How many commercial offers are needed from suppliers in accordance with 44 fz. If the purchase is of a small volume, are three commercial offers and registration of the NMC required? State Request for Quotation

As a rule, in engineering companies and manufacturing enterprises engineering services are questions of finding suppliers for complex technical equipment. Highly qualified specialists - engineers draw up a technical task or draw up a description of the equipment. If the characteristics of the equipment are determined by the design documentation and this equipment is manufactured to order, then the specialists of engineering services search for manufacturing companies, ask them for commercial offers, interact with them on technical issues, sometimes rewrite the application for the order several times so that it corresponds to the form of the enterprise - manufacturer.

The request for proposals and the search for a supplier are not the main job responsibilities of engineering services specialists, they often take a lot of time and have high labor costs for qualified specialists.

We conducted a small experiment on requesting a quotation for electrical equipment that is made to order. The application was from a real customer, instead we did the work "manually" to find a manufacturer for the manufacture of electrical equipment, the cost of which varied from 1.5 to 2 million rubles.

What were the results?

The statistics are as follows. 40% of companies didn't open emails even with the title in the subject "Application". These letters are simply lost in the general mail.

Of the 24 applications read:

8 companies sent price lists or redirected to the site to fill out their application form;

6 companies answered that they do not manufacture equipment in this configuration, or they will not deliver it to our region;

After 3 weeks, 2 sales managers called back and asked if we still have a need for equipment that their company produces, while the previous request was not answered, and they will call once a month (such work)!

6 companies ignored the application for other reasons and did not answer;

Only 2 companies sent targeted commercial offers.

We spent about 16 hours of working time searching for contacts, sending requests to each company, collecting and analyzing the results. As already noted, some companies do not have time to process the application on time, but the phone gets into their database, and they will call “cold” for a long time and identify the need for their products.

If the equipment is expensive, then two commercial offers are very few for analysis and decision making. Therefore, everything has to be repeated - calling those who did not answer, rewriting the application, so the actual labor costs are doubled.

What is important when requesting proposals?

When requesting proposals, it is important to receive a sufficient number of proposals, in a convenient format - for analysis, with the necessary information, and within the specified time frame. The task is not easy - this is known to specialists who are engaged in procurement on a regular basis.

First, you need to find contacts of suppliers and equipment manufacturers. Secondly, to form a request so that suppliers respond in a single format that is convenient for comparison. Thirdly, ask questions that are relevant when ordering equipment, such as production time, delivery costs, work experience, quality of work. And, fourthly, the deadline for accepting proposals is limited, and to speed up the process of obtaining proposals, specialists call even their suppliers.

How to optimize the process of finding suppliers and receiving commercial offers?

At the same time, 4 criteria must be met:

Number of offers;

Convenient offer format;

Sufficiency of information;

Compliance with the deadlines for receiving proposals.

If the first criterion depends on the number of covered suppliers, then the remaining three are a question of making a quality request and the professionalism of supplier companies, which will try to keep the form in their proposal and answer all your questions.

To reach a wide range of suppliers, there is no need to do a mailing list for 40-100 contacts. By publishing a request for proposals in the electronic RFP system, you will reach all quality suppliers and manufacturers who will respond to your request within the specified time frame.

You can make a high-quality request for proposals using one of the samples below. Issue a specification, technical description or task for equipment or materials as a separate document, if necessary, attach a diagram.

If you need 3-4 quality commercial proposals from direct suppliers and manufacturers and you have at least one week to collect commercial proposals, then publish the request for proposals in the RFP electronic system, attach the specification, terms of reference and (or) circuit diagram. Within the given timeframe, you will be answered by those suppliers and manufacturers who are ready to fulfill your order according to your conditions. Most importantly, you will spend no more than 15 minutes of your own working time on this, and then suppliers and manufacturers will contact you to clarify the details of the order.

What do you get as a result of publishing a purchase requirement in the system RFP ?

As a result of publishing your purchase requisition in the electronic RFP system, you will receive:

Three to four commercial offers from direct manufacturers without intermediaries and resellers;

Guarantees of inaccessibility of your contact data for unscrupulous manufacturers and suppliers who use cold calling methods; also, your contact details are not available to casual visitors to the RFP resource;

Saving labor costs of highly qualified specialists.

What can you do right now?

You can download a sample request for proposals free of charge for any purchases and even for work. If you haven’t found your ideal request for proposals or you have a non-standard task or equipment, then write about it by e-mail and we will definitely answer you!

If you already have a need to request proposals for technically complex equipment according to the specification, then use the service of the RFP electronic platform.

1. Download a sample request for quotation, fill it out on your company's letterhead.

2. Connect your organization to the electronic RFP system ().

3. Post requests for quotations for any goods, materials, equipment or services on the RFP site ().

Please note that consultations of our highly qualified specialists, preparation of documentation and publication of a request for proposals in the RFP electronic system are free of charge! You can learn about all the conditions in the "Customers" section and from the presentation"Customer's personal account or how to work effectively in the RFP electronic system!" .

  • Request for quotations under 44-FZ in the EIS, terms, step-by-step instructions - Moscow.
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  • Request for prices under 44-FZ in the EIS, terms, step-by-step instructions - place an application and lawyers will offer you their services and prices.

What 44-FZ regulates Features of the procedure for requesting quotations Terms Step by step instructions

What is a request for prices under 44-FZ, how is this procedure carried out and what nuances does it have?

What regulates 44-FZ

Federal Law No. 44-FZ "On the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs" dated April 5, 2013 (hereinafter - Law No. 44-FZ) regulates the procurement of goods, services or works for municipal and state needs. It provides for several ways to determine the supplier of goods, contractor or service provider by open methods:

holding a tender or auction, request for quotations (prices), request for proposals.

There are also closed methods for determining the supplier (contractor, performer), as well as the possibility of purchasing from a single supplier.

When carrying out the procedure for requesting quotations, it is important to take into account the requirement of Art. 77 FZ-44 that any procurement participant has the right to submit only one application.

Features of the procedure for requesting prices (quotations)

In order to be able to purchase a product or order a service at the most favorable cost, you must complete a request for quotations. Price limits established in accordance with Law No. 44-FZ do not allow sellers of goods and service providers to overprice too much. Purchase limits are also regulated. They vary depending on the category of purchased goods (works, services).

The procedure for requesting prices is simple: you need to send a request to the Unified Information System (UIS) to provide information according to the sample. According to paragraph 3.10 of the Guidelines approved by the Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia dated October 2, 2013 No. 567, this request must contain:

a detailed description of the purchased object (including the quantity, units of measurement) or service (including its volume), the estimated terms of the purchase, the payment procedure, the requirements for the process of supplying goods, providing services or performing work, the amount of guarantees provided for goods, work or services, requirements for their warranty period, the amount of security for the performance of the contract, a list of information that allows you to determine that the product (work, service) is identical to what was ordered, a list of data that allows you to make a conclusion about the homogeneity of the product, the timing of providing information on prices, a reminder that that the provision of such information does not lead to the conclusion of a contract and does not impose any obligations on the supplier; the response to the request should contain the procedure for calculating the price (in order to avoid its overestimation), as well as the terms of its validity.

A feature of the procedure for requesting prices in accordance with Law No. 44-FZ is that the information necessary for the customer is located in the EIS - a single system that allows an unlimited circle of people to access prices. This greatly simplifies the procedure for selecting suppliers wishing to fulfill a government order.

In order to get the most advantageous offers, it is recommended to send a request to at least 5 suppliers.

When forming an application, it is important to take into account certain restrictions:

the initial price of the contract cannot exceed 500 thousand rubles, the annual volume of purchases under this procedure should not exceed 10% of the total annual volume of purchases of the customer (if it is not more than 1 billion rubles) or more than 100 million rubles (if the total annual volume of purchases is more than 1 billion rubles).

A request for prices (quotations) cannot be carried out if the Government of the Russian Federation has determined a different method of procurement for this type of goods (works, services) in accordance with Art. 111 FZ-44.

According to the results of the request for quotations, the order is received by the supplier who offers the lowest cost of his goods (works, services). Naturally, in this case, all the requirements for the quality and order of execution of the contract specified in the placed application must be observed.

Thus, the request for prices in the EIS under 44-FZ is a simple and convenient procedure for determining contractors for contracts in the field of procurement of goods, works or services in order to meet municipal or state needs.


The date of placement in the Unified Information System of a request for prices is not regulated by law. But the terms of the supplier's response to such a request should be specified in the application itself. This makes it possible to avoid a situation where the request "hangs" in the system for a long time due to the fact that the applicant endlessly waits for the most favorable prices. After the deadline specified in the application, the supplier offering the lowest price must be selected.

The deadlines for responding to the applicant are defined in Art. 74 FZ-44. For contracts whose value does not exceed 250 thousand rubles - at least 4 days, over 250 thousand rubles - at least 7 days. Keep this in mind when making your application to the EIS!

Step-by-step instructions for the procedure for requesting quotations

Despite the simplicity of the procedure described above for requesting quotations (prices), customers may find it useful to follow step-by-step instructions for its implementation:

Preparatory stage:

- the head of the organization issues an appropriate order,

– an exemplary contract is developed and approved, which includes the necessary conditions in accordance with Law No. 44-FZ,

– an employee of the contract service develops and approves other necessary documents: terms of reference, application form, substantiation of the contract price, – a notice of a price request is drawn up.

Carefully fill in all the columns of the contract, trying to provide the most accurate and reliable information! Remember that a request for quotation cannot be changed or canceled after it has been posted in the EIS!

Working with the Unified Information System:

- posting a notice in the EIS,

- sending requests for prices to the EIS, as well as directly to suppliers whose goods (works, services) are of interest to the customer.

The request should be directed to those suppliers who have experience in performing similar contracts and for whom there is no information about the collection of penalties from them. Acceptance of applications for participation in the request for prices (quotations). Determination of the winner. After the expiration of the period specified in the request, the one who meets all the conditions and offers the most favorable price is selected from the suppliers. All envelopes received by mail with applications are opened no earlier than on the day specified in the notice. On the same day, access to the electronic database is provided. Based on the results of the analysis of applications, a Protocol for the consideration and evaluation of applications for participation in the request for prices (quotations) is drawn up, which is also posted in the EIS. Conclusion of a contract with the winner. It must be signed no later than 20 days from the date of placement in the EIS of the protocol for the consideration and evaluation of applications.

In order to avoid delays and disruptions in the work of the organization, it is advisable to send a request for prices to the EIS in advance - at least 1.5 months before the expected date of purchase of goods (implementation of works, services) in accordance with the customer's schedule.

Experienced and qualified lawyers of our company will help you understand the procedure for requesting prices without violating the law.

Priority for calculating the initial (maximum) value of the contract. At the same time, the customer can organize a request for prices 44-FZ, which is addressed to suppliers of identical goods, works, services and is placed in the Unified Information System (EIS).

Quite often, the process of requesting quotations is confused with such a concept as “request for quotations”. This is a big mistake, because the first process is connected with the formation of the NMCC for the start of trading, and the last one is a full-fledged procedure for determining the supplier. In this article, we'll explore the first concept and create a sample request for quote letter.

In procurement by certain types of legal entities under 223-FZ, there is a separate procedure for selecting the winner, which is also called "request for quotations". However, further we will not talk about the procedure, but about a tool that helps customers justify the NMCC.

In the Methodology for determining the NMTsK (approved), the customer is recommended to obtain reliable price information:

  1. Request data from at least five participants with experience in relevant deliveries (at least three of them must provide the necessary information).
  2. Submit an application to the EIS.
  3. Search in
  4. Collect and analyze publicly available information.

How to compose a letter

A price request is not an offer. These two concepts have completely different purposes. The purpose of the offer is to offer to conclude a contract. The one who sends the offer fixes all the essential conditions, and the one who receives the offer either accepts them or refuses to sign the contract. The purpose of the request is to request the necessary information. The letter may be free-form, but certain rules and mandatory provisions must be provided. Below is a plan and important provisions that should be considered when drawing up a request for quotations:

  • addressee and addressee data;
  • date, place and outgoing number;
  • topic of the appeal;
  • appeal to the addressee (taking into account the rules of business correspondence);
  • Basic information;
  • offer to cooperate;
  • gratitude for the answer;
  • signature, as well as indicate the position, surname, name, patronymic of the compiler.

Based on paragraphs 3.10.1-3.10.6 of the Guidelines, a request to provide price information in the proposal is addressed to a potential supplier and may contain:

  1. with due indication of the unit of measure, quantity of goods (volume of work, service).
  2. List of information to determine .
  3. The main provisions of the execution of the contract, the requirements for the guarantee.
  4. Terms of providing price information.
  5. Notice that the procedure does not entail the emergence of obligations of the customer.

Sample Letter for Quote Request

How to place a request for quotations in the EIS according to 44-FZ

Based in their actions on the norms of Art. 22 44-FZ and Methodological recommendations, the customer can organize an open request for quotations in the EIS in electronic form. To do this, you can use both the instructions below and the user manual. It is placed in the EIS in the "Documents" section.

All work on requesting price information takes place in your personal account. The functionality of the UIS makes it possible to carry out a preliminary search for procedures that have been published through the office.

To go to the desired page, you will need to select this item in the menu of the "Registers" block.

To start filling in the data, you need to click on the "Create a request for quotation" button.

Next, enter the data. The functionality of the system allows you to attach the necessary files. After filling in the fields with all the necessary information, you can make sure that the filling is correct through the "Save and check" button.

You can edit it through the "Edit project menu" item on the "Preparation" tab.

The system allows you to delete the generated project. To do this, select the menu item of the same name.

In addition, it is possible to delete the project of the previous change operation. This feature is available in the Prepare Changes phase.

After placing the procedure, the printed form is displayed in the form of two parts: upper and lower.

The active button "Sign and place" will allow you to confirm your consent to this action.

After posting, the ability to make changes remains. To do this, simply select the "Edit" menu item.

It is also possible to completely unpublish.

The system will ask for the reason and related documents. You can save this information (via the save button) or submit the change using the Submit for Posting button. This step will be reflected in the status "Cancelled".

The system features allow you to edit the cancellation project. To do this, click on the "Open Card" item. After that, go to the "Documents" tab. And then in the block "Cancellation of the request for quotations" you will need to click on the "Edit" item.

To submit a completed change, simply click the "Submit for Posting" button.

On the "Posted" tab, you can view the request card.

It is possible to delete a cancellation project through the "Open card" item. Go to the "Documents" tab. In the "Cancel" section, select the "Delete" item.

Commercial offers under 44-FZ are the easiest way to get up-to-date information about prices on the market. Without these data, it is impossible to substantiate the NMCC by market analysis. In the article, we will analyze the requirements for commercial offers under 44-FZ.

(NMTsK) is one of the procurement planning stages. The Law on the Contract System established the requirement to first apply the market analysis method. This leads to the need to use commercial offers in the process of determining the cost of an object. At the same time, for errors or non-compliance with the procedure for substantiating the NMCC, administrative liability is established in the form of a fine of up to 10,000 rubles, which is an unpleasant addition.


For a supplier whose field of activity is related to the needs of the customer, a commercial offer is an official document that confirms the cost of his goods, work, services with certain characteristics for a specific period, but does not entail an obligation to conclude an agreement.

Ch. 2-6 Art. 22 44-FZ describes the rules for applying the market analysis method and indicates that when justifying the cost of a contract using this method, it is necessary to compare prices for goods or services that are similar to the object of the planned purchase. To do this, you need to get up-to-date information on market prices. And the easiest way to do this is to submit a request for a quotation (a sample can be seen below) from companies that supply such goods or provide similar services.

How to obtain pricing information

Guidelines have been developed for the application of methods for determining NMCC (). In order to collect price data, the customer is recommended to send requests for price information to at least five suppliers, and in the determination of the NMCC to use at least three prices provided by various suppliers (clause 3.19).

The algorithm for submitting such a request is as follows:

  1. Compile by indicating its quantitative and qualitative characteristics (read the article).
  2. Indicate the essential conditions for the delivery of goods, the performance of work that affect their cost: territorial location, delivery time, work performance, availability of a guarantee, the need for adjustment, installation, training of persons, etc.
  3. Select the target audience of the newsletter. At the same time, according to the recommendations of the Ministry of Economic Development, suppliers must have experience in similar deliveries, including experience in executing contracts without the application of penalties over the past three years. At this stage, the customer can use information retrieval systems or public directories of organizations. You can check how the supplier executed contracts under 44-FZ and 223-FZ on the website of the Unified Information System (EIS) at. To do this, enter the name or TIN of the winner.
  4. Fill out a request and send it to potential partners. At the same time, according to the Ministry of Economic Development (Letter dated May 10, 2016 No. D28i-1308), in order to justify the NMCC, it is considered acceptable to use facsimile or e-mail to submit requests and receive answers.
  5. Get an answer, analyze the data and make a rationale.

It should be noted that the validity of the commercial offer under 44-FZ has not been established. This information must be included in the response document. This is done to avoid justification based on outdated prices.

Prices of past periods (more than six months from the period of determination of the NMCC) must be brought to the current level by applying a conversion factor.

In addition to sending requests to suppliers, the Ministry of Economic Development recommends carrying out several more procedures: searching for prices in the register of UIS contracts, collecting and analyzing publicly available price information (advertising, catalogs, statistical reporting, etc.).