When public sector employees get higher wages. School Librarian When a salary increase for school librarians

Read also: How much do Arshavin pay in "Kuban" The workers of the most significant part of libraries are in the most deplorable situation: school librarians, employees of municipal public libraries, rural librarians. Funding is so meager that in some cases librarians are forced to buy stationery with their own beggarly salaries. In 2005, the government realized the risks of losing the country's cultural heritage in the form of library funds, reducing general level education, mass lumpenization of the population, disintegration of the library system created over the previous decades. The Government Decree No. 740 of December 8, 2005 formulated the Concept for the Development of Librarianship until 2015.

Review of salary statistics for the profession of librarian in russia

Analysts are reassuring, arguing that so far there has been no word of mass layoffs anywhere. True, there is also such an unpleasant moment as optimization.

Today it has touched many. The main emphasis in carrying out such events is made on the merger of several similar objects for the purpose of compaction. So, today schools and kindergartens are massively united.

Naturally, against this background, there is a decrease in the number of teachers and teachers, incl. and librarians. So some layoffs will still affect. This moment must be taken into account as an indisputable fact and begin to increase your professional quality or try to get a second education.
Alternatively, you can complete the courses and be insured against losing your job - you can find an adequate replacement.

Latest news on salaries for librarians in 2017

Librarian salary

Salary increase school librarians has already happened along with the change in their official status. Most of this category of employees has a pedagogical education, which allows them to change their incomes, equating them to the status of teachers.


In the specialty of a teacher-librarian, salaries are now calculated at a different, higher rate. If we talk about the size of the traditional annual indexing against the background of inflation, it will correspond to the level of the latter - about 6 percent.

Salaries for librarians in 2017 The increase in salaries for librarians in 2017 is an issue that is already being discussed quite actively in society and various Internet communities. As for the government, there have not been any particularly heated discussions there yet. It's obvious that this question not a priority for the legislature.

Librarian salary in Russia, Kazakhstan and Ukraine 2017


So, for example, a librarian of the 1st category must have higher education, he was assigned a grade from 9 to 11, and in 2011 the maximum salary without allowances and other payments was 9,708 rubles. Taking into account allowances, bonuses and other payments, the salary of a library employee with a high rank rarely exceeds 15,000 rubles.

The issue of increasing wages to employees budgetary sphere, to which librarians are also ranked, is very acute. The government planned to increase public sector salaries several times until 2018.

However, the government simply has no money. Therefore, the indexation of wages, especially against the background of inflation and the economic crisis, is practically invisible. According to the Minister of Finance, the planned indexation of librarians' salaries in 2017 should take place: the Government intends to find funds to fulfill social guarantees.

Will there be an increase in librarians' salaries in 2016?

Salaries of Librarians in Russia In the country, the level of salaries for librarians remains not just small, but catastrophically low. In addition, quite a few vacancies are open in this area in the regions.

The leader in terms of the number of offers is the Moscow region, at the end of October there were 45 open vacancies, Nizhny Novgorod, Leningradskaya, Samara region and Krasnodar Territory - 30-40 vacancies. There are no more than 500 actual offers in Russia in total. There were no significant changes in the level of income in the profession in 2016.

As of the end of 2015 average salary librarian in Russia was 11,150 rubles. In the spring of 2016, the average level dropped to 10,000 rubles, but by the fall it returned to its previous readings and even increased slightly - to 11,512 rubles.

Whether there will be an increase in the salary of librarians in 2017 worries today every representative of this cultural craft. Today they have very low salaries, the government is constantly considering and revising this issue.

The profession of a librarian appeared a long time ago, once he was called the keeper of books. Today, it is not popular, and in ancient times it was considered honorable. 4, 5 thousand years ago men preferred this position. A person of this profession owns the information base of a library or organization, he has a fairly wide range of daily activities at work.

What does a librarian do in the workplace

To choose such a profession, you need to be very fond of books, because for a full life, the paycheck of the keeper of intellectual value is hardly enough. And the requirements for hiring are not as tough as they used to be. For example, the applicant does not have to have a linguistics and higher education diploma.

All property of the library is under the supervision of this employee, who is responsible for everything that happens in the hall or office. A professional in his field, he is guided among the variety of literature and will help any reader to find the right copy in a matter of minutes.

Librarians also need to look after books and magazines that are gradually deteriorating. Usually, it is pleasant to deal with these specialists, because they are always polite and sympathetic, well-read and competent themselves. The modern librarian owns computer technology... Nowadays, more and more informational versions of books are used in the halls, the originals can be seen behind glass.

What are the earnings of library staff today

Even information on whether the salaries of librarians will be increased in 2017 in Russia is discussed on the pages of Internet portals. The average income of a specialist in this profession is about 10-15 thousand rubles. These are not rosy figures that make you think whether modern society needs cultural professionals.

It is difficult for a librarian to live on his income, so he has to either look for all sorts of part-time jobs, and devote little time to improving himself both personally and professionally, or become an irritated person who does not perform his duties well. Few stay in this position, as a rule, they are fans of the profession and literature. All this has long prompted the public to raise the issue of raising the salary of the librarian.

What does the government decide about the income of librarians

The Department of Culture has already decided on the salary of the library employee next year. Its leadership says that 2017 will be a joyful year for cultural workers, their income will increase to 60 thousand rubles. monthly.

The latest official statements from the authorities inform that the indexation of librarians' salaries for 2017 will be equal to or slightly exceed the figure of 50,000 (in rubles).

Some time before the crisis in 20018, the head of our country signed a decree to increase the salaries of public sector workers, but after the fall economic indicators not just any professionals, but doctors and teachers, for example, saw a slight increase in their earnings. Raising the salary of the librarian was postponed until the economic situation improved.

While it is known that the minimum indexing is possible for sure, it is 4 - 5 percent... It all depends on the rise in inflation.

Will librarians be made redundant

This year there were many staff reductions, since enterprises could not fulfill their obligations to increase earnings for all employees, as required by the bill, people who remained in organizations began to receive higher incomes, precisely due to the reduction in the cost of wages of those who left.

Whether there will be a reduction in librarians in 2017 has yet to be announced. But, if you think about it, x does not work so much today, respectively, a little y federal budget the cost of these specialists.

There are suggestions that only a few librarians may lose their jobs next year, and this is because the authorities may close libraries in rural areas for inexpediency, because almost no one uses them, and it is necessary to maintain a working collective. City libraries will function, as always, with a permanent staff.

What is the demand for libraries and the need for librarians today

Until recently, Russia was considered one of the most widely read countries in the world.Now the number of book lovers has decreased. But, again, many people get the news they are interested in, and also read works and magazines online. In Soviet times, when the literacy of the population was rising, many people used free literature libraries.

The norm for the formation of a reading house is the number of residents in a city or village. Countryside has a threshold of 1,000 people, district center and in cities the potential number of readers is 2 - mind of a thousand people.

Also, book collections are located in different educational institutions. They contain textbooks, manuals, magazines and newspapers that are necessary for teaching students and teaching staff. In fact, citizens have needs that need to be met, including the use of free literary materials.

But, according to statistics, the number of libraries is decreasing. Closings have begun in 2011.Only in the period from 2013 to the 14th year 3, 4 thousand libraries disappeared, in 2014 340 storages with books were closed.The largest number of reading rooms ceased to exist in the villages.

The reason for the closure is considered to be the inefficiency of the halls. And this cannot but depend on the earnings of employees, because this is their motivation for quality work. Librarians' salaries in 2017 are expected to be higher than they are now.

Salary increase for librarians 2017, what's the latest news

Budgetary institutions have been undergoing reform since 2012. Reorganization and optimization should lead to the most rational spending of state funds. What will be saved should be used to increase the librarian's salary, as well as help improve the work of unclosed cultural and leisure organizations with reading rooms.

Funding for libraries is very low today.Reading rooms are becoming outdated because they are not being modernized, they do not quite fit into the present, since they practically do not develop during the crisis. And a lot is required: to allocate money for novelties of literature, and to equip the halls with computers, and to carry out monitoring among readers, which today is most interesting and in demand, finally, for repairs and payments to employees.

Increase of salaries for librarians in 2017, judging by the information that is announced last newswill not be as big as previously discussed. One should not be surprised that there are few applicants for such a position today. The person seems to be busy with some kind of hobby, and not work for which they should pay.

Now the question is about qualified people in the state.But without a justified assessment for labor, the situation is unlikely to be improved. It is also necessary to update the book fund, to attract readers with modern equipment, a cozy atmosphere and high-quality service, the possible holding of literary events (evenings) on the basis of libraries.

I would like the financing of modern reading rooms to be sufficient for their development, and, accordingly, for the domestication of the population. According to the head of the analytical center RANHIGS, the closure of libraries will negatively affect the socio-economic ascent of Russia, the cultural level of citizens, which may fall even more.

Maybe, library workers will receive only 4 percent, which is, on average, 460 rubles a month. Few agree to go out to work for small finances, as a rule, these are people of rural institutions, where there is absolutely no choice left. More than 50 percent of librarians work in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

The latest news that there will be a salary increase for librarians in 2017 makes you believe in the best, although it claims that there is not enough money in the budget. The Government is considering different solutions tasks of indexing the earnings of cultural professionals who hope only for the best.

Librarians are unjustly oppressed by modern society, which naively believes that they can live on a near-minimum wage. In their job duties includes very important functions that are not only in storing books, they still need to be able to understand them, which is a completely difficult task, although at first glance everything seems a little different. A question regarding will there be a salary increase for librarians in 2018, is considered very relevant today, because modern representatives of this profession earn maximum about 12,000 rubles per month, and the requirements for them are very high. Should we expect changes in this area in 2018?

The President, of course, took care of raising the salaries of public sector employees, but despite all the innovations, the salaries of library workers remain catastrophically low. Moreover, this problem is not the only one, because there are few vacancies in this area, and there are a lot of university graduates with the necessary education for such work. In modern times, the unquestioning leader in job offers to people of this profession is the Moscow region, and immediately behind it is the Krasnodar Territory, respectively, librarians salary in 2018 here it will be the highest (according to the law of supply and demand, there are vacancies available, so there are not enough people willing to take them).

In the above areas, the work of representatives of this field of activity is estimated at about 20-25 thousand rubles. However, on the territory of the remaining regions, the income of library staff barely reaches 15 thousand rubles (if we speak as frankly as possible, the average income usually does not exceed 12,000 rubles).

How is wages formed?

Discussing the latest news that there will be a salary increase for librarians in 2018,it is impossible not to additionally focus on what it is formed from. The fact is that the authorities changed the procedure for calculating the income of state employees (of which librarians are part) and now it depends on several components:

  • Unchanged salary, the size of which is determined in accordance with the employee's qualification group, his experience and position (he is about 40% of the total salaries);
  • monetary compensation paid to employees for extreme or harmful conditions labor, processing), the size of which is determined by law, because they add approximately more to the total income 15% of the amount;
  • Incentive surcharges - an innovation of 2017, which appeared as a result of the adoption of the system “ effective contracts», after all, with the help of bonuses, an employer can pay extra to employees for a work done well (they amount to about 42% of payments).

In general, it is worth mentioning separately that the possible increase in salaries for librarians in 2018 in Russia should also be regulated by an appropriate provision signed by the owner of the enterprise, where all possible reasons increase in employee salaries.

Additional innovations in 2018

According to the latest laws RF, only those people who have higher education can perform the duties of librarians. However, the update in the draft law on the assessment of qualifications suggests that now any person, even without education, can pass an aptitude test and receive completely legal permission to conduct further labor activity and career growth.

Further training is a completely voluntary matter, and the absence of this document will not bear any consequences, although “self-taught” can get a real chance when hiring. The only drawback is that the exams will be paid - either for an employee of the enterprise, or for an employer who is interested in obtaining this document.

Librarian benefits and compensation

Preparing for next year consists not only of discussing the question of whether salary increase for librarians 2018 in Russia, latest newsare the best evidence that you need to study and the special benefits provided to members of the profession by public authorities. Compensation is due to those people who perform work in difficult conditions, combine several positions immediately or work at night. Separately, it must be said that additional payments are assigned based on the results of a specially conducted certification.

Regarding librarians, a separate provision has been adopted, which provides for a special increase in income for working with a fund of 1000 books or the archive of an enterprise. The length of service is also regulated by a special provision of the laws of the Russian Federation and this indicator is encouraged by an appropriate allowance or an increasing coefficient to wages.

Are there any plans for reductions?

Unfortunately, it is impossible to say for sure about there will be a reduction in librarians in 2018or this event is not planned, because it will be possible to answer it only after the adoption of the budget for the above period. However, experts suggest that it is not worth worrying about job cuts, because the optimization of this area took place last year, and those institutions that were supposed to be closed have already been closed, respectively, and the vacated positions were cut. This year there is no need to cut jobs for representatives of this sector, because there are so few of them.

As a conclusion, it should be said that in 2018 the authorities will do everything to normalize the financial well-being of public sector workers, because the presidential elections in Russia are scheduled for this year. In the past, Vladimir Putin promised to significantly increase the income of state employees, and in order not to lose the confidence of voters, he will do everything possible to ensure that everything works out in accordance with his decrees. However, it is worth pondering - to what the "blind" adherence to promises, which are difficult to fulfill, can lead the country and, in particular, its economy in the future?

In June 1929, the "Library Campaign" began in the RSFSR - an educational campaign aimed at introducing regular visits to libraries into the everyday life of citizens. The “library trip” was a logical continuation of another educational campaign carried out by the state - the fight against illiteracy. Today, eighty-six years later, the system formed during the Soviet era is in a strange state. There seem to be libraries - everyone can remember where the district library is, but if anyone remembers the location of the district "reading room", he is unlikely to also answer when he last opened its doors.

One of the sore points is the salaries of librarians in 2018 and rumors about the promised increase in the salaries in the coming 2019.

Suitcase without handle

The library system in modern Russia is in many ways reminiscent of a suitcase with a torn handle: it is difficult to carry and cannot be abandoned. It's also a very large suitcase: there are an estimated 130,000 libraries in our country. different types... True, these calculations are very approximate - the latest official estimates total reading rooms in Russia are twenty years out of date. Hardly in better position cases in the CIS countries - in Kazakhstan, Ukraine.

The central library system is very extensive. Libraries belong to different departments: the largest funds are owned by the Ministry of Science and Education.

  1. The Ministry of Education operates 66,000 schools.
  2. In secondary specialized and higher educational institutions - 3000.
  3. About 6,000 institutions of specialized literature: medical, technical, agricultural.

The second large part belongs to the Ministry of Culture. In addition to museum holdings, this category includes publicly available public libraries. The same district ones. Almost 47,000 different municipalities, of which more than 75% are rural “reading rooms”.

The most a big problem library system - chronic underfunding. Not enough funds are allocated for modernization, for the formation of library funds. Libraries are located in rooms that have not been repaired for a long time, and some - 445 libraries, in openly emergency buildings. But a library is not only a building and books.

The existence of the library and its normal functioning is impossible without a librarian. Meanwhile, the salaries of librarians are among the lowest in the country. In most regions, the salaries of library workers are below the official subsistence level.

Got to do something

According to statistical data, not so long ago - in 2003 - the average salary of employees of ordinary district libraries was only 2,000 rubles. And in some regions, the salary of a librarian was generally ridiculous, for today's times, figures: 700 rubles. And this is despite the fact that the work of a librarian requires certain qualifications, and 40% of librarians have a higher education, including a specialized library education.

In the most deplorable situation are the workers of the most significant part of the libraries: school librarians, workers of municipal public libraries, rural librarians. Funding is so meager that in some cases librarians are forced to buy stationery with their own beggarly salaries.

In 2005, the government realized the risks of losing the country's cultural heritage in the form of library funds, a decline in the general level of education, mass lumpenization of the population, and the collapse of the library system created over the previous decades. The Government Decree No. 740 of December 8, 2005 formulated the Concept for the Development of Librarianship until 2015.

During the reform

In 2011, as part of the implementation of the Concept, the reform of the library system began, during which it is planned not only to revise legislative framework, but also to introduce a new, modern understanding of the essence of the activities of libraries. Officials, contemptuously calling libraries "book lending points", called for the transformation of book depositories with a book lending function into modern leisure media centers.

Reforms are a good thing, although, as historical experience shows, in most cases it is extremely painful for many direct participants. We will not comment on the results of the reform action, such as the amalgamation and enlargement of individual library units, the reduction of already understaffed librarians by laying off retirees who continued to work, talks about the introduction of uniforms for employees, the development of corporate identity and uniform interior design.

Stylish interior design is unlikely to increase the number of visitors, who, by the way, are now referred to as "users" rather than "readers". Metropolitan things do not contribute to the renewal of the book fund of rural libraries, which is physically outdated (paper books tend to wear out), and informative. Some libraries, the number of which is close to 50%, have not received new books for more than ten years.

Cadres are everything

Today, the salaries of librarians in different regions of the country can vary significantly. The amount of payments depends on the locality, and on the status of the library, and on the length of service, and on the categories and categories.

Until 2011, salary formation was based on the Unified Tariff Schedule. So, for example, a librarian of the 1st category must have a higher education, he was assigned a grade from 9 to 11, and in 2011 the maximum salary without allowances and other payments was 9,708 rubles. Taking into account allowances, bonuses and other payments, the salary of a library worker with a high rank rarely exceeds 15,000 rubles.

The issue of increasing the salaries of public sector employees, which includes librarians, is very acute. The government planned to increase public sector salaries several times until 2019. However, the government simply has no money. Therefore, the indexation of wages, especially against the backdrop of inflation and the economic crisis, is practically invisible.

According to the Minister of Finance, the planned indexation of librarians' salaries in 2019 should take place: the government intends to find funds to fulfill social guarantees. After all, it is difficult to implement the Concept of Librarianship Development without an increase in wages - it is difficult to lure young specialists into the library.


    It seems to me that "they will deceive us again, they will not give anything." will gobble up this increase (if there is still one). I, for example, did not feel absolutely nothing, this is me about the increase, which supposedly was in 2015. All this reminds me of a cartoon about a turtle that did not get into the seasons ... hard and sad not to live, but simply to survive with such kopecks. sorry for the children who do not see a lot of things, sorry for yourself, because after retirement you will receive the most meager pension even below your current salary. how to live ???

    I am the manager school library... The load is large. order, bring, collect and distribute textbooks to students. And everyone must be provided. Not in the fund, search in other schools. More literature on school curriculum… Children read a lot. Library lessons, various obligatory activities, reading conferences. All this is being done. There are about 1000 readers. One librarian. And all this for 8 thousand salaries. With payment utilities 5 thousand. It is impossible to live in such poverty! How could people be brought to such a miserable existence? Who of the young will go to work for us? None!.

    It is very difficult for a school librarian to exist in the current conditions. Even if a pensioner, then a beggarly pension, all the more, they stopped indexing. The work has become even more, because the library has been added, but the salary is still the same. The fund has not been replenished for many years; the literature program has changed, but there are no program works. You get out as best you can.

When they talk about the most important professions for people, for some reason they often miss work in libraries. But books - an integral part of culture and social development. The libraries themselves have existed for several thousand years and have been maintained throughout the entire period. people are librarians... Being a book keeper has always been an honor, and it was only with the development of technology that this work became something little understood by the majority.

However, even now this profession needs to be learned, since in addition to the obvious responsibilities - issuing and accounting for books - the library staff must understand the literature, help readers with the choice, know about the peculiarities of storing books, maintain and systematize the book fund. And besides, most libraries have introduced electronic system accounting and storage of information that you need to understand. So, despite the apparent simplicity, this activity requires a lot of knowledge, skills and true love for the chosen business.

Unfortunately, this dignified and important work is not being paid as well as it should be. Like most state employees, librarians fully felt the effect of the reform and the budget deficit. And without that too low salary is not indexed properly, and there is no question of an increase. With this article we will try to answer an important question,what will be the salary increase for librarians in 2017and the near future.

Actual situation

Quite a long time ago in Russia there was an opportunity for all people to take free necessary books for reading in the library... The norms for the formation of libraries is the number of inhabitants in the settlement. So, in rural settlements the threshold is 1 thousand potential readers, and in the city and region - 2 thousand. All educational institutions also have their own book fund, consisting of fiction and necessary for education. That is, in theory, the corresponding needs of the population must be satisfied.

However, statistics say this is not the case. Since 2011, the number of libraries has been steadily decreasing. In 2014, 340 institutions were closed, from 2011 to 2013 - 3.4 thousand. Their number corresponds to the indicators of almost a century ago. In this sense, rural libraries suffered especially, and this is a very sad fact.

The official reason for the closure is low efficiency. For many, it is not a secret - in 2012, a large-scale reform of budgetary institutions, which include libraries, was launched. It was decided to reorganize and optimize for more efficient use of funds from the treasury. In the future, the savings were to be used to improve the quality of the remaining institutions and

But no one began to understand the reasons for the low efficiency. It would be worth it. First of all, it is the lack of qualified personnel. The salaries of librarians are so low that, according to statistics, this work is the least interesting of similar ones, and there are fewer and fewer people willing to work. Secondly, lack of adequate funding... The book fund must be maintained, updated, the libraries themselves must be developed in accordance with the needs of the readers. And this requires funds that did not exist and do not exist until now. In short, libraries are ineffective because they are simply not interesting to readers. And instead of improving, they are simply closed... The trend is not very good. The director of the RANEPA analytical center, not without reason, believes that that this "will lead to cultural degradation, scientific and socio-economic backwardness of Russia."

Librarians' salary

One of the reasons for the inefficiency of libraries is the salaries of their staff. According to statistical data, in 2012 the average Russian income of librarians was only 10.2 thousand rubles. Today the figure is 11.5 thousand. Of course,indexation of salaries for librarians in Russiawas carried out. But increasing the meager salary by a percentage, the result will be the same meager. Now it is difficult to imagine that you can live on such amounts. Rather, it looks like a low-paying hobby. No wonder this profession is so unpopular.

It is obvious that in order to revive this area, it is necessary to attract qualified employees. And this is possible only in the case of an adequate assessment of their work. It also requires updating the book fund, appropriate modern equipment and other activities to attract readers.

2017 plans

Fresh news that there will be a salary increase for librarians in 2017, not happy yet... Many who are interested in the situation in the country know that a significant budget deficit does not allow raising salaries state employees. If only indexing is carried out for teachers and doctors, then what to say about the library workers. Of course, within the framework of a legislatively regulated increase by the amount of inflation for public sector employees,librarians salary in 2017 will still increase. But the amounts are still obscenely low. Thus, the planned 4% for librarians will be only 460 rubles.

Given the unemployment in the country, those who want to work for such ridiculous money are still there, but mostly in small towns.... They simply have no choice. But in big cities, where you can find work for a more decent salary, the issue is acute. So, almost 60% of vacancies in this specialty are opened in the capital and St. Petersburg. And yet it is possible thatthere will be a reduction in librarians in 2017.There is no additional funding for the library network due to the consequences of the economic crisis, and efficiency is not growing. And in the absence of money in the treasury, this is a good reason to save money.


In general, the situation in the library environment is deplorable. Workers are waitingsalary increase for librarians 2017, latest news only report budget deficits... Indexation, which will be at least a little noticeable for those whose salaries are close to the national average, is scanty for those with incomes at the level of the living wage. One thing pleases: problems are noticed in the governmentm level, solutions are proposed. Sure, this is unlikely to happen in the next year, but there is still hope .