Compiling a SMP report. Nikita Usmanov Is the deadline for posting the Procurement Report from SMP violated? They will, but that's not certain. (44-FZ, Administrative Code). Standard terms of contracts providing for the involvement of subcontractors from among SMP and Sonko

4. The report on the results of the reporting year in the form of an electronic document is signed by the electronic signature of an authorized official of the customer and posted in the unified information system within the period established by Part 4 of Article 30 of the Federal Law. Prior to the commissioning of the unified information system, the report is posted on the official website of the Russian Federation in the information and telecommunications network "Internet" to post information on placing orders for the supply of goods, performance of work and provision of services (hereinafter referred to as the official website).

The date of the report is the date the report was posted in the unified information system or before the commissioning of the said system on the official website. At the same time, information containing state secrets is not indicated in the report and is not posted in a single information system or until the commissioning of this system on the official website.

5. The report is stored in a unified information system or until the commissioning of the specified system on the official website for the period established in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on archiving.

II. Information on the volume of purchases from small businesses and socially oriented non-profit organizations, about the failed determination of suppliers (contractors, performers) with the participation of small businesses and socially oriented non-profit organizations

Name of indicator, unit of measurement

Indicator value

Calculation of the volume of purchases that the customer is obliged to make from small businesses and socially oriented non-profit organizations in the reporting year

The total annual volume of purchases, except for the volume of purchases, information about which constitutes a state secret
(thousand rubles)

The total amount of financial security for paying for contracts in the reporting year as part of the procurements provided for by Part 1.1 of Article 30 of the Federal Law "On the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs" (hereinafter referred to as the Federal Law), with the exception of the amount of financial security for payment in the reporting year of contracts containing information constituting a state secret (thousand rubles):

the amount of financial security for payment in the reporting year of contracts concluded to ensure the defense of the country and the security of the state, with the exception of the amount of financial security for payment in the reporting year of contracts containing information constituting state secrets (thousand rubles)

the amount of financial security for payment in the reporting year of contracts concluded for the provision of services for the provision of loans, with the exception of the amount of financial security for payment in the reporting year of contracts containing information constituting state secrets (thousand rubles)

the amount of financial security for payment in the reporting year of contracts concluded with a single supplier (contractor, performer) in accordance with Part 1 of Article 93 of the Federal Law (except for purchases made in accordance with Clause 1 of Part 1 of Article 30 of the Federal Law), with the exception of amount of financial support for payment in the reporting year of contracts containing information constituting a state secret (thousand rubles)

the amount of financial security for payment in the reporting year of contracts concluded for the performance of work in the field of the use of atomic energy, with the exception of the amount of financial security for payment in the reporting year of contracts containing information constituting a state secret (thousand rubles)

the amount of financial security for payment in the reporting year of contracts concluded based on the results of closed methods for determining suppliers (contractors, performers), with the exception of the amount of financial security for payment in the reporting year of contracts containing information constituting state secrets (thousand rubles)

The total annual volume of purchases, calculated minus the purchases provided for by Part 1.1 of Article 30 of the Federal Law

The volume of purchases that the customer is obliged to make from small businesses and socially oriented non-profit organizations in the reporting year (not less than 15 percent of the total annual volume of purchases, calculated taking into account Part 1.1 of Article 30 of the Federal Law)
(thousand rubles)

The volume of purchases in the reporting year, carried out based on the results of the selection of suppliers (contractors, performers), carried out in accordance with the requirements of paragraph 1 of part 1 of Article 30 of the Federal Law
(thousand rubles)

The volume of involvement in the reporting year of subcontractors and co-executors from among small businesses and socially oriented non-profit organizations to the execution of contracts concluded based on the results of identifying suppliers (contractors, performers), in the notices on the implementation of which a requirement was established for the supplier (contractor, performer), not which is a small business entity or a socially oriented non-profit organization, on attracting subcontractors (co-executors) from among small business entities and socially oriented non-profit organizations to the execution of the contract
(thousand rubles)

The volume of purchases that the customer made from small businesses and socially oriented non-profit organizations in the reporting year
(thousand rubles)

The share of purchases that the customer made from small businesses and socially oriented non-profit organizations in the reporting year, in the total annual volume of purchases, calculated minus the purchases provided for by Part 1.1 of Article 30 of the Federal Law (percentage)

Information about failed determinations of suppliers (contractors, performers) with the participation of small businesses and socially oriented non-profit organizations

The sum of the initial (maximum) prices of contracts of failed determinations of suppliers (contractors, performers) with the participation of small businesses and socially oriented non-profit organizations, as a result of which the contract was not concluded
(thousand rubles)

III. Information about concluded contracts

Types of concluded contracts

Unique registry entry numbers
from the register of contracts

Contracts concluded by customers with small businesses and socially oriented non-profit organizations

Clauses 25 - 25.3 of Part 1 of Article 93 of the Federal Law based on the results of the failed determination of suppliers (contractors, performers), carried out in accordance with the requirements of Clause 1 of Part 1 of Article 30 of the Federal Law

contracts concluded in accordance with paragraphs 25 - 25.3 of part 1 of article 93 of the Federal Law as a result of the failed determination of suppliers (contractors, performers) carried out in accordance with the requirements of paragraph 1 of part 1 of article 30 of the Federal Law

contracts for performance of works in the field of atomic energy use

contracts in the implementation of which closed methods of determining suppliers (contractors, performers) are used

Unfortunately, in the work of a contract manager, reports are, if not daily work, then monthly and quarterly for sure. There are also semi-annual and annual reports. One of the annual reporting forms is the Customer's Report on the volume of purchases from small businesses and socially oriented non-profit organizations. Let's figure out "what is the NSR Report" and "what it is eaten with."


The obligation of the Customer to draw up a Procurement Report from the SMP is spelled out in Part 4 of Art. 30 FZ No. 44-FZ of 04/05/2013. The reporting deadline is April 1 of the year following the reporting year. That is, in 2019 we will prepare the 2018 Procurement Report. The Report is posted in the EIS with the attachment of the Report file in the approved form. The form of the Report was approved by Government Decree No. 238 dated March 17, 2015.

IMPORTANT! There are a number of Customers who purchase GWS according to the norms, but the volume and financing of such purchases are so small that all purchases are made from a single supplier. Such purchases are not included in the SGOZ, which means that Customers are not required to conclude contracts with SMP and SONO. But they are still required to place the Report in the EIS, however, all positions of the Report will be zero (position of the Ministry of Finance dated November 8, 2017 No. 24-01-10 / 73595).

By the way, you can generate all the necessary reports for free, including those for SMP and SONO, by ordering a demonstration of the program at the link.Also in the free demo you can check all your purchases for errors!

And most importantly, HOW?

The Report Form, which must be filled out in the EIS, is located in the Customer's Personal Account, menu - " Reports» - « Customer reports» - « Create customer report information". The initial stage of generating information about the customer's report involves choosing - What kind of report does the customer want to generate? In the "Information about the placed report" section, the context menu item allows you to select the Report Type.

The first section of the Report - General information about the report

This section is for reference and contains up-to-date information about the organization: the full and abbreviated name of the customer, TIN, KPP, PSRN, OKOPF code, OKPO code, OKTMO, name of the municipality, customer location address, contract phone number and e-mail address, report type and reporting period. Also in this section, a copy of the posted Report is attached through the site menu: "Path to file" - "Browse".

The main part of the positions is loaded and filled in automatically, some positions can be edited. So, for example, you can manually enter data on the Customer's location address, contract telephone number and e-mail address. Also, from the Directory, you can upload updated data on the OKTMO of the Customer. In chapter “Information about the posted report” it is necessary to select “Reporting period”- the year for which you plan to publish the Report.

This section is the easiest to fill out - all relevant information is loaded automatically, you must manually select the year of the report and attach the file. Always would reports were such! But, we press the button Further and move on to the second section.

The second section of the Report - Information on the volume of purchases

This section includes three large data blocks:

  1. The calculation of the volume of purchases that the customer is obliged to make from the SMP and SONO - includes four points of information - nine indicators for purchases.
  2. The volume of purchases that the customer made from SMP and SONO - includes four items of information - four indicators for purchases.
  3. Information about failed purchases from SMP and SONO is one indicator.

Let's sort it out in order.

1. The total annual volume of purchases (GPO) - the amount of financial security of the customer for the current financial year - those contracts that were concluded and executed in the reporting year, as well as those contracts that were concluded in the previous year, but in terms of payment for the reporting year. For the first indicator when compiling the Report, we must indicate the EPP of the Customer in the reporting financial year.

IMPORTANT! All indicators are calculated without taking into account purchases containing information constituting a state secret. Please note that almost all indicators in the Report are indicated in thousands of rubles.

2. Second indicator- The total amount of financial security for the payment of contracts in the reporting year in the framework of procurement under Part 1.1 of Art. 30 FZ No. 44-FZ. This amount is automatically calculated from the lines you fill in below. This procurement indicator should include contracts that were tendered for SMPs and SONOs in the reporting financial year, EXCEPT:

  • procurement of state secrets;
  • lending services;
  • purchases from a single supplier under Part 1 of Article 93 of the Federal Law No. 44-FZ;
  • works in the field of atomic energy;
  • closed methods for determining suppliers.

Third indicator- the amount of purchases concluded to ensure the defense of the country and the security of the state. Fourth indicator– the amount of financial security to pay for contracts concluded for lending services. Fifth indicator- purchases from a single supplier in accordance with Part 1 of Art. 93 FZ No. 44-FZ. Sixth indicator- the amount of contracts concluded for the performance of work in the field of atomic energy. Seventh indicator- the amount of contracts concluded as a result of closed methods for determining suppliers (contractors, performers).

3. The total annual volume of purchases, calculated minus the purchases provided for in Part 1.1 of Art. 30 FZ No. 44-FZ. As we have already said, this indicator should include contracts for which competitive procedures were carried out for SMP and SONO in the reporting financial year, except for a number of purchases. This amount is calculated automatically by subtracting the sum of the second indicator from the first indicator.

4. The next indicator is the volume of purchases for SMP and SONO in the reporting year. The indicator is calculated and amounts to 15 percent of the Customer's SES for the reporting period, that is, 15 percent of the amount of the first indicator in the Report. Consider an example of how to calculate it and not be mistaken.

EXAMPLE: The Customer's SPP for the reporting year amounted to 10,000,000 rubles, while he purchased in the reporting period: GWS from a single supplier under clause 4, part 1, art. 93 in the amount of 530,000 rubles; GWS purchased by a closed method were sold in the amount of 600,000 rubles; There were no purchases to provide loans from the Customer in the reporting period, and there were no failed procurement procedures during the reporting period.

  • Indicator 2 \u003d 530,000 + 600,000 \u003d 1,300,000 rubles.
  • Indicator 3 \u003d 10,000,000 - 1,300,000 \u003d 8,700,000 rubles.
  • Indicator 4 \u003d 8,700,000 x 15% \u003d 1,305,000 rubles.

5. The volume of purchases in the reporting year, based on the results of the completed procedures - this indicator should sum up all the prices of the contracts that were concluded as a result of the completed procurement procedures, which were executed and paid by the Customer in the reporting period.

IMPORTANT! Only those purchases in which participation restrictions for SMP and SONO were established are taken into account.

EXAMPLE: From the previous example - in the reporting year, the Customer conducted competitive procedures, with limited participation for SMP and SONO, and concluded state (municipal) contracts in the amount of 1,305,000 rubles. Some of the contracts were executed in the reporting period, the Customer paid for them. But some contracts have a rolling period and an amount of 300,000 rubles. payable by the Customer in the next financial year. Then in the Report indicator 5 will be equal to: RUB 1,305,000 - 300,000 rubles. = 1,005,000 rubles.

6. This indicator includes the sum of all contracts, at the conclusion of which the Customer obliged the Contractors (suppliers, performers) to involve SMP and SONO as subcontractors.

IMPORTANT! Procurements are taken into account, in which no limit has been set for participation for SMP and SONO, but the purchase notice indicated the obligation of the winner to involve SMP and SONO in the execution of contracts.

7. The volume of purchases for SMP and SONO carried out by the Customer in the reporting year - the indicator is calculated automatically when filling out the Report form and is the sum of indicators 5 and 6.

8. The share of purchases made for the SMP and SONO in the reporting period. This is the only indicator in the Report, which is indicated not in thousands of rubles, but as a percentage. It is also calculated automatically using the EIS.

9. The amount of NMTsK failed procurement procedures of the Customer with the participation of SMP and SONO.

IMPORTANT! The conclusion of a contract or its absence in this case does not matter, because. according to the Rules for the preparation of the Report (Government of the Russian Federation dated March 17, 2015 No. 238) “... the total amount of the NMTsK of failed procurement procedures is indicated ... .. as a result of which the contract was not concluded or was concluded on the grounds provided for in paragraph 25 of part 1 of Art. 93 FZ No. 44-FZ.

EXAMPLE: In the reporting period, the customer held 2 electronic auctions for the SMP and SONO with the NMCC in the amount of 1,500,000 rubles. and 400,000 rubles, as well as one request for quotations of 250,000 rubles. No applications were submitted for participation in these purchases, the procedures were declared invalid. As a result of the procedures, one contract was concluded in accordance with Part 25, Clause 1, Art. 93 FZ No. 44-FZ in the amount of 400,000 rubles, two procedures did not lead to the conclusion of contracts. Thus, the amount that in this case must be paid in clause 9 is equal to: 2,150,000 rubles. (1,500,000 + 400,000 + 250,000).

This concludes the most complex and time-consuming part of the Report.

The third section of the Report - Information on concluded contracts

In the third section, the Report will be filled in with information on contracts concluded by the Customer with SMP and SONO in the reporting period. The section is filled in through the EIS context menu in three major sections:

  1. Contracts concluded with SMP, SONO.
  2. Contracts containing conditions on the involvement of subcontractors from among the SMP and SONO for the execution of contracts.
  3. Contracts concluded in accordance with Part 1.1 of Art. 30 FZ No. 44-FZ.

IMPORTANT! Do not forget to attach a paper form of the document to the Report in the EIS. Moreover, on paper, the document must be signed by the contractor indicating his last name, first name, patronymic, position and date of preparation and signing of the Report.


It is clear that now April 1 is far away and the closing of the financial year is more relevant for Customers. But if now we take care of maintaining the procurement register for SMEs, correctly calculating the SSS and determining the volume of purchases from SMEs, then it will be much easier to prepare a report in the spring.

Publication date: 30.08.2018

Please note that the site administration does not always share the opinions of the authors, and is not responsible for the accuracy of their information.

The report on the volume of purchases from small businesses, socially oriented non-profit organizations (hereinafter referred to as the report) is compiled by customers who made purchases of goods, works, services in the previous year in accordance with the requirements of federal law dated 05.04.2013 N 44-FZ "On the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs" (hereinafter - Law No. 44-FZ). Those customers who purchased only under the federal law of July 18, 2011 N 223-FZ "On the procurement of goods, works, services by certain types of legal entities" (hereinafter - Law No. 223-FZ) do not need to prepare such a report. The report is subject to placement in the Unified Information System (hereinafter referred to as the UIS) on the website on the Internet at until April 01 of the year following the reporting year, in accordance with Part 4 of Art. 30 of Law No. 44-FZ. In 2018, customers must post the 2017 report no later than March 31, 2018.

The requirements for the form of the report and the rules for filling it out are established in Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 17, 2015 N 238 "On the procedure for preparing a report on the volume of purchases from small businesses and socially oriented non-profit organizations, placing it in a single information system and amending the Regulation on Interdepartmental Commission for the Selection of Investment Projects, Russian Credit Institutions and International Financial Institutions for Participation in the Program for Supporting Investment Projects Implemented in the Russian Federation on the Basis of Project Financing" (hereinafter referred to as the Procedure).

In order not to do double work, we recommend that you immediately fill out a report in a structured form in the customer's personal account on the EIS website. In the customer's personal account there is a section "Reports", within which there is a subsection "Reports of customers". In the specified subsection there is a button "Create information about the customer's report", by pressing which you will proceed to the choice of the type of report. In the drop-down list, select the first type of report, which is called “Report on the volume of purchases from small businesses, socially oriented non-profit organizations”.

If there are no specified sections in your personal account, then you have not been assigned the right to generate reports. You can correct the situation by logging into the customer's personal account through an electronic key with the rights of the "Administrator of the organization" and in the "Administration" section find the subsection "Users of the organization", in which for each user of the organization you can assign access rights, including the right to compile a report, by putting ticks in the required fields.

In the next window, after selecting the type of report, you will be presented with “General information about the report”, which corresponds to the first section of the report provided for in the report form. It will be automatically filled in, you just need to select the "Reporting period", i.e. 2017

Also, on the first page, you need to attach a "Copy of the posted report", i.e. scanned version of the original report. Without a copy of the report, it will not be possible to place information in the EIS, so you will have to return to this page when we fill out the report in a structured form in order to attach the file with the report.

By clicking on the “Next” button at the bottom of the page, you will proceed to filling out the second section of the report “Information on the volume of purchases from small businesses and socially oriented non-profit organizations, on the failed identification of suppliers (contractors, performers) with the participation of small businesses and socially oriented non-profit organizations ".

At the beginning of this section, it is necessary to indicate "Calculation of the volume of purchases that the customer is obliged to make from small businesses and socially oriented non-profit organizations in the reporting year."

First paragraph of this section, "The total annual volume of purchases, with the exception of the volume of purchases, information about which constitutes a state secret" is indicated in thousands of rubles.

According to paragraph 16 of Art. 3 of Law No. 44-FZ, the total annual volume of purchases (hereinafter referred to as the SGOZ) is the total amount of financial security approved for the corresponding financial year for the customer to make purchases in accordance with this Federal Law, including for paying for contracts concluded before the beginning of the specified financial year and payable in that financial year.

For the purpose of compiling the report, we calculate the EPS by the amount of actually paid contracts, since the amounts not paid under the contracts were not disbursed by the customer and were not used for purchases. At the same time, the amount of the approved amount of financial security and the amount of actually paid contracts may differ. We determine the approved amount of financial support for purchases on the basis of the financial documents of the customer (budget estimates for recipients of budgetary funds and a plan of financial and economic activities for budgetary institutions and unitary enterprises) in order to indicate background information about the SSS in the schedule when it is approved. During the procurement process, we will have to adjust the planned payments for each item in the schedule and the EPS itself, taking into account the actual payments under the contracts. The legislation does not establish such a requirement, but keep in mind that the information that you indicate in the report, the controllers will be able to check based on your schedules, so try to bring the planned payments for each item in the schedule into line with the SSS itself, taking into account actual payments . That is, if the amount of the initial (maximum) price of the contract or the price of the contract concluded with a single supplier, indicated in the schedule, differs from the amount actually paid under the contract, bring them into line by making changes to the planned payments for each item, where there are discrepancies, including on special purchases.

Thus, in the first paragraph of the second section the SSS is indicated by the amount of actually paid contracts at the expense of funds approved for 2017. At the same time, the amounts of purchases made by customers (budgetary institutions, unitary enterprises) in accordance with Law No. 223-FZ are not included in the SGOZ.

In the second paragraph second section “The total amount of financial security for paying for contracts in the reporting year as part of the procurement provided for by Part 1.1 of Article 30 of Law No. 44-FZ is indicated, with the exception of the amount of financial security for paying in the reporting year for contracts containing information constituting state secrets (thousand rubles )". In part 1.1. Art. 30 of Law No. 44-FZ indicates the types of purchases that are not included in the calculation of the total annual volume of purchases. In particular, these are purchases:

  • 1) to ensure the defense of the country and the security of the state;
  • 2) services for the provision of loans;
  • 3) from a single supplier (contractor, performer) in accordance with Part 1 of Article 93 of this Federal Law;
  • 4) work in the field of the use of atomic energy;
  • 5) in the implementation of which closed methods for determining suppliers (contractors, performers) are used.

The report must indicate the amounts of actually paid contracts for such purchases in thousands of rubles, which will then be deducted from the amount of the state defense order. We include the resulting difference in third paragraph of the second section"The total annual volume of purchases, calculated minus the purchases provided for by Part 1.1 of Article 30 of the Federal Law." The site performs these arithmetic operations independently.

Fourth point second section"The volume of purchases that the customer is obliged to make from small businesses and socially oriented non-profit organizations in the reporting year (not less than 15% of the total annual volume of purchases, calculated taking into account part 1.1 of Article 30 of the Federal Law) (thousand rubles)" contains a minimum amount procurement, for which the customer must conduct procurement among the SMP and SONO, in accordance with Part 1 of Art. 30 of Law No. 44-FZ, it must be at least 15% of the total annual volume of purchases, calculated taking into account Part 1.1 of Art. 30 of Law No. 44-FZ. That is, we must indicate in the specified paragraph, at our choice, any amount that is at least 15% of the amount indicated in the third paragraph of the report.

Fifth point second section contains “The volume of purchases in the reporting year, carried out as a result of the procedures for determining the supplier (contractor, performer), in the notice of the implementation of which a restriction was established in relation to procurement participants, which could only be small businesses and socially oriented non-profit organizations (thousand rubles )". In the specified paragraph, we include the amount of actually paid contracts concluded as a result of competitive procedures carried out in compliance with the requirements of clause 1, part 1 and part 3 of Art. 30 of Law No. 44-FZ, namely competitive procurement, which established a restriction on participation in the procurement of only SMP and SONO. At the same time, it is important that at least two participants are allowed in the purchase, and the winner is determined, since only such purchases are considered to have taken place.

IN the sixth paragraph of the second section includes “The volume of involvement in the reporting year of subcontractors and co-executors from among small businesses and socially oriented non-profit organizations to the execution of contracts concluded based on the results of determining suppliers (contractors, performers), in the notices on the implementation of which a requirement was established for the supplier (contractor, performer) , which is not a small business entity or a socially oriented non-profit organization, on attracting subcontractors (co-executors) from among small business entities and socially oriented non-profit organizations to the execution of the contract (thousand rubles)”. The specified amount represents the amount of funds that was actually transferred by suppliers (contractors, performers) to their subcontractors and co-executors from among the SMP and SONO in the amount of interest established in contracts concluded as a result of competitive procurement, in which the requirement provided for in Part 5 was established Art. 30 of Law No. 44-FZ. Such a requirement obliges the winner of the purchase, which is not SMP or SONO, to involve as subcontractors, co-executors of small businesses, socially oriented non-profit organizations in the amount of at least 5% of the price of the contract concluded with it. At the same time, if the winner is SMP or SONO, then he does not need to involve subcontractors, co-executors, but in offsetting the volume of purchases among SMP and SONO, the customer will be able to take only that percentage of the contract price that was specified in the contract itself.

IN seventh paragraph second section The UIS automatically shows the sum of the indicators of the fifth and sixth paragraphs of the report, and this is called "The volume of purchases that the customer made from small businesses and socially oriented non-profit organizations in the reporting year (thousand rubles)".

Eighth paragraph second section reflects "The share of purchases that the customer made from small businesses and socially oriented non-profit organizations in the reporting year, in the total annual volume of purchases, calculated minus the purchases provided for by Part 1.1 of Article 30 of the Federal Law (percentage)". In the specified paragraph, the site automatically calculates the percentage of the seventh and third paragraphs. As a result, the customer should receive at least 15% of the SGOZ.

In the information about the failed determinations of suppliers (contractors, performers) with the participation of small businesses and socially oriented non-profit organizations, fill in ninth point second section"The sum of the initial (maximum) prices of contracts of failed determinations of suppliers (contractors, performers) with the participation of small businesses and socially oriented non-profit organizations (thousand rubles)". The ninth paragraph reflects the sum of the initial (maximum) contract prices of those competitive purchases that were carried out by the customer in accordance with the rules of paragraph 1 of part 1 of Art. 30 of Law No. 44-FZ, but did not take place due to the admission of only one procurement participant to participate in them, which resulted in the conclusion of a contract under paragraph 25 of part 1 of Art. 93 of Law No. 44-FZ with a single supplier (contractor, performer). The specified amount is also included in the amount of financial security for payment in the reporting year of contracts concluded with a single supplier (contractor, performer) in accordance with Part 1 of Article 93 of the Federal Law, which we indicated in paragraph two of the report.

The last third section of the report reflects "Information on concluded contracts", which is "Unique numbers of registry entries from the register of contracts". The UIS website allows you to search for the specified numbers directly in the register of contracts by clicking on the button in the form of a magnifying glass.

When specifying the contract search parameters, pay attention to the "Supplier Status" line, where a small business entity and a socially oriented non-profit organization will be ticked. If the checkboxes are left, then the search will return only those contracts, when filling in which the status of the supplier (contractor, performer) of the SMP or SONO was indicated in the register of contracts. Therefore, checkboxes should be left only when searching in the first paragraph of the section “Contracts concluded by customers with small businesses and socially oriented non-profit organizations” and the second paragraph “Contracts containing a condition for involving subcontractors (co-executors) from among small businesses and socially oriented non-profit organizations.

When searching for contracts, when filling out the third section of the third paragraph, you do not need to leave the indicated checkboxes, since when entering into the register of contracts information about contracts concluded on the grounds provided for by Part 1.1 of Article 30 of the Federal Law, you hardly indicated in the status of the supplier (contractor, performer) of the SMP or SONO. The site simply will not find the contracts you need.

When trying to save information about the report, the site may give an error about “Violations that allow saving and placing: The list of contracts concluded with small businesses and socially oriented non-profit organizations does not contain the following registry numbers of contracts concluded on the grounds provided for in Part 1.1. Art. 30 of the Federal Law….». Ignore this error as it contains conflicting information. In part 1.1. Art. 30 of the Law specifies purchases that are not carried out among SMEs and SONO, therefore, the list of contracts concluded with small businesses and socially oriented non-profit organizations cannot contain registry numbers of contracts concluded on the grounds provided for in Part 1.1. Art. 30 of the Federal Law.

Also, when saving the report and trying to place it in the EIS, the site will give an error about the absence of an attached file in the “Copy of the posted report” block. Therefore, we should click on the "Save and Close" button. Then you will go to the page "List of customer reports", where there will be a line with a draft report, in the report menu, click on the "View in card" item. On the next page, enter the "Documents" section of the report, where there will be a line with "Draft information about the report" at the very end of such a line there will be an icon in the form of a printer, by clicking on which you can print the report, sign it with the manager, put the seal of the organization. A scanned copy of the report must be attached on the first page of the report “General information about the report”, after which you can post the report in full on the EIS website.

Those customers who make purchases only by Article 93 of Law No. 44-FZ must be indicated in the first paragraph of the second section of the SPO, which should be equal to the amount of purchases from a single supplier (contractor, performer), which is contained in paragraph two of the second section. Then, in all other points of the report, the customer will have zero indicators.

Who must submit a report on the SMP under 44-FZ in 2020, and by what date, how to draw up and place such a document correctly, see our material.

Who rents

Government customers are required to purchase from SMP and SONKO in the amount of at least 15% of the total annual volume of purchases (part 1 of article 30 of Law No. 44-FZ). You can do this in two ways:

  • Conduct an auction, the participants of which can only be SMEs. At the same time, the initial price of a state contract cannot be more than 20 million rubles;
  • Conduct tenders, the winners of which must necessarily involve SMP as subcontractors.

In addition, purchases made among SMEs include the execution of a state contract with a single supplier based on the results of failed bidding. Provided that the auctions were held by the methods indicated above (part 4 of article 30 of Law No. 44-FZ).

In the context of the coronavirus pandemic, customers are forced to reconsider the timing of purchases. What will happen to the submission of reports in 2020, we will tell in the article »

Clarifications on Form 2019

The 2020 sample report form was approved by Government Decree No. 238 dated March 17, 2015. Due to the fact that the execution of a contract with a single supplier based on the results of failed bidding held among SMEs is taken into account in the volume of purchases from SMEs, a new report form has been developed. It is necessary to use the form, approved. by Government Decree No. 238 as amended by the Government Decree No. 809 dated June 25, 2019.

There is no need to fill out a document on paper. The procurement report from the SMP under 44-FZ for 2020 can be made in electronic form in the EIS, signed with an electronic signature and published. The system makes it possible to print the finished report on paper.

The report contains the following information:

  • Information about the state customer, his address, phone number, TIN, checkpoint, OKPO, etc.
  • Data on the volume of purchases from SMP and SONKO.
  • Data on the size of the share of orders placed among SMEs in relation to the total value of orders placed.
  • Information about the procedures carried out among the EMS, which did not take place.
  • Information about the formalized contracts with a breakdown by category.

When generating a report, it must be taken into account that the calculation of the total annual income for determining the size of orders placed among SMEs does not include purchases of:

  • defense value;
  • on granted loans;
  • as a result of which a contract was signed with a single supplier, except for cases when the contract was signed with a single supplier following the results of failed bidding held among SMEs;
  • in the field of nuclear energy;
  • conducted through closed procedures.

What to include in the SMP procurement report in 2020

By April 1, customers are required to submit a procurement report from SMP and SONO. In 2020, you submit a report in a new form, taking into account purchases from the supplier. In the article, using a specific example, see how to fill out a report in a new way and what to take into account when calculating contract volumes for 2019.

Step by step instructions + calculators + video instructions

Step-by-step instruction

We do the SMP report in 2020 as follows:

1. In your personal account, select the tab "Reports of the state customer" and go to the page "Formation of information about the report of the customer".

2. We select the type of report - "Report on the volume of purchases from SMP, SONKO".

3. In the "General information about the report" tab, we check the customer's data that the system filled in automatically, if necessary, fill in the empty cells, select the reporting period and click the "next" button.

4. In the tab "Information on concluded contracts" through the system we search for contracts in the required categories. From the found contracts, select the ones you need by clicking the "select" button. The system makes it possible to view the cards of selected contracts, as well as delete unnecessary ones.

6. The system will automatically enter into the report the numbers of register records of contracts, data on performers, contract prices, the number and date of execution of contracts. We press the "next" button.

7. In the “Information on the volume of purchases” tab, we indicate the required indicators manually or click the hyperlink “Fill in based on the selected numbers of registry entries from the register of contracts and information on placed purchases”, then the system will calculate the values ​​itself.

You report on purchases from SMP and SONO for 2019 under the new rules. See the article for how to complete each section of the report. The video tutorial will help you quickly understand the functionality of your personal account and correctly enter indicators in positions.

8. Save the draft report by clicking the "Save and Close" button.

9. If necessary, the project can be edited.

10. We press the "Place" button for the direct publication of the report in the EIS.

11. We print the finished report on paper, sign it with the head of the organization, scan it and attach it to the report.

12. We press the button "Sign and place" in the window that appears, confirm the placement of the report.

The finished report can be found on the page with customer reports.

Attached files

  • Procurement report from SMP and SONO.xlsx
  • Procurement report form from SMP.xls

for the preparation of the report on the volume of purchases from small businesses and socially oriented non-profit organizations

The Department of the contract system in the field of procurement of the Administration of the city of Omsk specifies the procedure for compiling a report on the volume of purchases from small businesses and socially oriented non-profit organizations (hereinafter - SMP, SONO). Part of the information required to fill out the report is contained in the MIS "Procurement of the city of Omsk" (hereinafter - MIS).

The report is filled out by all customers, regardless of how the purchases were made in the reporting year in the form and in accordance with the requirements established by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 17, 2015 No. 238.

The report is generated in a unified information system (hereinafter referred to as UIS) in a structured form through Lpersonal account of the customer (section "Reports" - "Reports of the customer"). DTo generate a report, click the Generate Customer Report Information button and select fromproposed types of report on the volume of purchases from SMP, SONO. Fill in the required fields of the "General Information" tab (highlighted* ). draw your attention to , one of the required fields is the field for attaching a copy of the posted report (it is possible to attach a file even after filling in all sections of the report). To do this, we suggest filling out the form located in the MIS section "For Customers" - "Methodological materials" - "Form of a report on the volume of purchases from SMP, SONO". It is possible to enter information into the form from the printed form of the report (button - ). Thus filled section I report. Information to fill out the section II of the report is reflected in the tab "Information on the volume of purchases", section III - in the tab "Information on concluded contracts".

  1. Information on the volume of purchases from SMP, SONO, on the failed determination of suppliers (contractors, performers)
with the participation of SMP, SONO

Name of indicator, unit of measurement


Filling instructions

A comment


The total annual volume of purchases, except for the volume of purchases, information about which constitutes a state secret (thousand rubles)


indicates the total annual volume of purchases of the customer for the reporting year, determined in accordance with paragraph 16 of Article 3 of the Federal Law "On the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs" (hereinafter referred to as the Federal Law), with the exception of the volume of purchases information about which constitutes a state secret

When filling out a report in the EIS, we enter information intofield 1.1 manually.

The value of the indicator is reflected indirectory "Contractors"MIS tab "Customers"detail "Procurement parameters"field "Total annual volume of purchases in accordance with paragraph 16 of Article 3 of Federal Law No. 44-FZ"reporting period.


The total amount of financial security for paying for contracts in the reporting year as part of the procurements provided for by Part 1.1 of Article 30 of the Federal Law, with the exception of the amount of financial security for paying for contracts containing information constituting state secrets in the reporting year (thousand rubles):

V excl

indicates the total amount of financial security to pay for contracts in the reporting year as part of the procurement provided for by Part 1.1 of Article 30 of the Federal Law, calculated as the sum of the values ​​of position 2

field 1.2.


the amount of financial support for payment in the reporting year of contracts concluded to ensure the defense of the country and the security of the state

V safe


the amount of financial security for payment in the reporting year of contracts concluded for the provision of services for the provision of loans

V credit

Field 1.2.1 filled in manually.

We indicate the amount of funds payable under contracts concluded in the reporting and previous periodsonly in the amount of financing of the reporting period .


the amount of financial security for payment in the reporting year of contracts concluded with a single supplier (contractor, performer) in accordance with Part 1 of Article 93 of the Federal Law

V unit post

Field 1.2.2 filled in manually.

  1. The report includes volumefinancial support forpayment in the reporting year for contracts concluded with a single supplier in accordance with Part 1 of Article 93 of the Federal Law, including:

  • procurement under recognized as failed competitive procedures under clause 25, part 1, article 93 of the Federal Law;

  • according to clause 4.5, part 1, article 93 of the Federal Law;

  • according to clauses 1,8,29, part 1, article 93 of the Federal Law;

  • other purchases in accordance with
Part 1 of Article 93 of the Federal Law.

  1. Taking into account contracts concluded in previous periods, if they provide for financing of the reporting year.

  2. Only in the amount of funding for the reporting period. Data on financing of other periods (preceding or following the reporting period) are not included in the report.


the amount of financial security for payment in the reporting year of contracts concluded for the performance of work in the field of the use of atomic energy

V atom

Field 1.2.3 filled in manually.


the amount of financial security for payment in the reporting year of contracts concluded based on the results of closed methods for determining suppliers (contractors, performers)

V close

Field 1.2.4 filled in manually.

We indicate the amount of funds payable under contracts concluded in the reporting and previous periods, but only in the amount of financing of the reporting period.


Aggregate annual volume of purchases, calculated net of purchases stipulated by Part 1.1 of Article 30 of the Federal Law (thousand rubles)

SGOZ smp

the total annual volume of purchases is indicated, calculated minus the purchases provided for by Part 1.1 of Article 30 of the Federal Law, as the difference between the total annual volume of purchases of the customer for the reporting year, indicated in position 1, and the total amount of financial security for payment of contracts in the reporting year, indicated in positions 2

Calculated automatically infield 1.3.


The volume of purchases that the customer is obliged to make from the SMP, SONO in the reporting year (not less than 15 percent of the total annual volume of purchases, calculated taking into account part 1.1 of Article 30 of the Federal Law) (thousand rubles)

V SMP is obligatory

the volume of purchases that the customer is obliged to make from SMP, SONO in the reporting year is indicated (not less than 15 percent of the total annual volume of purchases, calculated taking into account part 1.1 of Article 30 of the Federal Law)

Field 1.4 filled in manually.Calculated according to the formula

The volume of purchases that the customer made from small businesses and socially oriented non-profit organizations in the reporting year


The volume of purchases in the reporting year carried out based on the results of the procedures for determining the supplier (contractor, performer), in the notice of the implementation of which a restriction was established in relation to procurement participants, which could only be SMP, SONO (thousand rubles)

V smp comp

the volume of purchases is indicated, calculated as the amount of funds payable in the reporting financial year, under contracts concluded in the reporting financial year, as well as before the beginning of the reporting financial year, based on the results of the procedures for determining the supplier (contractor, performer), in the notice of the implementation of which a restriction was established in relation to procurement participants, which could only be SMP, SONO

Field 2.1 filled in manually.

  1. Contracts entered into are included in the calculation.based on the results of competitive procedures conducted among the SMP, SONO in the reporting period and previous periods.

  2. The amount of funding for the reporting year is indicated in accordance with the annual breakdown provided for in the contract.
Calculated according to the formula

V smp comp = V smp comp in the reporting year in the amount of financing of the reporting period + V smp comp under contracts concluded in previous periods in the amount of financing of the reporting period (if such contracts exist).


The volume of involvement in the reporting year of subcontractors and co-executors from among the SMP, SONO to the execution of contracts concluded based on the results of determining suppliers (contractors, performers), in the notices on the implementation of which a requirement was established for a supplier (contractor, performer) who is not SMP, SONO, on the involvement of subcontractors (co-contractors) from among the SMP, SONO (thousand rubles) for the execution of the contract

V sub

indicates the amount of money payable by suppliers (contractors, performers) in the reporting financial year to subcontractors (co-executors) from among small businesses and socially oriented non-profit organizations involved in the execution of contracts concluded in the reporting financial year, as well as before the start of the reporting financial year based on the results of identifying suppliers (contractors, executors), in the notices on the implementation of which a requirement was established for a supplier (contractor, executor) that is not a small business entity or a socially oriented non-profit organization to involve subcontractors (co-executors) from among small business entities in the execution of the contract entrepreneurship and socially oriented non-profit organizations. If the supplier (contractor, performer) with whom the contract is concluded in accordance with Part 5 of Article 30 of the Federal Law is a small business entity or a socially oriented non-profit organization, then this position takes into account the volume established by the terms of the contract as a percentage of the contract price;

Field 2.2 filled in manually.

  1. It is filled in similarly to clause 5 for contracts concluded on the basis of the results of competitive procedures conducted with the requirement to attract subcontractors (co-executors) from among the SMP, SONO).

  2. The report includes the amount of financing of attracted subcontractors and co-executors from among the SMP, SONO, not more than the amount that was specified in the contract (even if the actual performance exceeded the amount established in the contract). In order to clarify the scope of the actual involvement of SMP, SONO subcontractors in the execution of contracts, it is advisable for the customer to request a copy of the document (subcontract agreement).

  3. If the supplier (contractor, performer) with whom the contract is concluded in accordance with Part 5 of Article 30 of the Federal Law is SMP, SONO, then the involvement of subcontractors from among the SMP, SONO is not required, the calculation is based on the volume established by the terms of the contract in the form percent of the contract price.


The volume of purchases that the customer made from SMP, SONO in the reporting year (thousand rubles)

V smp

indicates the volume of purchases that the customer made from small businesses and socially oriented non-profit organizations in the reporting year, calculated as the sum of the values ​​of the volumes indicated in positions 5 and 6

Calculated automatically infield 2.3.


The share of purchases that the customer made from SMP, SONO in the reporting year, in the total annual volume of purchases, excluding the volume of purchases, information about which constitutes a state secret (percentage) and excluding purchases provided for by Part 1.1 of Article 30 of the Federal Law (%)


indicates the share of purchases that the customer made from small businesses and socially oriented non-profit organizations in the reporting year, calculated as a percentage of the purchase volume indicated in position 7 in relation to the total annual purchase volume, calculated taking into account part 1.1 of Article 30 of the Federal Law and indicated in position 3

Calculated automatically infield 2.4.

Information about failed determinations of suppliers (contractors, performers) with the participation of small businesses and socially oriented non-profit organizations


The sum of the initial (maximum) prices of contracts of failed determinations of suppliers (contractors, performers) with the participation of SMP, SONO (thousand rubles)

NMCC failed

indicates the total amount of initial (maximum) prices of contracts of failed procurement procedures (open tenders, limited participation tenders, two-stage tenders, repeated tenders, electronic auctions, requests for quotations, requests for proposals), in which a restriction was established in relation to procurement participants who there could only be small businesses and socially oriented non-profit organizations and as a result of which the contract was not concluded
or concluded on the grounds provided for by clause 25 of part 1 of Article 93 of the Federal Law

Field 3.1 filled in manually.

Calculated according to the formula

NMCC failed = NMTsK failed procedures among the SMP, SONO, for which the contract was concluded on the basis of paragraph 25 of part 1 of Art. 93 + NMCC failed procedures among SMP, SONO, as a result of which the contract was not concluded

The information of the fields of the next section is entered into the report through the directory (call the directory - the button
). After calling the directory, you need to set up a filter system that allows you to narrow / expand the search (for example, by clearing the filter, the customer will receive a complete list of registry numbers of contracts concluded by him; by filling in the appropriate filter fields, you can narrow the search).

We recommend that you first download the data on the relevant types of contracts from the MIS "Procurement of the City of Omsk". In the section “Accounting and fulfillment of obligations under contracts and agreements” in the entry “Information about the contract (its change). Active” you need to use data filtering. After generating information in the system, click the "Export to Excel" button, copy the numbers of registry entries from the resulting table.

III. Information about concluded contracts

Types of concluded contracts

Unique numbers of registry entries from the register of contracts 1

Filling instructions