Educational project "in defense of Baba Yaga". Children's project on the topic "Baba Yaga: good or evil?" (Grade 5) Baba Yaga good or evil project

What is she - Baba Yaga
What is she - Baba Yaga
(good old lady or
(good old lady or
evil witch) ?
evil witch) ?
What you need to know to
What you need to know to
"go visit
"go visit
to this mysterious
to this mysterious
old lady?"
old lady?"

I believe that Baba Yaga is an evil witch
She hurts everyone
Creates obstacles along the way
Baba Yaga kidnaps children
Can put on a shovel and
put in the oven for later
She has a scary look
Little children are afraid of her

1. How did Baba Yaga appear?
2. Where does Baba Yaga live?
3. What is the character of Baba

Gotta learn to analyze
fairy tales
Describe the main
the heroes of the work
Find useful information
Learn to draw conclusions
1. I will look for answers to questions.
2. Prepared material
I will show my classmates.

1. Study the literature data
2. Read a lot of Russian
folk tales
3. View art and
4. Get to know the historical
information about the occurrence
images, ancient rituals
5. Meet with workers
6. Conduct a survey

Pedigree of Baba Yaga
Pedigree of Baba Yaga
BabaYaga snake
Humanoid creature with snake tail
Deity lacking a leg
A completely “humanized” character with a bone leg

Name origin
“Yaga (yagababa, yagaya baba, yagabiha, yagabova,
yagaya, yagishnitsa, yaghiha, yagishna) - babayaga,
fairy-tale character living in the dense
forest; witch.
“Baba Yaga, a bone leg, rides in a mortar,
rests with a pestle, sweeps the trail with a broomstick.
“Baba Yaga gave them drink, fed them,
took a bath."
M. Vlasova
"New Abevega
Russian superstitions"

Forest old woman
Baba Yaga - in Slavic mythology, an old forest sorceress, witch
. According to the tales of the Eastern and Western Slavs, BABAYAGA lives in the forest
in the "hut on chicken legs", devours people; fence around the hut
human bones, on the fence of the skull, instead of a deadbolt - a human
leg, instead of constipation - hands, instead of a lock, a mouth with sharp teeth. In the oven
BABAYAGA tries to fry the kidnapped children. She is the antagonist
the hero of a fairy tale: having flown into the hut and finding the hero in it, he cuts out of him
back strap etc. . In some fairy tales BABA YAGA (Yaga Yagishna,
Slovenian Jerzy baba) - the mother of snakes, opponents of the hero.
In addition to the images of BABYYAGI - a warrior and a kidnapper, a fairy tale
he also knows the image of the giver, the hero's helper. BABYYAGI has one leg
bone, she is blind (or her eyes hurt), she is an old woman. Communication with
wild animals and the forest allows her image to be derived from the ancient image
mistress of animals and the world of the dead. At the same time, such attributes of BABYYAGI,
like a shovel with which she throws children into the oven (cf. rite
overbaking the child) are consistent with the interpretation of tales about her as a
priestess in the rite of initiation. Characters similar to BABOYAG,
known in Germanic (Frau Holle in German fairy tales), Greek (Calypso) and
other mythologies.

Baba Yaga lives in a hut on chicken
legs on the border of two worlds (world
the living and the world of the dead)
To get into the hut - you need it
turn back to the forest - to yourself
in front), i.e. turn to the world of the living.
Baba Yaga, showing his displeasure,
feed the guest with his (the food of another
peace) and heat the bath. Having washed
in the bath, the guest washes off the "spirit
After that, Baba Yaga recognizes him for
"his" and can help him.

Baba Yaga - warrior
Yaga the kidnapper
Yaga the giver
Gives items that have
magic power
Yaga adviser
Doesn't do anything on her own.
but indicates to whom
apply for
Yaga mistress
Controls the forces of nature
and animal world

B a b a Ya g a v e d e t
with ud b o y
Gives a ball (guiding thread)
Gives advice that helps
to reach a goal
"Feels with the heart"
testing people
B a b a Ya
fire element
Raises the wind with a broom,
Flying on a stupa
Lying on the stove
associated with death and
Associated with night and darkness
She's always old (bone leg)
She is blind, does not see, but smells with her nose
(“It smells like a Russian spirit”)
Lives in a hut with no windows and
There is a fence of skulls around her house.
(12 +1)
The fire given by her can kill
kidnaps children
Yaga - to sting, torment

Baba Yaga is not always in Russian
Baba Yaga is not always in Russian
folk tales wicked witch
folk tales wicked witch
It may be different and
It may be different and
good and evil
good and evil

Often she helps the hero, saves him
Baba Yaga can be funny and
And sometimes even beautiful
And sometimes even beautiful

The fabulous image of Baba Yaga arose
in distant antiquity
as an image of death - terrible and
A fairy tale is a product of its era, it
changes over time, folk
thought brings into it
storytelling your amendments.
Modern Baba Yaga comes more often
to help the hero, rescuing him from
difficult situations.

Fairy tale
In one enchanted forest, extraordinary miracles were happening, and such that
the inhabitants of all nearby villages were afraid to pick mushrooms and berries, and
children were not allowed to go far from home.
The rumor about this mysterious forest reached the village where the potter Ivanko lived,
renowned throughout the region for his craftsmanship. The guy heard that the clay
soft, white for his gift to the bride - amphorae - remained only in the quarry,
which is located right by that terrible forest. And that quarry is guarded by witches.
They don’t let you get close: either trees are felled on a traveler, or snakes and spiders
let in, then showers call out that there is no way back.
However, the young man firmly decided that he would get clay for the amphora. He went to the blacksmith
and asked to forge him an axe, which kills witches. The potter took the edge
bread, an ax axe, and a lighted cross. The boy's parents blessed him.
Here the boy came up to the forest, and how he makes a noise, how he whistles! The witches have flown
they wave their hands, they fall asleep with needles. But Ivanko did not lose his head: he leaned over and
whispers: "Axe cutter, cut off the unclean head!" The ax obeyed, and Ivanko
ran to the ravine, scored clay and run! Yes, and the ax does not lag behind. came running
home, locked the shutters, and the ax tells the owner: “I killed almost all
evil spirits, but only the main one turned out to be so tenacious! I chopped off her head, and
her place 3 others have grown! Chai Beast about you and me already reported, so
wait for trouble, Ivanko!

Before sunset, the young man gathered the people to his house, and
awaits unclean guests. 12 times the clock has struck
evil spirits flew in, but she did not expect only that
the potter will have time to mold the amphora by that time.
He burned it in the oven - the magic power filled
vessel. It was only necessary for Ivanko and his guests
touch the fabulous amphora, as they became
they are invulnerable to any villains. Came out
villagers with an amphora in their hands towards evil spirits.
The light of the good power of magic blinded the witches in
one moment. Seeing nothing, the villains scattered into
different sides, and completely dissolved - the light
magical vessel overtook them on the way.
Since then, no one is afraid to go into the forest. A Ivanko
gave an amphora to his bride and soon
married Mary. They still live in soul
soul, and a fabulous amphora stands in a room on
table: in the evening the house illuminates, in the morning instead of the sun
Such is the power of a magic amphora made of white clay!


Folk Russian fairy tales by A.N. Afanasiev - M .: Children's literature,
1992. - 245 p.
Propp V.Ya. The historical roots of fairy tales. - M., 1985. -
248 p.
http://www.zankovcom/litmet3.htm Articles on Nar. fairy tales 2005/projects/getannot.php?id=64 - history and
modernity in the image of Baba Yaga about the origin of the image thematic articles on the topic pictures by
topic about Slavic myths about superstitions and rituals
folklore at school - at literature lessons

OGBOU "Ryazan boarding school"


Baba Yaga: good or evil?

Lashmanov Andrey, 5A class

Serbina Alena, 5A class


Kudryavtseva Galina Mikhailovna,

teacher of Russian language



Project "Baba Yaga: good or evil?"

Kindness is lacking in our lives. But doing good is a great happiness. Unfortunately, we often meet evil.

In the reading lesson, we often give examples of good and evil, talk about good and evil heroes. But one day we were asked a question: is Baba Yaga good or evil? We decided to turn to Russian folk tales. Why to them? There is good and evil in fairy tales; good will surely win, and sooner or later, but surely, evil will be punished. In almost every Russian folk tale there is such a character as Baba Yaga.

We have chosen a project topicBaba Yaga: Good or Evil?

We allowed: Baba Yaga may be different.

Objective of the project: To prove that the image of Baba Yaga can be not only evil, but also good.

Project objectives:

1. Get acquainted with Russian folk tales in which Baba Yaga is found.

2. Get acquainted with the image of Baba Yaga.

3. Compare the actions of Baba Yaga in fairy tales.

To accomplish these tasks, we have done the following work:

1. We visited the city library named after Sergei Yesenin.

2. We read fairy tales, listened to audio fairy tales in which Baba Yaga is found.

3. Worked with the explanatory dictionary and the Internet.

4. Summed up.

Who is Baba Yaga?

In the Explanatory Dictionary of Vladimir Ivanovich Dahl, we read: “Yaga is a witch. Baba Yaga, a bone leg, rides in a mortar, sweeps the trail with a broomstick. She goes for human meat, kidnaps children.

It turns out that Baba Yaga is evil.

To know betterthe image of Baba Yaga, got acquainted with fairy tales:

1. The princess is a frog.

2. Finist - a clear falcon

3. Baba Yaga.

4. Marya Morevna.

In all these tales, Baba Yaga looks the same.This is an old ugly grandmother: she has a hunched back, a crooked nose, uncombed hair, long nails, a bone leg; she knows how to conjure. Baba Yaga lives in the forest in a hut on chicken legs, which can turn its back to the forest, and the one who comes to her in front. Butwe noticed that Baba Yagain some fairy tales, he greets the heroes affably, treats them deliciously, soars in the bathhouse, and gives them magical helpers for the journey. They concluded: Baba Yaga is not so evil.

We comparedactions of Baba Yaga.

In two tales, she is evil. In the fairy tale "Marya Morevna" she wanted to kill Ivan Tsarevich, in the fairy tale "Baba Yaga" she wanted to eat the girl.

But in other fairy tales, we also saw the good deeds of Baba Yaga.In the fairy tale "The Frog Princess" shegave advice to Ivan Tsarevich on how to defeat Koshchei the Immortal.And in the fairy tale "Finist the Clear Falcon" she helped Maryushka find the Finist the Clear Falcon.

We have doneconclusion:

Conclusion: Thus,During our project, we found the answer to our question. We really enjoyed reading and listening to stories. But most importantly, we realized that we must always read books carefully in order to make any new discoveries.

by Notes of the Wild Mistress

Baba Yaga is an image from our childhood. But, having reached a certain age, have we ever wondered where he came from in Russian folklore? And what does this fairy-tale character really personify: evil or good?

"Houses of the Dead"

To begin with, let's recall the place of "registration" of Baba Yaga. Remember: "Hut-hut, turn your back to the forest, front to me!" And why exactly a hut and why on chicken legs?

Once upon a time, the territories of the upper Volga, Ob and Moscow River were inhabited by Finno-Ugric tribes. Their culture is often called "Dyakovo", since one of their ancient settlements was discovered near the village of Dyakovo, in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bmodern Kolomenskoye.

For a long time, researchers who studied the Dyakovo culture were surprised that there was not a single burial ground among the ancient monuments of this tribe. Therefore, there was no information about the funeral rites of the Dyakovites. Meanwhile, in 1934, during excavations at the settlement of Bereznyaki in the Yaroslavl Volga region, archaeologists stumbled upon the remains of a small log cabin, inside which were the cremated remains of several people.

Among them were men, women and children. In 1966, a similar find was made in the Zvenigorod region during excavations of another Dyakovo settlement near the Savvino-Storozhevsky Monastery. The structure was a low log house with a gable roof. The entrance to the building was located on the south side, at the very entrance there was a hearth.

The remains of at least 24 people were found inside. They were all cremated. In some cases, the ashes were in special urns, the walls of which were badly burned on one side, since most likely they were placed near the fire during the funeral ceremony. Scientists dubbed such structures "houses of the dead."

It is known that it was customary to place log cabins over the graves in the north of Eastern Europe and Asia, and in some places this tradition existed until the 18th century. Apparently, the bodies were burned somewhere "on the side", and then placed in a log "tomb". Sometimes the "houses of the dead" were located on the territory of the settlements, sometimes outside them.

As for the hut on chicken legs, according to some experts, in fact, we are not talking about chicken legs at all: the “houses of the dead” were placed on piles or stumps, which were smoked with smoke during the funeral ceremony before placing the remains there. the deceased - so that rodents or insects do not penetrate inside.

It would be more correct to call the legs "chicken". "Kuriy" turned out, apparently, in the process of the formation of folklore. Obviously, the "houses of the dead" also played a cult role. The ancient Finno-Ugric peoples saw them as "portals" leading to the underworld, where the dead go... After all, for fairy-tale heroes, the journey into magical reality often begins precisely with Baba Yaga's hut.

Scarecrow for the night

And where, in fact, did the very image of an evil old witch with a “bone leg” come from? Most likely, the funeral rituals were entrusted to be performed by female priestesses, perhaps they were old women...

There are other versions of the appearance of this most popular fairy-tale character. But let's first recall her typical portrait: “On the stove, on the ninth brick, lies Baba Yaga, a bone leg, her nose has grown into the ceiling, snot hangs over the threshold, her tits are wrapped on a hook, she sharpens her teeth”

Terrible, angry, shaggy, nose - grown into the ceiling, blind, she has a bone leg, flies in a mortar, sweeps her trail with a broomstick, lives in a dense forest, in a hut on chicken legs, the hut has no windows or doors, a fence around from bones and skulls, fries children, shoves them into the oven on a shovel. Horror and only, especially if you read like this at night.

"The fence around her hut is made of human bones, and skulls hang on the fence instead of pots; instead of a bolt, she has a human leg, instead of locks, her hands, and instead of a lock, a mouth with sharp teeth." Baba Yaga has shaggy hair, braids are untwisted.

In the culture of the ancient Slavs, loose hair is a connection with the other world; the dead woman's braids were also untwisted. Baba Yaga, apparently dead. A bone leg - dead so long ago that the body rotted away. Nose stuck to the ceiling. Apparently, her house is very crowded.

Baba Yaga flies in a mortar, which is very similar to a deck - a prototype of a coffin. He sweeps up his wake with a broomstick. There used to be a custom: when the deceased was taken on a sleigh on his last journey, a sleigh trail was swept behind him so that he would not return to the world of the living. Why is it flying? Because the dead don't walk, they are carried. And the soul flies In addition, Baba Yaga does not see anything, she does not have human vision.

“Fu-fu,” he says, “it smells like a Russian spirit.” But she has a different vision - she sees the future. Everything shows that Baba Yaga is a dead woman. She lives, as mentioned above, in a hut on chicken legs. The Slavs also had this custom: after the death of a person, when the soul had not yet decided, it needed to prepare a home.

To do this, they made a ritual doll, a house for her was placed on a felled tree. Here is another version of the appearance of the hut on chicken legs. The roots are very similar to chicken legs. A hut without windows and doors - the dead do not need them. There is only an entrance where offerings are placed. The northern peoples still have this custom.

Many scientists believe that Baba Yaga is a divine essence, the progenitor of the human race. They come to her for advice. Ivan Tsarevich receives magical gifts, Vasilisa the Beautiful, after visiting the hut of Baba Yaga, finds herself a husband-king and the ability to perform magical actions. She weaves extraordinary fabrics, sews extraordinary shirts.

There is a folk wisdom that for any knowledge we must turn to our ancestors. Where are the ancestors? From the point of view of folk culture - in the other world. Baba Yaga is, as it were, the head of this other world. That is, in order to gain some knowledge, you need to turn to the other world. In other words, to the experience of ancestors, which is what fairy-tale heroes do.

Great mother of the world

And one more thing - about the origin of the word "Baba Yaga". Baba is the main woman in all cultures. Stone women were worshiped by many nations. A woman was called a woman only after the birth of a child. The single-root word "babay" also means brownie, the head of the clan. "Yaga" - fire - fire. There was a verb "yagat". This is a special cry in which all energy is concentrated.

Yagal hunters, women in labor. That is, Baba Yaga was the main mother who knew everything. The image of the forest yaga-sorceress, apparently, goes back to the most ancient ideas about the Great Mother of the World - the mistress of animals, the progenitor of all living things, who knows the fate of people and endows shamans with their supernatural power.

Yaga in fairy tales acts as a gatekeeper, guarding the border between the world of the living and the world of the dead, and a guide to another world; she tests the heroes who are trying to penetrate the world of the dead, and helps those who have passed these tests.

The hut of the yaga, standing on the border of two worlds, is, as it were, the gate to the dead kingdom, the afterlife; even its appearance in fairy tales and beliefs reminds of death: it is very similar to a domina (a funerary structure in the form of a human dwelling) and is often surrounded by human remains (skulls hang on the wattle fence, the door is propped up with a foot, etc.).

At the same time, Baba Yaga was clearly associated in the popular imagination not only with death, but also with the rites of rebirth, with the idea of ​​dying and resurrection. So, for example, in fairy tales, she often kidnaps children and seeks to roast them in an oven, which resembles the well-known in many places ritual of “baking a child” performed on sick or weak children: the child was symbolically destroyed so that he would be reborn again as a different person.

It is even possible that the tales of the "kidnapping yaga" arose on the basis of an ancient witchcraft rite of initiation, initiation of young men into hunters, introducing them to a certain age group.

The rite of initiation usually consisted in the fact that adolescents, boys of 10-12 years old, were taken away from the village for some time and subjected to various tests, conducting a kind of exam in all practical hunting skills; at the same time, the young men seemed to “die” for the tribe, so that men, warriors and hunters would be “born” instead of them.

The initiations were also a partial introduction of adolescents to the sacred secrets of the tribe, to the magic ritual of hunters. In ancient times, this complex ritual, the ceremony of initiation of young men into hunters, could also be led by a female witch. Probably, such a woman symbolically represented the same Great Mother, the goddess - the mistress and progenitor of animals, associated with the other world of the dead.

The image of such a “knowledgeable” woman could well serve as the basis for creating the fabulous image of Baba Yaga, coming from the forest, kidnapping children (i.e. taking them away for the initiation rite) and striving to roast them in the oven (“kill a child so that a man is born” ), as well as giving advice and helping selected heroes who have passed the test.

So the famous folklore character is not at all as unambiguous as it seems. But the main thing is that without him there would be no wonderful fairy tales that we all were fond of in childhood ...

Municipal educational institution "Lyceum "Erudite"





Shmygaleva Daria,

student 2 "B" class

Head: Tashkinova Elena Anatolyevna

Rubtsovsk 2016

The relevance of the work.

The image of Baba Yaga from ancient times and still frightens and at the same time attracts with its mystery, magic and secrets. A character that is known to everyone, but not fully understood.

Target research - to get to know Baba Yaga better, to determine my attitude towards this hero of fairy tales.


Learn the history of the origin of the image of Baba Yaga.

Analyze the role of Baba Yaga in Russian fairy tales.

To prove that appearances can be deceiving, Baba Yaga is a goodie.


Baba Yaga is not just a fairy-tale character, but a positive hero with endless possibilities.

Research methods.

Reading Russian folk tales

Conducting a survey among classmates

Viewing drawings by Russian artists

Origin of Baba Yaga

The history of Baba Yaga is rooted in the distant past.

From fairy tales, we know that Baba Yaga is a hunched old woman with long tufts of uncombed hair, with a long hooked nose, with one bone leg. Baba Yaga has bony hands and sharp iron teeth. She lives in a dense forest or in a swamp, in a "hut on chicken legs." The hut is surrounded by a fence of human bones with skulls on poles. The hut of Baba Yaga can turn around its axis, but basically it faces the forest in front.

To get into the hut, the hero needs to cast a spell: "Stand up the old way, as your mother set! Back to the forest, front to me." Baba Yaga rides or flies through the air in an iron, stone or fire mortar, sweeping the trail with a broomstick.

During the trip of Baba Yaga, winds howl, the earth groans, cattle roar, age-old trees crack and bend.

Baba Yaga loves to make riddles and solve them. She senses the presence of a person and at the meeting exclaims: "I feel, I smell - it smells of the human spirit." Baba Yaga is served by black cats, crows, snakes. She knows the language of animals and plants.

The dark forest (necessarily dense and very dark!) is the boundary between our real world and the afterlife. Or magical. In this case, Baba Yaga is a guard, a guard who stands on the border of two worlds, and it is she who decides who to let through and who not.

And why did Baba Yaga get the role of a guard? Let's remember her full name: Baba Yaga - Bone Leg. It turns out that many peoples believed that the human soul is in the foot.

Recall at least the expression: "The soul has gone to the heels"! Our granny has no foot, which means there is no soul! So she's not alive, but she's not dead either. An ideal option in order to really stand guard over the living and dead worlds.

One more thing. Remember how Yaga moves. On the mortar, waving a broomstick.

Among the ancient Slavs, it was the mortar and pestle that was placed in the grave of a dead woman. And with a broom they swept all the way from the house of the deceased to the cemetery. This was done so that the “dead” would not find his way home and start misbehaving there.

The house of Baba Yaga on chicken legs is also not without reason. It turns out that the ancient Slavs had such a custom: to bury their relatives in houses with very high legs. It was believed that from such a coffin it was easiest to get into the kingdom of the dead.

Thus, we can conclude that Baba Yaga is one of the most mysterious creatures on Earth. Baba Yaga has limitless possibilities, because she lives on the border of the world of the living and the dead and is a guide to another world.

It doesn't have to be the underworld. He's just different. It can also be an imaginary world, getting into which, the characters begin to show qualities that they were embarrassed in the ordinary world (courage, politeness, mercy to others, etc.). Baba Yaga gives the hero a setting for victory, for future happiness.

2. The role of Baba Yaga in Russian fairy tales.

I conducted a survey among classmates to find out how schoolchildren perceive Baba Yaga. Most classmates imagine Baba Yaga as angry, angry, aggressive, fighting with the main character.

I propose to look at Baba Yaga from the other side.

After reading fairy tales, I realized that Baba Yaga plays an important role in any fairy tale. If it is removed from the text of the tale, then the hero will not be able to do anything either.

Despite all her terrible appearance, she renders hospitality to both Ivan, the prince, and Ivan, the peasant son.

Baba Yaga will tell you where and how to find a heroic weapon, how to defeat Koshchei the Immortal and free the beauty from captivity.

Thus, Baba Yaga acts as an assistant to the heroes

Children who have fallen to a terrible sorceress always emerge victorious from the most hopeless situations.

Heroes sometimes resort to it, as to the last hope, the last assistant. And all her evil deceit ends.

But what the same character of Baba Yaga? H For everyone who comes to her, Baba Yaga opens the way to the "Thirtieth Kingdom" or the Kingdom of Koshcheevo. How the guest behaves, such a reception he receives.

He will be polite and hardworking - he will receive help, but if not - he will land on a shovel and in the oven. She does not tolerate negligence and laziness. If a person is kind, strong, smart and brave, then the path to the magical world is open to him, because only a real hero can return with victory.
And yet, I would like to say that Baba Yaga did not put a single child in any fairy tale in the oven. So she's not that scary. In fact, she pities the children.

In the fairy tales "Vasilisa the Beautiful", "The Tale of Rejuvenating Apples and Living Water", Baba Yaga acts as donors, helpers of heroes. She helps them, shows them the way, hands them magical items and gives wise advice.

In addition, Baba Yaga - enchantress. Lives in the forest, has great bioenergetics. She is the mistress of the animal world and the forces of nature. He knows a lot, knows a lot, knows how to heal. The attitude towards ordinary people is different. Does not like the weak in spirit and "fools". Helps the hero if he feels courage and fortitude in him.

Even in the fairy tale "Geese Swans", where Baba Yaga wanted to fry Ivanushka, everything is not so scary. In fact, there is no fairy tale where Baba Yaga would roast children, she only wants to do it. But there was a wonderful ritual - baking a sick child.

Knowing him, Baba Yaga turns from a negative character into a healer. She just wanted to bake Ivanushka and return healthy to people.

In ancient times, when women were the head of the clan, Baba Yaga was powerful goddess, guardian of traditions and customs.

In fairy tales, Baba Yaga acts as custodians of magical crafts.

Vasilisa the Beautiful learned from her how to sew and weave superbly.

The character of the woman - Yagi is strict. In the evening, he will determine the task, then he will definitely check whether it has been completed. Does not tolerate negligence, laziness, punishes for it. And the fact that her lessons are difficult, excuse me, because her students are not simple, they are all young sorceresses.

3. Conclusion

So, I realized that Baba Yaga was not at all a malicious, terrible old woman, but a hero, without whom not a single Ivan Tsarevich would ever have reached his Vasilisa the Beautiful.

Without Baba Yaga, many fairy tales simply would not exist.

The actions of Baba Yaga run counter to the external impression. And here let's remember the saying "Do not drink water from your face."

Even a beautiful princess with a beautiful appearance can do some nasty things. And a lonely old woman, if you treat her like a human being, kindly, will give the last magic item so that the heroes find their happiness and love.

In the dense forest, at the edge of the forest Feed, drink, lay down,

The old lady lives alone. Put gifts on the way.

Shaggy, nosy, humpbacked, And in the evening he sighs sadly:

But is she to blame? After all, no one is calling for a feast!

Her name is Baba Yaga, I want to write her a letter,

She has a bone leg. Call for your birthday

Sitting on the porch, bored, After all Good Baba Yaga!

He meets heroes from fairy tales. She's not evil at all!

Who's a little scared

Someone will show the way.

Who will guess the riddle

Play hide and seek with the children.

Baba Yaga - a kind of witch, an evil spirit,
under the guise of an ugly old woman.

"Baba Yaga - positive
character of ancient Russian mythology.

V. A. Ivanov.

One of the biggest problems of the modern world is the problem of morality. The school is one of the strongholds of the moral education of young people. Teachers constantly touch upon the issues of kindness, understanding, mutual assistance, love, friendship.

The idea of ​​creating the project “In Defense of Baba Yaga” arose after conversations about the moral qualities of the main characters of a Russian folk tale.

Is there another character in the Russian fairy tale about whom there would be as much debate as about Baba Yaga? For many years, scientists and ordinary people, adults and children have not been able to unravel her secrets ... Who is she really? Good or evil, insidious or naive?

To answer these questions, the children read and analyzed a large number of books, feature films, and cartoons.

The findings can be used both in the lessons of literary and extracurricular reading, and for speaking to schoolchildren.

Project problem: Baba Yaga is perhaps the most popular woman of all the numerous magical heroines of Russian folk tales. Oh, what a terrible, terrible, bloodthirsty she is. Her appearance is intimidating. She is about to fly in a mortar, grab a naughty boy and take him to her lair-hut on chicken legs, and there, go and eat him. Or maybe Baba Yaga will help Ivan Tsarevich or another hero to return the stolen beauty? Where is the truth, where is the fiction? Why not figure it out?

Purpose: to find out whether Baba Yaga is a positive or negative character in fairy tales.

1) Conduct an excursion to the Museum of Fairy Tales.
2) Analyze fairy tales, films, cartoons with the participation of Baba Yaga and identify her good and evil deeds.
3) Organize work on the selection of poems and songs about Baba Yaga.
4) To study some traditions of the Russian people.
5) Prepare group and individual messages.
6) Create a collection of drawings and crafts about Baba Yaga.

Description of the project.

1. At an extracurricular reading lesson on the topic “Russian Fairy Tales”, the guys noticed that in addition to bad deeds, Baba Yaga often helps the main characters, that is, does good. The guys decided to find out if this Baba Yaga is so bad.

2. At the beginning of November 2007, an excursion trip to the “Museum of Fairy Tales” was organized. The tour was conducted by Baba Yaga herself. She talked about herself, about fairy tales with her participation. The rooms of the museum were decorated in the style of a Russian village house. The guys took a direct part in all the undertakings of Baba Yaga, even climbed into her oven and lay on the floor. Despite the fact that we spent a lot of time with Baba Yaga, no one was eaten, roasted in the oven or simply offended by Baba Yaga. This and the information received further confirmed the children's opinion that Baba Yaga is a positive fairy-tale character.

3. The goal was set - to collect as many examples of Baba Yaga's actions from literary works, feature films and cartoons as possible. To collect material, the guys split up. 1 student collected material from Russian folk tales, the second student - from feature films, the third student - from cartoons. Since 1 student spent much more time searching than the rest, the second was entrusted with the creation of drawings, the third student - handicrafts from various materials illustrating Baba Yaga and her surroundings.

4. The guys got the task: to combine their works, supplement them with new material and prepare a presentation from the group for the presentation, summarizing the most important. The work was carried out under the guidance of a teacher.

Simultaneously with the performance of these tasks in the lessons of fine arts and technology, the children performed: drawings about Baba Yaga, a hut on chicken legs; drawings using beads; crafts in the technique of macrame “Owl”; plasticine products “Hut on chicken legs”; products from material using natural materials “Baba Yaga in a mortar, with a broom”.

At music lessons, songs of Baba Yaga and about Baba Yaga from the feature film “New Year's Adventures of Masha and Vitya” and the cartoon “Flying Ship” were performed.

At the lessons of literary reading, they read and analyzed literary works with the participation of Baba Yaga. The work was complex.

5. The presentation included the following steps:

Oral communication with elements of theatricalization;
- answers on questions;
- introspection.

The supervisor evaluates the work of the student according to the following parameters:

1) aesthetics of work;
2) informative work;
3) organization of work in a group;
4) the quality of the presentation;
5) answers to questions;
6) compliance with the regulations.


I consider this project a success. Children learned a lot about Baba Yaga, systematized their knowledge, replenished their vocabulary, broadened their horizons, and tried to independently analyze the character of some literary characters.

The guys became more friendly. The work was carried out with the help of parents, which always affects the efficiency of completing tasks, increasing the child's interest in the subject and improving relationships in the family.


Student: Our project is called “In Defense of Baba Yaga”. Why are we interested in Baba Yaga? It is described in many fairy tales.

This is a very memorable character: both in appearance and in character. But here's what surprised us: is this Baba Yaga so bad? After re-reading many fairy tales, reviewing a large number of feature films and cartoons, visiting the “Museum of Fairy Tales”, where we met Baba Yaga herself, we figured out her character and made an amazing discovery - Baba Yaga is not justly accused of villainy. We undertake to prove that Baba Yaga is a positive fairy-tale hero. We are in defense of Baba Yaga.

Accuser: Mysterious and terrible, cunning and insidious, full of fabulous charm and horror, Baba Yaga! For many years, scientists and ordinary people, adults and children have not been able to unravel her secrets ... Who is she really? Good or evil, insidious or naive? Let's find out!

Baba Yaga: What is there to understand, dear. Well, I'm the most popular girl in almost all fairy tales: in Russian, Polish, Czech, Slovak. Yes, what is there to list, and you yourself, go ahead, you know. And my name is: the Poles - Endzu, the Slovaks - Ezhibabu, the Czechs - Ezinka.

Prosecutor: That's it, without a fixed place of residence, has several names. And in general, the name is very suspicious.

Baba Yaga: Look, he doesn't like the name. History needs to be known. Baba, well, you know, I'm wise. And that comes with age. Yaga, because ... I forgot. Even scientists are skeptical. Maybe this is a pine taiga forest, in which moss grows (it was once called “yag”), or maybe a shaggy sleeveless fur coat - yaga (a woman in a yaga).

Prosecutor: Yes, in this form only in the taiga and live. After all, as they say about you in fairy tales: a hunched old woman with tufts of uncombed hair, a crochet nose, one bone leg (a prosthesis, or what?).

Baba Yaga: What are you talking about. Why, I can be said to be the goddess of love - Aphrodite. How many times beautiful fellows prayed to bewitch their beloved. And I helped with magic spells. He called me an ugly old woman! I have not always been old. And my daughter, my daughter is beautiful - Princess Marya, all went into me: both beauty and mind. Well, you haven’t read the fairy tale “Go there - I don’t know where, bring that - I don’t know what.”

Prosecutor: Everyone heard she knows magic spells. So Baba Yaga is a witch.

Baba Yaga: Oh, my dear, you don't know history at all. The word "witch" meant - a knowing, knowing woman. In fairy tales, I don’t look like a modern witch at all: I don’t fly to the Sabbat, I don’t travel naked on a broomstick, but I ride in a mortar, even in tatters, but dressed. I don't do evil.

Prosecutor: There you are. I didn't read the story! Read! You are just waiting to grab the naughty boy and take him to your lair-hut on chicken legs, fry him in the oven and eat him. What do you say now?

Baba Yaga: And then I’ll say, I wanted to want to eat, but I didn’t eat a single one. Zhikharka and Ivanushka themselves deceived me and put me in the oven. And I'm not a cannibal at all. Putting a child in the oven is an ancient custom. You, now listen: if the baby was born weak, then they put him on a bread shovel and put him into a warm oven three times. There the baby “baked”, became stronger. Older children were also treated if they fell ill.

Did you go to the Museum of Fairy Tales at all? (Drove)
Did you meet me? (I met)
Did I eat anyone? (No)
Did you climb into my oven? (Climbed in)
Feeling stronger, healthier? (felt)

And how I helped Ivan or another hero. They have considerable worries, it is necessary to return the stolen beauty. And only I can tell you how to do it. And after all, I do everything disinterestedly, I do not demand anything in return. I greet the guest as if I were my own: in the bathhouse I will evaporate, feed, drink, give advice to the ladies, and even a magic horse and weapons.

Prosecutor: So what's going on? Are you the Baba Yaga of goodness, a beautiful, powerful sorceress who helps people?

Baba Yaga: My dear, what compliments do you say. I won't lie, it's all true. Don't worry, I'm good. Look how many guys have found fairy tales about me, cartoons, films. I am good in them. And how beautifully they made me: both the clothes are new, and I am pretty, and the broom and mortar are the latest ..., this one, modifications.

Student: So it turns out that in fairy tales Baba Yaga exists to scare small children. From the point of view of justice, no crime has occurred, and the intention to commit evil is not the offense itself.

Accuser: Baba Yaga is acquitted.