Examples of customer orders. Reservation of goods Applications in 1s enterprise order of the buyer

Many companies use 1C goods reservation mechanisms. This description is suitable for the programs "1C: Trade Management, ed. 10.3" and "Manufacturing Enterprise Management".

Indeed, the reservation mechanism is very convenient - you can put a reserve on the goods for the client, ship the reserved goods, remove the reserve if necessary. Unfortunately, our practice of trade automation shows that not all users fully understand the operation of the reservation mechanism.

In this article, we will try to correct the situation, consider the basic principles of redundancy and answer the following questions:

  1. How can I reserve an item?
  2. How can I remove the reserve, in what cases does it happen automatically?
  3. In what reports can I see information about reserves?

The article will be useful to users who are familiar with the program and want to generalize their knowledge of the redundancy mechanism.

Product reservation

There are several ways to reserve a product for a buyer.

Method number 1 - in the buyer's order

At the time of placing the order, the buyer can reserve the goods specified in the order.

Menu: Documents - Sales - Customer Orders

To do this, in the table of goods, you need to specify the warehouse where you want to make a reservation in the column "Placement".

If you do not want to manually select a warehouse, there is a button "Fill and post" in the order. Clicking on this button causes the automatic filling of placements and posting the order. The button is available only when placing an order today.

Method number 2 - in adjusting the buyer's order

To correct a buyer's order, many users create a Buyer Order Correction document, indicating in it the items added and removed from the order.

You can create an adjustment based on an order or manually.

Menu: Documents - Sales - Correction of the buyer's order

Adjustments to buyer orders can also set a reserve, as can a buyer order. Specify the warehouse in the "Placement" column or use the "Fill and post" button.

Method number 3 - in the document "Reservation of goods"

You can put a reserve in a separate document "Reservation of goods". It can be created based on a customer order or manually.

In order to place a reserve, you need to specify the order, the item to be reserved and its quantity, as well as fill in the warehouse in the "New placement" column. At the time of the document, a reserve will be established.

Method number 4 - at the time of receipt of goods

Menu: Documents - Procurement - Receipts of goods and services

To set a reserve in the receipt of goods, the column "Buyer's order" must be filled in.

If the receipt was created on the basis of an order to the supplier, then the buyers' orders will be filled in automatically. Selecting a buyer's order in the receipt of goods, if the goods were ordered to the supplier not for this buyer, but simply for the warehouse, is strongly not recommended.

Method number 5 - in the internal order

An internal order is used to order goods from the warehouse by your own department or warehouse.

Menu: Documents - Inventory (warehouse) - Internal orders

In the internal order, as well as in the buyer's order, there is the "Placement" column and the "Fill and post" button, which allow you to put the item in reserve.

In addition to these methods, there are other options when the program can install a reserve:

  • In an internal order adjustment (similar to a buyer's order adjustment)
  • In the document "Receipt order for goods", if the flag "Without the right to sell" is set (goods are taken for safekeeping)
  • In the document "Return of goods from the buyer" - when returning goods that were sold from the reserve
  • In the document “Expense report”, if the accountant went for goods ordered by the supplier (by analogy with the receipt of goods).

Removal of goods from the reserve in 1C

There are also many ways to withdraw a reserve, consider the main ones.

Method number 1 - in the sale of goods

At the time of shipment of goods in the program, the document "Sales of goods and services" is drawn up.

Menu: Documents - Sales - Sales of goods and services

If goods were reserved at the buyer's order, then at the time of sale the reserve must be removed. In order for the reserve to be removed from the goods, you need to specify the write-off method "From the reserve" in the "Goods" table.

In the case of filling in the sale of goods based on the buyer's order, the program itself determines which goods are in the reserve, and which will be written off from the free balance in the warehouse. Be very careful when filling out the document manually: if you specify the write-off method “From warehouse”, the goods will be written off, but the reserve for it will not be removed and will “hang”.

Method number 2 - in the document« Closing customer orders»

Menu: Documents - Sales - Closing customer orders

The document specifies customer orders that need to be closed. At the time of posting the document, the program checks whether there are reserves for the specified orders. If there are reserves, they are automatically removed.

After the document is posted, there will be no reserves for all orders included in it.

Method number 3 - in the document« Reservation of goods»

In addition to setting a reserve, this document can also be used to remove a reserve.

Menu: Documents - Sales - Reservation of goods

In order to remove the reserve, you need to specify the order, the product and its quantity, as well as fill in the warehouse in the "Initial placement" column. At the time of the document, the reserve will be removed.

Note: With one document, you can simultaneously remove a reserve from one warehouse and reserve goods at another, if you fill in both the original and the new placement.

Method number 4 - in« Invoice-requirement » or« Movement of goods »

Documents "Request-invoice" and "Movement of goods" are used to write off goods to the costs of the department and move goods from one warehouse to another, respectively.

Menu: Documents - Inventory (warehouse) - Movement of goods

Menu: Documents - Stocks (warehouse) - Requirement-invoice

If documents are issued on the basis of an internal order in which a reserve was set, then at the time of posting the documents, the reserve must be removed. To remove the reserve, the column “Reserve document” must be filled in:

Note: if the movement of goods is made from the reserve for the buyer, then the program not only removes the reserve at the sender's warehouse, but also sets it at the recipient's warehouse.

These methods of withdrawing a reserve are the most popular, but there are other possible situations:

  • In the document "Write-off of goods", if the "Reserve document" is filled in the table "Goods"
  • In the document "Goods issue note", when goods are returned to the counterparty that were previously accepted for safekeeping without the right to sell
  • In the "Adjustment of the buyer's order" and "Adjustment of the internal order" documents, if a negative quantity of goods is indicated and the placement is filled
  • In the document "Closing internal orders" (similar to closing customer orders)

Item Reservation Reports

We made sure that there are a lot of opportunities for reservation and withdrawal of the reserve in the program. Moreover, in most cases, the program puts / removes the reserve automatically, based on the filling of the document, without signaling this to the user.

To control the reserves in the warehouse, you need to use reports, thanks to them you will always know which goods are in the reserve.

Report "Goods in reserve in warehouses"

Menu: Reports - Inventory (warehouse) - Goods in reserve in warehouses

The report can be customized: set filters, change the composition of groups, etc.

Report "Analysis of the availability of goods in warehouses"

Menu: Reports - Stocks (warehouse) - Analysis of the availability of goods in warehouses

We enter the documents of the buyer's order, the order to the supplier, the receipt of goods and services, the sale of goods.

The chain of buyer's order - implementation

Let's introduce into the enterprise management system 2.0 the classical chain of movement of goods, starting with the order of the buyer and ending with the sale to this buyer.

In our chain will participate - an order to the supplier. That is, the following documents will be entered - the buyer's order, then the order to the supplier, the receipt of goods and services, the sale of goods and services to the buyer.

To place an order for the buyer, go to the "Sales" section. Select the "Customer Orders" item. By the way, if you do not have this item, you should not forget that the enterprise management system is customizable, and this item may be disabled in your system. And this is configured in the "Administration" menu in the "and sales" section. There is a corresponding checkbox - "customer orders". In the event that it is disabled, we do not have it in the "Sales" - "Customer Orders" section. Let's turn it back on.

So, back to creating customer orders. We create a new document. Specify the client. This will be the Light Path. We need to choose the same agreement. And add the product that the customer wants to purchase. Specify the quantity of goods and its price. We also need to specify the desired date of shipment. The date of the document is the 9th. Let the desired shipping date be the 14th.
Also on the "Additional" tab, you need to check the completion of the payment stages. We will fill them in automatically. And we will choose the payment option - “after shipment”, otherwise the program will not allow us to ship this product without payment, and we do not consider payment in this lesson. We press OK.

And in principle, our document is completed with the exception of such an important point as “Status”. Status, also a customizable item. Statuses can be disabled, but if they are enabled, it must be filled out in order for the document to be processed correctly. In this case, our status is “to be secured”. By pressing the up arrow, the program automatically sets the maximum possible document status. Click the "Submit and Close" button. And we create the document "Customer Orders".

In the order itself, we can see the status of the execution of this order. This report shows how much the customer ordered, how much needs to be provided and by what date, and how much, in fact, is already assembled in the warehouse, and how much has been shipped to him. That is, in this report you can see the full picture of the execution of this order.

Let's enter on the basis of this customer order - an order to the supplier. Click the "Create Based" button. And select "Order to the supplier". We will open a new order to the supplier. Also, an order to the supplier can be entered through the "Purchases" - "Orders to suppliers" section.

So, we have completed the document on the basis of the order to the supplier. We need to specify a supplier. We also have a tabular part filled in, where we have to indicate the price of the order. On the "Advanced" tab, we must also specify the stages of payment to the supplier. We indicate the stages of payment so that the accountant can pay all our orders on time, so that we have a clear picture of the money that will come to us and the money that we have to pay, so that our organization does not have a cash gap. From payments and receipts, we have a so-called "payment calendar". Press the OK button. We also set the status of the order to the supplier. Press the button "Submit".

And then we will create “Based on” directly from the form of this document “Receipt of goods and services”. The system tells us that we cannot enter the receipt of goods and services, since the status of this document does not allow us to do so. This can be done only after the status is - for admission. In order for the status to be “To be received”, we can set it to “To be received” and post the document.

Now we create “Based on” - “receipt of goods and services”. We indicate the date of the document - the 10th day. Here we can also indicate that an invoice has been received from the supplier. On the "Advanced" tab, we must specify "Subdivision". Let's specify the department - "Purchasing Department". And click "Submit" the document. The document will be held. And in the "Order to the supplier" we can see the status of the execution of this order. We see that 5 pieces are ordered. and also issued 5 pcs. In the "Order to the supplier" set the status to "Closed". And we will carry it out.

Now back to our "Customer Order". And check its execution status. As you can see, it has not changed at the moment. Let's introduce the document "Sale of goods and services" "Based on" the customer's order. The system does not allow us to enter a document for the sale of goods and services while the document is in the “to be secured” status. We will transfer it to the status "for shipment". Let's do it. And we will introduce "Based on" - "sales of goods and services." Here we also need to specify the department on the "Advanced" tab. Let's say "sales department". We will also create an invoice. And we will pass the document.

Let's go back to the customer order. Let's see its execution status. As we can see, 5 pieces are ordered in the document, 5 pieces are issued. Thus, we see that the order has been completed. Set the status of the customer's order to "Closed". And we will carry it out.

Thus, we have gone through the entire chain from the customer's order to the sale of goods to the customer. Let's see how it affected the activity of the enterprise. Let's go to the "Finance" section. Open the item "Reports on finance". And open the report "Gross profit of the enterprise." Click the "Create" button.

As we can see, the system shows us the revenue and cost in the context of departments, organizations and managers. But in this case, the cost is not calculated and the program shows us the 100% profitability of our operation. What is it connected with? This is due to the fact that the cost in this program is calculated separately.

Calculate the cost of our operation. To do this, go to the "Closing the month" section in the "Finance" menu. Click the "Calculate" button next to the item "Calculation of cost". The cost will be calculated.

If your cost is not calculated, then perhaps you have not set up an accounting policy for calculating the cost. To do this, you need to go to "Settings and directories". And specify the setting of methods for estimating the cost of goods. In this case, the average for the month is indicated. But it can be - FIFO weighted or moving estimate. Also a very important checkbox is to update the cost with a scheduled task. It means that the cost price will be recalculated automatically once in a predetermined period of time.

But back to our Gross Profit report. Let's form it. We will see that the cost price has been calculated. We have achieved gross profit and profitability.

This document is used to record a preliminary agreement with the consumer about the intention to purchase goods.
The details are entered, according to which the control of shipment and payment for the order in the contract with the counterparty is carried out.
In the order, it is permissible to specify the expected date of payment (“Payment”) and the bank or cash desk where the money must go to pay for the order. This information is used to schedule incoming payments.
The order has the ability to be registered from the buyer or from the commission agent. The type of contract that is specified in the document determines for whom the order is created - for the buyer or for the commission agent.
It is not obligatory to register buyers' orders for trading operations. Trading operations can be registered even when order accounting is not created.
If the entire quantity of goods specified in the document is shipped to the customer, or if the order is forcibly closed by the “Closing customer orders” document, then the order will be considered completed.
If the checkbox "Separate accounting of goods by customer orders" is set in the contract with the consumer counterparty with the type of mutual settlements "Under the contract in full" or "By orders", batch cost accounting of goods and materials will be maintained separately. In customer orders, it is also possible to define a list of returnable containers in which material assets will be shipped to the consumer. The "Tare" panel displays data on returnable packaging. The "Services" panel displays additional services associated with the execution of the order, for example, services for the transportation of goods.

Reservation of goods under the order in the warehouse and placement in orders
It is permissible to reserve the goods, at the time of placing the buyer's order, for this order from this free balance at any of the storage locations (wholesale or retail) or place them in other orders - orders to suppliers, internal orders. In the tabular section, in the column "Placement", a warehouse for reservation or an order for placement is selected, similarly, according to a single order of the buyer, the goods can be reserved in several warehouses and placed in several orders.
Under the order of the buyer it is forbidden to reserve the goods in a non-automated outlet.
On the "Package" panel and for returnable packaging, it is possible to make reservations and place them in orders by specifying a warehouse or an order in the "Placement" column.
It is permissible to make an automated reservation and / or placement during the operational posting of the document. Automated placement is allowed only in the order to the supplier. In a special form, the details of automated reservation and placement are configured. This form appears when you click on the button in the document's command bar.
If you need to make an automated reservation, you need to set the "reservation" flag in the form, and for the execution of automated placement - the "placement" flag. It is also possible to edit the default auto-reservation strategy in the form.
The content specified in the Warehouse/Group option at the top of the document is taken into account during automated reservation and putaway. In this parameter, it is possible to define a warehouse or a storage location availability group. The content of the parameter is taken into account in this way:

· The warehouse of the preferred location is determined. In a situation where a specified warehouse is specified in the order, it will be listed as the warehouse of the preferred location, otherwise the warehouse of the preferred location will be the warehouse that is defined as the main warehouse in the user settings.

· Determines the storage availability group. If an order specifies a storage location availability group, then this group is specified, otherwise the storage location availability group is obtained, which is specified in the user settings.

· Reservations will be made initially at the warehouse of the preferred location, then at the warehouses included in the availability group. Placement will be performed initially in orders to suppliers, in which the preferred placement warehouse is defined, then in orders, in which warehouses that fall into the availability group are specified.

The expected ship date in the buyer's order and the expected receipt date in the vendor's order are taken into account during automated placement. Only those orders to suppliers will be placed for which the date of receipt of the order is less than or equal to the date of shipment of the order to the consumer (the goods must arrive earlier than it is planned to be shipped).
In a situation where the flag “Apply series definition during reservation” is set in the accounting details settings on the “Orders” panel and the contract is specified in the order in which separate accounting is created, then it is permissible to reserve goods in the warehouse with the assignment of product series. In the tabular section "Products", the definition of series is relevant only for those lines for which reservations are made in the warehouse.
It is permissible to fill in the series in the line of the tabular section "Products" using the following methods:

· Manually. In this case, initially in the "Placement" column, the warehouse at which the goods will be reserved must be determined.

· using a selection algorithm. In this case, the warehouse must be defined at the top of the document. This warehouse will be automatically placed in the "Placement" column. If the warehouse in the upper part is not defined, then the selection of the series during the selection of the item is blocked.

· Automatically. With automated reservation of goods using the button "Fill out and carry out".

All handpicked series will be lost during automated reservations.
It is permissible to combine the methodology of automated and manual reservation and placement in orders to suppliers, for this you need to manually determine the placement case for some positions in the document, and then use the button "Fill out and carry out." The "Clear nesting before filling" checkbox does not have to be set in the automated reservation setup form in order for automated nesting to be performed only for those positions for which it was not done manually.
The method of placement and reservation by order using the document "Reservation of goods" can be corrected after the order is placed.
Batch registration of documents to the consumer

The service algorithm is implemented in the buyer's order, which allows you to perform batch input of documents, reducing the time for fixing documents to the consumer.
When you click on the button in the document command panel, a form for setting up batch input of documents appears. The button becomes available after the document is saved.
In the settings form, it is specified which documents need to be registered - “Tax invoice”, “Incoming cash order”, “Sale of goods and services”, the printing order for each type of document is specified (with a preview or immediately for printing). Specify the printable version for the document "Sales of goods and services".
The settings set by the user in the settings form are saved, they can be applied in the next session. If the flag "Show settings window during document processing" is cleared, the settings form will not open when clicking on the button "Register Implementation", and actions will be performed immediately according to the specified settings. From the menu "Actions" - "Call the setting window for fixing a package of documents" restore the form display and edit the settings details.
Price control in the order

You can use the planned cost price to control selling prices in orders. Those prices are entered, in the form of the price type of the planned cost, in relation to which the allowable markup percentage is calculated. The flag "Apply planned cost price" is defined In the order in the opening window "Prices and currency". When filling in the prices in the order, the markup percentage and the deviation from the planned cost will be automatically calculated. The price type of the planned cost price is set in the accounting details settings on the General panel.
Notification of upcoming operations on the order

The possibility, in the document "Buyer's Order", of connecting a notification system about upcoming operations on the order (shipment or payment for the order) has been implemented, which provides for the quick creation of an attached task with a reminder. A button with the image of an alarm clock is available in the system button bar of the order form, pressing which leads to the appearance of a dialog in which you need to specify the time of the reminder (in the "Date and time of notification" field), if necessary, enter a detailed description of the occasion for which the reminder occurs, and save task reminder.
In the calendar of the user included in the "Contact Manager" list, it is permissible to see information about current, overdue and upcoming shipments and payments on the order of the buyer.

Customer orders in the 1C Trade Management program version 11.2 are used to plan the process of selling goods to our customers.

The orders themselves are located in the section "Sales". On command "Customer Orders" we go to the log of the corresponding orders. At the top of this log are quick selection commands. For example, this is the current status of the order, the deadline for the order, as well as the responsible manager. You can create an order directly from this journal.

The mechanism for using orders is configured in the section "Regulatory and reference information and administration". In section setup "Sales", in Group "Wholesale" there are flags that are responsible for the corresponding options. For example, the main flag is "Customer Orders". Setting this flag allows you to activate the use of 11 customer orders in the 1C Trade Management program.

  • You also need to choose how these orders will be used. There are three options: First - "order as invoice". When this flag is set, the order will be used exclusively for printing invoices for our customers, and based on such an order, the goods will not be reserved, the execution of customer orders will not be monitored.
  • You can also use an order to reserve items in stock. To do this, set the option "order only from stock". According to such customer orders, it is already possible to control their execution. You can schedule payment, and with the help of these orders, you can reserve goods in warehouses.
  • The third option is "order from stock and on order". It differs from the previous one in that it is possible to reserve a product that is not currently in stock, and thus form a need for this product. And, in the future, based on this need, it will be possible to form orders to the supplier. Upon receipt of the goods, it will automatically fall into the reserve for this order.

Also, several more options are used to manage orders, namely - "do not close partially shipped orders and requests", "do not close partially paid orders and requests". If these flags are set, then the manager will not be able to close the corresponding orders until the specified condition is met.

Flag "reasons for canceling customer orders" allows you to activate the reference book in the 1C Trade Management program "Reasons for Cancellation of Customer Orders". And when setting the appropriate flag in customer orders, it will be necessary to indicate the reason why this order is canceled.

The second way to create customer orders is to follow the appropriate step when using customer deals. When using customer deal management. For example, now I have a task set on the home page in the list of my tasks - Place an order for a deal.

Opening the appropriate command, I have the command "create order". Using this command, the 1C Trade Management 11 program, based on the information already entered at the previous stages for our transaction, forms a customer order.

We have already filled in all the basic information. Let's get a look. The fields "client", "contractor" and "agreement" are mandatory. Configuration 1C Trade Management (UT 11) 11.2 will not allow you to save and post a document without specifying this information. Also, we have already filled in: type of operation "implementation"; the organization on whose behalf the goods will be sold; the warehouse from which the sale is planned.

By hyperlink "Payment" we open payment rules. Right now they are not filled. You can use the command "Fill by agreement", and based on the agreement with the client, the relevant information will be filled in. In our case, these are “advance payment (before security)” and “prepayment (before shipment)”. We will transfer this information to our buyer's order.

Let's go to the main tab "Goods" and see what information we have here. Based on the commercial offer drawn up at the previous stage of our transaction, approved and agreed upon, we have filled out a tabular section in which we see a list of our nomenclature, quantity, prices, automatic discounts (manual discounts were not applied here) and the amount (VAT rate).

In the very last right column, the "cancelled" flags are just being set, and it will be necessary to indicate "by reason". If we set such a flag, it will be necessary to indicate the reason for canceling the corresponding position from the list of pre-entered reasons. This line is highlighted in gray, which indicates the cancellation of this position.

Also in the buyer's order there are two important fields that affect the behavior of the program 1C Trade Management (UT 11) 11.2, namely - "order status". We currently have 3 statuses available:

  • Status "under agreement"- in this status, the order does not make any movements. The item is not reserved until the order has been agreed.
  • Status "to be done", which is set now, indicates that the order is now in the execution stage, that is, it is planned to pay for it, ship it, and ensure the reservation of the goods.
  • Status "closed" indicates that the order is closed and no further work is being done with it.

It is also possible to set priorities, which is an additional analytics when working with customer orders. And the main field that you should pay attention to is - "actions". In this case, we have completed the action for all positions "to ensure". You can use the appropriate helper in which we set the flags. For example, the available actions are:

  • "Do not provide" order, then requirements are not calculated for this order, the goods are not planned for purchase.
  • "To ensure"(what we have installed now) - indicates that work is starting on this order, and the need for this product will be determined in orders to the supplier.
  • "Reserve as you go"- indicates that, according to the order, it is necessary to reserve the goods as they arrive at the warehouse in case of their absence.
  • "Reserve in stock". This product will be reserved from the free balance in the warehouse.
  • And action "Ship" indicates that the goods can already be shipped directly.

We have another assistant - "Order Assurance Status". By going to it, we can see what items we have in the document, what is reserved, what is in provision, what actions can be performed (for example, we have a product in stock, it can be reserved, and also which warehouse is used in in this case).

On the tab "additionally" the transaction under which our order is made is indicated; responsible manager; the department in which the responsible manager works; currency; the flag "price includes VAT" and taxation - that the sale is subject to VAT.

On the tab "Goods" you must fill in the estimated date of shipment. In this case, we have the flag set "ship on the same date". If we remove it, then the estimated date of shipment will be indicated on each line of our product. Set today's date, and such an order is in the state "to be done" can be held and closed.

Program 1C Trade Management (UT 11) 11.2 says that it was not possible to place an order. Let's look at the reasons for the rejection. In this case, the 1C Trade Management program controlled the customer's orders, namely, the program did not like the fact that we were trying to deliver the goods “for provision”, although we have the first payment item “advance payment (before provision) for this order”. That is, until an appropriate advance payment is received for this order, the commodity items “our goods” are not sent to work, and we cannot reserve them and cannot place them “to ensure” our supplier. So on all lines I set the action "do not provide", and I'm already trying to place such an order again.

Configuration 1C Trade Management version 11.2 completed this order and the corresponding task - “create an order for the transaction” - is marked as completed.

The 1C Trade Management 11 program takes us to the next stage in our transaction, namely - "confirm transaction commitments".

Thus, in the program 1C Trade Management version 11.2, work with customer orders is carried out both within the framework of transaction management and outside the framework of transaction management.

The "Buyer's Order" document is intended for making a preliminary agreement with the buyer about the intention to purchase goods.

The parameters by which the control of shipment and payment for the order takes place are set in the contract with the counterparty.

In the order, you can specify the expected date of payment (“Payment”) and the bank or cash desk where the funds should be received to pay for the order. This information is used to schedule incoming payments.

The document provides for two types of operations:

    Sale, commission;

    In processing.

Sale, commission

This type of operation is used to place an order from a buyer or commission agent. For whom the order is placed - for the buyer or for the commission agent is determined by the type of contract that is selected in the document.

It is not obligatory to place customer orders for trade transactions. Trading operations can be processed even if orders are not recorded.

If in the contract with the buyer-contractor with the type of mutual settlements "According to the contract as a whole" or "By orders" the flag "Separate accounting of goods by customer orders" is set, then batch cost accounting of goods and materials used to manufacture products by order will be kept separately. The same characteristic is used to determine the separate accounting for production costs and the calculation of the cost price for customer orders.

In customer orders for trading operations, you can also specify a list of returnable packaging in which material assets will be shipped to the customer. Data on returnable containers are indicated on the "Container" tab. On the "Services" tab, additional services related to the execution of the order, for example, services for the delivery of goods, are indicated.


This type of transaction is used to place an order from the buyer for the production of products from customer-supplied raw materials.

If this type of operation is selected, then the list of products to be manufactured for the customer is indicated on the “Products” tab, and customer-supplied materials that are planned to be received for processing from the customer are indicated on the “Materials” tab. On the tab "Add. services”, indicates additional services related to the execution of the order, for example, services for the delivery of materials or products.

On the “Products” tab, for each line, you can specify the item specification. Based on the specification data, you can automatically fill in the "Materials" tab. By default, the BOM is filled with the value of the main BOM assigned to the item and can be corrected if necessary.

A reflection of all operations for the processing of raw materials supplied by a third-party counterparty must be drawn up with an indication of the buyer's order for processing.

The order will be considered completed if the entire quantity of products specified in the document on the “Products” tab is shipped to the customer and all materials specified on the “Materials” tab are received from the customer, or if the order is forcibly closed by the “Closing customer orders” document.

For customer orders for the processing of customer-supplied raw materials, separate accounting of goods and materials is always maintained, all costs, all transferred lots of goods and materials are indicated up to the order, regardless of the state of the flag “Separate accounting of goods by customer orders” in the contract with the counterparty.

Reservation of goods under the order in the warehouse and placement in orders

When placing a buyer's order, goods can be reserved for this order from the current free balance at any of the warehouses (wholesale or retail) or placed in other orders - orders to suppliers, internal orders, production orders. The warehouse for reservation or the order for placement is indicated in the tabular section in the "Placement" column, thus, according to one order of the buyer, the goods can be reserved in several warehouses and placed in several orders.

Under the buyer's order, you can not reserve the goods in a non-automated outlet.

Reservation and placement can only be performed in an order with the operation type "sale, commission". For such orders, it is also possible to perform reservation and placement in orders for returnable packaging on the “Package” tab by specifying the warehouse or order in the “Placement” column.

When posting a document online, you can perform automatic reservation and / or placement. Automatic nesting can only be performed on a vendor order. The parameters of automatic reservation and placement are configured in a special form that opens when you click on the button "Fill and Spend" in the document form command bar.

If you want to perform an automatic reservation, you must select the "reservation" checkbox in the form, and the "placement" checkbox to perform automatic placement. If necessary, you can change the default auto-reserve strategy in the form.

When performing automatic reservation and placement, the value specified in the Warehouse/Group variable in the document header is taken into account. In this attribute, you can specify a warehouse or a warehouse availability group. The attribute value is taken into account as follows:

    The warehouse of the preferred location is determined. If a certain warehouse is specified in the order, then it will be considered as the preferred location warehouse, otherwise the warehouse specified as the main warehouse in the user settings will be the preferred location warehouse.

    A warehouse availability group is defined. If the warehouse availability group is specified in the order, then this group is selected, otherwise the warehouse availability group specified in the user settings is taken.

    Reservations will be made first at the warehouse of the preferred location, then at the warehouses that are part of the availability group. Placement will be performed first on orders to vendors that specify the preferred placement warehouse, then on orders that specify warehouses that are part of the availability group.

Automatic nesting takes into account the estimated shipping date in the buyer's order and the estimated receipt date in the vendor's order. Placement will be performed only in those orders to suppliers for which the date of receipt of the order is less than or equal to the date of shipment of the order to the buyer (the goods must arrive earlier than they are supposed to be shipped).

If in the accounting parameters settings on the "Orders" tab the "Use specifying series when booking" box is selected and an agreement is selected in the order for which separate accounting is maintained, then you can reserve goods in the warehouse specifying product series. Specifying series in the tabular section "Products" makes sense only for those rows for which reservations are made in the warehouse.

You can fill in the series in the line of the tabular part "Products" in the following ways:

    Manually. In this case, the warehouse where the goods will be reserved must first be indicated in the "Placement" column.

    With the help of the selection mechanism. In this case, the warehouse must be indicated in the header of the document. This warehouse will be automatically set to the Placement column. If the warehouse is not specified in the header, then the selection of a series when selecting an item is prohibited.

    Automatically. When automatically reserving goods using the button "Fill and Spend".

With automatic reservation, all manually selected series will be lost.

The scheme of automatic and manual reservation and placement in orders to suppliers can be combined, for this you need to manually specify the placement option for some positions in the document, and then use the button "Fill and Hold". In order for automatic nesting to be performed only for those positions for which it was not performed manually, in the form of setting up automatic reservation, the checkbox "Clear nesting before filling" should not be selected.

After placing an order, you can adjust the order placement and reservation scheme using the Goods Reservation document.

Batch processing of documents for the buyer

The buyer's order provides a service mechanism that allows you to perform batch input of documents, reducing the time for processing documents for the buyer.

The form for setting up batch input of documents opens when you click on the button « Check out the implementation» in the document form command bar. The button becomes available after the document is saved.

In the settings form, it is determined which documents need to be issued - “Invoice issued”, “Incoming cash order”, “Sale of goods and services”, “Outgoing order for goods”, the print mode is selected for each type of document (with a preview or immediately to print). For documents "Sales of goods and services" and "Goods issue note" You can choose the printable.

The settings set by the user in the settings form are saved, they can be used in the next session. If in the settings form the checkbox "Show settings form when processing documents" is cleared, then the form will not open when the button is clicked "Check out the implementation", and actions will be performed immediately according to the settings. You can restore the display of the form and change the settings from the menu "Actions" - "Open the implementation design settings form» .

Price control in the order

You can use the planned cost price to control selling prices in orders. As the price type of the planned cost, those prices are set in relation to which the allowable markup percentage is calculated. In the order in the "Prices and currency" dialog box, the "Use planned cost price" flag is set. In this case, when entering prices in the order, the markup percentage and the deviation from the planned cost will be automatically calculated. The price type of the planned cost is determined in the accounting parameters settings in the "Production" section.

Notification of upcoming operations on the order

The "Buyer's Order" document provides for the possibility of connecting a notification system about upcoming operations on the order (shipment or payment for the order). To do this, you need to set a flag in the "Reminder" field and specify the time when you need to issue an order notification.

Information about current, overdue and upcoming shipments and payments on the order of the buyer can be viewed in the user's calendar included in the "Contact Manager".

Description of the button "Fill and post"

When you click on the "Fill and post" button, the following actions occur:

2. Based on the selected parameters, the "Placement" column is filled. This takes into account the value of the parameter "Order auto-reservation strategy"

2.1.1.Define the list of warehouses available for reservation: warehouse availability group

        If the warehouse availability group is specified in the order, the group specified in the order is used

        If a warehouse availability group is specified for a user in the default settings, the group from the default settings is used

        If a warehouse (and not a warehouse availability group) is specified in the buyer's order, this warehouse is also included in the list of warehouses available for reservation and is a priority when booking

        If the availability group of warehouses is not specified either in the user settings or in the order, the reservation is made in all warehouses

2.1.2 The stock balances available for reservation are determined. The calculation is based on the balances in the register "Goods in warehouses" minus

        already executed reserves (register "Goods in reserve in warehouses")

If the user is not allowed to exceed the balance of goods in the organization, the quantity to be reserved cannot exceed the balance of goods in the organization specified in the order

2.2.1 The balances in orders to suppliers available for placement are determined. The calculation is based on the balances in the "Orders to suppliers" register, while the list of orders is limited to the following conditions:

        The warehouse in the order is limited to the list of available warehouses, which are determined based on the information in clause 2.1.1

        The date of receipt in the order to the supplier must be less than or equal to the date of shipment in the order of the buyer

        The organization in the buyer's order and in the supplier's order must match

Placements already completed in these orders to suppliers are excluded from the balance in the register "Orders to suppliers"

2.3 From the received free balances for reservation and placement, the quantity of the item for which the placement in the document is specified manually is subtracted (the lines in which the placement is specified are taken into account)

2.4 In the lines of the document for which placement is not filled in, the Placement column is filled. If necessary, one line can be split into several lines with different placement values. The quantity of the item that could not be placed is highlighted in a separate line with an empty placement value

3. If the buyer's order being corrected contains a contract with separate accounting for goods according to buyers' orders, and if the "Use specification of series when booking" constant is set, the column "Nomenclature series" is filled in for rows in which a warehouse is specified as placement

3.1 Free balances are determined at the placement warehouse in the context of series. The calculation is based on the balances in the register "Goods in warehouses" minus

        already executed reserves by series (register "Goods in reserve in warehouses")

        balances intended for transfer according to the order scheme (register "Goods for transfer from warehouses").

3.2 The column "Nomenclature series" is filled in the lines of the document, if necessary, one line can be divided into several lines with different series values

4. The document is being held. If the document fails to post, the document returns to its original state (before pressing the "Fill and post" button)