholesaler, its profits. This price is equal to 60-70% of the retail value.
  • Retail price. Summation of the wholesale price and all retail expenses plus its profits.

The company usually determines and analyzes the prices of competitors, with the study of the real situation in the market defining the range of valid prices. It is determined by the maximum price of the goods the upper limit of the future price, with exceeding which it is exceeded to implement products. The basis for determining the minimum price becomes an assessment of future production costs, less than which production will be unprofitable. An accountant should be engaged in determining the minimum permissible price, to assess the maximum one should contact a sales skilled person.

As a rule, the company chooses one of the 5 main pricing methods:

Full cost method.

A total amount is added to the full amount of expenses that corresponds to the profit rate. If the production cost is taken as the basis, then the costs of the cost for implementation with the provision of profits should cover. In any case, it is assumed to include indirect taxes and customs dutiesshifted by the buyer.

The advantages and weaknesses of the method:

Full coverage of all expenses.

It turns out a planned profit.

Ignoring the elasticity of demand.

The method is mainly distributed for enterprises with a clearly pronounced product differentiation for calculating prices according to traditional goods, also when determining prices for new productswhich has no price precedents. Effective option for low competitiveness goods.

Method of manufacturing cost.

Adding to the full amount of the cost of purchased raw materials, nodes, materials and semi-finished products also the amount that corresponds to the deposits of the enterprise to form the cost of products (profit rate, percentage).

Pros and minuses of the method:

Accounting for the contribution of the enterprise to the cost of products.

Not suitable this method For long-term price decisions.

Complements, but does not replace the method of complete costs.

Its applied for special cases and specific conditions:

  • The decision-making decisions to increase the mass of profit by increasing the volume of production, on the continuation of either a refusal of competitive struggle.
  • Decision making on changing the range of production.
  • Decision making disposable (nemass, individual) orders.

Method of margin costs.

Adding to variable costs per unit product amount (percent), which covers costs and provides a sufficient profit rate.

Pros and minuses of the method:

More significant pricing capabilities.

Simplifying the introduction into accounting practices and the reporting of the classification of costs for conditionally permanent and conditionally variables.

The basis of the method is a non-Marxist theory of value, which is still weakly mastered in Russia.

The introduction of the method leads to non-acceptance by some "business participants" due to the "foreign" ways of doing business.

Apply a method for almost any enterprises.

Investment profitability method.

The project should ensure profitability of no less cost of borrowed funds. Adding to the amount of cost per unit of interest on credit.

Pros and minuses of the method:

This method is the only one who takes into account the density of financial resources that are needed to issue and sell products.

High interest rates for credit, their uncertainty in time in conditions of inflation.

Effectively method is suitable for enterprises with a significant range of products, each product in which requires certain variables spending. This method is suitable for traditional goods with a well-established market price, and for new products. The method is effective for making decisions on the production volumes of the new product for the enterprise of products with a well-known market price.

Methods for marketing ratings:

  • the method of evaluating the buyer's reaction - the seller's main task is to determine the price by which the buyer will definitely take the goods;
  • the "Proposal of the Intestinal" method is either the tender method - similarly buyers take part in the tender. The participant is defeated, who has proposed the price that provides maximum profit For the seller. For the methods of this group, uncertainty is characterized. quantitative estimates. Often the prices are installed almost completely arbitrarily.

Talks practices

Maxim Novikov, Director for Development "Biocond"

It is the development and implementation of a unified sales system will provide full work scattered sales points. If sales are organized by the mixed scheme, in case of their fall, the easiest way to blame partners who do not protect your interests and promote the brands of other manufacturers at the same time. But besides you, like a distributor, no one is to blame for the situation, since from the very beginning the priority was an increase in sales, and not the creation of a clear and coordinated sales system, one for all participants in the process. Do not forget that for your partners it is much more important to extract the profit, and not the development of your brand. And if the sale of goods you plan to produce through intermediaries, it is very important to understand that, before building a sales chain, you need to create a sales rules that are the same for all units. These rules must concern both wholesale and retail sales. Failure to comply with the conditions of any of the participants in the process should be stopped - up to refusal from further cooperation after the expiration of the contract. No sales link can be more important for you than uninterrupted work Systems in general.

Focus on the basic principles of working with partners who will bring the company to a new level of stable development. It is very important to convey to all participants in the process that you are as a distributor are a guarantor and controller compliance with the rules of implementation.

Thus, I believe that, first of all, you need to create a sales system of goods describing all the requirements for its participants, their rights and responsibility. After that, regardless of the selected implementation channels, all sales participants will be involved in an efficient and mutually beneficial process. Improve unified system Sales after you started sales on different channels, no sense: you will be forced to resolve many conflict situations, if the partners will not fit into a new system, with which you started cooperation at the start of the company's development.

How to analyze product sales channels?

Alexey Sharapanyuk, Director for Operational Marketing and Business Development Renault Treks Vostok, Moscow

Stage 1. We decide where we distribute or want to distribute the goods.For this it is necessary to divide the market to segments. Different criteria are suitable for segmentation, including the type of consumers or regions. With too complicated segmentation, several types of product sales assessment are needed. However, the choice is made in favor of 1-2 principles for analyzing product sales channels, taking into account the specifics of the business.

The following is expected to summarize the data obtained in control cardwhich is drawn up in the form of a table. The table reflects the product compliance with a specific market segment. Also, the analysis implies the definition of which type of pricing and at what stage it is better to use.

According to the control map, a suitable segment can be determined for the development of its product, in which planning to go out, which one does not cause interest. You can simultaneously draw conclusions which areas of the market are not sufficiently rich, which actions should be taken. If you have segments that are suitable for the product, you should consider suitable ways to promote. If there is no single segment, the PTO domestic market is not required to you.

Product sales channels should be evaluated only in relation to market segments in which the company comes out or plans to go out.

Stage 2. Evaluation of product sales channels. Consider an example of their analysis in the B2B market. The market in this case is segmented by a regional basis - according to the regions of the country where the product is presented. Produced output channels for dealers implementing our goods. Instead of dealers, various online stores, retail points, etc. can perform instead of dealers.

We first check whether our partners cover all market segments. Before their assessment it is necessary to check the presence at all. In each area in our example there is a minimum of 1 dealer. Segments are unequal, in one area there is enough 1 dealer, there will be little to another and 5.

This example confirms that segments 1.2, 3 are captured by various leaders sufficiently. Then we carry out the estimate of the segment 4. In it we only have 1 strong and 2 weak dealer. The remaining segments are also sufficiently covered. But for the 6th segment, we wrote that it is unique, the only channel is enough enough. For the 7th - diversification is needed. These findings follow from the analysis of each sales channel.

H - the product corresponds to the segment; L - the goods weakly corresponds to the segment; Empty cell - the goods do not correspond to the segment.

Stage 3. We carry out a detailed analysis of each sales channel (dealer), To return then to the table. 2 and draw conclusions. It is necessary to understand how much the partner is reliable, or the presence of certain risks, whether the products are presented exclusively, or together with it is carried out and other products.

8 parameters for evaluating each dealer:

  • Technical efficiency.
  • Marketing efficiency.
  • Sales efficiency.
  • Sales quality.
  • Partnership.
  • Finance.
  • Logistics.
  • Production with its availability.

It should be given for each indicator a certain weight criterion. Since the main thing for us is sales, for this item will be characterized by the greatest weight. However, other points for the overall assessment of products are important.

A - dealer (0,1,3, where 9 - best script, In - readiness to invest in personnel, C - efficiency of personnel management, D - reputation in the market, E - availability of training centers, F - infrastructure of the company, G - organizational culture, H - business organization rating (%), I - coverage of the territory of sales, j - market segment covering, k - loyalty to our products, L - management of time and territory, M - use of sales tools, N - seller stability, O - Preparation of sellers, P - sales efficiency rating (%), q - research of target markets, R - maintenance of customer database, S - own marketing activity, T - participation in our marketing promotions, U - Rating marketing efficiency (%), V - technical equipment and demonstration equipment, W - Knowledge of the use of products, X - Knowledge of products, y - Rating of technical efficiency (%), Z - Warehouse size and storage conditions, AA - Inventory discipline, AB - Warehouse investment Equipment, AC - Logistics Rating (%), AD - Financial health Enterprise, AE - Payment Discipline, AF - Finance rating (%), AG - Information exchange (transparency), AH - Quality of communication with us, AI is our commitment to our goals Companies, AJ - Partnership Rating (%), AK - Equipment Performance, Al - Processing Efficiency, AM - Innovative Recycling Solutions, AN - Equipment Investments, AO - Production Rating (%), AP - Total Rating (%) .

Stage 4. We visualize the analysis of product sales channels.For a more visible assessment of products, it is necessary to submit data analysis in the form of charts. The most suitable option in this case is multi-axis diagrams that resemble a web. With their help, weak points of a particular channel are determined, with comparison of the channels. The basis of the drawing of diagrams is the rating, which is designed to be higher.

When analyzing sales channels, appropriate conclusions are made, with the mandatory development of the plan of suitable actions. And the main thing to evaluate the effectiveness of the channel, to the end, check the execution of this plan, with the analysis of the result. Since many companies have a basic problem with the analysis, but in the absence of implementation of plans.

The situation is due to the lack of will to bring the affairs to the finish. Of course, all identified problems cannot be solved immediately. In many cases, it is enough to choose the main thing and act according to the Pareto principle: to focus on 20% of programs that have 80% of importance for the company, and achieve their 100% execution.

Network sales channel - customers, which are a set of retailers (from 3 or more) registered as one entity or how individual entrepreneur. Depending on the scale of the network, there may be: carrying out the sale of products to the final consumer within more than three subjects of the federation, while in one of them no more than 50% of the cash nodes are concentrated. These are centralized management: decisions taken in Head Office (headquarters) are required for execution in all branches of the network.

How to Work with Distributors

Seminars for distribution managers. The purpose of the seminars in working with wholesalers is not to tell that we are better than competitors, but to give the seller the most complete information about our products, provide the opportunity to test paints (during seminars, sellers make test staining). After all, any person will tell with interest that he is well known. Suppose the store presents four white paints. The advantages of one seller knows how painted her at the seminar. As for others, he remembers only the standard information specified on the bank. Obviously, if the buyer asks the board of choosing white paint, the seller will tell about all four, but one is much more complete, taking into account his own impressions.

The regularity of the seminars depends on how often the personnel is changing from the distributor (on average one person needs to be trained every two years). There are companies where people work for 15 years; During this time, they visited the average of our five seminars and already well know the goods that they themselves can teach (we spend such training in our training centers). And there are outlets in which employees change quite often, so training must be carried out systematically - as staff updates. Some companies (especially large network formats - such as "Lerua Merlin", "Ob") cannot send employees to the training center due to the large stream of buyers and the shortage of staff in seasonal months. For them, we regularly spend exit seminars (in the building of the store itself) - a few days in a row for several hours so that the staff will have time and work, and get knowledge.

The interest of the management of the distributor in sales of your products.Owners of stores and managers of distributors are interested in profits. If you can provide them with high profits, they will be interested in sales of your goods. How to achieve this? It is necessary that your item is sold at an acceptable for the buyer, distributor and you as a manufacturer price. At the same time, it is not necessary to fall in extremes: only with one distributor, it is thereby restricting sales volumes, or attract distributors in a huge amount, forcing them to compete with each other. Price competition is the most destructive, because no one wins: neither a manufacturer who decreases prices compensates for deterioration of product quality, nor buyer who acquires poor quality productnor a distributor tradling almost at a loss.

I will especially note how to work with distributors. Control prices are impossible, you can only recommend them. We recommend. But we recommend everyone. We do it so that the partners themselves want to comply with the recommended prices and so that buyers can and wanted to buy our products for this price. We explain what benefit is all the links of the sales chain and the final buyer from compliance with these prices, that is, we are talking about their contemptive role. We try not to create prerequisites for excessive price competition - choose partners with a good business reputation, together with them determine the interesting segments of the market and help them to master them at the expense of high-quality service. We strive to organize the work of partners so that they act in different segments - someone in the market of professional builders, someone in the retail market. All this helps to avoid direct price competition and leads to the preservation of the stable profits of partners. In addition, we are constantly looking for ways to increase sales of our partners by expanding sales markets, an increase in the range.

Confidence as its products. This is the most important thing about how to work with distributors and interest them with your product. Suppose the seller three-four times heard the complaints of buyers for the paint bought on his advice (for example, it quickly curled or did not cover the surface for two layers, as the manufacturer promised). After such cases, it is very difficult to interest the seller on the sale of this product, whatever the shares and gifts there are neither the manufacturer. The seller will still relate to this product with suspicion, which will affect sales.

The choice of channels and sales methods on the target market almost completely depends on the nature of the goods. The direct method involving the establishment of directly between the seller and the buyer is used mainly during the sale of goods. production destinationThe indirect method implying the use of trading and mediation is used mainly in the implementation of consumer goods.

The most important sales channels are: trading enterprises (wholesale, retail, import, export); Commission (consignment, intent); agency; brokerage enterprises; as well as intermediary markets (stock exchanges, auctions, bidding).

Trade mediators, especially this concerns large firms, have their own sales network - dealers, have their own material base - warehouses, shops, have demonstration halls, maintenance and repair workshops. They are equipped computer equipmentwhich allows you to conduct constant accounting and control over the amount of products sold through stores, for the presence in warehouses of spare parts and, the rule, have the ability to deliver the desired spare part of the dealer to anywhere.

When choosing channels and sales methods, first of all, the role of each channel in the general program of the production department, its effectiveness, the size of the costs of circulation, the system of placement of warehouse and other serving premises, is detected by pricing features.

The choice of a way to access the target market involves resolving the question of how much it is advisable to establish contact with the consumer. When selling production goods, it is possible to send a potential buyer in a written proposal to enter into negotiations or consider a specific seller's offer (offert); By establishing personal contacts at an exhibition or fair in the demonstration hall. When selling consumer goods, this is primarily the choice of the most suitable and reliable trading mediator.

The choice of a system of execution involves the cheapest and convenient option for delivering goods to the buyer, taking into account the terms of transportation, storage and storage of goods in the way, loading and unloading from vehicles, reliability in terms of saving qualitative indicators goods.

The decision to choose a distribution channel is one of the most difficult solutions to be taken by the management. The channels chosen by the company most directly affect all other marketing solutions. Pricing policy depends on what dealers chose a company - large and first-class or medium and ordinary. Decisions on their own trading personnel depend on the scale of commercial and academic workwhich will need to be carried out with dealers. In addition, the decisions of the company regarding distribution channels involve the issuance of long-term obligations to other firms. The manual should choose distribution channels with an eye and on the estimated commercial medium of tomorrow.

Most manufacturers offer their products the market through intermediaries. Each of them seeks to form its own distribution channel.

The distribution channel is a set of firms or individuals who take on or help to convey to someone else ownership of a specific product or service on their way from the manufacturer to the consumer.

The manufacturer is ready to shift a part of the work on sales of intermediaries, since many of them lack financial resources to implement direct marketing. Therefore, it is much easier to work through an extensive network of private distributors.

But even if the manufacturer can afford to create its own distribution channels, in many cases it will earn more if you increase the investment in your main business.

The use of intermediaries is due mainly to their unsurpassed efficiency in ensuring the wide availability of the goods and bring it to target markets. Thanks to its contacts, experience, specialization and scope, mediators offer a company more thing that she can usually do alone.

According to the results of the study of the main options of the channel, the company decides on its most effective structure. Now the task of managing the selected channel. Channel management requires the selection and motivation of individual intermediaries, as well as the subsequent assessment of their activities.

Choosing sales channels, the entrepreneur decides which layers of consumers, through which intermediate steps it will be supplied. For most products there are many alternative traces of sales. The solution in favor of a certain path is influenced along with the cost and revenue of the image of the product and the enterprise. Selection of sales tracks belongs to strategic solutions Enterprises. Their shift is usually impossible in a short time. Changes are unsafe and because consumer preferences are often associated with specific intermediaries.

Most sales paths have, as a result, a certain advertising and pricing strategy and affect the service. When analyzing it can be seen that the entrepreneur has its alternatives to the choice of trajects.

Fig. 6. Illustration of alternative trajects

For example, fig. 6:

Consumers (PR) with the inclusion of various sales authorities, economic and legal attitude which can be different to the enterprise. First of all, we are talking about: members of the leadership of the enterprise (P), commruy (K), sales representatives (T), regional sales branches (F), contractual enterprises (D), commissioners (COP), sales syndicates (c), brokers (M).

IN wholesale trade (From) or retail (RT), trading directly or through the inclusion of the steps mentioned above.

An important task is to study and determine which sales channel structures from all possible enterprises are available. At this stage, there is a sequential rebar of possible trajectures and their description. Decisions are made regarding the following:

The length of the distribution channel (Table 2).

table 2

Advantages and disadvantages of sales channels of different lengths

Channel type



one . Direct Sales

High monitoring of prices, the possibility of their differentiation by region

Access to the information about the market and consumer

Lack of charge intermediaries - the ability to form a resilient group of clients

-- High sales costs

Significant trans-port

Significant costs of organizing warehousing

2. Sale through an intermediary

Moderate sales costs

High accommodations intermediary - relatively high prices for the final buyer

Limited control over territorial coverage

3. Sale through a multi-level intermediaries system

Comparatively low costs

No need for research and market forecasting

No need to solve logistics issues (warehouses, transport, etc.)

Low level of control over the tse-us

Cutoff from the final in the counselor and, accordingly, the lathe of information about him

The need to establish a boometry close contacts with mediation

Organization of the system of their informs and training

The types of intermediaries with whom cooperation (wholesale, fine-wholesale, retail) are possible.

The number of intermediaries of one type at each level (i.e., the nature of the coverage of the market).

Features of the structure of the International Sales Channel.

The selection of sales channel is one of the most important solutions of the enterprise. Selected sales channel affects all other marketing solutions.

When choosing a sales channel, it is necessary to take into account the influence of the following factors:

* Cost of sales channels (investments in channel development and constant costs of their support) (Table 3);

Table 3.

Comparison of distribution channels of the sale of two types


Indirect Long Sales Channel

Indirect Short Sales Channel




Manufacturer Wholesaler:

if the manufacturer meets for it - more expensive

Manufacturer Warehouses:

if the manufacturer meets for it - cheaper

if the wholesaler is responsible for it - more expensive


Wholesaler retail merchant:

if the wholesaler and retail merchant is responsible for it - the range is more complete

The risk of incompleteness of the range


Warehouses, stocks, customers: responsible wholesaler


Responsible wholesaler Risk of inertia

Large dynamic

popping strategy


Poverty strategy towards wholesale and retail

Strategy retracting

Sales management

Basically, the wholesaler is responsible, the staff is limited.

Mostly answers the manufacturer,

numerous staff

Full costs

Costs are proportional to sales

High proportion of permanent expenses

* The ability to control the sales channel;

* market coverage;

constancy of intermediaries;

the width of the assortment group;

costs and trade margins;

sales channel length;

channel lock (this phenomenon can be the result of the closure of some channels by trade associations);

stock volume;

* Ability to use new marketing ideas.

When choosing a sales channel, it is necessary to take into account the comparative characteristics of each of them (Table 4).

Table 4.

Comparative Characteristics of Sales Channels





Wholesale firms

Sales agents

Sales volume

Contacts with sales costs

Vertical small

Very close

The highest

Horizontal big


Vertical middle

The lowest


Policy price

Very flexible, quickly learned market conditions

Flexible, promptly takes into account changes in the market

Not flexible enough, requires coordination of price changes with manufacturers

Flexible, Satisfying Current Consumer and Manufacturer

Knowledge of the subject of sales




Zone of action

Narrow, in the concentration of consumers

Wide throughout the market

Narrow but not-how many agents cover the entire market

The most complete

Ownership of products in the market

At the manufacturer

In mediator

In mediator


Manufacturer's Financial State

Weak, average


Opportunities for technical maintenance of products

The highest


Profit rate

Standardization level

High, medium

Quality reporting

The lowest


Oshiving one of the channels of product range, manufacturers exhibit caution in the use of others, even in cases where the conditions of the market or their own commodity range Pressure clearly indicate the feasibility of mixed channels. It also should also be noted that it is much more complicated to control multiple sales channels.