Fast. Subordinate directories. Quickly View directory details

Reference books- in the 1C: Enterprise program, directories are used to: store conditionally permanent information, support intra-company or general classifiers, generate lists of possible subconto values ​​(that is, to organize analytical accounting). The term "subconto" was introduced to denote a set of values ​​used to maintain analytical accounting for accounting accounts. Subconto usually are objects for which analytical accounting is maintained at the enterprise: fixed assets, organizations, goods, etc. Subconto type defines a set of objects of a particular type that are used for analytical accounting.

The use of directories allows you to eliminate ambiguity when filling in certain details of documents or other directories. For example, if you need to enter the name of the client organization on the invoice, selecting an item from the customer directory will avoid erroneous entry of the name by different end users (sellers). If it is not prohibited in a specific configuration (for a specific user), the directory can be edited in the process of work - new entries can be entered, existing ones can be edited or deleted.

Working with directories can be carried out in two modes: the mode of "viewing and editing" and the mode of "selecting an element of the directory".

In the viewing and editing mode, the directory form is opened using the button- « Change current element ( F2) » .

In the selection mode, the directory opens only when you enter the value of the subconto, constant, attribute of the document or attribute of another directory by pressing the button - « Select" or keys « F4". The configuration can define various forms for selecting directory elements.

For example, we decided to choose « Country":

The directory is called in different ways depending on the task configuration. The easiest way to call through the system menu: « Operations" - « Handbook". tab « Operations" can only be accessed with full « Interface ";

The program will display a list of directories that exist in this configuration.

Consider, in this example, a directory « Nomenclature".

Editing panel:

- « Add (Ins - Insert) ";

- « Add group ( Ctrl+F9 ) » ;

- « Add by copy ( F9 ) » ;

- « Change current element ( F2 ) » ;

- « Set deletion flag ( Del - Delete)".

The appearance of the lookup form is completely determined in the process of setting up the task configuration. However, there are several common elements that each form of the directory has: the title of the directory window; lookup table field - a list of lookup elements in the form of a table.

In the title of the directory window the name of the directory is given. The directory name is set during the task configuration process and can be changed only in the task configuration session. The lookup table field contains columns. Their composition and structure is determined by the specific configuration. The minimum number of columns is two: code and name of the reference element. If the directory contains many elements (rows) and has many columns, then only a certain part of it is displayed in the directory table, and scroll bars appear below and to the right.

The directory has a panel of elements necessary for quick access to the most frequently used commands for working with the directory. Unless otherwise specified when configuring the interface parameters, the toolbar is usually located in the upper part of the lookup window, under the window's title bar. When working with the directory, the "active cell" is used. Such a cell in the reference table is always highlighted in inverse color. It is sometimes called the "current" cell.

With the elements of the directory, you can perform the following actions, which are carried out when you select the appropriate menu item "Actions»or pressing the control button on the control panel in the list or in the form of a directory item:

  • "Reread"- the data in the dictionary element will be overwritten in accordance with the latest changes in the infobase. This action is recommended for network work, when several users are allowed to edit the same dictionary element.

  • "Copy"- when performing this action, a new element of the directory will be created by copying the current element of the directory.

  • "Jump"- when this action is performed, a menu will be opened, which contains a list of additional information that can be obtained from the lookup object.

Strings in the directory can be of two types: directory elementsand the name of the directory group.

For a directory that has a hierarchy of elements, each element can be a group. In addition, both elements and groups can be marked for deletion, which is indicated by "strikethrough" icons in the leftmost column of the directory.

To view information in « groups/elements" double click is used mice by « group/element".

When the lookup window is opened to view or select the required element from it, the lines in the lookup can be sorted: by code, by element name, by arbitrary attribute, if this is due to the system configuration.

The sort order can be set using the "Actions" button , and selecting "Sort" from the drop-down list of actions.

Entering a new element into the directory is carried out using the key « INS- Insert » or using the menu « Actions". After the form for entering a new element of the directory opens, you must fill in all the columns and save them by clicking on the button « OK". Filling in each column is completed by pressing the key « Enter".

Editing the directory data is carried out using the "F2" key or the "Actions" - "Change" command . To edit, you must place the cursor on the element to be changed!

There are two modes for deleting data in the 1C:Enterprise system: direct deletion and marking for deletion of data.

To mark a reference item for deletion or deletion, place the cursor on the line with the item to be deleted and do one of the following: press the Del key ete , click the buttonon the toolbar of the directory window, select the “Delete” (“Mark for deletion”) item in the “Actions” menu located on the directory panel. The program will prompt you to delete or mark for deletion. After answering "Yes" to the request for deletion or flagging for deletion, the directory element will be deleted (marked for deletion).

If an element is marked for deletion, this will be reflected in the change of the conditional icon in the leftmost column of the table. To delete objects marked for deletion, select the item "Operations" - "Delete marked objects" in the main menu.

1C directories is a specialized object of the metadata tree, which is used to store static information of a reference nature. For example, in typical configurations, you can see the following views: , Nomenclature, Employees, Fixed assets, etc. Information in directories, as a rule, often does not change. Reference books are further used in almost all accounting objects as an accounting section or reference information.

Below we will consider setting up and designing a reference book from the configurator using the “Nomenclature” reference book as an example.

General tab

The "Basic" tab indicates the name, synonym, representation of objects, description of the purpose.

Directory Hierarchy tab

Here the directory hierarchy is set.

Hierarchy in 1C 8.3 is of two types - " groups and elements" And " elements". It differs in that in the first case, only a folder (group) can be a parent (folder), and in the second case, an element can also be a parent.

"Place groups on top" - the flag is responsible for displaying groups in the form of a list.

Also in the settings, you can limit the number of groups in the directory hierarchy by the corresponding setting.

Owners tab

A directory may be subordinate to another directory. From the point of view of configuring 1C 8.3, this means that the attribute "Owner" becomes mandatory for the subordinate element. An example of such a connection of directories in the typical configurations "Nomenclature - Units of Measurement", "Contractors-Counterparties Agreements".

The directory owner can also be the following metadata objects: , .

Data tab

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The most important tab from a programmer's point of view. It contains the details of the directory.

The directory has a set of standard details that are not edited by the 1C 8.2 programmer, a list of them can be seen by clicking the "Standard details" button:

I will dwell on each in more detail:

  • This group— attribute with boolean type, indicating whether it is a group or an element. Available only in the hierarchical directory. Note, the value of this attribute cannot be changed in 1C: Enterprise mode.
  • Code- attribute, type number or string (usually string). A number assigned automatically by the system. Typically calculated as (previous code + 1). I recommend using the string type, because the sorting of numeric values ​​does not work as it should. Can be used as a lookup view in the list and in input fields. Typically used to search for an element when typing in a string. If you need to remove the Code field, specify zero in the string length.
  • Name— attribute required to be filled in, string type. The maximum line length is 150 characters. Can be used as a lookup view in the list and in input fields. Typically used to search for an element when typing in a string. If you need to remove the Name field, specify zero in the string length.
  • Parent— an attribute of the ReferenceReference type.<ИмяТекущегоСправочника>. Available only in the hierarchical directory. Points to the highest parent in the hierarchy. If the Element or Group is in the directory root, the Directory value is specified.<ИмяТекущегоСправочника>.EmptyReference.
  • Owner— link to the element-owner of the current element (group) of the directory. Available only in the subordinate directory 1C.
  • FlagRemoval— props with boolean type. Responsible for displaying "deletion mark" in the system. An element marked for deletion is considered unusable, but old movements in documents may remain on it.
  • Link— field of string type. This attribute stores a unique object identifier - GUID. What we see in the system in a visual display called "link" is just a representation of the object. Can't be changed.
  • Predefined- boolean type, displays whether the element is predefined, more on that later. Can't be changed.

The "Data" tab also indicates the representation of the directory in the system; before version 8.2.16, the representation could only be a Code or Name. In recent versions of the platform (starting from 8.3), the view can be described independently in the manager module using the "ProcessingViewReceivingProcessing" handler.

Numbering Tab

Here you can specify the settings for the reference in terms of numbering. It is recommended to use autonumbering. Uniqueness control is a flag that helps, if necessary, to make the code unique. If, with the flag set, you try to write a directory element with a non-unique code, you will receive a message in 1C "The directory code has become non-unique."

A series of codes - determines how to number the directory, you can enter the numbering of the directory in the context of the owner. For example, the counterparty "Horns and Hooves" will have its own contract numbering - "1, 2, 3", etc.

Forms Tab

Here are the forms for the reference book. If the configuration is launched in both normal and managed modes, then there will be two tabs with forms by default: “main” and “additional” — different for a normal and managed application.

This page has an important reference property - "". This is a very convenient 1C 8 function that allows you, when filling in the data in the input field, not to enter the directory, but to type its name, code, or the like. and select the desired element from the drop-down list. It looks like this:

Other Tab

On the tab, you can get quick access to the main modules of the directory - the object module and the manager module.

You can also define a list of predefined lookup elements on the page. These are items that cannot be deleted in Enterprise Mode. Predefined elements can be accessed directly in the configurator, by name, for example: Catalogs.Nomenclature.Service.

This tab also defines the blocking mode - automatic or managed. Using full-text search, as well as reference information about the directory, available in 1C: Enterprise mode.

What are 1C directories and what role do they play in 1C - about this and much more in our new article.

Directories in 1C were created in order to store information that will be used to work in other documents in 1C, for example, reports. It turns out that work in the 1C system is carried out according to directories, and all the information that is stored in them is called regulatory reference.

What are 1C reference books for?

Any product will serve as a clear example for explanation. For its movement at the enterprise (purchase, storage in a warehouse, installation, sale, etc.), special documents are drawn up, for example, forms, invoices, etc. In a normal situation, all these documents would be filled out manually, but if an automated system is used, this will save not only time, but also save a lot of errors.

An automated system allows you to compile a list once, in which this very product is then entered. If necessary, the description can always indicate the necessary data, characteristics and other information. It turns out that 1C directories are ready-made lists with data on goods, customers, services, and so on. If necessary, the lists can be changed and supplemented.

Where are 1C directories located?

Usually, the interface for working in 1C Enterprise is developed by a programmer, which means that different directories can be in completely different menus.

In a thick client, a user with administrator rights is able to open any 1C document and has access to any directory. To do this, you need to open the "operations" menu, click on "manuals" and select the required one from the proposed list.

If you look in the thin client, then there is also a similar menu. It's called "all features". According to the scheme of its work, it is similar to the "operations" menu.

In the configurator mode, access to all directories is opened through the configuration branch. From there, you can work with any directory, customize its template, change, and so on. Double click on it to get started.

What kind of directories 1C have?

When you open the 1C 8 directory, a form opens in front of you in the form of a list. For convenience, the lists can be grouped according to certain features and characteristics.

When you open a group, you will see a list of all the elements. And after clicking on the element itself, the reference form will become available, the fields in which you can fill in and change.

Most often, in 1C Enterprise for directories, two mandatory fields are allocated:

    The name of the directory.

They are designed to help distinguish one element from another. Sometimes programmers disable these options, but this happens extremely rarely.

The "code" field is most often closed from editing by users (special access rights are needed) and its value is generated automatically.

Continuation of the single theme, answers to the book by Radchenko, lesson 2 and 3.

What is the "Subsystem" configuration object used for?
The subsystem is the main element for building the 1C:Enterprise interface. Subsystems distinguish functional parts in the configuration into which the applied solution is logically divided.

How to describe the logical structure using Subsystems?
By dividing into functional parts, which are separate subject areas.

How to control the output order and display of subsystems in the configuration?
Right-click on the configuration, select the command "Open configuration command interface", you can change positions using the arrows.

What is the configuration object editing window and how is it different from the properties panel?

Edit window - mainly used for creating new objects.
Properties palette - not tied to a specific configuration object.

Lesson 3.

What is the Directory configuration object for?
The directory is intended for working with data lists, describing their properties and structure.

What are the characteristics of the Directory configuration object?
The directory consists of elements; Each element is a separate entry in a table that stores information from this directory;
The element can also contain additional information that describes this element in more detail - the same attribute for all elements of the directory; A prop is also a configuration object;

What are the details and tabular parts of the directory used for?
Attributes are used to describe additional information describing the element of the directory;
The tabular part is used to describe the information of the directory element, the same in structure, but different in quantity.

Why do we need hierarchical directories and what is a Parent?
Hierarchical directories are needed to group directory elements according to some attribute or principle. There are several types of hierarchies: hierarchy of groups and elements- a directory element representing a group - a parent for all elements and groups included in this group;
Hierarchy of elements- the parent is not a group of directory elements, but the element itself.

Why are subordinate directories needed and what is an Owner?
Elements of one directory can be subordinated to elements of another directory, and in this case a one-to-many relationship is established. A one-to-one relationship can also be used, when each element of the subordinate directory is associated with one of the elements of the owner directory.

What are the main forms of the directory?
Element form - for editing or creating a directory element;
Group form - for editing or creating a directory group;
List form - for displaying a list of elements in the directory;
Group selection form - to select one of the directory groups;

What are predefined directory elements?
Directory elements created in the configurator cannot be deleted by the user; They serve to store information always, regardless of user actions;

What is the difference between a regular element and a predefined element in terms of configuration?
Configuration algorithms can be tied to predefined elements, therefore, the system adds these elements to the database structure itself, without user intervention.

How can the user distinguish between a regular element and a predefined one?
With the help of a pictogram

How to create a reference configuration object and describe its structure?
Create a new directory - structure - on the tabs hierarchy, data, pictures here

How to add a new element to the directory?
Through the 1C:Enterprise mode.

How to create a directory group?
Through 1C:Enterprise mode

How to move an element from one group to another?
Right click on element, "move to group"

Why do you need a basic and database configuration?
The main configuration is the configuration for the developer. Database Configuration - for working with users.

How to change the database configuration?
No way. You can only upgrade to the state of the main configuration.

How are configuration objects and database objects related?
Configuration objects describe storages, tables. And Database objects are the records that are contained in these tables.

What are subordinate configuration objects?
Requisites, tabular parts, etc.

Why do you need to check the details of the directory?
To prevent the user from entering empty or invalid entries.

What is a quick select and when to use it?
To select elements not from a separate form, but from a drop-down list filled with elements of this directory.

How to display the directory and define its representation in different sections of the application interface?
To display - right click on the reference book, "Change" tab, "Subsystems" tab.
Directory view - "Basic" tab, then General - subsystems - all subsystems. here drawings

How to display commands for creating a new directory element in the subsystems interface?
General - subsystems - all subsystems - checkbox "Nomenclature: create"

How to edit the command interface of a subsystem?
General - subsystems - all subsystems. Top - "Command interface" field

What standard panels are used in the application interface, and how can you configure the location of these panels in the configurator and in 1C:Enterprise mode?

Partition panel; command panel of the current section (if they are set; contains commands corresponding to the selected section; at the beginning of the panel there are commands that allow you to open any lists, and then commands that allow you to create new data elements, generate some kind of report, or perform processing); toolbar and information bar (favorites bar, history bar, open bar...).
The location of these panels in the configurator is configured as follows:
Select the root of the object tree of our configuration, right-click to open the context menu and select the "Open client application interface" item. In the window that appears on the right, there is a list of all standard panels of the applied solution. By dragging them to the left side of the window or removing them from there, we will set up the desired display of panels.
The location of these panels in 1C:Enterprise mode is configured as follows:
Main menu -> View -> Panel settings -> By selecting and dragging the mouse, we will set the desired display of panels.

One of the fundamental elements of any 1C configurations are directories. They store information that is used in most other objects of the 1C application. That is why, when developing or upgrading any system on the 1C platform, new directories are first added and filled in. Every 1C developer should know the basic properties, functions and capabilities of these configuration objects.

The structure and functions of directories in 1C 8.3

The main function of directories is to store and provide reference information. Accounting in 1C systems is carried out in the context of directories: Nomenclature, Clients and others.

Developers distinguish a separate type of directories - classifiers. These include information approved, for example, by the state:

  • Units;
  • Currencies;
  • Countries of the world;
  • Professions.

According to their structure, directories in the 1C program are lists of certain data. To get acquainted with the existing directories in the 1C configuration, you need to enter it in the configurator mode. Find the "References" branch in the configurator tree and expand it.

Each of the directories has its own properties set by the developers. Consider the main properties on the example of the reference book "Currencies".

The "Basic" tab contains information about the name of the directory and its description. The next section "Subsystems" is responsible for including the directory in a specific subsystem.

The "Functional options" tab defines the functionality using the lookup. The "Hierarchy" tab allows you to create nested directory elements. Hierarchical types of directories can be extremely useful.

On the "Owners" tab, the subordination mechanism is configured. If the directory is subordinate to another, then filling in the props "Owner" is mandatory.

On the "Data" tab, it is determined what information you can add to the 1C directory. At the top, the code and name are configured - one of the standard details, in the center - a list of added details. At the bottom you see tabular parts of the directory.

The numbering settings of the configuration object in 1C allow you to create a unique numbering for the elements of the directory.

On the Forms tab, developers create interfaces that will be visible to users. The most common forms are Element and List: this is how users see a list of directory data and its elements in the 1C program.

Proper setting of parameters on the "Input field" tab will create the most convenient working conditions for users. The Quick Select/Enter by String/Full Text Search options will help you find the item you're looking for. "History selection as you type" will save previously used positions.

The "Commands" section shows a list of existing buttons that call this directory. In "Layouts" you can find all the printables of a particular configuration object. "Input based on" will be affected by the developer in cases where other configuration objects are planned to be created based on the directory element.

The "Permissions" subsection reflects information about which roles include access to the directory, including filling out directories, editing and reading. "Data Exchange" will tell you which exchange plans the directory participates in. The last tab includes the ability to go to modules to write procedures and functions. There is also a list of predefined dictionary values ​​that can be accessed directly in the code.

Not all properties are required. Some tabs remain untouched throughout the life of the software on the 1C platform.

To make creating directories in 1C easy, let's create a new configuration object of this type.

Creating and transferring a directory to 1C 8.3

Using an example of a non-standard configuration, we will create and start using the "Subdivisions" directory, which will store data on the structure of the enterprise. In the configurator, in the configuration tree, find "References" and click the "Add" button. Fill in the fields:

  • Name/Synonym. The first attribute is responsible for the name of the object in the configuration, the second - for the name in the enterprise mode;
  • The object representation is used when opening one element of the directory;
  • The list view is used when viewing a list of reference data;
  • Explanation - help for users.

Next, we need to add a new directory to one of the subsystems if we want users to be able to see it in the interface. Open the "Subsystems" tab and check the box next to the already existing "General" subsystem.

Our new directory will be hierarchical, as divisions can be included in one another. Groups of departments are not planned at our enterprise, so the type "Hierarchy of elements" is selected. At the same time, we will not limit the nesting of subdivisions.

In addition to the standard set, we need a few more details and a tabular part for the list of employees. To do this, you need to add them on the "Data" tab in the relevant sections.

For convenience, you need to add our details to the list form. To do this, on the "Forms" tab, create a new list form and set it as the main one. In the dialog box, check the boxes for all the details that we need. We will also set the form of the element in order to arrange the details in the order that suits our users.

This completes the creation of the demonstration directory "Subdivisions". We update the configuration and start the system again in enterprise mode. In the "General" subsystem, the "List of departments" function key appeared. Clicking on it opens the directory list form we specified with the ability to add elements to it.

Many companies work with several 1C databases, so the developer may be faced with transferring the created directory to another database. To do this, along with most configurations, an external processing is supplied - "Uploading and loading XML data". But before transferring directories 1C 8.3, it is necessary to prepare the receiver configuration. A similar configuration object with identical fields and tabular parts should be created in it.

When opening this processing, we need to specify which objects we want to transfer and select a file. Then the directory unloading launched creates an XML file where it writes all the data.

To upload directories to another infobase, you need to go into it and open the same external processing. On the second tab, start the download. This is a manual mechanism, so if you plan to regularly enter new elements of the directory in one database, then it is better to organize an exchange between databases.

In conclusion, I would like to recall that the creation of directories in 1C 8.3 after the system is put into operation will cause problems due to the need for exclusive access to the database. It is safest to update the configuration on the server.