Step-by-step instructions for washing a car for a car washer. We open a car wash. Do you need a business plan for a car wash?

Many are visited by thoughts of opening a personal, profitable business. The main factor leading to the birth of an idea is the desire not to be subordinate to other people. The prospect of development seems simple, but there are many factors that can stop the process. Choosing a direction is the first thing a future entrepreneur faces. Learning how to open a car wash and make a fortune takes effort, nerves and time.

The relevance of opening a car wash

The relevance of opening a car wash is to increase the number of cars on the roads of the country. According to recent studies, the average family has about 2 cars. Every car owner loves their car and wants it to look presentable. Cars are washed regularly, and, as practice shows, most people prefer to carry out the procedure at specialized car washes. Many consider car washing to be a seasonal job. However, dust settles on cars in summer, road salt in winter, and mud in spring and autumn. So the season is all year round. The answer to the question of whether it is profitable to open a car wash is obvious.

With a manual wash, 4 to 6 cars can be serviced per hour. The average payment for washing the body is 300 rubles, vacuuming the interior - 100 rubles and dry cleaning the interior - 4500 rubles. Monthly income will be about $ 8,000. If you take away the cost of rent, staff salaries, technical needs, utilities, it turns out net profit about 2000$.

Features and stages of opening a car wash

Convinced of future success and acceptable results, you should think about what you need to open a car wash:

1. Creation of a car wash project, in the event that construction is carried out. The project is required to obtain documents permitting the construction of a building, premises for work. It should indicate the plan of the building and the territory, the location of the equipment, its characteristics, the required energy capacities. Be sure to clarify the services from additional municipal services.

2. Find a place and a room. Main stage. The number of clients, their wealth and the businessman's profit will depend on the location. The best solution where to open a car wash would be a building near the road in a densely populated prestigious area, or at a gas station. The number of competitors is preliminarily provided. The fewer of them, the better.

3. Obtaining permission to open a car wash. How to open a car wash without its approval from the relevant authorities? No way. Required in the case of the construction of a building according to a pre-certified project.

4. Purchase equipment. For car washing, special high and low pressure equipment is used. Services include a pre-wash of the car with a spray of detergents softened with cold water under high pressure. After, with the help of brushes, washing is carried out with hot softened water and detergents. In order to wash off all reagents, ordinary water under high pressure is used. Glass cleaning is carried out with demineralized water under low pressure.

5. Purchase cleaning equipment. The car wash system, according to sanitary and epidemiological standards, is required to be connected to the treatment equipment, which will save on the water resources used, comply with the norms of environmental protection legislation.

6. Select staff. Alone, it will not be possible to turn plans into reality. Special skills from hired workers are not required. Basic knowledge of the mechanics of vehicles is desirable.

7. Services must be carried out around the clock in order to receive maximum profit. This will require about 6 people and one foreman. You can hire students. Payment is set in the range of 20-40% of the work performed for a normalized working day and is divided among employees. More cars washed - more earned.

9. Open a car wash. The most enjoyable moment. Is it worth it to open a car wash without the presence of representatives of local authorities, acquaintances, friends at the opening? It is possible, but it will not bring starting popularity. In order to promotion it is necessary to carry out washing of several cars of officials free of charge.

How much does it cost to open a car wash?

Having considered the stages of creating and opening a car wash, the desire to open this organization increases. But, no matter how beautiful everything was in theory, no one canceled the need to invest money. When asked how much it costs to open a car wash, there is a logical answer.

Rental costs are regular and depend on each specific case. The following one-time costs must be added to the lease:

  • High pressure water supply equipment, designed for one post - $550 - $1250.
  • High pressure heated water supply equipment - $1600 - $3100.
  • Waste water treatment equipment - $4500 - $6500.
  • Vacuum cleaner and washing vacuum cleaner - $350 - $600.
  • Compressor - $200 -$450.

Owners of car washes in our country prefer imported equipment. The main supplier of high-quality equipment that will last a long time is the German company Karcher.

In addition, equipment from Italian and Danish manufacturers is used. Domestic equipment is in demand only as a treatment plant.

Consumables include shampoos, polishes, chemical cleaners, engine cleaners, bumpers and rims. Monthly spending on maintenance of 25 - 35 cars per day will be about $300 - $400.

Important for starting a business

For beginners, when opening a car wash, the main difficulty will be the question of choosing a place to build a building, as it requires a lot of bureaucratic procedures related to coordinating complex issues and obtaining various permits from the relevant authorities. The process may be delayed and will require an investment of about 3 million rubles. For this business The best option would be to rent a ready-made premises.

An important point when deciding where to open a car wash will be taking into account SES requirements and authorities. Car washes are prohibited closer than 70 meters from residential buildings.

In the absence of the required amount of funds, a business plan should be drawn up, which will display all the profitability indicators of the enterprise.

If the preparation of the document is not possible, it is worth contacting the appropriate company. On the basis of a ready-made business plan, apply to the bank for a loan and, with the funds received, get down to business.

With good results, a manual car wash can be supplemented with a tunnel or portal car wash. The expansion can be done by attracting investments, loans, which will increase the throughput of cars from 20 to 100 per hour.

How to create a profitable business and how to open a car wash became clear. The costs that will need to be made subject to all the requirements and norms will pay off after 4 - 7 months. When building a building, using the most expensive equipment, the payback period can be delayed by one and a half to two years.

New Car Wash Business Ideas

A person who starts a business must be not only smart, but also creative. You can use different methods to attract customers. This business has its tricks. For male drivers, a great option would be to carry out the washing procedure by beautiful girls in bikinis, and for female drivers, beefy men in swimming trunks.

Approximate data:

  • Monthly income - from 210,000 or 165,000 rubles.
  • Net profit - from 39,100 or 28,475 rubles.
  • Initial costs - from 728,800 rubles.
  • Payback - from 1 year 9 months.
This business plan, like all others in the section, contains calculations of average prices, which may differ in your case. Therefore, we recommend that you make calculations for your business individually.

In this article, we will make detailed business plan small stationary car wash with calculations.

The car wash renders services in a car wash, its polishing, chemical interior cleaning, engine washing. Please note that the work will be carried out by people, this is not an automated car wash. But professional equipment will be used for work, allowing you to complete the work faster than usual. It will be a relatively small car wash.

In general, a car wash as a business is considered only by those who have their own premises for this activity or have the opportunity to build it on their own land. Then this business is profitable. If you rent a room, it turns out to be less profitable, and finding such a room is not easy. Nevertheless, to draw up this business plan, we considered the option of renting a room.

Market analysis

Market analysis of this industry was covered in. I would like to dwell on the consideration of competitors and methods of dealing with them.

The main competition will be large, well-known throughout the city enterprises. Thankfully, there are few. The main methods of dealing with them are more profitable offer, promotions, discounts, quality services, their availability. Advertising will also be an important factor. A well-planned business always starts with the development of an advertising campaign.

Small car washes will not cause much harm. If they are far away from our location, they will not have any effect at all. But with those car washes that are located nearby, you will have to compete. Here the main tool of struggle will be advertising. You have to spend a lot of money on outdoor advertising. Moreover, it will be not only signs, but also various signs and posters. It is very important to think over stocks, and change the price in accordance with seasonal demand. Such flexibility will allow you to stay in the black even in times of calm, luring more and more new customers to you.

If speak about potential buyers , then it will be people with cars, of course. Mostly men between the ages of 20 and 55. Such a contingent prefers the quality of service; consumers in this segment do not pay much attention to interior decoration. Incomes of potential buyers are average and above average. Citizens with low income, as a rule, carry out car washing on their own.

Women also use car washes. They pay attention to appearance employees, their grooming, the presence of signs. Today, women behind the wheel are much “younger”. It is worth focusing on ladies aged 20-45 with medium and high incomes.

SWOT analysis

When opening your own manual car wash, you need to do a thorough research. It is worth resorting to a SWOT analysis. This technique allows you to study the business comprehensively, point out the shortcomings and opportunities.

It is customary to divide factors into external and internal. The former cannot be influenced or changed. These include:

  1. Possibilities:
  • An increase in the number of cars and, as a result, an increase in the number of potential customers, demand for the service.
  • Income growth.
  • Reducing the level of competition.
  • Free market entry, no barriers.
  • Possibility of opening related business(car service, for example).
  • Provision of related services.
  • Sale of spare parts, car care products and more.
  1. Threats:
  • The growth of competition.
  • Increasing the tax burden.
  • Legislative changes (eg reintroduction of licensing).
  • Reduced demand due to the economic downturn and less purchasing power.
  • Forced move to a new location.
  • The need to comply with the requirements of the SES (especially those related to water and maintenance of the premises).
  • Seasonality of business, a sharp decline in income as a result.

Internal factors can be changed, work on shortcomings, eliminate them. And use your strengths for your own good, strengthen their influence. TO internal factors include:

  1. Strengths:
  • Relatively low level of competition in the selected territory.
  • Favorable location.
  • Opportunity to hire experienced workers.
  • Search favorable conditions room rental.
  • Low costs for the provision of services (especially raw materials).
  • Acceptability and affordability of prices for customers.
  • It is possible to change the cost of the service.
  • Low follow-up costs.
  • Almost all costs are directly related to the volume of work, which reduces possible losses to a minimum.
  1. Weak sides:
  • Lack of experience in this area.
  • Lack of regular customers.
  • Zero business reputation of the organization.
  • Limited demand is due to the area of ​​the leased premises.
  • Working with water is the need for constant cleaning, maintaining cleanliness, which is very difficult under these conditions.
  • Unprofessionalism of employees.
  • Lack of training courses, training of specialists.
  • Lack of motivation among employees.
  • Quite a long and serious stage of preparation of the premises.

All this must be taken into account when opening your own car wash.

Opportunity Assessment

In this type of business, the greatest demand falls on the spring-autumn period. Calm is observed in the cold season. But this does not mean that people do not use car wash services at all. They just do it a little less often. During such a period, it makes sense to reduce the cost of services provided, increase the cost of advertising, make it more aimed at the "casual" consumer.

Our manual car wash will operate according to the following schedule:

Total: 79 hours per week and 338 hours per month.

It takes specialists to get the job done. There will be 2 teams, each consisting of 2 people. The senior is responsible for working with clients, that is, making calculations and accepting payments. At the end of the working day, the premises are cleaned with the help of hand washes by both workers. They will work 2 through 2 to achieve greater efficiency and good rest between working days.

You do not need a secretary or administrator to work. In fact, the senior in the team will be the administrator, and there is no need to receive phone calls - specialists will work on the spot. If it is necessary to receive calls for recording, then it is advisable to plant an administrator, who may also be the entrepreneur himself.

As such, there is no need to develop your own website either. Unless you can limit yourself to a business card site or a group in in social networks, which can be maintained by the entrepreneur himself, adding information about ongoing promotions, discounts, offers, prices.

An accountant is also optional for an entrepreneur. You can either use the services of specialized companies, or. Moreover, today there are many auxiliary services for work and reporting directly via the Internet.

Organizational and legal aspects

  1. Registration of own company. It can be an individual entrepreneur or an LLC. Costs for self-registration will amount to 800 rubles (payment of state duty). The OKVED code will be 20.3 - Provision of other types of services for maintenance vehicles . This code is valid for 2016 as well.
  2. An entrepreneur can choose the simplified tax system or UTII. In the second case, two options are possible - STS "Income" 6% or STS "Income minus expenses" 6-15% (the rate is determined depending on the region).
  3. If you need to accept payment from a client using bank cards, then .
  4. The order of Rospotrebnadzor No. 776 dated November 21, 2005 (paragraph 19) indicates the documents required to obtain a free economic zone.
  5. Car wash services do not have to be certified. This is purely voluntary.
  6. By purchasing necessary equipment, you need to take care of the availability of documents that will greatly simplify the opening of the sink. This includes an agreement on ecology "Environmental Protection", a license, certificates, a standard expert opinion.
  7. It is important to comply with all sanitary and fire regulations. This will make it easier to obtain the appropriate permits.
  8. When using KKM, its registration is required before the work of the organization begins.
  9. It is worth acquiring an agreement with the appropriate company for the removal of municipal solid waste. Cleaning of the surrounding area this case will not need. get dirty environment will not be, all work will be carried out indoors (a large garage, fenced on all sides and preventing water and dirt from entering the external environment).
  10. There must be a contract for the provision utilities(electricity, water).
  11. The lease agreement must be official!

The success of a car wash is half (if not more) dependent on the right job choice. Most often, the owners locate their car washes near the entrances to the city, highways, near major city roads, border posts. Such places are very successful. After all, we must not forget that almost all customers will be "random", in this type of business it is quite difficult to form your own client base. But this needs to be worked on.

It is worth thinking about the size of the room. In our case, 2 cars can be serviced at the same time. Therefore, it will be necessary to equip 2 workplaces. It is possible to rent a slightly larger space, which will provide the possibility of future expansion.

Marketing Plan

Price policy:

It makes no sense to underestimate the cost in the "season". People use the services of car washes here and now. Almost none of them compare prices, but visit the one that is on the way. But in the cold season, you can reduce the cost, but at the same time advertise throughout the city, offer promotions, discounts, favorable conditions.

The high level of competition in this type of business necessitates the use of advertising, and a lot of money will have to be spent on this.

The main types of really "working" advertising should include ( don't forget its quality!):

  • Use of billboards. They should be as informative and vivid as possible, memorable.
  • Placement of information at the nearest petrol stations. The method is relatively cheap, but very effective.
  • It is worth considering promotions. For example, “Only today you get interior cleaning with a 50% discount if you wash your car with us!”.
  • Distribution of business cards. You don’t need to get hung up on this, but it’s better to distribute it to customers who have already come to you so that they visit the car wash again.
  • Placement of signpost. This is especially true when placed near the highway or near a large supermarket. Such a shield should be colorful, catchy, rather large.
  • You can think about providing your customers with a corner for leisure activities, free tea, coffee (it will be especially important in winter, when any visitor would not mind warming up).

Calculation of projected income

We will make the calculation for winter time and the rest of the period separately.

Production plan

We have already spoken about the location of the premises. It is worth choosing a garage in a suitable place. The ideal option would be if it has already been prepared for the car wash.

It is very important to establish a system for the supply of water, its subsequent filtration, purification, and output. All this costs a lot. We must not forget that the operation of filters is possible at a temperature not lower than +5 degrees. This means that you need to take care of the heating of the room. All this will be included in the refurbishment. But if you have a central water supply, then filters are not needed.

The necessary devices include tools such as vacuum cleaners, hand washes (often from Karcher), compressor units, and more. Do not forget that we equip 2 workplaces.

The work of specialists was mentioned above. Their income will be formed as follows:

  1. Brigadier - 33% of the shift revenue.
  2. Assistant foreman - 27% of the shift revenue.

Interest includes taxes and insurance premiums.

organizational plan

Financial plan

Period December January February Other months
Monthly income 210 000 rubles 227 500 rubles
Rent 15 000 rubles 15 000 rubles
Advertising 4 500 rubles 5 000 rubles
Wage 90 000 rubles 95 000 rubles
Purchase of detergents and necessary supplies 2 500 rubles 3 000 rubles
Communal payments 5 000 rubles 5 000 rubles
Taxes, insurance premiums (approx.) 45 000 rubles 48 000 rubles
Total: 162,000 rubles 171,000 rubles
Net profit 48 000 rubles 56 500 rubles
Profitability 17,2% 18,6%

Payback: 21 months, that is, 1 year and 9 months. We remind you that with your own premises, the payback will come faster.


The main risks will be:

  • High SES requirements, fines. Possible losses can be eliminated by following all the necessary standards.
  • High level of competition. Offering a quality service, carrying out a serious advertising policy. Clientele development (although it is difficult).
  • Wrong choice of location. It is necessary to conduct a geomarketing study before starting work, which will help you choose the most advantageous place for a car wash.
  • Unqualified personnel. It is important to engage in careful selection of candidates, conduct a kind of training, take on probation. You can motivate employees salary(actually, as in our example).
  • Force majeure. This can include equipment failure and possible natural disasters. In the first case, it is necessary to check the equipment in time, repair it and re-equip the car wash, which will reduce the risk of breakdowns to a minimum. The second factor is related to weather conditions, here it is already important to strengthen your own car wash, isolate it from the effects of external manifestations. This can also include pipe breaks and temporary shutdowns of water. Here, unfortunately, it is almost impossible to protect yourself. Water reserves in such a large amount will not work. Yes, and it will take up a huge amount of space.

Important: Remember that you can write a business plan for your business on your own. To do this, read the articles:

Last request: We are all human and we can make mistakes, ignore something, etc. Do not judge strictly if this business plan or others in the section seem incomplete to you. If you have experience in this or that activity or you see a defect and can supplement the article, please let us know in the comments! Only in this way can we jointly make business plans more complete, detailed and relevant. Thank you for your attention!

How to open a car wash - step by step plan actions. Ready calculations. Helpful Hints.

Capital investments to the project: 765,000 rubles
♦ Business profitability: 45%
♦ Payback of the enterprise: 24 months

If you thought about how to open a car wash, first of all, you need a large initial investment and a supply of nerves necessary to complete all the paperwork. These are the main difficulties in starting this business.

If you feel the strength to cope, take over the company with high profitability, which will bring a stable income and a sense of satisfaction. This article will just tell you about all the subtleties and pitfalls of the process.

The idea to open a business in a car wash of customer cars is far from new, including in our country. However, the path of development, it has passed not only long, but also thorny.

Previously, this activity was mainly undertaken by car owners themselves, and it was unprofitable to open specialized firms.

The emergence and development of the business of opening car washes

Before pressurized water equipment came into use, car washes were done by hand.

It took a long time, it was difficult, dirty and spoiled the skin on the hands. Those who earn a living in this way, their hands eventually began to resemble washcloths. I had to take a penny for services, otherwise the price list would scare away all customers.

This business was not taken seriously by entrepreneurs, and no one thought that its discovery could become a gold mine.

However, an American family was found in the 60s, which embodied the idea in the form of a family contract. History is silent about the achievements of this car wash. But the success of the venture proved time.

In the 1980s, car wash technology improved enough that cars could be washed without the remaining streaks from a rag and other disadvantages that arose with a manual car wash.

Nowadays, only those who are interested in delve into the technical details of these processes, how to open a car wash from scratch. For ordinary users services the process has been reduced to the bare minimum.

It is enough to come to the car wash, leave the car to the employees and return to pick up your horse already clean. All responsibility is assumed by the employees, the administrator and the owner of the business. For those who want to delve into the topic in more detail and open their own business, this article will answer all questions.

Car Wash Business Plan: Planning

An entrepreneur needs to understand that a business like opening a car wash will require large financial investments, a lot of time and effort. Not everyone is ready to make sacrifices, although in the future they will pay off many times over, ensuring a comfortable existence for the one who initiated the business. Therefore, according to statistics, more than 80% of those who decided to organize a car wash abandoned the idea of ​​​​a business, faced with its implementation.

This article will outline the stages of starting a business so that you can evaluate the forces and decide whether they are tough to implement.


The current business plan will consider opening an X car wash in the city of Nsk.

Pursued goals for a car wash business plan:

  1. Receiving a profit.
  2. Satisfying the needs of customers in the car wash service.
  3. Organization of a business project with high level profitability.

Stages of implementation of the car wash opening project

If you want to have enough money for you and your family, work yourself... If you want to provide for your future generations, make people work for you.
Karl Marx

One "want" will not be enough to open a car wash company - this is obvious. Until the moment when the boxes are opened and employees can start serving customers, they will have to go through the "ice and fire".

The whole process of starting a business can be divided into several separate stages:

  1. You need to start by developing a car wash project and obtaining the necessary permits for opening.
    Also make sure the neighbor grandmothers don't mind opening. Otherwise, the dissatisfaction of the "God's dandelion" can suddenly turn into damaged nerves or even litigation!
    Paperwork and trips to authorities are considered by some to be the most difficult stage of business.
    Indeed, you will have to gather all your strength and patience into a fist.
  2. The second stage of opening a business will take a much longer period of time, but its process is not so unnerving.
    Moreover, most of the work will be performed by hired services.
    We are talking about the construction, repair, furnishings and decor of the premises for the opening.
  3. After the preparatory work and the application of the final "touches", the final stage of the business begins - the opening of a car wash.
    Invite representatives of local government, members of a public organization, potential corporate clients to the celebration.

Even short description makes it clear to the future business owner that it will not be so easy to open your own car wash. But if you describe the process by individual points, it will become clear how to open a car wash from scratch, even if now you don’t know anything about this business.

Marketing plan

Aspiring entrepreneurs who think that the registration process will take several months should take off their rose-colored glasses.

It will take at least one and a half years from the start to the opening of a business.

You can delegate these concerns to design Institute for a separate reward.


A car wash, like any other business, cannot do without advertising.

The best way to attract new customers is word of mouth. But in order for the services to be "on the lips" and they were advised to others, you need to start by attracting customers with the help of advertising methods and creation of comfortable service of machines at the highest level.

You can use the following methods:

  1. Sample.
    Translated into Russian, it means "sample". What does every customer crave if they don't get something for free? Bonus to standard work sinks can be entered additional service on blackening of rubber of cars.
    Limit the promotion by time to stir up enthusiasm and motivate car wash customers to take advantage of the bonus.
  2. A good service will be played by the provision of a unique service.
    For example, registering clients for service online.
  3. Present.
    Variant with free service can be changed by attracting new customers to the business.
    For example, customers will receive blackening of tires for free if they order services for 1000 rubles.
  4. External advertising.
    Although the item is the last one on the list, this is where you should start promoting your business.
    Even before the opening, you need to take care of placing billboards with information about the car wash and order a bright, noticeable sign.

Preparation of documents for opening a car wash

As mentioned above, obtaining all the necessary permits for a business is considered by many to be the most difficult moment that those who have already tried this business have had to face.

But if you divide it into separate steps, everything looks simpler:

  • The first step is a businessman submitting a letter of request for the allocation of a land plot on which a car wash will be built.
    It is addressed to the local chief - the responsible person.
  • Even before consent is received, you can proceed to the second step of opening a business.
    Contact a specialist or independently create a sketch of a future project.
    It subsequently needs to be coordinated with a number of instances: the service fire safety, SES and municipal architects.
  • All documents prepared for the opening of a car wash are sent by letter to the next responsible person - the city head.
  • If everything was correctly executed and submitted, a letter with permission will be received in response.
    It will become the basis for obtaining an APL (architectural and planning assignment) for a future business.
  • On the basis of the APL, all technical conditions for the implementation of the project will be developed.
    The entrepreneur is engaged in this, turning to a number of organizations (their number may exceed 30).
    Each of them will deal with its own "sector" of starting a business: outdoor lighting for a car wash, conducting heat, water and gas, placing sewers, providing the facility with electricity and storm drains, and, if necessary, telephony and radio.
  • When everything is done, a ready-made business project will be in your hands.
    But it's still too early to start.
    The plan must be checked in a number of instances: the fire inspectorate, city architects, labor and environmental protection services, as well as state expertise.
    Every step is important, because any “no” will put an end to business.
  • When all checks are successful, then an act of ownership of the land plot will be drawn up (on a permanent or temporary basis).
    On its basis, land will be allocated and an order for holding construction works to start a car wash business. You should be prepared for the costs - the cost of paperwork can result in up to 25% of the total construction costs.


As in many other areas of business, the right location for a car wash greatly depends on how soon the business will pay off after opening.
Do not ignore the importance of this moment, despite the fact that such a business project is considered highly profitable anyway.

The location for car wash X was chosen taking into account the following points:

  • The advantage of sleeping areas is the amount of rent.
    Due to the fact that it is small, the owner of the car wash business will avoid big losses during the “low season” of the business, when there are few customers, which cannot be said about the location in the city center.
    Although it also has significant advantages.
  • But first, let's add to the list of cons: in addition to the high cost of rent, one can add extreme reluctance on the part of the city authorities to approve the construction of a car wash in the city center.
    And now the pluses: as a rule, a car wash business in the central area is always provided with a flow of customers. At the same time, a considerable part of them are the owners of luxury cars. All such people actively use the services of a car wash, in addition, they often order various additional services.

When choosing where to start building a car wash, consider two factors:

  • A lot of cars should constantly move past the future car wash.
  • At the same time, all customers can drive up to the building at any time of the day or night without any problems (detours, difficult U-turns, and so on).

Car wash equipment

In the car wash business, you can save money on anything but equipment.

Its cost depends on the manufacturer, but cheap cannot be of high quality.

Buying bad machines will reduce the speed and level of work. They can fail at any time, which should not be allowed in any case.

Technical problems are a gap in generating business profits and a stain on reputation among customers.

  1. Compressors (the average cost of which is from $ 240).
  2. Washing vacuum cleaner (350-500 dollars).
  3. High-pressure water dispenser for washing cars (one of the most expensive - from $ 3,000).
  4. Waste water purification system (from $4,500).
  5. Other consumables (sponges, rags, household chemicals - all this is included in the monthly costs of opening a car wash business).

A car wash should have a designated area for customers.

Comfortable waiting conditions during a car wash - that's what a customer expects from a good car wash. Even if the start-up capital for starting a business is organic, you should start with a small comfortable sofa, table and TV. Place a stack of magazines for car wash customers, give them the opportunity to order coffee or purchase a cold drink.

According to statistics, ceteris paribus, customers tend to go where it is convenient for them to wait.

car wash staff

Also, it is impossible to answer the question of how much it costs to open a car wash without taking into account the salary of the staff. As a rule, this is the most extensive item of monthly business expenses.

P.S. The average salary can be viewed on the vacancies website.

For calculations, it remains to determine the number of employees.

As a rule, the staff of a car wash business consists of an accountant, an administrator and, of course, car washers. Their number depends on the size of the car wash and the work schedule. Of course, if the car wash is open around the clock, several shifts of car washers will be required.

For all business employees it is worth equipping a rest room. And for the accountant and administrator - a comfortable workplace. How more convenient conditions labor, the more productivity and returns you will see.

When selecting, consider the compliance of car wash candidates with the following requirements:

  • experience in a car wash or a high level of learning;
  • at least a basic knowledge of the design and operation of vehicles;
  • good endurance and physical form;
  • responsibility and stress resistance (customers are completely different).

Car Wash Business Plan: Financial Section

The answer to the question how much does it cost to open a car wash, which worries all entrepreneurs, consists of several parts.

The item of expenditure to start with is business documentation, which was discussed above.

In addition, car washing requires large financial investments for construction, the purchase of business equipment, the cost of which is measured in tens and hundreds of thousands of rubles, and other elements of the organization's work.

Opening cost table

[table id=83/]

Project maintenance and development costs

The main difficulty in starting a car wash business is the large initial investment and paperwork at the preparation stage.

If you feel strong enough to handle it, own a high-margin, high-yield, and satisfying firm.

About what should be the right car wash technology -

watch in this video:

  • Decide which one target audience business existence will be directed.
    Then you can create a virtual image of a potential client and more accurately understand what he may be missing. Therefore, you will be able to plan the list of services, pricing and location.
  • An additional flow of customer cars to the car wash will ensure the location near garage cooperatives or car parks.
  • When located in a residential area, advertising on a territorial basis gives good results. Order a print run of flyers, on which you will place information about where and when the car wash will open.
    Hire a promoter (or do it yourself) and put them under the windshield wipers of all cars parked in the immediate area.
  • As soon as possible, expand the list of services provided at the car wash.
    This is one of the main ways to combat the high level of competition in this area.
    Among the most popular options: window tinting, engine washing, wheel blackening, surface coating with a protective wax layer, abrasive polishing.
  • Supporting a public organization that has influence on the public council will help simplify the task of starting a business.
    The design of car wash facilities is entrusted to a qualified specialist.
    It is important to choose a person with experience and a good reputation.
    Mistakes during the design phase can be costly in the future.
  • Karcher, Weidner and other Spanish, Italian and German manufacturers are recognized as the best suppliers of equipment for the industry.

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The number of cars in our country is growing even despite the outbreak of the crisis. This means that any business related to cars will be guaranteed to generate good profits. One such type of business is a car wash. Let's figure it out how to open a car wash from scratch, what is needed for this and what is its profitability.


Car wash - profitable and stable business which brings in a steady income. In order to organize it, you do not need experience or any skills. The car wash is not seasonal business, although some decrease in the number of customers can be observed in the summer. In summer, customers often order expensive procedures (cleaning the interior, engine), so the total amount of income does not fall.

Car wash is a profitable and promising business

How to start?

The first step is to study the market in your city and draw up at least an approximate business plan. It should take into account the following factors:

  1. Location.
  2. Studying the demand for services.
  3. The average income level of prospective clients.
  4. The total cost of renting the site and building.
  5. The cost of building a car wash in the absence of an alternative.
  6. Equipment purchase costs.
  7. Mandatory monthly expenses ( wage, utility bills, taxes).

Based on this information, it is already possible to make some calculations and think about opening.


Now let's list what documents are needed to open a car wash In your city. First of all, you will need to register with the nearest tax office. You can become an individual entrepreneur or open an LLC. There is no particular difference between these forms of ownership, except that as the owner of an LLC, you will be able to sign a contract for servicing the fleet of other companies.

Then you will need:

  1. Contact the city council and get permission from them to open a car wash.
  2. In the case of a new building, you will need to contact the local design organization, which will create an appropriate project for you, taking into account the requirements of the law.
  3. Issue permits to open at the sanitary station and fire inspection.
  4. Obtain permits from the Department of Environmental Protection.
  5. Get an act on the ground.

Market research

After the business plan is drawn up, it is necessary to assess the level of competition and find a good place to open a car wash. Find out if there are car washes in the area, what services they provide, what price range they offer. Try to identify their shortcomings and think about what you would add or change in the work.

Prefabricated car wash - a great alternative to a stationary one

Think over your list of services. The competition in this market is quite strong, so you need to somehow stand out from the crowd. Offer your customers not only washing the body, but also the engine, dry cleaning the interior, polishing, grouting scratches. Be sure to equip a rest room where the visitor can drink coffee or watch TV while washing.

Note:car washes that allow the driver to wash the car himself have proven themselves well. The client pays for the time spent in the box and for the consumption of detergents, while using your equipment.

The location for washing is best chosen in the following places:

  1. In a sleeping area.
  2. In the business center of the city (near offices).
  3. Near major highways with high traffic.
  4. Close to service stations, gas stations, car parks.

Build or rent?

If you have enough start-up capital to build, it is better to build a building than to rent it and remodel it. Now many construction companies offer turnkey solutions from metal structures and a sandwich at quite reasonable prices. But What does it take to open a car wash? by building it from scratch? You will have to take the land on a long-term lease and obtain a building permit. Of the pluses - free architecture (you can choose the right number and size of utility rooms yourself), as well as the absence of rent.

If the starting capital is not enough for the construction, then rent the building. This will significantly reduce the level of investment, but you will have to pay 50-70 thousand rubles per room per month.

Types of car washes

Washers are automatic and “manual”. The most promising are precisely automatic car washes, which allow servicing a large number of cars in the shortest time. Automatic car washes are divided into two types:

  1. Tunnel.
  2. Portal.

Portal car wash - a practical and inexpensive solution

In a tunnel car wash, the car is installed on a special conveyor belt and automatically moves around the box, leaving the other side completely washed. In a portal car wash, the car is driven into the box and washed with three brushes: two vertical and one horizontal. Brushes move in space, qualitatively washing all the dirt. The portal sink is very compact - it fits well into any room. The washing process in automatic car washes is usually 2-3 times faster than in manual car washes, so you can serve more customers in a working day and save on staff.

Note:modern automatic car washes are completely safe for the car. But it is necessary to monitor the condition of the equipment and service it in time.

The most practical is considered a portal sink. Its advantages:

  1. Mobile sizes.
  2. Absolute versatility.
  3. The speed of work is 12 cars per hour.
  4. Minimum staffing.

Modern portal car wash can be contactless - all dirt is removed not with brushes, but with special nozzles through which water is supplied under high pressure.

Tunnel car washes require a “tunnel” up to 35 meters long. It is capable of processing up to 20 cars per hour - as soon as the first car moves 4-5 meters deep, you can drive the second one onto the belt.

Building types

Car washes can be divided into stationary and prefabricated. Stationary car washes are usually attached to complexes: service stations, spare parts stores, tire fitting. All necessary communications are brought to them and a building permit is obtained.

Car wash goes well with tire fitting and service stations

Prefabricated will require a permit from the Department of Architecture. To do this, you will need to provide:

  1. Patent IP or LLC.
  2. Certificate or lease agreement for the land.
  3. Car wash project with its appearance.

You will also need to connect the building to engineering networks and obtain permission to open from firefighters.

A lot of Russians these days are looking for an acceptable way to generate a reliable income, and the thought of organizing own business increasingly dominates the minds of fellow citizens. Where, in what area is it relatively easy to earn money? Where to go if you do not have huge funds to organize a serious business or buy a new business? And what to do if absolutely all niches have been occupied for a long time, and inventing something new is still the same task?

What is beneficial?

Let's not reinvent the wheel and today we'll talk about one of the classic, well-established types of business, the opening of which, although it requires quite serious investments, is still quite a real task.

It's about washing cars. How to open a car wash from scratch? What is needed for this, and how to properly organize a business in order to have a guarantee of profit, not losses? In this article, we will tell you how to properly open a car wash, and explain some important nuances.

How relevant is this?

Why a car wash? The relevance of this business in modern urban conditions has been proven by life itself. Judge for yourself: car washes are in demand absolutely everywhere - from a metropolis to a small town, and people use their services in any season.

In winter, every driver needs to visit a car wash to wash off salt, sand and reagents. In spring and autumn, you have to look there at least once every 2-3 days due to constant mud and puddles on domestic roads. In the summer, among car owners, it is customary to carefully rub the cars to a full shine. And today we will talk about how to open a car wash from scratch.

This business (according to professionals) has a fairly high profitability (30-40%), that is, it is among the profitable enterprises. We can talk about full payback after about 12-16 months after the opening of the business, of course, subject to its successful formulation and promotion. If we are talking about a portal, more expensive option, then this period is extended, and it will be possible to calculate net profits in a year or two.

How to open a car wash from scratch: a business plan

2. Seek permission from the government of the area where your business will be located, as well as obtain conclusions from the Fire Service, Moskompriroda, MP Mosvodostok and Gossanepidnadzor.

3. building plan coordinate in the Moscow Committee for Architecture.

What else needs to be agreed

In addition, the Moscow government will require you to provide contracts for the lease of a site, cleaning of the adjacent territory with the removal of solid waste, with the boundaries of your site and a document indicating that your cash register equipment is registered.

Before opening a car wash from scratch, information about the proposed construction of the facility will need to be submitted to the Communications and Transport Administration. To obtain a free economic zone and approve the project, you will have to contact Rospotrebnadzor (its territorial department).

We select a place and premises for our car wash

The payback rate and, as a result, the profitability of this business project are directly related to the location of the car wash. An almost ideal place for this is the sides of the central city avenues, also pay attention to the busiest highways.

Often car washes are organized at the entrance to the city, next to the customs or border post. But, being in the area of ​​a major transport hub, drivers most often give up the idea of ​​using the services of a car wash because of the increased fuss and flea market. It will be more profitable to offer your services near gas stations and maintenance stations.

Rent - cheaper

How to open a car wash from scratch when building your own building for it is an overwhelming financial task for you? In this case, renting premises at the ATP, suitable in all respects, may become good option. In addition, you will have to draw up much less documents. Motorists, as a rule, are familiar with all such enterprises in their city.

The type and volume of services provided depends on the parameters of the premises. For example, if you are thinking about how to open a truck wash from scratch, there are a number of additional factors to consider, starting with the height of the ceilings.

Do not forget about the need for an auxiliary area on which you will store consumables.

Water treatment at a car wash

Due to the growth of serious environmental issues owners of car washes put forward requirements, which you will certainly have to take into account when opening. For example, a cleaning system will be required without fail, the filters of which will remove fats, oil products and other chemical substances Wastewater.

Such equipment is quite compact and belongs to transportable units. The procedure for water purification itself is carried out in stages. The existing circulation tank allows you to clean the liquid using a reverse cycle. Thus, circulating several times in a row along the circuit, the water remains practically free of impurities.

Since the operation of the treatment equipment is provided for at temperatures above +5 °C, it should be installed in a heated room.

What's next?

At the opening of the sink, a commission of representatives of the administration, firefighters, traffic police and other services should be present. They will sign your object.

Advertising on billboards located in the immediate vicinity of your point of sale will be very effective if you indicate in a short form the location, hours of operation, discounts, basic services and important bonuses.

We select personnel

Having overcome bureaucratic obstacles, take up the selection suitable personnel. What should it be? The main requirements for applicants for employees are the ability to understand cars of the category that is supposed to be serviced in your case, contact (to form a list of regular customers) and polite treatment.

In order not to lose consumers of services, it is desirable for the car wash to operate around the clock - such a schedule is optimal for it. In this case, you will have to hire 5 or 6 washers and one foreman.

Higher education is not required for your employees; students can also be employed. They should be paid according to the amount of work done. Employees should be motivated by additional financial incentives, and stylish work overalls with a corporate logo will help to raise the image of a car wash as a reputable enterprise.

Let's calculate the cost of the project

When calculating mandatory expenses, proceed from the cost of rent. This amount will vary depending on the premises and the area where it is located. The investment in the purchase of equipment should be added to the lease.

A hot water pressure washer will set you back $1,800 to $3,000. The device that supplies water to 1 post - at 500-1300 c.u. e. Compressor - 200-250 dollars. Washing vacuum cleaner (or vacuum cleaner) - 400-550 dollars. - at 4800-6600 dollars.

Most owners of car washes prefer to purchase imported equipment. In this market segment, 80% of sales belong to the German company Karcher. In addition, Italian and Danish equipment is appreciated. At Russian manufacturers usually purchased water purification devices.

The list of basic materials related to consumables consists of a car shampoo, a polishing agent, products used for dry cleaning, cleaning of wheel rims, engine, bumpers. Monthly expenses for them will be about 300 dollars, provided that 30-40 cars are serviced by a car wash daily.

In summer, the flow of customers, as a rule, dries up. Washing services are mainly used by those who want to wax the car. What should a businessman do in order not to lose profit? The only way out here is to slightly lower prices while expanding the range of services. Second, try to offer customers additional reasons to visit your outlet. For example, set up a small tent with tables next to the establishment, where those who wish can relax and have a bite to eat (for example, barbecue). During the holidays, someone will definitely want to wash the car.

An excellent solution is a mini-market with groceries or a small store selling spare parts within walking distance.

What to do if there are not enough funds

Perhaps you want to spend as little money as possible and are thinking, for example, how to open a self-service car wash. Well, this option is quite possible. Its advantages are that savings on staff salaries are achieved. Of course, this type of service has individual characteristics that must be taken into account when drawing up a business plan.

If you came up with the idea of ​​​​how to open a car wash in the garage, it is better to immediately abandon it. In addition to the need to settle issues with the management in full growth, the problem of water supply, a "busy" place and the installation of all the expensive equipment mentioned above arises.

The main point, due to which this project can be considered unviable, is the inability to connect to water supply and sewerage networks. Even if there is one, you will be required to build a wastewater treatment system. In a word, this idea is not very successful.

How to open a self-service car wash from scratch: a few tips

Suppose you want to get a sink of this type. You already know how to open a car wash from scratch. The business plan in this case should only be slightly adjusted to the specifics of such a service.

As you know, car washing services are portal and tunnel, in which washing is carried out in an absolutely automated way, manual (washing of cars is carried out by personnel) and open - based on the principle of self-service.

In the latter case, the drivers themselves wash their cars with the provided products. Such a sink consists of a set of equipment with a set of necessary materials. All equipment (pistols for water supply, vacuum cleaners, dryers) is as simple and clear as possible. Customers use the services of such a car wash much more willingly because of the opportunity to save money.

The list of services provided includes washing with warm water and powder (removing dirt), rinsing off the foam with cold water, waxing the car, curing to eliminate drips.

The main problem when arranging such a car wash is what to do with freezing liquids in winter? There is a solution, and it consists in a device under the floor heating using a pipe system with circulating running hot water. Water heating in the system is ensured by automatic switching on of a gas or diesel boiler at the right time. Equipment should also be selected with continuous fluid circulation, such as pressurized water guns.