Requirements for EEG on social science. Material for preparation for the exam (GIA) on social science (grade 11) on the topic: folder of the exam

Standards for admission of students of grade 11 to the social science exam

(including the economy and law)

Student class 11 is allowed to surchase EGE According to social science, if the child regularly attended social studies and rights lessons. In that case, if the child was absent for a valid reason in the lessons, it has the right to fulfill the final test work in the form of an exe to obtain admission to the USE, and also eliminating 60% of debt on the material passed.

The student from the moment of the start of classes makes the folder of personal results (folder of the USE).

The folder of the exam Grade 11 should contain:

  1. DaMo version 2016.
  2. Estimation system
  3. Points for marks
  4. Clean Blanks Eger
  5. Scaling for the transfer of points
  6. Structure Kim Eger
  7. Distribution of tasks KIM in content, types of skills and methods of action
  8. Distribution of tasks KIM in terms of complexity
  9. The duration of the social science
  10. Changes in Kim 2016 compared with the 2015
  11. Short list of NPA (pay attention)
  12. Tables and schemes
  13. Rules for performing tasks
  14. Diagnostic, verification and testing
  15. Questions to the oral social science exam (including economics and law)

An 11th grade student should have a dictionary of terms, the EGE folder, the textbook (electronic version is allowed), the notebook (for 10 and 11kl) and Kanz.

The student has the right to take advantage of the Internet lesson to search useful information necessary to work in the lesson, with the permission of the teacher.

The teacher at the request of students can conduct a training interlets to prepare for the exam, consultation. If this event does not have 60% of students, the teacher has the right to reject the trial oral exam, consultation.

The teacher has the right to prevent the exam in case the child has 50% of the debts, did not pass or did not appear at the oral exam without good reasons, does not have a folder of the USE, and did not cope with the implementation of seasonal diagnostic works.

Teacher social studiesPiskun A.S._______

Director MBOU SOSH №28Triguba M.V.________

I ask the class manager of the class 11a to bring to the attention of students and their parents the following information:

Technology preparation for work with concepts when preparing for EEG on social studies.

In early year, children are attended by a diary folder on preparing for the USE, which are entered by the most important diagnostic work.

The first plan of the exam in social studies comes out knowledge of concepts

(i.e. terms) and definitions I advise parents to purchase:
1. Reference books, dictionaries in economics, right, ethics, philosophy, etc.
2. Tables where all the terms are collected in certain schemes. For example, the term knowledge refers to a meaningful person. There is: Truth, Individual, Individuality. All terms are found in the exam.
3. Different schoolboy cribs, tutor books.
Students must understand and memorize the term and its definitions, the main regulationsprescribed in the evaluation system of the exam.
5. The lessons are not just attended, namely listen to the teacher, since I explain on the ordinary, I wrote this term on scientific.
6. Read the paragraph and together with the textbook to answer questions after the paragraph. Thus, you cook it to the passage of part 2.
7. The task and question is not easy to read very carefully, to understand it and the answers to emphasize!
8. Prepare children not generally, but thematically. Books and materials are enough. Try to listen to his question and whenever possible answer, because You have a lot of life experience. And social studies are knowledge of life.
9. Tests of part 1 to sharpen together and disassemble every answer.
10. Do not give up participation in trial EGE Not only spent at school, but also outside the school. These are peculiar preparations.
11. In the II half of the school year, after thematic preparation, let's start the general one. We will take the materials from 2011 and to sharpen until 2015 and to memorize the answers by heart. To. Only 25% of tasks change every year, 75% of the tasks remain over the past years.
12. Guys, it is impossible to rest this year, it is impossible to postpone tomorrow, to miss my lessons, it is impossible for additional training. Year will work, give up to the high ball and luck will smile.
13. Are not afraid to work in part 2 - you need to give a free detailed answer (signs, characteristics), carefully read the tasks again. Understand him, knowing the concepts and definitions to answer it. Find an answer to the text of the document, make your conclusions, conclusions, argument.
14. And therefore, look together with him analytical programs "Time", "News", debate, disputes. Discuss them. This will help when performing part 2.
15. Danar 235 minutes (3h 55 minutes.)

16. Moral and material support this year is very important.ask Class teacher Provide the presence of the Supplement Teacher the necessary Kanzovs and Paper, as well as provide free printout of tasks and comprehensive works for students.

In addition to major disciplines, schoolchildren can take additional, which choose themselves and the results for which they will be needed for further receipt. Soclastology refers to one of such items.

In 2018, the social science exam will not change structurally, the block with the test part will continue to be excluded.

The number of attempts to move increased to 3. This option will suit those students who did not score the passing number of points or do not suit the results of the exams. Such a change is due to the fact that there is a need to create a more acceptable psychological atmosphere.

An important change in the project will be the fact that now schoolchildren will speak more on the exam, and not to write. Such an innovation will affect humanitarian disciplines, in particular social studies. Time to pass on social science will be 235 minutes.

Very important changes are waiting for students and in relation to violations during the exam. If the examination finds things that are not allowed on the exam, he will be able to retake only the next year.

As for violations by teachers, it will be discharged here in the amount of from 20 to 40 thousand rubles.

In general, social studies are a fairly popular subject in graduates, since it is necessary in a number of prestigious universities.

The structure of the tasks of the ege 2019 by social science

The structure of the Social Score of 2019 will be represented by two types of thematic tasks. Types are varying complexity and views of the answers. general characteristics The task structure is shown below:

  1. The first category includes issues that are required for answers consisting of one word.
  2. The second includes the questions you need to give a detailed answer.
  3. The last task is an essay on one of the suggested topics.

Essay in the social science of 2019

The most difficult task in the social science is considered an essay. For the proper execution of this task, the student can get from three to five points. Most importantly, when this task is performed correctly to structure the text content, as well as try to avoid typical errors.

It is important when writing this task to disclose the meaning of the selected statement. If the meaning is not disclosed or disclosed, then the answer is already evaluated in zero points.

It is very important to bring faithful arguments to confirm your arguments. If the student confirmed his arguments by actual examples, then it will definitely get a good score, for performing the task.

In order to cope with such a task, you must remember plan Essay:

  1. A selected quote is given.
  2. The problem voiced by the author is determined, and its relevance is justified.
  3. The meaning of the quotation is revealed.
  4. The other point of view is voiced.
  5. The arguments of theoretical nature are given.
  6. Theoretical arguments are confirmed by practical examples.
  7. Conclusion is drawn up.

If it is strictly followed by a similar plan, then all the requirements for writing the essay will be fulfilled and the evaluation for the writing will be high.

Categories of passing ege on social studies

Some citizens cannot take the exam. This is agreed by Rosobrnadzor. The following persons are allowed to test:

  1. Those who handed over the exam in previous years, but did not receive the necessary outcome.
  2. Students wishing to improve their results.
  3. Schoolchildren who have not passed the test or earned a negative assessment for a number of disciplines.

How to become a member of his ege 2019?

To get to the exam, you need to make an application at the place of organization of the test. The application prescribes a list of disciplines for which the exam will take place. Such documents can be provided in the reception school in municipal authority of the formation where the USE will be held in the adoptive commissions of universities.

The term for granting the application, for children who want to pass the exam in early manner - until February 1, and for those schoolchildren who want to pass the exam later until December 1.

Armor of the exam in social science in 2019

According to social studies, those schoolchildren are needed that cannot be tested in a timely manner. The reasons are different, ranging from the call to the army, the Olympiad and by pumping the usual move.

In such a situation, the exam is surrendered early and the undoubted advantage is that the student will not miss the deadlines, will be able to pass the exam and then pass the documents to the university. There are also disadvantages from early exam. It is very difficult to prepare for the surrender of the exam without a separation from study. Naturally, hasty preparation will not bring good results.

Additional information 2019 2019

On the social science of social studies, it is allowed to bring gel or capillary black handle, passport. By order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, a list of items and benefits are allowed to enjoy the exam. According to social studies, reference literature, benefits, collections are not allowed.

According to this order, it is impossible to bring social studies cell Phones, Tablets, other electronic computing devices. It is forbidden to use methodical and reference benefitsnot allowed on the exam.

If a student bring something like this or take action on the exam, which can be qualified, as an attempt to write off, then it will be deleted from the exam and make a note on this for the answer form. Returning to the student will be allowed only in a year.

Passing point for social studies in 2017 was 42 pointsIn 2018 it is not planned to change it. The calculation uses the score of the Points.

If the exam will be violated on the exam, the rules of the organizers will be violated, for example, less time is granted, the examiner is entitled to file an appeal. A complaint for this reason should be filed on the same day, after leaving the audience.

Also, such a right arises when the examination does not agree with the total amount of points earned by him. In such cases, protesting is filed within two business days From the moment you get acquainted with the results of the exam. It is possible to challenge the results and then if a technical failure occurs when checking the exam.

In the event that there were no violations of the applicant, the organizers enable the student to recall the exam. If such violations were, then the student will be denied a complaint.

After the results are calculated and checked, the graduate receives a certificate installed samplewhich indicates the results in all subjects, with the exception of those for which a sufficient number of points was not scored.

This certificate is necessary when providing documents to universities and is valid for 4 years.

How to prepare for EEE 2019 on social science

For a good passing of the exam, of course, it is necessary to prepare. The preparation specification may be different. You can pass trial online tests on the subject. Also, when preparing great will help sEVERSION OF FIPI EGE SODIMARY 2019. And someone will use ordinary textbooks.

These benefits include the following:

If the student uses online tests to prepare for the exam in social science, then it may well go through the computer and the Internet. The advantage of such preparation is that there is no need to attend any additional classes or lectures, it is enough to go to the official website and pass the online exam. There are also disadvantages of such training, too, the student will not know theories, but only single answers, which is unlikely to allow him to write an essay.

Also for preparation can be used such a service as dEVEROVYY EGE in social science 2019. These are the materials of the previous exams laid out on the website of the FII.

Highly good way Preparation is considered to use demonstration materials. Kimov codifier According to such materials, the same used to compile the main tasks on the USE is used. The use of such materials will help students familiarize themselves with the procedure for passing the USE, the main rules, as well as to form a list of topics that need additional training.

Both children and their parents are very important to remember that there is no need to be afraid to pass his ege. To avoid unnecessary psychological loads and injuries, the adolescent itself needs to put goals and abide healthy image Nutrition and sleep, and parents try to create one comfortable microclimate, which is so necessary as a teenager in a stressful situation, which, in fact, is an exam.

EEG statistics on social studies over the past years

The share of participants who did not receive a minimum score, in 2018 decreased in comparison with the previous year by 3.8% and amounted to 13.8%. The number of students who received the maximum score to 142 people, in 2016 there were only 59.

Schedule exams

The starting stage of the exam in social studies in 2019 is clarified.

The main stage of the exam in social science in 2019 is specified.

2. Find a concept that is generalizing for all other concepts of the series below, and write down the number under which it is indicated.

1) the subject of activity;

2) the goal of the activity;

3) structure of activity;

4) means of activity;

3. Below is a list of terms. All of them, with the exception of two, belong to sources of law.

1) law; 2) legal relationship; 3) judicial precedent; 4) the country's constitution; 5) the legislature; 6) Legal custom.

Find two terms "dropping" from the general range, and write the numbers in the table under which they are indicated.

4. Select faithful judgments about human activity and write the numbers under which they are specified.

1) the components of the structure of any activity are funds, motifs, emotions.

2) Cognitive activity in contrast to the communicative assumes the use of concepts and terms.

3) Culture is the result of the transformative human activity.

4) Human activity, in contrast to the behavior of animals, wears a conscious targeted character.

5) Labor activity He is leading throughout the human life.

5. Install the match between society's life and social institutions: To each position given in the first column, select the appropriate position from the second column.


6. Factory production has been developed in the country. What other signs indicate that the country develops as an industrial type society? Write down the numbers under which these distinctive features are indicated.

1) computer technologies are being introduced;

2) the class of industrial workers is formed;

3) religion has a significant impact on the development of society;

4) there is a division of labor;

5) accelerated pace Agriculture is developing;

6) there is a concentration of production.

7. Choose faithful judgments about the factors of production and factor income And write the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) The factors of production include the organizational and legal form of the enterprise.

2) income from capital is a rent.

3) Entrepreneurial ability is one of the factors of production.

4) the significance of labor as a factor of production in modern conditions Reduced.

5) Capital as a production factor includes machines and equipment.

8. Install the correspondence between the forms of commercial enterprises and their features: to each position given in the first column, select the appropriate position from the second column.

Write in the table selected numbers under the appropriate letters.


9. Citizen A. is the owner of the cottage. Every year he pays tax on this property object. What else, in addition to property tax, belongs to direct taxes? Select the desired positions from the list below and write the numbers under which they are specified.

1) inheritance tax;

2) excise tax;

3) personal income tax;

4) customs duty;

5) income tax;

10. The schedule reflects the situation in the market of hairdressers: the sentence line S moved to a new position - S 1 (P - the price of goods, Q is the number of goods).

Which of the listed factors can cause such a change? Record the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) Expansion of the network of hairdressers;

2) new trendy trends in hairstyle styles;

3) tax cuts with small businesses;

4) the use of new hair care products;

5) Changing the income tax rate.

11. Select faithful judgments about ethnic communities and write the numbers under which they are specified.

1) A variety of ethnos is a nationality.

2) The appearance of nations preceded the emergence of the state.

3) The basis of ethnic community lies the unity of class interests.

4) distinguish between the ethnic and civil understanding of the nation.

5) the unification of the nationality in the nation helps the awareness of people of our historical destinies.

12. Scientists interviewed a group of 45-year-old residents of the country of Z. Women and men asked the question: "Why is the educational potential of the family decrease?" The survey results are presented in the histogram.

What conclusions can be made from the results obtained? Select the desired positions from the list and write the numbers under which they are specified.

1) Men and women are unanimous in determining the main factor that reduces the educational potential of the family.

2) Men are more than women, feel the shortage of knowledge necessary to raise children.

3) bad relationships between parents as a reason for reducing the educational potential of the family are underestimated by the question.

4) Women more negatively assess the intervention of relatives into raising children than men.

5) in assessing various factors affecting the raising of children, men to a lesser extent than women give the value of the family.

13. Select faithful judgments about political modes and write the numbers under which they are specified.

2) Democratic political regime implies a guarantee of human rights and freedoms.

3) the constitution exist only in countries with a democratic device.

4) Parliamentarism approval began in a new time.

5) Characteristic feature Totalitarianism is the splicing of the state and the ruling party.

14. Install the correspondence between the federal assembly chambers and their functions and powers: to each position given in the first column, select the appropriate position from the second column.

Write in the table selected numbers under the appropriate letters.


15. In the state, the President is elected by members of both chambers of parliament. What additional Information indicates that the state Z is the parliamentary republic? Select the desired positions from the list and write the numbers under which they are specified.

1) Parliament is a permanent body.

2) Parliament can send a government to resign.

3) The government is responsible to the president.

4) The head of the government becomes the leader of the party victims to parliament.

5) Parliament is elected on the basis of universal and equal election law.

6) The main function Governments are the development and adoption of laws.

16. In accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, judges are independent and obeyed only

2) federal law

3) President

4) Government

5) Constitution of the Russian Federation

6) Prosecutor General

17. Set the correspondence between the law enforcement agencies of the Russian Federation and the following functions: to each position given in the first column, select the appropriate position from the second column.

Write in the table selected numbers under the appropriate letters.


18. Who is a participant in criminal proceedings from protection? Select the right positions and write the numbers under which they are specified.

1) investigator; 4) the victim;

2) prosecutor; 5) suspect;

3) lawyer; 6) an inquiry authority.

19. Read the following text, each position of which is indicated by a specific letter.

(A) Socialization is a process of mastering a person cultural values and social norms. (B) Unfortunately, traditional socialization institutions reduce their importance in modern society. (C) Modern schoolchildren, according to sociologists, give more and more time virtual communication in social networks. (D) Studies show that the number of those who have difficulty establishing real contacts are growing. (E) Efforts aimed at raising the role of family and schools as socialization institutions will undoubtedly play a positive role.

Determine which positions of the text have:

1) actual character;

2) the nature of estimated judgments;

3) the nature of theoretical statements.

Write in the table under the letter, denoting the position, the figure expressing its character.


20. Read the following text in which a number of words are missed. Select from the proposed list of the words you want to insert instead of skipping.

"Any society is a set of elements. They may be individual individuals, ______ (a) and community. A specific procedure for connections between the elements of society was called social ________ (b). It is characterized by the inequality of positions that occupy its elements. This inequality is expressed in the concept. _______ (c). The combination of signs that determine social status in the social hierarchy received the name of the social position index. It is primarily among: income, prestige, _______ (d), education. Each of these indicators can be measured. So, income is expressed quantity ________ (e), obtained by an individual or family at a certain period of time. Prestige public __________ (e) depends on a status. "

Words in the list are given in the nominative case. Each word can be used only once.

Choose a sequential one word after another, mentally filling each pass. Note that words in the list are more than you need to fill the pass.

List of terms:

1) benefit; 2) profession; 3) stratification; 4) evaluation; 5) money; 6) Differentiation; 7) power; 8) structure; 9) group.

In this below, the table shows the letters denoting missed words. Write in the table under each letter number of your chosen word.

BUT B. IN G. D. E.

Part 2

Read the text and execute the tasks 21 - 24.

The form of the state is complicated conceptcomprising three elements: the form of government, the state device and political regime. The form of the state is not a simple set of components of its elements, but the unity of the holistic system due to its internal relations and relations. The form of each specific state as the unity of these elements (the form of government, the form of the state device and the political regime) is developing historically under the influence of a number of factors. Undoubted impact on it economic Developmentachieved by society at a certain stage of its development, and the relationship between the main political forces in society. Therefore, in different historical epochs, those forms of the state prevailed, which to a greater extent corresponded to the decrees of economic growth and the ratio of political forces in the country. This explains the fact that in the Middle Ages, for example, a monarchy was the most common form of government ( different species). And after the bourgeois revolutions, in some countries, the monarchical form of the board or has undergone significant changes, or was replaced by republican (also different species).

Such a diversity is explained by the fact that, in addition to the above factors, the form of state can also influence other conditions, in particular, the geographical location of the country, historical traditions inherent in the people inherent in its peoples, etc.

The state is a form of exercise of sovereign power. Depending on who is a carrier of sovereign power, we can talk about various forms of government. Under the form of the Board is the organization of the Supreme state power, the procedure for the formation of its bodies, their competence and relationship with the population, the degree of public participation in the formation of these bodies.

According to the forms of government, states are divided into monarchies and republics. The monarchical form of the board develops in a slave-ownership society and still remains in some countries. Of course, while the monarchy as a form of government has not remained unchanged. She underwent very significant changes depending on the conditions of the development of socio-political institutions and the alignment of socio-political forces of society.

The head of such a state is the monarch, its activities are not limited to a certain period, i.e. He performs his duties for life<...>

The Republic is such a form of government at which the highest state authorities are elected by the people on the basis of a national vote, i.e. The source of power is the sovereign people. In the republics, the highest bodies of state power collegial and mostly elected (head of state - president, parliament), which are elected for a certain period. Officers Public authorities are political responsibility to their voters. It can be expressed in such forms as early feedback from the deputy, the dissolution of the parliament, the retirement of the government, depreciation from the post of president.

(M.I. Abdulaev)

21. Indicate four factors affecting the formation of the form of the state.

23. Article 1 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation establishes that Russia has a democratic federal legal state with the republican form of government. Relate these characteristics of the Russian state system with the three specified in the text, the elements of the state form as a system (first bring the element, then give it a characteristic).

24. Proponents of monarchies argue that such states are more stable and better ensure the continuity of power. Relying on social scientific knowledge, using the text, give three arguments in favor of the republican system.

25. What is the point of economists invest in the concept of "consumer"? Attracting the knowledge of a social science rate, make two sentences: one sentence containing information about the consumer purposes, and the second sentence containing information about the sources of the consumer's income.

26. Name any three varieties of social norms and illustrate each of them an example.

27. In the laboratory of the Chemical Institute, a complex scientific experiment is carried out. Permanent observations of what is happening changes are underway. The obtained data is processed and analyzed by established criteria. Name three methods scientific researchreferred to in the condition of the task. Relying on social scientific knowledge, specify and briefly describe another method used in science.

28. You are instructed to prepare an expanded answer on the topic " Legal culture". Make a plan, according to which you will cover this topic. The plan should contain at least three items, of which two or more detailed in subparagraphs.

29. Choose one of the proposed statements, discover its meaning in the form of a mini-essay, if necessary, different aspects of the problem assigned by the author (affected theme).

With the presentation of his thoughts on the raised problem (designated topic), with the arguments of their point of view, use the knowledge obtained in the study of the social studies, corresponding to the concepts, as well as the facts of public life and their own life experience. (As actual arguments, give at least two examples from various sources.)

Russian language and mathematics. According to these past years, social studies passes almost half of graduates (49%). And it is not surprising, since the social studies are needed for admission to all humanitarian specialties.

In fact, the subject "Social Studies" includes information on various aspects of the life of society, studied in the framework of a whole class of humanitarian sciences: economics, jurisprudence, philosophy, sociology, political science, and to some extent, history.

A variant of KIM EGE on social studies has been subjected to minor changes. Developers revised the complexity of tasks No. 28 and 29, which is why the maximum primary score for the entire test increased from 62 to 64.

Evaluation of ege

Last year, in order to pass the exam on social studies at least a triple, it was enough to gain 19 primary points. They were given, for example, correctly performed the first 13 tasks of the test.

As will be in 2019, it is still unknown: it is necessary to wait for an official order from the Rosobrnadzor for the compliance of primary and test points. Most likely it will appear in December. Considering that the maximum primary score increased from 62 to 64, it is very likely that a minimum point can change slightly.

You can still focus on these tables:

The structure of the EGE

In 2019, the social studies of the Social Score test consists of two parts that include 29 tasks.

  • Part 1: 20 tasks (No. 1-20) with a brief response (choose the correct answer from the proposed, set the correspondence between the elements of two sets, insert the missed word in the text);
  • Part 2: 9 tasks (No. 21-29) with a detailed answer (answers to questions, mini-writings).

Preparation for the USE

  • Pass Tests EGE online for free without registration and SMS. The presented tests in their complexity and structure are identical to the real exams carried out in the appropriate years.
  • Download Demonstration options for social studies that will allow you to better prepare for the exam and pass it easier. All proposed tests are designed and approved to prepare for the EGE by the Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements (FII). In the same FIII are developed by all official esmer options.

The tasks that you will see will most likely not meet on the exam, but there will be tasks similar to the demonstration, on the same subject.

Common digits of the EGE

Year Min. score Middle score Quantity Did not pass,% Number of
exam, min.
2009 39
2010 39 56,38 444 219 3,9 34 210
2011 39 57,11 280 254 3,9 23 210
2012 39 55,2 478 561 5,3 86 210
2013 39 56,23 471 011 5,3 94 210
2014 39 55,4 235
2015 42 53,3 235
2016 42 235
2017 42 235