Mad ideas for entertainment. The call that identifies the one who calls your door. Siri's voice helpers, Alex and Alice should work only if you say "please" and "Thank you." It could improve the attitude of people to each other.

We will take away a little from adequate ideas, and let's talk about insane business ideas. There is a lot of original, creative personalities on Earth. They implement his unusual view of the world in art, inventions and, oddly enough, in entrepreneurship. Other people can call their ideas "absurd, devoid of any meaning and completely non-serious."

Tattoos on the teeth

Fashion on the decoration of your teeth with small pebbles imitating diamonds, has already passed. New fashion squeak is tattoos on the teeth. Even rather not a squeak, but a cry. The author of the idea is the dentist Steve Hareward. He developed the technology of applying images to the teeth, and now it takes orders. According to him, the demand is tattoos with images of famous personalities (stars of football and music), as well as animal images.

Creative Grays

It seems that graduaters decided to make a little fun in their gloomy work. The company VIC Fearn & Co has already been creating a traditional coffins for tens of years. But recently the creative woke up in them, and they began to make exclusive coffins to order. Now every resident of the UK can purchase a coffin in advance in which it wishes to be buried. The company has already manufactured the coffins in the form of a guitar, airplane, wine plug, sports bag, skateboard. And one, especially the original client ordered a coffin in the form of a garbage tank, arguing his choice because the whole life considered himself garbage, and therefore it is destined to be buried in the garbage container.

Vase for the "Egg Splash"

Stressful situations and angry tension occurs in the life of each of us, and psychologists do not recommend keeping anger in themselves. In order to normalize the psychological state faster, it is necessary to "cry" all anger. And what if you are in a crowded place and just can't afford to scream from anger?

With this problem, they helped to cope as always the original invented from Japan. All you need is to move aside and shout in Vaza. Yes exactly. The hole in the vase adapts to the shape of your lips, and its form is designed in such a way that the entire noise that receives the vase is suppressed. Having such a device, you and the anger will release, and do not disturb others.

Space SMS.

This idea simply amazes with his meaningless absurdity, and at the same time a huge profitability. Two students from the United States began to offer the service of sending SMS messages into space. To implement the service, they have created a sensor, which transmits the client message directly to the outer space by radio magnetic radiation. Everyone who wants to send a message to space, called the special number of the phone, pronounced his message, and then the authors of the idea sent him into space literally in a couple of minutes.

Calls naturally were paid - on this students and earned. There is absolutely no practical benefit from this service, but enterprising guys were able to earn about one million dollars on it.

Sale of garbage

A good seller can sell anything, even trash. We do not know whether Christopher Goodwin was in the right mind, when this idea came to mind, but he decided to sell garbage through the automata. Along with machine guns for the sale of coffee, chewing and water, in America there are automata that outstand small sachets with garbage. Having lowered a 25 cents coin, you get a neat bag filled with bulls of newspapers and checks, broken buttons, cigarette cigarettes and other garbage. Who needs trash, and even for money? It is also not clear to us, but more than three thousand copies of their "Goods" managed to sell a crazy entrepreneur.

Child "To order"

Everyone becomes a desire to quickly snatch from work. Such a feeling comes to people on the eve of the end of almost every working day. In America, workers who have children officially have the right to leave work early - who need a child from the garden to pick up, to whom to help with school lessons, etc. Of course, childless officers look with envy on those who leave the workplace ahead of time. And they do not intend to put up with such a state of affairs.

I decided to help them in this New York company, which began to produce special sets, testifying to the availability of children. In the set you can see photos with children, children's drawings, photos from orphanage and other. The appearance of the child can also be chosen. Putting all this boss - and calmly leave the workplace early. Understanding the fact that the presence of children can be easily verified, this product is unlikely to have great popularity. But an attempt to create an unusual business is uniquely counted.

Shackles for duals

Each parent who has a schoolchildiary, familiar with the problem of the reluctance of the offspring to do lessons. The company that produces a product called "Study Ball" proposed to solve this issue a somewhat cruel way.

"Study Ball" is the most real shackles with heavy weights. They are fixed on the legs of a negligent schoolboy, the schoolboy himself is placed by textbooks and notebooks, and is engaged in the lessons of time. Of course, that the idea is working, it is necessary to remove away from the Mount-student everything that can distract him in the process of classes. Maybe soon the bosses will apply similar shackles against particularly lazy employees?
Imitator of the opening beer can

All beer lovers sign that the same sound that makes a beer bank when opening it. That is the most pleasant "pshshsh". Japanese inventors have always been distinguished by their originality, and it was they who created a device called Mugen Beer. It looks like it looks like a small canned jar, when opening which you will hear the very cherished sound. There are no more functions of this device, but many have become used as a keychain.

The service of destruction of personal belongings

And this idea for business was born in Russia. Entrepreneur Anton Ilyonko created a company that provides services for organizing entire ceremonies to destroy personal belongings of customers. According to Anton, people are often tied to their things, and when they fail to part with them difficult. You can order the solemn funeral of old torn jeans, cremation of your favorite pillow, etc. The remains of things can even be added to an eternal journey through space.

Pampers for bride

American wedding dresses and accessories are gradually introducing a new product in their range - diapers for brides. It is invented in order to make a comfortable wedding ceremony and further celebration. If the bride suddenly feel the need to remove into the toilet during an important ceremony, then it does not have to do this - after all, there will be a special diaper on it. All you need is to change diapers from time to time. It is noteworthy that its cost is quite high, but many wedding salons mark high demand for this subject of hygiene.

Socks on outsourcing

All bachelor men noticed that something clean socks were over, and it was necessary to leave the house after half an hour, then somewhere was lost the second sock from the pair. The urgent problem of all men solved the Swiss entrepreneur Samuel Likhti. He created the Blacksocks company, which took over the outsourcing of socks. Every man who has become a company client, several pairs of socks periodically sent to the house. About the quality Samuel also did not forget - socks for customers were higher Italian quality.

According to the personal estimates of the entrepreneur, the use of his company helps men save about 12 hours each year. Blacksocks also began to engage in the outsourcing of underwear.

Trampolines on the ceilings

As you know, business on entertainment is one of the most profitable, as people are willing to pay considerable money to have a good time. Do you think that you have fun, jumping on a trampoline is an exceptionally children's occupation? Creative entrepreneur from Las Vegas has created a trampoline for adults. Moreover, the repulsive surface in the entertainment halls is located not only on the floor, but also on the walls, and even on the ceilings. Thus, you can simply fly throughout the room, and it is just for the price of $ 12 / hour. Such entertainment quickly gained popularity, and now there are whole competitions in "Battle Sports".

Portraits from DNA

Earn, drawing portraits of customers - the usual case for artists. But Artists Adrian Solomonovich and Nazim Ahmed decided to go even further, and create not just portraits with paints or pencils, but portraits from DNA customers. Artists literally paint genetic material, or rather amino acids. They have different color, so portraits are colorful and alive.

The creative of creative duet of artists was able to interest the major gallery of New York and Tokyo, where the exhibitions of work are regularly held. The artists themselves have already earned more than a million dollars in their paintings.

Fried "Cola"

The best cooks of the world often admire gourmets with their author's original recipes. But at the Texas exhibition of achievements, an unusual recipe was surprised by a programmer from the state of Dallas.

Frying noodles, strawberry jam and coca-cola in vegetable oil, he managed to become the winner in the nomination "The most original food product". The finished dish again watered the "Coca-Koloi", sprinkled with cinnamon and served to visitors of the exhibition. It is not known whether this recipe has received attention to restaurants, but at this exhibition such an idea had a stunning success and brought a considerable money prize to his author.

Car attraction

"Damn Wheel" is perhaps the most popular and recognizable attraction in the world. In amusement parks, its presence has long been traditional. The entrepreneur from the Netherlands decided to refresh the concept of the subdelive "Chert Wheel".

It designed a wheel that instead of ordinary cabins contains vehicles for cars. If you want to ride on such a miracle wheels, your car is fixed with a special mechanism in the attraction, and you get up to a height of 30 meters inside your car.

The attraction is completely safe, since all sorts of tests and tests passed. Europeans already have the opportunity to feel adrenaline, sitting in a car and being on the "damn wheel" at the same time, and a seamless entrepreneur reaps the fruits of his invention in the form of a decent profit.

Bureau of parting

The author of the next idea is the Bernd Dressler, however, a similar service is already quite common in many countries. It happens that the pairs break up, and it is not anywhere to go. Few people can easily survive a gap with a loved one. The service provided by the parting bureau will help cope with this unpleasant moment. A specially trained psychologist will inform you (already formerly) a partner that you decided to part with him. And for a fee, it will help you psychological support and help you understand why the separation still happened. Earnings on partings - it sounds cynical, but the idea works, and quite successfully.

Alcohol bra

Startup called The Winerack released sports bras for sale, which are equipped with a secret compartment. Small containers are built into the bras, which can be filled with any drink (including alcoholic), and then use it through a special tube.

It is noteworthy that this bodice performs two functions at once: and turns its own mistress, and it will make it more at least 2 sizes - the bra-filled bra visually increases the chest, however, if the girl starts to drink from it, the chest will literally "melt" Eyes. Such a bra with a secret is particularly popular during public events, concerts, sports competitions, etc.

Decorate Snezhkov

Snowy fun love both children and adults. When the first snow falls, I want to go and play with the snowballs, arrange a snow shelling with friends. One problem - hands from snow quickly flaw, and in wet gloves is not particularly comfortable. This problem decided absolutely ingenious, and at the same time simple idea is a device for the manufacture of perfectly even round snowballs, or as it is also called "Snowuboller". With the form similar to the tongs, the device is capable of creating a beautiful snowball in a couple of seconds, and your hands will remain dry and warm.

Log drunks

A unique idea for earning came to George Goodwin's bright head back in 1970. An American was an avid lover of river fishing and spent many hours behind this occupation. He drew attention that at the bottom of the river there is a large number of flooded logs. At that time, many forests were cut down, and wood was in price. George decided to organize the sale of logs, which walked from the bottom of the river. He handed over and dried his logs, and then sold them.

It would seem who will buy old logs who have broken some time at the bottom of the river? Nevertheless, an enterprising American was able to earn more than three million dollars in this idea.

Building tails

Of course, the horses are absolutely anyway, what length and volume of their tail. But for riders at jumps, this information is of great importance, and judges at various animal exhibitions pay attention to this element. All this has encouraged American businessmen to start increasing the tails of horses. Among the cone supplists this service is of great popularity, especially during the preparation of horses towards jumps and competitions. In the range of companies, artificial tails of various lengths, volume and colors - from natural brown, white and black to gold and silver.

If the strategic objective of the business project is to solve one or several problems of a certain group of people, then such an undertaking is capable of enriching its master in a short time. The greater the group of people whose problems solves a businessman, the higher and more stable will be earnings.

To determine what difficulties in everyday life have to face compatriots, it suffices to look at your life and to the life of your surroundings. In the presence of fantasy and the desire to earn, interesting thoughts will not wait for a long time. Try to think about the way they are implemented and do not discard even the most desperate. Examples of success are insane ideas on which entrepreneurs earned and continue to earn millions of dollars.

Perspectives of an extraordinary business in Russia

What is needed to organize non-standard business

The majority of crazy ideas for business lies the desire to fulfill the task for another person for another person. One example is. The problem may be caused by a shortage of time, personal singularities, reluctance to engage in routine duties or, on the contrary, the desire to diversify their lives with vivid impressions.

Offering non-standard services to people, a businessman must be aware that he will have to maximize all his communicative, organizational and entrepreneurial abilities, so that the case does not turn into an inbox, but attracted clients, had a prospect and brought income.

Consider the scheme of organizing business processes on the example of the Bureau of Individual Services.

The concept of such a type of business is the fulfillment for the client of any necessary work: from dog walking to buying socks and a joint trip for fishing company.

In order to qualitatively provide these services in a small town, it will take the staff of at least three people, the same ambitious, active and friendly. It is not necessary to issue employees immediately to the staff, you can conclude agreements with them to perform individual works.

The company needs a reasonable pricing policy. The cost of services should be understandable and acceptable to customers.

Also, the company must also include the regulations for performing work with an emphasis on the quality guarantee and safety guarantee. The client must be sure that he and his loved ones are not threatened.

For example, if the client ordered the service "without queue", the task of the Bureau to issue a detailed application and suggest the client for solving the problem.

Money will be needed for business promotion. Production of advertising, its placement in popular publications and prominent city venues. Promotion of the enterprise through regional groups in social networks and work on their own image.

At first, it may be necessary at least 3 thousand US dollars. For this money, you can remove the office (by the way, consider also), pay for communication services, Internet and transportation costs. In the absence of starting capital, you can save at the office, organizing a workplace in your own apartment.


In order to enter the earnings of 60 thousand rubles per month, the average cost of the services rendered on the day should be at least 2 thousand rubles. In fact, these are three or four orders per day.

On such a result, the entrepreneur can go out in two or three months of constant active work. The main thing for this period is to work regular customers, as well as learn how to work with new services and expand the circle of dating.

Any office employee sooner or later thinks about how to start your own business. True, usually nothing further than the intentions. A person begins to see the ideas convulsive, their oversupply makes life lose sense.

But, as it turns out, cold logic and naked calculation are not always the best ideas at the start. After all, they interfere with the manifestation of some kind of damnist, from which there may be their own original business idea.

The founders of those types of business that will be discussed below, were not afraid of their insane and apparent absurd ideas, leaving also the usual former occupation. So there were unusual enterprises. Let them be delusible, but they bring millions!

Goose police. This unusual police using animals protects golf courses from enemies. The detachment serves 33 Border Colli breed dogs. This police got the name of the goose, as it counteracts the brazen birds. After all, geese just attack the honorable aristocratic players from the height of their livelihoods. The division was created in 1987 by an entrepreneur from New Jersey Dave Marks. In his project, he invested 3 thousand dollars, promising to drive out geese from the sky over golf clubs. Business turned out to be successful, flourishing for more than 20 years. Does it seem to you that he can not bring serious money? The profit of such a unit for the results of 2010 was 2.5 million dollars.

Four-wheeled extreme. Doun Stokers worked as a medical equipment sales manager. But in 2004, a fragile girl was tired of fighting sad memories of his first experience of driving Chevrolet Monza 1963. Done got half a million and bought 10 such cars at once. Further, an enforceive woman rented a track in one of the Texas towns and opened the driving school of sports and extreme cars. Soon this place was popular as among fasteners of fast drive, and among the companies practicing car alteration. As a result, business began to flourish, bringing 1.8 million dollars in 2010 in 2010.

Simple identifiers. In childhood, almost every one of us has sewn special labels on the items. This allowed not to lose the mittens and cap in the locker room. It turns out that such a problem exists in America. There are very popular factory labels for personalizing children's things in educational institutions. Even adults are subject to similar inattention. Julia Cole decided to use this fact and invested in 2002 ten thousand dollars in the business for creating such simple identifiers. In 2010, her company has already earned 4 million.

Wooden puzzles. Things created by hand have special magic. That is why people are ready to overpay for them. This may tell a detailed 71-year-old Steve Richardson. Those puzzles that it creates are drawn by real artists and are estimated at least $ 125, and maximum and 5,000. The price depends on complexity, while the toy is so exquisitely created that it is pleasant to get it as a gift. Even the British Queen, a big lover of smart games, became one of the owners of a wooden puzzle. The entrepreneur says that specifically creates puzzles such that they are hard to collect. The calculation of Steve was confirmed by the income of his small enterprise in Vermont. In 2009, profits amounted to 2.5 million.

Big moving. Moving always resembles a natural disaster. The owners calmly can transport their cats, dogs and other pets, but what should I do if a whole zoo is moving? Texans Kevin and Angie O'Brien tried to answer this question. In 2004, they created Starting capital amounted to only 97 thousand. Over time, a small family business has expanded significantly. Now the company has a deep specialization in Logistics. She not only transports animals, but also prepares their veterinary passports, helps to pass quarantine and customs clearance. In this business, the spouses have practically no competitors, which helped them earn about 4 million in 2010.

Socks on outsourcing. Any man sometimes comes the moment when it fails to find a pair of clean socks. Or simply their odd quantity. One day, the patience of Swiss Samuel Likhti burst, and he founded the BlackSocks company in 1999. The company simply helped men - several times a year, nine more than 89 dollar socks were sent to customers. The entrepreneur said that such an outsourcing allows men to save 12 hours a year, and in all her life there are whole three weeks of the returned time. In 2009, Lychti business expanded - he began to sell underwear. Today, the company serves 60 thousand customers in 74 countries. In 2009, the income of the enterprise amounted to 5 million.

Disordered flights. Ricka Platta from Las Vegas no longer worries the question why people do not fly like birds. Perhaps because there are other features. Since 2009, a man has opened his own battleship complex. Interestingly, but the elastic surfaces are placed there not only on the floor, but also on the walls and the ceiling. As a result, a man, bouncing, can fly in any direction. The cost of such a rest is small - only 12 dollars per hour. Today, the hall is resting families, corporate stands and entire tournaments. Platt once was engaged in collecting scrap metal, but was able to find about 2 million for his new business. Invested funds returned in the very first year, besides, another million remained on the bill. Rick is going to develop a franchise network, which is looking for similar madness.

Art with DNA. Mix science and art learned the curious duet of Adrian Solomonovich and Nazima Ahmed, learning more and earn on it. Since 2005, they began to create portraits of customers. A feature is that the strokes in the picture are amino acids from DNA. Each of them has its own color and its place on canvas. A small picture will cost $ 200, and a large cloth will pull on 1300. Interest in the canvas from genetic material is so great that they are stored in Tokyo Museums and New York, as works of contemporary art. Entrepreneurs artists in 2009 were able to get rich by 1.4 million.

Search bugs. The work of Kevin Murray is not at all in the field, but in the walls of corporate offices. His business began in 1978, when the wave of spy scandals in enterprises flourished. Murray offered his services to detect listening and peeping devices - "bugs". The day of the specialist is 7-8 thousand dollars. Now the profitability of the business is reduced - strict laws scared spies. Now the counterintelligence is no longer receiving the olden million, I can be content with the amount of 760 thousand dollars a year.

Folk car. It would seem how to compete on the sale of auto parts with large organizations? Matthew Hartzog proved that this is possible. In his youth, the guy helped his stepfather, selling spare parts for cars General Motors. The lesson liked Matthew so much that in the adulthood he opened his company selling components, but for just one machine - Pontiac Fiero. At one time, this small and cheap car was the most real hit in the American market, dispelled by a circulation of 370 thousand copies. Most crossed in accidents and in landfills, but even today, 75 thousand such cars ride on the roads of the country. "Fiier" adore their owners who are ready to buy from Matthew a variety of original and tuning accessories. Naturally, rare spare parts respectively and stand. In 2009, the fans of the rare model brought a profit of 2 million businessman.

1. Wash the ceiling with wax. When you really have nothing to do, take the wax and smear the ceiling wax. At least something will take

2. Sharpening teeth.

3. Make a pigtail from your dog. Poor animal, but what to do when you do not know what to do?

4. Wash and clean your call button. Entertainment with benefit!

5. Wet the dog. What can be more fun, how to make fun on someone? Dog, cat, hamster, no matter who will come to your hand, but it is worth fun on him. The main thing is not toasting this poor animal or man.

6. Passing a tree. From idleness, you can not only do it ...

7. Dedicate yourself to the knights. What can be pleasant to how to understand that now you are a real knight. The main thing, forget that you baptized yourself in the knights.

8. I will scare someone. Entertainment! The main thing is to find decent prey so that it does not have to, then, to scare yourself ...

9. Singing on the beds from nails. You will not only entertain, but also take care of your health.

10. did not move. Imagine that you frozen, frozen as a dinosaur in ice. It will be the fun, if someone is near.

11. Skipping ice cream. Dull, but interesting. Try it later to drink.

12. Escape around the car. Entertainment not only for yourself, but also for others.

13. Drink water with steamers. How to have fun at the party? 10 waters and 10 steamers of a strong alcoholic beverage, such as vodka. Call everyone. Invite someone to the competition, who will drink more. But do not say that fluids differ. And naturally drink water, and the opponent will drink vodka. The main thing is not to issue yourself. Fun provided.

14. Kin heavy brick. Only in the head does not fall anyone.

15. Provided by ghost. Remember the cartoon, where Carlson pounced the sheet, painted his eyes and began to scare thieves. Try to do the same! Suddenly you will be afraid of someone.

16. Pasting yourself in an unusual color and go out. Become shrek!

17. Just unfold.

18. Tell me the funeral of the joke.

19. Stand

20. Go like

21. Pumps

22. Proseccarekay

23. I myself am invent what to do after that.

24. Sweet ice water.

25. Eat the bulb for 1 minute and snacks with garlic. After that, you definitely find yourself, how to take yourself and how to have fun.

26. Make an electrical closure. And bother tightly the door.

27. Jump your head against the wall.

28. Donate your brother's body for scientific purposes after death.

29. Set a stupid question and answer him himself.

30. Spit. And then wipe.

31. Stay a monkey all day.

32. Women's dress with hearts and dirty socks on their wedding.

33. ignore people.

34. Kin Zhwamka in the wall.

35. Inflate the ball while it does not burst.

36. Open everything you see.

37. Retrib your pencil at the tip of the nose 1 minute.

38. Pour milk into your boots.

39. Pasting your teeth.

40. Find the words that begin on Y.

41. Sotters completely storm.

42. Talk to the foot.

43. Throw the cat from the last floor. Check whether it will really land on all 4 paws.

44. Go to the airport and scatter bomb. You will remember this day for a long time ...

45. Scare people with their eyes. Buy in the store unusual contact lenses and pay attention to the reaction of people.

How it turns out that someone comes to someone's idea of \u200b\u200ba business, which every other seems to be just crazy and no right to success, and she (idea) shoots and makes it a millionaire and even billionaire? Why are some solve for the realization of that neither to eat a crazy idea and ... won, and other years are looking for "their" idea and lose once at once?

What is this special vision, inhuman faith in success, some kind of quality of founder which is only he and no one else? What is the reason?

Happy case of entrepreneur

My personal opinion (IMHO) much depends on the case. Yes, and many businesses at the start did not think about their creators as soupeless. Just everyone has grown, as they say: "At the right hour and in the right place."

Please understand me correctly in order to succeed in business, you must possess many qualities of the entrepreneur, there is no dispute. But luck, happy case ... must be present.

I will give an example not from business - the cooperative "Lake". Look, who of his participants in the past at the moment occupies state posts?

What do you think, many of the state husbands would be now at the peak of their success, if it weren't that the case allowed them to successfully enter the shareholders of this cooperative? And Mr. Miller before heading Gazprom with whom she worked side by side in St. Petersburg?

Want an example from business? Allow One of my friend, holding me money on the cigarettes in the distant 2000, in 2001 it became inadvertently met on the street of his institute acquaintance and who had connections (relative) at one large enterprise.

Word for the word, but they took advantage of this connection, created a business, and in a few years my friend became a real dollar millionaire. Random meeting.

Passion entrepreneur

Many startups begin with the passion of their creators. Passion allows many those who won not paying attention to the seemingly madness of the idea, which is obvious to all others.

After all, indeed, isn't the usual fisherman noon looks stupid, sitting on the shore in the desire to catch a couple of roach sizes with children's palm?

Perhaps he once caught a huge fish, shouting on the whole white light: "Jas" !!! And it will be taken to work on central television.

This is an example and passion of a fisherman.

As well as in the example of the example with a fisherman, entrepreneurs begin their business, which is completely unlohabited and ... win.

The "crazy" team

You will be lucky in double if you unexpectedly not only find a passion for some crazy work, but you will find the same "polulous" capable of believing in you and in your "crazy" idea.

As a rule, in order to embody the idea, and the more crazy you need to have a team of like-minded people who believe in this idea with the same passion as you.

We bring to your attention a few "crazy" ideas that were considered those at the start of the business by many people, and who made their generators with very rich people:


And now imagine such a picture: 1975, a bar, where a few friends are "thumping in an adult" and how it is found on the boy, pour soul to each other.

Suddenly, the conversation with wives and girlfriends is moving on pets (drowned devils). All as a team begins to complain about their dogs and cats. And you need to walk with them and care, but in general these dogs are not their passion, but wives and everyone is already pretty tired.

Russia and Ukraine is the first step to the beginning of a successful business with a light and simple start.

Deciding on the purchase of franchise is necessary with the professional recommendations of the section:

About the most recent news and business trends with franchise you can read

The most sober (judging by the results) from this company was someone Gary Dal. Almost a joke, he suggested: "Sell your dogs and cats, and instead, take themselves into the house of stuffed animals." All laughed and forgotten.

But Gary did not forget this unexpected idea. Further reflection led him to the conclusion that many live animals will not love. Still, it resembles the death of an animal. Then Harry dawned. You need to make pets from ... stones!

Now imagine that such an idea comes to your head and you go to your loved ones with the type: "Mom, Dad (wife, husband) I want to become a millionaire selling stone dogs "! UPS ??

What do you think will say your loved ones? Do they cause a psychiatrist immediately or still think? I would cause immediately.

However, Gary did not calm down and created a business, offering all the wishing cats-dogs. Well, nonsense, the same, nonsense of clean water!

At first glance, Brad made Gary with a dollar millionaire and one of the most prosperous entrepreneurs in his city.

The most remarkable thing that Harry was sold with stones, houses for stone dogs and even the instructions for ... Attention, stand, do not fall ... Instructions for the training of stone cats-dogs.

Well, what is there to say?

Photo chronology of life

Imagine that the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a business for the manufacture and sale of small devices has come to mind, which every half hour fix everything you do during the day.

Not only are you fixing all the events using photos, but also keep them and then posts on the network. This came up with Swedish innovators and did not lose.

Having created a small device that is mounted on a shirt collar or a jacket lacquer and selling it $ 279, the guys have managed to earn several million dollars in a few years.


The History of Success Mark Zuckerberg has already nabbed Oskom. I wrote a volume of research and "scientific papers" but I will still give it as an example. Do you know why?

Yes, because at the time of the loud procession on the planet of the social network MySpace, to create almost its analogue and the more hope for success - the real madness.

But Mark risked (I suspect, he did not think to risk, but simply did what he liked) and ... became a graveman of the world-famous and prosperous social network MySpace.

Craig Newmark The founder of the business (eng. Craigslist, literally - Craig catalog named Founder) In the distance, 1995 selling a place for a small place on his site, for the possibility of placing an advertising proposal, and did not dream of a big business.

He did not suspect that his business would not be just successful in many years, but the top. Craig just did what he was interested. In essence, Newmark created one of the first board of free ads, where anyone can file an advertisement about work, buying an apartment, cars, etc.

Starting from several dozen simple ads (by the way, the design of the site did not change from the moment of creation) the site today processes up to 20 billion visits per month.

How much do you ask such a "sitik" earns?

Analysts and commentators report different figures of the annual income of the website, ranging from $ 10 million in 2004, $ 20 million in 2005, and $ 25 million in 2006 before, perhaps $ 150 million in 2007 . About revenues in 2014 even scary to think.)


Another crazy idea was to create a payment system, which would trust millions of users worldwide. After all, to make payment transactions in the PayPal system, each user must transfer all data on its credit card.

Imagine? Not now, when the service turns billions to imagine such a thing, but at the dawn of the formation of a business, many would have spoiled from the temple and would definitely say, pointing to the finger on the founders of Peter Til and Elon Mask - "Schomiki".

We will add to this narrative more "pepper": we are talking about the 90s, when there were no broad literacy of the population of the planet in the case of handling virtual payments, but in simple language - oh how there was a tight.

As of 2014 in 203 countries, has more than 137 million registered users. The past "madness" of the founding fathers today bring them multimillion profit annually.

To study the numerous experience of other entrepreneurs who created their successful business with a franchise can be in the section of our site:

The most successful and cognitive case according to the editorial office of the portal RusStarup:

Interesting experience in creating a franchising business program is represented


Another and very demonstrative history of madness - Again, you have to repeat that now everything is smart and understand how much and how this online store earns, but imagine the distant 1994.

Who then thought to sell books via the Internet? Sell \u200b\u200bbooks via the Internet, when there were dozens of bookstores in any city in any city and people basically read books in paper.

But there was such a person - Jeff Bezos, who and "wrung out" such a business. "Mastered" and did not lose. As of 2013, the company earned $ 274 million net profit.