Pack tracking of cargo by invoice number. Terms of delivery and storage of goods in the warehouse of the company peck Time of delivery of goods per pack

As we all remember, in 2014, with the advent of Federal Law 219, the requirements for industrial environmental control changed. Appeared new edition 67 articles Federal law "On the protection of the environment."

The old version was rather laconic: Production control in the field of environmental protection (production environmental control) is carried out in order to ensure the implementation in the process of economic and other activities of measures for environmental protection, rational use and restoration of natural resources, as well as in order to comply with requirements in the field environmental protection established by legislation in the field of environmental protection. Business and other entities are obliged to submit information about the persons responsible for industrial environmental control, the organization of environmental services at the facilities of economic and other activities, as well as the results of industrial environmental control to the relevant state supervision body.

What to do with it, to whom to carry it, to what extent. Everything is subjective.

But specifics were introduced in 219-FZ. The only thing is that this specifics had to be supplemented by orders and regulations. Yes, it’s the middle of 2016, but the texts of the projects have finally appeared! You can begin to put together a picture in your head and still prepare for the introduction of this very PEC.

So let's deal with everything in order.

Normative framework

Federal Law of 04.05.1999 N 96-FZ (as amended on 13.07.2015) "On the protection of atmospheric air" (Article 25)

Federal Law of 24.06.1998 N 89-FZ (as amended on 03.07.2016) "On production and consumption waste" (Article 26)

Draft order of the Ministry of Natural Resources on approval of the requirements for the content of the industrial environmental control program, the procedure and timing for submitting a report on the organization and on the results of industrial environmental control

Draft order of the Ministry of Natural Resources on approval of the report form on the organization and results of industrial environmental control and guidelines by filling it out, including in the form electronic documentsigned by a strengthened qualified electronic signature

Who should develop PEC

The industrial environmental control program is developed and approved by legal entities and individual entrepreneurs carrying out economic and (or) other activities on objects of I, II and III categories , by to each the object, taking into account its category, the technologies used and the characteristics of the production process.

Object criteria can be found in Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 28, 2015 N 1029 "On approval of criteria for assigning objects that have a negative impact on environment, to objects of I, II, III and IV categories "

PEC composition

Detailed information on the structure of the program is contained in the Draft of the Ministry of Natural Resources on Approval of Requirements for the Content of the Industrial Environmental Control Program, the procedure and deadlines for submitting a report on the organization and on the results of industrial environmental control.

Briefly about the sections and what is included in them.

Section title

a brief description of section

General Provisions

Information on the inventory of emissions of pollutants into the air and their sources

a description of the main technologies and technological processes;

information about the used gas treatment plants;

list of stationary sources;

list of emitted pollutants;

the list and procedure for the implementation of measures to reduce emissions during the NMW period;

list of used calculation methods for determining emissions;

schematic maps;

for objects I categories list of stationary emission sources equipped with automatic means measurement and accounting of volume and mass of emissions

Information on the inventory of discharges of pollutants into the environment and their sources

scheme of water consumption and water disposal systems;

information about treatment facilities;

list of discharged pollutants;

Information about waste water and sources of their formation

Information about waste water received from subscribers

Information about the inventory of production and consumption waste and objects of their disposal

a list of waste types generated in the course of economic and other activities;

a list of operated, including reclaimed or mothballed, waste disposal facilities at this object;

information about the places (sites) of waste accumulation;

information about the persons who are admitted to the collection, transportation, processing, utilization, disposal, disposal of wastes of I - IV hazard classes;

a copy of the document confirming the presence of an official responsible for admitting workers to work with wastes of I - IV hazard classes;

information about technical characteristics specialized equipment (installations) for the processing, disposal, disposal of production and consumption waste;

information on the approved standards for waste generation and limits for their disposal;

characteristics of waste disposal facilities;

measures to carry out work on the reclamation of land occupied by waste disposal sites, after the end of their operation.

Information about the units and (or) officials responsible for the implementation of industrial environmental control

the name of the divisions, their powers;

the number of employees in the departments;

information about the rights and obligations of managers, employees of departments;

information about education, professional development, work experience, date of the last certification of employees of departments

Information about our own and (or) involved testing laboratories (centers), accredited in accordance with the legislation Russian Federation on accreditation in the national accreditation system

the name and address of its own and (or) involved testing laboratories (centers);

details of the accreditation certificate of own and (or) involved testing laboratories (centers);

scope of accreditation of own and (or) involved testing laboratories (centers).

Information on the frequency and methods of implementation of industrial environmental control, sampling locations and measurement procedures (methods)

Production control in the area:

Atmospheric air protection;

Protection and use of water bodies;

Waste management ";

Land use and protection;

Protection and use of subsoil;

The state of the animal and flora;

For the implementation of a program to improve environmental efficiency, an action plan for environmental protection.

The procedure for revising and adjusting the PEC

The industrial environmental control program is subject to revision and adjustment in cases changes in technological processes, replacements technological equipment, raw materials, leading to changes in the nature, type and volume of the negative impact on the environmentas well as in cases

The procedure and terms for submitting a report on the organization and on the results of industrial environmental control

The report on the organization and on the results of industrial environmental control is submitted annually by March 25 of the year following the reporting year. Enterprises subject to federal supervision send a report to territorial bodies Federal Service for supervision in the field of environmental management at the place of business, enterprises subject to regional supervision authority executive power subject of the Russian Federation. The criteria for referring to federal environmental supervision are specified in the government decree No. 903 of August 28, 2015 "On the approval of the criteria for determining objects subject to federal state environmental supervision."

The report is drawn up in duplicate, one copy of which is kept by a legal entity or individual entrepreneur carrying out economic and (or) other activities at this facility, and in the second copy together with the electronic version of the report on a magnetic medium is submitted directly to the relevant executive authority or sent to its address by mail with a list of attachments and a receipt acknowledgment

The report must be signed by the head of the legal entity (or official, the authorized head of the legal entity to sign the Report on behalf of the legal entity), an individual entrepreneur.

If legal entities and individual entrepreneurs carry out activities at several sites, a report is submitted for each site.

What is included in the report

And here we turn to another project: Draft order of the Ministry of Natural Resources "On approval of the report form on the organization and results of industrial environmental control and methodological recommendations for filling it out, including in the form of an electronic document signed with a strengthened qualified electronic signature." So what do we include in this very annual report:

    I. General information on the organization and results of industrial environmental control

    General information

    Information on on-site application of technologies corresponding to the best available technologies

    Information about our own and (or) involved testing laboratories (centers) accredited in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on accreditation in the national accreditation system

    II. The results of production control in the field of atmospheric air protection

    The list of substances included in the schedule of instrumental control of stationary sources of pollutant emissions into the atmospheric air

    Results of instrumental control of stationary sources of pollutant emissions into the atmospheric air

    The list of pollutants included in the schedule for observing atmospheric air pollution in the zone of influence of emissions from sources of the facility

    The results of observations of atmospheric air pollution in the zone of influence of emissions from sources object

    Results of control by automatic means of measuring and recording the volume of emissions and concentration of pollutants

    Results of inspections of gas treatment plants

    III. The results of production control in the field of protection and use of water bodies

    Information on the results of accounting for the intake (withdrawal) of water resources and the discharge of waste and (or) drainage waters, their quality

    Results of control by automatic means of measuring and recording the volume of discharges and concentration of pollutants

    Information on the results of conducting regular observations of the water body and its water protection zone

    Results of performance checks treatment facilities

    The results of monitoring the composition and properties of wastewater, if the facility receives wastewater from other legal entities, individual entrepreneurs

    IV. Results of production control in the field of waste management

    Information on the results of production control in the field of waste management

    Information on the results of monitoring the state and pollution of the environment on the territory of the waste disposal facility and within the limits of its impact on the environment

    V. The results of production control in the field of land use and protection

    List of pollutants included in the program for monitoring land contamination on the territory of the facility and within the limits of its impact on the environment

    The results of the control of measures aimed at the elimination or localization of pollutants, as a result of which land contamination occurred during monitoring of land contamination on the territory of the facility and within the limits of its impact on the environment in the event of occurrence emergency situations

    Results of observations of land contamination on the territory of the facility and within the limits of its impact on the environment

    Vi. The results of production control in the field of protection and use of subsoil

    Information on the results of conducting object (local) monitoring of the state of the subsoil

    Vii. Results of production control over the state of flora and fauna

    The list of indicator objects of flora and fauna, as well as objects of flora and fauna, entered in the Red Book of the Russian Federation and in the red books of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as objects of the animal and plant world) inhabiting the zone of the object's impact on the environment

    Results of control over the number and habitats of flora and fauna

    Health check results technical devices and equipment used to prevent the death of objects of the animal world

    The results of assessing the effectiveness of the measures taken to preserve the objects of flora and fauna

    VIII. The results of production control over the implementation of the environmental efficiency improvement program, the action plan for environmental protection

    Results of monitoring the implementation of an environmental performance improvement program or an environmental protection action plan

The entire report will represent 25 tables, the forms of which are presented in the order. There you will also find guidelines on how these tables should be filled out. You should pay no little attention to them when filling out the forms, since, in accordance with paragraph 5 of Appendix 2, In case of detection by the respondent or the receiving authority errors in the completed form the respondent fills out a new form and submits it to the receiving authority. Fewer typos means less paper. The proofreader may not save you.

Also, not everyone will need to fill in the entire volume of tables: Filling out the report tables depends on the category assigned to the object that has a negative impact on the environment, in which the respondents carry out economic and other activities. The complete set is presented only by the Respondents who carry out economic and other activities at the facility of the 1st category. The rest of the respondents present an abbreviated version (for more details, see section 3 of the aforementioned order: Requirements for filling out a report on the organization and results of industrial environmental control, depending on the category of economic activities).

Briefly about the main

Well, a short summary from the above:

Making a program. We do it ourselves and for ourselves. We approve, but do not agree with anyone

At the end of the year, business report on our program

Until March 25, we send the report to authorized body depending on affiliation with regional or federal supervision

What is PEC? This is an abbreviation that is sure to be heard by everyone. This is the name of the First Expeditionary Company, which is one of the best in Russia. She is engaged in organizing and carrying out cargo transportation across the territory of the Russian Federation and Kazakhstan.

And since 2014, delivery from China has also begun. In total, the PEC service area includes 100,000 settlements! This scale inspires confidence. However, you can tell in more detail about the other features and advantages of the company.

A bit of history

The story about what PEC is should start with a short excursion in the recent past. This company was established 17 years ago, in 2001. During this impressive time period, PEC has gained popularity and customer confidence in the field of freight forwarding services. And all thanks to carefully developed logistic schemes and highly qualified personnel.

The annual number of clients using the services provided by TK "PEK" is more than three million. This number includes individuals retail chains (both regional and federal format), the largest online stores, manufacturing and distribution companies.

Transportation is carried out both by land and air transport. The main specialization of TK "PEK" is the delivery of groupage cargo of various dimensions, which, as a rule, is carried out in the shortest possible time.


Talking about what PEC is, it is worth paying special attention to their main service. Namely, trucking.

The company delivers goods weighing up to 20,000 kilograms by land transport. And not only in Russia, Kazakhstan and China. Transportation within a radius of up to 300 kilometers from the branch is also possible. These are “preferential” routes. They are used to pick up cargo every week and then deliver it. People living in such settlements have the opportunity to save 20-80% of the standard service price.

There is no need to worry about the safety of the cargo. After all, the company uses reliable large-capacity eurotrucks.

How is the process going?

The First Expeditionary Company is working intensively. No extra steps, everything happens in the following order:

  • The person goes to the warehouse of the branch, where the goods are accepted and processed from him. A tracking number is issued for the parcel.
  • Then it is prepared for road transportation, marking is performed. A unique barcode is used for this.
  • The next step is loading at the warehouse.
  • After that, the package is on the way for some time.
  • Satellite monitoring of the transport carrying the cargo is mandatory. Lasts 24 hours.
  • The cargo arrives at the warehouse, and the client is notified about it by SMS-message or by sending a letter by e-mail.
  • A person comes for a parcel to the warehouse of a branch.

Additional services

The transport company "PEC" also provides them. Additional services include:

  • Collection and delivery of parcels to the address. If there is no time or desire to go to the warehouse on your own, you can simply order this service. The company representatives will pick up the cargo from the sender, registering it at home. And the courier will hand the parcel to the recipient directly into the hands.
  • Packaging. It is impossible not to worry about the safety of valuable things. But not in the case of PEC. The company offers 10 different types of add-ons. packaging. It will ensure the integrity of even the most fragile things.
  • Return of documents for a parcel. The company can provide it. The sender will be handed documentary evidence that the recipient has picked up the parcel. Everything is as it should be - with a seal and signature.
  • C.O.D. It can be ordered as an add-on.

In addition to the above, customers can be offered the production of accounting documents, delivery directly to retail chains, hypermarkets, etc.

The cost

If you decide to contact the transport company "PEC" to send the goods, then the amount you have to pay for the service provided can be calculated without leaving your home. The official resource has such a convenient function.

As an example, we can take two extreme points of our vast country - Sevastopol and Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk. The straight line distance is 7,708 km, but the trucks are moving along the highway, so this increases to an impressive 10,300 km. The parameters of the cargo are as follows:

  • Length - 1 m.
  • Width and height - 0.5 m each.
  • The volume in cubic meters is 0.25.
  • Weight - 50 kg.

The parcel will be on the way for approximately 31-35 days. But in fact, the term may differ both in the smaller and in the larger direction. And you will have to pay for such transportation about 5,300 rubles. Plus 300 rubles for rigid packaging (this is the standard tariff).

The same cargo will be delivered from Moscow to St. Petersburg for 535 rubles and in 1-2 days.

Air transportation

They also need to be mentioned when talking about what PEC is and what services this company provides. Here are some of the features regarding air transportation, you can highlight:

  • Delivery without registration takes from one to three days.
  • No hidden fees. The prices for the services are optimal, in addition, there are special tariffs for the transportation of parcels weighing up to 32 kg.
  • By air, you can send cargo weighing up to 10 tons.

In the case of this type of transportation, it is also possible to hand over the goods either on their own, or to call a company representative at home. In any case, further everything happens as follows:

  • The parcel is accepted from the sender.
  • The representative of the company determines the airport and the flight, which allow the agreed delivery time to be met.
  • The cargo is transported to the airport.
  • An air waybill is drawn up on the spot, all taxes are paid.
  • Then the cargo is transported to the city of issue, where a courier picks it up from the airport and delivers it either to the warehouse or to the recipient at the address.

It is important to note that PEC is such a company where you can order urgent air delivery. But only to certain destinations, because regular daily flights do not go to all cities. In this case, these are Moscow, St. Petersburg, Artem, Kaliningrad, Novosibirsk, Khabarovsk and Vladivostok.

For business

It has already been said that PEK provides services not only to individuals. There are special rates for business clients. They are profitable, so many entrepreneurs decide to cooperate with this particular company. Rates differ depending on the region. But for all business clients, without exception, the road transportation service includes as a bonus:

  • Loading and unloading works.
  • Inter-terminal transportation.
  • Registration of all necessary documentation.

Air transportation is naturally also offered to business customers. There are also additional services. These include:

  • Insurance.
  • Registration of duplicate accounting documents.
  • Packaging. Various options are provided. Rigid packaging, sealing, strapping tape, cardboard boxes. Even palletizing is done.
  • Forced storage.
  • Transportation of cargo from an additional compartment.
  • Internal accounting.

And this, of course, is not the entire list of services provided. PEC is a serious organization that also cooperates with reliable suppliers and organizes a serious tender. It is not for nothing that the number of clients using the services it provides is growing every year. Just like the number of branches.

By the way, quite recently, at the beginning of December 2017, the company joined the International Air Transport Association. And this gave access to PEC clients to services as many as 281 aviation companies around the world.


PEC delivers on any routes. Branches are located in more than 120 cities of our country. And each of them, as mentioned above, is within a radius of 300 kilometers from another point. Thus, the geography of the services provided by the company covers almost the entire territory of the country, including Crimea. PEC also serves such distant cities as Novy Urengoy, Komsomolsk-on-Amur, Nakhodka, etc.

In all localities where there is a branch of the company, there is both an office and a warehouse. There are several of them in big cities. It is important to note that each branch has a sales department, accounting department, targeted delivery service and, of course, a call center. So in case of questions, you do not need to call the PEC company in Moscow, you can go directly to the branch of your city.

But since to a single information system each branch is connected, customers can receive information about the location of their parcel at any time of the day. It doesn't matter where in the country.


As already mentioned, PEK carries out the delivery of cargo through the territory of this state. Two branches have been opened in Kazakhstan. They are located in Almaty and Astana. They opened in 2013 and 2016, respectively.

Cargo is transported between these two compartments. But in each of them there is targeted delivery to neighboring settlements. Taking into account this nuance, it turns out that the Kazakhstani PEC covers 32 cities. Delivery from Astana is carried out at 15, and from Almaty at 15. This list includes Petropavlovsk, Karaganda, Temirtau, Talgar, Kaskelen, Narynkol, Shymkent, etc.


If you need to send something to Russia from the Celestial Empire, then you can resort to the services that PEC provides. Delivery of goods from China is one of the specializations of this company. Here's what exactly they offer to customers:

  • Transportation of groupage cargo, volume from 1m 3. Dispatch comes from warehouses in Shanghai and Suzhou. All questions on registration are undertaken by PEC. Waybill TORG-12, invoice, accompanying documents, customs clearance - the client does not have to deal with these worries. Delivery, by the way, is carried out by sea and land.
  • Transportation by containers. Volumes from 20 to 40 feet. Delivery to any port of Russia. Sending is from cities such as Dalian, Shanghai, Xingang, Ningbo, Qingdao, Yantian and Huangpu.
  • Air transportation. Delivered to Moscow from Guangzhou, Shanghai and Beijing within 1 to 3 days.
  • Trade agency. A convenient service, which implies the purchase of goods from a supplier and subsequent delivery to the Russian Federation without the presence of the client. A person only makes a detailed request and pays for everything. This saves time, reduces costs (by 3-5%) and risks. After all, PEK has huge opportunities in the field of logistics and extensive experience.

Of additional services it is possible to note the collection of goods from anywhere in the Middle Kingdom, certification directly on the territory of China, insurance of the shipped cargo and targeted delivery.


Nowadays, you don't have to worry about where the package is. After all, there is such an option as cargo tracking. PEC, of \u200b\u200bcourse, also provides it.

After receiving and processing the parcel, the sender is issued a receipt containing the track code. It is also sent by SMS to the recipient.

To track cargo, PEK has created a special window on its website. You can access it via the menu, through the item "Services: status of cargo / order". All that remains is to enter the code, which usually consists of several Russian capital letters, a hyphen and several numbers, after which the person will be given detailed information about the movements of his parcel. Moreover, an active map will also be attached, by which it will be possible to track in real time exactly where the cargo is at the moment.

In any case, you can always call directly to the transport company "PEC" and inquire about the status of the parcel. There is also a free option to order a callback or SMS.

Working hours

Each branch has its own. The mode of operation of the PEC is determined directly by the management. But one department can be safely noted with special attention. It is located in Moscow, at the following address: 1st Vyazovsky proezd, 4, building 19.

The PEC branch located there has a very active operating mode. The branch opens on Monday at 8:00 and closes only on Saturday at 16:00. That is, you can go there almost at any time of the day. It works even on Sunday, but only from 10:00 to 16:00.

And if you are interested in the operating mode of a particular branch, then you can go to the official website of the company. He will automatically determine the geographic location of the user and offered a list of branches located in his city, their contacts and information about the schedule.

A particularly important criterion when choosing transport company, for the client is the delivery time of the goods. And as a rule, the faster the delivery service works, the more customers use its services. Let's consider what terms for the delivery of cargo are offered by the PEC company.

Delivery terms

You can find out the time of transportation of a specific cargo by using the official website of the company. To do this, go to the main page of the PEC and go to the section "Conditions of carriage", then click on the subsection "Schedules and terms of carriage". A form will appear on the page that opens, which must be filled in with data about your parcel. Indicate the city of the sender and the city of the recipient, the type of transportation and the weight of the cargo. After filling out the form, a calculation will appear, which the PEC service performed automatically. The cost of delivery for 1 kilogram of cargo will be indicated, including VAT, the estimated delivery time and the days when transportation will be possible.

Also, the carrier indicates the total minimum cost of transportation in a given direction and warns that the delivery time is approximate.

After analyzing the information provided by the carrier, we can conclude that the average delivery time is 6-8 days. The fastest transportation is carried out within 24 hours, the longest order will take 11 days.

These terms are valid only on the territory of the Russian Federation. For transportation outside the country, special conditions apply.

Storage of cargo in the PEK warehouse

The cargo, which belongs to the clients of PEK, is stored in the company's warehouses free of charge within 4 working days, from the moment it arrives there. If the term of finding the parcel exceeds the declared norm, then the client will have to make an additional payment based on the tariff: 100 rubles per 1 cubic meter for every 24 hours overdue.

PEK (First Forwarding Company) - provides services for courier express delivery parcels, goods and postal items throughout Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan. There is delivery for online stores.

Branches of the company "PEK" are open in more than 120 cities, while the collection and targeted delivery of goods and goods of customers is carried out within a radius of 300 km from each branch. As a result, the geography of our transport services covers almost the entire territory of the Russian Federation, including Crimea

The PEC company carries out road transportation of various cargoes weighing up to 20 tons. Trucking is carried out in Moscow, the entire territory of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Kazakhstan

Track PEC cargo

PEC cargo tracking by invoice number can be performed on the company's website, or on a special mail tracker ParcelsApp with which you can get detailed information about the PEC cargo, as well as receive Push notifications about the status of the cargo by installing our mobile app.

The order number or bill of lading can be used to track the delivery status of your shipment in Moscow and Russia.

To get information about the status of the cargo, enter in the search field, the full order number (invoice), using only Russian letters and numbers (for example, OLVPIGI-1/0808) and click "Track Cargo".

Branches in all cities are connected to a single information system, which means that customers have the opportunity at any time to receive comprehensive information about the location of cargo anywhere in the country.

PEC check the status of the cargo on the waybill

The fastest way to check the status of the PEK cargo by the invoice number is on our website, where you do not need to solve the rebus like on the official website, and we also automatically correct the most common typos made by people in unusual PEK track numbers.

How to track cargo in PEK on the waybill

With our service, tracking PEC by waybill works even better than on the official website, because our service knows about possible typos when typing complex PEC track numbers, and automatically corrects them to the correct ones.

Also, our service shows full information about your cargo, which is not shown by the official website and the PEC mobile application.

Enter the PEC track number on this page to find out where your cargo is!

How to track cargo in PEK by code

You can track the PEK cargo both by the departure code and by the preliminary departure code. PEK cargo codes are similar to KRPTBBM-1/1409, NK (MR) CHLAB-12/0406, KK (KN) RDFAO - * / 1106 and our service automatically recognizes them as belonging to PEK and tracks them for you. You don't even need to include the name of the shipping company.

How to track cargo in PEK by last name

As far as I know, PEC does not provide an opportunity to track the cargo by the name of the consignee or sender. But you can easily track your cargo by the invoice number!

How to track cargo in PEK on the map

Although it is not yet possible to see the location of the PEK cargo on the map, you can easily find out the city in which your shipment is located, and go to Google Maps or Yandex Maps to find out how far your cargo is.

It is not so easy to choose a transport company in Russia. You need to first examine the rates, capabilities and benefits of the organization. Only after that it will be possible to entrust this or that cargo to the company. Today, the attention will be presented to customers, a description of the corporation, the pros and cons of the services offered - all this will help to understand how good the organization is. Should I contact her at all? What are the customers satisfied / dissatisfied with?


PEK is a transport company that has been operating in Russia already for a long time... It allows you to send and receive parcels and goods different sizes... Collaborates with both individualsand with legal ones.

Quite often, PEK delivers from online stores. Therefore, the population is interested in how good the company is. Especially if you need to send some valuable cargo. Is it worth using the services of PEC? What type of customer reviews are people most likely to leave?

Country spread

The company earns positive opinions for its scale. PEC is transport organization, which is widespread throughout Russia. You can use delivery or dispatch services from almost any location in the country.

It is safe to say that PECs are not scammers. They are really engaged in the transportation and forwarding of goods of various sizes. The size of the organization alone cannot tell exactly how conscientiously it operates. What are the pros and cons should customers pay attention to? What do they say about PEC?

About prices

For example, many are pleased with the prices offered by the organization. PEC receives feedback from customers of a positive type exactly for how much the company requires for its services.

It is noted that the price tags for the shipment of goods are budgetary. The exact cost depends on many factors. For example, on the dimensions of the parcel, as well as on the weight, city of departure and delivery. But in general, if you believe the reviews, you won't have to spend a lot. PEC is used very often precisely because of its low prices.

Calculating the cost

Some are interested in the exact cost of services before starting cooperation. This is normal. Travel positive customers also earn money for having an online calculator. It helps you easily find out how much it will cost to ship a particular cargo.

You can also clarify the cost and calculate the cost of the service using email... It is enough to inform the PEC of all the data: dimensions and weight of the cargo, city of dispatch, settlement of delivery. After some time, employees will report the exact cost of the service.

Nevertheless, many people try to use an online calculator. He pleases many. Especially if the client knows exactly the dimensions and weight of the parcel. With the correct use of the calculator on the official page of the organization, you can 100% accurately find out the amount due for payment for a particular operation.

Delivery speed

PEK is a transport company that pleases many with the speed of delivery. Most often, the organization receives positive feedback on how quickly it allows you to receive a particular shipment. Many people note that PEC often delivers parcels even earlier than the previously agreed time.

But there are also reviews indicating the long-term work of the transport company. Some customers complain that parcels do not arrive for too long. From similar situations nobody is insured. Delivery speed depends on many factors. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to this.

Some say that PEC delivery works on a one-time-one-time basis. The cargo can be delivered quickly, and it also happens that the parcel will reach the recipient after a huge period of time. Nevertheless, it is often the positive reviews that take place. Therefore, there is every reason to believe that PEK carries out transportation quickly and without any problems.

Cargo tracking

The transport company under study has another rather interesting opportunity - cargo tracking. What can you say about this service?

Customers are happy about this opportunity. At any time, you can see where this or that package is. Very comfortably. Only PEC does not always track the cargo on time. That is, some clients emphasize that this service works with a slight delay. Not always, but failures do happen. This must be remembered.

It is not worth blaming PEC for dishonesty due to delays in displaying information about the position of the cargo. This is normal. The main thing is that most of the time the service works properly. It really allows you to track the parcel and make sure it is delivered to its destination. Just what you need!

Attitude towards clients

TK PEC receives a variety of customer reviews. In particular, for the attitude towards customers. There is no single opinion in this area. Different people work in all departments of the PEC. And each visitor evaluates the attitude towards customers in his own way.

Some point out that the employees of the transport company are attentive to everyone. They communicate culturally with their clients, they are friendly. All questions are answered without problems. And the service is fast.

At the same time, PEC does not receive the best reviews from customers for communicating between employees and visitors. Quite often, an unfriendly attitude is emphasized, a kind of neglect on the part of the staff. Some of the operators cannot provide proper assistance, they do not differ in professionalism.

Neither claims nor praise can be confirmed by anything. It remains only to rely on your intuition. PEC is a popular organization in the country. There are both good workers and not so good workers. The human factor cannot be insured. And everyone should take this nuance into account. Basically, the organization tries to ensure that visitors are satisfied with the service. But it also happens that not everyone can be satisfied.


PEK's shipments also receive controversial opinions regarding the accuracy of delivery. Some customers say that all parcels arrive safe and sound. Even the boxes are not crumpled, not to mention the item itself being delivered. This makes me happy. It is felt that PEC is responsible for its work. After all, the safety of delivery for the cargo is an extremely important nuance that all senders pay attention to.

Nevertheless, some, on the contrary, complain about PEC. It is said that a transport company delivers goods in a damaged condition. Some say that the boxes arrive crumpled, this is the smallest damage that is caused to the parcels. Someone says that the cargo arrived in disrepair. Moreover, workers and couriers have no idea why this happened. There are even statements like "I promised never to get involved with PEC again."

What to believe? In fact, the transportation of goods is always the presence of the possibility of damage to the parcel. PEC tries to deliver all its orders safe and sound. Sometimes this cannot be done for reasons beyond the control of the organization. This phenomenon is frustrating for visitors, it can happen even with the ideal transport company. It is recommended that you pack items that might break carefully before shipping. This will reduce the likelihood of negative experiences with PEC.

Without leaving home

PEC (Nizhny Novgorod, St. Petersburg or any other city - no matter where the organization is located) offers its customers another rather interesting service. He gets positive feedback from customers at an advantage. We are talking about preliminary registration for sending a parcel or receiving it.

Clients emphasize that this opportunity allows you to quickly and without queues to pick up / receive a particular cargo at the PEK office. It is enough to fill out a preliminary form on the official website established sample... No need to stand in a general line at the office! Fast, simple, effortless.

True, such a system is not used very often. Clients, as practice shows, prefer to independently come to the offices of the organization and arrange the shipment / receipt of cargo according to the established rules. Without the help of new technologies.


Among the advantages of an organization called PEC, the presence of an SMS notification system is often emphasized. When the package arrives, the customer will have a message. And it will be possible to receive the goods without much difficulty.

It is the notification system that works without delays and other negative aspects. All clients speak about it. A great opportunity that has no negative reviews.


The PEC company (Yekaterinburg or any other city - it does not matter) very often earns negative reviews for complaints about the loss of goods. Customers say that messages about the receipt of the parcel are coming, but the necessary items are simply not found in the warehouse. It is also emphasized that sometimes cargo may be lost on the way.

This phenomenon is emphasized, as already mentioned, not so rarely. No one can be insured against the loss of cargo on the road. There is no confirmation of such a negative. Therefore, it cannot be asserted with certainty that PEC often loses parcels. Rather, it is a standard complaint made against every shipping company or delivery service.

By the way, some clients emphasize that PEC is not responsible for the safety and integrity of the parcels. This feature should be kept in mind by every sender. Exactly the same as the recipient.


Transportation customer earnings are generally mixed. Some say that it is a conscientious organization that quickly and efficiently provides transportation and delivery of goods. At the same time, the prices for services are pleasing. At the same time, someone emphasizes far from the most better job transport service. They say that goods are lost, come with damage, and prices leave much to be desired.

PEC is not the worst transport service. It, like all other organizations, has its pros and cons. Basically, delivery from PEC is fast But at the same time, the goods can be lost and damaged. You cannot insure yourself against this. Nevertheless, many people use PEC. This is already an indicator that the population trusts this particular company.