Social studies option 6 exam. Algorithm for the task. How to properly prepare for social studies

Answers to tasks 1–20 are a number, or a sequence of numbers, or a word (phrase). Write your answers in the fields to the right of the assignment number without spaces, commas, or other additional characters.


Write down the word that is missing in the table.

Forms of territorial structure


In the row below, find a concept that is generalizing to all the other concepts presented. Write down this word (phrase).

1) The need for recognition from other people 2) the desire for career growth 3) the social need 4) the need for support from loved ones 5) the need for communication.


A number of terms are listed below. All of them, with the exception of two, characterize the dynamic nature of society.

1) development, 2) static, 3) regression, 4) decline, 5) progress, 6) consistency.

Find two terms "out of the ordinary" and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.


Choose the correct judgments about the employment contract.

1. An employment contract is drawn up on the basis of civil law norms.

2. The employment contract defines the obligations of the employee.

3. An employment contract cannot worsen the working conditions stipulated by the current legislation.

4. Subject employment contract is the result of labor.

5. An employment contract is valid for a period not exceeding 1 year.


Establish a correspondence between the characteristics of the republican form of government (indicated by letters) and the type of republic (indicated by numbers).


Art is different from other forms of spiritual culture. What are the features of art?

1. Works of art are an aesthetic reflection of the surrounding world.

2. Art is aimed at the practical development of the surrounding world.

3. Works of art are designed to improve the quality of a person's daily life.

4. Art is designed to solve fundamental ideological problems.

5. Art has an aesthetic impact on a person.

6. The main goal art is the search for truth.


Choose the correct judgments about financial institutions and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1. The state's gold and foreign exchange reserves are kept in several commercial banks.

2. The central bank monopolistically issues money.

3. The central bank sets the inflation rate.

4. The central bank finances production.

5. Commercial banks issue loans individuals and businesses.


Establish a correspondence between the example (indicated by letters) and the factor of production (indicated by numbers).


In country X, parliamentary elections are held using a mixed electoral system. What are the features of this electoral system?

1.Elections are held in majoritarian districts

2.the majority of seats in parliament are won by representatives of the winning parties

3. Deputies are elected by those who have overcome a certain percentage threshold

4.Elections are held both by party lists and by territorial districts

6.A voter receives two ballots at the polling station


A survey was conducted among schoolchildren in the region about what can be called a good deed. The results of the survey (in percentage terms) are presented in the table.

Analyze the information received. What conclusions can be drawn from the table?

1. The largest number of respondents consider it a good deed to take care of the elderly.

2. Among the respondents there are more of those who consider caring for children a good deed than those who consider any disinterested help a good deed.

3. An equal share of the respondents consider any disinterested assistance and struggle against social injustice a good deed.

4. Every fifth student considers everything that is done from a pure heart to be a good deed.

5. Every tenth student surveyed considers it a good deed to help people in trouble.


Choose the right judgments that illustrate the taxpayer's rights in Russian Federation.

1. Payment of legally imposed taxes

2. Carrying out, in the cases stipulated by law, in the established procedure, accounting for income and expenses.

3. Obtaining a deferral, installment plan or investment tax credit in the manner and under the conditions established by tax legislation.

4. Providing the tax authorities with documents and information necessary for calculating and paying taxes.

5. Appeal in the manner prescribed by law of decisions of tax authorities and their actions officials.

6. Provision of information to tax authorities within ten days about the decision on liquidation (reorganization) legal entity.


Schoolchildren and their parents in city C were asked the question: “What factors determine the level of development of education in modern world? ". The data obtained is presented in the diagram.

Factors affecting the level of education development

What conclusions can be drawn from the data in the diagram?

1. The development of education largely depends on the existing system of legislation in the country.

2. The level of development of education is equally affected legal system and family education.

3. Family education has no significant impact on the level of education development.

4. Every eighth of the respondents could not decide on the answer.

5. Most of the interviewed respondents are sure that the development of education is directly related to the economic standard of living of society.


Choose the right judgments about charismatic power.

1. Charismatic power is based on tradition and custom.

2. It is characteristic of charismatic power to attribute exceptional qualities to a leader.

3. Charismatic power is not stable and long-term.

4. Such authority is based on rational rules of conduct.

5. Charismatic authority is based on legal norms that must be followed.


Set the correspondence between the feature (indicated by letters) and the type social norms (indicated by a number).


State Q's expenditures in the current year have exceeded the amount of collected tax and duty revenues. Which of the following signs confirm these conclusions?

1. increased labor productivity in enterprises of all forms of ownership

2.the number of private enterprises has increased

3. there is a shortage state budget

4.decreased consumer spending

5.the number of foreign investors increased

6.the government raises excise taxes on some goods


What types of contracts must be notarized?

1.marriage contract

2.buying and selling household appliances

3. work contract

4. annuity agreement agreement


You are invited to prepare a presentation on the system of Russian law. Which of the following can be included in the Civil Law slide? Write down the numbers below which the relevant provisions are indicated.

1. The sources of law include customs (customs of business).

2. Unlike other industries, it has one source of law, which designates all types of crimes as the most dangerous unlawful acts of people.

3. The relationship of the parties is built on the basis of the following principles: equality of the parties, property independence, independence, autonomy of will.

4. The types of punishment for violations of the norms of this branch of law include restriction of freedom, compulsory work.

5. One side of legal relations regulated by this industry is often endowed with state and power powers in relation to the other side.

6. The objects of rights include intangible goods.


The government of State S pursues a policy of protectionism. What non-tariff methods can be used to protect domestic producers?

1.customs tariffs



4. customs duties




Auto mechanic Roman found new job by specialty. To conclude an employment contract, he brought military registration documents and work book... What else according Labor Code RF Roman should be presented to the employer? Write down the numbers under which the relevant documents are indicated.

1.Certificate of registration of ownership of residential premises certificate of state pension insurance

3.Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation notice

5.the diploma of specialized education

6. extract from financial and personal account

Read the text below where a number of words are missing. Select from the provided list the words to be inserted in place of the blanks.


Bank loan - an amount of money issued by a bank for a certain period on the basis of repayment and payment specified in the agreement ______ (A). The agreement between the bank (lender) and the citizen (borrower) indicates the amount of the loan, its purpose, repayment period, interest paid to the bank for the loan, ______ (B) money to the bank. Interest is the price paid to the owner of money for using ______ (B) over a specified period of time. Loan repayment can be one-time or by installments; payments are usually made monthly. Loans to individuals are provided in two main forms: personal loans (without specifying the purpose of the loan), issued usually under a personal signature and with payment by installments, and ______ (D). The most widespread type of lending to citizens in the world is a consumer loan. It is provided by the bank to citizens for the purchase of consumer goods with payment by installments. The loan allows you to actively use the free funds of some for the needs of others. Credit ______ (D) is the most profitable item in the banking business, but also risky. There is a possibility of non-repayment of the loan, non-payment of interest, violation of the loan repayment terms. Banks seek to mitigate these risks and are searching and developing effective methods estimates of ______ (E) borrowers.

Words (phrases) in the list are given in the nominative case. Each word (phrase) can be used only once.

Choose sequentially one word (phrase) after another, mentally filling in each gap. Please note that there are more words (phrases) in the list than you need to fill in the blanks.

List of terms:





5. consumer credit


7.Return guarantee


9. borrowed funds

Part 2.

First write down the task number (28, 29, etc.), and then the detailed answer to it. Write down the answers clearly and legibly.

Read the text and complete assignments 21-24.

“The term“ totalitarianism ”is used in three aspects: 1) political and ideological: for example, during the Cold War, the concept of totalitarianism was used to substantiate the confrontation between two political systems; 2) emotional-evaluative: the media and everyday consciousness use it to negatively assess various aspects of life; 3) scientific. Used so intensely, this concept itself requires a precise scientific definition. Otherwise, the now popular term "totalitarianism" risks turning into a verbal cliche, which does not explain so much as confuses the content of the political situation of our recent past and will only add to a long line of verbal cliches. Karl Friedrich and Zbigniew Brzezinski proposed their own definition of a totalitarian regime, which has become classical in Western political science, in their book "Totalitarian Dictatorship and Autocracy" (1956). They identified 6 basic criteria of totalitarianism, which are called the "totalitarian syndrome":

1) the only mass party led by a charismatic leader and absorbing a relatively small part of the population (up to 10%), whose core is unwaveringly devoted to ideology; this party is organized according to the oligarchic principle and, as a rule, either stands above the bureaucratic government organization, or completely intertwined with it;

2) the official ideology, covering all vital aspects of human existence and which must be recognized by all;

3) monopoly on the media;

4) monopoly on all means of armed struggle;

5) a system of terrorist police control, directed not only against the "enemies" of the regime, but also against arbitrarily chosen groups and classes, the population;

6) a centralized system of control and management of the economy.

Despite the fact that this definition considered classical, the question of whether the selected features are mandatory for the recognition of the regime as totalitarian, whether they are sufficient for an exhaustive description of the phenomenon of totalitarianism, is still controversial. It seems not entirely justified to single out such a feature as a monopoly on all means of armed struggle as a criterion for a totalitarian regime. In our opinion, any political regime has such material appendages as the army, police, state security organs and seeks complete control over them.

We also consider it legitimate to classify totalitarian regimes into moderate and harsh. The main difference between moderate totalitarianism and tough totalitarianism is that in the former, private property is not abolished, only partial nationalization and confiscation of property of opponents of the regime is carried out; moreover, large-scale private property becomes the basis of the rapidly growing military-industrial complex. On the contrary, rigid totalitarianism is built on the basis of complete socialization, that is, nationalization and confiscation of all private property. A moderate totalitarian regime is engaged in economic and productive activities only as an exception and only in the strategically most important branches of the military industry. For a socialist totalitarian system, production and distribution are its main functions. "

(Based on the work of A. A. Shanin "Totalitarian regime")

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Aspects are named: 1) political-ideological, 2) emotional-evaluative, 3) scientific.

The explanation is given: the term must be scientifically defined, otherwise it will become a "verbal cliche".

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  • Authors: K. Friedrich and 3. Brzezinski;
  • Criteria: 1) the only mass party; 2) the official ideology, recognized by all; 3) monopoly on the media; 4) monopoly on all means of armed struggle; 5) the system of terrorist police control; 6) a centralized system of control and management of the economy.


1. any political regime has such material appendages as the army, police, state security organs;

2. any regime seeks complete control over the army, police, state security organs;

3. any regime uses all forms of violence if it finds it appropriate and is able to lead the security forces to protect its interests.

Write out a sentence from the text that indicates that the author of the text created his own classification of totalitarian regimes. What are the two main differences named by the author of the text different types totalitarian regimes. Give two examples of totalitarian regimes that existed in the past or exist today.

Show answer

  • "We also consider it legitimate to classify totalitarian regimes into moderate and harsh."
  • The main differences are: 1) a moderate totalitarian regime preserves private property - a tough totalitarian regime liquidates private property, 2) carries out partial nationalization (confiscation) of private property - a tough totalitarian regime carries out a complete nationalization of private property; 3) relies on big capital and the military-industrial complex - the backbone of rigid totalitarianism is state property; 4) moderate - engaged economic activity only in case of emergency, and for tough ones - this is the main type of activity (function);
  • Examples of totalitarian regimes: Hitlerite Germany 1933-1945; the Stalinist regime in the USSR; modern regime in the DPRK.

What is the meaning of social scientists in the concept of "individual labor dispute"? Drawing on knowledge of the social science course, make two sentences: one about regulatory documentsdetermining the procedure for settlement, and another is an example of an individual labor dispute.

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  • An individual labor dispute is a disagreement arising between an employee and an employer on the application of legislation and other labor regulations, collective agreement and other labor agreements.
  • An individual labor dispute will be settled in accordance with labor legislation RF (laws of the Russian Federation); 2) a dispute over the establishment or change of individual working conditions; dispute in case of refusal to hire; dispute in the event of illegal (disputed legality) dismissal.

All norms of law are enshrined in the sources of law. Sources of law are what the practice is guided by in solving legal cases. Name three sources of law, illustrate each of them with an example.

Show answer

  1. Normative legal act the established form. For example, the law on education, adopted by the State Duma of the Russian Federation.
  2. By-law. For example, a resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation detailing the application of the law.
  3. Regulatory contract. For example, an agreement between two states on cooperation in any area.
  4. Legal precedent. For example, an incident or event that took place in the past and is an example or basis for making a decision in the present.
  5. Legal custom. For example, historically established rules of conduct that were subsequently incorporated into the law.
  6. 3) Constitutional principles of electoral law:

    a) universality of the electoral right;

    b) equal suffrage;

    c) direct suffrage;

    e) voluntary participation in elections.

    4) The procedure for the election of the President of the Russian Federation.

    5) Legislative regulation of elections to the State Duma of the Russian Federation.

    6) Elections to local government bodies.

    A different number and (or) other correct wording of points and sub-points of the plan are possible. They can be presented in denominational, question or mixed forms.

    By completing task 29, you can show your knowledge and skills on the content that is more attractive to you. For this purpose, select only ONE of the statements below (29.1-29.5).

    Select one of the statements below, reveal its meaning in the form of a mini-essay, indicating, if necessary, different aspects of the problem posed by the author (the topic raised).

    When presenting your thoughts on the problem raised (the designated topic), when arguing your point of view, use the knowledge gained in studying the course of social studies, the relevant concepts, as well as the facts of social life and your own life experience. (Give at least two examples from various sources for factual reasoning.)

    29.1. Philosophy "Live and let others live." (G.R.Derzhavin)

    29.2. Economy "Three things make a nation great and prosperous: fertile soil, vibrant industry, and the ease of movement of people and goods." (Francis Bacon)

    29.3. Sociology, social psychology "I conquer my enemies by making them friends." (Abraham Lincoln)

    29.4. Political science "The greater the sense of responsibility, the less the lust for power." (Stefan Garczynski)

    29.5. Jurisprudence "Where there is law, there is a means of protecting it." (Latin dictum)

    Video analysis of tasks

    Job number: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

How to properly prepare for social studies:

  1. It takes constant practice.
    • Pay special attention to the Unified State Exam in Social Studies 2019. A demo version from FIPI will help you understand the structure of the ticket, understand the requirements. will guide you on what topics you need to study.
    • Prepared for the solution 10 training options with answers. They are designed by teachers based on demo version.
    • The more tests will be solved, the higher the preparedness will be, since the memorization mechanism is triggered. Do not be lazy to work on mistakes. Solve online tests every week until you make a mistake. Registered users on the site can track the statistics of the solved tests.
  2. Schedule your time correctly to solve training tests to get maximum amount points.
    • Tasks 1-3 and 10 are solved in 1-4 minutes;
    • Tasks 4-9 and 11-28 are given from 2 to 8 minutes;
    • Assignments 29 - 45 minutes.
  3. Work with text

      For typical assignments 21-24, skills in working with text information... When practicing to solve the USE tests in social studies online, pay attention to tasks that require not only extracting and reproducing the essence from the information canvas, but also interpretation, your own understanding of what is said or written, and the involvement of social science knowledge in the formulation.

      Task number 29 (essay) includes 5 alternative tasks focused on writing an essay on one of 5 topics. Topics represent the statements of famous public figures, as well as representatives of politics, science and culture. The task is traditionally considered the most difficult in CMMs.

      Helpful hint: to write a high-quality essay, it is necessary to be able to reveal the meaning of a judgment (statements, quotations), to attract the studied provisions of social sciences, to draw their own conclusions and concretize with vivid examples.

Converting points to grades

  • 0-41 points - "unsatisfactory";
  • 42-54 points - "three";
  • 55-66 points - "good";
  • 67 points and above - "excellent".

The minimum is 42 and the maximum is 100.

The USE test in social studies consists of:

  • Part 1 - of 20 problems, with a short answer in the form of a word, a few words or numbers. Half of the tasks belong to the basic level, the other part to the advanced level. The first part is estimated at 35 primary points.
  • Part 2 - of 9 problems, with a detailed answer. Tasks 21 and 22 are basic, and from 23 to 29 - with increased difficulty and are estimated at 30 points. See with a detailed answer on social studies.


  • In 2019, the social studies exam will be 235 minutes (3 hours 55 minutes).
  • It is forbidden to take with you foreign objects (cribs, smartphones, headphones, "smart" watches, etc.).
  • On the last day before the exam, repeat the material you covered, look again at the solved options.

Option No. 235343

When completing tasks with a short answer, write in the answer field a number that corresponds to the number of the correct answer, or a number, word, sequence of letters (words) or numbers. The answer should be written without spaces or any additional characters. Separate the fractional part from the whole decimal point. You do not need to write the measurement units. The answers to tasks 1-20 are a number, or a sequence of numbers, or a word (phrase). Write your answers without spaces, commas, or other additional characters. By completing task 29, you can show your knowledge and skills on the content that is more attractive to you. For this purpose, select only one of the suggested statements (29.1-29.5).

If the variant is set by the teacher, you can enter or upload answers to the tasks with a detailed answer into the system. The teacher will see the results of the tasks with a short answer and will be able to rate the uploaded answers to the tasks with a detailed answer. The points given by the teacher will appear in your statistics.

Version for printing and copying in MS Word

Revolution and reform are

1) social institutions

2) forms of social transformations

3) elements of society as a system

4) types of social connections


Relative truth as opposed to absolute

1) contains objective knowledge about the subject

2) always relies on common sense

3) can be refuted over time

4) is the result of sensory and rational knowledge


The creativity of the rock group U-2 is based on the synthesis of modern rock music and traditional Celtic melodies. The group conducts world tours and gathers 20 thousand stadiums for their concerts, has a commercial success. This example helps to illustrate the relationship between such forms of culture as

1) mass and elite

2) elite and popular

3) mass and popular

4) traditional and elite


Are the following judgments about contemporary culture true?

A. In modern culture, numerous forms and varieties of culture are represented: mass, elite, folk, screen and others.

B.The works of modern culture are available only to a narrow circle of art connoisseurs, highly educated intellectuals.

1) only A is true

2) only B is true

3) both statements are true

4) both judgments are wrong


Only in a market economy, the state

1) introduces indirect taxes

2) reallocates funds using the budget

3) regulates supply and demand

4) provides legislative protection of competition


Firm "Sirius" is engaged in the development of computer programs for organizing the accounting system in enterprises. What, in the example of a firm, corresponds to such a factor of production as capital?

1) computers and software

2) system administrators, programmers, operators

3) management of the company and its owners

4) commercial contracts with clients and partners


Which of these measures can the government of the country introduce to combat the threat of default, in order to avoid rising prices and increasing dependence on external creditors?

1) an increase in social spending, first of all, public sector wages and pensions

2) growth of borrowing in foreign markets, additional issue of paper money

3) reduction of maintenance costs state apparatus, armed forces, social sphere


The picture shows the situation on the book market: the supply line S has moved to a new position S1. (P - product price, Q - product supply volume)

This movement may be associated primarily with (co)

1) lower taxes on book publishing firms

2) an increase in consumer demand for books and magazines

3) conversion of publishing houses to release media products and e-books

4) state order for publishers to publish school textbooks

5) increasing taxes on book publishing firms


Are the following judgments about the Central Bank correct?

A.The Central Bank licenses the activities of commercial banks.

B.The central bank is the bank of issue.

1) only A is true

2) only B is true

3) both statements are true

4) both judgments are wrong


Relatively stable and independent ties that arise between social groups, as well as within them in the process of life and activity, are called

1) social mobility

2) social relations

3) social system

4) social stratification


Below are data from a survey conducted by the All-Russian Public Opinion Research Center (VTsIOM). The respondents were asked the question: "Are you satisfied with the quality of housing and communal services?" The survey results are presented in a bar graph.

What conclusion can be drawn from the data presented?

1) Both in 2005 and in 2007, among all categories of respondents, respondents who were satisfied with the quality of housing and communal services dominated.

2) The number of respondents who were not satisfied with the quality of housing and communal services decreased by 2007.

3) The number of respondents fully satisfied with the quality of housing and communal services in 2007 was one third of the respondents.

4) The number of respondents satisfied with the quality of housing and communal services in 2007 is less than in 2005.


Are the following judgments about trends in the development of the social sphere correct?

A. In the context of informatization and computerization, the increasing role of high technologies in social sphere the number of workers in high-tech industries and services is growing.

B. The leading role in the social sphere of the advanced countries of the world is played by a large and influential middle class, including people economically independent of the state.

1) only A is true

2) only B is true

3) both statements are true

4) both judgments are wrong


The political attitude to search for compromises is based on the possibility of reaching agreement, making decisions on the principle of unanimity, which is called

1) by consensus

2) pluralism

3) democracy

4) federalism


It is possible to determine the form of government in the state on the basis of information about (about)

1) methods of exercising state power

2) the order of the relationship between the central government and local authorities

3) the size of the territory of the state and the number of population

4) the procedure for the formation and operation of the highest bodies of state power


The state banned the activities of one political party. What additional Information will make it possible to draw a conclusion about the features of the political regime existing in this state?

1) the degree of monopolization of the economy

2) the method of electing the head of state

3) the goals of this political party

4) the structure of the legislature


The lowest, primary, structural link in the system of Russian law is

1) institute of law

2) branch of law

3) legal norm

4) subsector of law


The constitution from all others federal laws distinguishes

1) supreme legal force

2) compulsory for all citizens

3) state security

4) regulatory nature


At what age in civil legal relations of the Russian Federation does the full legal capacity of citizens come?

4) from the age of 21


The enterprise is collectively owned. Some owners are responsible for the economic activities of the enterprise with all their property, others - only in the amount of the contributions made. The first category of owners has an advantage in enterprise management. What is the legal form of this organization?

1) full partnership

2) production cooperative

3) limited partnership (limited partnership)

4) state unitary enterprise


Are the following judgments about regulatory legal acts correct?

A. There are the following types of regulations: constitution and other laws, bylaws.

B. Laws differ from subordinate normative legal acts in that they are adopted by the executive authorities.

1) only A is true

2) only B is true

3) both statements are true

4) both judgments are wrong


Write down the word missing in the outline.


A number of terms are listed below. All of them, with the exception of two, are characteristic costs of the firm.

1) accounting

2) external

3) variables

4) permanent

5) technical

6) social

7) internal

Find two terms that "fall out" from the general row, and write down the numbers under which they are indicated in the answer.


Establish a correspondence between misconduct and types of legal liability. For each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

Write down the numbers in the answer, arranging them in the order corresponding to the letters:



Find the historical forms of the ethnic group in the list below and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

3) nationality

5) state


Read the text below, each position marked with a specific letter.

(A) According to economists, the coming 2012 will be difficult for the euro area. (B) The most problematic, in our opinion, are the problems of the Greek debt. (B) It is likely that Greece will decide to leave the euro area. (D) Italy and Portugal also have serious debt problems.

Determine which text positions are worn

1) factual nature

2) the nature of value judgments

Write down the numbers in the answer, arranging them in the order corresponding to the letters:



Read the text below where a number of words are missing. Select from the provided list the words to be inserted in place of the blanks.

The main means of dealing with ________ (A) can be called legal liability. Let's name its main features. Legal liability is assigned only for the offense, only on behalf of ________ (B) and involves the use of measures ________ (C). Types of legal liability are classified according to ________ (D) law. The most severe type of responsibility is ________ (D), since it occurs for the commission of ________ (E).

The words in the list are given in the nominative case. Each word (phrase) can be used only once. Choose one word after another in sequence, mentally filling in each gap. Note that there are more words in the list than you need to fill in the blanks.

List of terms:

The following table lists letters for missing words. Write down the number of the word you have chosen in the table under each letter.



In the town of Z, only one company provides electricity, heating, and water supply to residents' houses. Select the characteristics of this market from the list below and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) the market for means of production

2) pure competition

3) local market

4) market deficit

5) monopoly

6) service market


Find a concept that is generalizing to all other concepts in the series below. Write down this word (phrase).

Parliament, government, court of general jurisdiction, authority, court of Arbitration.


Public goods


Public goods

Public goods are goods, the benefits from the use of which are inseparably distributed throughout society, regardless of whether or not some of its representatives want to acquire this good.

Public goods are paid for by general taxation rather than bought by individual consumers in the market. An example of a public good is the national defense system because it concerns everyone equally.

Note that in addition to public goods, there are also social "anti-goods" - phenomena that evenly impose costs on a group of people. In economic theory, the term "externalities" is used to denote them. These are unwanted by-products of production or consumption: the greenhouse effect, in which the combustion of minerals threatens global climate change; waste air, water and soil pollution chemical industry, the production of energy or the use of cars; acid rain; radioactive releases due to nuclear weapons tests; thinning of the ozone layer.

Distinguish between pure public goods and pure private goods.

A pure public good is a good that is collectively consumed by all people, whether they pay for it or not. It is impossible to obtain utility from the provision of a pure public good by a single consumer.

A pure private good is a good that can be shared among people in such a way that there is no benefit or cost to others. If the efficient provision of public goods often requires government action, then private goods can be effectively allocated by the market. Therefore, a pure private good brings utility only to the purchaser.

A number of goods are neither purely public nor purely private. For example, police services are, on the one hand, a public good, and on the other, by revealing burglaries, they provide a private service to a specific person.

Pure public goods have two main characteristics.

1. Pure public goods have the property of non-selectivity in consumption, which means that for a given volume of the good, its consumption by one person does not reduce the availability for others.

2. Consumption of pure public goods does not have exclusivity in consumption, that is, it is not an exclusive right. This means that consumers who are unwilling to pay for such goods cannot be deprived of the opportunity to consume them. A pure public good cannot be produced in "small portions" that could be sold through a cash register.

Read the text and complete assignments 21-24.

Public goods

Public goods are goods, the benefits from the use of which are inseparably distributed throughout society, regardless of whether or not some of its representatives want to acquire this good.

Public goods are paid for by general taxation rather than bought by individual consumers in the market. An example of a public good is the national defense system because it concerns everyone equally.

Note that in addition to public goods, there are also social "anti-goods" - phenomena that evenly impose costs on a group of people. In economic theory, the term "externalities" is used to denote them. These are unwanted by-products of production or consumption: the greenhouse effect, in which the combustion of minerals threatens global climate change; air, water and soil pollution by waste from the chemical industry, energy production or the use of cars; acid rain; radioactive releases due to nuclear weapons tests; thinning of the ozone layer.

Distinguish between pure public goods and pure private goods.

A pure public good is a good that is collectively consumed by all people, whether they pay for it or not. It is impossible to obtain utility from the provision of a pure public good by a single consumer.

A pure private good is a good that can be shared among people in such a way that there is no benefit or cost to others. If the efficient provision of public goods often requires government action, then private goods can be effectively allocated by the market. Therefore, a pure private good brings utility only to the purchaser.

A number of goods are neither purely public nor purely private. For example, police services are, on the one hand, a public good, and on the other, by revealing burglaries, they provide a private service to a specific person.

Pure public goods have two main characteristics.

1. Pure public goods have the property of non-selectivity in consumption, which means that for a given volume of the good, its consumption by one person does not reduce the availability for others.

2. Consumption of pure public goods does not have exclusivity in consumption, that is, it is not an exclusive right. This means that consumers who are unwilling to pay for such goods cannot be deprived of the opportunity to consume them. A pure public good cannot be produced in "small portions" that could be sold through a cash register.

(G. S. Vechkanoe, G. R. Vechkanova)

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The next page will ask you to test them yourself.

The authors characterize pure public goods and pure private goods. Based on the text, give the characteristics of each of the types of benefits, illustrate each type of benefits with one specific example.

Read the text and complete assignments 21-24.

Public goods

Public goods are goods, the benefits from the use of which are inseparably distributed throughout society, regardless of whether or not some of its representatives want to acquire this good.

Public goods are paid for by general taxation rather than bought by individual consumers in the market. An example of a public good is the national defense system because it concerns everyone equally.

Note that in addition to public goods, there are also social "anti-goods" - phenomena that evenly impose costs on a group of people. In economic theory, the term "externalities" is used to denote them. These are unwanted by-products of production or consumption: the greenhouse effect, in which the combustion of minerals threatens global climate change; air, water and soil pollution by waste from the chemical industry, energy production or the use of cars; acid rain; radioactive releases due to nuclear weapons tests; thinning of the ozone layer.

Distinguish between pure public goods and pure private goods.

A pure public good is a good that is collectively consumed by all people, whether they pay for it or not. It is impossible to obtain utility from the provision of a pure public good by a single consumer.

A pure private good is a good that can be shared among people in such a way that there is no benefit or cost to others. If the efficient provision of public goods often requires government action, then private goods can be effectively allocated by the market. Therefore, a pure private good brings utility only to the purchaser.

A number of goods are neither purely public nor purely private. For example, police services are, on the one hand, a public good, and on the other, by revealing burglaries, they provide a private service to a specific person.

Pure public goods have two main characteristics.

1. Pure public goods have the property of non-selectivity in consumption, which means that for a given volume of the good, its consumption by one person does not reduce the availability for others.

2. Consumption of pure public goods does not have exclusivity in consumption, that is, it is not an exclusive right. This means that consumers who are unwilling to pay for such goods cannot be deprived of the opportunity to consume them. A pure public good cannot be produced in "small portions" that could be sold through a cash register.

(G. S. Vechkanoe, G. R. Vechkanova)

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The next page will ask you to test them yourself.

Read the text and complete assignments 21-24.

Public goods

Public goods are goods, the benefits from the use of which are inseparably distributed throughout society, regardless of whether or not some of its representatives want to acquire this good.

Public goods are paid for by general taxation rather than bought by individual consumers in the market. An example of a public good is the national defense system because it concerns everyone equally.

Note that in addition to public goods, there are also social "anti-goods" - phenomena that evenly impose costs on a group of people. In economic theory, the term "externalities" is used to denote them. These are unwanted by-products of production or consumption: the greenhouse effect, in which the combustion of minerals threatens global climate change; air, water and soil pollution by waste from the chemical industry, energy production or the use of cars; acid rain; radioactive releases due to nuclear weapons tests; thinning of the ozone layer.

Distinguish between pure public goods and pure private goods.

A pure public good is a good that is collectively consumed by all people, whether they pay for it or not. It is impossible to obtain utility from the provision of a pure public good by a single consumer.

A pure private good is a good that can be shared among people in such a way that there is no benefit or cost to others. If the efficient provision of public goods often requires government action, then private goods can be effectively allocated by the market. Therefore, a pure private good brings utility only to the purchaser.

A number of goods are neither purely public nor purely private. For example, police services are, on the one hand, a public good, and on the other, by revealing burglaries, they provide a private service to a specific person.

Pure public goods have two main characteristics.

1. Pure public goods have the property of non-selectivity in consumption, which means that for a given volume of the good, its consumption by one person does not reduce the availability for others.

2. Consumption of pure public goods does not have exclusivity in consumption, that is, it is not an exclusive right. This means that consumers who are unwilling to pay for such goods cannot be deprived of the opportunity to consume them. A pure public good cannot be produced in "small portions" that could be sold through a cash register.

(G. S. Vechkanoe, G. R. Vechkanova)

The solutions for the expanded answer tasks are not automatically checked.
The next page will ask you to test them yourself. The next page will ask you to test them yourself. Using social science knowledge, compose complex plan, allowing to reveal in essence the theme "The ecological crisis as a global problem of our time." The plan should contain at least three points, of which two or more are detailed in sub-points. To illustrate, formulated by you theoretical provisions, reasoning and conclusions, give at least two facts / examples from various sources. Each cited fact / example should be formulated in detail and clearly associated with the illustrated position, reasoning, conclusion.

C9.1. Philosophy "The salvation of mankind lies in the heart of man, in the ability of man for self-knowledge, in human meekness and in human responsibility" (V. Havel)

C9.2. Social psychology "For a person who does not know which harbor he is heading to, no wind will be on the way" (Lucius Annei Seneca)

C9.3. Economy “All your life, clinging to a stable job is much more risky than taking the risk to learn how to create a business. One risk is temporary, while the other is lifelong. ”(Robert Kiyosaki)

C9.4. Sociology "Dependence on family life makes a person more moral" (A. Pushkin)

C9.5. Political science “In a democracy, the ignorance of one voter can hurt all

the rest "(JF Kennedy)

C9.6. Jurisprudence “Laws are like a spider's web: if the powerless and light falls into them, they will withstand, if the big one, he will tear them apart and break free” (Solon)

Answers to tasks 1–20 are a number, or a sequence of numbers, or a word (phrase). Write your answers in the fields to the right of the assignment number without spaces, commas, or other additional characters.


Write down the word that is missing in the table.

Forms of territorial structure


In the row below, find a concept that is generalizing to all the other concepts presented. Write down this word (phrase).

1) The need for recognition from other people 2) the desire for career growth 3) the social need 4) the need for support from loved ones 5) the need for communication.


A number of terms are listed below. All of them, with the exception of two, characterize the dynamic nature of society.

1) development, 2) static, 3) regression, 4) decline, 5) progress, 6) consistency.

Find two terms "out of the ordinary" and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.


Choose the correct judgments about the employment contract.

1. An employment contract is drawn up on the basis of civil law norms.

2. The employment contract defines the obligations of the employee.

3. An employment contract cannot worsen the working conditions stipulated by the current legislation.

4. The subject of the labor contract is the result of labor.

5. An employment contract is valid for a period not exceeding 1 year.


Establish a correspondence between the characteristics of the republican form of government (indicated by letters) and the type of republic (indicated by numbers).


Art is different from other forms of spiritual culture. What are the features of art?

1. Works of art are an aesthetic reflection of the surrounding world.

2. Art is aimed at the practical development of the surrounding world.

3. Works of art are designed to improve the quality of a person's daily life.

4. Art is designed to solve fundamental ideological problems.

5. Art has an aesthetic impact on a person.

6. The main goal of art is the search for truth.


Choose the correct judgments about financial institutions and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1. The state's gold and foreign exchange reserves are kept in several commercial banks.

2. The central bank monopolistically issues money.

3. The central bank sets the inflation rate.

4. The central bank finances production.

5. Commercial banks provide loans to individuals and businesses.


Establish a correspondence between the example (indicated by letters) and the factor of production (indicated by numbers).


In country X, parliamentary elections are held using a mixed electoral system. What are the features of this electoral system?

1.Elections are held in majoritarian districts

2.the majority of seats in parliament are won by representatives of the winning parties

3. Deputies are elected by those who have overcome a certain percentage threshold

4.Elections are held both by party lists and by territorial districts

6.A voter receives two ballots at the polling station


A survey was conducted among schoolchildren in the region about what can be called a good deed. The results of the survey (in percentage terms) are presented in the table.

Analyze the information received. What conclusions can be drawn from the table?

1. The largest number of respondents consider it a good deed to take care of the elderly.

2. Among the respondents there are more of those who consider caring for children a good deed than those who consider any disinterested help a good deed.

3. An equal share of the respondents consider any disinterested assistance and struggle against social injustice a good deed.

4. Every fifth student considers everything that is done from a pure heart to be a good deed.

5. Every tenth student surveyed considers it a good deed to help people in trouble.


Choose the right judgments that illustrate taxpayer rights in the Russian Federation.

1. Payment of legally imposed taxes

2. Carrying out, in the cases stipulated by law, in the established procedure, accounting for income and expenses.

3. Obtaining a deferral, installment plan or investment tax credit in the manner and under the conditions established by tax legislation.

4. Providing the tax authorities with documents and information necessary for calculating and paying taxes.

5. Appealing, in accordance with the procedure established by law, against decisions of tax authorities and actions of their officials.

6. Provision of information to tax authorities within ten days on the decision taken to liquidate (reorganize) a legal entity.


Schoolchildren and their parents in city C were asked the question: "What factors determine the level of development of education in the modern world?" The data obtained is presented in the diagram.

Factors affecting the level of education development

What conclusions can be drawn from the data in the diagram?

1. The development of education largely depends on the existing system of legislation in the country.

2. The level of development of education is equally influenced by the legal system and family education.

3. Family education has no significant impact on the level of education development.

4. Every eighth of the respondents could not decide on the answer.

5. Most of the interviewed respondents are sure that the development of education is directly related to the economic standard of living of society.


Choose the right judgments about charismatic power.

1. Charismatic power is based on tradition and custom.

2. It is characteristic of charismatic power to attribute exceptional qualities to a leader.

3. Charismatic power is not stable and long-term.

4. Such authority is based on rational rules of conduct.

5. Charismatic authority is based on legal norms that must be followed.


Establish a correspondence between the sign (indicated by letters) and the type of social norms (indicated by a number).


State Q's expenditures in the current year have exceeded the amount of collected tax and duty revenues. Which of the following signs confirm these conclusions?

1. increased labor productivity in enterprises of all forms of ownership

2.the number of private enterprises has increased

3.the state budget is in deficit

4.decreased consumer spending

5.the number of foreign investors increased

6.the government raises excise taxes on some goods


What types of contracts must be notarized?

1.marriage contract

2. buying and selling household appliances

3. work contract

4. annuity agreement agreement


You are invited to prepare a presentation on the system of Russian law. Which of the following can be included in the Civil Law slide? Write down the numbers below which the relevant provisions are indicated.

1. The sources of law include customs (customs of business).

2. Unlike other industries, it has one source of law, which designates all types of crimes as the most dangerous unlawful acts of people.

3. The relationship of the parties is built on the basis of the following principles: equality of the parties, property independence, independence, autonomy of will.

4. The types of punishment for violations of the norms of this branch of law include restriction of freedom, compulsory work.

5. One side of legal relations regulated by this industry is often endowed with state and power powers in relation to the other side.

6. The objects of rights include intangible goods.


The government of State S pursues a policy of protectionism. What non-tariff methods can be used to protect domestic producers?

1.customs tariffs



4.customs duties




Auto mechanic Roman found a new job in his specialty. To conclude an employment contract, he brought military registration documents and a work book. What else, according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, does the novel have to present to the employer? Write down the numbers under which the relevant documents are indicated.

1.Certificate of registration of ownership of residential premises certificate of state pension insurance

3.Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation notice

5.the diploma of specialized education

6. extract from financial and personal account

Read the text below where a number of words are missing. Select from the provided list the words to be inserted in place of the blanks.


Bank loan - an amount of money issued by a bank for a certain period on the basis of repayment and payment specified in the agreement ______ (A). The agreement between the bank (lender) and the citizen (borrower) indicates the amount of the loan, its purpose, repayment period, interest paid to the bank for the loan, ______ (B) money to the bank. Interest is the price paid to the owner of money for using ______ (B) over a specified period of time. Loan repayment can be one-time or by installments; payments are usually made monthly. Loans to individuals are provided in two main forms: personal loans (without specifying the purpose of the loan), issued usually under a personal signature and with payment by installments, and ______ (D). The most widespread type of lending to citizens in the world is a consumer loan. It is provided by the bank to citizens for the purchase of consumer goods with payment by installments. The loan allows you to actively use the free funds of some for the needs of others. Credit ______ (D) is the most profitable item in the banking business, but also risky. There is a possibility of non-repayment of the loan, non-payment of interest, violation of the loan repayment terms. Banks seek to mitigate these risks and are seeking and developing effective methods for assessing ______ (E) borrowers.

Words (phrases) in the list are given in the nominative case. Each word (phrase) can be used only once.

Choose sequentially one word (phrase) after another, mentally filling in each gap. Please note that there are more words (phrases) in the list than you need to fill in the blanks.

List of terms:





5. consumer credit


7.Return guarantee


9. borrowed funds

Part 2.

First write down the task number (28, 29, etc.), and then the detailed answer to it. Write down the answers clearly and legibly.

Read the text and complete assignments 21-24.

“The term“ totalitarianism ”is used in three aspects: 1) political and ideological: for example, during the Cold War, the concept of totalitarianism was used to substantiate the confrontation between two political systems; 2) emotional-evaluative: the media and everyday consciousness use it to negatively assess various aspects of life; 3) scientific. Used so intensely, this concept itself requires a precise scientific definition. Otherwise, the now popular term "totalitarianism" risks turning into a verbal cliche, which does not explain so much as confuses the content of the political situation of our recent past and will only add to a long line of verbal cliches. Karl Friedrich and Zbigniew Brzezinski proposed their own definition of a totalitarian regime, which has become classical in Western political science, in their book "Totalitarian Dictatorship and Autocracy" (1956). They identified 6 basic criteria of totalitarianism, which are called the "totalitarian syndrome":

1) the only mass party led by a charismatic leader and absorbing a relatively small part of the population (up to 10%), whose core is unwaveringly devoted to ideology; this party is organized according to the oligarchic principle and, as a rule, either stands above the bureaucratic state organization, or is completely intertwined with it;

2) the official ideology, covering all vital aspects of human existence and which must be recognized by all;

3) monopoly on the media;

4) monopoly on all means of armed struggle;

5) a system of terrorist police control, directed not only against the "enemies" of the regime, but also against arbitrarily chosen groups and classes, the population;

6) a centralized system of control and management of the economy.

Despite the fact that this definition is considered classical, the question of whether the selected features are mandatory for the recognition of the regime as totalitarian, whether they are sufficient for an exhaustive description of the phenomenon of totalitarianism, is still controversial. It seems not entirely justified to single out such a feature as a monopoly on all means of armed struggle as a criterion for a totalitarian regime. In our opinion, any political regime has such material appendages as the army, police, state security organs and strives for complete control over them.

We also consider it legitimate to classify totalitarian regimes into moderate and harsh. The main difference between moderate totalitarianism and tough totalitarianism is that in the former, private property is not abolished, only partial nationalization and confiscation of property of opponents of the regime is carried out; moreover, large-scale private property becomes the basis of the rapidly growing military-industrial complex. On the contrary, rigid totalitarianism is built on the basis of complete socialization, that is, nationalization and confiscation of all private property. A moderate totalitarian regime is engaged in economic and productive activities only as an exception and only in the strategically most important branches of the military industry. For a socialist totalitarian system, production and distribution are its main functions. "

(Based on the work of A. A. Shanin "Totalitarian regime")

Show answer

Aspects are named: 1) political-ideological, 2) emotional-evaluative, 3) scientific.

The explanation is given: the term must be scientifically defined, otherwise it will become a "verbal cliche".

Show answer

  • Authors: K. Friedrich and 3. Brzezinski;
  • Criteria: 1) the only mass party; 2) the official ideology, recognized by all; 3) monopoly on the media; 4) monopoly on all means of armed struggle; 5) the system of terrorist police control; 6) a centralized system of control and management of the economy.


1. any political regime has such material appendages as the army, police, state security organs;

2. any regime seeks complete control over the army, police, state security organs;

3. any regime uses all forms of violence if it finds it appropriate and is able to lead the security forces to protect its interests.

Write out a sentence from the text that indicates that the author of the text created his own classification of totalitarian regimes. Name two main differences between the different types of totalitarian regimes named by the author of the text. Give two examples of totalitarian regimes in the past or in the present.

Show answer

  • "We also consider it legitimate to classify totalitarian regimes into moderate and harsh."
  • The main differences are: 1) a moderate totalitarian regime preserves private property - a tough totalitarian regime liquidates private property, 2) carries out partial nationalization (confiscation) of private property - a tough totalitarian regime carries out a complete nationalization of private property; 3) relies on big capital and the military-industrial complex - the support of rigid totalitarianism is state property; 4) moderate - is engaged in economic activity only in case of emergency, and for tough - this is the main type of activity (function);
  • Examples of totalitarian regimes: Hitlerite Germany 1933-1945; the Stalinist regime in the USSR; modern regime in the DPRK.

What is the meaning of social scientists in the concept of "individual labor dispute"? Drawing on knowledge of the social science course, make two sentences: one about the regulatory documents that determine the procedure for settlement, and the other - an example of an individual labor dispute.

Show answer

  • An individual labor dispute is a disagreement that arises between an employee and an employer on the application of legislation and other labor regulations, a collective agreement and other labor agreements.
  • An individual labor dispute is settled in accordance with the labor legislation of the Russian Federation (the laws of the Russian Federation); 2) a dispute over the establishment or change of individual working conditions; dispute in case of refusal to hire; dispute in the event of illegal (disputed legality) dismissal.

All norms of law are enshrined in the sources of law. Sources of law are what the practice is guided by in solving legal cases. Name three sources of law, illustrate each of them with an example.

Show answer

  1. Regulatory legal act of the established form. For example, the law on education, adopted by the State Duma of the Russian Federation.
  2. By-law. For example, a resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation detailing the application of the law.
  3. Regulatory contract. For example, an agreement between two states on cooperation in any area.
  4. Legal precedent. For example, an incident or event that took place in the past and is an example or basis for making a decision in the present.
  5. Legal custom. For example, historically established rules of conduct that were subsequently incorporated into the law.
  6. 3) Constitutional principles of electoral law:

    a) universality of the electoral right;

    b) equal suffrage;

    c) direct suffrage;

    e) voluntary participation in elections.

    4) The procedure for the election of the President of the Russian Federation.

    5) Legislative regulation of elections to the State Duma of the Russian Federation.

    6) Elections to local government bodies.

    A different number and (or) other correct wording of points and sub-points of the plan are possible. They can be presented in denominational, question or mixed forms.

    By completing task 29, you can show your knowledge and skills on the content that is more attractive to you. For this purpose, select only ONE of the statements below (29.1-29.5).

    Select one of the statements below, reveal its meaning in the form of a mini-essay, indicating, if necessary, different aspects of the problem posed by the author (the topic raised).

    When presenting your thoughts on the problem raised (the designated topic), when arguing your point of view, use the knowledge gained in studying the course of social studies, the relevant concepts, as well as the facts of social life and your own life experience. (Give at least two examples from various sources for factual reasoning.)

    29.1. Philosophy "Live and let others live." (G.R.Derzhavin)

    29.2. Economy "Three things make a nation great and prosperous: fertile soil, vibrant industry, and the ease of movement of people and goods." (Francis Bacon)

    29.3. Sociology, social psychology "I conquer my enemies by making them friends." (Abraham Lincoln)

    29.4. Political science "The greater the sense of responsibility, the less the lust for power." (Stefan Garczynski)

    29.5. Jurisprudence "Where there is law, there is a means of protecting it." (Latin dictum)

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