How to recruit volunteers for classroom hours. Summary of the lesson on the topic "Who if not us?" Features of the volunteer movement in Russia

"Do good deeds"

Volunteer or volunteer -


their strength, talent and energy for

common good. Goodwill and

active life position, -

basic principles of volunteering.


Providing a positive influence on students when they choose life values;

Development of the volunteer movement at school;

Formation of positive attitudes of students towards volunteering.



Introduce volunteering


Promote the development of attention, memory, thinking, the ability to analyze and draw conclusions


Arouse interest in volunteering;

Foster a sense of mutual help, critical thinking and trusting relationships;

To teach to listen to the opinions of classmates, to respond correctly to their comments

Planned results:


Formulate the concept of a volunteer;

Learn to extract the information you need;

Generalize, draw conclusions


Develop cooperation skills;

Develop educational and cognitive interest;

Develop positive motivation for extracurricular activities


Teach you to plan your actions in accordance with the task;

Take into account different opinions, interests and justify your position

Formation of UUD:


 to develop high creative activity while performing collective tasks;

 evaluate your difficulties and achievements.


 contribute to the development of strong-willed qualities of students when including children in activities

Class hour progress:

In good faith, you always

Hurry to help you day and night.

Through days, weeks and years

You do good deeds.

Who is the poem talking about?

We are talking about volunteers. Volunteers, volunteer movement is the topic of our class hour.

In different parts of the world there is a tradition to devote a year to some important event or phenomenon. Russia did not stand aside in this matter, this practice has taken root in our country and is becoming more and more popular and significant. The past year was declared the Year of the Environment, and 2018 was declared by Russian President Vladimir Putin the Year of Volunteer and Volunteer. "This will be your year, the year of all citizens of the country, whose will, energy, generosity are the main strength of Russia," Putin said, speaking at the Volunteer of Russia award ceremony. The President of the Russian Federation noted that "there are more, more and more such examples of civic participation and solidarity every year."

In Russia, about seven million people are involved in the volunteer movement, and they are respected and supported in society.

According to polls, two-thirds of the population of our country is ready to help a stranger in trouble.

Who are called volunteers?

Translated from French, "volunteer" means "volunteer". Representatives of the volunteer movement sincerely believe that doing meaningful public Works and helping those in need should not be for the sake of material interest, but completely disinterestedly. In fact, a volunteer is a person who performs socially significant work free of charge. The reward for the work of volunteers is the appreciation and gratitude of people.

Features of the volunteer movement in Russia

The volunteer movement is based on the principle old as the world: if you want to feel like a human being, help another.

In Russia, the volunteer movement began to emerge in the late 80s, although if you look into history, it should be recognized that it has always existed, for example, in the form of a service of sisters of mercy, Timurov's and pioneer movements, all kinds of societies for the protection of nature and monuments. but modern development the volunteer movement has received in connection with the growing number of social problems, in the solution of which, in the current economic situation, volunteers are indispensable.

Volunteers are people who create shelters for homeless animals, help the elderly in hospitals and hospices, and are ready to search for missing people for days. Volunteers "Victory" take care of veterans, look after monuments to heroes of the Great Patriotic War. They call themselves one big volunteer family, because they are united by a common goal - to bring good to people.

Volunteers work in hospitals and social institutions, help find missing people, provide all possible assistance to victims of natural disasters, preserve nature and our cultural monuments, our culture, restore the names of dead soldiers, and help in major international events. There are more and more such examples of civic participation and solidarity every year!

Caring for our neighbors, mercy, readiness to come to the aid of the whole world, to serve the Fatherland - in the soul, in the character, in the culture of our people.

IN Russian Federation volunteers (unlike the pioneer and Komsomol organizations that once existed) are not united and do not have a single state or non-state support. It is possible to speak of the volunteer movement as a phenomenon only considering that all volunteers are guided in their activities by one general principle - to help people.

Volunteer movement as a form of social assistance

Volunteers provide active assistance to those segments of the population who most need participation and social care. Volunteers can often be found in social welfare services, in nursing homes. Volunteers also include institutions for people with disabilities and children's homes. Volunteers are involved in collecting things for those who were in the disaster zone or suffered after a fire.

This is not to say that in absolutely all cases the work of volunteers is not paid. But more often than not, volunteers work in exchange for the acquisition of experience, knowledge and skills, and the establishment of useful personal contacts. For young people, volunteering often becomes the first step on the path to professional growth and a way to make an informed choice of the future area of \u200b\u200btheir main activity.

The volunteer movement trains personnel for public and non-governmental organizations. Volunteers have invaluable experience social interaction and often they have a better command of the situation in their chosen field of activity than any officials. Volunteering contributes to the formation of leaders who are ready to take part in the activities of government and public structures responsible for work in social sphere.

Volunteering at school

Adults want to see adolescents as kind, sympathetic, sincere people. But these qualities do not arise by themselves. They need to be shaped and developed. In this important process, invaluable assistance in school country provides a volunteer movement. The older generation is closer to the word "volunteering", while the younger generation liked "volunteering". Why argue? Volunteers or volunteers are people who donate their time and energy for the benefit of others. And adolescents have a need to do something together, and not just do, but do good deeds.

What does a teenager feel when helping someone? Joy, satisfaction, a sense of self-worth and benefit?

Maybe. But the main thing is that they give a piece of their soul to another person.

Let's formulate the commandments of the volunteers:

· Find someone who needs your support, help, protect him;

· Open yourself in any activity that is useful for others and yourself;

• remember that your strength and your value are in your health;

· Evaluate yourself and your comrades not by words, but by real relationships and actions.


There are volunteer movements in many countries around the world, and volunteers are considered important and respected people. The development of volunteering shows the conscious desire of people to accept active participation in the global process - the development of civil society.

For each individual volunteer, volunteering provides an opportunity for personal development and the realization of such needs as:

Internal psychological need to be needed;

The need for communication and respect;

Development of leadership skills;

Protection of their rights and interests;

An opportunity to live an interesting and colorful life;

The need for self-realization;

Need in professional experience etc.

That is why today the institution of volunteering is widespread in almost all countries of the world and is becoming an increasingly important resource for the development of society every day.

Class hour on the topic

"2018 is the year of the volunteer and volunteer"

    To have a positive impact on students in their choice of life values.

    The development of the volunteer movement at school, the formation of positive attitudes of students towards volunteering.

    To form a close-knit active team of volunteers.

    Create conditions that allow students to volunteer on their own.

    Motivate students to volunteer

As a result of the lesson, participants will be able to:

    to formulate the concept of "volunteer";

    practice mutual help skills in solving various problems;

    acquire the skills of working in cooperation;

    understand that to solve many problems it is necessary to turn to a friend for help and be able to trust him.

Event progress:

So, we begin our hour of communication!

Over the years we have talked a lot about kindness, understood the concepts of good and evil, talked about good people ...

Today I want to ask you - who is this kind person and is it easy to be a kind person? (statements of children with examples)

2.Message topic

You and I know that in our country every year is dedicated to something. For example, 2016 was declared the year of cinema,

2017 year of ecology, (

and what is 2018 about this year? (slide)

Who are volunteers? (These are people of GOOD WILL who donate part of their free time, strength and energy, knowledge and experience without any compulsion to those who need help and support at the moment.

So 2018 is the year of the volunteer and volunteer

Who are the volunteers ????? (slide

So what are we going to talk about today? (Who are the volunteers, what do they do, how they help people, animals)

Information from slides:

This day is considered a holiday of volunteers.

An open palm and heart are considered symbols of volunteering.

Why do you think the palms are of different colors? (Because the world made us all different)

You can become a volunteer only at the age of 14 and you need to prepare yourself for this.

What is the most important quality a volunteer should have? (Gotta be kind)

Guys, in what situations do you need help from volunteers?

Children list. (The teacher can add: volunteers are needed in case of environmental disasters, in the elimination of the consequences of natural disasters, even volunteers are involved in the search for people)

The volunteer movement is divided into several directions (slide)

Sports volunteering

And I want to talk to you about sports volunteering.

What does sport give to a person? (Strengthening health, strong body, healthy mind, endurance, hardening, teaches patience, perseverance, etc.)

And in our class, many are engaged in any kind of sport, attending sports sections?

Maybe a future sports star, Olympic champion is growing among you!

In 2018, the Republic of Korea hosted the Winter Olympics. The same Olympics took place in Russia in 2014 in the city of Sochi, which was helped by 25 thousand volunteers from different countries the world.

What did the volunteers do at the Olympics?

Volunteers helped to navigate all visitors, indicated the addresses of hotels, sat at computers, provided communications, were involved in cleaning sports arenas, and worked in catering facilities. And they even helped cheer up the audience and supported our athletes.

And right after the main Olympics, the time for the Paralympics comes.

Guys, who knows what this competition is? (Competition of disabled athletes)

Is it easy for disabled athletes? (it is very difficult for them)

But they are strong in spirit and this allows them to achieve high results.

People with disabilities are limited in their abilities, so there is another type of volunteering - this is inclusive volunteering... This is support and assistance to people with disabilities, their involvement in various areas activities in which these people will feel fulfilled

Life, unfortunately, is not a series of joyful and happy moments. Life is full of tragic events: poverty, incurable diseases, want.

And fortunately there are people who are ready to help those who really need it.

These people spend a lot of money on charity in all its forms, from helping sick children to investing in urban infrastructure. But the number of representatives russian show businessworking in this direction is only growing and the real contribution of these people is very noticeable. Among the most active are the following:

Benefactor Natalia Vodianova.

A model of world importance and a mother of many children, she is well known in the field of volunteering. Back in the early 2000s, Natalia created the Naked Heart Foundation. Over the next 13 years, this organization has built more than 150 children's playgrounds, including one unique, for children with mental disabilities.

Benefactor Konstantin Khabensky.

A man with a capital letter who rescues children with cancer. Constantine personally experienced the bitterness of the loss of a loved one. His wife Anastasia died of a brain tumor. From that moment on, the actor radically changed his own worldview and with all his might he saves the lives of children. His phone became a kind of "rescue service" for those in need. The actor is asked not only for financial assistance, but also for connections. Konstantin more than once "connected" emaciated mothers with highly qualified metropolitan doctors who undertake the most complex operations. Moreover, his own apartment several times became a temporary refuge for parents, operated children.

Philanthropists Chulpan Khamatova and Dina Korzun.

Two famous Russian actresses who never "grabbed the stars from the sky", but achieved everything with their own work, are the founders of one of the most famous Russian charitable foundations "Gift a life". For 10 years of its activity, the foundation has saved hundreds of children with cancer. They received the Humanism Award a few years ago.

Benefactor Gosha Kutsenko.

9 years ago, the actor single-handedly founded the Step Together Foundation. The main direction of his activity is all-round help for children who suffer from cerebral palsy (purchase of medicines and special equipment). Kutsenko is well known for using his celebrity connections and constantly organizing various kinds of charity events.

Among other well-known volunteers in the field of show business, the following can also be noted: Andrei Malakhov, Alina Kabaeva, Ksenia Alferova with her husband Yegor Beroev, Kristina Asmus and Garik Kharlamov, Olga Budina, Igor Vernik, Anita Tsoi, Alexander Bezrukov, Evgeny Mironov and others.
Many of the above celebrities help the poor and needy. There are also those who do not forget about our smaller brothers. Andrey Makarevich, Ilona Bronevitskaya, Brothers Zapashny and many others are well known for their help to shelters for homeless animals.
It will not be superfluous to mention that many of the celebrities are very conspiratorial in their volunteer activities and in every way try to avoid publicity. We may never know about her

High five!

Well done! I suggest you make a high-five!

Turn to your neighbor on the right ... high-five!

Turn to your neighbor on the left ... high-five!

And it is with this gesture, only this, that the volunteers greet each other.


Our lesson is coming to an end.

Guys, you learned today who volunteers are, what they should be.

I am sure that a little spark of volunteering has been lit in you for now.

- Now continue the phrase:

To be a volunteer is to be - ……………………….

(Happy, healthy, and rich in soul)

Now can you tell me why I played this particular song before the start of our lesson? (The main meaning of this song is who if not us. And probably the main meaning of volunteering is who if not us too)

Regardless of whether they expect good from you or do not expect it - do good.

Regardless of whether they notice your good or not notice it - do good.

Regardless of whether they accept your good or reject it, do good.

Regardless of what they will pay you for good: good or evil - do good.

Do good and do not ask permission from anyone, for no one has power over your good.

Thanks everyone.

The music "Who else if not us ..."

Objectives:- providing a positive influence on students when they choose life values; - development of the volunteer movement at school; - the formation of positive attitudes of students to volunteerism.

Tasks:Educational: - Introduce volunteer activities. Developing: - to promote the development of attention, memory, thinking, the ability to analyze and draw conclusions. Educational: - arouse interest in volunteering; - foster a sense of mutual help, critical thinking and trusting relationships; - to teach to listen to the opinions of classmates, to respond correctly to their comments

Planned results:Subject: - to formulate the concept of a volunteer; - learn to extract the necessary information; - to generalize, draw conclusions . Personal: - develop skills of working in cooperation; - to develop educational and cognitive interest; - develop positive motivation for extracurricular activities. Metasubject: - to teach to plan their actions in accordance with the task; - take into account different opinions, interests and justify your position

Formation of UUD:Personal: - to develop high creative activity when performing collective tasks; - evaluate your difficulties and achievements. Regulatory: - to promote the development of volitional qualities of students when children are involved in activities



"Goodwill - good deeds - good life!"

Objectives: - providing a positive influence on students when they choose life values;- development of the volunteer movement at school; - the formation of positive attitudes of students to volunteerism.

Tasks: Educational: - to acquaint with volunteer activities. Developing: - to promote the development of attention, memory, thinking, the ability to analyze and draw conclusions. Educational: - arouse interest in volunteering; - foster a sense of mutual help, critical thinking and trusting relationships; - to teach to listen to the opinions of classmates, to respond correctly to their comments

Planned results:Subject: - to formulate the concept of a volunteer; - learn to extract the necessary information; - to generalize, draw conclusions. Personal: - develop skills of working in cooperation; - to develop educational and cognitive interest; - develop positive motivation for extracurricular activities. Metasubject: - teach to plan your actions in accordance with the task; - take into account different opinions, interests and justify your position

Formation of UUD:Personal: - develop high creative activity when performing collective tasks; evaluate your difficulties and achievements. Regulatory: contribute to the development of volitional qualities of students when including children in activities

Class hour progress:

In good faith, you always

Hurry to help you day and night.

Through days, weeks and years

You do good deeds.

Who is the poem talking about?

We are talking about volunteers. Volunteers, volunteer movement is the topic of our class hour.

In different parts of the world there is a tradition to devote a year to some important event or phenomenon. Russia did not stand aside in this matter, this practice has taken root in our country and is becoming more and more popular and significant. The past year was declared the Year of the Environment, and 2018 was declared by Russian President Vladimir Putin the Year of Volunteer and Volunteer. "This will be your year, the year of all citizens of the country, whose will, energy, generosity are the main strength of Russia," Putin said, speaking at the Volunteer of Russia award ceremony. The President of the Russian Federation noted that "there are more, more and more such examples of civic participation and solidarity every year."

In Russia, about seven million people are involved in the volunteer movement, and they are respected and supported in society.

According to polls, two-thirds of the population of our country is ready to help a stranger in trouble.

Who are called volunteers?

Translated from French, "volunteer" means "volunteer". Representatives of the volunteer movement sincerely believe that performing significant public works and providing assistance to those in need should not be for the sake of material interest, but completely disinterestedly. In fact, a volunteer is a person who performs socially significant work free of charge. The reward for the work of volunteers is the appreciation and gratitude of people.

Features of the volunteer movement in Russia

The volunteer movement is based on the principle that is old as the world: if you want to feel like a human being, help someone else.

In Russia, the volunteer movement began to emerge in the late 80s, although if you look into history, it should be recognized that it has always existed, for example, in the form of a service of sisters of mercy, Timurov's and pioneer movements, all kinds of societies for the protection of nature and monuments. However, the modern development of the volunteer movement has received in connection with the growing number of social problems, in the solution of which, in the current economic situation, volunteers are indispensable.

Volunteers are people who create shelters for homeless animals, help old people in hospitals and hospices, and are ready to search for missing people for days. Volunteers of "Victory" take care of veterans, look after monuments to the heroes of the Great Patriotic War. They call themselves one big volunteer family, because they are united by a common goal - to bring good to people.

Volunteers work in hospitals and social institutions, help find missing people, provide all possible assistance to victims of natural disasters, preserve nature and our cultural monuments, our culture, restore the names of dead soldiers, and help in major international events. There are more and more such examples of civic participation and solidarity every year!

Caring for our neighbors, mercy, readiness to come to the aid of the whole world, to serve the Fatherland - in the soul, in the character, in the culture of our people.

In the Russian Federation, volunteers (unlike the pioneer and Komsomol organizations that once existed) are not united and do not have a single state or non-state support. It is possible to speak of the volunteer movement as a phenomenon only considering that all volunteers are guided in their activities by one general principle - to help people.

Volunteer movement as a form of social assistance

Volunteers provide active assistance to those segments of the population who most need participation and social care. Volunteers can often be found in social welfare services, in nursing homes. Volunteers also cover institutions for persons with disabilities and orphanages. Volunteers are involved in collecting things for those who were in the disaster zone or suffered after a fire.

This is not to say that in absolutely all cases the work of volunteers is not paid. But more often than not, volunteers work in exchange for gaining experience, knowledge and skills, establishing useful personal contacts. For young people, volunteering often becomes the first step on the path to professional growth and a way to make an informed choice of the future area of \u200b\u200btheir main activity.

The volunteer movement trains personnel for public and non-governmental organizations. Volunteers have invaluable experience of social interaction and are often better than any officials in the situation in their chosen field of activity. Volunteering contributes to the formation of leaders who are ready to take part in the activities of state and public structures responsible for work in the social sphere.

Volunteering at school

Adults want to see teenagers as kind, helpful, sincere people. But these qualities do not arise by themselves. They need to be shaped and developed. In this important process, the volunteer movement provides invaluable assistance in the school country. The older generation is closer to the word "volunteering", while the younger generation liked "volunteering". Why argue? Volunteers or volunteers are people who donate their time and energy for the benefit of others. And adolescents have a need to do something together, and not just do, but do good deeds.

What does a teenager feel when helping someone? Joy, satisfaction, a sense of self-worth and benefit?

Maybe. But the main thing is that they give a piece of their soul to another person.

Let's formulate the commandments of the volunteers:

· Find someone who needs your support, help, protect him;

· Open yourself in any activity that is useful for others and yourself;

• remember that your strength and your value are in your health;

· Evaluate yourself and your comrades not by words, but by real relationships and actions.

Output: There are volunteer movements in many countries around the world, and volunteers are considered important and respected people. The development of volunteering shows the conscious desire of people to take an active part in the global process - the development of civil society.

For each individual volunteer, volunteering provides an opportunity for personal development and the realization of such needs as:

Internal psychological need to be needed;

The need for communication and respect;

Development of leadership skills;

Protection of their rights and interests;

An opportunity to live an interesting and colorful life;

The need for self-realization;

Need for professional experience, etc.

That is why today the institution of volunteering is widespread in almost all countries of the world and is becoming an increasingly important resource for the development of society every day.

Can everyone be a volunteer? For someone it is an impulse, but for someone it is a calling. Now we will check with you. After listening to all my questions, you should choose only one group "YES" "NO" "MAY BE". If you join the “NO” group, then this is your position, not everyone can be a volunteer, someone should be a civil servant.

1. The playing part of the audience is divided into 3 parts, this is indicated by the signs with the words "yes", "no", "maybe".

2. Conditions of training: 1. the leader asks questions; 2. After the questions, students move on to that poster. Which matches their answer; 3. The facilitator has the right to ask additional questions.

3 Questions: 1. Could you live your life alone? 2. Could you help another at your own expense? 3. Can only successful and wealthy people do merciful deeds? 4. Could you take care of a seriously ill person? 5. Would you be able to continue to do good deeds without receiving words of gratitude for them?

Analysis of the training.1. Have you been asked questions that you haven't thought about before? 2. Has your opinion changed in the course of your work? 3. Have you discovered something new for yourself? 4. Did you learn something new about your comrades?


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Slide captions:

Who is the poem talking about? Of your free will, you are always in a hurry to help you day and night. Through the days, weeks and years You do good deeds.

Goodwill - good deeds - good life! MBOU "Arinichevskaya secondary school" Arinichevo 2018 Volunteers, volunteer movement

Volunteer, volunteer - (fr. Volontaire - lat. Voluntarius - "willing") - a person who voluntarily carries out any activity.

From history Volunteering emerged when humanity arose. The need to survive in difficult conditions led primitive people to rally and readiness to help. In many ancient tribes, there were values \u200b\u200bthat encouraged altruism: if you want to overcome obstacles, sacrifice personal interests for the sake of collective well-being, the clan flourishes when each individual relative is good

Being a volunteer is COOL!

Participants enter the hall to music and receive tokens.

The blue ones sit on the right, the red ones on the left.


Everyone, everyone, everyone!


We invite you to become participants game program "Being a volunteer is COOL!" dedicated World day volunteers, i.e. us volunteers.

On December 5, most countries around the world celebrate International Volunteer Day. The second name of this holiday is Volunteers Day.

Who are the volunteers, you ask?

The word "volunteer" comes from the French word, translated as a volunteer, willing.

Volunteering is a volunteer movement developed in many countries around the world, aimed at improving life.

A volunteer is a person who voluntarily takes on a job.

A volunteer is a creature of the future, a citizen of the world, humanity's chance for survival.

Volunteer movements are free unions of people united by any interest.

It's not for nothing that Volunteer Day exists. Indeed, with the help of volunteers, many summer fires were extinguished, assistance was provided to the victims of the fire, volunteers participated in the donation campaign and much more.

Any young person between the ages of 14 and 30 can become a volunteer who wants to devote his free time, strength and skills to voluntary work.

Being a volunteer is great!

Together: Volunteers are us! Become ours!

Video clip

So who is a real volunteer?

There is no simple answer to this question. There are thousands of opinions and each of them is correct in its own way.

However, I can say one thing with absolute certainty, as a curator of a volunteer squad.

A real volunteer does not know how to get bored CAM and will not let others get bored!

Now repeat after us.

Lift your mood !!!

- Games with the hall

1. Fixes "Helper"

2.Soku - Bacha

Volunteer detachment "DaRi" was created on the basis of our school in September 2011. There are currently 10 registered volunteers in the squadron.

We live and work under the motto: "Give me your hand and together we can do a lot!"

The mission of our volunteer squad isto have a positive influence on peers in their choice of life values.

We understand that it is impossible to force a person to live a healthy and harmonious life if he does not want to. But we can help him realize responsibility for his life and put him in a situation of free choice.

The work of the DaRi volunteer squad is built in various directions, and inthe main direction of the detachment's work is the promotion of a healthy lifestyle.

Throughout the year, we implement projects, hold promotions and participate in regional rallies.

One of the main achievements of our squad - we became the winners

4 regional rallies "We are a team" in the nomination "Good".

Video clip

And we continue to play

We have fun, we have a rest….

The game "Uncle Abram's"

Now sit back.

For the next game, you need your hands, your attention, well, we will help you have fun.

The game is called "Uncle Abram has 12 sons"

We repeat very simple words after us.

Uncle Abram has twelve sons, and Uncle Abram has twelve sons. They did not eat, drink and never get bored. Right hand.

Then different body parts are added with different movements (left arm, right leg, left leg, right shoulder, left shoulder, head, etc.). All movements are repeated at the same time.

- Game "Gift"

Raise your hands, who doesn't like receiving gifts?

And that there are no hands at all?

Now raise your hands, who loves to receive gifts?

Wow, it turns out that everyone loves to receive gifts?

Well, we'll see who gets this huge, wonderful gift.

While the music is playing, you are passing on a gift, each otherif the music stopped, only then can you unpack it. If the music began to sound further, you give it to your neighbor and pass it on ... .. until you unpack the gift !!!

- Game "Hippodrome"

Somehow you probably all sat up, it's time for all of us to warm up

- Poppuri

Repeat everything after us

As we have already said, the main focus of volunteers is the promotion of healthy lifestyles.

2 teams of 5 people

Draw an athlete, draw one part

Pass a tennis racket with a ball so that the ball does not fall

Collect sports-related words under your chairs or near you.

International Volunteer Day.

Today is the day of those who selflessly help people in a variety of situations.

And maybe you are not yet 14 years old or you are not a volunteer, but remember that the world is not without good people, the volunteer movement exists, is growing stronger, expanding and invites everyone to participate in solving social problems.

- “We have the power to change the world” is the main motto of volunteer movements around the world.

Flashmob "We are together"

And let each of us think on this day: what can I do for others?

With all my heart and with all my heart.

And now one of the most important points of today's action "Who but Me"

Awarding of the most active volunteers.

The floor is given to award ……

There is a place for everyone on the planet.

For everyone, the sun shines in the sky.

Everyone has their own dream.

And to her is the cherished path.

And the path led us.

To hearts open to goodness.

One unites everyone.

Always hurry to do good!

We are volunteers, our essence is simple.

To give goodness and joy to the planet.

And if suddenly trouble comes,

Be the first to be rescued and responsible.

We want you goodbye

To wish everyone health.

We say to you "Goodbye,

Come to us again! "

Svetlovskaya secondary school branch MBOU "Zavyalovskaya secondary school №1

Zavyalovsky district "

Class hour: "A volunteer is fashion or good"

Developed by:

mathematic teacher

Zhukova Galina Valentinovna


Formation of a morally mature personality, education of the desire to do good deeds.


1. To continue the formation of moral and ethical concepts such as kindness, responsiveness, compassion, volunteering, volunteering.

2. To form the ability of students to make a conscious moral choice, motivation to participate in volunteer activities.

3. To cultivate moral feelings.

opening speech teachers.

The summer holidays are over, new exciting meetings with new knowledge are ahead. I wish you success in your studies, curiosity, kindness. I wish my parents the closest ties with the school, health and good mood.

“Hello school! You are not just a building

You are like a home for us.

Early morning goodbye every day

We are preparing carefully with you! "

School, native village, our area ...

We live in Altai and, of course, love our land. And how can you not love that corner of the earth where you were born and live!

Altai Territory borders on the Novosibirsk Region, Kemerovo region, the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Republic of Altai.

Our region has 60 districts, 12 cities of regional subordination, 14 urban-type settlements and 1621 rural settlements.

Altai is a pearl, the pride of Siberia, a fabulous land. Altai is our beautiful home.

The Altai Territory is inhabited by more than 80 nationalities and ethnic groups.

Altai is boundless steppes, and huge lakes, rushing rivers and dense taiga. There are few places in the world where one could see literally everything: from semi-desert to mountain glaciers.

A poem about Altai, written by the Barnaul schoolboy Vitaly Krasnorutskikh.

I walk slowly along the Altai foothills.
The beauty here is - the soul freezes.

The sky is steep and the mountains are covered with snow.
Here are the Altai people and native spaces.

Here a birch tree stands, clinging to the slopes of the mountains,
Something whispering to the wind, swaying slightly.

Here the forests are green and the sunset is so beautiful -
The steppes are full of mystery. Who decorated my land like that?

I live in Barnaul - I don’t need anything else.
And in dreams, in reality - for me he is a reward.

There is space and peace here. And I will say without a doubt:
Here is my dear home - a corner of inspiration!

In translation from the ancient Turkic languages \u200b\u200bAltai means “golden”. This name reflects both the legends about the untold riches of the nomadic tribes, and the real deposits of gold in the generous land, and the unique beauty of the native country.

Barnaul - administrative center Altai Territory (since 1937). Located in the south of Western Siberia at the confluence of the Barnaulka River and the Ob.

Large industrial, cultural, medical and educational center of Siberia.

Since 2007 higher education in Barnaul there are nine state universities, as well as several branches and representative offices of universities from other cities of the country. The two largest universities in the city: Altai state University (Altai State University) and Altai State Technical University (AltGTU) are among the top 100 universities in the country.

In addition, there are branches and representative offices of universities from other cities.

In Barnaul, specialists with secondary specialized education are trained by 7 technical schools, 7 colleges, 2 pedagogical schools, a music school, a medical school ...

The volunteer movement is spreading in educational institutions.

If you look in the dictionaries, then a volunteer (volunteer) is a person who participates (absolutely free of charge) in various socially significant campaigns: disseminating necessary information, preparing and conducting public actions.

A volunteer is a person who, working for free, seeks to contribute to the implementation of socially significant projects.

Volunteering for a person is an opportunity to gain social experience, get recommendations for further advancement and career growth.

Our class hour "Volunteer is fashion or good."

If people don't learn to help each other,

Then the human race will disappear from the face of the earth.

So said the world famous British writer. Walter Scott.

By the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of December 6, 2017 No. 583, in order to develop volunteering, 2018 was declared the year of the volunteer (volunteer). Volunteering is an essential fundamental element of any modern society. It contributes to the striving of humanity for good, security, justice and peace. Volunteering, any person has the right to devote his time, knowledge, energy to other people without expecting financial reward. Volunteering opens up additional opportunities for friendship, interaction with like-minded people, the acquisition of new knowledge, communication skills, value orientations that allow people to discover new opportunities in themselves, to realize them in sustainable communities, working in a team to create innovative solutions for the benefit of themselves and others.

I live as I can. I live as best I can

In the way drawn to me, I'm going straight.

I do not hide from difficulties, I believe in good

And I really want all people to be lucky.

I love the good-natured, and I am afraid of the vile ones,

People "thick-skinned" I always stay away.

I love caring people

And my heart reaches out for their warmth and fire.

I am open with my soul to earthly beauty,

All kind people. You are my brothers!

Task number 1 Let's define: "Volunteering is ..."

    Volunteering is an opportunity to make the world a happier place.

    Volunteering is the acquisition of the practical knowledge needed to be hired for a paid job.

    Volunteering is about meeting interesting people.

    Volunteering is about acquiring skills that can be useful in everyday life.

Volunteering is an integral part of any modern society. Anyone has the opportunity to voluntarily devote their time, talent, energy to others without expecting financial reward. Volunteering- the foundation of civil society.

What is volunteering?

Volunteering Is an unpaid, conscious, voluntary activity for the benefit of others. Anyone who consciously and unselfishly works for the benefit of others can be called a volunteer.

Volunteering is understood differently by different people. However, there are some basic characteristics inherent in volunteering.

Reward. A volunteer should not volunteer primarily for financial gain, and any financial reimbursement should be less than the value of the work performed.

Good will. Activities should be carried out voluntarily, without coercion from the outside.

Benefit brought.

Organizational structure... Volunteering can be organized or unorganized, carried out individually or in a group, in public or private organizations.

Disorganized volunteering is spontaneous and episodic help to friends or neighbors. It is the predominant form of volunteering in many cultures. Organized volunteering, on the other hand, takes place in the non-profit, public and private sector, and tends to be more systematic and regular.

Degree of participation. Although in most cases the degree of involvement in volunteering is constant, it can still be carried out with varying degrees of participation - from full involvement to episodic participation in volunteering.

There are several different types volunteering:

Mutual help or self-help. People volunteer to help other members of their own social group or community.

Charity or service for the benefit of others. The primary beneficiary is not a member of the group of which the volunteer is a member, but a third party.

Participation and self-government. Role individuals in the management process - from representation in government advisory bodies to participation in local development projects.

Education or promotion of any issues related to certain groups of society.

Volunteering seeks to achieve two important results:

It helps to create a stable and cohesive society.

It complements the services provided by the government.

(and by business - when these services are unprofitable, but necessary for society.)

Who can volunteer or

Task number 2Why do people become volunteers?




    need for communication

    creative possibilities

Most often, the answer to this question is this: he can be an adult, skillful and responsible person who can devote his time and skills to voluntary work. Each can become a volunteer in any area of \u200b\u200bpublic life where there is a need.

Task number 3What can volunteers do?

Students collect phrases from suggested words: (phrases)

I am the organizer role-playing games, theatricalization.

Newspaper production, gift making

I have an active life position

I am a participant of social actions

I am a participant in environmental campaigns

I help in organizing socially significant events

I am for healthy image life

I am a counselor

I organize leisure for children and adolescents

It is possible to involve volunteers in areas of activity that are not paid, but remain important to achieve the goals of the program. For example, visiting sick people in hospitals, delivering food to old people who can no longer leave their homes, working with children at school or drawing attention to a historical monument, etc.

Any work can be done by volunteers. A volunteer is not only a helper or social workercaring for others. He can be a teacher, computer scientist, politician, engineer or designer.

Volunteers can:

Perform tasks that are not related to permanent paid work;

Add a new dimension and new people to the organization;

Bring new ideas to the organization;

Create public opinion about organization in society;

Disseminate information about the organization in personal communication with people;

Help in fundraising;

Encourage civic engagement.

Motivation of volunteers.

Often the motivation for volunteering is the need to connect with other people and overcome feelings of loneliness. Volunteering meets the natural need to be a member of a group whose values \u200b\u200band goals the volunteer can fully meet. Let's check how you feel about this yourself? Answer the following questions:

1. I want to help people in need

2. Hope to learn something new

3. I want to have something to do

4. For your own pleasure

5. I want to meet new people

6. I want to answer people for good with good

7. I want to deal with a certain problem

8. I have free time

Often people cannot fulfill all their needs by working only in their profession. In this case, volunteer work can add variety, allowing you to take a break from your daily routine. Volunteer work helps in meeting such needs as contacts with new people, self-satisfaction, promotion of some values.

Task number 4 Principles of volunteering

    VOLUNITY: " We work around the clock, but we never take money "

    INDEPENDENCE: "We are ruled by needs, not kings."

    UNITY: "We have many ideas, but one ideal"

    UNIVERSALITY: "We respect nations, but we cross borders to help."

    HUMANITY: "We Serve People, Not Systems"

    IMPARTIALITY: “We care about the victims - the guilty and the innocent”

NEUTRAL: "We take initiatives, but we never take sides"

Volunteering Principles

No matter how it is arranged volunteer work, it has three general principles:

Lack of remuneration... Voluntary assistance provided by a person or group of people does not provide material reward. However, an organization that invites a volunteer for some kind of work can pay him travel expenses, food, special clothing, etc.

No compulsion... The phenomenon of voluntary-forced labor is still encountered, for example, when the head of a municipality or a commercial company forces his employees to take part in a subbotnik, or when the dean sends students to march at political rallies instead of lectures. Such activity may be of some benefit, but it can no longer be considered voluntary.

Benefit to society and people. Volunteering should have a socially useful focus and bring real benefits to a specific recipient, society, environment... Activities should take into account the social needs of the community, contribute to the solution of socially significant problems.

Volunteer Commandments:

be responsible in your relationship with each other;

be honest, sincere and benevolent, smile at each other;

help others to make the best decisions in conflict situations;

do not take on unrealistic promises;

be genuinely interested in other people;

remember that a person's name is the sweetest and most important sound for him in any language;

try to please people not only internally, but also externally;

remember the sense of proportion;

when helping a person, do not beg for his merits;

strive to make people happy to do what you offer them.

Why do I need all this?

Today, only 5% of the population of Russia is involved in volunteer work. However, studies show that more than 40% of people are ready to participate more actively in socially useful work.

"Why do you need it?" - this question is asked thousands of times to volunteers by their friends, relatives, colleagues. Someone keeps silent and laughs it off, someone comes up with stereotyped answers, just to stay behind ... Indeed, why, instead of sitting at the TV or drinking beer with friends, this "crazy" runs to do something for which not only money will not be paid to him , but “thank you” is not always said. Of course, everyone has their own answer. Here we will try to cite the most common motives:

“I just love helping others.” Of course, there are people who, due to their high morality or religious convictions, help others completely disinterestedly. But let's be honest with each other - there are few such people ... very few ... According to the statistics of altruists, no more than 7%. And often those who declare this to be their main motive simply do not want to talk about their true motives, or even do not even realize them.

"I have a similar problem and I want to solve it together with others." The mother of a child with disabilities understands better than others what difficulties such a family faces. She knows that in order for her child to attend a regular school, ramps must be made in it. By teaming up with other parents or with an NGO, she will work to solve their common problem.

Obtaining new knowledge and skills... For young people, participation in volunteer projects provides an opportunity to learn those things that will be useful to them in their future careers, to develop their organizational and leadership skills... "This is a cool party." For young people, this is probably the main motive for participating in volunteerism - the opportunity to meet new people and communicate with like-minded people, the opportunity to do something together.

"It works for my image." Gradually, not only in the West, but also in Russia, it is becoming fashionable to be socially responsible, to do good deeds. Chulpan Khamatova, Vladimir Pozner, Svetlana Sorokina, Lolita, Gosha Kutsenko and other "stars" have recently been increasingly involved in volunteer activities.

« I want in my life something other than a stuffy office, beer and TV. " For many people, volunteering is an opportunity for a short while to escape from the usual circle of life, to escape from everyday worries, from eternal conversations where it is cheaper to buy and more expensive to sell.

I would like to end our class hour with a wish poem:

Be able to overcome obstacles

Both pain and illusory success.

Live without claiming a reward

For your deed for everyone.

The world is still cold with sorrow,

Surely trouble threatens

Someone needs you -

Always like bread or water.

You need to be kind out of habit

Not calculated. Come in handy

At least a little titmouse - Let her go up from the cage. E. Mikhailichenko