How to properly introduce the director to the new team. Welcome speech: example and basic principles. Location and humor

When a new specialist comes to work in a company, he is always in a situation close to stressful: there is no full information about the company, people with whom he will have to work, real tasks. Of course, he received some of the answers to questions in the process. But everyone knows that in reality everything can be somewhat different from what was announced at the preliminary negotiations.
In such a situation, it is very important to correctly meet and prepare a greeting for a new employee.

Letter "Welcome to the new employee"

One effective way to meet a newbie and create a positive outlook on the job is to use the power of corporate email. To do this, an email is sent to him on the first working day.

The welcome text of a new employee in the company can be created in advance in the form of a template in order to unify both the structure and the content.

Information to be included in the greeting letter:

  1. Congratulations on the admission of the employee to the staff of the organization.
  2. Brief information about the company.
  3. General description of the procedure for passing the probationary period.
  4. Contact details of specialists with whom the newcomer will have to communicate more often than with all other employees of the enterprise.

Some companies do not send such a greeting, believing that the first conversation that the HR manager has with the recruit is sufficient. Arguments for sending a welcome message might include:

  • The need to pay attention to the specialist and note the value of his appearance in the organization.
  • The importance of sending information to which he will refer regularly until he gets to know the whole team.

Let us give example greeting letter text:

Dear Irina Georgievna!

The First Among Main Company is glad to welcome you in our friendly ranks.

For more than 10 years we have been considered the leading company in our industry. This became possible thanks to the people who work in our organization. We strive to develop our employees, to support their desire to grow professionally.

We hope that your joining our team will bring your contribution to the work of the organization, and we will become even stronger and better.

During the trial period, you will need to complete an adaptation plan that will be drawn up for you within the next 3 days.

Your assistants for the adaptation period are:

Ivanova Maria - HR manager of the HR Department, internal number 123, e-mail [email protected]

Kirsanov Stanislav Sergeevich - head of the financial department and your immediate supervisor, internal number 456, e-mail [email protected]

Congratulations on your first working day!

Respectfully yours, First among the main team.

In large organizations, there is a tradition of welcoming a newcomer by handing in a message from the CEO to a new employee, beautifully designed on corporate letterhead or opening a brochure with information about the company.

How to introduce a new employee

As a rule, a new employee of the company is a regulated procedure.

The choice of presentation method is influenced by:

  • Enterprise size.
  • Its organizational structure.
  • Specialist position category: manager or line specialist.

Several forms of presentation can be used:

  1. Personal acquaintance with the company's personnel. If the rules provide for exactly this way of introducing a newcomer to the team, then a specialist in the personnel department will do this, conducting him through all divisions of the enterprise.
  2. Acquaintance of the new head with the management of the enterprise. If the new employee is a unit manager, he or she may be represented at a planning meeting or weekly directors meeting.
  3. General presentation to all personnel of the organization via e-mail. In this case, an informational message is sent, which indicates:
  • Full name of the new employee;
  • position and department in which he was accepted;
  • start date of work;
  • internal phone number and email address.

A photo of a new colleague is a good addition to the information.

Meet the manager

During the selection process, the candidate does not always have the opportunity to see his self. For example, in cases where the deputy head of the department is responsible for hiring personnel, the meeting with the immediate supervisor may not have taken place.

If a new newcomer is not familiar with the head of the department, then it is represented by specialists of the personnel management service.

The head of the enterprise does not always personally get to know the new staff. If there is a rule of obligatory acquaintance with the director, then the organization of the presentation is taken over by the personnel department.

Presentation to colleagues

Companies choose different ways of introducing a newcomer to individual employees and the entire team of a department or service. The representative role can be assumed by either the HR manager or the head of the department. If the new employee is the head of the department, then there are options here, and the representatives can be:

  • the resigning head of the department, awaiting the release of a new specialist in his place;
  • hR manager;
  • hR Director;
  • head of the organization.

As a rule, the presentation takes place according to the following scheme. First, a few words are said about the department, then the new specialist is introduced to each employee, giving their first and last names, as well as positions.

After the acquaintance is completed, the employee is directed to his workplace. If necessary, a document is signed on the transfer of labor tools for use, the rules for using a computer, specialized programs and corporate resources are described. The most important thing is that the workplace is organized in advance and is completely ready by the time the specialist leaves for work.

We wish you success

The whole process of acquaintance ends with the congratulation of the newcomer with a new job, wishes of success and achievement of the required results. If all the stages of introducing a specialist on his first working day have been completed, the necessary attention has been paid, then his working attitude is formed from the first day. This means that the process of its adaptation to new working conditions will be faster.

Well, it would seem that all the most difficult things are behind us - the interview has been successfully passed and the coveted position is already "in your pocket." It's time to be happy and proud of yourself - so smart and successful. However, for some reason the soul is not calm ... However, there is nothing surprising here, because there is still another rather difficult stage ahead - to smoothly integrate into the new team.

According to most psychologists, changing jobs is one of the most serious stressors. According to statistics, complaints “I’m afraid of the new team and I can’t overcome this fear” are among the most frequent. During this period, even very sociable and self-confident people may have doubts about their own abilities and fears that the team will not want to accept a new employee. In fact, those "horrors" that your imagination helpfully draws to you will never be realized and will remain a "scary tale". And then, everyone has to go through this stage, getting a job. And, mind you - everyone survives! So, you can too. Well, in order for this process to go through with the least losses, you just need to remember a few simple rules and develop your own line of behavior.

Team relations

First, a little theory. Relationships in any team can be conditionally divided into three main types. Not only your ability to professionally perform your duties, but also your entire future career depends on which type is present in the company. In order to understand how to adapt in a new team, in the early days, you just need to carefully observe the employees and try to determine what type of relationship prevails. And only after that, "armed with knowledge", to correct their behavior.

  1. The most successful and stable companies have a strict hierarchy. Formal relations have been established between employees. In this case, you need to accept everything as it is, and try not to discuss colleagues in the new job and, in particular, leadership.
  2. The relationship between employees is friendly and familiar, regardless of position and age. In this case, try to avoid being overly frank and keep your distance. Don't try to become your boyfriend on the first day. Take a closer look at people.
  3. The team does not have a clear personnel policy. Relationships develop spontaneously, conflicts and unresolved problems often occur. It will be difficult for you to realize yourself and you will have to devote too much time to interpersonal relationships, which can go to the detriment of work. Just try to follow the job description clearly and avoid conflict situations.

Acquaintance with a new team

Well, perhaps, theory is enough - it's time to move on to practice. How can you make your acquaintance with the new team painless? How to behave correctly? How to adapt to a new team?

For some reason, very often the old, like the world, adage “they don’t go to a strange monastery with their own charter” is forgotten at the most inopportune moment. But in vain! The new team is the same notorious foreign monastery. And his charter will have to be studied. Moreover, the sooner you do this, the easier it will be. Perhaps, we will not even talk about such banal things as being late. It seems that everyone understands that to be late for work - especially in the first days! - absolutely unacceptable. But on the "uniform" is worth dwelling in more detail.

Almost every company has its own dress code. Somewhere he is very strict, somewhere - quite free. But, nevertheless, he is. How do you know which style to wear on your first day at work? It's very simple. Do not be lazy a day or two before your exit, and drive up to the enterprise by the end of the working day. Take a close look at the exiting employees - most likely, everything will become clear to you. At home, carefully review your wardrobe and determine which things are most consistent with the style of the company. Didn't find anything suitable? Well, what to do - you have to "fork out". And, believe me, this is not a waste of money - it is an investment in a future career.

And, of course, in order to feel confident and make a good impression, you should visit a hairdresser before going to work - no "ponytails" or long loose hair! - do a manicure and pedicure and put in order "work" clothes. Yes, you should also be very careful about the choice of jewelry - both large diamonds and bright jewelry will look equally out of place. With this, it seems, everything. What else needs to be done to make the adaptation easy?

Adaptation in a new team

Of all the candidates for this position, you were chosen. This means that you have the qualities that are necessary for this job and were able to prove it during the interview. Therefore, the very first and natural desire - "to take the bull by the horns" - to immediately begin to prove that you were not mistaken. Unfortunately, this is one of the most common mistakes newbies make. There is no need to rush and try on the very first day to demonstrate to everyone your competence, strong character, "fresh look" and "creative approach". Most likely, such zeal will be misunderstood - you will be considered an upstart, "know-it-all" and careerist, ready to go over their heads. In order to understand how to adapt to a new team, at the first stage it is better to listen more and speak less.

To begin with, remember the names of new colleagues - this always makes a positive impression. If there are a lot of employees, and you do not rely too much on your memory, write down the information, for example, in a notebook. Just try to do it so that no one notices anything. Otherwise they will think that you have started collecting the dossier! Observe the staff for a few days. Pay attention to who it is customary to refer to as "you", and to whom on "you". However, before "poking" someone, it is better to once again clarify with the person what form of address he prefers.

Highlight who is most respected. This is not difficult to do. Just look at who is most often asked questions and whose opinion is referred to in the conversation. Try to make contact with this person - he can be of invaluable help to you. Only it must be done “in a smart way”. You should not "get into the soul" or try to be frank and talk about yourself. It is best to seek advice on any issue related to your new job and job responsibilities. And you probably have questions! Do not be afraid to "fall in the eyes" of new colleagues - each company has its own subtleties that you simply cannot know if you came just recently. Not knowing the nuances can lead to serious mistakes. And interest and a desire to "grasp the essence", most likely, will cause only positive emotions.

Some of the employees themselves rush to you with open arms and are actively trying to build relationships and offer help? This should be treated with caution. This style of behavior is typical for outsiders trying to attract supporters to their camp. Of course, it's tempting to get someone's support - especially when you miss it so much! - very large. But you are a new person, and so far you do not know either the relationships that have already developed, or the reasons why they have developed this way and not otherwise. Therefore, the risk of being wrong is very high. However, you should not push a person away - otherwise he may harbor a resentment.

Do not under any circumstances allow familiarity, do not allow yourself to be drawn into arguments and beware of showing "sparkling humor" - such a "cocktail" can greatly spoil the emerging relationship. But if you are invited to dine together, there is no need to refuse! Spending time in an informal setting can help you connect with people and integrate into a new community. True, one should be very careful here too. For example, if someone is being discussed in your presence, do not rush to assess what is happening. Better to remain "neutral". Try to be calm and friendly to everyone. Smile often.

"Strength test" in the new team

What other surprises can the new team prepare for you? Perhaps one of the most unpleasant is the “strength test”. Unfortunately, such methods are not uncommon. Do not be upset and think that you were disliked from the first day. It is quite possible that this is just a kind of company policy. By the way, according to some reports, such “entry checks” were arranged for their employees by such “business sharks” as Henry Ford, Bill Gates and Rupert Murdoch. What is the essence of the test? The "newbie" is loaded with work, and, almost from the first day, is assigned to perform some difficult task. And then they carefully observe how he copes with the proposed situation, and how he reacts to criticism. The main thing here is not to blunder!

Do not in any way express bewilderment or irritation. Find out thoroughly what kind of result is expected of you. Check the deadlines. If necessary, ask additional questions. Calmly and confidently proceed with the task. If you feel like you are not meeting the allotted time, ask if it is possible to stay longer at the workplace in order to meet the deadline. Surely such hard work and responsibility will be appreciated. If your work has been criticized, do not panic and depression. No catastrophe happened. Listen carefully and kindly to all comments. Analyze your mistakes and try to correct them as soon as possible and not repeat them in the future.

Even if you yourself came to a leadership position, the question of how to enter a new team does not become less relevant. It is possible that subordinates will want to test your competence and strength of character. In order to establish a good and calm working relationship between you and your employees, you should not "tighten the screws" and establish your own rules on the very first working day. Take a look at the existing rules and laws first. Draw conclusions. And it will be possible to introduce various innovations after you delve into all the details and feel confident.

Regardless of what position you are in, try to come across as calm, friendly, and competent. Then the acquaintance with the new team will be smooth and painless. After all, your new colleagues are not enemies, but simply, while unfamiliar to you, people with their own character, lifestyle and habits. Quite a little time will pass, and you will probably become not only colleagues, but also friends. And maybe you will even find real true friends. Besides, a new job is always so interesting! These are new perspectives, new experiences and opportunities. And you will definitely succeed.

Discussion 4

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How to generate a positive attitude

There are two basic rules here. Firstly, a leader in a new team should not come with the position "I alone know how to work, and I will quickly reorganize everything in my own way, since you worked incorrectly before." Oddly enough, most often this only speaks of extremely low professionalism or pride, which does not paint a person. Secondly, in no case should you immediately begin to be very close friends with someone, and be at enmity with someone. The first opinion about certain employees may be wrong. Perhaps they will try to draw you into some existing coalitions. When adapting in a new team, try to take the most neutral position. Tell your current colleagues honestly and openly that you are a new employee and would not like to take sides.

Don't rush

Take your time to put forward some of your ideas... Wait a month - you will need it to look around, adapt to the team, and understand the principles of the company. It is likely that an idea that initially seemed brilliant will turn out to be completely delusional in a month in the conditions of this company. If you still remain true to your innovation, first discuss it not with your immediate boss, but with the one who is the unofficial, but universally recognized leader of the team. Yes, there is a risk that he will appropriate your idea for himself, but on the other hand, you can get advice from him and enlist his support for the period of adaptation in a new team.

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You can't be afraid to change

Alexander Simanovsky,

commercial Director, iConText

If the business system in a new company is really illogical and dysfunctional, it needs to be changed. If you don't change it, someone else will - an ineffective sales force will not be tolerated in any business.

Even with a motley work record and a healthy dose of self-confidence, it is not so easy to adapt to a new team. For the head of the sales department, the commercial director, the task becomes more complicated: there is no time for buildup, you need to join the work almost immediately, otherwise you will not be able to achieve a positive result. And of course, this issue requires maximum help and support from the manager and colleagues in the department. At iConText, we have a tradition of introducing a novice leader to the team: we will definitely introduce him to all other employees, tell about his hobbies and hobbies.

A beginner doesn't need to be afraid to be a professional... If you find yourself in a team where people are focused on solving problems, and not just getting a salary for being present, then this is the only way to win the respect of employees and fulfillment.

If you come to a weak team and your colleagues just sit in their pants, then negativity cannot be avoided here. In such a department, you will have to make revolutionary changes. At the same time, in each specific situation, you need to understand the ways to achieve your goals - whether to go ahead, jumping over heads, or to introduce the initiative more accurately, evolutionarily, first of all organizing your own work and only then presenting the system as suitable for the entire department.

It is important not to forget: in response to an adequate initiative during adaptation in a new team, you may be offered not only to ensure its implementation in the department, but also to bear responsibility for possible consequences. And if you are afraid to take on this burden, then it is better to run away immediately. I am afraid that you, as a manager and leader, will not have enough competencies for this company.

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God forbid you to confuse their names!

Inessa Sauch,

general Director, "Business Ocean"

A person confident in the benevolence of colleagues will reach new heights faster than a frightened newcomer. Career growth is easier to achieve when you are calm and positive and when people around you are willing to help and cooperate rather than rivalry and competition.

The most important and most difficult thing for a leader in a new team is to be natural. Sometimes this is not easy, because there are strangers around, from whom you want to protect yourself. And also in my head my mother’s advice “shut up, you’ll be smart,” “say less, do more,” etc. Yes, your subconscious mind will issue various methods of protection from an unfamiliar team, but you should not fall for its tricks. A smile, a good mood and a sincere interest in how life is organized in a team will help you get to know everyone and become one of your own.

Find out how life in the office is organized, who dines and where, what is accepted and what is not, how the holidays are celebrated - and now half the road to friendship with colleagues is over. Well, no one canceled professional achievements: everyone will be glad to have a competent person. Listen a lot, write down, be precise and accurate.

Imagine that your new colleagues are good friends. Imagine the situation of your companionship in the most detailed, detailed and accurate way possible. Scroll this picture periodically in your thoughts, and you will not notice how it becomes part of reality. Do not forget about your manners. If the team consists mainly of female employees, pay close attention to office clothes - and God forbid you to confuse their names!

Do not curry favor

I believe that whenever there is an opportunity to show your professionalism, you need to act, but you need to do it competently and wisely. Demonstrate your ideas and achievements first only to the person who gave you the task directly. Do it calmly and without bravado. Rumors have a lot of speed - everyone very quickly learns that you can do a lot, and you do not need to personally notify your colleagues about your achievements, generating unnecessary feelings like envy and rivalry. Too obvious activity in a new place can cause comments like “curry favor” and dislike of colleagues. Therefore, try to keep them in the dark about your conversations with their superiors for as long as possible. And if information about your achievements has spread throughout the office, refrain from pride (even if justified) and pretend that you were just lucky. Such modesty will do honor to any professional.

Tune in

In my opinion, for better adaptation in a new team, great attention should be paid to communication with colleagues, not forgetting, of course, about direct professional responsibilities. Ideally, the team has a special person from the HR department who will introduce the newcomer to the team and give the necessary recommendations. A person confident in the benevolence of colleagues will reach new heights faster than a frightened newcomer.

If there is no such employee in the company, then you will have to take a hit and get acquainted with colleagues on your own. This is where the recommendations we gave above, personal charm and experience come in handy. It is very correct to discuss career opportunities during the interview so that you can immediately understand how and where you can develop in this company. But even if you haven't, all is not lost. After you become your own in the team and understand the rules of the game, draw up a rough plan of action for yourself and decide what position could be the next in your track record. Don't be afraid to set long-term goals: the higher the bar, the better the result. But do not get carried away with high jumps - sometimes calm communication in a team and the feeling that you are in your place is more expensive than any promotion.

Additional Information

Special advice for novice leaders of the weaker sex: even if you are an extraordinary person, when adapting to a new team, stay a little like everyone else, it is useful. A favorite red dress or an exquisite blouse from Salvatore Ferragamo is not the best option for getting to know the team, as well as shabby jeans or a sweater. Classic business style, minimum of accessories, neat hairstyle and manicure. And God forbid you to confuse the names of the female part of the new office!

Hello dear readers! Being appointed to a leadership position is always exciting. Still would! After all, you have successfully passed the interview and now there are bright prospects ahead. And if now you have been appointed as the head of the department, you probably imagine how you will eventually head the branch, and maybe even enter the board of directors.

While you plunge into these dreams, like a barrel of honey, a small but tangible fly in the ointment disturbs the soul. No rest is given to thoughts about how the new boss will be perceived in the old team? It is one thing to get a promotion where you have already worked for some time and know every employee well, internal routines and unspoken laws.

It is quite another to come to a new position as a chief. Here a newcomer feels like a sapper in an endless minefield. One wrong step and instead of a dizzying career, the newly-made boss will face a deafening failure.

Tighten the nuts too much - and you are already hated and intrigued behind your back. If you miss it, you will quickly lose credibility and your opinion will be no more reckoned with than the opinion of an office cooler.

So how to behave at work so that employees are imbued with respect and do not put a spoke in the boss's wheels? In this article, we will talk about how to join a new team for a leader, and not get big at the same time.

First, remember how not to behave.

If you've shared your concerns with friends, you may have received some harmful advice from homebrew psychologists.

  • Open the door to the department with your foot and immediately show who is the boss
  • Do not listen to anyone - from now on you are the boss and should listen to you
  • Get yourself a spy who will report what is happening inside the cohesive old team

Remember - in no case should you start a career in a new place. This is a direct path to quiet hatred from subordinates. But you shouldn't go to the other extreme either. If you demonstrate the wonders of democracy and loyalty from day one, don't expect to be taken seriously in the future. You will be thought of as soft-bodied, which is easy to push through and impose your opinion.

So how can you properly start performing your duties at work so that such a long-awaited appointment does not end up as a headache?

Set aside your charter for a while

Of course, you have your own vision of how to properly build relationships with subordinates and how to work. But if in the very first days you begin to translate ideas into reality, you will receive stiff resistance.

Even if your reforms are sound and allow you to optimize work processes, remember - you have come to a “foreign monastery”. And while he has not become yours for you, while they are just getting accustomed to you, any of your initiatives will be taken with caution.

Take your time to make friends

In many collectives there is an employee who aspires to the chief as squire. And, as a rule, others dislike him. So, if among your subordinates there is also an employee exuding helpfulness and rushing to fulfill your wishes, even before they are announced, try to keep him at a distance.

The benefits of such a "faithful slave" are questionable. All he can give you is a portion of the next gossip from the smoking room. But the harm will be tangible. The rest will decide that you have a pet and begin to take revenge on the sly.

Don't believe everything you are told

Often, old-timers try to mislead the novice manager in order to bargain for some kind of concessions or bonuses. At the same time, the entire old team, without batting an eye, asserts that this has been the case for centuries.

You may be told that the previous boss had nothing against “corporate get-togethers” in the workplace. Or to repeat that he was a kind-hearted man and always closed his eyes to the fact that Ivanov and Sidorov were late every day.

In general, no matter what you are told about the old "golden times", do not rush to take it for granted and even more quickly implement it. And even if this was the case before, you are not obliged to maintain traditions that are contrary to the employment contract and job descriptions.

Politely, but firmly, explain that from now on Friday corporate parties are being transferred from the office to the nearest cafe. And Ivanov and Sidorov will have to set the alarm half an hour earlier in order to show up for work with everyone.

Don't fall into the trap of the "gray eminence"

This is another common practice to bend your boss. In every work collective there is a person, and sometimes more than one, who thinks that you have taken a position that rightfully belongs to him. If he is really smart, then with the arrival of a new leader, he tries to do everything to manage the established team himself. Even if in the role of "right hand".

It is sometimes difficult to understand that they are trying to manipulate you, but it is possible. Here are the main signs:

  • This is an informal leader. He is respected and his opinion is considered by all or almost all employees.
  • He does not express his dissatisfaction with your appointment. On the contrary, he takes care of and supports the new boss in every possible way.
  • He offers his projects, as a rule, thought out in detail - down to which of the employees will implement which part.

It would seem, what is wrong with the fact that you have such a wonderful assistant? No matter how great the temptation is to trust the "good fairy" who performs the lion's share of your duties, do not give in to him. If you let go of the reins, it will be difficult to get them back.

You do not need the glory of the boss, who sits in his pants in the manager's chair and does not know what to do? Namely, this is what the failed boss is trying to achieve, hoping to move to your office sooner or later. Therefore, thank him politely for his help, praise him for his initiative at meetings and, if you deem necessary, encourage financially. But make decisions on your own and only after delving into all the details.

Give up the role of arbitrator

In large groups, two or even more warring camps, unfortunately, are not uncommon. To successfully start leading subordinates, observe absolute neutrality. You just came here and do not yet know all the details of the undercover games.

If employees start attacking you with complaints about each other, do not rush to quickly pass verdicts. Listen to both sides, and then explain that it is difficult for you as a new person to judge the conflict. This way you don't have to take sides.

Don't try to demonstrate your superiority

Some people mistakenly believe that offense is the best defense and choose a deliberately failed line of behavior. For example, you shouldn't act like a Harvard graduate among schoolchildren, because you are surrounded by adults, successful men and women.

Even if your diplomas allow you to boast of education, keep in mind that experience also means a lot. At best, they will laugh at you. At worst, they will get angry and will do everything to put the arrogant boss in a puddle along with his diplomas.

Take special care if you are a woman and come to a women's team. Here you can be given not only intellectual superiority, but also appearance. Therefore, defer provocative and extravagant outfits until appropriate occasions, and at work, give preference to a restrained business style.

Tips to help you effectively manage your new team

You probably already understood that it is not easy to adapt in a new place not only for an ordinary employee, but also for a boss. First you need to understand that you will definitely not be able to become a universal favorite. Why? You can read about this in the book Itzhak Adizes “An ideal leader. Why can't they become and what follows from this ”.

However, there is an opportunity to get around the pitfalls and enter an established team without unnecessary difficulties. Use the advice of a psychologist and you will see that it is quite possible to win the respect of subordinates, even if you are an absolute newcomer to this company.

Meet everyone

Start your first day at work by getting to know the team. Most likely, you will be introduced in a nutshell by your senior management. But after that, it is advisable to set aside fifteen minutes for less formal communication.

Quickly introduce yourself, your previous job and professional skills. You can also touch your hobbies - so those around you will understand that you are a living person, and not a biorobot programmed to work. But the details of his personal life are better off-screen.

Then listen to your employees and try to remember who is responsible for what. Do your best to remember the names. If, after such an acquaintance, you turn to someone "Hey, how-there-you", it will be a manifestation of blatant disrespect. Do not rely on memory - write down the names in a notebook.

Also, try to learn as much as possible about the people you will be leading. To do this, just watch them. Someone sits on social networks and counts down the minutes until the end of the working day, while someone is sincerely passionate about their work and can stay up late, immersed in the project.

You must understand what to expect from everyone who you can rely on in any situation, and who will fail the deadlines and will not blink an eye.

Tell subordinates what awaits them

Even if you followed the advice of a psychologist and common sense, abandoning reforms for the first time, most likely in the future you will have a desire to change something. Inform the team personally about all innovations and be prepared for the fact that some of them will be hostile.

In such cases, explain what prompted you to make the decision and how it will optimize your work.

Work on your reputation

It is not easy to create and very easy to destroy, so do not make rash decisions and do not get excited about what happens. In difficult situations, do not hesitate to consult with the team. Don't worry, you won't be deemed incompetent. On the contrary, employees will appreciate that you listen to their opinions.

Respond correctly to criticism. Remember, you are not a gold piece for everyone to like. Take into account fair remarks, and ignore rumors and gossip from the smoking room,. You should not stoop to the level of the lower grades and take revenge on the offenders or call them for an educational conversation.

In turn, use criticism carefully. Your comments should be on the case and in the formulation that does not offend the interlocutor. It is easy to wound with a word, it is even easier to make an enemy in the person of a subordinate, having spoken pejoratively about him or his work with other employees.

Therefore, for serious conversations, call employees into the office, and do not arrange an accusatory meeting in the middle of the office.

Don't give impossible tasks

When assigning current tasks, take into account the experience and qualifications of each employee. It is important to keep the golden mean here. The task should be feasible, but not super easy. Different employees will spend different amounts of time on the same job.

Yes, an experienced specialist can complete a task in an hour, while an intern can take half a day. But if you throw a professional with easy tasks that he can quickly deal with like seeds, he can relax.

Leave small matters for the less experienced, and entrust the ace with an interesting difficult task that will allow him to demonstrate professionalism.

Monitor work progress. If you suddenly see that the employee is not coping or meeting the deadlines, give him someone to help him or delegate the task to a more experienced colleague. So you will demonstrate your attention to work processes and insure against missed deadlines.

Be friendly and open

This does not mean that when they meet you will be patted on the shoulder, and after work they will invite you for a beer. The boss doesn't need the reputation of his shirt-boyfriend - the subordination must always be respected. But the halo of an unattainable, always busy boss does not contribute to a healthy atmosphere in the team.

Make it clear to employees that you value the initiative, are ready to listen to suggestions and provide the necessary assistance. Let employees know that you can be approached in difficult situations and receive support. This will have a much better effect on your reputation than low-grade flirting with the team.

Have you ever experienced all the delights of adaptation in an established team as a leader?

Write in the comments what moments caused difficulties and how you dealt with them. Share your experience - it is important for others!

Hello colleagues! I was reviewing client requests from the past quarter and found that the topic was raised more often than usual how to introduce yourself to a leader in a new team... I have a suspicion that such statistics are not accidental - crisis processes in the economy are always associated with personnel migration. It is especially popular to hire young managers with no experience. Namely, they are faced with the described task.

In this article, we will figure out how to get to know the team correctly, so that initially, how to behave when meeting, what can and cannot be done.

I will try to present the topic as much as possible to the point - and you can immediately take some of the techniques into service.

In the new team

The human psyche is designed in such a way that you always strive for a state of balance. Biologists call it homeostasis. This is expressed in everything:

  • for example, when you are already, if you do not use it, you quickly slide back to the previous level
  • when you do not drive a car for a long time, the acquired skill disappears
  • making 60 outgoing cold calls, before you did not experience any inconvenience, and after half a year without calls you already feel that you need to force yourself

It's the same with public speaking. Experienced negotiators and business trainers feel like a fish in water in public. Those who do not speak often begin to worry, sweat, speak too quickly or confuse words. And if, for example, this is the first speech of a leader in a new team, it is worth taking it even more seriously. Our task is to understand 2 algorithms - how to calm the physiology, and how to behave in terms of business etiquette.

How to introduce yourself to the team? Psychophysiology

If you intend to spend your first day with new subordinates without embarrassment, it is enough to understand the standard principles of preparing for public speaking:

  1. Personal rituals ... Many have them - to dress in a happy suit, put on the most expensive watch or shoes, take a wad of money with you (yes, I remembered this from practice). The main thing is to raise self-confidence at the pattern level.
  2. Conductor ... It will be easier if you have an assistant assigned to you on the first day who will tell and show you, take you to the right places and fill the void when you do not know what to say. From experience, I can say that it is better to abandon the chief conductor in favor of the secretary or office manager.
  3. Breathe right ... To prevent your heart from jumping out of your chest and your palms to sweat, try to breathe according to the "4/7/8" scheme or the Buteyko method. Here is a link to Wikipedia \u003e\u003e\u003e It works.

The second important area is understanding business etiquette. You need to establish yourself correctly on the first day. I will give the most important, but which are forgotten when you need to introduce yourself to the team, the rules:

  • No familiarity and such words ... You are a leader and you need to behave accordingly.
  • Speak less ... You don't have to be a parrot, even a minor joke on the first day can be misunderstood by subordinates. It is better to forget the details about your family, past employer, etc., for the first time.
  • Ask questions ... If the team is up to 20 people, accept to call subordinates to the office / meeting room, and communicate about business. It is important not to jump to topics like “what would you change”.
  • The first 100 days rule ... During this period, it is worth refraining from changes. At least not to declare to employees that "we will change this and that, and save the world." Scare and embitter.

Remember that any one-size-fits-all solution is not a panacea! My article is based on the experience of different managers who also had the task of introducing themselves to a new team in different business areas. You need to draw conclusions and develop your vision.