"Journey to Europe". Integrated GCD ("Knowledge", "Music", "Artistic Creativity"). Europe travel presentations City under the ashes

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I AM A TUCK. Born over the Atlantic Ocean.

YOU know that my friend the wind is very fond of traveling. The tramp invited me to go with him on a journey around the world. I want to invite YOU too. There will be a lot of interesting things, you will learn a lot of new things.

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  • On the shores of the warm Mediterranean Sea is a country that looks like a boot on the map.
  • Italy is located in the southern part of Europe.
  • It includes the islands of Sicily and Sardinia.
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    Italy is known for the beauty and diversity of its landscape, from the snow-capped peaks of the Alps to the green vineyards of Tuscany.

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    • Over 57 million people live in Italy.
    • State language - Italian
    • The country is run by a president.
  • Slide 8


    • The Venetian carnival is famous all over the world.
    • During the carnival, the people of Venice wear medieval costumes and masks.
    • Venice is a holiday city.
  • Slide 10

    Leaning Tower of Pisa

    • Pisa is the hometown of Galileo Galilei.
    • In this city there is a falling bell tower (Leaning Tower of Pisa). Its height is 56 meters, there are 294 steps in the staircase. In 1990 the tower was closed to the public.
  • slide 11


    • In Italy, you can count as many as 7 volcanoes.
    • The largest active volcano in Europe - ETNA is located on the island of Sicily. Over the past 600 years, it has erupted more than 140 times. Now Mount Etna reaches 3.323 meters. The ash-covered slopes of the volcano are very fertile and give a good harvest.
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    Almost 2,000 years ago, Mount Vesuvius covered the city of Pompeii with hot ash. After many centuries, this city was excavated and now everyone can walk along its ancient streets.

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    • Italians are very family people. They like to gather at the table with the whole family or sit with friends in a cafe.
    • Pasta and pizza are the national dishes of Italy.
  • Goals: at the end of the lesson, my students will

    • know: main European countries; their capitals; attractions; celebrities;
    • be able to: find these countries on the political map of Europe;
    • will be able to demonstrate their knowledge of European countries, knowledge of literary works of European authors; communication skills.


    I. Updating knowledge

    1. Checking homework

    Protection of projects "Build a city" (p. 7 part 3)

    2. Lead-in dialogue

    What continent is Europe on? Application . slide 1.
    What are the thermal zones in Europe?
    – What map should be used to find countries and cities on it? Mountains and rivers?
    We will need these cards in the lesson today.

    II. "Discovery" of new knowledge

    1. - Once upon a time there was a cloud. She was born in Western Europe. (Open your atlases p. 28) It happened like this. The hot sun warmed, the water evaporated and became fog. The fog rose higher and higher and finally became a cloud. Rising into the sky, the cloud saw below a country on the islands. The main city of this country is London. Application . Slide 2 (1).
    Find this country on the map. What is it called? Application . Slide 2 (2, 3).
    See what the UK flag looks like. Application . Slide 2 (4)
    The British are very fond of football, and check the time with the main clock of the country, which is called Big Ben. Application . Slide 2 (5)
    Writers you know lived in this country: John Ronald Ruehl
    Tolkien Application . Slide 2(6) who wrote the tale about whom? (The Hobbit) and Arthur Conan Doyle. He came up with the famous detective who amazed everyone with his deductive methods - Sherlock Homes.

    2. - The wind carried a cloud to the southeast (follow the map), and she found herself over a beautiful country where cheerful and cheerful people live. The capital of this country is Paris. Application . Slide 3 (1).
    What is the name of this country? (France). Application . Slide 3 (2, 3).
    - This is the flag of France. Application . Slide 3 (4).
    - In Paris, there is the main attraction of France - the Eiffel Tower. Application . Slide 3 (5).

    3. - The wind drove the cloud farther and farther. On her way lay high mountains - the Alps. Application . Slide 4 (1). She climbed for a long time through the snow-capped peaks of the Alps. And then she saw a large warm sea in the south. It's called the Mediterranean. Application . Slide 4 (2).
    Think about why it's called that?
    - On the shore of this sea, the cloud met another country that looks like a boot on the map. Its inhabitants love to sing. And they also love pasta, which is called ... correctly spaghetti. This is a country? (children are looking on the map - Italy). Application . Slide 4 (3, 4).
    Capital of Italy? (Rome) Application . Slide 4 (5).
    This is what the flag of Italy looks like. Application . Slide 4 (6).
    – There are many beautiful cities in this beautiful country, but the most romantic one is Venice. Application . Slide 4 (7). The streets of Venice are water channels through which people move in gondolas.
    – And Italy also gave us a wonderful writer who came up with a funny onion boy. (Chippolino. Giani Rodari). Application . Slide 4 (8).

    4. - Looking north from the Alps, our cloud saw another country. Germans live in this country. Its main city is Berlin. Application . Slide 5 (1). The Brothers Grimm once lived here. Application . Slide 5 (2). What is the name of this station? (Germany). Application . Slide 5 (3, 4).
    - This is the flag of Germany. Application . Slide 5 (5).
    Sightseeings of Germany: Application . Slide 5 (6.7) Brandenburg Gate, Dresden city.

    5. - The wind carried the cloud farther to the east. There she saw another sea. Many rest houses and sanatoriums were located on its banks. This sea is called ... (Children look on the map) The Black Sea.
    - Many rivers flow into the Black Sea, including the Dnieper River. On the Dnieper River stands the beautiful city of Kyiv Application . Slide 6 (1)- capital of Ukraine

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    Population Composition of the population: French - 47%, Monegasques - 16%, Italians - 16%, others - 21%. The largest cities are Monte Carlo, Condamine. As of 2014, the population of Monaco is 37,800 people. The preferential tax regime that exists in Monaco attracts many wealthy people here. However, obtaining Monegasque citizenship is very difficult, so the vast majority of the country's inhabitants are foreigners (French, Italians, British, Belgians). The official language of Monaco is French, spoken - the so-called Monegasque dialect (a mixture of French and Italian). Most of the local population professes Catholicism. In terms of population density (18,713 people / km².), Monaco ranks first in the world.

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    The political system of Monaco is a principality, a constitutional hereditary monarchy. The current constitution was adopted on December 17, 1962. The head of state, the prince, exercises legislative power jointly with the National Council (unicameral parliament of 18 members), elected for 5 years. A member of the National Council can only be a Monegasque born in Monaco and not younger than 25 years old. From May 9, 1949 to 2005, Prince Rainier III of the Grimaldi family was on the throne. Since 2005, his son Albert II has been the ruling prince. In accordance with an agreement concluded with France in 1918, Monaco becomes an autonomous state under the protectorate of France in the event that the throne is unoccupied due to the lack of an heir. Monaco has a police force, but no army of its own, except for the Royal Guard, which consists of 65 people. Defense matters are in the competence of France. The form of government is a constitutional monarchy.

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    The climate of Monaco is located on the southern periphery of the limestone Alpes-Maritimes. The climate is Mediterranean with moderately warm winters (average January temperature +8-10 °С) and dry, warm and sunny summers (average temperature July and August +24 °С). There are up to 300 sunny days a year, and rainy days - about 60. The average annual rainfall is 1300 mm. They fall out mainly in autumn. The Alpes-Maritimes protect Monaco from the cold northern winds. In summer, sea breezes have a cooling effect on the coast. Thanks to mild climatic conditions, Monaco is a popular Mediterranean resort.

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    Economy Monaco is one of the world's centers of tourism and the best resorts on the Cote d'Azur (Riviera). In Monaco, highly profitable industries have developed - electronic, electrical, chemical, pharmaceutical, precision instrumentation, building materials, faience, ceramics and majolica. An important place is occupied by trade, servicing tourists and making souvenirs. The country has a high level of employment and living standards. Thanks to the preferential tax regime, hundreds of international companies and dozens of banks widely use the territory of Monaco for financial transactions. State revenues consist of taxes from banks, hotels, resorts, casinos, tourism receipts, the sale of postage stamps, which are highly valued by philatelists all over the world, etc. under government control). Monetary unit - euro.

    Target: the formation of children's knowledge about the world around and the cultural heritage of Europe.


    • To give children an idea of ​​​​the continents and get acquainted with the climatic features of Europe.
    • Develop the ability to use various art materials in your work.
    • Raise interest and respect for the musical culture of other countries.

    Methods and techniques:


    Slideshow about Eurasia, the country of Italy, Venice, the Venice Carnival.

    Demonstration of the video "O sole mio" performed by Luciano Pavarotti.

    Showing a sample of a carnival mask.


    Search for continents, Italy countries on the world map.

    Performance of the Italian folk song "Four cockroaches and a cricket" muses. R. Vickers, sl. folk

    Finger gymnastics.

    Decorative decoration (drawing) of a carnival mask.


    Ball game "Who lives in the native land"

    Game-journey "Journey to Italy"

    Game situation "Flying in a balloon"


    Conversation "What are the continents on planet Earth"

    A story about Italy and the Italian singer Luciano Pavarotti

    Story of the Venice Carnival


    Dictionary work: "Mainland", "Gondoliers", "Symphony".

    Benefits: Large screen, multimedia installation, globe, presentations "Animals of Europe", "Venice", "Luciano Pavarotti", Clip "'O sole mio".

    Art materials for creativity: wax crayons, watercolor, napkins, mask silhouettes, brushes No. 2


    On the installation screen - a photo of the Earth from space.

    - Guys, do you know what kind of planet this is? What form does it have? What is on Earth? (a globe is introduced - a model of the Earth). What color is more? What does it mean? (children's answers) Yes, it's water, oceans. What colors other than blue do you see on the globe? What do they stand for? (land) Yes, large pieces of land are called continents. Guys, is it convenient for you to consider the globe? (children's answers) Yes, only a certain part is visible. To make it more convenient, people came up with a map (map picture). Let's compare a map and a globe, are they all the same? How many continents? Are they all the same size? Find the smallest mainland; find the largest continent. (We find out the name of the continents). On what continent is our country Russia? Our country is the largest located on the largest continent - Eurasia (picture of Eurasia). Why is it called that? On this continent there are two parts of the world - Europe and Asia; different peoples live here - Europeans and Asians (showing pictures) Our Kostroma Territory is located in the European part (showing the European part of the mainland). What can you say about the climate? (remember the seasons - show them on slides) what animals inhabit our places?

    The game "Who lives in the native land?" (with a ball)

    The teacher throws the ball to the player with the words "One, two, three, name the forest animal (bird, tree, berry, mushroom)." The child, having caught the ball, calls it and returns it to the teacher.

    The nature of Europe is similar to ours. It's cold in the North, what animals do you think you can meet here? (children find animals of the north, put them on a magnetic board) the farther south, the warmer

    There is a country in Europe, its shape resembles shoes, try to find it on the map. (children find it) what shoes does it remind you of? Yes, that's right, boots. This country is Italy, sunny Italy. It has a mild, warm climate and fertile soil. There are also mountains with snow-capped peaks, and valleys overgrown with lush grass. Since ancient times, human culture has been born here. People worked the land, grew grapes, raised sheep and cows.


    M.R.: We are on the largest continent - Eurasia. It consists of two continents - Europe and Asia. I invite you to travel to Europe. Would you like to visit there? (children's answers). What will we travel on? (children's answers). No, no, we'll fly in a hot air balloon. Grab your seats quickly. (A group of girls forms a small circle, everyone holds on to a pole with balls, a group of boys forms a circle, standing with their backs to its center - a “basket”. Boys and girls move in opposite directions to the music). When the music ends, everyone stops. The children sit down.

    M.R.: Where did we end up? Let's get a look.

    An illustration with views of Italy is displayed on a large screen.

    M.W.: 1 slide. This is Italy - the cradle of opera, the birthplace of great opera composers and singers, perhaps the best in the world. It is interesting that the nature of people largely depends on what part of the earth they live in, what kind of nature surrounds them. The nature of the music that the people compose depends on the surrounding nature and cultural traditions.

    Slide 2 - Italy gave the world a brilliant opera singer - Luciano Pavarotti. Luciano Pavarotti was born in the Italian city of Modena. Although Luciano's parents were not musicians, the boy's entire childhood passed under the singing of his father, who had a real operatic baritone. “His voice is a phenomenal instrument, one of the wonders of nature that appear very rarely, maybe once in a hundred years,” one famous person said about his talent.

    3 slide - today we will get acquainted with the world-famous Italian song "'O sole mio", which means "My sun" performed by Luciano Pavarotti.

    Clip "O sole mio".

    M.R.: Did you like the sound of this song?

    - Tell me, what is the nature of the song?

    (light, gentle, sincere)

    M.R.: Now, let's sing the Italian song "Four cockroaches and a cricket"

    Children sing a song.

    - The guys who sang the song "'O sole mio"

    (Luciano Pavarotti)

    What country did Luciano Pavarotti live in?



    Iso. - we will continue our journey (there is a world map in front of the children) and we will go to the Italian city of Venice. (views of the city of Venice appear on the screen)

    Venice is an unusual city on our planet, there are places where you can move only on trays called gondolas and they are controlled by gondoliers, because instead of the streets we know in Venice, there are many canals filled with water.

    In Venice, the carnival is very popular, which is held in the month of February, the signal for the carnival is the flight of an angel from the town hall. The carnival itself begins with a procession of brass bands. People throughout the year prepare for this carnival, sew fancy costumes, make masks.

    The most popular masks are the masks of Colombina, Pierrot, Arlekino, Casanova.

    Iso.- I propose to take part in the Venice Carnival and decorate a mask in which you can take part in the carnival procession. Please choose a mask that you will decorate using familiar visual media: wax crayons, watercolor. (Children choose one or another mask at their own discretion)

    Iso. How do you imagine decorating your mask?

    - What colors will you use?

    - What will be the ornament, and where will it be located?

    Before starting work, check the posture of the children, prepare their hands. (Finger gymnastics) children draw, calm music plays in the background.

    At the end of the artistic activity, consider the finished work, ask:

    What country did we travel to today?

    What do you particularly remember?

    Have you experienced difficulties while drawing?

    Educator-ecologist: Plitkina Svetlana Anatolyevna
    Musical director: Belekhova Marina Valentinovna
    Tutor of fine arts activities: Tubis Natalia Valentinovna
    MDOU kindergarten No. 15 "Spark" of a general developmental type of the urban district of the city of Bui.

    Ekaterina Trushnikova
    Summary of the lesson in the preparatory group "Journey to European countries - France, Germany, Italy"

    « Traveling in European countries - France, Germany, Italy»

    preparatory age.

    Target classes: to give children an idea of European countries.



    1. To consolidate children's knowledge of national costumes, music and culture European countries. Learn to find Europe on the globe.

    2. Get to know the states Europe: Germany, France, Italy, with the peoples, their inhabitants and the sights of these countries.


    Develop cognitive interest, logical thinking, speech.


    To cultivate curiosity, the desire to know the world around us, respect and interest in other peoples of the world.


    1. Multimedia Power Point presentation on the topic classes.

    2. Sports equipment for games, globe.

    Organizing time:

    The teacher sits and sadly spins the globe. Children come up and curiously ask what happened.

    Guys, the vacation is over, but I never went abroad, for example, in Europe. I so dream of being in France, Germany, Sweden or Italy. Let's find these on the globe countries. (Children look at the globe)

    Guys, this is what I came up with, now there is such a wonderful thing as a computer and the Internet, let's try to go on a tour of these countries through them.

    Let's get comfortable and let's get started.

    Playing national music Germany, people appear in traditional German costumes.

    Guys what do you think country sent us by our computer?

    (children's answers)

    Miscellaneous views of species Germany.

    Official name Germany- Federal Republic Germany or Germany - it is located in the Central Europe. The capital of this state is Berlin, the national language is German, and the inhabitants of this countries are called Germans.

    Pictures of famous people born in Germany.

    And these are the greatest composers who come from Germany - Wolfgang Mozart, Ludwig van Beethoven.

    Guys, do you know any fairy tale characters from Germany?

    Doesn't the name of the city, Bremen, mean anything to you? (The Bremen Town Musicians). Yes, of course, but Bremen is a city in Germany.

    "The Bremen Town Musicians".

    Guys, let's play one German game with you. "Three, thirteen, thirty" Let's stand with you in a circle, at a distance of arms outstretched to the sides. The driver will stand in the middle of it (appointed or chosen by lot). If he speaks: "Three!"- all players must raise their hands to the sides, at the word "thirteen!"- raise them up, at the word "thirty!"- put on the belt.

    The driver quickly calls any of the three numbers listed above. Players must quickly perform appropriate movements. The one who makes a mistake takes a step back and continues to play or changes roles with the leader there. The winners are those who remain in their original place or have never changed roles with the driver.

    If a player has made at least an attempt at an incorrect move, he is considered a loser. The driver has the right to draw out words, For example: "Three-and-and.". Players need to carefully monitor the ending of words.

    plays French music. Images of people in national french costumes.

    Guys, what is this a country? (France) .

    Illustrations France.

    Name of this countries comes from the people Germanic tribe of the Franks. This state is located in Western Europe, National language - French, capital France - Paris.

    Image of the Eiffel Tower.

    Guys, what is this? (Eiffel Tower) Yes, you are right, this is one of the brightest and of course the most recognizable french sight. It is located in Paris and is a world famous symbol France. Guys, in France very popular game "Petanque" is a national french ball game. The essence of the game is to hit a small wooden ball with a large metal ball, or throw it as close as possible. At the same time, they try to knock out the opponents' balls so that they roll back. But since we do not have such balls, I suggest playing a similar game called "Bowling".

    Sounds national italian music. Images of people in national Italian costumes.

    Guys what do you think this is? a country? This Italy.

    Kinds Italy.

    Italy is a country, on South Europe, its official name Italian Republic. The capital of this state is Rome. There is such an interesting observation that if you look at a map or a globe, then this a country in its shape will resemble a boot. Guys, what is the most famous attraction in Italy, I'll tell you, it is located in the city of Pisa (Answers)

    Images of the Leaning Tower of Pisa.

    Correctly this is the Leaning Tower of Pisa, or in another way "Falling tower", she is tilted to the side and it seems that she is falling, which is why she received her worldwide fame.

    Guys let's play with you Italian game, which is called "Marie and Peppe" We stand in a line, choose a leader (he can stand both at the beginning, in the middle or at the end of the line - it does not matter). The leader assigns to each leg Name: right - Peppe, left - Marie. Then he announces with which feet (Peppe or Marie) everyone starts walking. Leading commands:- Peppe-Marie-Peppe-Marie...

    Then he unexpectedly knocks off the beat and instead of, for example, the agreed "Marie" calls "Peppe". The one who did not have time to orient himself and stepped on the wrong foot is out of the game.

    Really, it's great, it's a lot of fun!


    A Russian folk song is playing. Images of people in Russian folk costumes.

    Guys, what is this a country? That's right, Russia, which means we returned from our journey home. Well, Russia, in turn, is completely different. journey.

    Where are we today traveled? Did you like it? Which of countries liked more?