The standard application form is a job application form. Employment survey - a view from all sides. What questions does a civil service questionnaire contain?

A questionnaire is a document that collects information necessary for an employer about a potential employee for a specific position. In the future, based on the collected data, the personnel department will create an employee's personal file.

It is impossible to develop a universal questionnaire form for all professions. Each company has its own directions, its own rules, respectively, the questions of interest in the form may differ.

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Consider for whom what role does the information play in the questionnaire:

  • For a personnel worker, the form helps to reduce the time spent searching for information in documents. If you have a question, then all the information will be in the form, and there will be no need to go through the entire stack of documents.
  • For the HR manager and the chief, the questionnaire is a "reminder". It is difficult with a large number of interviews to remember all the nuances and answers of candidates. And the form will remind and even clarify some questions that were not asked during the interview.
  • For a potential employee, a questionnaire is an opportunity to get to know the company. After studying it, a potential employee can draw several conclusions about the company. About the requirements of the employer, the specifics of work and corporate culture.

Legal aspects of drawing up a job application form

There is no legal form. Each organization determines for itself which questions and in what sequence will be included in the questionnaire.

But the law defines some restrictions (Article 86 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). It is forbidden to ask a question of a political or religious nature and processing of information about privacy is allowed only with written permission from the employee. The exception is work with state secrets.

Otherwise, at the bottom of the form, you can immediately ask for permission to process the data.

If confidentiality is not respected, then the employee who violated it may be punished under Art. 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (dismissal) or Art. 137 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (imprisonment).

Job Application Form

If appearance plays a role, then at the top of the questionnaire you need to leave a specially displayed space for a photo.

Basic fields

Firstly, a questionnaire is required to clarify basic information:

  • Date of Birth.
  • Contact phone number, e-mail.
  • Location.
  • Place of registration.
  • Citizenship.
  • Family status.
  • Education.
  • Labor experience.
  • Reason for dismissal.

Professional questions for candidates of different specializations

Questions for the taxi driver:

  • Driver's license categories?
  • Accident (were there, where, when, whose fault)?
  • Driving experience?
  • The vehicles you were driving (type of gearbox)?
  • Questions for the sales assistant:
  • What product / service did you sell?
  • Specificity of work (through the counter or in the sales area)?
  • What is your understanding and attitude to the statement: "The client is always right"?

Working perspectives:

  • What kind of work are you considering?
  • What amount of remuneration suits you?
  • How much time are you willing to spend on the journey from home to work?
  • When will you be able to start work if you receive an offer for it (highlight what is needed)?

Add numbers to the characteristics, focusing on your preferences (1 - very important, 5 - moderately important, 10 - least important):

  • Decent salary.
  • Stability of work.
  • The prestige of the company.
  • Self-realization.
  • Career growth.
  • New skills.
  • Nice team.
  • Remoteness from home.
  • Flexible schedule.
  • Solving complex problems.
  • Hobby questions.
  • The ability to rest plays an important role in the performance of their duties.

How do you spend your free time from work?

Check the ones that interest you the most:

  • Movies.
  • Sport.
  • Travels.
  • Theatre.
  • Visiting exhibitions.
  • Reading of books.
  • Museums.
  • Other.

Tell us about your impression of the last movie you watched, a play, a book you read, etc.

  • Self-assessment:
  • What are the benefits of your candidacy?


  • How much and for how long have you been sick in the last year?
  • Do you have someone to help with childcare if they need long-term care?

Marketing Information:

  • What attracts you to the proposed vacancy?
  • Why did you contact our firm?
  • Who can recommend you?

Questions should always be within the framework of ethics.

How to fill out a job application form

As a rule, the questionnaire is completed by hand. They ask you to fill it out either at an interview or when applying for a job. Typos, blots, mistakes are naturally undesirable. They warn about the questionnaire at the last moment or, at all, are presented with a fact. Therefore, you should always carry a copy of your resume with you and all required documents, so that there is where to "spy".

The place of birth is indicated as in the passport. Information is best taken from documents so that there are no errors.
Date of birth can be in numbers, month can be in letters or numbers.

Work experience is filled in as indicated in the application form either from the last place of work, or from the first.

It is better to fill in education with a document certifying it.

If some questions are not clear, it is better to check once again with the person who gave you this questionnaire.


The questionnaire is compiled in a convenient form and content necessary for the employer, understandable to a potential employee.
There are no laws in legislation regulating the content of the survey for the applicant.

It is prohibited by law to ask political and religious questions and use personal questions without the permission of the applicant.
For the best result, you need to fill out all the points of the questionnaire. For example, if there is no criminal record, then write like this: not available.

Admission of a person to a new place of work is carried out not only on the basis of the results of the conversation. Questioning is the first stage of getting to know the employer and the potential employee. The latter is asked to fill out a short questionnaire. A job application form is issued directly at the interview. The results obtained allow the management to form a primary opinion about the skills of the future employee.

As by law

The current legislation does not provide for a specific form of this questionnaire. The interview questionnaire for employment is drawn up by the employer taking into account his preferences. The main thing is to take into account the requirements for privacy. You can get acquainted with them in the corresponding legal acts (Article 137 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

The applicant's questionnaire should not cover topics such as:

  • religion;
  • race;
  • nationality;
  • origin;
  • financial position.

They may well become a stumbling block if a candidate is rejected. Referring to articles of the Criminal (Art. 136) and Labor (Art. 64) Codes, he can go to court.

Another important nuance is compliance with the law "On Personal Data". A job application form (if it is very detailed) cannot be completed by the applicant without his written consent. For more information, see the specified legal document (Clause 4, Article 9).

Do I need a resume

In the process of filling out a questionnaire for getting a job, the applicant may come across questions already covered in the resume. The solution options are as follows:

  • Make a reference to the provided paper in the questionnaire, thereby unwittingly complicating the actions of the personnel officer.
  • Rewrite information from resume.

The second option is not convenient for the candidate himself. However, he can use a marker to focus the recruiter's attention on more important points of the resume.


To make it convenient for the applicant to fill out the questionnaire, its items should be grouped by category. It is better to start the questionnaire with typical questions, and place highly specialized questions just below. Sample questions should be considered further.

Employee details

This section is the simplest. It is filled in based on the following information:

  • Date of birth.
  • Place of stay.
  • Contact details.
  • Family status.
  • The presence of offspring.
  • Military duty.

Sometimes employers ask about problems with the law.

Job objectives

Here you should place items regarding the desired salary, position, etc. The candidate's attitude to working trips is also determined at this stage.

Sometimes employers include a list of qualities or benefits in the sample questionnaire. The applicant is invited to rank it in an order that is acceptable to them. This allows the management not only to get a dry answer, but to understand what the job seeker focuses on most in the selection of a job.

Education, work experience

Not all employers ask about the applicant's diploma. Many are interested in experience and work skills. For example, if you want to get a job as a secretary, the applicant should indicate his skills in owning office equipment and computer programs... The indication by the candidate of the previous places of work allows the employer to draw a conclusion about his stability as an employee.


In some enterprises, a sample application form for employment contains items about the candidate's health. In order for this topic not to be equated with interference in personal life, it is necessary to correctly formulate a question. For example, ask the applicant if he / she requires special working conditions for medical reasons? The candidate, in turn, must also indicate that he has a disability (if any) or other ailments. The latter are important if they involve regular treatment in a hospital setting. Hiding this kind of information will deprive the future employee of the right to benefits, etc.

You can download a sample job application form here.

Filling out the questionnaire

It is impossible to give a clear answer to the question of how to correctly fill out the candidate's questionnaire for the position. There are a number of guidelines that a potential employee should follow. Here are some examples:

  • Honesty. When filling out the questionnaire, the candidate should answer the questions as truthfully as possible. Otherwise, the employer has the right to terminate labor agreementif they received false data. This is stated in Art. 81 of the Labor Code.
  • Accuracy. Filling out the proposed application form for work is done manually, so you must first skim through the text. Better to think ahead about what to write in each answer. This will help avoid blots and typos.
  • No gaps. It is considered extremely impolite to ignore a point. If the text of the question has nothing to do with the candidate, do not be afraid to indicate it (or you can put a dash).
  • You don't have to try to invent non-existent qualities in order to seem smarter and to please the management. It will not help you get hired. But adequate humor, tact and goodwill will play into the hands of the applicant.

To make this procedure more comfortable for the applicant, you can provide him with a sample of filling. Knowing how to correctly fill out the proposed job application form, the candidate will be able to avoid typical mistakes.

Before the interview, the applicant can prepare in advance. It will be correct to learn how to fill out a job application form.

It has not been easy to find a job lately: the requirements of employers to potential employees are constantly growing, and each subsequent step of the applicant is usually associated with filling out new and new documents. It happens that one interview is not enough; quite often a person seeking official employment needs to bring along. And this is not to mention the medical examination, numerous certificates and instructions. In different institutions, everything is different, but always tiring.

However, the first two stages of the device are always the same: this and, if it interests the head or a specialist of the HR department, filling out the questionnaire. And here difficulties often arise: a candidate who coped well with the first document may not master the second: misunderstand one of the questions or deliberately indicate incorrect information about himself. How to cope with filling out a questionnaire when applying for a job will be described below.

What is the application form for when applying for a job?

The application form for employment, despite a common misconception, is not one of the mandatory documents: the employer determines the need for its filling in by the applicant and further processing by the personnel of the personnel department; he also examines the document in some cases.

Important: for employment in budgetary institutions and departments, filling out a questionnaire in most cases is an indispensable condition for considering the candidacy of an applicant. In this case, the state acts as the employer - it sets the rules. Commercial organizations and individual entrepreneurs they can use questionnaires of any sample when hiring - from the simplest to the many-page ones - or refuse them altogether, being content with a simple interview and the documents and certificates provided by the future employee.

The structure and individual points of the questionnaire can vary greatly even within the organization, depending on what position the applicant is applying for. It is clear that the requirements (and, therefore, questions) to the janitor, handyman or manager will be significantly less than to the head of the department or the person responsible for the life and health of other employees. It is no less obvious that joining an organization whose activities are related to state secrets is more complicated than getting a job as a salesman in a grocery store.

Features of filling out an application for employment

There are common points in any questionnaire, regardless of the template set by the head. These include:

  1. Surname, name and patronymic of the candidate... Despite the accepted naming convention, specialists who compose or amend the form of the document are advised to leave space for national prefixes, endings and other parts of a person's full name in order to avoid further confusion or adding an employee to the list under the wrong letter. It is also necessary to pay attention that due to the same national, cultural or other reasons, the field "Patronymic" is not obligatory for filling: a dash in it cannot be the basis for refusing to consider the questionnaire. It is also recommended to leave as much space as possible for applicants to enter data: it is important to remember that handwritten letters usually take up more space than printed ones.

Advice: the candidate should try to fill in all the fields of the application form as clearly as possible when applying for a job. This will simplify the task of the HR employee and, as a result, increase the chances of success: no one wants to mess with an unreadable document, and it will probably just be left without consideration. The applicant may ask (in case of errors or mistakes) not one, but two forms; it is also necessary, before starting the case, to familiarize yourself in detail with the sample of the completed questionnaire and even ask for a copy of it in your hands if you intend to deal with the document at home.

  1. The position for which the person applies... Recently, this item has increasingly begun to be put at the beginning of the questionnaire, putting it in front of the full name. The advantages of this approach are obvious: an employee of the personnel department, and in the future - an archive, where over time personal files of employees with embedded questionnaires should be submitted, will not have to look for a long time who exactly wants to be (or was) a person. This is especially useful if the title is not listed on the cover of the case, and this practice is extremely rare. It must be remembered that it is possible to make changes to an already filed questionnaire only if necessary and in accordance with current regulations. For example, if after getting a job in the first specialty a person moved (within the organization) to another position, this is not the basis for correcting the first questionnaire. Depending on the requirements of the employer, two options are possible: either the employee fills out a new questionnaire, also filed into the case, or simply a transfer order is drawn up, one of the copies of which, as you might guess, should be in the personal file.

Advice: although a specialist in the HR department is unlikely to confuse the position indicated by the applicant, it is necessary to accurately indicate it on the application form when applying for a job. For greater confidence, this column, like the others, can be filled in by the candidate in block letters that are easier to understand. At the same time, one should not forget about the alternation of uppercase and lowercase characters: a continuous row of capital letters is difficult to read and does not make it possible to distinguish the name of an institution from a general term. For example, the structures “City Hospital No. 1” and “City Hospital LLC” may coexist in the same city - and without alternating lowercase and uppercase letters, it is difficult to understand in which of them the applicant previously worked.

  1. Date of Birth... In most cases, the applicant can indicate it as it is more convenient: with Arabic numerals alone (05/28/1963), using the Roman numbering for the month (28.V.1963) or prescribing the month in letters (28 May 1963). If an employee of the personnel department indicates the need for any one option, or such requirements are spelled out in the form of the application for a job, you should adhere to them. In turn, the specialists developing the document must foresee each of the options in advance and leave the applicant enough space to enter the required data.

Important: when filling out an application for employment within the Russian Federation, you should adhere to the accepted order of writing dates: first the day, then the month and at the end of the year. All values \u200b\u200bare separated by a dot; using a slash (diagonal line) is not recommended. Also, you should not use other formats that complicate the work of a HR specialist: year-month-day or year-day-month. The latter option is likely to mislead the specialist and may cause errors in subsequent documents related to hiring. If the applicant is not sure how to write the date, he can always ask for a sample of the completed questionnaire and check with him.

  1. Citizenship... Another obligatory point: the answer to this question will allow the employer or his representative to understand in what direction they should line up legal relationship with a candidate and subsequently an employee. If the applicant is a citizen of Russia, it is enough for him to indicate in the appropriate column (or line) of the application form when applying for a job “ Russian Federation"Or" Russia ". According to the current Constitution of the country, both names are equivalent and can be freely used as synonyms. In this case, the specialist of the personnel department has no right to force the applicant to change one inscription to another; however, if there was such a request, the candidate may well meet the future colleague and use the necessary word or phrase.
  2. Place of Birth... When filling out this field of the application form when applying for a job, you need to focus on the size of the line: the longer it is, the more detailed information the employer expects from the applicant. If the column is small, it is enough to indicate only the city, town, village or other settlement in accordance with the passport. If there is a lot of space, you can enter all the information: index, country, region (oblast, territory, autonomous okrug, republic), district and so on.

Advice: the applicant needs to try to ensure that the entered data exactly matches the information from the passport - otherwise, later, when checking the questionnaire, questions from the company's own security service may arise. If a city or other settlement was renamed or included in another territorial entity, it is still necessary to enter its previous name in the application form when hiring.

  1. Place of residence and (or) registration... A good trend lately has become the division of this item into two separate ones: this way you can get the maximum about the applicant useful information... Nevertheless, if there is still only one column in the form, the candidate, before filling out the questionnaire, may ask the HR specialist what information is required to be indicated in it, and act in accordance with his advice. Another option is to ask for a sample of a ready-made application form for employment: perhaps the employer means that a person will enter two addresses in one field at once.

Advice: if the applicant is registered in one place, and lives without registration in another, it is enough to indicate the address of registration. The employer must provide only official information - the future employee may well leave everything else with him. If the addresses of registration and residence are the same, in the second field you can put a dash, an identity sign (the letter Z twice crossed out horizontally) or re-enter the previously indicated information.

  1. Contact details... This column, depending on the requirements of the employer and the availability of free space, may contain the following subparagraphs:
    • home (city) telephone;
    • mobile phone;
    • work phone;
    • e-mail address;
    • skype account and so on.

Important: a candidate for the position of a landline or mobile phone cannot be a reason for refusing to consider his application. If necessary, the employer will always be able to contact him in an official way - by mail (for this, the current address is indicated). However, if for the organization the applicant has the opportunity to use cellular communication it is vitally important that the HR specialist will always find a reason for failure. The same applies to other information, therefore, it is better to familiarize yourself with the specifics of the company's functioning even before not wasting time on filling out the questionnaire in a futile manner.

  1. Passport data... The most controversial (and nevertheless usually obligatory) item of the questionnaire. On the one hand, the applicant has every right not to tell anyone the series and number of his passport; on the other hand, as mentioned earlier, the employer will certainly have grounds for refusing an applicant who does not want to share information. In such a situation, it remains only to go to court - but in Russian realities this is unlikely to give the desired result.

Advice: the applicant, even who indicated his personal data in the form of the questionnaire, must remember that the employer has no right to disclose and transfer them to third parties. In this case, there will be much more grounds for filing a statement of claim, and a court decision is not in favor of an unscrupulous employer.

  1. Family status... It is surprising why this clause is still mandatory; it is unlikely that it represents at least some value for the enterprise. Nevertheless, as long as the outdated practice is in force, the applicant must enter something in the appropriate column of the questionnaire form. There is no need to clarify the details: the standard marks "married / married" or "not married / single / not married" are sufficient. A large amount of information will be superfluous and hardly help when applying for a job.
  2. Consent to the processing of personal data and checking the accuracy of the information entered. Here, the applicant is not required to write anything: the signature he put below automatically means that he gives permission for these actions.

Important: the candidate (or employee) has the right to revoke his consent to the processing of personal information at any time. To do this, you need to contact a specialist in the personnel department of an enterprise or institution and act in accordance with his recommendations. Formally, such a refusal should not in any way affect the position of the employee in the team; actually predict further development events are impossible: all options are possible - from maintaining the current status to the need to re-initiate court proceedings.

  1. Applicant's date and signature... In most cases, the date can be set any, which lies in the interval from filling out the questionnaire to its acceptance by an employee of the personnel department. Nevertheless, it is better to consult with him in advance on this issue - otherwise the candidate will have to correct the previously entered information, and in some cases, completely rewrite the document. Usually there are no problems with the signature: it must be clear and correspond to the model in the passport. Most often, the applicant must also provide a decryption of the signature: his last name and initials.

Important: filling in such items of the questionnaire when applying for a job is not particularly difficult, however, due to the large amount of information, it requires special care. It must be remembered: ideally, there should be no blots or corrections in the completed form. The information provided, of course, must correspond to reality - this is an indispensable condition for successful employment. It is better to write less, leaving part of your biography outside the document, than to deprive you of the chance to get a job through your own negligence.

Optional items of the questionnaire include:

  1. Information about relatives... Depending on the position of the employer, the applicant may need to list only immediate relatives (father, mother, siblings, spouse and children) or distant ones. Requirements are usually given in the questionnaire itself; if nothing is indicated there, the candidate can ask a specialist in the HR department or ask for a sample of the completed document.

Important: it is necessary to indicate not only blood relatives, but also those who belong to such by virtue of the law: adoptive parents, adopted children, and so on - it all depends on the family circumstances of the applicant.

  1. The attitude to military service... For women, except in special cases, this item is optional. Men, however, need to indicate their status in accordance with the entry on the military ID and rank.
  2. Education and previous places work... In these points (usually they are presented in the form of tables), you need to enter the names of the educational institutions in which the applicant studied and graduated, the years of admission and graduation, the specialty received and, if desired, special marks, in reverse chronological order (from the last to the first) (“ diploma with honors "and others). The same applies to places of work: the candidate will need to list full names organizations and firms in which he was officially employed, the dates of the beginning and end of work, his job responsibilities and sometimes achievements in the workplace.

Important: although this is not expressly provided for, the applicant can also indicate, with an appropriate note, places of part-time work and informal employment - but only if he believes that the information will be of interest to the employer, that is, it directly relates to job responsibilitiesthat an employee will have in a new place. Otherwise, it is better to limit yourself to official data, without disclosing your entire biography to the HR specialist.

  1. Skills and personality... As just mentioned, it is best to provide only information that is directly relevant to the case: the employer is unlikely to be interested in learning about the success of the applicant in winter fishing or baking baking - unless, of course, he gets a job in a bakery or sports (fishing) store. Here it would be useful to mention the presence of a driver's license, indicating their category: sometimes this can be a significant plus for a candidate.
  2. Desired level wages ... Sometimes an item is divided into two sub-items - to probationary period and after. Theoretically, the applicant can enter any amount in these fields, but it is better to focus on the average indicators: the employer may consider himself unsuitable for an overly demanding employee.
  3. Other items... There can be many of them, depending on the working conditions (for example, the presence of a criminal record) and the imagination of the manager or the specialist who drew up the questionnaire (in particular, hobbies and interests), so it does not make much sense to discuss all the options. incomprehensible points should be discussed with an employee of the personnel department, and if that does not have time, the candidate may ask for a sample of the completed form.

Important: before giving the questionnaire, you should read it carefully again. If errors or inaccuracies are found, you need to contact a specialist in the HR department: he can either advise you to correct them directly in the document, or issue a new form, which will need to be filled out again, more accurately.

Job application form - form

It is useful for both the applicant and the personnel department to familiarize themselves with the sample application form when applying for a job: this will allow the former to have an approximate idea of \u200b\u200bwhat awaits him in the near future, and the latter to get new ideas or fix flaws in the current documentation.

Job Seeker Application Form - Sample

Often it is not enough for a candidate to just glance over the form of the questionnaire: for many, visual information is more useful (a fully completed document, on the basis of which the applicant will be able to enter his data into an empty questionnaire - of course, without copying those given in the "standard").

Summing up

Hiring is an important and long-term stage in an adult's life. It is recommended that you follow the above recommendations and advice from a human resources employee to keep it from taking too long.

The applicant, no matter what position he may apply for, should fill out the application form as carefully as possible: it is better to spend a little time and hand over the document to a specialist the first time, than to make adjustments in the future or completely rewrite the application form.

An employment questionnaire or an applicant's questionnaire is a document provided to a person, usually by recruitment agencies, for filling out. Do not confuse a job application form with a resume. Your resume is yours business card, your professional portrait that you compose yourself. The questionnaire is a form, consisting of 4-6 pages with the employer or recruiting agency questions. The number and specificity of questions depends on the position for which the candidate is applying. As a rule, this application form for a job is filled out during the first stage of the interview.

Unlike your self-written resume, the questionnaire is the most objective source of information about you. Since the presented questions and your answers to them will allow the recruiter to evaluate in more detail your professional skills.

The HR specialist evaluates not only your answers in the questionnaire, but also how much time you spent filling it out. Since this questionnaire is completed by hand, a specialist can assess your level of literacy and accuracy. The HR specialist also monitors the mood in which you came to the meeting. Thus, taking into account all the parameters presented, the recruiter receives objective information about the candidate.

Filling out the application form for a job, you must carefully not skipping a single question. Of course, if you find it difficult to answer something or the question seems incorrect to you, you can not answer it. However, it is highly likely that during the meeting you will be asked this question.

When making an appointment with an HR specialist, it is important to be able to prepare so that certain questions do not catch you off guard. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the questions from the standard resume questionnaire:

General information - where the full name, Citizenship, etc.

Potential questions about criminal records, loans, health conditions, etc.



And also other organizational issues are possible:

1. Are you ready for business trips?

2. How do you feel about overtime work?

3. Describe your strengths and weaknesses.

4. What benefits will the company get if it hires a candidate?

5. Who does the candidate see himself as in 5 years?

In addition to standard questions, you may be asked to indicate your hobby, favorite book and music in the questionnaire. As a rule, there are no wrong or correct answers to these questions. Therefore, it is worth answering truthfully, because if desired, the potential employer will still find out the truth. The main thing to pay attention to is the literacy of filling, the consistency of the data provided, especially those related to work experience and education.

When preparing for the interview, prepare your documents or copies of your passport, diploma, TIN, SNILS, work book and a marriage certificate. And most importantly, take a good mood and a smile with you.

We have also collected detailed samples of resume questionnaires for you, which you can download on our website for free.

Manager Candidate Application Form
Short application form
An example of a questionnaire when hiring employees for work in state bodies