Tools for modeling image concepts. Methods of product promotion for any budget Product promotion policy in marketing

Any businessman knows that the correct assessment and understanding of his products by customers leads to an increase in sales revenue. The task of a communicative marketing policy is to promote a manufacturer's or entrepreneur's product. How is the product distributed on the market and through whom? What are the ways to successfully sell a product?

Promotion - an action that is focused on increasing the effectiveness of sales through a certain communicative stimulation of customers, counterparties, partners and employees. It pursues the following goals: increasing consumer demand and maintaining a positive attitude towards the company. Product promotion carries out such important function, as:

  • creating an attractive image of the enterprise: prestige, innovations, low prices;
  • communicating information about products, including their characteristics, to end users;
  • maintaining the relevance of the product (service);
  • motivation of all participants in the product distribution chain;
  • transformation of the usual perception of products;
  • dissemination of information about the reliability of the company;
  • promotion of high-value goods.

The combination of all these functions can be called a complex. That is, the complex for the promotion of trade items is a kind of generalization of marketing tools and techniques that guarantee the delivery of information about the entrepreneur's products to end consumers. Such a set of actions consists of different methods of product promotion.

Promotion methods Are certain marketing techniques, means and tools that are used in order to achieve the goal of increasing sales. They are considered an integral part of a well-formed and competent advertising strategy for products or a company's communication policy. There are a sufficient number of methods for promoting a product in marketing, among them there are some that are especially popular.

Basic methods of product promotion - 4 components of a marketing campaign

Promotion method 1. Advertising

Advertising is a specific type of communication achieved by the commercial dissemination of information with a clear indication of the source of funding. You need to understand that advertising in general and it as a marketing tool are two different techniques.

An important function of advertising in the second case is to inform potential consumers of information about the manufacturer's new products. An entrepreneur can spend a lot of money on different promotional campaigns, but if he is not popular with buyers, then it is quite difficult to implement it.

  • validity;
  • analysis of the proposed subject of trade.

When a person does not find the specified provisions in the information about the product, then the profit from advertising will most likely come to naught. The arguments by which an entrepreneur can interest consumers in his product are divided into the following types.

  • Subjective - this is the emotional mood that appears from watching ads (for example, after the video about the "Fruit Garden" juice).
  • Objective - This is the specificity of the product (for example, advertising tablets "Mezim").

Communication with buyers through advertising must be exclusive and distinct from the presentation of competitive product information. Uniqueness can be associated with the product, with the scenario of the communication block or the target audience using this product. The consumer must be provided with a special product, otherwise one should not count on successful sales.

If a potential buyer remembered your ad, then it conveyed certain information to him, which expresses the value and effectiveness of the campaign undertaken. According to the level of perception, there are three types of information used in product promotion. .

  • Information in demand that is accessible, understandable and quickly remembered... You don't need to spend a lot of money for this kind of data dissemination. The ad will work even if you submit a multi-line ad to the newspaper. So, the target audience in the form of students will find information about writing essays and term papers without much difficulty.
  • Random information that is not remembered or stored in memory with great difficulty... Consumers associate this type of information with the advertising medium. That is, the future buyer must understand that even if he needed this or that product or service, he can find it there. For example, most customers who decide to replace old windows with new ones realize that they will find many offers in free advertising publications. Accordingly, the task of the window seller is to regularly submit advertisements to newspapers freely distributed to consumers.
  • Unnecessary information that the consumer ignores or it annoys him... There are products designed for a narrow target audience, an overabundance of advertising for such items can make other people nervous. Sometimes the seller does not know which buyer needs his product, and which one will be unhappy with the information he often comes across.

When a person consciously comes to the understanding that he needs the advertised product, he makes a decision and buys it. The goal of marketing is to correctly establish the target audience and create a tool for communicating information about a particular product.

You do not need to make every effort and force to buy your product, you need to correctly approach the formation of a communication campaign that leads the consumer to a conscious purchase. Advertising methods of promoting goods are quite effective if you correctly apply the provisions of marketing.

Promotion method 2. Direct sales

Conducting a dialogue between the seller and the buyer, the purpose of which is to assist in the acquisition of products, is called direct sales. This method of promoting a product does not require cash investments and is considered the highest level of business activity formation, rather than the provision of any services or ordinary retail trade.

Even if all marketing conditions are met, but with a careless attitude to direct sales, the manufacturer will not be able to effectively promote his product. The secret of this type of implementation is that an ordinary seller does not just accept orders, but becomes an initiative earner of transactions.

We do not recommend ignoring direct sales, as this can significantly reduce profits. For example, an entrepreneur chose a good location for a commercial outlet, took a high-quality product in demand for sale, but sellers communicate rudely with customers, are not interested in revenue, and, as a rule, the level of trading operations will be extremely low.

The initial function of personal sales is to transform a sales agent into a dealmaker. The formation of this type of sales of goods consists of two main aspects.

  • Customer orientation... This method is aimed at identifying the needs of buyers and recommended ways to implement them.
  • Sales orientation. The method is considered offensive, as it is aimed at aggressively obtaining deals by any means.

Pros of Personal Selling:

  • personal attitude towards the consumer and the ability to give out all the information about the product;
  • minimum expenses that do not bring financial effect;
  • feedback from the consumer, allowing you to make changes and additions to promotional activities.

The disadvantage of this method of product promotion is a high level of working costs. The more exclusive the product being sold, the more effective personal sales are.

This method of implementation brings good results when resolving the following marketing tasks: searching for potential consumers and information about the market, etc. Relying on competent sales personnel, an entrepreneur has the opportunity to effectively communicate with customers and quickly respond to changes in the market environment.

Promotion method 3. Propaganda

Propaganda - This is a procedure for the formation of reliable relationships with society by the free use of space and time in the media. The purpose of this tool is to create a favorable attitude towards the company in order to make the most effective communication actions in the future. Propaganda concerns the entire enterprise as a whole, and in order to conduct public advertising, it is necessary to possess a large amount of information about the company, including confidential information.

The most important propaganda mechanisms:

  • performances: company representatives should be active at the opening of various event events, delivering welcoming speeches at them;
  • activity: conducting and participating in seminars, round tables, online meetings, press conferences, competitions, exhibitions, contests;
  • news: communicating good news about the company, its products, personnel to the media .;
  • publications: newsletters, brochures, reports, articles in newspapers and magazines and other materials that can be used as a means of influencing the markets for product promotion;
  • sponsorship: provision of material and financial assistance to accompany various events: sports, charitable and other significant for the public;
  • identification means: application of the company logo, business cards, uniforms for staff, uniform style of office interiors, promotion of advertising materials about the company, development of letterheads with its logo, etc.

The focus of the propaganda is addressed to the following subjects:

  • consumers: to create a reliable business card of products (including the environmental friendliness of the product) and the company's reputation, using the method of holding public events, promotions, advertising in the media, etc.;
  • counterparties: for the growth of the sales network, the involvement of new customers and partners through the organization of presentations, exhibitions, distribution of advertising, etc. Through events such as product presentation and contact with customers, you can get a double benefit for the company;
  • key journalists (radio, TV, Internet, press): for the free promotion of information data about new products, important events in the life of the company, using the method of holding press conferences, as well as distributing press releases, etc .;
  • state and municipal authorities and administration: for participation in social and social projects and sponsorship of cultural events, etc.

Promotional activities are developed and implemented in several stages.

  1. Defining tasks.
  2. Selection of means of communication.
  3. Organization of appeals.
  4. Implementation of activities.
  5. Analysis of the results.

One pattern can be identified: propaganda prevails over advertising with a high level of market monopolization. Otherwise, according to the commercial results, the events of the first will give less efficiency compared to the second campaign. In any case, propaganda loses to advertising in promoting goods.

Promotion method 4. Promotion of sales

The use of certain tools that are designed to fuel the interest of the target audience in response to various activities within the boundaries of marketing and communication strategies is called sales promotion. This is another tactic for revitalizing the business process.

Sales promotion is an instrument of short-term stimulation of the market, which is unable to guarantee either stable demand for products or attracting new regular customers. But an entrepreneur can get results much faster from such a maneuver than from other methods of product promotion.

Incentive tools include: brochures, diagrams, presentations, posters, souvenirs, advertising inside product packaging, calendars, exhibitions, catalogs, stickers, tables, etc.

The focus of this sales promotion tactic is addressed to the following entities.

  • How to grab the buyer's attention: statistics on the main channels





To purchase more items

promotions aimed at promoting new products;

various contests;

distribution of free samples (probes);

games, lotteries;

demonstration of products by the promoter;

loyalty programs (discount card, discount for repeat purchase, etc.).


To influence the number of transactions in the direction of their increase

competent staff training;

provision of campaign materials and related trade equipment;

provision of information, legal and other services;

the implementation of a competition based on the results of sales.

Sales staff

to motivate employees to attract more customers, as well as to improve the quality of service

material motivation in the form of bonuses, bonuses;

moral encouragement in the form of awarding diplomas, gratitude;

holding competitions among sales managers;

payment for travel vouchers for employees who have no comments from the administration of the company;

training, retraining, advanced training, treatment of employees at the expense of the enterprise.

12 promotional techniques that will lift even dead sales

Do you already use additional and cross-selling, regularly hold promotions, offer “locomotive” goods, but the average check is not growing? Try to implement non-trivial methodsthat will attract the attention of even indifferent customers and motivate them to buy. You will learn them from the article of the electronic magazine "Commercial Director".

What determines the applied methods of promoting the company's goods

  1. Promotion campaign goals

The impact of promotion goals on the selected methods can be summarized as follows. If the enterprise is faced with the task of generating information about new products, then the priority should be given to advertising, and not to other types of marketing.

If the goal is to bring detailed characteristics of the product of long-term use, then it is preferable to use personal sales and the method of sales incentives to attract additional buyers to retail outlets, while advertising should be used in moderation.

  1. Target market characteristics

The choice of methods for promoting goods is influenced by the prevalence of economic relations of the enterprise, as well as their geographical and socio-economic characteristics. If the market is small, then personal selling is the best way to sell. If the products are sold within a limited region, then your method of promoting the product is the local media. If on a national scale - national mass media.

  1. Product characteristics

The method of promotion is also influenced by the characteristics of the product. To promote technical goods, it is better to use personal sales; products intended for a mass consumer - advertising campaigns; seasonal products - increased sales and sales promotion techniques.

It is sometimes impractical to have a full-time staff of trade managers throughout the calendar year, since it is not always necessary to apply the personal sales method.

  1. Product life cycle stage

The choice of methods for promoting a product depends on what stage of the life cycle a particular product is at. It is good to accompany the stage of entering the market of a new technical product with personal sales and promotion of sales, and of items of everyday demand - with advertising campaigns.

During the stagnation stage, marketers tend to cut back on the promotion of the old product. Communicative information blocks are no longer as effective tool as they were at the time of product introduction. In this case, it is better to use the method of direct sales and sales promotion.

  1. Price

The cost of goods has a significant impact on the choice of the method of their promotion. Increasing personal sales will require high-priced products, and advertising tactics are great for low-cost products.

  1. The possibility of using the method

The choice in the application of one or another method of product promotion depends on its delivery to the target audience. So, for example, at the state level there may be a ban on advertising of a particular product (alcohol, tobacco). The aggravation of the problem is observed during the promotion of goods for export.

Effective modern methods of promoting goods and services

Promotion method 1. BTL events

The concept below the line (from English - "below the line") carries a full range of practical activities. The term arose by chance: the director of an American firm had to approve a budget for an advertising campaign that included classic media coverage.

The manager considered that such events would not be enough and, under the line of existing costs, added by hand additional costs for the distribution of free samples of goods, promotional coupons for participating in contests and receiving gifts.

In modern reality, the buyer enjoys having a wide assortment when purchasing the things he needs, since he has unlimited access to a large set of goods and services. For a person, the ability to choose, satisfaction of needs, personal positioning, the need for participation in the creation of new public goods are important.

If the target audience of the manufacturer consists of such buyers, then each time it becomes more and more difficult to develop an effectively selling product. This is why new methods play an important role in promoting a product to ensure customer loyalty. After all, they guarantee bringing a unique product to a specific buyer. BTL services have all of the above qualities, and therefore, they are actively developing in the Russian Federation.

The main tools used in the BTL field:

  • competition - a procedure for promoting a product, as a result of which buyers perform a specific task, show their knowledge and skills in order to pick up the prize of the competition;
  • presentation - presenting a product with a demonstration of its characteristics and specifics;
  • tasting - providing an opportunity for future consumers to taste the product;
  • distribution of advertising and informational materials (leaflets, discount coupons) - the offer of special tools to stimulate sales or the design of advertising at retail outlets, which would allow actively selling the promoted product right in the store.
  • sampling - distribution of samples (probes) of the advertised product;
  • lottery - an event during which a winner is randomly determined;
  • premium (a present for the purchase of a product) - product promotion through the introduction of a special offer.

Promotion method 2. Telemarketing

One of the new methods of product promotion, used in addition to advertising or direct sales, can be used both as programs for finding information and for distributing it. This method performs the following tasks:

  • networkingwith regular customers ;
  • highlighting real "pickups"from publicly available mailing lists;
  • direct sales future buyers by phone;
  • using relationships for the production of a new product;
  • hosting an event after implementing direct selling programs;
  • further work with sales leadsthat were attracted through advertisements, direct selling events or through intermediaries;
  • establishing contacts with customers within the boundaries of the marketing relationship program;
  • attracting recoiling consumers by offering them new products that arouse their interest;
  • marketing research, and the use of various surveys and surveys to further assess customer response to new products.

On the basis of this method of product promotion, it is possible to obtain a variety of information from the participants, conduct their analysis, and also use information bases for the development and implementation of further marketing programs.

Promotion method 3. Event marketing

This is a set of implemented measures to support the image of the enterprise and manufactured goods, to promote the brand through unforgettable and bright events. That is, with the help of certain actions, the company contacts its customers, which, in turn, creates a favorable image of the company and consumer interest. The types of event marketing activities are presented below.

  • Special events (special events): advertising tours, festivals, sports competitions, organization of city holidays, awards, actions for the media. Such events are favorable for the creation of the company's image, as well as for the formation of the reliability of the brand. As a rule, after a successful event, a positive response from the target audience follows in the form of increased loyalty to the company and a pronounced interest in the product produced by regular and potential buyers.
  • Events for partners, dealers and distributors (trade events). Such events are of both business and entertainment nature, for example: presentation, round table, reception, seminar, congress, conference, forum. The purpose of such actions is to visually demonstrate the positive qualities of products, bring the latest products or services to consumers, exchange experiences, find new partners, etc.
  • Corporate events (corporate events): celebrating state and professional holidays, company jubilees, employees' birthdays, joint weekend with the team. Such events allow the director of the enterprise to become a more authoritative and respected leader for his subordinates, effectively convey the ideas of the company's administration to each employee, and show the care and attention of the management to the personnel.

Promotion method 4. Children's marketing

Children have long been recognized as full-fledged and special consumers, and, as a result, such a method of product promotion as children's marketing has appeared. To develop such strategies aimed at the younger generation audience, it is necessary to deeply study its specifics.

A manufacturer of children's goods should focus on the needs of schoolchildren and younger children, as well as on the perception of the world through the eyes of a little person. For such marketing, it is important not only the quality and appearance of the products, but also the packaging, as well as the methods used to promote and distribute the goods.

Children's needs change with the psychological and physiological growth of the child. This category of the population gives an instant reaction to any social and social changes; marketers successfully use this feature when developing and promoting children's products. Consider why the younger generation is an extremely attractive target audience for marketing:

  • children are very emotional when buying goods that are interesting to them, they easily say goodbye to money;
  • often the guys independently manage their pocket money;
  • children have influence over parents who buy many items for them;
  • the child, as a rule, retains interest in a certain brand of a particular product for a long time;
  • children spend a lot of time watching TV, and, accordingly, advertising.

The children's audience is more often represented not by buyers, but by users. The product for the child is purchased by the elders, but the role of the child in making the purchase decision is significant. Parents listen to the desires of the child, assist in choosing a particular brand. As a result, when a child makes the final decision to buy a baby product, it is influenced by the opinion of adults. Manufacturers and marketers that rely on children's marketing need to understand this.

Promotion method 5. Promotions

To become more famous, companies organize various show programs and presentations, sponsor socially useful events, city holidays, competitions, festivals, where they widely conduct advertising campaigns and distribute free samples of goods.

The manufacturer is interested in the quick response of the consumer to actions to promote the sale of a new product. Today, promotions are the most effective method of product promotion, it is not surprising that the number of promotional activities has increased.

It is important not only to show the buyer a new product, you need to do it brightly, boldly, and with high quality. Such promotions should be approached responsibly, it is necessary to purchase materials, regulate transport support, order souvenirs, invite the media for viewing the event, arrange price lists, catalogs, brochures, leaflets, business cards, invitation cards, etc. in advance.

Decide which of the staff will actively offer your product to customers. Promoters are professionals who advertise products, who must have the skills of cultural communication with potential consumers. The activity of product promotion directly depends on their professionalism.

Promotion method 6. Merchandising

Merchandising refers to new methods of promoting products. Techniques of this kind can completely replace the ordinary seller. This technique attracts the buyer to the product right at the point of sale.

The main goal of merchandising is to make products easily accessible and attractive, as well as to simplify the procedure for purchasing them. The functions of the method are:

  • control over the availability of goods on the shelves of outlets, taking into account the popularity of certain items;
  • organization of sales points and their supply with all necessary materials;
  • provision of display and location of products, i.e. presentation of specific products.

It is first necessary to create a commensurate stock of goods, and then they are placed in retail outlets in a certain range and volume. In merchandising, it is extremely important to correctly select and arrange promotional materials, such as:

  • price tags,
  • stands,
  • booklets,
  • coin boxes,
  • posters,
  • suspended and floor models of products.

Display of goods (exposition) is considered one of the most important methods of merchandising.

Exposition is a procedure for placing products on specialized trade equipment. If the display of the goods is made in places that are striking to the potential buyer, and the packaging of the items itself has a presentable appearance, then the sales of such products grow quite quickly.

Promotion method 7. Packaging

The appearance of the product should not be underestimated as it plays a large communicative role in marketing.

Packaging (package) is a kind of product shell, which is a progressive and independent form of promotion. It can be used as a tool for presenting and communicating information sent through marketing communications. In the conditions of modern reality, packaging is a significant means of influence through which the manufacturer communicates with customers.

Due to the fact that most of the outlets are focused on self-service, the role of the outer shell is great and has a significant impact on the degree of product promotion on the market. Packaging should attract the buyer to the product, convey its features and characteristics, assure the consumer of the quality of the product, create a good impression, etc.

Increasing the income of buyers is important. As the prosperity of consumers rises, so does the willingness to pay for quality, reliability, brand, convenience and, among other things, for improved packaging.

The manufacturer himself understands that good packaging helps in advertising a product, in brand recognition. A creative and innovative approach to packaging design also benefits the manufacturer in promoting the product, and allows the designer of the company to carry out their creative ideas.

Promotion method 8. Kinomerchandising

When designing and developing packaging, the manufacturer often focuses on one or another film or cartoon character, as well as on any items that are widely used by them. It is extremely effective to use film brands in the product market.

Against the background of a certain figure of a character from the film, promoting a product gives a certain advantage to the manufacturer. This reduces the cost of launching new products and significantly reduces the time for new products to enter the market.

Due to the fact that on-screen characters are widely known and recognizable, consumers will more quickly remember trademarks that use film brands to promote their goods.

Cinema chandising example (Hulk figure in a shopping mall, Bangkok)

Expert opinion

Features of promotion using event marketing

Sergey Knyazev,

general producer of the Knyazev group of companies, Moscow

When there is a need to increase sales throughout all of Russia, then you need to hold a mega-event in the capital of the country, which would cause a resonance in the federal media, or organize a number of actions in the largest cities of Russia. The budget of measures to stimulate the sale of products in the country will be 25-100 million rubles, for the promotion of goods in a particular region - 2-20 million rubles.

The main items of expenditure: coordination of events with the city administration, finding a site for their holding, elaboration of the script, technical support (light, sound, monitors, special effects, etc.), preparation of props, costumes, decorations, inviting the media, artists, well-known public people, etc. We must not forget about the secondary costs, depending on the specific theme of the action.

It is not at all difficult to determine and record the result: set the level of sales before and after the event. The totals can be calculated both as a percentage and in units of goods sold. Applications are a good indicator, evaluate the number of orders for a product (service) before and after the event.

Perform a survey of sales representatives and dealers of your company, they, like no one else, will see changes in the increase in demand for your product. For example, our company organized a fireworks festival with the aim of consolidating the Sharp brand on the market.

The festival attracted half a million audience, various media covered the event in their publications. After the big holiday, many retail chains selling the products of this manufacturer saw a sharp rise in sales of Sharp products. The result of this event persisted for quite a long time.

The main methods of promoting goods on the Internet

  1. Creation of your own website

Almost any company has its own web resource, the address of which it actively distributes on the Internet. On the site you can find a full amount of information about the work of the enterprise, prices for products or services, contact information, etc. Often a web resource is made in the form of an online store. Within its framework, a potential client is invited to choose one or another product, see the characteristics declared for it, consumer reviews, buy products with home delivery. Modern sites are equipped with a callback ordering service.

  1. SEO optimization

SEO optimization is a set of actions that are used to increase the ranking of a company's website when indexing its content by well-known search engines such as Google, Yandex, Rambler and others. The purpose of this technique is to increase the number of visits to the company's website and, accordingly, the number of future buyers.

  1. Banner advertising

Banner and contextual advertising is a fairly effective method of promoting goods on the Internet. An ad in the form of a banner, that is, a graphic drawing with a link to the company's web page, posted on resources with a large number of visitors, is extremely effective for promoting a product.

Such popular and active sites, in addition to bringing useful content to people, are large advertising platforms used by various companies to promote their products. Such information attracts potential consumers, arouses interest in a new unique product, thereby provoking their purchase.

  1. contextual advertising

This type of advertising is also widely used to promote a product. It works effectively and quite simply: information about your company or a new product is displayed on specialized sites, the target audience of which coincides with the topic of the advertised product.

  1. Viral marketing

Viral marketing is about actively spreading the information you need over the Internet. In a couple of hours, a huge number of users can find out about your product or a planned event. This method of product promotion is widely used by entrepreneurs.

The effectiveness of such a technique does not need to be proven. The main advantage of the method: no cash costs, since information goes to the people without the involvement of specialized advertising agencies. A person who has received such an advertisement is in advance favorably disposed towards it due to the fact that it came from the same user.

  1. Social networks

SMM promotion is an excellent method of promoting a product on social networks. These Internet platforms contain a huge number of users, therefore, by advertising itself and its products using SMM, the company will definitely find a target audience that will increase its sales of one or another product. Marketing on social media is long-term and completely free.

  1. Email newsletter

Email newsletter is also a popular and effective method of product promotion. Messages with product advertisements are sent to the email addresses of Internet users. These emails contain information about upcoming events, contests, discounts, promotions, bonuses, etc.

Companies using this method of promoting a product should not forget that users must first give their consent to receive such a newsletter.

  • How to Avoid Spam: 10 Secrets of Good Email Marketing

Expert opinion

Free ads can be better than paid ads

Kirill Redin,

general Director of the trading and production company "Octopus-DV", Khabarovsk

In 2011, our company developed high-quality selling texts and distributed them on such free advertising platforms as "From Hand to Hand", "Price Pulse", "Goods and Services", etc. Sales increased 3-4 times, which was about thirty doors in a month. During this experimental period, we did not submit any advertising other than in free publications.

Previously, we searched for buyers in the chat rooms of construction sites, where users shared with each other successes and failures in repairs, the choice of materials, brand ratings, etc. The manager of our company began a correspondence and talked about the high-quality inexpensive doors that he installed at home ... Entering such dialogues on 25-30 specialized sites, we were able to sell 4-8 doors in a week.

Disadvantages.Time spent. At least one supervisory specialist is required.

What are the methods of promoting goods to the market with minimal costs

Method 1. Shows

A great way to advertise your company among competitors and consumers is to participate in an exhibition. To do this, you do not need to rent an expensive site or set up a stand. Think about how you can creatively and effectively take part in the exhibition, while getting the maximum amount of data on potential partners and clients, as well as making yourself known.

Carefully review the invitation of the organizers of the exhibition and its location, look for a low-budget way to showcase your activities. It is enough just to place the name of the company in the event catalog or on the website. You can rent a couple of square meters at the entrance to the exhibition, hire a teenager who will distribute tasty or healthy little things, accompanying them with business cards with the contact information of your company.

Method 2. Press releases

Weekly press releases about your firm's work are a good way to promote your product. You should not make them very voluminous, enough text on half an A4 sheet, accompanied by several key phrases about the company.

Informative reasons for press releases about the company should be sought throughout the week. Organize a data collection and processing scheme. Submit articles about the company in all possible ways: websites, corporate publication for regular consumers, newsletters, advertisements on the trading floor, etc.

You can register your message free of charge in the press release catalogs. Be actively involved in sending company news to various publications in your area, both print (newspapers, magazines) and online media.

Method 3. Cases

Cases are called success-stories or case-studies, they differ from each other in nature, but the essence is the same - to demonstrate to people of your target audience using a specific example of solving their difficulties. It is better to write the story according to the schemes: “problems solutions efficiency "," unsatisfactory great AFTER. " Such stories are interesting to users.

Plots should not be presented automatically and dryly, they should be humanized. You need to write stories in simple language, imagine that you are addressing the story to your friend. The main thing in such narratives is not to set the goal of increasing sales, you just report some events and show how you got out of this or that situation, while the other person is suffering. In this case, you do not impose information, you share with it.

Method 4. Reviews

It is imperative to collect testimonials from your customers from the moment you first started doing business. If your client is a well-known business, then use it as an example in your advertising campaigns.

9. Promotion of goods (services)

9.1. Promotion functions

Promotion is any form of messages for information, persuasion, reminders of goods, services, social activities, ideas, etc.

The most important promotion functions:
- creating an image of prestige, low prices, innovation,
- information about the product and its parameters,
- maintaining the popularity of goods (services),
- changing the way of using the goods,
- creating enthusiasm among the marketing participants,
- persuading buyers to switch to more expensive goods,
- answers to consumer questions,
- favorable information about the company.

Promotion goals: stimulating demand and improving the company's image. Specific actions depend on the so-called influence hierarchy (Table 9.1).

Table 9.1

Their roles in consumer and industrial marketing are somewhat different (Table 9.2).

Table 9.2

Rankings by the importance of types of promotion

If marketing research is aimed at “listening” to the consumer, then promotion is the second half of the dialogue (see Figure 35).

Fig. 35. Roles of Research and Promotion in Marketing

9.2. The composition and basic provisions of the theory and practice of advertising

The concept of coding is as follows. The media of transmission of advertising messages (television, press) have specific features that can distort the message, introduce “information noise” there. Therefore, a certain optimization of the influence of individual messages is necessary, taking into account the external environment of the recipient.

Promotion should be considered as an integral part of the marketing mix. Advertising refers to competitive product brands. Therefore, it would seem that with its help it is necessary to try to increase sales of this particular product. However, the progressive element of promotion is the promotion of the entire company, not its individual brands. Since a firm can use different types of promotion, this promotion contributes to the promotion of individual brands of goods. Each type of promotion is designed for a specific target audience. But each of these promotion campaigns should be seen as part of a whole.

Research has shown that advertising is more effective if:
- the product is standardized,
- there are many end consumers,
- small purchase is typical,
- sales are carried out through the channels of intermediaries, and not directly,
- support service is important,
- the product has a premium price (or premium quantity),
- the manufacturer has a significant profit per ruble of sales,
- the manufacturer has a relatively small market size and / or excess production capacity,
- most of the manufacturer's sales are new products.

In general, there are three main groups of actions in advertising:
- informing (message that the product exists and what its qualities are),
- persuasion (evoking favorable emotions, forming a position of product recognition, switching consumer decisions to purchase it),
- maintaining loyalty (securing existing consumers as the main source of future sales).

To ensure all this, a single advertising management process should be carried out (Fig. 37).

9.3. Advertising in industrial marketing

Advertising in industrial marketing has its own characteristics. In many ways, it is carried out through personal contacts and requires more information. These campaigns last for a longer period, the budget of advertising campaigns is relatively less (per unit of sales). The campaign usually targets 6-7 people in each buying organization, and so on.

9.4. Development of a message (message)

The main message in advertising is usually based on the specific benefit with which the advertiser identifies the main advantage by which his product differs from that of a competitor. The advertiser will seek to find a Unique Selling Proposition (USP). It can be based on physical or intangible characteristics of the product. On the other hand, SCP can be based on a psychological aspect: fear (insurance of financial transactions), guilt, positive emotions (love), humor. It can also be based on certain associations (Pepsi Cola and Michael Jackson).

Moreover, if the product is practically similar to similar products of competitors, then the firm may try to explain its merits more clearly than competitors, for example, differentiate its advertising style and thereby create an “additional dimension” in the effectiveness of advertising.

It is believed that an advertising campaign should be built in two stages:
- attracting opinion leaders;
- attraction of the bulk of potential consumers (typical groups of consumers in different stages of the product life cycle should be taken into account).

The message can be contained not only in a speech or video sequence, but also in something that was not mentioned, but it is quite eloquent.

The choice of message must take into account the need to convince the recipient. Experts usually recommend some concentration on the central selling proposition. The strength of an advertising campaign depends on the strength of the underlying idea behind it. This idea should be:
- well defined and rich;
- clear and simple;
- believable to the recipient;
- resistant to opposition;
- related to the needs of the consumer.

The actual application of marketing techniques may differ significantly from theoretical provisions. Thus, it is considered an axiom that any marketing decision should be based on marketing research. However, there are situations where this is literally difficult to follow. For example, a competitor drastically changes its strategy, and a response should follow in a few days. There is simply no time for marketing research, and decisions are made largely intuitively.

Real (“rough”) marketing, therefore, is based on the inclusion of a large number of intuitive factors due to incomplete information and lack of resources. Therefore, when designing advertising messages, success will largely depend on the plausibility of modeling the average consumer.

In theory, the choice of the communication medium should be the process of choosing the most economically efficient medium to achieve the greatest coverage and number of representations. Both of these measurements are usually evaluated. Advertising must reach the maximum number of target audiences. It is usually difficult to master the last percentages of this mass: the cost of cumulative coverage follows an exponential curve. Thus, the coverage decision in practice represents a balance between the desired full coverage and the cost of achieving it.

Even with high reach, it is not enough to influence the recipient with a single ad submission (“Opportunity To See” - OTS). It usually takes an average of about 5 OTS to achieve the necessary degree of exposure to the level of recognition and focus on the advertised brand of goods. It may take 20-30 national press releases to reach five OTS even with 70% target audience coverage. Submission frequency is a function of campaign time. 12 messages per year or 12 messages per week are not the same thing. It is often considered appropriate to present information in “rolls” or “waves”.

The main types of message media (in order of importance):

The press can be divided into the following sectors: national newspapers, regional newspapers, magazines, professional and technical literature.

Posters (road posters), radio and cinema are the least attractive media for message transmission due to their specificity.

Research in England has identified the positioning of various information environments (Fig. 38).

9.5. Advertising agencies work

Traditionally, such agencies have three main functions:
- acceptance of orders,
- creative work,
- buying a message medium.

Additional functions:
- production,
- the control,
- administration,
- marketing research,
- marketing,
- "public relations",
- direct mail,
- promotion.

A typical agency organization is shown in Fig. 39.

A distinct advantage for most advertising agencies is their creative art. To achieve this, large agencies need to have certain creative talent:

Text writers prepare texts and scripts, being often sources of original ideas. The visual of an advertisement is prepared by artists, usually referred to as visualizers. They work hand in hand with lyricists to create sketches with texts. Usually they do not produce finished artwork, for which specialist photographers, illustrators, etc. are invited. Producers are needed in television, radio or film. They ensure relationships with external partners to comply with all commercial terms.

From the client's point of view, a typical ad creation process goes through a number of stages:

The order is usually made in a standard form, which is agreed upon by the client, who is responsible for accepting the order of the agency and the executive art director (visualizer) (Fig. 40).

Acquiring a presentation environment also includes a number of stages:

9.6. Advertising planning

As with all types of marketing activities, advertising must establish its objectives, including:
- who and where (target audience, its percentage coverage, message media);
- when (balancing the individual parts of the campaign in time);
- what and how (the essence of the message and its presentation).

The most important aspect of the plan is that it must be quantified, including by results (in particular, by awareness and shifts in audience positions on product acceptance).

The budget for an advertising campaign is usually determined based on experience. Most popular approaches:
- whenever possible (depending on individual costs and required profit);
- as a percentage of sales;
- based on parity with competitors;
- by goals and objectives (calculation of the required costs).

A survey of companies in England showed that three approaches are most often used in practice:
- percentage of sales (44% of companies);
- estimates of production costs (21%);
- by goals and objectives (18%).

The process of advertising research is usually subject to the same rules as other marketing research: the time and channel of turning on the TV, memorization of advertising messages on TV and in newspapers are investigated. “Spontaneous awareness” is measured by the proportion of those who remember the brand without any other promotion. “Promotional Awareness” is measured by the proportion of those who recognize the brand upon presentation.

Brand recognition is measured by the number of those who changed their position as a result of an advertising campaign. And, finally, the integral indicator is the increase in sales after such a campaign. They also use trial marketing to compare different campaigns in different regions.

An effective method of researching the effectiveness of advertising in the press is a system of coupons - discounts upon presentation of a coupon in a newspaper. Thus, it is possible to evaluate the effectiveness of advertising by publication, time of release, placement of information, etc.

One of the aspects of advertising planning is the choice of an advertising agency. The following order is recommended:
1. Clear definition of needs and goals.
2. Cabinet search - a choice of reference books and based on their own experience.
3. Formulation of the assignment - optimal benefits, key questions.
4. Narrower search - narrowing the alternatives to two or three agencies.
5. A real choice.

9.7. Legal aspects of promotion

The legislation regulates the activities of promotion firms. The range of these requirements is quite wide: from prohibiting the installation of billboards in certain places to requirements for popular individuals advertising certain products to actually use them.

There are five main ways to legalize consumers and competitors from unfair promotion:
- providing complete information;
- the confirmation;
- orders to terminate;
- corrective advertising;
- fines.

Providing complete information requires that the consumer has all the data necessary to make the right decision (product composition, consequences of use, etc.).

Confirmation requires the firm to be able to prove all the claims it makes, including through rigorous testing.

Fines can be levied by the treasury and in the interests of specific consumers.

9.8. Direct and interactive marketing

Direct-marketing consists of direct (interactive) communication with a selected specific buyer, often in the form of personalized dialogue, in order to get an immediate response.

Basic forms of direct marketing:
- personal (personal) sales - direct interaction with one or more potential buyers in order to organize presentations, answer questions and receive orders;
- direct marketing by mail - includes mailing letters, advertising materials, brochures, etc. to potential buyers at addresses from mailing lists;
- sales by catalogs - the use of catalogs of goods sent to customers by mail or sold in stores;
- telephone marketing (telemarketing) - using the telephone as a tool for direct sales of goods to customers;
- direct response television marketing - marketing of goods and services through advertising television (or radio) programs using feedback elements (usually a telephone number);
- interactive (online) marketing - direct marketing carried out through interactive computer communication services in real time.

Direct marketing companies keep a close eye on whether the marketing proposal is tailored to the needs of a narrow segment of consumers or an individual customer.

Many companies use direct marketing primarily to conclude individual deals. Recently, however, more and more companies are turning to direct marketing in order not only to reach their target customers more efficiently, but also to create stronger, long-term and personalized relationships with them (relationship marketing).

According to most experts, the transition from mass marketing to individual marketing is associated with changes in the household, with the emergence of technologically complex products, new ways of making purchases and paying for them, with intense competition, with the development of additional distribution channels and new information technologies.

Below are the main differences between mass marketing and so-called personalized marketing:

Mass marketing

Individual marketing

Average shopper

Individual buyer

Buyer anonymity

Customer focus

Standardized item

Individual market offer

Mass production

Customized production

Mass distribution of goods

Individual distribution

Mass promotion of goods

Creation of individual purchase incentives

Unidirectional product message

Bidirectional product message

Emphasis on scale

Focus on depth of coverage

Reaching all buyers

Reaching profitable buyers

Market share

Share among buyers

Attraction of buyers

Customer retention

In direct marketing, the key to success is detailed information on the individual consumer. Modern enterprises create special databases of customers, which are an array of detailed information about individual (potential) customers, including geographic, demographic, psychographic, as well as data on the characteristics of purchasing behavior. Such databases are used to search for potential buyers, modify or develop products according to their specific needs and to maintain relationships with them.

Database marketing is the process of creating, using, maintaining customer databases and other databases (product, distributor, sales, etc.) for the purpose of conducting sales transactions and establishing relationships with customers.

Companies use both separate forms of direct marketing and integrated direct marketing, which can include all forms. One of the schemes of the integrated system MSP (Marketing and Sales Productivity System) is shown in Fig. 41.

Fig. 41. Information support of direct marketing

A relatively new and rapidly developing form of direct marketing today is interactive marketing and e-commerce. Interactive marketing has gained such popularity for the following main reasons:

The advantages of interactive marketing should also include:
- the possibility of its use by both large and small firms;
- almost unlimited electronic (as opposed to, for example, printed) advertising space;
- fairly fast access and copying of information;
- as a rule, confidentiality and speed of electronic purchases.

In addition to the advantages, modern interactive marketing has some disadvantages:
- limited access of buyers and, consequently, the volume of purchases;
- some one-sidedness of demographic and psychographic information about customers;
- chaos and information congestion in global networks;
- insufficient security and secrecy of data.

9.9. Sales promotion

Key characteristics of this type of promotion:
- effectiveness for a relatively short time;
- direct effects on sales potential, distribution channels, consumers, or a combination of these groups;
- the use of some specific actions for specialization.

Sales promotion brings together a wide range of opportunities. To those given in table. 9.3 should also add sponsorship (for example, for sporting events).

Table 9.3

Types of sales incentives





Price reduction

Monetary equivalent

Free access
Premium purchases
Free gifts

Monetary equivalent

Group participation
Special exhibitions and performances


Dealer orders
Loyalty schemes
Shopping in the entire range

Expanding credit
Deferred payment
Monetary equivalent

Free gifts
Trial purchases

Monetary equivalent

Group participation
Free service
Risk reduction scheme
Special exhibitions, demonstrations
Reverse trading schemes

Service vouchers



Points systems
Monetary equivalent

Free gifts

Points systems
Monetary equivalent

Free service
Group participation

Points system in the service
Recognition of accidents

The main advantages of sales promotion:
- sales growth is the main short-term benefit;
- a specific target audience;
- a clear role;
- indirect roles - the ability to use to achieve other goals.

- short duration of exposure;
- hidden costs;
- the possibility of conflicts with advertising submissions;
- price cutoff - the ability for buyers to expect lower prices in the future.

Targeted incentive methods include:
- price reduction;
- coupons (purchases or servicing on obligations with a reduction in prices);
- financing of the next purchases;
- credit;
- seasonal price reductions.

Non-price incentives:
- competition of buyers (lotteries);
- personal promotion;
- free gifts (the possibility of additional free purchases);
- presentation of samples of new products for trial operation.

9.10. Public relations

Public relations (public relations, PR) is a range of programs, the purpose of which is to promote and (or) protect the image (image, prestige) of a company or individual products.

Publicity (propaganda) is a type of public relations and is defined as the impersonal and unpaid stimulation of demand for a product, service or activity through the placement of commercially important information in the print media or a sympathetic presentation on radio, television or from the stage.

One of the most important PR tasks is to maintain contacts with key journalists in their respective fields (press, magazines, radio, TV). It is essentially a process of “investing” (the results will not immediately appear). First of all, these are messages about new results, new products, demonstration of such new products at business meetings, lunches, conferences using communication technology. It is advisable to create certain press centers in firms.

Corporate-type PR means include:
- relations with shareholders;
- advertising;
- communication with local communes;
- sponsorship;
- Exhibitions.

Exhibitions provide a double effect: product demonstrations and personal contacts. Therefore, exhibitions should be carefully planned based on objectives, theme selection, placement and design.

Objectives should take into account the retention of existing customers and the acquisition of potential customers. This can be illustrated by the matrix in Fig. 42.

Fig. 42. Matrix of goals for "public relations"


Brand building tools are the marketing communications tools through which a company intends to inform, persuade and remind customers - directly or indirectly - about its products and brands. In a sense of the word, they act as the "voice" of the brand and create a platform for establishing dialogue and forming relationships with consumers. The marketing communications program includes the same basic types of communications:

Personal selling (direct marketing)

Sales promotion

Form style .

Let's characterize marketing communications tools in more detail.

Personal selling is a face-to-face interaction with one or more prospective customers in order to receive orders. In business markets, direct customer service is more common than in consumer markets. Such sales involve personalized communications that are tailored and tailored to the specific needs of the buyer. At the same time, they are the main driving force in the formation of effective long-term business relationships based on close personal interaction and deep knowledge of the product and the market on the part of sales representatives. This is the most expensive method of communication.

Direct marketing means the use of direct mail, telephone marketing, fax, email, handouts, catalogs, the Internet, etc., to communicate directly with existing and potential consumers. Direct marketing is a tool that allows marketers to reduce wasteful communications with inappropriate customers or customer groups. Recently, a direct marketing tool such as e-shopping has experienced a significant rise. The benefits of direct marketing tools include special opportunities for customization and customization of the messages transmitted. They help build long-term customer relationships.

Public Relations (PR) provides media coverage that reaches a variety of stakeholder groups. They involve the use of a variety of programs designed to promote or protect the brand image. PR events can reach potential buyers who tend to avoid contact with salespeople and advertisements. Effective PR tools should be carefully managed through constant monitoring of the attitudes of buyers and other groups that may have real or potential interest in the company. The reason for the high efficiency of PR events is that they inspire trust. With limited resources, PR provides the greatest value for every dollar invested and at the same time creates a high level of trust. PR builds brands by generating positive, persuasive word of mouth. Public relations tools include participation in international exhibitions, various awards, publishing press releases, addressing media representatives, working with the audience in conferences, discussion lists, mailing lists, holding sweepstakes, lotteries, contests, and sponsorship on the Internet.

Sales promotion - this tool has a large set of promotion tools in its arsenal. This includes sales and discounts, contests and gifts, coupons and bonuses, and more. Each of these tools has its own characteristics, but they are all designed to attract the attention of consumers and nudge them to make a purchase. This is a kind of bait for buyers, promising mandatory benefits, personal savings, gifts. Promotions are usually limited in time, calling for shopping now, temporarily increasing sales. The price of the product usually goes down, but the profit level is offset by increased sales.

Advertising is open in nature, besides, the consumer in most cases is its most legitimate means of promotion. This is the most widespread and effective promotion tool that can increase a company's sales and profits with the right approach and sufficient funding. Regarding the nature of advertising contact with the target audience, there are two types of it - ATL and BTL. BTL advertising includes: promotions, presentations, advertising games, sweepstakes, sampling, tastings, event-events, etc. ATL advertising: TV, radio, print, outdoor, Internet.

A corporate identity is a set of color, graphic, verbal, typographic, design constant elements (constants) that provide visual and semantic unity of goods (services), all information coming from the company, its internal and external design.

Among the main functions of the corporate identity:

Identification. The corporate identity allows the consumer to easily recognize the desired product (company, service) by some external features.

The trust. If the consumer is once convinced of the quality of products (services), then this trust will largely extend to all other products of the company. In addition, the presence of a corporate identity inspires confidence in itself.

The purpose of the corporate identity is to consolidate in the minds of customers positive emotions associated with assessing the quality of products, their impeccability, high level of service and to provide the company's products and the company itself with special recognition. Thus, the presence of an indirect corporate identity guarantees the high quality of goods and services, since it testifies to the confidence of its owner in the positive impression that he makes on the consumer.

With a consistently high level of other elements of the marketing mix, the corporate identity brings the following advantages to its owner:

Helps the consumer navigate the flow of information and find the product of the company that has already won his preference;

Allows the firm to bring its new products to the market at a lower cost;

Reduces the cost of forming communications, both as a result of increasing the effectiveness of advertising, and due to the versatility of its components;

Helps to achieve the necessary unity not only of advertising, but also of other means of marketing communications of the company (for example, public relations: holding press conferences, issues of prestigious brochures, etc.);

Promotes increased corporate spirit, unites employees, develops a sense of involvement in a common cause;

It has a positive effect on the aesthetic level and visual environment of the company.

If we sum up all the advantages that the use of corporate identity gives, then we can call it one of the main means of forming a favorable image of the company.

The corporate identity system includes the following main elements:


Corporate font inscription (logo);

Branded block;

Corporate slogan (slogan);

Corporate color (colors);

Brand set of fonts;

Corporate hero;

Permanent communicant (face of the company);

Other proprietary constants.

The market success of a commercial organization largely depends on the recognition of the importance, usefulness and popularity of its product in a wide segment of the consumer society. In marketing, such a popular and demanded product is called a brand. But not every product created and marketed becomes a brand! Only economically successful and sustainable, in terms of consumer preference, a product is a brand that any manufacturer of goods or services strives for.

The consumer always has a dilemma question: "What to buy: a promoted brand or an unknown faceless trademark?" The answer is tantamount to opposing the following categories: "quality assurance - unknown quality" and "high price - budget product".

In a developed consumer market, most of the cases, the behavior of buyers is determined in favor of the first, that is, branded goods. Of the many equivalent products, it is the brand that attracts the eye of buyers; they vote for the branded product with the ruble.

Therefore, in a developed market, the following recommendation for manufacturers of goods and services is relevant: "Do you want your product to be popular in the market and highly profitable? Create a brand and manage it competently!"

Thus, a modern firm needs to engage in brand building, brand management or branding in order to successfully build a brand.

Branding (branding) - purposeful marketing process of creating, maintaining and promoting a brand to the market, effective brand management in the internal and external environment. This is a complex process of brand formation and development. In the modern economy, branding is becoming more widespread as a new branch of knowledge, and in practice - as an activity aimed at obtaining the best trading result. In the long term, successful branding can provide a reliable and stable added value to a product or service, that is, the commercial success of a company.

We can say that the real and psycho-emotional embodiment of an idea is the image of a product and / or service. Image as an emotional and psychological element of a brand is important in forming a brand for any organization, including a trading enterprise.

The image of a trading company is a relatively stable, artificially created or real idea of \u200b\u200ba trading company, which was formed in the minds of buyers, partners and store employees.

Skillful formation and consistent introduction into the consciousness of customers of a positive image of the store, supported by the quality of products and a high level of service, allows the trading company to take a leading position in the market.

Having an attractive image helps the buyer to perceive the store as something different from others, to see in it the advantages that competitors lack, to choose it as a permanent place to shop.

tangible image (first impression of the store);

intangible image (customer response to service and the attitude of store employees towards him);

internal image (the atmosphere inside the store, the attitude of employees to the policy of the management);

external image (impact of the first three elements plus public opinion about the trade organization).

There is a point of view that the image of a store consists of two intersecting components - from the general functional advantages of the type of trade enterprise (specialized, universal, store - warehouse, etc.) and the specifics of a particular store belonging to one type or another. This means that shoppers choose where to shop based on two groups of factors: their own preferences and specific characteristics of the store. In each segment of the market, customers shape the store image for themselves, guided by the indicators that they themselves think are the most significant.

The perceived characteristics of the store (its image) are compared with some evaluation criteria. Research shows that shoppers can quickly recall a particular store (extract its name from long-term memory) when asked which store comes to their mind first when referring to metrics such as "lowest price level", " convenient "etc. Moreover, the answers completely coincide with the names of the most famous and popular stores in the target segment. Thus, the more accurate the correspondence between consumers' ideas of what a store should be and the real picture, the stronger the psychological agreement to make a purchase in that store.

The modern consumer market is developing in many directions. One of the sought-after and cost-effective is the holiday and special events industry, which includes retail and wholesale of fresh flowers. The Russian flower market is actively developing and becoming highly competitive. Therefore, for flower shops, the issue of forming an image as an element of successful branding becomes relevant.

Product promotion is an integral part of marketing and is the activity of planning, implementing and controlling the physical movement of materials and finished products from their places of production to places of consumption in order to meet the needs of consumers and benefit themselves.

Product promotion includes:

Formation of policy in the field of sales promotion

Product promotion;

Selection, planning and management of sales promotion tools (pre-order sales, advertising and information activities, sales art, packaging business);

Coordination of the activities of sales agents;

Establishing contacts with the media, advertising agencies;

Development of samples, exhibition materials;

Establishing relationships between the company and individuals, public organizations, exchange of information, etc .;

Advertising of the company's products and activities is the most important component of the complex of marketing activities, its connection with consumers. When properly organized, advertising is very effective and promotes fast, uninterrupted product sales. Advertising is a way of forming a certain idea of \u200b\u200bthe consumer properties of goods and types of services in order to implement them and create demand, a type of communication between the manufacturer and the consumer.

Advertisers include manufacturers and suppliers of goods and services, government agencies, clubs and societies and individuals - in other words, anyone who wishes to communicate something and pay for it to the owners of the media. Marketing deals with advertising, the purpose of which is the sale of goods and services, but these principles are equally applicable to government agencies wishing to advertise any public service.

While advertisers may deal directly with media owners, they generally operate through advertising agencies. The diagram shows the different types of agencies, from those who simply charge a commission for providing space or time by the media to those who offer a full range of marketing, market research and other advertising services. Depending on the services offered, the agencies have a staff of appropriate specialists (typists, artists, cameramen, typographers, etc.). Communication between the agency and its client is through the person responsible for the implementation of the advertiser's goals.

The media are divided into different types: print, audiovisual and street media. Each type differs in the ability to perform a specific advertising task (a specialized magazine provides more detailed information than television, but television will attract the attention of a much larger audience). The choice of the media is done so that it is most suitable for achieving the goal of advertising, but at the lowest cost.

Finally, the market itself and its constituent potential buyers should be part of the advertising system. Understanding the buyer, his needs, position and knowing which media he prefers are an essential prerequisite for planning advertisements that will most effectively reach the target consumer.

The tasks of planning advertising campaigns include determining the goals of advertising, potential consumers, product properties, characteristics of the media, creative strategy, selection and assessment of media costs (media planning), ensuring the preparation of advertisements, launching a campaign, analyzing its results.

These goals are closely related to the customer behavior model.

This model assumes that consumers go through different stages: from “awareness” (about a need), “knowledge” (about a product that will satisfy a need), “liking” and “preference” (certain brands) to “persuasion” (that this particular product is better) and “shopping”. Subsequently, they experience “satisfaction”, which the advertiser seeks to “reinforce”, or “dissatisfaction”, which the advertiser seeks to overcome.

Thus, the advertiser must determine what state his target consumers have reached (through marketing research, of which the product life cycle concept is a part), and accordingly set the advertising goals, that is, in the case of a new product, “awareness” and “knowledge” should be maximized. what it can do, and in the case of an established product, it is necessary to reinforce the “preference” of the brand and “remind” of it to regular consumers.

Advertising goals should be set in quantitative terms. For example, if an advertiser determines through market research that 30% of the market is aware of its product and 10% is trying to purchase it, he can determine the following advertising goals: after three months of campaign, 50% of the market should be aware of the product and 15% should be willing her. The success of the campaign, therefore, will be determined by how these goals are practically realized.

The next step is to identify the likely customers. Having established the advertising objectives, the likely consumers should be identified, taking into account their attitudes towards alternative media.

The “consumer image” must contain the following data: age, gender, social status (class), income, geographic location, family size, attitude to a product, company, advertising, etc., reading newspapers and magazines, watching TV.

Industrial buyers fall into three groups: those who influence the purchase, those who are thinking about buying, and those who make the purchase.

For example, technical information about a new machine will be brought to the attention of engineers through specialized journals, financial information about a machine for financial managers through the business press.

The third step is to identify those characteristic properties of the product that should be reported. These properties can be physical or technical, or (in the case of many consumer products) expressiveness or image. Universal properties (USP - Unique Selling Points) are the basis on which the designer makes illustrations, etc.

An important point in promoting a product to retail consumers is the way the product is presented for sale (including packaging, display cases, etc.). For example, custom window units installed in a store can be a good advertisement.

Currently, another method of product promotion is becoming widespread sponsorship. It involves the participation of the company in the costs of holding a mass event (concert or sports competition). The sponsor will often provide large cash prizes to the winners. Sometimes a sponsor funds teams or individual players.

The goals of sponsorship are:

Good awareness of the product or service;

Associating the image of a sport with products;

Providing awareness not otherwise possible (for example, Embusy sponsors a snooker competition, achieving broad television coverage, although advertising of tobacco products on television is prohibited).

For wholesale customers, it will be advisable to use branded souvenirs, distribution of advertising and information letters, presentations and press conferences. On the eve of the New Year, we will send out congratulations in which we will include:

Postcard in corporate style;

A 4 format booklet, 2 folds, where the company logo, photos of production and products, prices, address plan and other information will be placed.

We will entrust the design and printing of products to the printing house of Platina LLC with a minimum printed batch of 1000 copies, prices for these types of work are shown in Table 11.

Table 11.

Prices for printed products

We will make gifts to the heads of construction companies in Krasnoyarsk - branded pens, minimum circulation of 50 copies. The price of 1 pen is 700 rubles, the application of the corporate logo is 100 rubles, the cost of the batch is 40,000 rubles.

The total cost of congratulating corporate clients for the New Year will amount to 64,000.00 rubles.

During the year, we will provide for the costs of holding presentations for corporate clients. We will hold 3 presentations per year. The cost of 1 presentation is 87,000.00. It includes the distribution of booklets, souvenirs, a banquet for 20 participants. During the presentation, the heads of construction companies will be familiarized with the production, learn about the capabilities of the products. The annual budget for the presentation is RUB 261,000.00.

It is also necessary to participate in industry fairs once a year. The cost of participation in the fair is 120,000.00 rubles.

"Any whim made of wood!"

"Wood - GUT, plastic KAPUT !!!"

"Thick Russian Windows"

Marketing involves solving an active task of creating and stimulating demand for a product in order to increase sales, increase their efficiency and profitability of business. It is this goal that is primarily intended to meet promotion policy or, as it is called in modern terms, communication policy. It is part of a set of marketing measures to influence the market - "marketing mix".

Communications are considered as a process of exchange of information, its semantic meaning between two or more people. It is the transfer of knowledge, feelings and moods from one person or group of people to others.

Communication policy (product promotion policy) must solve active problems of forming and stimulating demand for goods in order to increase sales, increase their efficiency and overall profitability of business.

The significance of communications in the activities of the enterprise is due to the fact that they are:

  • o source and carrier of information;
  • o means of conscious influence on the market;
  • o a tool to improve the efficiency of marketing activities.

At present, communication is becoming the main object of marketing research, since the results of entrepreneurial activities are increasingly dependent on the level of knowledge of communication processes.

Communication policy of the enterprise includes advertising, sales promotion, public relations system ("public relations" - "public relations" - PR), direct marketing.

Advertising and marketing are two concepts that are inseparable from each other, although advertising has arisen long before marketing. Marketing includes promotional activities that must focus on the strategic goals of marketing planning. The interrelation of all links of marketing is the basis of a unified strategy and tactics of advertising in its system. Therefore, when developing and implementing a plan for an advertising campaign, it is necessary, first of all, to coordinate its goals and principles with the general marketing plan of the enterprise.

Advertising is a persuasive means of information about a product or an enterprise, a commercial propaganda of the consumer properties of a product and the merits of an enterprise, preparing an active and potential buyer for a purchase.

There are a wide variety of types of advertising. The main ones are commercial and prestigious advertising. the main task product advertising - formation and stimulation of demand for the product. By promoting a specific product, advertising promotes its sale. Product advertising informs the consumer about the properties and merits of the product, arouses interest in it, the consumer seeks to establish contacts with the seller, and from a passive, potential it turns into an active, interested buyer.

Prestigious, or branded, advertising is an advertisement of the firm's merits that distinguish it from its competitors. Its goal is to create among the public, first of all, active and potential buyers, an attractive image, a winning image of the enterprise, which would arouse confidence in the company itself and its products.

Prestigious advertising forms a favorable public opinion about the company and is associated with significant social activities. It is designed to provide a positive attitude for the perception of a favorable image of the enterprise, its product advertising, to reduce the time to convince the buyer to make a purchase decision. Such advertising covers a wider audience and is not aggressive: it does not impose ready-made solutions and opinions, giving the buyer the right to independently give preference to a particular company.

There are also direct and indirect advertising. Direct advertising is carried out on commercial terms and indicates the advertiser, directly performing an advertising function in relation to a specific product or a specific company.

Indirect advertising performs an advertising function not so straightforwardly, but in a veiled form, without using direct channels for distributing advertising media and without indicating the direct advertiser. For example, an advertisement in a magazine for a new drug being offered for sale by a pharmaceutical company is a direct advertisement. And an article published in this journal that considers a method of treating a certain disease and indicates this drug as a more effective medical remedy is indirect advertising.

Distinguish advertising information and aggressive depending on the nature and characteristics of the advertising material and stages of the product life cycle. For example, at the first stage of the life cycle, when the product is new and it is not yet produced by competing firms, informational advertising is preferable, emphasizing the distinctive advantages of this original product in terms of its qualities and performance characteristics. This advertisement informs buyers about the product. However, at the third stage of the product life cycle, the saturated market stage, aggressive advertising is carried out, demonstrating the advantages of the goods of this particular company (for example, quality, service, delivery time, safety, environmental friendliness, etc.), since during this period the company needs fight competitors that produce similar products. Recently, in the marketing activities of enterprises, more and more attention is paid to informational and explanatory advertising.

Depending on the chosen marketing strategy in different sales markets, advertising is homogeneous and heterogeneous. Homogeneous advertising in different sales markets, including in different countries, is the same, it saves on the costs of an advertising campaign. However, carrying out such advertising is associated with significant difficulties and is fraught with failures in the case of insufficient professional development, since in various markets the peculiarities of consumer requests, their perception of the verbal and musical accompaniment of commercials, etc. should not contradict a single advertising concept.

In the practice of enterprises, it is used preventive advertising, when more funds are used for advertising than is optimal. Such advertising is carried out, as a rule, with the aim of undermining the position of competitors who are unable to spend large sums for advertising purposes.

There are also introductory, defensive or corporate advertising. This type represents entrepreneurial, including export, activity of an enterprise as assistance in the implementation of government programs for the socio-economic development of the state. This creates an idea of \u200b\u200bthe enterprise as a patriotic organization working for the good of the country, as a reliable and respectable partner. The advertisement emphasizes that government and business circles highly appreciate the work of the enterprise and provide it with preferences and benefits for licenses, loans, insurance, etc.

When advertising is carried out, a slight exaggeration of the positive properties of the product, silence about its negative characteristics is allowed. However, direct deception of the buyer and the consumer is not permitted, which is punishable by the law of the respective countries and falls under the classification of unfair advertising. Advertising that causes material damage or damage to the prestige of competing firms is also considered unfair. For example, it is not recommended to emphasize the shortcomings of competitors' products and services in an advertisement. The use of unauthorized techniques and methods of distributing advertising information (for example, an ultra-fast frame captured by the subconscious of a person, etc.) is classified as unfair advertising.

  • o advertising in the press - placing advertisements in newspapers and magazines of general purpose, special trade magazines, company newsletters, directories;
  • o print advertising - brochures, catalogs, booklets, posters, leaflets, postcards, calendars;
  • o audiovisual (screen) - cinema advertising, slide projection, video advertising, split screen;
  • o television - advertising but television, including widespread "TV marketing", when a list of goods offered for sale is advertised on a home TV channel, and the buyer can order the goods of interest to him by phone with home delivery, etc .;
  • o radio advertising - advertising broadcast by radio;
  • o outdoor advertising - outdoor advertising, large-sized posters, multi-vision posters, electrified panels with fixed or running inscriptions, outdoor advertising using computer programs, spatial structures. A special place is occupied by advertising on transport - advertising inscriptions on the outer surfaces of vehicles, printed advertisements in vehicle interiors, showcases with goods at train stations, etc .;
  • o advertising at the point of sale of goods (merchandising) - shop windows, signs in sales areas, packaging;
  • o souvenir advertising - free of charge low-cost gifts with the application of the trademark and the name (logo) of the enterprise. As a rule, they have attractive consumer properties.

When planning promotional activities but a particular product should take into account the stage of the life cycle that this product is going through on the market; customer requirements; market segmentation and product positioning. Mistakes can lead to failure not only of promotional activities, but also of the entire marketing activities of the enterprise.

  • o objects of advertising (product or company) and the content of information that must be communicated to active and potential buyers about the product are determined;
  • o the target audience of advertising is determined - its subject or addressee, i.e. the group of consumers and buyers or persons influencing the purchasing decision to which advertisements are consulted;
  • o the motive of the advertisement is determined - what is the emphasis in the advertisement in order to draw the attention of buyers to the product;
  • o types of advertising media are selected and their optimal set and ratio are determined (distribution channels for advertisements);
  • o an advertising message is drawn up - a title is formulated, a text is compiled, illustrations are determined, characters, advertising media and musical accompaniment are selected;
  • o a schedule of advertising speeches is drawn up - advertising events are coordinated in time (by months, weeks, days, hours, minutes and seconds), according to the types of advertising and the means of its distribution;
  • o an estimate of expenses for promotional activities is drawn up - the total amount of expenses and expenses is determined by separate items (special methods and formulas are used);
  • o advertising efficiency is preliminarily determined - the advantages in sales obtained from the proposed advertising campaign are calculated in quantitative terms.

The definition of the types and means of advertising distribution and their optimal combination is carried out in accordance with the goals of advertising in general, as well as with the characteristics of the product, the characteristics of the addressee of advertising and the main motives of the advertising appeal.

The development of a plan for the means used in an advertising campaign and their optimal combination, interconnection, complementarity and mutual reinforcement is the most important task of marketing and advertising services employees. For example, for advertising industrial goods (machinery, equipment, units), the most suitable advertising media are radio, special newspapers, magazines, and not television.

It is necessary to determine the sequence, degree of importance and priorities of various promotional activities, as well as the timing of their implementation.

Drawing up an estimate of the costs of advertising events and preliminary determination of advertising effectiveness is the last stage in planning an advertising campaign. When developing an advertising budget, factors affecting its size are taken into account: the volume and size of the intended sales market, the role of advertising in the general complex of marketing activities and stages of the product life cycle, its differentiation, the estimated sales volume and profit margins, competitors' costs for similar advertising, their own financial opportunities, etc.

Advertising is an important means of promoting the sale of goods. From the standpoint of modern concepts, advertising has a multipurpose nature and is used to form a long-term image of an enterprise and its products.