Organization of adaptation and career guidance of personnel. Adaptation and career guidance of staff. The HR manager performs the following functions

Adaptation, as well as career guidance of personnel, is a whole complex of various activities that are aimed at finding out the professional suitability of a person, identifying his interests, abilities and professional vocation. After all, it is the combination of these factors that primarily influences the decision to change a profession or choose the first profession, both in youth and already in adulthood.

In the process of vocational guidance, a psychological environment is created that motivates the right choice of a future specialty, taking into account one's own abilities and the situation on the labor market.

Career guidance and labor adaptation of personnel has a whole network of tasks that are interconnected with each other and are equally important. These include:

  1. Socio-psychological adaptation of a person.
  2. Search for the necessary motives for the right choice of profession.
  3. Introduction to the chosen profession.

In order to fulfill these tasks, it is necessary to fully inform all those concerned, as well as to create all the necessary conditions to develop professional skills and abilities.

Also, career guidance and adaptation of personnel has recently taken a course towards updating certain professions. And one of its goals is to popularize various professions in society. Thanks to professional self-determination measures, it is possible to form a positive image of the profession in the eyes of potential employees. At the same time, psychological adaptation and motivation occur precisely for these specialties.

Motivation, on the other hand, is the rationale for new motives, as well as objects that were introduced into the dialogue. Adaptation in professional terms is a term that is not much different from adaptation to something else. Here it is very important for the employee to adapt and feel comfortable. At the same time, both the employee and the organization itself must adapt to each other. The most difficult adaptation to a certain position is for young people who have not yet had work experience. This is especially difficult if such adaptation concerns adolescents who have just entered the adult world.

People who are just adapting to their new profession can experience very strong psychological stress. Attacks of depression can also occur. This is especially true when a person realizes that he has chosen the wrong profession for himself. In this case, a person is not only guaranteed stress, but he also loses any motivation to work. But this happens if in the final grades teachers at school carried out incorrect career guidance activities.

In order for the professional self-determination of staff to be successful, it is important to use the right methods and forms. These include the following:

  1. professional education

This is the form that is used at the earliest stage of career guidance - at school. Education of schoolchildren is carried out at labor lessons, with the help of special circles, etc. Children get involved in work, learn the basics labor activity and in this way a conscious attitude to the importance of work and to its essence as a whole is brought up in them.

  1. Professional Information

This method is equally important for a teenager who is just about to choose future profession, and for a person who wants to get a second education or just change jobs. And all because the essence of this method is to analyze the labor market and inform those who ask about it. Students and job seekers get acquainted with the demand in the labor market, the prospects for the development of certain professions, the nature of work, the level of payment, etc. They also receive information about educational institutions and training centers relevant to the profession.

  1. Personal consultation

Counseling is the provision of assistance to people interested in choosing or changing a profession. It is performed after a comprehensive study of the personality, which includes the study of the state of health, the structure and orientation of abilities, as well as many other factors that influence the choice of profession.

Another important task of career guidance can be considered to be the promotion of shifts in terms of employment. Now the economy presents almost every person with the opportunity to find their place in the professional field. And ideally, the reduction of workers in a particular organization is possible only when the laid-off people are given the opportunity to retrain and get a new one. workplace.

Professional adaptation

Onboarding is one of the most pressing issues that affect new hires in any organization. Starting a new job, each person must quickly join the system of intra-organizational relations, occupying several positions in this system at the same time. And each position in it has its own list of requirements and norms that the employee must advise and comply with. This correspondence will determine the role and status of a person both in the team and directly in his professional place.

But not only the organization has requirements for the employee - a person going to a new job also has a number of requirements for the organization. And the only question here is whether these demands are voiced or kept to themselves. But, one way or another, a person has his own goals, needs and expectations.

The process of mutual adjustment between the employee and the organization will be most successful if the requirements and capabilities of both the organization and the employee are consistent with each other.

There are two types of professional adaptation: primary and secondary. The most important in the conditions of the modern labor market is still secondary adaptation. However, most foreign firms still pay more attention to the primary adaptation of young employees. After all, it is young specialists who need special work from the management and administration.

In most cases, professional adaptation is seen as a process during which a person simply joins, gets used to his profession. However, this is a very narrow understanding of the term. Adaptation also implies mastering the norms of social behavior that operate in a team, establishing relationships with colleagues and management that will ensure comfortable cooperation and stay at one's workplace.

Also, professional adaptation implies the development of additional professional knowledge and skills, the formation of additional professional qualities and a positive attitude towards the work received. As a rule, a sense of satisfaction from one's own work comes at the moment when a person receives the first small achievements.

Another side of adaptation is getting used to working conditions, both at the physiological and psychological levels. The employee must get used to the level of mental and physical stress, to the environment, the rhythm of work, the level of its monotony. A person even has to get used to the level of noise, the convenience of his workplace, lighting, etc.

During the socio-psychological adaptation in a new team and in a new position, the employee perceives all new information actively with great interest. Indeed, it is during this period that it is included in the system of traditions, norms, values ​​and relationships in the team. And when an employee accepts these norms, he is identified by the team as “one of his own”.

In the process of administrative and organizational adaptation, a new employee masters and accepts the labor, production and technological requirements and disciplines of the organization.

And, despite the fact that all levels of adaptation are somewhat different from each other, they are still inextricably linked.

The success of an employee's adaptation depends on a number of factors:

  1. level vocational guidance for potential employees.
  2. Objectivity in the selection of employees.
  3. Processedness and expediency of the mechanism for personnel management and its adaptation.
  4. The prestige and attractiveness of this position in this organization.
  5. Features of the organization of labor that implement motivational attitudes for an employee.
  6. A well-established system for the introduction of labor innovations.
  7. Flexible training system for new and old staff.
  8. Socio-psychological climate in the team.

In order for the organizational mechanism for managing the adaptation process for newcomers to be successful, it must solve three main tasks:

  1. Have clear functions that help solve the problem of adaptation in the organization's management system.
  2. Formation of staff adaptation tools.
  3. Provide employees in the process of getting used to the necessary information.

In order to successfully manage the adaptation of new employees, first of all, it is necessary to work on the following organizational issues: to consolidate and distribute the functions of managing this process, to develop a clear technology for this process, to provide a large and complete information base.

To assign the functions of managing the adaptation process to the structure of the organization, you can make the following decisions:

  1. Allocate a special unit (it can be a group or a whole department) that will deal directly with the problem of getting used to new employees. Such a department has a place to be theoretically, however, these functions are most often simply performed by employees from the personnel training department.
  2. Arrangement of adaptation specialists and their attachment to individual workshops or divisions of the organization. It is worth noting that Chief Specialist there should be one on adaptation - he should play the role of the curator of this process and can be either an employee of one of the personnel management systems or be a separately trained specialist.
  3. Development of such type of cooperation as mentoring. Foreign firms have long been practicing this type of interaction, which for some reason is not taken into account at domestic enterprises. Mentoring is seen as an expression of trust in an experienced employee, and also indicates his advancement on the career ladder. At the same time, for a new employee, a mentor is a very good opportunity to receive comprehensive information and constant support from an experienced employee.

Organizational decisions that help shape adaptation management tools include:

  1. Organization of various educational and informative events, such as seminars, trainings, courses. They will help deepen knowledge and make all aspects of adaptation more successful.
  2. Individual conversations of a mentor or even a manager with a new employee. These conversations should be conducted in a friendly tone and also be aimed at helping.
  3. Short-term courses for managers with an intensive program. They should be passed by people who first enter leadership positions.
  4. Organizational and preparatory work, which concerns various innovations in the work process, in the work of the organization as a whole.
  5. Special training courses for new employees.
  6. Using a method based on the gradual complication of tasks performed by an employee. At the same time, it is necessary to control the process of performing these tasks, simultaneously analyzing the mistakes made by the beginner. You can also consider a reward system for cases when a new employee makes the first success in solving the tasks.
  7. One-time assignments for a new employee at first. This method will allow a new employee to quickly establish contact with the team and superiors, but will not allow mistakes that are too serious for the company.
  8. Conducting special games in the team aimed at uniting the team, as well as developing group dynamics.

Equally important is the organization of work. After all, its successful principles also have a positive motivational effect on the staff, and facilitates the process of its adaptation. These principles include:

  1. The creation of special groups with the same problems or the creation of creative teams with a constant change in their composition and issues.
  2. The use of the chord principle of work, as well as the rational freedom of the working regime.
  3. The introduction of elements of competitions and competitions in the work of various teams and divisions.
  4. Publicity of the results of labor - this applies to both individual successes and failures, and group ones.
  5. Use and search for new creative methods for solving certain problems.
  6. Ensuring constant feedback with management and administration, as well as with colleagues.

How to organize the process of adaptation and career guidance of staff

Management of work on professional self-determination, as well as adaptation, is carried out by special units of different levels. The highest governing body involved in this process is the Ministry of Health and Social Development. At the local level, such work is carried out by educational institutions, employment centers, etc. However, a study of the issue shows that a service that would specifically deal with career guidance and adaptation simply does not exist.

These issues are dealt with by different employees from completely different departments: managers, colleagues at work or personnel. But they all have one goal - to make the process of adapting to a new workplace as easy as possible for a new employee.

The process itself begins in the personnel department, where a person is hired. The inspector conducts a short conversation, which, among other things, has an exploratory character. The future employee will learn basic and rather concise information about the future place of work. Then the newcomer goes directly to the place of work and gets acquainted with the manager, who introduces him to his colleagues.

If desired, the leader can give the newcomer a mentor who will accompany and teach him during the entire adaptation period.

As a rule, within a month, the manager observes the progress of a new employee and periodically conducts conversations with him. The personnel department does not conduct any observations in this case.

But all this is far from an ideal model. In order for the adaptation process of new employees to proceed in the best possible way, the organization must have a special department that will perform the following functions:

  1. To study and predict market conjecture, to carry out activities to adapt to it.
  2. Hire and select personnel using professiograms, testing, interviews with the aim of their most successful career guidance.
  3. Arrange personnel for departments, workplaces, form a stable team.
  4. Select leaders from young talented workers.

In such a department, there must be a recruiting manager, as well as a good professional consultant. The latter's responsibilities include:

  1. Counseling for company employees.
  2. Collection and processing of information related to market conditions, the prestige of the professions offered by the company, etc.
  3. Participate in the direct recruitment and recruitment process.
  4. Establishing links with educational institutions that can prepare good future specialists for this enterprise.
  5. Development of professiograms.

The Human Resources Manager performs the following functions:

  1. Familiarizes the future employee with working conditions, salary levels, etc.
  2. Introduces the newcomer to the manager.
  3. Organizes training and internships for new employees of the organization.
  4. Introduces a new person to the team, introduces him to future colleagues.

A special training course should be organized for new employees, the purpose of which is rational adaptation to styles and methods of work. The manager can use special programs adaptation, among which it is necessary to separate the general (applies to all employees) and specialized (covers one unit or a specific area of ​​activity). Recruitment and career guidance is an important task, for which companies should have a separate niche.

Professional orientation is a complex of interrelated economic, social, medical, psychological and pedagogical activities aimed at forming a professional vocation, identifying abilities, interests, suitability and other factors that influence the choice of a profession or a change in occupation.
The goals of career guidance are to help young people (mainly students of general education schools) and job seekers in choosing a profession, specialty, place of work or study, taking into account the inclinations and interests of people, their psychophysiological characteristics, as well as taking into account the emerging labor market conditions.
Career guidance tasks:
1) informing interested parties to facilitate the choice of the type of professional activity;
2) creation of conditions for the development of professionally significant abilities of future employees;
3) determination of the conformity of the psycho-physiological and socio-psychological qualities of those who applied for advice to the professional requirements of the type of labor activity they have chosen.
Forms of career guidance work:
1) vocational education is the initial vocational training of schoolchildren, carried out through labor lessons, the organization of circles, special lessons on the basics of various professional activities;
2) professional information - a system of measures to familiarize students and job seekers with the situation in the field of supply and demand in the labor market, prospects for the development of activities, the nature of work in the main professions and specialties, conditions and wages, vocational schools and staff training centers , as well as with other issues of obtaining a profession and employment;
3) professional consultation is the provision of assistance to interested people in choosing a profession and place of work by studying the personality of the person who applied for advice in order to identify his state of health, orientation and structure of abilities, interests and other factors influencing the choice of profession or the direction of retraining.
Career guidance management is built through the formation and development of a system of management bodies at various levels. General coordination of career guidance work is carried out by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, State Committee Russian Federation for Higher Education, Federal Service for Labor and Employment. At the regional and local levels, career guidance work is carried out by educational institutions, employment centers, career guidance centers. In the implementation of the main forms of career guidance, they are assisted by organizations that are the main consumers of the results of career guidance.
Career guidance is aimed at strengthening the prestige and attractiveness of professions and specialties in society, in various social groups. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that the prestige and attractiveness of the work may be associated with the authority and popularity of a particular organization. She is able to form her positive image in the eyes of potential employees in the process of career guidance.

Adaptation is the mutual adaptation of the employee and the organization, which is based on the gradual development of the employee in new professional, social, organizational and economic conditions.
The goals of adaptation can be summarized as follows:
reducing start-up costs, since while a new employee does not know his job well, he works less efficiently and requires additional costs;
reducing anxiety and uncertainty among new hires;
reducing workforce turnover, because if newcomers feel uncomfortable in a new job and feel unwanted, then they may respond to this by firing;
saving time for the manager and employees, as the work carried out under the program helps to save time for each of them;
development of a positive attitude towards work, job satisfaction.
Directions of adaptation
1. Primary adaptation, i.e. accommodation of young employees who do not have work experience
2. Secondary, i.e. adaptation of employees who have work experience (usually changing their place of work, object of activity or their professional role).
Types of adaptation:
1. Professional adaptation is characterized by additional development of professional opportunities (knowledge and skills), as well as the formation of professionally necessary personality traits, a positive attitude towards one's work. As a rule, job satisfaction comes when certain results are achieved, and the latter come as the employee masters the specifics of work at a particular workplace.
2. Social adaptation. The inclusion of an employee in the system of relationships of the team with its traditions, norms of life, value orientations. In the course of such adaptation, the employee receives information about the system of business and personal relationships in the team and individual formal and informal groups, about the social positions of individual members of the group. When an employee accepts group norms, a process of identification of the individual takes place either with the team as a whole, or with some formal or informal group.
3. Psychophysiological adaptation. Mastering the totality of all conditions that have a different psychophysiological effect on the employee during work. These conditions include: physical and mental stress, the level of monotony of labor, sanitary and hygienic standards of the working environment, the rhythm of work, the convenience of the workplace, external factors of influence
4. Organizational and economic adaptation. Adaptation to the new organizational and economic system management. Allows the employee to get acquainted with the economic mechanism of managing the organization, the system of economic incentives and motives, adapt to the new conditions of remuneration for their labor and various payments.
5. Adaptation to innovations, as a kind of organizational and economic adaptation.
Stages of adaptation:
1) familiarization, at which the employee receives information about new situation in general, about the criteria for evaluating various actions, about the norms of behavior in the team, about the members of the team;
2) adaptation - at this stage, the employee is reoriented, recognizing the main elements of the new value system, but still continues to retain many of his attitudes;
3) assimilation, when the worker is fully adapted to the environment and to the team, identification with a new group;
4) identification, when the personal goals of the employee are identified with the goals of the labor organization, enterprise, firm, joint-stock company, cooperative, etc.


3. Business assessment of personnel

5. Release of staff



Personnel management is a vitally conditioned strategic function, which during the 20th century formed into an independent structure in the course of the evolution of various forms of management.

As it turned out, the main measure of progress and development of activity is a person with his needs, motivations and specific interests.

Personnel management as a social function, i.e. was an objective continuation of the human need and ability to self-preservation, but at a higher level - the level of human organizations.

In this regard, the relationship between the heads of organizations, between the head and subordinates, between all employees within the organization is changing. The attitude towards the personnel of the organization is also changing, because the social orientation of economic reforms turns them towards the person, the staff of the organization.

Human resource management focuses on workers and employees who are in the organizational environment of the firm.

It generally concerns the leaders of the lower, middle and upper levels of management.

Large, medium and small firms are clearly aware that in order to develop, succeed, maintain the health of people and the stability of the team, they must optimize the return on investment of any resources, be it financial, material or human resources.

"Personnel management technology is a specific activity of the personnel management department: to explain in detail to people their job responsibilities and how to build their activities."

So, competent, professionally organized work with personnel is the most important basis economic efficiency firm's work.

Personnel management as a production, economic science is the basis of economic growth, both for each company and for the entire state as a whole.

The purpose of the work is to study the technology of personnel management, namely, to consider the entire technological cycle of working with the organization's personnel, from hiring to dismissal.

1. Recruitment, selection and admission of personnel

The main task in hiring staff is the demand for workers in qualitative and quantitative terms.

Recruitment is a series of activities aimed at attracting candidates who have the qualities necessary to achieve the goals set by the organization. With recruitment, personnel management begins.

There are two possible sources of recruitment: internal (from employees of the organization) and external (from people who have not previously been associated with the organization in any way).

Advantages of attraction by internal sources:

· the emergence of chances for career growth;

· improvement of the socio-psychological climate in the workplace;

· low recruitment costs;

· increasing the degree of attachment to the organization;

· applicants for the position are well known in the organization;

· the applicant for the position knows this organization;

· maintaining the level of remuneration established in the organization;

· vacating a position for the growth of young personnel of this organization;

· quick filling of a vacant full-time position, without long-term adaptation;

· "transparency personnel policy;

· a high degree of manageability of the current personnel situation;

· the possibility of purposeful professional development of personnel;

· the ability to avoid always unprofitable staff turnover;

· growth in labor productivity;

· the problem of employment of own personnel is solved;

· increasing motivation, degree of job satisfaction.

Disadvantages of attracting staff from internal sources:

· limited opportunities for selection of personnel;

· tensions or rivalry in the team are possible in the event of the appearance of several applicants for the position of leader;

· the appearance of familiarity in solving business issues, since only yesterday the applicant for the position of head was on a par with colleagues;

· unwillingness to refuse something to an employee who has a long work experience in this organization;

· a decrease in the activity of an ordinary employee applying for the position of a manager, since the deputy manager is automatically the successor;

· the number of transfers to a new position does not satisfy the need for personnel;

· only a qualitative need is satisfied, but through retraining or advanced training, which is associated with additional costs.

The advantage of attracting personnel from external sources:

· more choices;

· the emergence of new impulses for the development of the organization;

· a new person, as a rule, easily achieves recognition;

· hiring covers the absolute need for staff;

· less threat of intrigue within the organization.

Disadvantages of attracting personnel from external sources:

· higher recruitment costs;

· a high proportion of employees taken from outside contributes to an increase in staff turnover;

· the socio-psychological climate in the organization among long-term employees is deteriorating;

· a high degree of risk during the probationary period.

· poor knowledge of the organization;

· long period of adaptation;

· blocking career opportunities for employees of the organization;

· the new employee is not well known in the organization.

Hiring staff from internal sources largely depends on the personnel policy of the administration of the organization as a whole. Prudent use of available human resources can allow an organization to dispense with a new set.

In our country, the following sources of employment are most widespread: people who accidentally come in looking for work; newspaper ads; secondary schools; colleges; lyceums; technical schools; vocational schools, higher educational institutions; employment services; private recruitment agencies; advertisements on radio and television; unions.

When referring to specialized organizations hiring, staff training, similar to hiring temporary workers, accepted workers are not temporary. When applying for a job, a conversation is held with the applicant, who is asked pre-prepared questions.

When filling a vacant position of a specialist or manager, the following stages are distinguished:

· development of job requirements; as a result, further search is limited to applicants who have the necessary qualifications for this position;

· broad search for applicants; the task is to attract as many candidates as possible who meet the minimum requirements to participate in the competition;

· verification of applicants using a number of formal methods in order to screen out the worst;

· selection for a position from among several best candidates; usually carried out by the head, taking into account the conclusion of the personnel services and the data of various inspections and tests.

Line managers and functional services participate in the selection process. These services are staffed by professional psychologists, using the most modern selection methods. The immediate supervisor participates in the selection at the initial and final stages. He has the final word in setting the requirements for the position and choosing a specific employee from among those selected by the personnel department.

The selection of candidates for a vacant position is made from among the applicants for the vacant position of a manager or management specialist using an assessment business qualities candidates (public civil position, attitude to work, level of knowledge and work experience, organizational skills, ability to work with people, ability to work with documents and information, ability to make and implement decisions in a timely manner, ability to see and support advanced, moral and ethical character traits).

The final decision during the selection is formed at several stages, which applicants should go through. At each stage, a part of the applicants is eliminated or they refuse the procedure, accepting other offers.

Preliminary interview. At this stage, a HR specialist or line manager conducts a preliminary conversation with him. In this case, the general rules of the conversation are applied, aimed at clarifying, for example, the education of the applicant, assessing his appearance etc. After that, the applicant is sent to the next stage of selection.

Filling out the application form and application form for the position.

Applicants must complete an application form and a questionnaire. The number of items in the questionnaire should be minimal. And they should ask for information that has the most impact on a candidate's productivity. Analysis of personal data in combination with other selection methods reveals the following information:

) compliance of the applicant's education with minimum qualification requirements;

) compliance of practical experience with the nature of the position;

) the presence of restrictions of a different kind on the performance of official loads;

) readiness to accept additional loads;

The range of questions that the company seeks to answer is in the questionnaire. However, in some cases, HR departments and company management rely on questionnaires, in others they specify necessary information during the interview process.

Hiring conversation . There are several types for hire: conducted according to the scheme; poorly formalized; performed according to the scheme. During the conversation, information is exchanged, usually in the form of questions and answers. There are various mistakes that reduce the effectiveness of ongoing conversations. A common mistake is the tendency to draw a conclusion about the applicant from the first impression, from the first minutes of the conversation. During the conversation, consider:

) listen carefully to what and how the applicant says;

) monitor the behavior of the applicant, trying to get the most complete information about the applicant;

) be aware of the requirements imposed by the nature of the work;

) the decision should be made only with all the necessary information;

) the conversation needs to be conducted around questions that are important criteria for questions. These questions are reflected in the application form for employment.

Testing . One of the methods used to facilitate the selection decision is tests to assess the ability and mentality necessary to effectively perform tasks in the proposed place. Testing allows you to understand how a particular candidate corresponds to the position for which he is applying. Test results are not the only source of information, they are supplemented by biographical data, data obtained during the interview.

Check references and track record. When applying for a job, a candidate may be asked to provide testimonials from previous supervisors and other similar documents. If there is a need for background checks, a more acceptable alternative to writing may be a phone call to the previous boss in order to exchange views or clarify any questions of interest. The most frequently checked items are the last place of work and education.

Medical checkup . Some organizations require that applicants who are most suitable for them complete medical questionnaires or undergo a medical examination. The reasons for this requirement are as follows: in the case of workers filing complaints about compensation, knowledge of the applicant's physical condition at the time of employment is required; it is necessary to prevent the recruitment of a carrier of infectious diseases.

Acceptance of an offer of admission. Employment ends with the signing of the employment contract by both parties.

2. Selection and placement of personnel

The selection and placement of personnel is one of the most important functions of the management cycle. carried out by the management of the organization. All managers are engaged in the selection of personnel - from the foreman to the director, the selection of personnel is accompanied by their placement in accordance with business qualities. The efficiency of the organization largely depends on the quality of this function.

The selection and placement of personnel is understood as the rational distribution of employees of the organization by structural units, sections, jobs in accordance with the system of division and cooperation of labor adopted in the organization. On the one hand, and the abilities, psycho-physiological and business qualities of employees that meet the requirements of the content of the work performed, on the other.

The selection and placement of personnel is based on the principles of compliance, prospects, turnover.

The principle of conformity means the conformity of the moral and business qualities of applicants with the requirements of the positions to be filled.

The principle of perspective is based on the following conditions:

· setting the age limit for various categories of positions;

· determination of the duration of the period of work in one position and in the same area of ​​work;

· the possibility of changing the profession or specialty, the organization of systematic advanced training;

· health status.

The principle of turnover is that better use of personnel should be facilitated by intra-organizational labor movements, under which the processes of changing the place of workers in the division of labor system, as well as changing the place of application of labor within the organization, as well as stagnation (aging) of personnel. Associated with a long stay in the same position, has negative consequences for the activities of the organization.

The initial data for the selection and placement of personnel are: career models; philosophy and personnel policy organizations; Labor Code; materials attestation commissions; employee contract; staffing; job descriptions; personal files of employees; Regulation on payment and stimulation of labor; Regulations on the selection and placement of personnel. As a result, all vacancies at the enterprise should be filled taking into account the personal wishes of employees and their planned career.

The selection and placement of personnel should ensure the well-coordinated activities of the team, taking into account the volume, nature and complexity of the work performed, based on the following conditions:

· use of personnel in accordance with his profession and qualifications (specification of the functions of performers. In order for the employee to clearly understand the scope of his duties, he knows well to perform the work assigned to him);

· ensuring the necessary interchangeability of workers on the basis of mastering them related professions;

· ensuring the full responsibility of everyone for the performance of their work, i.e. accurate accounting of its quantitative and qualitative results. Assignment to the performer of work that corresponds to the level of knowledge and practical skills.

The main task of the selection and placement of personnel is to solve the problem of the optimal resolution of personnel, depending on the work performed. The goal of rational staffing is the distribution of workers to workplaces, in which the discrepancy between the personal qualities of a person and the requirements for the work performed by him is minimal without excessive or insufficient workload.

To solve the problem of selection and placement of employees in the organization, their promotion, we can recommend the profile method.

The basis of the profile method is a catalog of characteristics - the requirements for a person depending on the work he performs, as well as taking into account the quantitative characteristics of jobs. Indicators should be described and divided into a certain number of categories. Each level of requirements refers to some indicator and should also be characterized. Each level of requirements corresponds to a certain level of employee qualities. The catalog of characteristics makes it possible to take into account the requirements due to the peculiarities of work at a particular workplace, as well as the qualities of employees and depict them graphically.

Comparison of the level of requirements due to a particular job, and the level of qualities of the employee performing this work, allows us to conclude that this or that person is suitable for this job or the need to bring them into line with each other.

As a result of data analysis, the main indicators that affect the selection and placement of personnel are selected. When filling out the table, it is necessary to use such indicators as: indicators of the level of qualification; indicators of business qualities; performance indicators; indicators of the quality of work performed; indicators of style and methods of work; indicators characterizing analytical abilities; indicators of participation in innovation activities; indicators of discipline; indicators of psychological compatibility with the team.

An important condition the formation of the labor collective is the observance of the ratio of personnel and young workers. The formation of a team of people of the same age contributes to the manifestation of a tendency to close it in the interests of their age. The team, consisting of different ages, gives different types of hobbies. Becomes more viable. The younger ones are influenced by the older ones. They imitate them. The older ones help the younger ones in mastering professional skills.

The selection and placement of personnel within the team is one of the effective means of increasing labor productivity, improving the use of labor, material and financial resources.

3. Business assessment of personnel

Business assessment of personnel is a purposeful process of establishing the compliance of the qualitative characteristics of personnel (abilities, motivations and properties) with the requirements of a position or workplace.

Based on the degree of this correspondence, the following main tasks are solved:

· choosing a place in the organizational structure and establishing the functional role of the assessed employee;

· development of a program for its development;

· determination of the degree of compliance with the specified criteria for remuneration and the establishment of its value;

· identify ways external motivation worker.

In order to avoid mistakes (unrealistic business assessment of personnel caused by objective or subjective inconsistencies of the appraiser, such as an error of extremeness, bias, etc.) of the business assessment of personnel, the following mandatory measures must be taken:

· development of a business valuation methodology (if appropriate, such a methodology can be acquired) and binding to the specific conditions of the organization;

· formation of an assessment commission with the involvement of the immediate supervisor of the tested employee, specialists of a higher, equal and lower level of the hierarchy, as well as specialists of the organization's personnel management service or specialized assessment centers;

· determining the time and place of the business assessment;

· establishing a procedure for summing up the results of evaluation;

· elaboration of issues of documentation and information support of the assessment process;

· advising appraisers on the part of the developer of the methodology or a specialist who owns it.

When developing a business valuation methodology, special attention should be paid to describing the stages of the valuation. There are several stages of business evaluation:

.collection of preliminary information on an individual, non-generalized assessment of an employee by the subjects of assessment;

2.summarizing the information obtained at the previous stage;

.preparation of the manager for an evaluation conversation with subordinate employees;

.conducting an assessment conversation and summarizing its results;

.formation by the head of an expert opinion based on the results of a business assessment and its submission to the expert commission;

.making decisions of the expert commission on the merits of the proposals contained in the expert opinions.

The main actor in personnel assessment is the line manager. He is responsible for the objectivity and completeness of the information base necessary for the current periodic assessment, and conducts an assessment conversation with the employee.

When forming the current periodic assessment, the opinions of: colleagues and employees who have structural relationships with the assessed employees are summarized; subordinates; experts in the field of business assessment, as well as the results of the employee's self-assessment.

The central issue of any business evaluation is the establishment of its indicators. With all the variety of evaluation indicators, they can be conditionally divided into several groups: labor productivity; conditions for achieving labor productivity; professional conduct; personal qualities.

In assessing labor productivity, one should distinguish between "hard" and "soft" indicators. The "hard" indicators include the production system of the organization, subdivisions of the management system that are interconnected with the external environment: marketing, logistics, sales agents, repair services. These indicators are easily measurable and covered by the information system of the organization.

"Soft evaluation indicators are determined depending on the subjective opinion of the evaluator and are used in units with a limited ability to measure a specific result (research units).

The conditions for achieving the results of labor are understood as the ability or desire to perform general management functions both in relation to other objects of influence and in relation to oneself: planning activities, recording and monitoring the progress of work, etc.

Indicators of professional behavior cover such aspects of activity as cooperation and teamwork in work. Independence in solving certain problems, etc. At the same time, it is important that directly observable behavior is really necessary in the performance of work and that its inclusion as an evaluation criterion does not interfere, but contributes to the achievement of certain results.

Personal qualities, these features of the use of personal properties as indicators of personnel assessment require a careful and balanced approach with a mandatory combination with other groups of indicators.

One of the most important issues in conducting a business assessment of personnel is the choice of methods (methods) by which certain indicators are evaluated.

Scaling method (graphic scaling of ratings). It involves a painful definition of the values ​​of indicators, and these points characterize the degree of severity of the indicator. This method is convenient and economical. But there are also problems associated with the broad interpretation of the numerical designation evaluator. To reduce subjectivism, another variation of it is used - the method of scaling the ratings of behavior descriptions. In this case, the numerical values ​​of the scale are interpreted detailed description course of action corresponding to a given numerical value.

The method of questionnaires (alternative characteristics) differs from the previous ones in that it does not use systematic methods of measurement. The appraiser is offered a list of statements about the image of the employee. The evaluator notes the conformity or non-conformity of a particular statement to this sample.

The pairwise comparison method allows you to identify the highest ratings of various employees for a particular assessment indicator through a consistent comparison of employees with each other. Sometimes they encounter cases when the head of the department overstates the estimates of his employees. To eliminate this phenomenon, the method of given distribution of estimates (forced distribution) is used. In accordance with it, the distribution percentages of assessed employees by ratings are predetermined, for example: 30% - medium, 10% - low rating, etc.

Along with the above methods, the practice of business valuation uses the approach. In which evaluation indicators are not preliminarily set. Within the framework of this approach, the method of management by objectives has become widespread. The key idea of ​​the method is to measure the results and effectiveness of the work of employees, which establishes the employee's contribution to the achievement of the organization's goals.

4. Socialization, career guidance and labor adaptation of personnel

Socialization is the assimilation by a person independently and through purposeful influence (education) of a certain system of values, social norms and patterns of behavior necessary for the formation of a person, gaining her social position (status) in a given society. Socialization covers all processes of familiarization with culture, communication, through which a person acquires the ability to participate in social life.

Socialization begins in childhood and continues throughout life, as the individual is faced with the need to perform various social roles.

When managing the personnel of an organization, it is important to take into account that the process of socialization is directly related to the career guidance and labor adaptation of an employee to the social and production and technological environment of the organization, his entry into one or another social group, the role structure of the organization's team.

social structure collective includes the following indicators Keywords: gender, age, work experience, education, marital status, type of motivation, level of progressiveness, standard of living, attitude to property.

The role structure of the team determines the composition and distribution of creative, communication and behavioral roles between individual employees and is an important tool in the system of work with personnel. Of course, each person has to perform all three types of roles to one degree or another, and we can only talk about the degree of manifestation of his personality in one of these roles. Human behavior has multidirectional tendencies for both better and worse, and depends on external environment.

The main methods for determining the role structure are socio-psychological methods, testing, observation, analysis of biographical and personnel data, the results of business games, etc.

Professional orientation is a complex of interrelated economic, social, medical, psychological and pedagogical activities aimed at forming a professional vocation, identifying abilities, interests, suitability and other factors that influence the choice of a profession or a change in occupation. Career guidance is aimed at helping young people (students) and people looking for a job in choosing a profession, specialty, place of work or study, taking into account the inclinations and interests of people, their psychophysiological characteristics, as well as taking into account the emerging situation in the labor market.

The above goal includes a number of more specific targets:

· informing interested parties to ensure the choice of the type of professional activity;

· creation of conditions for the development of professionally significant abilities of future employees;

· determination of the conformity of the psychophysical and socio-psychological qualities of those who applied for advice to the professional requirements of the type of labor activity they have chosen.

The main forms of career guidance work are:

professional education- this is the initial vocational training of schoolchildren, carried out through labor lessons, the organization of circles, special lessons on the basics of various professional activities, etc.

Professional information -a system of measures to familiarize students and job seekers with the situation in the field of supply and demand in the labor market, prospects for the development of types of activities, with the nature of work in the main professions and specialties, conditions and wages, vocational schools and personnel training centers, as well as with others vocational and employment issues.

Professional advice -this is the provision of assistance to interested people in choosing a profession and place of work by studying the personality of the person who applied for advice in order to identify the state of health, the orientation and structure of abilities, interests and other factors that influence the choice of profession or the direction of retraining.

Professional selection- participation in the recruitment and selection of personnel, taking into account the requirements of specific professions and jobs in order to better vocational guidance of employees.

Adaptation -this is the mutual adaptation of the employee and the organization, based on the gradual development of the employee in new professional ones. Social and organizational-economic conditions of work.

There are two areas of labor adaptation: primary and secondary adaptation.

Professional adaptation is characterized by additional development of professional capabilities (knowledge and skills), as well as the formation of professionally necessary personality traits, a positive attitude towards one's work. Satisfaction with work comes when certain results are achieved, and the latter come as the employee masters the specifics of work at a particular workplace.

In the process of psychophysiological adaptation, the totality of all conditions that have a different psychophysical effect on the worker during work is mastered.

In the process of socio-psychological adaptation, the employee is included in the system of relationships between the team with its traditions, norms of life, and value orientations.

In the process of organizational and administrative adaptation, the employee gets acquainted with the features of the organizational management mechanism, the place of his unit and position in common system goals and organizational structure. He must form his own role in the production process.

Economic adaptation allows the employee to get acquainted with the economic mechanism of managing the organization, the system of economic incentives and motives, to adapt to the new conditions of remuneration of his labor and various payments.

In the process of sanitary and hygienic adaptation, the employee gets used to the new requirements of labor, production and technological discipline, labor regulations.

Despite the difference between the types of adaptation, they are all in constant interaction.

5. Release of staff

The release of personnel is a type of activity that provides for a set of measures to comply with legal norms and organizational and psychological support from the administration in the event of dismissal of employees.

Distinguish between the concepts of "release" and "dismissal" . Dismissal - termination employment contract between management and employees. Planning for the release, or reduction, of staff is essential in the process of personnel planning. This allows you to regulate the intra-organizational labor market in the process of planning staff reductions.

Planning work with retiring employees is based on a simple qualification of types of dismissals. The classification criterion in this case the degree of voluntariness of the employee's departure from the organization. According to this criterion, three types of dismissals can be distinguished:

· dismissal at the initiative of the employee own will);

· dismissal at the initiative of the employer (at the initiative of the administration);


Relatively unproblematic from the point of view of the organization is the departure of an employee of his own free will. This transition is viewed positively by most employees. His professional activities and social environment either do not change, or the employee is ready for such changes. Therefore, support from the administration, as a rule, is small.

To assess the ongoing event, it is proposed to conduct a final interview. When conducting it, the employee is asked to name the true reasons for the dismissal. In addition, during the final interview, more practical issues can be resolved, for example, informing the employee about his rights and obligations upon dismissal, returning inventory, etc. The main objectives of the final interview are: an attempt, if necessary, to influence the employee's decision to leave and an analysis of bottlenecks in the organization.

The final interview can be conducted both orally and in writing. The behavior of the final interview is fraught with considerable problems. One of them is. That in many cases, upon dismissal, an employee is either not inclined to give any assessments at all. Or does it with a great deal of subjectivity. In this regard, there are two possible ways out of the situation: conducting a conversation at a high level of psychological competence; transferring the conversation to a later date, when the reasons for dismissal and the general situation in the organization will be perceived by the former employee in a more balanced and objective manner.

Dismissal at the initiative of the administration - most often due to staff reductions or the closure of the organization - is an extraordinary event for any employee. Many people. Faced with the need for dismissal, they experience fear, depression. This period is experienced hard, because it affects all the most important aspects of labor - professional, social, personal and psychological. Therefore, it depends on how the dismissal process itself is organized, what impact this event will have on the employee - either aggravate the painfulness of the phenomenon, or mitigate it.

In general, the system of measures for the release of personnel includes three stages: preparation; sending the employee a notice of dismissal; counseling.

At the preparatory stage, the administration creates the prerequisites for the implementation of the program of events. In accordance with Russian labor legislation, dismissal at the initiative of the administration may be due to such reasons as:

· liquidation of the organization, reduction of the number or staff of employees;

· non-compliance of the employee with the position held or the work performed;

· employee's failure to fulfill their official duties without good reason;

· absenteeism, including absence from work for more than four consecutive months;

· absence from work due to illness for more than four consecutive months;

· reinstatement of an employee who previously performed this work;

· appearing at work under the influence of alcohol or drugs;

· committing theft of state or public property at the place of work;

· a single gross violation by the head of the organization or his deputy of his official duties;

· the commission by an employee serving monetary or commodity values ​​of such actions that give rise to a loss of confidence in him on the part of the administration;

· committing an immoral act by an employee performing educational functions.

The second stage of activities - communication of the dismissal to the employee - makes the release process official and represents the starting point for further consulting work.

The third stage - consulting - is the central link in the entire process of managing the release of personnel. In the first phase, with the help of consultations from the personnel management service and self-assessment on the part of the employee, an attempt is made to work through all the failures of work in previous positions and set new professional and personal goals. In the second phase, the concept of finding a new job is formed. The third phase can be called conducting a job search.

It should be noted that one reason for the release may be the end of the contract.

Retirement is characterized by a number of features that distinguish it from previous types of dismissals. First, retirement can be foreseen and planned in advance with a reasonable degree of accuracy in time. Secondly, this event is associated with very specific changes in the personal sphere. Thirdly, significant changes in the way of life of a person are very evident for his environment. Finally, in assessing the upcoming retirement, a person is characterized by a certain split, a certain discord with himself. Therefore, this process of retirement, as well as finding a person in a new social role, are the object of sufficient close attention in civilized countries. This attention comes from the state, and from the organization where the person worked and contributed to the common cause. Work with employees of pre-retirement and retirement age finds its concrete expression in the implementation of certain activities.

Retirement preparation courses

Overseas organizations provide retirement preparation courses that help employees move into a position where they can work through retirement-related issues and learn about characteristic features new life stage.

. "Sliding pension" is an almost literal translation of what is common in foreign organizations. This is a system of measures for the gradual transition from full-time work to the final retirement, as well as a number of pensioners' involvement with working life.


Human resource management is one of the most important areas in the activities of the organization and is considered the main criterion for its economic success, even ahead of the improvement of the technical process (in importance). You can have excellent technology, but with unskilled personnel, the work will be ruined. Thus, a key component of the business is personnel management, personnel management technology. As we have already discussed, the basis of the content of personnel services is:

Recruitment, selection and reception of personnel

Selection and placement of personnel

Business staff appraisal

Socialization, career guidance and labor adaptation of personnel

Release of staff

role structure personnel adaptation

List of sources used

1.Gromova O.N., Mishin V.M., Svistunov V.M. Organization of managerial work M., 2010 p.317

2.Kozlov V.D. Management of the organization M., 2009, p. 196

.Kibanov A.Ya. Personnel management of the organization M., 2008 p.509

.Kokhanov E.R. Personnel selection and induction M., 2009 p.243

.Kravchenko A.I. labor organizations: structure, functions, behavior M., 2010 p. 196

.Krichevsky R.L. If you are the head of M., 2011, p. 196

.Magura M.N. Search and selection of personnel M., 2010 p.160

.Starobinsky E.I. How to manage personnel M., 2009 p.317

.Stankin M.I. Psychology of management M., 2008 p.304

Socialization- assimilation by a person independently and through purposeful influence (education) of a certain system of values, social norms and patterns of behavior necessary for the formation of a person, gaining her social position (status) in a given society.

The social structure of the team includes the following indicators: gender, age, work experience, education, social status, nationality, marital status, type of motivation, level of progressiveness, standard of living, attitude to property.

Professional orientation - it is a complex of interrelated economic, social, medical, psychological and pedagogical measures aimed at forming a professional vocation, identifying abilities, interests, suitability and other factors that influence the choice of a profession or a change in occupation.

The main forms of career guidance work are professional education; education of a conscious need for work; professional information; professional consultation; professional selection (Fig. 5.9).

Figure 5.9 - The main forms of career guidance work

professional education- this is the initial vocational training of schoolchildren, carried out through labor lessons, the organization of circles, special lessons on the basics of various professional activities, etc.

Professional Information- a system of measures to familiarize students and job seekers with the situation in the field of supply and demand in the labor market, prospects for the development of activities, the nature of work in the main professions and specialties, conditions and wages, vocational schools and staff training centers, as well as other issues of obtaining a profession and employment.

Professional advice- this is the provision of assistance to interested people in choosing a profession and place of work by studying the personality of the person who applied for advice in order to identify his state of health, orientation and structure of abilities, interests and other factors influencing the choice of profession or the direction of retraining.

Professional selection- participation in the recruitment and selection of personnel, taking into account the requirements of specific professions and jobs in order to better vocational guidance of employees.

Adaptation- this is the mutual adaptation of the employee and the organization, based on the gradual development of the employee in the new professional, social, organizational and economic working conditions.

Types of adaptation are shown in fig. 5.10.

Professional adaptation characterized by additional development of professional opportunities (knowledge and skills), as well as the formation of professionally necessary personality traits, a positive attitude towards one's work. As a rule, job satisfaction comes when certain results are achieved, and the latter come as the employee masters the specifics of work at a particular workplace.

In progress psychophysiological adaptation there is a development of the totality of all conditions that have a different psychophysiological effect on the worker during work. These conditions include: physical and mental stress, the level of monotony of labor, sanitary and hygienic standards of the production environment, the rhythm of work, the convenience of the workplace, external factors of influence (noise, light, vibration, etc.).

Figure 5.10 - Types of adaptation and factors influencing it

In progress socio-psychological adaptation there is an inclusion of the employee in the system of relationships of the team with its traditions, norms of life, value orientations. In the course of such adaptation, the employee receives information about the system of business and personal relationships in the team and individual formal and informal groups, about the social positions of individual members of the group. He perceives this information actively, correlating it with his past social experience, with his value orientations. When an employee accepts group norms, the process of identification of the individual takes place either with the team as a whole, or with any formal or informal group.

In progress organizational and administrative adaptation the employee gets acquainted with the features of the organizational management mechanism, the place of his unit and position in the overall system of goals and in the organizational structure. With this adaptation, the employee should form an understanding of his own role in the overall production process. One more important and specific aspect of organizational adaptation should be singled out - the preparedness of an employee for the perception and implementation of innovations (of a technical or organizational nature).

Economic adaptation allows the employee to get acquainted with the economic mechanism of managing the organization, the system of economic incentives and motives, to adapt to the new conditions of remuneration of his labor and various payments.

In progress sanitary and hygienic adaptation the employee is accustomed to the new requirements of labor, production and technological discipline, labor regulations. He gets used to preparing the workplace for labor process in the conditions of production that have developed in the organization, adhering to hygienic and sanitary standards, safety and health requirements, as well as taking into account the economic safety of the environment.

Fundamental adaptation goals can be reduced to the following:

Reducing start-up costs, since while a new employee does not know his job well, he works less efficiently and requires additional costs;

Reduced anxiety and uncertainty among new hires;

Reducing workforce turnover, as if newcomers feel uncomfortable in a new job and feel unwanted, they may respond to this by dismissal;

Saving time for the manager and employees, as the work carried out under the program helps to save time for each of them;

Development of a positive attitude towards work, job satisfaction.

It should be said that in domestic organizations there is an undeveloped mechanism for managing the adaptation process. This mechanism provides for the solution of three major problems:

Structural consolidation of adaptation management functions in the organization's management system;

organization of the adaptation process technology;

organization of information support of the adaptation process.

The success of adaptation depends on a number of conditions, including:

· quality level of work on professional orientation of potential employees;

objectivity of the business assessment of personnel (both in the selection and in the process of labor adaptation of employees);

· development of the organizational mechanism for managing the adaptation process;

the prestige and attractiveness of the profession, work in a particular specialty in this particular organization;

Features of the organization of work, realizing the motivational attitudes of the employee;

availability of a well-established system for introducing innovations; flexibility of the personnel training system operating within the organization;

Features of the socio-psychological climate that has developed in the team;

personal properties of the adaptable employee related to his psychological traits, age, marital status, etc.

As possible organizational solutions to the problem of structural consolidation of adaptation management functions, the following can be proposed:

allocation of the appropriate subdivision (group, department) in the organizational structure of the personnel management system. Most often, adaptation management functions are part of the staff training unit;

Distribution of specialists involved in adaptation management by departments (workshops, departments) or groups of departments. In this case, the HR specialist becomes the curator of certain departments. It should be noted that an adaptation management specialist can be either an employee of one of the departments of the personnel management system or an employee of another prepared for this role. functional unit;

· the development of mentoring, which in recent years has been undeservedly forgotten in domestic organizations. Foreign firms actively use mentoring, considering it as a form of trust in an experienced employee, as well as a certain stage in his promotion. At the same time, mentoring is supported by material incentives. Both experienced employees with experience, managers, and young employees who have worked for several years and have proven themselves as mentors can act as mentors. This experience, originating in Japan, has been successfully developed in European firms in recent years;

· development of structural relationships between the personnel management system (in particular, the adaptation management unit) with the management organization service. In many foreign firms, this service is structurally included in the controlling system.

The subject of functional relationships between the departments of adaptation management and management organization are mainly issues of forms and principles of labor organization, systems for introducing innovations, etc.

The following can be attributed to organizational decisions on the technology of the adaptation management process:

organization of seminars, courses and similar events on various aspects of adaptation;

Conducting individual conversations of the manager, mentor with a new employee;

· Intensive short-term courses for managers who enter this position for the first time;

Conducting organizational and preparatory work when introducing innovations;

special training courses for mentors;

The use of the method of gradual complication of tasks performed by a new employee. At the same time, control with a constructive analysis of the mistakes made in the performance of tasks is necessary. At the same time, it is advisable to think over a system of additional incentives for the employee for the successful solution of the assigned tasks;

Implementation of one-time public assignments to establish contacts between a new employee and the team;

· fulfillment of one-time instructions for organizing the work of the governing body (production meeting, board of directors, etc.);

preparation of personnel replacement during their rotation;

Conducting special role-playing games in the team of the unit to unite employees and develop group dynamics.

In addition, attention should be paid to the implementation of the principles of labor organization, which have a motivational effect on staff and facilitate the process of adaptation of employees. These principles of work organization include:

Creation of target problem groups, creative teams, varying their composition, time and problems of work;

organization of ventures;

determination of a rational degree of freedom of the labor regime, the widespread use of the chord principle of work;

· optimal duplication of the tasks of divisions, the introduction of elements of competitiveness and competitiveness of divisions, projects, etc.;

publicity of the results of labor;

participation of employees in management;

holding meetings with rational frequency and duration;

Rational use of emerging reference groups;

use of creative methods of making decisions;

· providing feedback with the administration and colleagues on the achieved results of work and the adequacy of their assessment.

Career guidance and adaptation management are built through the formation and development of a system of management bodies at various levels.

When organizing a scientifically based career guidance and adaptation management system, they proceed from the goals and objectives presented in fig. 5.11.

Figure 5.11 - Goals and objectives of the management system for career guidance and adaptation of personnel in the organization

The most important activities of the department for managing career guidance and adaptation of personnel in the organization are shown in fig. 5.12.

Figure 5.12 - Areas of activity of the department for the management of career guidance and adaptation of personnel

The adaptation program is divided into general and specialized. General adaptation program concerns the entire organization as a whole and touches on the following issues:

general idea of ​​the organization greeting speech; development trends, goals, priorities, problems of the enterprise; traditions, norms; products and their consumers; activities; organization, structure, communications; information about senior management, internal relations;

wages in the organization

additional benefits: types of insurance; severance pay; sickness benefits, family illnesses, maternity benefits; the size of the pension; on-the-job training opportunities;

· Occupational health and safety: precautions; fire safety and control rules; rules of conduct in case of accidents; healthcare and first aid medical care;

Relationships between employees and trade unions terms and conditions of employment; appointments, movements, promotions; the rights and obligations of the employee; implementation of trade union decisions; discipline and penalties;

household service: food; rest rooms; other household services.

After the implementation of the general adaptation program, specialized adaptation program. It covers issues related specifically to any department or workplace. This program is usually run by line managers or mentors. This program includes the following topics:

functions of the unit, goals and priorities; organization, structure and functions; relationships with other departments;

duties and responsibilities; a detailed description of current work and expected results; explanation why this concrete work it is important how it relates to other types of work in the unit and in the enterprise as a whole; duration of the working day and schedule; requirements for the quality of work performed;

Prescriptive rules: rules specific only to a given type of work or a given unit; safety regulations; relationships with employees of other departments; food, smoking in the workplace; telephone conversations of a personal nature during working hours;

inspection of the unit: fire alarm button, entrances and exits; smoking areas; places of first aid;

Presentation to department staff.

This program can be used for both primary and secondary adaptation. Since the adaptation of young workers who do not yet have professional experience, differs in that it consists not only in the assimilation of information about the organization, but also in learning the work itself, the adaptation program must necessarily include training. Older employees have special adaptation needs. They also need training, their needs are somewhat similar to those of young workers, and it is often more difficult for them to fit into the team. The adaptation of women who returned to work after parental leave has its own characteristics; disabled people; employees who returned after completing training courses. All this cannot be ignored and must be taken into account when drawing up adaptation programs.

Description of the situation.

Nechiporenko has been running the Strela shoe factory for 15 years. After 2 years, he is going to retire and must select and prepare a successor in advance. "Strela" is going through hard times - production volumes are falling, the factory's products cannot withstand competition, workers are not getting paid, outdated equipment needs to be replaced. Pavel Georgievich considers three possible candidates - Alexander Plut, Irina Semenova and Igor Seversky, but cannot make his choice, (see table)

A.PLUT I.Semenova I. Seversky
Education Higher, engineer-economist Higher, engineer-technologist Higher education, mechanical engineer
Qual. display. zn., conv. Head of Sales and Supply Department (1 year) Chief technologist (5 years) chief engineer (11 years old)
work experience 3 years-gen. Director of Gorizont LLP (installation of metal doors), 15 years of service in the Armed Forces: economist, head of the financial department of the regiment 1 year - deputy chief technologist, 3 years - head of workshop, 3 years - process engineer (all Strele) 4 years - chief engineer, 5 years - head of production, 3 years - foreman, 4 years - head of workshop, 6 years - turner (all steel structures plant)
Communication skills Good Excellent The average
Diligence Good Excellent exceptional
Authority in the team Middle Tall Tall
Analytic skills Good ones exceptional Good ones
persistence exceptional high high

Formulation of the problem.

1.Whom would you recommend as a successor? Why?

2.Compose individual plans development for each candidate.


1. I. Semenov can be advised as a successor to Pavel Georgievich, because she has sufficient administrative experience, experience in the implementation and implementation of an effective technological process. He has great authority in the team, personal qualities and professional qualities necessary for the preparation and implementation of the anti-crisis plan of the enterprise.

2. customized plans:

1) A. Plut:

Get a second higher education (technical).

Have an internship.

2) I. Semenova:

Have an internship

3) I. Seversky:

Get a second higher education (economics)

Have an internship

Take courses in psychology, team building, personnel management, labor law.

Socialization is the assimilation by a person independently and through purposeful influence (education) of a certain system of values, social norms and patterns of behavior necessary for the formation of a person, gaining her social position (status) in a given society. Socialization covers all the processes of familiarization with culture, communication, through which a person acquires the ability to participate in social life.

Socialization begins in childhood, in the family, which is the first socializing agent in a person's life and is characterized by the greatest intensity of emotional ties. Socialization in childhood is a decisive moment in the life of an individual, largely determining his personality and subsequent participation in social life.

Socialization continues throughout life, as the individual is faced with the need to perform various social roles. Already in an adult, in conditions of rapid social and production-technological changes, behavior patterns that were previously acceptable should be replaced by new knowledge, skills and habits that correspond to changed circumstances, i.e. resocialization takes place. In the process of socialization through the formation of one's own "I", the uniqueness of this individual as a person is manifested.

When managing the personnel of an organization, it is important to take into account that the process of socialization is directly related to career guidance and labor adaptation of an employee to the social and production-technological environment of the organization, his entry into one or another social group, the role structure of the organization's team.

The social structure of the team includes the following indicators: gender, age, work experience, education, social status, nationality, marital status, type of motivation, level of progressiveness, standard of living, attitude to property (Fig. 6.7). In table. 6.8 shows the most characteristic creative, communication and behavioral roles of an employee in a team with their brief description.

The role structure of the team determines the composition and distribution of creative, communication and behavioral roles between individual employees and is an important tool in the system of work with personnel. Creative roles are characteristic of enthusiasts, inventors and organizers and characterize an active position in solving problem situations, searching for alternative solutions and thinking variability. Communication roles determine the content and level of participation in the information process, vai-

Rice. 6.7. The social structure of the team

facilitation in the exchange of information in the decision-making process. Behavioral roles characterize typical models of people's behavior at work, at home, on vacation, at work, in conflict situations and play an important role in the team.

Of course, each person has to perform all three types of roles to one degree or another, and we can only talk about the degree of manifestation of his personality in one or another creative, communicative and behavioral role. Human behavior has multidirectional tendencies for both better and worse and depends on the external environment.

Table 6.8. Role structure of the team

Role name

1. Creative roles

Idea's generator

Puts forward fundamental ideas, identifies key problems, offers alternative solutions, determines ways and means of implementing ideas

Idea Compiler

Brings fundamental ideas to applied solution, has the ability to combine different ideas, develops a technology for using put forward ideas in practice

Carrier of encyclopedic information on a wide range of problems

Has the ability to assess the feasibility of an idea and give the right advice during the discussion


By personal example and charm, infects the group with faith in the success of the common cause, encourages others to work conscientiously

Critically analyzes the course and results of the group's work, gives a critical and often negative assessment of the ideas put forward


Organizes the work of the group, links in the process of "brainstorming" the work of individual members of the group from the standpoint of achieving ultimate goal

2. Communication roles

A person with high personal and professional authority in the group, influencing the behavior of the group as a whole and its individual members


Performs the important routine work of capturing ideas, references, opinions and compiling the group's final report

Connects group members on an informal interpersonal basis, sometimes conflicting with each other, provides external relationships of the group


Distributes and controls the flow of information, assessing the importance or secondary importance of messages, and brings them to the leader


Links the actions of individual members of the group in terms of achieving the ultimate goal in contact with the leader


Always not sure of the success of the common cause, has a critical point of view, most often different from the generally accepted


Follows generally accepted norms of behavior, passively agrees with the decision of the group, representing the "silent majority"


Stubbornly adheres to known norms, stands to the last in his opinion, disagreeing with the rational decision of the group


Records and comments on events taking place in people's lives, in the world, at work, in sports and everyday life


Collects and promotes the spread of rumors, often unverified and false. He sees a personal insult in everything and is ready to write complaints to all instances

Fighter for the truth

He is the bearer and spokesman of public morality, philosophy of the enterprise, human rights. Can play both progressive and conservative roles

social activist

He is passionate about social work, often comes up with and performs "initiatives" and "events" during working hours. He is mediocre in his duties in the service

"Important Bird"

Puts on a mysterious important look, making it clear that he knows a lot and he has a "hand"

"Kazan orphan"

Seeks sympathy from others, complaining about his plight and misunderstanding in the team and among management

Usually in an irritable state, pushing away friends and making enemies, conflicts with management and colleagues


Engaged mainly personal affairs during working hours (lectures, writes a dissertation, equips an apartment and a summer house, etc.), while using his official position

Does not show any activity in work, is engaged in secondary affairs (sleeps, reads newspapers, smokes, walks around departments), carries on empty conversations


A vain person is usually small in stature with delusions of grandeur, genius, non-recognition, striving to occupy a leadership position, likes to talk about his successes and achievements

The main methods for determining the role structure are socio-psychological methods, testing, observation, analysis of biographical and personnel data, personnel assessment materials, and the results of business games.

6.4.2. The essence and types of career guidance and adaptation of personnel

Professional orientation and adaptation are important constituent element training systems and are the regulator of communication between the education system and production. They are designed to help cover the needs of the organization in the workforce in the necessary qualitative and quantitative terms to increase their profitability and competitiveness.

Vocational guidance is a system of measures for professional information, professional consultation, professional selection and professional adaptation, which helps a person to choose a profession that best meets the needs of society and his personal abilities and characteristics. Incomplete use of the employee's opportunities in work activity not only harms his own development, but also turns into a loss for the organization. Gap between training and content labor functions performed by an employee reduces his interest in work, efficiency, which ultimately leads to a drop in productivity, deterioration in product quality, and an increase in occupational morbidity and injuries.

Professional orientation is a complex of interrelated economic, social, medical, psychological and pedagogical activities aimed at forming a professional vocation, identifying abilities, interests, suitability and other factors that influence the choice of a profession or a change in occupation. Career guidance is aimed at helping young people (mainly students of general education schools) and people looking for work in choosing a profession, specialty, place of work or study, taking into account the inclinations and interests of people, their psychophysiological characteristics, as well as taking into account the current situation in the labor market.

The above general goal includes a number of more specific objectives. These include:

Informing interested parties to facilitate the choice of the type of professional activity;

Creation of conditions for the development of professionally significant abilities of future employees;

Determining the compliance of the psycho-physiological and socio-psychological qualities of those who applied for advice with the professional requirements of the type of work they have chosen.

The main forms of career guidance work are vocational education, education of a conscious need for work; professional information; professional advice; professional selection.

Vocational education is the initial vocational training of schoolchildren, carried out through labor lessons, the organization of circles, special lessons on the basics of various professional activities, etc.

Professional information - a system of measures to familiarize students and job seekers with the situation in the field of supply and demand in the labor market, prospects for the development of activities, the nature of work in the main professions and specialties, conditions and wages, vocational schools and staff training centers, and also with other issues of obtaining a profession and employment.

Professional consultation is the provision of assistance to interested people in choosing a profession and place of work by studying the personality of the person who applied for advice in order to identify his state of health, orientation and structure of abilities, interests and other factors that influence the choice of profession or the direction of retraining.

Professional selection - participation in the recruitment and selection of personnel, taking into account the requirements of specific professions and jobs in order to better vocational guidance of employees.

There is another important task of vocational guidance - it is to promote rapid structural shifts in employment. Today, a mixed economy provides workers with different abilities and interests with the opportunity to find a place in the labor field. Ideally, job cuts should be carried out only when conditions are created for the retraining of laid-off workers, taking into account the motivational mechanism for choosing a profession, when programs to create new jobs in priority areas for society begin to operate. Until managers accept career guidance as a method of regulating the supply of labor in the organization, they will experience economic and psychological difficulties.

In order to identify and develop the psychological and motivational mechanism for choosing a profession, it is necessary to use the mechanism of career guidance management. It is a way of organizing interrelated processes of forming the personality of an employee with competitive qualities (vocational training, education, counseling, selection, training and adaptation of an employee).

The qualitative level of vocational guidance work is one of the conditions for the success of the labor adaptation of employees. Vocational guidance (including professional information and professional counseling) makes it possible to form relationships between employees and organizations even at the stages preceding direct adaptation. Carrying out various forms of career guidance helps to ensure the greatest contingency between the requirements of the profession and personality traits.

Career guidance is aimed at another condition for the success of the future labor adaptation of workers. This is the prestige and attractiveness of professions and specialties in society, in various social groups, for an individual. Prestige characterizes the assessment of any type of activity in accordance with the scale of values ​​accepted in society. Attractiveness determines the desirability of acquiring a profession or specialty by one or another potential employee. The higher the prestige and attractiveness of the profession, the stronger the desire of the worker to gain a foothold in it. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that the prestige and attractiveness of the work may be associated with the authority and popularity of a particular organization. She is able to form her positive image in the eyes of potential employees in the process of career guidance.

One of the problems of working with personnel in an organization when attracting personnel is the management of labor adaptation. In the course of interaction between the employee and the organization, their mutual adaptation takes place, the basis of which is the gradual entry of the employee into new professional and socio-economic working conditions.

Adaptation is the mutual adaptation of an employee and an organization, based on the gradual development of an employee in new professional, social, organizational and economic working conditions.

When a person goes to work, he is included in the system of intra-organizational relations, occupying several positions in it at the same time. Each position corresponds to a set of requirements, norms, rules of conduct that determine the social role of a person in a team as an employee, colleague, subordinate, manager, member of a collective management body, public organization etc. From a person occupying each of these positions, behavior is expected corresponding to it. Entering a job in a particular organization, a person has certain goals, needs, norms of behavior. In accordance with them, the employee presents certain requirements organization, working conditions and motivation.

The process of mutual adaptation, or labor adaptation, of the employee and the organization will be the more successful, the more the norms and values ​​of the team are or become the norms and values ​​of the individual employee, the faster and better he accepts, assimilates his social roles in the team.

There are two areas of labor adaptation: primary and secondary adaptation. Under the conditions of functioning of the labor market, the role of secondary adaptation increases. At the same time, it is necessary to carefully study the experience of foreign companies that pay increased attention to the primary adaptation of young workers. This category of personnel needs special work from the administration of organizations. Most often, professional adaptation is seen as a process of introducing a person to work within a certain profession, including him in production activities, assimilation by him of the conditions and achievement of labor efficiency standards. However, adaptation cannot be considered only as mastering a specialty. It also provides for the adaptation of the newcomer to the social norms of behavior in force in the team, the establishment of such relations of cooperation between the worker and the team, which to the greatest extent ensure efficient labor, satisfaction of the material, domestic and spiritual needs of both parties. Types of adaptation are shown in fig. 6.8.

Professional adaptation is characterized by additional development of professional capabilities (knowledge and skills), as well as the formation of professionally necessary personality traits, a positive attitude towards one's work. As a rule, job satisfaction comes when certain results are achieved, and the latter come as the employee masters the specifics of work at a particular workplace.

Rice. 6.8. Types of adaptation and factors affecting it

In the process of psychophysiological adaptation, the totality of all conditions that have a different psychophysiological effect on the worker during work is mastered. These conditions include: physical and mental stress, the level of monotony of labor, sanitary and hygienic standards of the production environment, the rhythm of work, the convenience of the workplace, external factors of influence (noise, light, vibration, etc.).

In the process of socio-psychological adaptation, the employee is included in the system of relationships between the team with its traditions, norms of life, and value orientations. In the course of such adaptation, the employee receives information about the system of business and personal relationships in the team and individual formal and informal groups, about the social positions of individual members of the group. He perceives this information actively, correlating it with his past social experience, with his value orientations. When an employee accepts group norms, a process of identification of the individual takes place either with the team as a whole, or with some formal or informal group.

In the process of organizational and administrative adaptation, the employee gets acquainted with the features of the organizational management mechanism, the place of his unit and position in the overall system of goals and in the organizational structure. With this adaptation, the employee should form an understanding of his own role in the overall production process. One more important and specific aspect of organizational adaptation should be singled out - the preparedness of an employee for the perception and implementation of innovations (of a technical or organizational nature).

Economic adaptation allows the employee to get acquainted with the economic mechanism of managing the organization, the system of economic incentives and motives, to adapt to the new conditions of remuneration of his labor and various payments.

In the process of sanitary and hygienic adaptation, the employee gets used to the new requirements of labor, production and technological discipline, labor regulations. He gets used to preparing the workplace for the labor process in the conditions of production that have developed in the organization, adhering to hygienic and sanitary standards, safety and health requirements, and also taking into account the economic safety of the environment.

Despite the difference between the types of adaptation, they are all in constant interaction, so the management process requires a unified system of impact tools that ensure the speed and success of adaptation.

The success of adaptation depends on a number of conditions:

Qualitative level of work on professional orientation of potential employees;

Objectivity of the business assessment of personnel (both in the selection and in the process of labor adaptation of employees);

Sophistication of the organizational mechanism for managing the adaptation process;

The prestige and attractiveness of the profession, work in a particular specialty in this particular organization;

Features of the organization of labor, realizing the motivational attitudes of the employee;

Availability of a proven system for introducing innovations;

Flexibility of the personnel training system operating within the organization;

Features of the socio-psychological climate that has developed in the team;

Personal properties of an adaptable employee related to his psychological traits, age, marital status, etc.

The organizational mechanism for managing the adaptation process provides for the solution of three major problems:

1) structural consolidation of adaptation management functions in the organization's management system;

2) formation of adaptation management tools;

3) information support of the adaptation process.

The lack of development of the organizational mechanism of adaptation management is one of the main reasons for the declarative nature of adaptation management and the slogan proclamation of its necessity.

The management of labor adaptation requires the development, first of all, of three organizational elements: structural consolidation of the adaptation management function; adaptation management process technology; information support of this process.

As possible organizational solutions to the problem of structural consolidation of adaptation management functions, the following can be proposed:

1. Allocation of the appropriate subdivision (group, department) in the organizational structure of the personnel management system. Most often, adaptation management functions are part of the staff training unit.

2. The distribution of specialists involved in adaptation management by departments (workshops, departments) or groups of departments. In this case, the HR specialist becomes the curator of certain departments. It should be noted that an adaptation management specialist can be either an employee of one of the divisions of the personnel management system or an employee of another functional unit trained for this role.

3. The development of mentoring, which in recent years has been undeservedly forgotten in domestic organizations. Foreign firms actively use mentoring, considering it as a form of trust in an experienced employee, as well as a certain stage in his promotion. At the same time, mentoring is supported by material incentives. Both experienced employees with experience, managers, and young employees who have worked for several years and have proven themselves as mentors can act as mentors. This experience, originating in Japan, has been successfully developed in European companies in recent years.

4. Development of structural relationships between the personnel management system (in particular, the adaptation management unit) with the management organization service. In many foreign firms, this service is structurally included in the controlling system. The subject of functional relationships between the departments of adaptation management and management organization are mainly issues of forms and principles of labor organization, systems for introducing innovations, etc.

Organizational decisions on the formation of adaptation management tools include the following:

Organization of seminars, courses and similar events on various aspects of adaptation;

Conducting individual conversations of the manager, mentor with a new employee;

Intensive short-term courses for first-time managers;

Carrying out organizational and preparatory work when introducing innovations;

Special training courses for mentors;

Using the method of gradual complication of tasks performed by a new employee. At the same time, control with a constructive analysis of the mistakes made in the performance of tasks is necessary. At the same time, it is advisable to think over a system of additional incentives for the employee for the successful solution of the assigned tasks;

Fulfillment of one-time public assignments to establish contacts between a new employee and the team;

Fulfillment of one-time instructions for organizing the work of the governing body (production meeting, board of directors, etc.);

Preparation of personnel replacement during their rotation;

Conducting special role-playing games in the team of the unit to unite employees and develop group dynamics.

In addition, attention should be paid to the implementation of the principles of labor organization, which have a motivational effect on staff and facilitate the process of adaptation of employees. These principles of labor organization include:

Creation of target problem groups, creative teams, variation of their composition, time and problems of work;

Organization of ventures;

Determining the rational degree of freedom of the working regime, the widespread use of the chord principle of work:

Optimal duplication of the tasks of divisions, the introduction of elements of competitiveness and competitiveness of divisions, projects, etc.;

Publicity of the results of labor (both group and individual);

Participation of employees in management (using the methods of group decision-making, collective participation in the development of strategic programs, delegation of authority and responsibility, etc.);

Holding meetings with rational frequency and duration;

Rational use of emerging referential groups;

Use of creative methods of decision making;

Providing feedback with the administration and colleagues on the achieved results of work and the adequacy of their assessment.

The center of gravity of the information support of the adaptation process lies in the collection and evaluation of indicators of its level and duration. These indicators are conditionally divided into objective and subjective. Objective indicators include indicators that characterize the effectiveness of labor activity, the activity of employees in its various areas. In addition, adaptation indicators are divided according to belonging to one of its aspects, for example, the professional aspect (correspondence of qualifications to the requirements of the workplace); socio-psychological (the degree of compliance of the individual's command with the norms that have developed in this team); psychophysiological (degree of fatigue, level of nervous overload).

Subjective indicators characterize the satisfaction of the employee with the work as a whole or its individual manifestations. They are subdivided similarly to objective ones according to belonging to one of the aspects of adaptation and determine the employee's own assessment of: their attitude to the profession and qualifications; relations with a team of employees, with management; well-being, conditions and severity of work; understanding the role of individual tasks in solving the overall tasks of the organization.

It is advisable to collect and process information about the level and duration of adaptation within the framework of the current business assessment of personnel. Moreover, in relation to new employees, the business assessment procedure should have a higher frequency within the adaptation period.

The main problem of information support for adaptation is the need to accumulate normative indicators of the level and duration of adaptation. The conclusion about its successful implementation is made on the basis of a comparison of actual and standard indicators.

6.4.3. Organization of management of career guidance and adaptation of personnel

Career guidance and adaptation management is built through the formation and development of a system of management bodies at various levels. General coordination in this area is carried out by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation. At the regional and local levels, this work is carried out by educational institutions, employment centers, career guidance and adaptation centers. In the implementation of the main forms of this work, they are assisted by organizations that are the main consumers of the results of career guidance and adaptation of personnel.

The study of domestic experience showed that, as a rule, there is no special service that would deal with issues of career guidance and adaptation in an organization. Formally, career guidance functions are performed by a specialist in training who works with graduates of sponsored schools.

Adaptation issues are dealt with by individual employees from different departments: the HR manager, line managers or work colleagues. Them the main objective- to make the process of adapting the adaptation of young workers to the enterprise as short and painless as possible. It should be noted that the processes of both primary and secondary adaptation do not differ significantly; all events are similar to each other and look like this. The adaptation process directly begins in the personnel department when hiring and applying for a job. The personnel department inspector conducts a short conversation, in which he introduces in general terms the enterprise, department or workshop where the newcomer will work. Then he escorts the new employee to his workplace and introduces him to the immediate supervisor. And he, in turn, introduces the team, colleagues at work, with the workplace. At his discretion, the manager can attach a mentor to the newcomer from among more experienced and senior employees. As a rule, for another month, the manager conducts periodic conversations with a new employee, being interested in the difficulties that he has, his successes, and systematically evaluates his work. There is no control over the course of the adaptation process by the personnel department. Some organizations issue special brochures describing a particular type of production, workplace, profession or position.

When organizing a scientifically based career guidance and adaptation management system, they proceed from the goals and objectives presented in fig. 6.9. To achieve these goals in organizations, it is advisable to have specialists or an independent subdivision in the existing personnel management units.

Rice. 6.9. Goals and objectives of the management system for career guidance and adaptation of personnel in the organization

management of career guidance and adaptation of personnel. The staff of such a unit should consist of at least two people: a professional consultant (professional orientation) and a personnel manager (selection, training and adaptation of employees). Line managers are directly involved in the implementation of the adaptation process.

The functions of this unit should be focused on employees who need help in professional orientation and reorientation, as well as graduates of sponsored schools who are faced with the choice of their future profession, and on new employees who have come to the organization or changed jobs within it.

The career guidance and adaptation management unit should perform the following functions:

Studying and forecasting the conjuncture of the labor market, taking measures to adapt to it, carrying out the appropriate restructuring of human resources;

Recruitment and selection of personnel using professiograms and job descriptions, testing and interviewing employees for the purpose of their better career guidance;

Allocation of personnel by departments, sections, workplaces, fixing rotations and intra-production movement of personnel, the formation of a stable workforce;

Selection of leaders from among young workers who have the talent of an organizer;

Organization of interaction with regional system management of career guidance and adaptation on mutually beneficial terms.

The most important activities of the department for managing career guidance and adaptation of personnel in the organization are shown in fig. 6.10.

The duties of a professional consultant (see Figure 6.10) include:

1) professional consultation for employees of the enterprise;

2) collection, accumulation of information, study and forecasting of market conditions, prestige of the profession;

3) participation in the recruitment and selection of personnel;

4) organizing (together with the school administration) work on vocational guidance for schoolchildren;

Rice. 6.10. Areas of activity of the division for management of career guidance and adaptation of personnel

5) establishing links with vocational schools, colleges;

6) organization of equipment for the career guidance office at the enterprise;

7) rendering assistance to vocational schools and schools in equipping thematic career guidance stands;

8) organization of the development of professiograms;

9) organization of theme evenings for schoolchildren;

10) holding lectures, seminars in schools with the invitation of workers, managers, management specialists of the enterprise;

11) organization of exhibitions of literature on the choice of profession in schools;

12) conducting a group survey of the professional orientation of schoolchildren;

13) organization of a lecture hall for parents of schoolchildren on career guidance;

14) holding an open day in the organization.

The responsibilities of the Human Resources Manager include:

1) familiarization with the organization, characteristics of the conditions of employment, remuneration;

2) presentation to the manager, immediate supervisor, training instructor;

3) organization of excursions to workplaces;

4) clarification of working conditions, familiarization with the functions (together with the manager);

5) organization of training (together with the training department);

6) introduction to the team, introduction of employees (together with the manager).

For new employees, a special training and education course is organized, designed to most quickly and rationally adapt them to the style and methods of work in the organization or in the unit. Forms of adaptation can be lecture and seminars directly in the organization; on-site classes at a special training base with the invitation of specialists and experts; field group training.

In the work on the adaptation of new employees, the personnel manager must use a specially designed program. The adaptation program is divided into general and specialized. The overall adaptation program concerns the entire organization as a whole and addresses the following issues:

General idea of ​​the organization: welcome speech; development trends, goals, priorities, problems of the enterprise; traditions, norms; products and their consumers; activities; organization, structure, communications; information about senior management, internal relations;

salary in the organization;

Additional benefits: types of insurance; severance pay; sickness benefits, family illnesses, maternity benefits; the size of the pension; on-the-job training opportunities;

Occupational health and safety: precautions; fire safety and control rules; rules of conduct in case of accidents; health care and first aid facilities;

Employee relations with the trade union; terms and conditions of employment; appointments, movements, promotions; the rights and obligations of the employee; implementation of trade union decisions; discipline and penalties;

Household service: food; rest rooms; other household services.

After the implementation of the general adaptation program, a specialized adaptation program is carried out. It covers issues related specifically to any department or workplace. This program is usually run by line managers or mentors. This program includes the following topics:

Unit functions, goals and priorities; organization, structure and functions; relationships with other departments;

Duties and responsibilities; a detailed description of current work and expected results; an explanation of why this particular job is important, how it relates to other types of work in the unit and in the enterprise as a whole; duration of the working day and schedule; requirements for the quality of work performed;

Prescriptive rules: rules specific only to a given type of work or a given unit; safety rules; relationships with employees of other departments; food, smoking in the workplace; telephone conversations of a personal nature during working hours;

Inspection of the unit: fire alarm button, entrances and exits; smoking areas; places of first aid;

Presentation to department staff.

This program can be used for both primary and secondary adaptation. Since the adaptation of young workers who do not yet have professional experience is different in that it consists not only in the assimilation of information about the organization, but also in learning the work itself, training must necessarily be included in the adaptation program. Older employees have special adaptation needs. They also need training, their needs are somewhat similar to those of young workers, and it is often more difficult for them to fit into the team. The adaptation of women who returned to work after parental leave has its own characteristics; disabled people; employees who returned after completing training courses. All this cannot be ignored and must be taken into account when drawing up adaptation programs.