Fair Trade Day. World Fair Trade Day. Honest Trade Movement

In order to answer the question of what number is World Day fair trade In Russia, you should be aware of what the holiday is and when it is usually noted in other countries.

This significant day, as follows from his name, has international status. The holiday celebrates every year in the second Saturday May. In 2020 it will be may 13 . All May as a whole is also suitable under the auspices of fair trade. Various activities are actively conducted, aimed at discussing modern economic problems at an angle of democratic and humanistic initials.

May 13, 2020 - Fair Trade Day

Fair trade is a public movement whose goals are settling international standards and public trade policies. Especially much attention is paid to the production of goods in developing countries. In this case, we are talking about the ban on the use of slave and child labor. Also, the World Organization of Fair Trade is the protection of ecology. Every year for the holiday is chosen its individual slogan.

The World Fair Trade Organization has 350 organizations and 70 states. Some presenters russian companies Also included in the participants. In this regard, the Russian Federation also regularly celebrates the Day of Fair Trade together with the World Community.

Traditionally, various events at different levels are organized on this day. Among the international industrial exhibitions, economic seminars can be noted. Scientific conferences are also traditionally held. The objectives of these activities is the propaganda principles of fair trade in different areasboth economic and social. Participating companies seek to achieve the formation of a negative attitude to the operation of slave and child labor in the society, as well as violations of environmental standards in the production process. Representatives of the Organization are intended to bring trade turnover to ideals of honesty, justice and democracy.

Despite the fact that the initiator of creating a holiday made public organizationHe actively steps the world. Many countries, not even participating countries, provide various support in organizing the event and provide various benefits to companies advocating fair trade.

World Fair Trade Day

Every year, in the second Saturday May, the day is celebrated when the whole world rethinks the main principles of fair trade in the philosophical and practical venerer. Manufacturers and merchants from different countries Conduct thematic business meetings, exposures and conferences. In 2019, the holiday is celebrated on May 11th.

The noble "mission" of the holiday is the propaganda of the postulates of fair trade and honest business management in accordance with international regulations. Chief themes for the censure are child labor, slave boala, breeding prices and ecosystem disruption. Trading still in ancient times was associated with fraud and deception.

So it turned out that the very concept of fair trade has an irrational meaning. Nevertheless, in 1940, the commercialization of goods from the "fair chain" was found. The organization "10 thousand villages" began to supply goods handmade in developing countries. The goods were rather a symbol confirming the donation.

By the mid-80s, a new social movement appeared entitled Fair trade. All products have become subject to mandatory certification and labeling. A common motto was invented - "Fair Trade Is Not Aid" - "Fair trade is not begging." The Fairtrade marking is evidence that the production of goods was used in the production of goods, there was no emission of chemicals into the soil, the working conditions complied with international norms and the work of children "was not involved."

Products with "Fair Label" are often more expensive than analogues, but many consciousness consciously prefer this category of products. Marking allows you to track the entire product chain, ranging from the origin of the product, production, delivery, ending with the act of purchase.

Principles of fair trade: Creating conditions for entering the market of small and unprofitable companies, absolute business transparency and a simple participation algorithm, honest price according to location, which covers the incident and development costs, equality of men and women in the status of movement participants, humane working conditions.

The main product group is exported products from third world countries. The register of products includes: bananas, coffee, tea, honey, oranges, cocoa, fruits, vegetables, spices, nuts, wine and more. Manufacturers companies who adhere to the laws of "fair trade" label their products with a single sign. Consolidation of manufacturers defends standards for labor, ethical, social and environmental regulation. The organizer of the movement is the World Fair Trade Organization.

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Among the activities traditionally organized on this day, exhibitions, seminars, conferences, which take part manufacturers from different countries of the world, promoting the principles of fair trade, which must comply with international standards. In addition, these activities are aimed at the formation of a negative public relations to slave labor and attracting people to environmental conditions for the production of goods.

Fair trade is a social movementdesigned to defend international Standards and public policy regarding marked and unmarked goods. The focus is paid to goods exported from developing countries to developed.

Fair trade goods can be such food, coffee, coffee, cocoa, bananas, as well as objects of handicraft production and clothing. The main thing is that they are made without the use of slave and child labor.

For example, themes in for different years There were words: fair trade + ecology (calling manufacturers to produce environmentally friendly and safe products), trading for people: Fair Trade - Your World (Trade for People - Fair Trade Your World).

Detailed description:

(Date for 2018) World Fair Trade Day (World Fair Trade Day) is celebrated annually in the second Saturday May, and may be considered a month of fair trade.

This day, held under the leadership of the World Fair Trade Organization, allows approximately 350 teams of manufacturers and equitable trade organizations out of 70 countries to declare their participation in fair trade.

Among the activities traditionally organized on this day, exhibitions, seminars, conferences, which take part manufacturers from different countries of the world, promoting the principles of fair trade, which must comply with international standards.

In addition, these activities are aimed at the formation of a negative public relations to slave labor and attracting people to environmental conditions for the production of goods. The main thing is that they are produced without the use of slave and child labor

World Fair Trade Day is celebrated on May 11th. It is no secret that trading is not always honest: shops sometimes resort to different tricks to make the buyer spend more. Learning about ordinary rules, you can avoid deception.

On the Day of Fair Trade, there are many seminars and business meetings, which are discussing trade-related problems and offer ways to solve them. 11 Everyone can evaluate honesty shopping pointsBy paying attention to the behavior of sellers, as well as people organizing sales in large trading complexes.

AT modern world A huge number of shops offer their products, luring potential buyers with colorful shop windows, seductive shares and bonuses. Before you go shopping in grocery storesIt is worth remembering that in the outlet of each there is a lot of tricks forcing more. Here are a few rules that will help save.

How not to deceive, making purchases

1. In the grocery stores you need to go satisfy. Marketers know a sense in sales, so in most shopping points there will be seductive flavors. Crispy buns and smell of fresh baking causes an invalid salivation. At such moments it is important to remember: this is a hoax that makes buying too much. No less seductively look fruits and vegetables, which spray with water to give them a more appetizing type.

2. Necessary products at a fair price do not place at eye level. Shelves with cherished products are at the floor. High-quality products are most often hiding in the depths of refrigerators and shelves with cooling. In the forefronts there are products, the shelf life of which comes to an end.

3. At the box office there are showcases with trifle, not to buy which - a big problem. Bright wrappers and candy attract attention not only adults, but also children who literally force parents to buy useless goods. Another "ambush" is located directly from the cashier: promotional goods that are very difficult to leave without attention.

4. Do not give yourself to deceive the wonderful way: drawing up an accurate shopping list and a small amount money. Thanks to the cherished marks in the smartphone or on a traditional leaves, the probability of deception is reduced, even if the look at the seductive share of goods that are not needed at the moment.

5. Checks checking is another way to protect yourself from deception. With a large number of purchases, you can not keep track of how the cashier punches not one, but at once a few positions of the purchased goods. If you check the compliance of the product basket positions in the check, you can easily avoid the dishonestness or forgetful cashier.

6. You need to check and pass, as well as the amount of payment if the purchase is paid by the card. Often, cashiers demand once again to pay, networks that payment has not been produced. An alert on the phone will allow the dispute and relieve the hassle.

7. The inconsistency of price tags on the product is also often a trick. Not everyone will argue because of a few rubles, so the trick works. In case of doubt, you need to take a photo of the price tag or grab it with you so that the staff of the Hall did not have time to change them, looking at the conflict.

8. In the markets are cheating often, so sellers hide the scales, on which there are often additional cargoes. In each market there must be control scales, and if there are doubts, you need to use them.

It is much easier to protect yourself from deception with the help of observation and responsibility than to deal with the sellers with dishonest on hand.

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