Volunteer team organization project "If you want to feel like a human being - help another!" Work program of the Nadezhda volunteer squad. "Order and cleanliness for our village!"

In a period of rapid globalization and informatization of the living space, every day a teenager must make a choice, resist the temptations of life, maintain health and defend his life position based on knowledge and his own acquired experience. The purpose of the development of a system for the prevention of antisocial behavior and child neglect is to strengthen the individual's resistance to negative environmental influences. The most important task is the formation of social and personal competence skills in adolescents, allowing them to resist the introduction to the use of psychoactive substances, alcoholism, smoking under the pressure of the social environment: the ability to communicate, understand other people, as well as self-esteem and respect for others, the ability to defend their opinion , reckon with the opinions of others, withstand external pressure. Gone are the old forms of organizing the leisure of students and the changed socio-economic situation in the country, required the emergence of new approaches and methods of activating adolescents. That is why the emergence of new forms of involving adolescents in social activity is intended to contribute to the formation and improvement of the political and social competence of the younger generation. The volunteer movement can become one of these forms of work. It is planned to organize a volunteer squad on the basis of one class, and in the future it will be replenished with students leading a healthy lifestyle. Project goals: Involvement of schoolchildren in socially useful activities through the development of a volunteer movement to foster a healthy lifestyle. Project objectives: 1. Show the benefits of a healthy lifestyle by personal example. 2. Promote a healthy lifestyle (with the help of promotions, training sessions, thematic speeches, competitions, etc.) 3. To form a close-knit active team of volunteers. 4. To revive the idea of \u200b\u200bpatronage (for the time being over younger students) as a means of spreading the volunteer movement. 5. Create conditions that allow students to work on their own, aimed at reducing the level of consumption of alcoholism, tobacco smoking, psychoactive substances in adolescents. 6. Provide adolescents with information about healthy lifestyles.



GKOU SO "Turin special (correctional)

general education boarding school "


organizing a volunteer squad

"Do you want to feel like a man -

Help another! "

Compiled by:

Popova Larisa Vitalievna,

class teacher of 6 "b" grade,

mathematic teacher,

Without health, wisdom is unenviable, and art is pale,

and power was dull, and wealth is useless, and the word is powerless.


Explanatory note

This project was developed in 2012 and is intended to carry out educational work with students in grades 7-9. Its implementation period is 3 years (from 2012 to 2015).

In a period of rapid globalization and informatization of the living space, every day a teenager must make a choice, resist the temptations of life, maintain health and defend his life position based on knowledge and his own acquired experience.

The purpose of the development of a system for the prevention of antisocial behavior and child neglect is to strengthen the individual's resistance to negative environmental influences. The most important task is the formation of social and personal competence skills in adolescents, allowing them to resist the introduction to the use of psychoactive substances, alcoholism, smoking under the pressure of the social environment: the ability to communicate, understand other people, as well as self-esteem and respect for others, the ability to defend their opinion , take into account the opinions of others, resist external pressure.

Gone are the old forms of organizing students' leisure and the changed socio-economic situation in the country, required the emergence of new approaches and methods of activating adolescents. That is why the emergence of new forms of involving adolescents in social activity is intended to contribute to the formation and improvement of the political and social competence of the younger generation. The volunteer movement can become one of these forms of work.

It is planned to organize a volunteer squad on the basis of one class, and in the future it will be replenished with students leading a healthy lifestyle.

The mission of our volunteer squad is to contribute to the physical and moral recovery of the school community, to make the life of those around them brighter and brighter, in order to have a positive impact on their peers when they choose their life values.

An active life position, the ability to interact and get involved in a project, the ability to receive and transmit information - this is what a volunteer must have for successful work.

Working in a volunteer team will help the guys change internally, and even externally. The teenager will gain self-esteem, become confident and attractive to others. In later life, it will be easier for them to communicate, interact and be involved in any activity, they will be able to have a positive impact on people, easily take leadership positions, and at the same time show tolerance and respect for others.

In the process of activity, volunteers will interact with the outside world, firstly, receiving influence from the outside, receiving information, knowledge, learning and developing personal qualities... Secondly, interacting with each other in the process of activity, they acquire the ability to work in a team, learn to resolve conflicts, get involved in a project, bear responsibility, and thirdly, transfer information to the outside, to their peers, on the principle of “equal - equal”, holding the Days of Prevention with thematic information outputs to classes, preventive classes, classes with training elements, preventive fairy tales for younger children, theatrical contests, propaganda performances, actions, design of information booklets. All this will contribute to the formation of social competence.

Project goals:

  1. Involvement of school students in socially useful activities through the development of a volunteer movement to foster a healthy lifestyle.

Project objectives:

1. Show the benefits of a healthy lifestyle by example.

2. Promote a healthy lifestyle (with the help of promotions, training sessions, thematic speeches, competitions, etc.)

3. To form a close-knit active team of volunteers.

4. To revive the idea of \u200b\u200bpatronage (for the time being over younger students) as a means of spreading the volunteer movement.

5. Create conditions that allow students to work on their own to reduce the level of consumption of alcoholism, tobacco smoking, psychoactive substances in adolescents.

6. Provide adolescents with information about healthy lifestyles.

Project participants:

1. Students in the class

2. Parents

3. Classroom teacher class

4. School health worker

5. School psychologist

6. School librarian

7. Cooking teacher

8. Physical education teacher

9. Music teacher

Project type:

  1. Applied (practice-oriented)
  2. Interdisciplinary
  3. Intraschool (with access to the society of the city)
  4. Group
  5. Long term (3 years)

Conditions for organizing a volunteer movement

  1. Interaction of specialists from various fields in training volunteers and preparing events.
  2. The use of various forms of organization of preventive activities (actions, class hours, concert programs, theatrical performances, etc.).
  3. Information support of work experience ( school newspaper, photo album, etc.). Further finds a place methodological support: organization of exhibitions, publication of booklets. And, of course, based on the areas of activity, participation in holidays, meetings, competitions.

The project is being implemented in three stages:

  1. Preparatory presentation
  2. Practical
  3. Generalizing

Directions for the implementation of the practical stage of the project:

  1. Improving the classroom team
  2. Preparing for volunteer events
  3. Volunteer activities





Analysis of the educational environment of an educational institution in the context of this problem.

Leader of the volunteer squad (class leader)

February 2012

Analysis of school-wide results of monitoring "Health".

February 2012



Determination of the strategy and tactics of activity.



Drawing up a plan for the implementation of the project.



Drawing up an approximate estimate for the implementation of projects. (Appendix 2)



Project presentation.




Drafted project, ready for implementation.


one . Registration "TREE OF HEALTH" For parents and children at the start of the project, a TREE OF HEALTH is created, where they place their personal obligations: to lose weight on Nth number kilogram, smoke less by N-e number of cigarettes, do exercises, brush your teeth every day, wash your hands before eating, do not drink carbonated drinks, etc.On the trees, the guys not only "make promises", but they can also post their comments about certain events of the project.

2. Poster, photo collage competition "It's great to be healthy!" Purpose: presentation in a lively entertaining form of the values \u200b\u200bof health and a healthy lifestyle. Implementation: students are given the task of creating a poster, a photo collage (or simply a collage), or - even - a caricature on the topic of health and ill health, healthy and unhealthy lifestyles. These can be statements by ancient sages or our contemporaries, humorous pictures relevant topics. Bottom line: Posters and collages are placed in the classroom or hallways.

3. Culinary competition "Food without harm" (+ cooking lesson)

4. Training: "May I say no!"

(Creation of a behavioral attitude towards rejection of the use of psychoactive substances, the formation of a stable life position, preventing the involvement of adolescents in the use of psychoactive substances)

5.Sports games"Mom, dad, I am a sports family."

6. Drawing competition: "Smiles make a gloomy day brighter!"

7. Action "Listen!" (letter to a peer who decided to try alcohol or drugs. Whatman paper is left hanging in the class)

8. Drawing up a health diary(how to keep track of your daily routine, etc.).

Cl. manager




Cl. leadership


Cooking teacher


Cl. manager

Cl. manager

Cl. manager


2012-2013 academic year g.

During a year







During a year

2 direction: Activities aimed at preparing for volunteer events

1. Organizational meeting of the volunteer team: (Appendix 3)

Squad name, motto, uniform

Acquaintance with the rules of the volunteer activities;

Acceptance of the volunteer commandments

Squad emblem

Volunteer initiation, oath

2. Making a plan work to promote healthy lifestyles

3. Studying history creation of volunteer teams

(Appendix 4)

4. Diagnosing students (questionnaires, testing, polls) and information processing.

5. Conversations with a healthcare professional about a healthy lifestyle (broadening the horizons of students, the ability to present the information received to peers, parents).

6. Training sessions of the schoolpsychologist with members of the volunteer squad (broadening the horizons of students, the ability to present the information received to peers, parents).

Cl. leadership

Cl. leadership

Cl. leadership


Cl. leadership

Honey. workers


2013 -2014 account. g.



During a year

During a year

During a year

During a year

1. Statement of the scene "Let's get married" and showing to peers, at a parent meeting, in the Firefly ponsiogat (Appendix 5)

2. Speech by the propaganda team "We are for a healthy lifestyle" (Appendix 6)

3. Action "Good morning":class students on the readiness rulers in junior grades spend 5 minutes of health (exercises to activate the brain: rub the ears, polarizing breathing: inhale one nostril, exhale the other, etc., massage fingers, etc.)

4. 5 minutes "The infection will not pass" (about the importance of hardening, proper clothing, nutrition, being in the fresh air so as not to get sick)

5. Promotion "Good afternoon" Carrying out musical changes.

6. Carrying out the Orange Health Action(with a charity concert at the Svetlyachok boarding house)

7. School conference"We are what we eat!"information on sodas, chocolate bars, chips, E additives, etc., Refrain in discussion: it tastes good, I like it - but is it worth it to eat what I like? and why is it worth looking at the composition of the product?

8. Design and distribution of booklets"A healthy generation is a wise decision!"

9. Design and presentation of the poster "Useful vitamins" (Appendix 7)

Head of HE, volunteers

Head of HE, volunteers,

uch. music

Head of HE, volunteers

Honey. Volunteer worker

Head of HE, volunteers

uch. music

Head of HE, volunteers,

uch. music

Head of HE, volunteers



uch. cooking, volunteers

2014-2015 account g.


During a year

During a year

During a year

During a year

During a year


During a year


Traditional activities during all directions of the practical stage

1. Conducting class hours according to the program of E. D. Khudenko.

7th grade

  1. The strength of my body. Will and training.
  2. What is a healthy lifestyle". Man is a child of nature.
  3. What are organic products.
  4. Body scents and culture of behavior.
  5. Age-related acne. Is it so scary.
  6. The effect of the sun's rays on the body.
  7. Laughter, mood and our health.
  8. Cleanliness and comfort in my house is the guarantee of my health.

8th grade

  1. My physical performance.
  2. Reasonable diet.
  3. Do I know how to rest.
  4. Prevention of drug addiction.
  5. Prevention of colds.
  6. The value of water procedures for the body.
  7. Avitaminosis
  8. A clean atmosphere is a healthy body.

Grade 9

  1. Sleep as the basis of the body's life.
  2. Intimate relationships.
  3. Negative emotions and mood.
  4. My health is my wealth.
  5. The relationship between colds and hardening.
  6. Sports, exercise equipment and their correct use.
  7. Diseases of "Venus" and their consequences.
  8. Prevention of injuries.

2. Participation in school-wide sports activities.

  1. Health Day. Campfires await us
  2. Regional "Autumn cross"
  3. District cross "Nation"
  4. School basketball championship
  5. School volleyball championship
  6. A friendly match in basketball, volleyball with students of other educational institutions
  7. A friendly match in basketball, volleyball between students and teachers
  8. Ski race
  9. Excursion to the regional sports museum
  10. Ski relay
  11. Military-sports game "Zarnitsa"

Cl. leadership

Uch. physical

Cl. leadership

2012-2013 academic year

2013-2014 academic year

2014-2015 academic year



A healthier children's team of the school (monitoring "Health" by E. D. Khudenko).


Processing of monitoring results "Health".

Volunteer Team Leader

May 2015

Analysis of the results of the project implementation in accordance with the set goals and objectives

Defining perspectives and paths further development activities in this direction.


Album design for the activities of the volunteer squad.


A decorated photo album about the work and results of the volunteer team.

Expected results:

  1. The main result of the work is the formation of a more responsible, adapted, healthy personality in the course of activities.
  2. Students with knowledge of healthy lifestyles, the formation of healthy attitudes and skills of responsible behavior that reduce the likelihood of exposure to psychoactive substances, smoking, alcoholism.
  3. An increase in the number of children and adolescents involved in volunteer teams and alternative activities.
  4. Involvement of children and adolescents in socially significant activities and reduction of the number of minors who are registered in school and registered with the KDN.
  5. Creation of a model of children's and parental volunteer movement inside and outside the school; be able to communicate with students and adults, own the rules and regulations of respectful attitude.


1. Bragina S. A., Avdoshchenko L. V. Dialogues about health: workshops, trainings, business games, conversations.

3. Scientific and methodological journal "ZDV" No. 2, 2012

4. Magazine "Classroom teacher" №2, 2011

5. Materials from the Internet



Name and motto of the volunteer squad

Detachment: "We are the children of a healthy planet!"


We are the youth of the 21st century!

Healthy to see

We want a man!

We will help all together

our Fatherland!

We are for a healthy lifestyle!

A volunteer is a volunteer who speaks the language of a young audience, inspires confidence and interest in oneself.

Volunteering (to promote healthy lifestyles) is an affordable, massive way to prevent bad habits and antisocial behavior in society.

School volunteers commandments

  1. Find someone who needs your support, help, protect him.
  2. Open yourself up in any activity that is useful for others and yourself.
  3. Remember that your strength and your value are in your health.
  4. Evaluate yourself and your comrades not by words, but by real relationships and actions.

Volunteer rules:

  1. If you are a volunteer, forget about laziness and indifference to the problems of others.
  2. Be an idea generator!
  3. Respect the opinions of others!
  4. You criticize - offer, offer - do it!
  5. You promise - do it!
  6. If you don't know how, learn!
  7. Be persistent in achieving your goals!
  8. Lead a healthy lifestyle! Your lifestyle is an example to follow.

Volunteer Code:

  1. We want it to become fashionable - be healthy and free!
  2. We know ourselves and we will teach the kids,

How to make your health better! (Prevention days in primary school)

  1. Promotions are necessary and important.

Let's say bad habits - NOT!

We want to convey to everyone:

It is foolish to hurt yourself! (Anti-smoking promotions

Alcoholism, Drugs and AIDS)

  1. He who trains and learns always succeeds in everything.

Leadership training, creativity training.

Nice to communicate, I want to act! (Two in one - learning and

Communication. Trainings “I am a leader”, “Self-confidence”, “Successful

Communication ”,“ Your goal is your success ”,“ You and the team ”,“ I am a creative

Personality ")

  1. We are ready to prove in practice: A healthy mind - in a healthy body! (Participation in regional competitions to promote healthy lifestyle)
  2. Let us say to the people over and over again: "Addiction can steal freedom!" (Promotion of healthy lifestyle in school and not only.)
  3. Volunteer Day was a success.

There are many who wish - we do not take all of them!

Reincarnation awaits for beginners -

Test, oath and dedication! (After creative tests - dedication


  1. Stay away from dangerous temptations.

Lead an interesting life with us!

Think when you answer “no” and “yes”

And remember that there is always a choice!

Training for members of the volunteer squad

Given the complexity of the problem of promoting a healthy lifestyle and preventing drug addiction, alcoholism and tobacco smoking among young people, volunteers working in this direction should be well trained. The level of training required is determined by the type of work in which the volunteer is involved.

There are three main areas of training volunteers in this area:

It is important to remember that for any of the directions, basic knowledge is required (the reasons for the occurrence of abuse; factors contributing to its spread; the real consequences of the influence of use on the human body, family and society as a whole, etc.). Therefore, a prerequisite for high-quality training of volunteers is the involvement of medical practitioners, psychologists, sociologists, youth workers, specialists in training. Federal Service on drug control - professionals who know how to work with a youth audience.

Training of volunteers should be carried out in a training mode. Interactive teaching methods make it possible, through communication, to more deeply understand the motives for turning to volunteer activity, develop existing skills in working with people, realize their communication style and correct it.

First direction training volunteers to work to promote a healthy lifestyle, counter the spread of drug addiction, alcoholism and tobacco smoking among young people -conducting group sessions with peers.

The purpose of training: mastering the knowledge and skills necessary for volunteers to conduct group sessions on the prevention of drug addiction, alcoholism and tobacco smoking among young people and promoting a healthy lifestyle.

The training program includes 4 blocks:

1. Motivational : orientation of participants in the upcoming activities, in-depth study of their own motivations.

2. Preventive: acquaintance with the topic, identification of possible ways to prevent substance abuse and the development of life strategies to help avoid the danger of addiction to psychoactive substances.

3. Communicative: development of communication skills.

4. Practical : training of skills of independent teaching.

The number of hours required in each block may vary depending on the degree of preparedness of young people and the characteristics of the group's development.

The second direction is conducting preventive conversations.

The purpose of training : mastering the knowledge and skills necessary for volunteers to conduct group sessions on the prevention of drug addiction, alcoholism and tobacco smoking among young people and promoting a healthy lifestyle.

For volunteers working in this direction, it is important to be well informed, to be able to structure the material offered to the audience, to make it interesting and comprehensible in different age groups, to be able to hold the group's attention and organize a discussion.

Training volunteers for this activity is also best done in the form of training sessions. Practically without reduction, the first and second blocks of the training program for conducting group lessons are used, as well as an abbreviated version of communication training (about 15 hours). The topic of the prevention of drug, alcohol and tobacco abuse, the promotion of a healthy lifestyle is being worked out, and the skills of organizing and conducting group discussions are being developed.

Long-term psychological preparation is not required to carry out this work. It is enough for a teenager to have a desire to work, knowledge in this area, as well as competent speech and without defects that hinder the perception of information.

Third direction - conducting KVN, preparation of theatrical performances and performances of propaganda teams.

The purpose of training : mastering the knowledge and skills necessary for volunteers to carry out creative activities (KVN, theatrical performances, performances of propaganda teams) aimed at preventing drug addiction, alcoholism and tobacco smoking among young people, as well as promoting a healthy lifestyle.

Preparing to work in this direction requires creating an atmosphere of creativity. It is important to train attention, memory, correct speech, as well as control of your own body and the ability to get used to the role. A professional leisure organizer can supervise the training of volunteers.

Also an important aspect ispsychological support activities of volunteers. It is necessary to solve three important tasks:

1. Motivation for volunteering.

This is a cross-cutting task that must be constantly addressed. Motivation begins to form within the group as a result of volunteer activities or through work with the media. Gradually, it becomes more distinct and conscious, is supported through joint planning of the activities of the volunteer formation, the opportunity to constantly learn and communicate informally in an atmosphere of psychological comfort.

2. Overcoming difficulties at work.

3. Resolution personal problems volunteers and prevention of combustion syndrome, arising as a result of strong psycho-emotional stress when young people work with the topic of prevention of tobacco, alcohol and drug addiction.

Psychological support for the activities of youth volunteer formation should be provided by psychologists who have undergone special training in the field of prevention of drug addiction, alcoholism and tobacco smoking among young people and the promotion of a healthy lifestyle, who have the skills of conducting group classes and psychological counseling for adolescents and youth, as well as realizing the importance of work of volunteers in the system of prevention and promotion of a healthy lifestyle.

Design and presentation of the "Useful vitamins" poster


What does the disadvantage lead to?

What contains

Vitamin C

Decreased immunity, inflammation of the gums, skin lesions

Cabbage, black currants, new potatoes, bell peppers, oranges, unripe walnuts

IN1 (thiamine)

Fatigue, loss of appetite and weight, absent-mindedness, leg pain, shortness of breath

Wheat bran, strawberry, liver, kidneys

IN2 (riboflavin)

Weakness, pain in the eyes, damage to the oral mucosa

Milk, green vegetables, liver, mushrooms, cheeses

IN2 (pyridoxine)

Violation of protein metabolism and synthesis of fats, fatigue

Rice bran, wheat germ, meat, milk, cod, cheese, mushrooms



Liver, kidneys

PP (nicotinic acid)

Skin lesions, digestive disorders, mental disorders

Bran, wheat germ, liver, kidneys

Vitamin A

Immunity disorders, growth, deterioration of vision

Lettuce, spinach, green onions, carrots, butter, fish oil

Vitamin E

Accumulation of cholesterol, blood clots, heart failure

Greens, cereal germ, cabbage, beans

Play "Let's Get Married"


Baba - Yaga -marriageable bride

Gold fish -host of the program "Let's Get Married"

Vasilisa the Wise -co-host of the Let's Get Married program, psychologist.

Aibolit -co-host of the Let's Get Married program, doctor of general practice.

Koschei the Deathless -potential groom

Goblin -potential groom

Water -potential groom

Step 1.

Scene 1.

Studio of the program “Let's get married! "

Gold fish.Hello, dear viewers and guests of the Let's Get Married!(Slide 1) Today we have a bride and three candidates for the role of groom in the studio. We will get to know them a little later. And now I will introduce my co-hosts: Vasilisa the Wise - psychologist, Aibolit - general practitioner(Slide 2).

Gold fish.What brings you to our program?

Baba - Yaga.I'm tired of living alone in the forest. I would like to find a soul mate who will brighten up boring evenings, with whom you can discuss the latest forest news.

Vasilisa the Wise.What characteristics are the most important for you when choosing a partner?

Baba - Yaga.Considering my venerable age, the groom should not be very young, kind, economical, attractive in appearance, financially secure ...

Aibolit.Of course, for family life, these are very important concepts, but you have lost sight of something. What do you need to keep in mind when choosing a partner? Of course, this is a healthy lifestyle!

Baba - Yaga (with pride).Of course, my future husband must be healthy! I myself am still oh-ho-ho!

Gold fish.Well, well, meet the first challenger!

Scene 2.

The same, Leshy.

Goblin.Hello, Babusechka - Yagusechka! I am so glad to meet you!

Gold fish.Let's hear the dossier on our first groom.

View Presentation (Slide 3)

Special signs: A man, well, at a very respectable age, leading a solitary life.

Prefers: A convinced vegetarian. Favorite game "Zhmurki".

Looking for a life partner, who shares his interests and prefers rest in the wilderness.

Gold fish.What do you do in your free time?

Goblin.I am very friendly with forest dwellers: hares, squirrels, different birds. We play blind man's buff with them, we love to frighten lost travelers.

Vasilisa the Wise. Aren't you bored, dear Leshy, in the wilderness?

Goblin.Of course, sometimes I want to say a word with someone, that's why I came to your program.

Baba - Yaga.I feel a kindred spirit! I am also so lonely alone in a forest hut on chicken legs!

Aibolit.As I understand it, you, dear, have the stress of loneliness. How do you, may I ask, take it off?

Goblin.Very simple! I'll sit down, drag on a cigarette, it seems to become easier!

Aibolit.And how often do you sit down like this?

Goblin.Yes, as longing as it takes, I light a cigarette. Sometimes I smoke two packs a day.

Vasilisa the Wise. Nicotine!!! At first glance, this word sounds completely harmless. But this is because we do not know what it is. In fact, this word is fraught with horror, pain, ruthlessness, even causes fear. How far is humanity going? People drown their misfortune, troubles in family life in nicotine. I don't understand such people. These are not people, they are just beings who are spreading this "infection". I just want not to say, but to shout: "People, look around, this is your life!" Sergei Yesenin has the following lines:

My friend, my friend

I am very, very sick.

I don’t know where this pain came from.

Whether the wind is whistling

Over an empty and deserted field

Mud like a grove in September

Showers the brain with nicotine.

Aibolit.The widespread use of smoking is associated with the ability of the substance contained in tobacco - nicotine - to exert a kind of euphoric effect on the central nervous system of a person, which boils down to a feeling of pleasant excitement, some kind of emotional uplift, and lightness.

Smoking is Harmful in the First cardiovascular system and respiratory organs. Nicotine is irritating to the adrenal glands, which produce adrenaline. Excreted in an increased amount during smoking, adrenaline leads to an increase in blood pressure. This effect lasts approximately 20 minutes. In doses close to lethal, nicotine causes depression of the respiratory center. Death from nicotine poisoning occurs from respiratory paralysis. In this case, convulsions are also observed.

Among the effects of nicotine, the spasm of the pylorus of the stomach should be noted: the result of this is a violation of the normal passage of food. Endarteritis is a disease that manifests itself in the form of the so-called "lameness". The muscles of the legs while walking suffer from a lack of oxygen and the accumulation of harmful metabolic products, and this manifests itself in the form of numbness and pain. Feet, starting with the big toe, become cold and then cyanotic.

The vessels located directly under the skin also suffer from smoking. This leads to malnutrition, premature aging, loss of normal healthy appearance of the skin. At the same time, the skin acquires a characteristic yellowish color associated with the toxic effect of the substances contained in tobacco.

The adverse effects of smoking on the respiratory system are primarily associated with direct irritation of the mucous membrane with tobacco tar. The vocal cords enter a state of chronic inflammation, they thicken, become coarser, which leads to a change in the timbre of the voice.

In the lungs of smokers, immunity is weakened: the number of neutralizing microbes decreases. As a result, smokers especially easily develop pneumonia, and their tendency to tuberculosis increases. In adolescents who smoke, the chest volume is 25% behind those of nonsmokers.

Smoking has an adverse effect on the sexual sphere. A decrease in the level of the sex hormone in the blood was found in men who smoke.

In general, smoking causes such harm to the body that the life expectancy of smokers is reduced by about 8 years.

Gold fish.Look at the picture(Slide 4). When smoking, almost all human organs are affected.

Aibolit.When smoking, it is not the smokers themselves who suffer to a greater extent, but the so-called passive smokers, that is, those people who, being near the smoking person, inhale tobacco smoke.

Gold fish.Well, then, Mr. Leshy, go to your room and wait for the decision of our bride.

Vasilisa the Wise.What do you say, Baba - Yaga?

Baba - Yaga (resolutely).Lonely, quite positive, but I don't like heavy smokers. Once she herself tried to smoke and noticed that she began to quickly lose her shape, look older than her age. I quit smoking and do not regret it.

Aibolit.And I would like to add that smoking in the forest is very dangerous! After all, a small spark can cause a forest fire, which sometimes cannot be extinguished!

Gold fish.And we have a commercial break!

Scene 3.

Three students.

1 student.

Well, how much is in our pocket?

2 student.

There are enough cigarettes for a pack.

3 student.

Buy it at the kiosk soon

And then there is no more patience!

1 student.

Now everyone smokes in every school.

Are we not men with you?

Bring your cigarettes soon

We are already tired of the bulls!

2 student.

What are you coughing up brother?

And tears are running from my eyes with might and main.

And the lips suddenly became blue.

God forbid, adults will come in!

3 student.

It makes me sick and vomits, shakes me

And my head hurts.

I will not be anymore, take them away -

I don't want to hurt myself.

Step 2.

Scene 1.

Baba - Yaga, Goldfish, Vasilisa the Wise, Aibolit, Water.

Gold fish.Baba - Yaga, meet the second challenger!

Enter the Water One.

Water.Nice to meet you, madam!

Gold fish.To get to know Vodyany better, let's take a look at the dossier.

View Presentation (Slide 5)

Special signs: Moderately well-fed man. Hides his age. Has an exotic skin color.

Prefers: Romantic relationships in a body of water of any origin

Looking for a life partner: a cheerful woman drinking drinks of various strengths.

Vasilisa the Wise.Your love for water is very commendable, as contemplation of water calms, creates a favorable psychological microclimate.

Gold fish.What drinks of different strengths do you use?

Water.I really respect beer, I do not disdain stronger drinks: wine, vodka, cognac…. You sit in the pond, sip something invigorating ... Beauty!

Baba - Yaga (joyfully).Oh, I feel a kindred spirit! I sometimes allow myself "Red Bull"! He just inspires me! I'm becoming an Energizer!

Vasilisa the Wise.One drink inspires, another - gives colors to our gray life, the third - injects adrenaline into us ... It's even amazing how we could live hundreds of years without energy drinks. And now he drank a can and, like that hare from the advertisement for batteries, he was the first to go on a date, and the mountain surrendered to him, and the marathon won ... Young people are simply pouring in energy - the market for these soft drinks in Russia is 20 million liters a year. Alcoholic cocktails with “energy” content are even more popular. But for some reason there are no more victories and no more successful people. And some even find themselves in a hospital bed, having gone over the "energy".

Aibolit. Energy drinks are a relatively recent invention, although their ingredients have been used to boost vitality for centuries. Energy drink makers claim that their products are harmless, promising a burst of energy, vigor and high spirits. But at the same time, manufacturers recommend limiting ourselves to one or two cans per day. If there is no harm in energy drinks - what are the restrictions for?

Many nutritionists and healthcare professionals warn energy drink drinkers and advise against frequent use of energy drinks. The maximum dose is 2 cans (0.33 l) per day. Since due to a number of disadvantages, energy drinks can harm you. So, what are these disadvantages that arise when the specified dose is exceeded.

  1. As a result of consuming energy drinks, blood pressure and blood sugar levels rise.
  2. The energy drink itself is not saturated with energy, but draws it out of the internal reserves of the human body.
  3. After the expiration of the energy drink, fatigue, irritability, insomnia and depression occur.
  4. The caffeine in the energy drink drains the nervous system and is also addictive.
  5. Vitamin "B" contained in the energy drink causes tremors in the hands and feet, as well as heart palpitations.
  6. Almost all energy drinks are high in calories.
  7. With an overdose of energy drinks, side effects occur - nervousness, psychomotor agitation and depression.

Water (confused). Earlier I also "dabbled" with power engineers. But now the body requires stronger drinks.

Aibolit.Any dosealcohol, even not causing intoxication (starting with a concentration of 1-10 μg per ml of blood), causes harm to the human body. With prolonged usealcoholic "drinks" chronicalcoholism.

Like any poison,alcoholtaken in a certain dose is fatal. From observations of the poisoning of people with ethylalcohol a toxic equivalent for humans has also been derived.

If we make a calculation for vodka (40 °), then it turns out that the lethal dose is 1200 g. The speed of administration has a significant effect on the course of poisoning. Slow administration reduces the risk somewhat. When a lethal dose enters the body, the body temperature decreases by 3-4 degrees. Death occurs in 12-40 hours.

Analysis of sudden and accidental deaths shows thatalcohol as a cause of accidents, it still occupies one of the leading places.

Vasilisa the Wise.Look at the diagram(Slide 6), which shows what risk factors contribute to the fact that a person begins to consume alcoholic beverages, and you can also see what leads to their excessive use!

Aibolit.And here is in more detail about how alcohol abuse is reflected on the human body(Slide 7)And I also want to add that drinking in water is very dangerous! After all, a person loses control over himself and can easily drown!

Gold fish.Well then, Monsieur Vodyanoy, go to your room and await our bride's decision.

Vasilisa the Wise.

Baba - Yaga (scared).Something this groom scared me! I even wondered if I should quit the abuse of energy drinks myself!

Gold fish... Don't relax! After the commercial break, we will meet with the third groom!

Scene 2.

Teacher, several students.

Teacher. Palisade competition. You need to read the sentence. To do this, you need to collect letters: from the largest to the smallest. (Drink - harm health)


Step 3.

Scene 1.

Baba - Yaga, Goldfish, Vasilisa the Wise, Aibolit, Koschey the Immortal.

Gold fish.Baba - Yaga, meet the third groom!

Koschey the Immortal enters.

Water (arrogantly).Hello Miss Baba Yaga!

Gold fish.To get to know Koschey the Immortal better, let's take a look at the dossier.

View Presentation (Slide 8)

Special signs: A man in full dawn of strength, an asthenic physique with an unhealthy complexion. Has a domineering character.

Prefers:Build dwellings high in the mountains in the style of medieval knights. Has sadistic tendencies.

Looking for a life partner: a quiet, uncomplaining woman who would completely submit to his power.

Vasilisa the Wise.It seems to me that with your inclinations and lust for power, you have come to the wrong place. Our bride is a rather freedom-loving and independent person.

Koschey the Immortal (with aplomb).They didn’t obey me!

Aibolit.Your megalomania and appearance give me the impression that you are not entirely healthy! Do you use drugs?

Koschey the Immortal (proudly).I am using!

Goldfish (indignantly).And what are you proud of? Or do you think that if you are Immortal, then nothing threatens you ?! Threatening, and how! After all, you are a real drug addict! For some, one injection is enough to turn into a complete addict.

Aibolit.Drugs are substances that can cause a state of joyful intoxication - euphoria, and with systematic use - addiction and severe dependence.

Absolutely all drugs by their nature are poisons that affect all systems of organs and tissues, but especially the central nervous system, brain, reproductive system, liver and kidneys. As a rule, people with the best health, with regular drug use, live no more than ten years. Most die earlier.

Drug addiction is a state of chronic poisoning of the body in which a person experiences an irresistible attraction to the drug.

A person in a state of drug intoxication ceases to experience mental and physical pain, a feeling of lightness and comfort appears. The feeling of lightness leads to a loss of control over oneself and a loss of a sense of reality. The state of narcotic intoxication continues only while the narcotic substance is present in the blood.

After some time of regular drug use, euphoria is replaced by severe physical dependence - a person uses drugs not so much for the sake of euphoria as for fear of being withdrawn - an extremely difficult and painful condition that accompanies the return of the body to normal activities. Because of this, drug addicts commit many crimes. Not everyone is able to withstand withdrawal and therefore many choose to continue using the drug as the only remedy.

F.M. Dostoevsky said that beauty will save humanity. So this very beauty of young people dies and collapses during drug addiction. Teenagers and young people with drug addiction become ugly in the literal and figurative sense of the word. Their appearance is inherent in slovenliness. The skin becomes pale, with an icteric-earthy tinge, often with pigmentation unusual for young age. General form so painful that passers-by begin to sympathetically look after such young people. Let us recall how V.V. Mayakovsky: “There is no more beautiful clothes than bronze of muscles and freshness of skin”.

The harm of drug addiction is manifested in a sharp weight loss, weight loss, changes in body posture, and premature aging. Life expectancy is reduced by an average of 20 years, a characteristic change in the color and elasticity of hair develops - they become brittle, lose their natural color. Often drug addicts become "piebald" and are forced to resort to early dyeing and perm. Very characteristic signs for those who consume narcotic and other toxic substances are destruction (caries), tooth loss, inflammation of the oral mucosa and gums, a specific odor from the oral cavity that does not disappear after brushing with toothpaste, elixirs. In persons who use drugs or other toxic substances, the initial muscle strength is sharply reduced.

The poor state of health of drug addicts is many-sided, but characteristic of it is the excruciating suffering. A terrible, debilitating headache worries. As a rule, others easily notice their helplessness and exhaustion.

Gold fish.Drug abuse also harms those around it:

  1. drug addicts are bad workers.
  2. drug addicts think only about drugs and how to get it.
  3. due to drug addicts, there are too many incidents in transport, in production, causing accidents.
  4. drug addicts commit offenses in search of a drug or funds to purchase it (theft, robbery, etc.).
  5. create unbearable conditions for their family, deprive the family of their livelihood.
  6. commit a serious crime against their offspring, because drug use during pregnancy poisons the child.

Vasilisa the Wise.There are articles in the Criminal Code that are aimed at bringing to responsibility for the use, possession, and purchase of drugs.

  1. Art. 228. Illegal manufacture, purchase, storage, transportation, transfer or sale of narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances.
  2. Art. 229. Theft or extortion of narcotic drugs or psychotropic drugs.
  3. Art. 230. Induction to the consumption of narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances.
  4. Art. 231. Illegal cultivation of illegal plants containing narcotic substances.
  5. Part 5 of Art. 73 - about drug addiction treatment.

Gold fish.

  1. the average age of drug initiation decreased to 14.2 years for boys, 14.6 for girls;
  2. 4 million people use drugs in our country, 76% are young people from 14 to 30 years old;
  3. over 10 years the number of drug-related deaths increased 12 times, among children 42 times (65% - overdose);
  4. by the end of school, 40% of children have tried drugs, 9% of boys and 5% of girls are “addicted”;
  5. 91% of HIV-infected people are drug addicts;
  6. 1 addict per year draws up to 4 people into a “vicious circle”.

Vasilisa the Wise.The graph presents statistical data that show how drugs and alcoholic drugs affect people of different age groups.(Slide 9).The second diagram shows the age composition of the number of HIV-infected in Russia(Slide 10).Awful numbers! Least of all was in the age group "over 50". This suggests that drug addicts practically do not live up to this age!

Gold fish.Well, well, Koschey the Immortal, go to your room and wait for the bride's decision. Hope we have convinced you of the dangers of drugs.

Vasilisa the Wise.How do you like this contender, Baba - Yaga?

Baba - Yaga.I don’t know about Koschei, but you have convinced me very much! I have never tried drugs and I will not!

Gold fish... And we have another commercial break!

Scene 2.

Teacher, spectators.

Teacher. Game "Associations". Suggest words for each letter in the word "DRUG".

The audience speaks words, the teacher writes them down on the board.

Teacher.Underline negative words. What words did you get more?

Step 4.

Scene 1.

Baba - Yaga, Goldfish, Vasilisa the Wise.

Gold fish.Our bride met three candidates for the role of the groom. Now she has to make a choice. What does your heart tell you, Baba - Yaga? Go to the room where your fiancé is.

Baba - Yaga remains standing still.

Vasilisa the Wise (confused).What happened, Baba - Yaga, don't you really like anyone?

Baba - Yaga.All applicants have bad habits: one smokes, the other abuses alcohol, the third is a complete drug addict! No, I don't need such suitors. I'd better stay alone!

Vasilisa the Wise... Look at the table(Slide 11), in which it is shown from what Russians die. What conclusion can be drawn?

Scene 2.

Baba - Yaga, Goldfish, Vasilisa the Wise, Aibolit.

Aibolit.Let's invite our contenders, viewers, take a test and see what they figured out for themselves.

1. Diseases arising from the abuse of substances that cause a short-term feeling of a favorable mental state are:

a) smoking;
b) drug addiction;
c) substance abuse;
d) food poisoning.

2. From the signs listed below, identify those that indicate drug poisoning:

a) nausea and vomiting;
b) dizziness;
c) nosebleeds;
d) constriction of the pupils;
e) skin redness;
f) increased muscle tone.

3. The use of intoxicants leads to chronic poisoning of the body:

a) the nervous system is affected;
b) the brain is destroyed;
c) working capacity is somewhat lost;
d) complete degradation of the personality is growing;
e) mood improves.

Gold fish.And I bring to your attention a diagram from which you can see why you need to take care of your health(Slide 11).

Scene 3.

Baba - Yaga, Goldfish, Vasilisa the Wise, Aibolit, grooms.

Gold fish.Well, dear suitors, it so happened that our heroine did not choose you. What to do?

Baba - Yaga (maliciously).To refuse from bad habits!

Grooms (all together).We are for a healthy lifestyle!

Resources used.

  1. http://www.inter-tel.ru/v-chem-vred-narkomanii.php
  2. http://narconon.kiev.ua/vrednarc
  3. http://www.bioross.info/statji/vred_kureniya
  4. http://forum.aviasibir.ru/showthread.php?t\u003d2936
  5. http://narconon.kiev.ua/vredalkogolya
  6. http://www.withoutdrugs.ru/alkogolizm.htm
  7. http://www.passion.ru/?4951
  8. Voronova E.A. Healthy lifestyle in a modern school. Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 2008

The script of the propaganda team "Youth - for a healthy lifestyle!"

1. (To the melody of the song "The Island of Bad Luck"):

All covered in haze

Absolutely all,

The island of people - squishy

Somewhere in the world there is.

The island of people - squishy

Somewhere in the world there is

All covered in haze

Absolutely all.

The unfortunate live there

All smokers

Yes, even avid


And also gluttons

And loafers -

The unfortunate live there


2. First student:

According to the Institute of Nutrition, on this island, out of a hundred teenagers who eat chips, kirieshki, Coca-Cola and do not receive hot meals, 95 suffer from obesity and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

3. Second student:

According to research, on this island, out of 100 cases of tuberculosis and lung cancer, 95 are among smokers.

4. Third student:

In smokers, the vessels of the heart, brain and limbs are affected.

5. Fourth student:

From constant poisoning with drugs, alcohol and nicotine, the inhabitants of the island have turned into weak, underdeveloped creatures.

6. Pupil:

We are on this island

Found one family

At the head of the family

We took an interview.

7. Pupil:

How did it happen

Mr. Ilya,

What became squishy

Your whole family?

8. (To the melody of the song "Will there still be ..."):

We get tired more and more

For some reason,

Cigarette smoke

Our heads are dulling us

And alcohol every other time

Quenches thirst

With preservatives we have

Breakfasts are available.

Chorus (all):

It's only the beginning,

It's only the beginning,

It's only the beginning,

Oh oh oh! - 2 times

And yesterday my son came

From physical education with a deuce:

He couldn't make the jump

At the gate post

He eats Kirieshechki,

He drinks cola,

And when your stomach hurts,

He swallows the pills.


What are we all to do?

What are we all to do?

What are we all to do?

Tell me!

9. Disciple:

We will reveal to you the cherished secret:

Smoking - no!

Drugs - no!

Chips, alcohol - no!



Vegetables and fruits,

Pure water!

We tell you the cherished "Yes!"

Sports, walks - Yes!

- Yes!

- Yes!

10. (To the melody of the song "We wish you happiness!")

In a world full of drugs and AIDS

Hypodynamia, sinusitis,

Where fatigue has swallowed us all

You need to be for a healthy image

And carry on healthy life we ask you.


We wish you good health!

Do sports, friends.

Exercise in the morning

You can't miss it in any way.

We wish you good health

And it should be like this:

When you are healthy

To use the preview of presentations, create yourself a Google account (account) and log into it: https://accounts.google.com

Slide captions:

Volunteer detachment "Sail of Hope" MOU secondary school No. 168

VOLUNTEER SQUAD "SAIL OF HOPE" SCHOOL No. 168 UPPER-ISETSKY DISTRICT Involve students in a volunteer society, ensuring personal participation in the moral, physical and legal renewal russian society Winners of the V City Youth Forum "We are for a Healthy City!" PURPOSE OF THE SQUAD

We are students of school number 168! We are volunteers! We are the future of our country, Russia! We are against drugs, against alcohol, against smoking! We are for a healthy lifestyle! We are walking a difficult, but true path, we will never deviate from our path!

We live and work under the motto: Our motto: “Together we are united, strong, invincible! And also the motto is: More action - less words! "

We live and work under the motto: Yes, we really care what country and how we live. Life 1. - challenge, accept it, Life 2. - play, play it, Life 3. - wealth, cherish it, Life 4. - health, take care of it, Life 5. - love, enjoy it, Life 6. - mystery, get to know it, Life 7. - a chance, take it, Life 8. - a song, sing it, Life 9. - is beautiful, do not ruin it, Life 10. is life, fight for it. Together We are for a healthy lifestyle!

Attention! Attention! Preventive company! Our propaganda team is campaigning, We urgently need to save our nation!

Piggy bank of GOOD DEEDS

Promotion "I remember, I'm proud!"

Meeting with the participants of the VICTORY PARADE

Congratulations Concerts for Veterans

Collection of help for children from orphanages

"Clean City" promotion

Participants of a charity, traditional, autumn fair

Competition of propaganda teams

Action for the Day of Remembrance of Traffic Victims

Speech at a parent meeting



The future is FOR US, for modern youth who are NOT AFRAID of serious deeds and responsibility !!!

If not us, then who?

May each day bring you many joyful concerns. To bad habits - NO! Live In health, happiness and love!


On the subject: methodological developments, presentations and notes

An appeal to the students of the Volunteer Unit.

An appeal to the students of the Volunteer Unit. Dear Guys! Today drunkenness in Russia has become a national disaster, has acquired enormous proportions. Russians drink the most in ...

Development of volunteer activities among students, on the example of the volunteer squad "Keep the Good"

Annotation. In recent decades, there has been a tendency to increase tensions in relations between people and a lack of sympathy for the grief of others ...

MBOU "Vechkeninskaya secondary school" Program of work of the volunteer team "Nadezhda" 2016

Work program of the Nadezhda volunteer squad

Purpose of the program:

    Creation of conditions for the development of the volunteer movement at school as one of the forms of employment, the formation of positive attitudes of students towards volunteering, as well as for the development of their independent cognitive activity, prevention of bad habits, and fostering a healthy lifestyle.


    To create a mechanism for the school's work with the surrounding society, through the activities of socially supportive networks of peers and adults for children and families at risk.

    Promote a healthy lifestyle (through promotions, training sessions, thematic speeches, contests, etc.)

    Reduce the number of students enrolled in different types accounting.

Stages of the program implementation:

Preparatory stage - stage 1:

    selection of methodological material based on taking into account the topics of the detachment's activities;

    establishing external relations with social institutions, cultural institutions;

    posting information about the detachment on the school website;

Organizational stage - stage 2

    group gathering;

    acquaintance with the laws, traditions and rules of life of the detachment;

    study of patriotic attitudes and civic attitudes;

    attracting children and adolescents of different categories to various hobby groups.

Main stage - stage 3 - direct implementation of the program

    implementation of the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe program;

    organization of the activities of children's self-government bodies;

    conducting educational, entertainment, sports events;

The final stage is summing up the results of the detachment's activities.


carried out in four DIRECTIONS:

    Organization of subbotniks, ecological landings;

The study ecological situation in the region; formation of legal and environmental culture; landscaping of the adjacent territory, classrooms of the school; participation in environmental activities district.

purpose: promote positive changes in state environment.

    "Let us bow to those great years ..." - assistance to veterans of the Great Patriotic War and home front workers, replenishment of information on combat and non-combat losses on the website of Channel 1 http / veterani.ru.

The historical significance of every Russian person is measured by his merits to the Motherland, his human dignity - by the strength of his patriotism.

N.G. Chernyshevsky


    The younger generation began to forget about the significance of the victory in the Great Patriotic War, the victory itself became stories, dry facts from the textbook.

    Lack of due attention by the younger generation to the historical roots - war veterans and home front workers of the century of great upheavals.

Purpose: fostering the ability to make your life choice and be responsible for it, to defend your interests, your squad, your family, your people, the state, mastering the skills of self-government.


    To form pride in national history, to preserve the historical memory of generations in the memory of descendants;

    To foster respect for the national culture, your people, the traditions of your country.

    Show your civic position, fight against immoral and illegal actions of people.

    Promotion of healthy lifestyle as an alternative to alcoholism, tobacco smoking and drug addiction.


Our modern youth do not lead a healthy lifestyle. The physical activity of children has become very low, sports and physical Culture ceased to be significant. This state of affairs threatens the mental and physical health of schoolchildren.

Purpose: formation of students of all ages understanding of the importance of health for their own self-affirmation.


    To educate peers about the cult of health and teach them the basics of a healthy lifestyle.

    To form students' skills of resistance to the influence of the social environment.

    Contributing to overcoming bad habits of students by involving them in physical education and sports.

"Mercy will save the world."Mercy is a willingness to help someone or to forgive out of compassion, philanthropy. Mercy is a traditional trait of Russians. Mercy is an inseparable fusion of feeling and deed


Most people in modern world began to forget about human participation, generosity, beauty of the human soul. More and more often we see abandoned children with living parents, terrorist acts. There are many people in our country who need the simplest sense of respect for each other, sympathy and help.

purpose: The assimilation by students of one of the basic moral principles that all people should be guided by.


    Revival of the best national traditions of charity,

    Education of kindness, sensitivity, compassion.

    Willingness to come to the rescue at any moment.


The main resultwork - formation in the course of activity of a more responsible, adapted, healthy personality.

    Possess knowledge about a healthy lifestyle and be able to defend their position with arguments, the formation of healthy attitudes and skills of responsible behavior.

    An increase in the number of children and adolescents involved in volunteer teams.

    Involving children and adolescents in socially significant activities and reducing the number of minors who are registered in school and registered in the PDN.

    To be able to communicate with students and adults, to own the norms and rules of respectful attitude.

    Participate in actions on healthy lifestyles organized by the school, district.

The system of skills acquired in the school volunteer unit:

    the skill of responsible decision making;

    the skill of critical thinking and the ability to make the right choice;

    the skill of constructive behavior and self-management in various situations.

Basic principles:




    initiative and optimism


    mutual help and support

    development and self-realization

    partnership and collaboration

    legal equality

Dissemination of information about the work of volunteers.
1. Page design on the school website
2. Create a photo album
3. Decoration of stands for the museum and for the promotion of the volunteer movement when participating in events
4. Designing the corner of the volunteer movement.

5. Presentations of the Nadezhda volunteer movement at various events with a social focus.


work of the volunteer squad "Nadezhda"

Title of sections and topics

Type of work


Selection of volunteers from among students of educational institutions

Admitting worthy students to volunteers


1.1. From the history of the volunteer movement in the world and in Russia .

1.2. Can I volunteer?


1.3. Designing the activities of a volunteer squad

(determination of activities, drawing up a work plan) (development of a draft regulation on a volunteer team)

Mercy addresses ( social work volunteers)

4.1. Campaign "Let the autumn of life be warm"

(building a search-based volunteer base)

Assigning volunteers to WWII veterans, labor veterans and the elderly

4.3. "Hurry to do good deeds"

Providing moral and material assistance to children from families in difficult life situation;

During a year

- "Summer, time for finds, not losses!"

a heart-to-heart talk about safety during summer vacation

"Let us bow to those great years ..."

3.1. I kneel before you ”(targeted assistance to veterans of the Great Patriotic War and Labor)

Helping elderly people in the improvement of the territory of houses,


3.2. Promotion "St. George Ribbon"

Carrying out an action

“Give a gift to a veteran

3.3. Operation "Search

Replenishment of the Museum Corner of Military Glory

october-May "

3.4 "Let's remember them by name ..."

Information on the website of 1 channel http / veterani.ru about combat and non-combat losses in WWII


3.4. Operation "Memory"

Improvement of the territory around the monument to the fallen soldiers

september - June

"Order and cleanliness for our village!"

4.1. Labor landing

Putting order and improvement of the school territory

4.2. Subbotnik "Order and cleanliness for our village!"

Street cleaning

"Sports and a healthy lifestyle!"

5.1. "Ats - bats were soldiers"

Tuning and song watching

5.2. “Let's say:“ No! ” bad habits! "

Agitation brigade

5.3. "Live in peace with people - fight against vices"


5.4. "Inseparable friends - adults and children"

Sports holiday

Dissemination of information about the work of volunteers.

School corner decoration

Page design on the school site

Create a photo album

Presentations of the Nadezhda volunteer movement at various events with a social focus

During a year

List of students of the Nadezhda volunteer squad

    Abaykina M - grade 7

    Vorobiev Evgeniy - grade 8

    Andrey Glazkov - Grade 9

    Dementieva Tatiana -9 grade

    Kelmyashkin Oleg - grade 9

    Lazareva Christina - grade 10

    Melkaev Andrey -6th grade

    Anna Ponomareva -6th grade

    Paksin Kirill - grade 9

    Prokhorova Albina - grade 7

    Trofimov Kirill - Grade 6

    Tryakina Anastasia -6th grade

    Chudaykina Anna - grade 8

    Shulygin Mikhail - grade 8

    Elena Shtukareva - Grade 10

Squad motto:

"Everywhere and always go the road of good!"

Squad emblem

Speech. Man has two worlds:
One who created us.
Another one that we have been from the ages
We create to the best of our ability. Responsible for the areas of work: Chairman of the unit - Elena Shtukareva

"Mercy will save the world" -Tryakina Anastasia

"Let us bow to those great years ..." - Melkaev Andrey "Order and cleanliness for our village!" - Vorobiev Evgeniy "Sport and healthy lifestyle" - Andrey Glazkov Information Center - Lazareva Christina

School volunteers commandments

    Find someone who needs your support, help, protect him.

    Open yourself up in any activity that is useful for others and yourself.

    Remember that your strength and your value are in your health.

    Evaluate yourself and your comrades not by words, but by real relationships and actions.

Volunteer rules:

    If you are a volunteer, forget about laziness and indifference to the problems of others.

    Be an idea generator!

    Respect the opinions of others!

    You criticize - offer, offer - do it!

    You promise - do it!

    If you don't know how - learn!

    Be persistent in achieving your goals!

    Lead a healthy lifestyle! Your lifestyle is an example to follow.

Volunteer Code:

    everyone becomes a volunteer voluntarily;

    helping others is the main task of a volunteer;

    a reasonable desire to correct their own shortcomings and help their peers and younger ones in overcoming them;

    knowledge that he owns - the volunteer generously shares with others;

    the main thing is that good deeds should be done not under compulsion, but at the call of the heart;

    striving for new achievements and heights;

    the formation of an active life position;

    respect for those who are next to you.

Detachment song.

Song about a friend

If a friend turned out to be
And not a friend or an enemy, but - so ..
If you can't figure it out right away,
Good or bad -

Pull the guy to the mountains - take a chance,
Don't leave him alone
May he be in tandem with you in one -
There you will understand who he is

If a guy is in the mountains - not ah,
If you immediately become limp - and down,
A step stepped on a glacier - and wilted,
He stumbled - and into a scream,

So, next to you is a stranger,
Don't scold him - chase him:
Up such do not take even here
They don't sing about such

If he didn't whine, didn't whine,
He was gloomy and angry, but he walked
And when you fell off the rocks
He moaned, but he held,

If I followed you, as if into battle,
I stood at the top, intoxicated,
It means - as for yourself,
Rely on him

Oath of volunteers

I am a volunteer of the Nadezhda squadron
solemnly swear:
















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