The forms of organization of innovation include. Innovations and their forms. Innovative activity, features and characteristics. Types of innovation

One of the main goals of management is to ensure a stable and resistant to changes in the external environment of the competitiveness of the enterprise, which necessitates high innovative activity.
Over the past decades, both in the life of ordinary people and in the field of special professional activity, significant changes have taken place, which, on the one hand, were the result of scientific and technological progress, and on the other, they were the result of a significantly aggravated competitive struggle. The industrial stage of economic development allowed enterprises to achieve competitive advantages as a result of the concentration of capital, the development of integration processes, and increased dominance in the markets through mergers and acquisitions. In the context of the concept of a knowledge economy, an innovative economy, new technological opportunities and non-standard forms of doing business, based on the ability of the enterprise management to foresee possible changes in technology and the ability to determine possible and effective areas of application of innovations, to form new needs among potential consumers, acquire more significant importance.
The modern paradigm of management proceeds from the necessity and possibility of demand management and the formation of new needs, which ultimately becomes a prerequisite for the growth of innovative activity of enterprises. Enterprise management is increasingly becoming long-term oriented, as innovation is changing the entire industrial and technological basis of business.
The term "innovation" was first used in the 19th century. in the studies of cultural studies and means the penetration of some elements of one culture into another. The meaning of the term "innovation" in translation from English "innovation" means - an evolving complex process of creation, distribution and use of innovation, which contributes to the development and increase the efficiency of entrepreneurial firms.
It should also be noted that the Latin word "novator" is an innovator, that is, a person who introduces and implements new, progressive principles, ideas, techniques in any area of \u200b\u200bactivity, the English term "innovate" - to introduce innovations, make innovations, produce change, the term “innovator” refers to a company that creates a new product using a new technology. In the English-language economic literature, the term "innovation" has a long tradition of everyday use, due to which a number of well-established expressions have developed that emphasize the breakthrough, especially important nature of those innovations that are designated by the term "innovation" - "capital-saving" - capital-saving innovation innovations; "Design innovation" - changing the design of the machine; "Factor-saving innovation" - an innovation that saves costs for a factor of production (labor or capital); "Financial innovation" - financial innovation, the development of new financial methods; "Manufacturing innovation" - a new production method; "Product innovation" is a new product.
Adam Smith in his monograph "The Wealthof Nations", published in 1776, argued that the organizational mechanism of capitalism is not only the market system (the ratio of supply and demand), but also competition, which forces not only to satisfy increasing needs by lowering prices and quality improvement, but also to do it in the most efficient way through the transition to new technologies, i.e. through innovation.
F. Kotler defines innovation as an idea, product or technology launched into mass production and presented on the market, which the consumer perceives as completely new or possessing some unique properties.
The founder of the theory of innovation is Joseph Schumpeter, who interpreted innovation as a new scientific and organizational combination of production factors, motivated by an entrepreneurial spirit, which is identical in meaning to the concept of "innovation" and means an object introduced into production as a result of scientific research, made scientific discovery, qualitatively different in its parameters from previous analogs, or unparalleled, bringing significant economic benefits, i.e. a new application of scientific and technical knowledge leading to market success.
J. Schumpeter focused on economic innovations and highly appreciated the role of the entrepreneur - innovator in economic progress, while considering entrepreneurs not only "independent" economic entities of the market economy, but also all those who actually perform the fundamental function - the combination of production factors. He also considers entrepreneurs to be those who do not have long-term ties with an individual enterprise and use those only to carry out new combinations. According to Schumpeter, entrepreneurs are a special type of people, and their activity is a specific problem, since they perform the functions of creating something new, and doing something new objectively is more difficult than producing the familiar and tested.
In his opinion, the role of entrepreneurs is to reform or revolutionize production, using inventions to release new goods or produce old ones in a new way, opening up new sources of raw materials and materials or new markets, reorganizing the industry, etc. The content of entrepreneurial activity is the implementation of "new combinations of factors" of production and a variety of innovations .
A significant contribution to the development of the theory of the innovative way of economic development was made by N.D. Kondratyev, who, outlining the doctrine of large conjuncture cycles of half a century, substantiated the natural connection between the "upward" and "downward" waves of these cycles with the waves of technical inventions and their practical use. The main role in the changes in the economic life of society is N.D. Kondratyev allotted scientific and technical innovations.
Innovation (innovation) is the end result of creative activity, embodied in the form of a new or improved product or technology, practically applicable and capable of satisfying certain needs, i.e. the result of the implementation of new ideas and knowledge for the purpose of their practical use to meet certain consumer needs.
Innovations create conditions for increasing the level of competitiveness of enterprises, making up for the insufficient level of competitiveness. Thus, the indispensable properties (features) of innovation are:

  • scientific and technical novelty,
  • industrial applicability,
  • economic utility,
  • commercial feasibility (efficiency).

The commercial aspect defines innovation as an economic necessity, realized through the needs of the market. From this point of view, two points are distinguished: "materialization" of innovation - from an idea to its implementation into a product, service, technology; “Commercializing” innovation - turning it into a source of income.
The systemic, complex nature of innovation is reflected in the complexity and versatility of the concept of innovation. It includes a wide range of innovations with varying degrees of novelty of the knowledge embodied in them, applied in various industries and fields of activity, implemented in various markets, etc. ...
Therefore, innovation management should be based on the typology of innovations, their classification according to various essential grounds, criteria, parameters. The typology of innovation is important not only for the development of a consistent theory of innovation management, but also for the practice of innovation management. Innovation managers in their activities should proceed from the idea that different types of innovations have their own characteristics of development, implementation and distribution, require specific approaches to management, appropriate structures of innovation, its methods and styles.
The methodology for the systematic description of innovations is based on international standards, recommendations for the practical application of which were adopted in Oslo in 1992 and received the name "Oslo Guidelines", according to which it is necessary to distinguish four main types of innovations in the general system of innovations:

  • Grocery.
  • Technical and technological (process).
  • Marketing.
  • Organizational (organizational and managerial).

Product innovation is the most common type of innovation and is represented in virtually all businesses. The dominance of product innovations is also confirmed by the data of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation. However, their nature differs from enterprise to enterprise. For some, this is a complete change in the assortment or a significant expansion of the nomenclature that goes beyond the traditional profile, for others it is an increase in the consumer qualities of products of a traditional profile, taking into account the needs of the consumer. Sometimes the release of new products was carried out without changing the technology and on the old equipment, sometimes the development of new products was accompanied by the introduction of a new technology for the enterprise and the purchase of appropriate equipment.
It is the production of new products capable of satisfying market demands that is the leading motive for technological innovations for the surveyed enterprises. At the same time, the specific prerequisites for innovation may be different: improving the technological process, saving resources, environmental requirements, the inaccessibility of advanced technological solutions. In almost all enterprises, the goal of technological innovations was to increase competitiveness by improving product quality, reducing its cost, expanding the range and range of products.
It is noteworthy that technical innovation, i.e. the introduction of new equipment is most often caused either by the transition to the release of new products, or by the need to radically improve the quality of already manufactured products. In a number of cases, the installation and development of new equipment at Russian enterprises was due to the need to replace obsolete and worn-out equipment and expand the material and technical base due to the exhaustion of growth reserves due to the old equipment.
Marketing innovation involves the introduction of a new marketing method, including significant changes in the design or packaging of a product, its placement, promotion to the market or in the setting of prices, aimed at better satisfaction of the needs of the consumer, opening new markets or gaining new positions for the company's products in the market in order to increase sales volume.
The distinguishing feature of marketing innovation compared to other changes in marketing tools is:

  • the introduction of a marketing method that has not been previously used by this enterprise, which should become part of a new concept or marketing strategy, which represents a significant gap from those previously existing at the enterprise;
  • significant changes in the design of the product, which are part of the new concept of its marketing - changes in form and appearance that do not change the functional or consumer characteristics of this product, changes in product packaging;
  • development of new sales channels - introduction of a franchising system, direct sales, exclusive retail trade or product licensing.

Often, the development of new products is accompanied by organizational and managerial innovations, which are most often characterized by the organization of new departments, divisions and services at all levels. Most enterprises have established marketing departments, while in some of them, at the beginning of the reforms, the formation of marketing departments was a simple change of the sign of the sales department. However, then their functions were expanded and divided into studying the demand for products and forecasting it, on the one hand, and organizing sales, on the other. Accordingly, the introduction of marketing methods of sales management requires changes in the system of planning production volumes and pricing. In addition to changes in the management structure, organizational and management innovations include other activities aimed at increasing efficiency and improving methods of production and personnel management. Innovations in the social and labor sphere (the use of new forms of employment and contracts, new systems of remuneration) can also be considered as managerial innovations.
Typically, enterprise innovation is complex. At the same time, different types of innovations were interrelated in terms of goals and results of implementation. In principle, local, point innovations are a routine activity of enterprises; without them, the existence of an enterprise cannot be sustained. Surprisingly, for many businesses, ongoing, complex changes have become routine. And this is one of the important characteristics of the modern innovation process at the enterprise level.
As the main criteria by which the types of innovations are distinguished, it is necessary to note the degree of novelty, radicality of the innovation; the nature of the practice in which the innovation is used; technological parameters of innovation.
The classification of innovations allows:

  • To systematize knowledge about the types of innovations, their manifestations and positions in the firm's system.
  • Ensure a more accurate identification of each innovation, determination of its place among others, as well as possible limitations.
  • Provide a link between the type of innovation and the innovation strategy.
  • Provide software (project) planning and systemic management of innovation at all stages of its life cycle.
  • To develop an organizational and economic mechanism for implementing innovations and replacing it with a new one for solving the strategic tasks of the organization.
  • To develop an appropriate mechanism of competence (overcoming anti-innovation barriers), allowing more successfully to promote innovation.

There are a number of generally accepted features of the classification of innovations (Fig. 3).
Basic innovation (sometimes also called radical) is an innovation that is based on a scientific discovery or a major invention and is aimed at mastering fundamentally new products and services, technologies of new generations. The creation of basic innovations is associated with a large expenditure of resources, a high level of risk and uncertainty. However, at the same time, they are a source of subsequent improvements, modernization, distribution in other industries, the creation of new needs and new sales markets. This group of innovations is not widespread and numerous, but the returns from them are disproportionately significant. The potential result of this innovation is to provide a long-term advantage over competitors and significantly strengthen the market position.
Improving innovation (also called incremental innovation) is an innovation aimed at improving the parameters of manufactured products and technologies used, improving products and technological processes. Improving innovations are created as a result of observation and analysis both in the sphere of consumption of a product and in the process of its production. These improvements promise

Fig. 3. Classification of innovations

risk-free increase in the consumer value of products, cost reduction. Moreover, enhancing innovation is a product of the pursuit of product differentiation. Such innovations are of particular importance in the context of mass and large-scale production at large enterprises, as a result of which goods balanced in all parameters are created, aimed at long-term retention of market positions.
Table 13
Comparative characteristics of basic and improving innovations


Basic innovation

Improving innovation

1. Risks and difficulties:

1.1. Design failure

very likely


1.2. Market failure

very likely

medium degree

1.3. Project budget planning


easy to implement

1.4. Determining the timing of the project


easy to implement

2. Organization of work:

2.1. Research team uniform

a team with a strong
the leader

democratically controlled team

2.2. Manager type
the project



2.3. Curator of the project

supreme leader

middle manager, designee

2.4. Resistance to innovation

very strong


3. Results:

3.1. Product novelty

very high, may not have an analogue, cardinal

small to medium

3.2. Change in market positions


small to medium

3.3. Competitive advantages

long-term, provide leadership
by quality

short-term, provide low costs

The dynamics of basic and improving innovations in an organization depends significantly on the place that the organization occupies in the structure of the industry and its role in it. The Japanese researcher K. Kusunoki, using the example of the production of communication equipment, found that industry technology leaders or large organizations in their activities focus on improving innovations, while small organizations or industry outsiders often strive to create radically new products and technologies, i.e. implement radical innovation.
The dynamics of basic (radical) and improving (incremental) innovations is also significantly influenced by the stage of the sectoral life cycle. As you know, industries are young (for example, the electronics industry, software industry, cable industry, etc.) and old (for example, light, coal, forestry, etc.). Where an industry is in the life cycle affects the ratio of radical innovation to incremental innovation.
In young industries, i.e. in the early stages of the industry life cycle, basic (radical) innovations prevail. In the later stages, i.e. in old industries, the overwhelming majority are improving (incremental) innovations.
Pseudo-innovations (rationalizing innovations, modifying) - an activity, the result of which is a partial improvement in the characteristics of (sometimes secondary) existing, including obsolete types of products, generations of technology and technology. They act as a temporary solution as opposed to real innovations, allowing them to stay on the markets for obsolete products and to preserve ineffective technological processes.
Manufacturing innovations are embodied in new products, services or technologies of the production process, i.e. they represent the implementation of new knowledge in new products, services or the introduction of new elements into the production process, are implemented in primary production activities. These are product and technological innovations.
Management innovation is new knowledge embodied in new management technologies, in new administrative processes and organizational structures. Social innovations are a new way of resolving social conflicts, a type of social assistance, a way of adaptation of workers, the introduction of a system of social partnership.
If product and process innovations are generally recognized, their descriptions are included in international standards ("Frascati Manual", 1993), then social innovations, including managerial ones, are often underestimated. Management innovations are much more profitable and cheaper than product and process innovations. But at the same time, their implementation is much more difficult, since it is associated with changes in behavior, habits, ideas, business culture. They are more risky, since they affect the interests of people, cause conflicts, are less predictable, and can lead to an inversion (directly opposite to the set goal result). Therefore, social innovations must be carefully studied and analyzed.
Innovation can be used to meet any personal need - consumer innovation. Consumers in this case are, as a rule, individuals, families. The purpose of consumer innovation is to increase the economic, social, psychological effect of using the product. Another type of innovation is called investment innovation. The consumers of such an innovation will be a manufacturing enterprise, a scientific organization, an individual entrepreneur. The purpose of industrial innovations is to increase the economic effect in the production of products of the enterprise that bought the innovation.
Certain types of innovations correspond to each level in the enterprise system:

  • strategic level - innovations in mission, strategies, innovations in foreign economic activity, in negotiation processes;
  • intra-firm level - innovations in production processes, organization structure, control system;
  • the personal level is innovations in the technique of personal labor, methods of developing the creative potential of an individual, methods of building a business career, in training systems.

In terms of the scale of influence (impact), innovations are distinguished by point (single) innovations that affect a separate parameter of the product and are embedded as new elements into a known technological system in order to improve it and complex ones, leading to the reorganization of the entire technological system (interconnected innovations and their complexes form a new one). technology, with the use of which it is possible to obtain new products, which, in turn, changes the structure of the organization of production and the management system).
Replacement innovations are innovations intended to replace existing (old) products or technologies with new or modified ones, while maintaining their purpose and functions.
Rationalizing innovation - presented in the form of a rationalization proposal. A technical solution that is new and useful for an organization and that involves a change in the design of products, production technology and the technology used, or a change in the composition of the material is recognized as rationalization.
Expanding innovation - aims at deeper penetration into the various industries and markets of existing underlying innovations.
Supportive innovation is characteristic of a situation where competition forces a company to produce more expensive, improved products for its core customers. In such a situation, the leading companies will definitely be ahead.
Disruptive innovation, the goal of which is to make commercially successful products that are simpler and more convenient, which will cost less and will generate interest from less attractive or even new categories of consumers. In these conditions, the "attackers" can defeat the leaders. Moreover, small and medium-sized businesses can act as "attackers".
Reactive innovation is aimed at the survival of the firm, it emerges as a reaction to radical innovation changes carried out by competitors.
Strategic innovation is proactive and aims to gain significant competitive advantage in the long term.
In practical management activities, generalized, integrated characteristics of the dynamics of the implementation of innovations by an economic entity are often used. Thus, the variety of types of innovations, with knowledge of the distinctive features of each of them, allows you to develop and provide conditions for their successful implementation.
The following basic principles of innovation are distinguished:

  • Priority of innovative production over traditional production.
  • Efficiency of innovative production - the resources allocated for innovation are justified only to the extent that they lead to the achievement of commercial success.
  • Organizational and structural isolation, associated with the need and feasibility of creating an independent innovative structure for a new idea or invention, which may be completely unsuitable for solving other problems.

These principles underlie the concept of the innovation life cycle in conjunction with the periodization of the innovation process. The life cycle of an innovation is a defined period of time during which an innovation has an active life force and brings a profit or other real benefit to the manufacturer and / or seller.
The role of the innovation life cycle concept in planning the production of innovations and organizing the innovation process is of primary importance and consists in the following:

  • the concept of the life cycle of innovation determines the need to analyze economic activity, taking into account the dynamics of development of an economic entity, including a promising one;
  • the concept of the life cycle of innovation justifies the need for constantly organized activities to plan the release and / or acquisition of innovations;
  • the innovation life cycle concept serves as the basis for innovation analysis and planning. As a result of the analysis, the stage of the innovation life cycle, the trend of its future development, decline and end of existence are determined.

Innovation life cycles differ in the type of innovation. These differences affect, first of all, the total duration of the cycle, the duration of each stage within the cycle, the features of the development of the cycle itself, a different number of stages. The types and number of stages of the life cycle are determined by the characteristics of a particular innovation. However, for each innovation it is possible to define a “pivot”, that is, basic, basis, a life cycle with clearly defined stages (Fig. 4).
Figure 4 shows a comparison of the stages of the innovation life cycle both from the standpoint of a researcher and from the standpoint of an entrepreneur.
For a researcher, the initial process of production of innovation is fundamental research - experimental or theoretical research aimed at obtaining fundamentally new knowledge about the laws of development of nature, society, man, and their relationship. The need for such research is due to the needs of the national economy or industry. They can end with recommendations on the formulation of applied research to determine the possibilities for the practical use of the scientific knowledge gained, scientific publications, etc. The peculiarity of fundamental research as a creative process is the impossibility to determine in advance the final result, the time and money spent on its achievement, the individual, unique nature of the research.
The results of fundamental research are presented in publications, scientific reports and reports, contain theories, hypotheses, formulas, models, systematized descriptions. They include two stages - prospecting and scientific and technical research -

Fig. 4. Stages of the innovation life cycle

niya. The second stage is connected to a greater extent with innovations, at which the selection of results suitable for practical implementation is made, the technical feasibility and economic feasibility, the areas of their primary use are identified. The results of fundamental research can be used for various, not always foreseeable goals, in different industries, over a long period of time - 30-40 years.

Applied research is a scientific and scientific-technical activity aimed at obtaining and using knowledge for practical purposes, finding the most rational ways of practical use of the results of fundamental scientific research in the national economy. Their end result is recommendations for the creation of technical innovations - innovations - technological regulations, draft designs, technical specifications and requirements, methods and standards, projects of enterprises and technology of the future, standard standards, as well as other scientific recommendations. Experimental work related to laboratory and pre-production tests is also carried out at this stage.
The organization of applied research has a regulated procedure, which includes four main stages:

  • Theoretical substantiation of the way and methods of developing applied problems, drawing up schemes and options for solving scientific and applied problems, mathematical and material models.
  • Development and approval of technical specifications (TOR), including information preparation, predictive assessment of the significance, costs, results and effectiveness, development of a program, methods and research scheme, including stages and assessment of the reliability of the research methodology. The scope of work, the composition of the performers, the estimate and the draft contract are determined.
  • Experimental stage (pilot test).
  • Generalization and evaluation of the results of research work.

Design (lat. Projectus - "thrown forward") is a manufacturing process based on the results of applied research and experimental verification of scientific and technical documentation for the creation of new or improved products, structures, processes and control systems, for creating in the given conditions it is not yet an existing object according to its primary description. The end result of the project activity is the project, i.e. a set of documentation intended for the creation of a certain object, its operation, repair and liquidation, as well as for checking or reproducing intermediate and final solutions, on the basis of which this object was developed. The design object can be a material item, work performance, service rendering. Design can be viewed, on the one hand, as the final phase of research, and on the other, as the initial phase of production.
Design is also about finding scientifically sound, technically feasible and economically viable engineering solutions. The result of the design is the project of the future product. Designing as a conscious purposeful activity has a certain structure, i.e. sequence and composition of stages and stages of project development, a set of procedures and technical means involved, interaction of participants in the process. The main stages (stages) of the structure are shown in Fig. five.

Fig. 5. Stages of development of project documentation

The technical assignment (TOR) establishes the main purpose, technical characteristics, quality indicators and technical and economic requirements for the facility being developed, instructions for completing the necessary stages of creating documentation and its composition, as well as special requirements for the product.
Technical proposal (PT) - a set of documents containing a technical and feasibility study of the feasibility of developing a project. Such a conclusion is given on the basis of the analysis of the customer's specifications and various options for possible solutions, their comparative assessment, taking into account the characteristics of the developed and existing products, as well as patent materials.
Draft design (ES) - a set of documents containing fundamental solutions and giving a general idea of \u200b\u200bthe structure and principle of operation of the object being developed, as well as data that determine its purpose, main parameters and overall dimensions. In the case of a high complexity of the object, this stage may be preceded by a pre-project study containing theoretical studies designed to substantiate the fundamental possibility and feasibility of creating this object.
Technical project (TP) - a set of documents that must contain the final technical solutions that give a complete picture of the structure of the designed facility, initial data for the development of working documentation.
At the stage of the detailed design (RP), detailed documentation is first developed for the manufacture of a prototype and its subsequent testing. The tests are carried out in a number of stages, according to the results of which the design documents are corrected. Further, working documentation is developed for the manufacture of the installation series, its testing, and equipping the production process of the main components of the product. Based on the results of this stage, the design documents are again corrected and working documentation is developed for the manufacture and testing of the head (control) series. On the basis of the documents of the finally worked out and tested in production products, manufactured according to a fixed and fully equipped technological process, then the final working documentation of the established production is developed.
In the process of developing project documentation, depending on the complexity of the problem being solved, it is allowed to combine a number of stages with each other. The stages of the statement of technical specification and technical design can be included in the cycle of scientific research (R&D), and the stages of the technical proposal and conceptual design can form a cycle of development work (R&D).
The cycle of work is completed by the stage that summarizes the project activities - certification - determining the quality level of the created product and confirming its compliance with the requirements of those countries where its subsequent implementation is expected. The need to single out this stage as an independent one is due to the fact that at present, the export of products or their implementation within the country in many cases is unacceptable without a quality certificate.
The primary (pioneering) development of innovations is the introduction of development results into production, which involves the following procedure:

  • individual production of new products required in single copies, development of serial production of new products, commissioning of new facilities, technological processes and control systems, practical use of new methods - technical development;
  • achievement of the design capacity and design volume of the use of the innovation - production development;
  • achievement of the design social and economic efficiency of the innovation - economic development.

Economic development ends with the achievement of the design capacity and economic indicators: material and energy intensity, labor productivity, cost, profitability, capital productivity. At this stage of development, additional work is carried out to eliminate the shortcomings identified in the process of production and technical development.
Dissemination of an innovation, or diffusion, is its economic development on a large scale based on the dissemination of information about the innovation, replication of relevant documentation, equipment renewal, personnel training, development and implementation of business plans, taking into account the specifics of specific enterprises and implementation experience.
Consumption as a phase of the life cycle of an innovation is characterized by a gradual stabilization of costs and an increase in the effect, mainly due to an increase in the volume of use of the innovation. It is here that the main part of the actual effect of the innovation is realized.
Obsolescence completes the entire life cycle of an innovation. It begins from the moment the development of the next innovation is completed, the economic, environmental or social efficiency of which makes its development rational.
In conclusion, it should be noted that the main indicators of the innovation activity of Russian enterprises (Fig. 6) indicate a decline in the already low level in 2012. There are slightly more enterprises introducing technological innovations, while the data indicate a sharp decline in the number of enterprises introducing innovations ecological, despite the priority of the concept of sustainable development in the world community.

Fig. 6. Share of organizations implementing innovations in the total number of surveyed organizations,%

The approaches to innovation in large companies generally fit into three patterns:

  • “Seeking Market Requirements” - for example, companies such as Apple and Procter & Gamble engage customers directly to generate new ideas.
  • Market Followers include Hyundai and Caterpillar, companies that track the market for incremental innovations and improvements to existing products.
  • "Technology Orientation" - Companies such as Google and Bosch rely on internal technology capabilities to develop new products and services. They use investments to both develop groundbreaking ideas and step-by-step innovations, hoping that these innovations will meet the demands of the market.

Booz & Co, conducting research, estimated the number of enterprises implementing these strategies in Russia and in the world as a whole - Fig. 7 - which indicates that in Russian corporations, innovations are mainly carried out by engineers and specialists in technical fields of science who are not interested in the market and, as a result, do not listen to the opinion of the client, unlike foreign companies.

Fig. 7. Strategies for innovation in companies
The above indicates the importance and priority of solving the problems of modernizing approaches to the development of innovations in Russian companies, and innovation and project management can become a fairly effective tool here.

test questions

1. What is innovation and innovation management?
2. What are the features of the emergence of innovation?
3. Evolution of technological orders.
4. The core of the technological order.
5. The concept of innovation and innovation. Classification of innovations.
6. Classification of sources of innovation.
7. Goals, objectives and content of innovation management.
8. The concept of the innovation process.
9. The main phases of the innovation process and their content.
10. The relationship between the life cycles of innovation, product and product.
11. The meaning and content of the phases of diffusion and diffusion of innovation - the main components of the stage of bringing innovation to the market.
12. Organizational forms of innovation.
13. Organization of innovative activities at the enterprise.
14. Characteristics of an innovative organization.
15. Innovation system. Basic concepts.
16. National innovation system.
17. Regional innovation system.
18. Corporate innovation system.
19. Infrastructure of the innovation sphere.
20. Choosing an innovative business model.
21. Options for financing innovative activities.
22. Formation of an innovation team, participants in an innovation project.
23. The main mistakes of innovative enterprises.
24. The concept of innovative strategies and their classification.
25. Characteristics of Violent Enterprises.
26. Characteristics of enterprises with patents.
27. Characteristics of the enterprises of the exporters.
28. Characteristics of enterprises of commutators.
29. Assessment of the situation when choosing an innovation strategy.


Topic 4.2. The innovation process as an object of functional management

Types of innovation.

Innovative activity is an activity aimed at finding and implementing innovations in order to expand the range and improve product quality, improve technology and organize production.

Innovation activities include:

o identification of enterprise problems;

o implementation of the innovation process;

o organization of innovative activities.

The main premise of an enterprise's innovation activity is that everything that exists is aging. Therefore, it is necessary to systematically discard everything that is worn out, obsolete, has become a brake on the path to progress, and also take into account mistakes, failures and miscalculations. Innovative ideas can come from both external and internal sources. TO internal sourcesarising within an enterprise or industry include:

1. unexpected event (for an enterprise or industry) - success, failure, external event;

2. non-congruence - a discrepancy between reality (what it really is) and our ideas about it;

3. innovation based on the needs of the process;

4. sudden changes in the structure of an industry or market.

TO externalarising outside the enterprise or industry include:

1. demographic changes;

2. changes in perceptions, moods and values;

3. new knowledge (both scientific and unscientific).

The most complete classification of innovations was developed by the famous Russian scientist A.I. Prigogine

Types of innovation by prevalence:

o single;

o diffuse;

Types of innovation locally in the production cycle:

o raw materials;

o providing (binding);

o grocery;

Types of innovation by succession:

o substitute;

o canceling;

o returnable;

o opening;

o retroinjection;

Types of innovation by the expected coverage of the market share:

o local;

o systemic;

o strategic;

According to the degree of novelty and innovative potential:

o radical;

o combinatorial;

o cultivators.

According to the degree of novelty for the market:

o new for the industry in the world;

o new for the industry in the country;

o new for the given enterprise (group of enterprises).

Types of innovation by the level of impact on the economy:

o basic;

o improving;

o pseudo innovation.

Basic based on scientific discoveries and major inventions of new generations of technology and technology; their accumulation leads to a new technological level; improving innovations promote diffusion, dissolution of basic innovations; pseudo innovation - unfortunately, the most common ones - allow, by slightly improving basic and improving innovations, to achieve their maximum efficiency. At the same time, the sales market and the sphere of using innovations are expanding.

Types of innovation by the level of impact on the production process:

o expanding;

o substitute;

o improving.

Expanding innovation is aimed at using the principles and methods of basic innovation in other economic areas; substitute innovation is designed to operate in a different, more efficient way; improving innovations serve to improve the quality of the work performed.

By the level of impact on production factors:

o complex;

o local.

Complex innovations, as a rule, require significant changes in equipment, technology, employee qualifications, etc.

By area of \u200b\u200bapplication:

o technological;

o organizational and managerial;

o economic;

o marketing;

o social;

o ecological;

o informational.

Innovation finds the greatest application in practice technological nature - product innovation in the form of new products and the process of introducing new technologies, equipment and materials. TO organizational innovations include the development and implementation of a new organizational structure for enterprise management; to economic - the use of previously unapplied systems and forms of remuneration, methods of managing production costs; to marketing - development of new markets and ways of promotion; to social - the use of previously unused methods of labor motivation; to environmental - the use of new technologies - the implementation of new technologies in the field of environmental protection; to information - the use of new information technologies.

Types of innovation for reasons of occurrence:

o strategic;

o reactive.

Strategic innovations are, as a rule, promising in nature and are designed to ensure the competitiveness of a product or service of an enterprise or organization; jet innovations arise as a reaction to the actions of competitors and, like strategic ones, are aimed at increasing the competitiveness of a product or service.

By the nature of the needs satisfied innovations are subdivided into:

o creating new needs;

o satisfying existing needs in a different way;

o more efficiently meeting existing needs.

The above classification of innovations is not only used for statistical purposes, but also makes it possible to position products in a competitive market, assess the level of one's own competitiveness, develop a development strategy, and justify measures to improve management.

In industry, it is customary to distinguish between two types of technological innovation - grocery and process.

Grocery innovation encompasses the introduction of technologically new or improved products.

Technologically new product (radical product innovation) is a product whose technological characteristics (functional features, design, additional operations, as well as the composition of the materials and components used) or the intended use are fundamentally new or significantly differ from similar characteristics and use of previously produced products. Such innovations can be based on fundamentally new technologies or on a combination of existing technologies in their new application (including the use of research and development results). An example of radical innovations (fundamentally new) are microprocessors and video cassette recorders. The first portable cassette player to combine the essential principles of tape recorders and miniature in-ear loudspeakers was an innovation of the second type. In both cases, no finished product has been previously produced.

Technologically advanced product is an existing product, the quality or cost characteristics of which have been significantly improved through the use of more efficient components and materials, partial changes to one or a number of technical subsystems (for complex products).

Process innovation include the development and implementation of technologically new or significantly improved production methods, including methods of transferring products. Innovations of this kind are based on the use of new production equipment, new methods of organizing the production process or their combination, as well as on the use of research and development results. Such innovations are usually aimed at increasing the efficiency of production or transfer of products already existing in the enterprise, but sometimes they also target the production and supply of technologically new or improved products that cannot be produced or supplied using conventional production methods.

In the service sector, a service is considered a technological innovation if its characteristics or methods of use are either fundamentally new or significantly (qualitatively) technologically improved. The use of significantly improved methods of production or transfer of services is also a technological innovation. The latter covers changes in equipment or organization of production associated with the production or transfer of new or radically improved services that cannot be produced or transferred using existing production methods, or with an increase in the efficiency of production or transfer of existing services. The following changes are not technological innovations if they do not directly relate to the introduction of new or significantly improved services or methods of their production (transfer):

o organizational and management changes, including the transition to advanced management methods,

o introduction of significantly changed organizational structures,

o implementation of new or significantly changed directions in the economic strategy of the enterprise;

o implementation of quality standards, such as ISO 9000.

Locally in the system (at the enterprise, in the firm) can be distinguished:

o innovations at the entrance of the enterprise (changes in the selection and use of raw materials, materials, machinery and equipment, information, etc.);

o innovations at the exit of the enterprise (products, services, technologies, information, etc.);

o innovation of the system structure of the enterprise (management, production, technological).

Depending on the depth of the changes being made highlight innovations:

o radical (basic);

o improving;

o modification (private).

Innovative potential of a modern organization.

The innovative potential is considered to be the economic capabilities of the enterprise for the effective involvement of new technologies in the economic turnover. The ability of an enterprise to most effectively implement a particular functional task with the maximum use of available economic resources. These opportunities include the following set of resources necessary for the effective implementation of innovative activities:

o intellectual;

o material;

o financial;

o personnel;

o infrastructural;

o additional sources of increasing the results of innovation.

Innovation potential is formed from two main material and non-material components: innovative potential of material resources and intellectual potential... Each component of the innovative potential has its own specific use for development, is influenced by various factors, forms the strengths and weaknesses of the enterprise. The structure of innovation potential is shown in Fig. one.

Figure 1 - Components of the innovative potential of the enterprise

The main visible part of the innovative potential is made up of material resources, which are subdivided into current assets and fixed assets. Fixed assets include: machinery, equipment, vehicles, tools and devices, library funds. It is important to consider here that an item of property, plant and equipment is recognized as an asset if it is probable that the enterprise will receive economic benefits from its use. Current assets are mostly represented by financial resources and shipped products, which together constitute financial opportunities for subsequent investments and projects. The situation with intellectual potential is completely different. This potential is represented by non-tangible assets, the action of which leads to a high indicator of efficiency. The main feature of this potential is that it can qualitatively transform the activities of an enterprise, influencing all its areas from production to management. Given the heterogeneity of intellectual potential, among its
resources should be distinguished: intangible assets, marketing resources, management and infrastructure resources and labor resources.

In accordance with applicable law intangible assets - these are non-material assets, that is, non-monetary assets that do not have a tangible form, can be identified and maintained by an enterprise for the purpose of using it for a period of more than one year for production, trade, for administrative purposes or leased to others. The presence and scale of development of these areas of innovation determine both the current measure of readiness and the future degree of efficiency in the development of new technologies by the enterprise. The choice of a particular strategy of innovative development depends on the magnitude of the innovative potential. So, if an enterprise has all the necessary resources, then it can follow the path of a leader's strategy, developing and introducing fundamentally new, or basic, innovations. If innovative opportunities are limited, then it is advisable to build them up and choose a follower strategy, i.e. implement improving technologies. This approach to the interpretation of innovative potential can be considered a classic one.

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Innovative activity of the enterprise

1.1. The essence of innovation

1.2. Innovative development of the company is the basis for improvement

the effectiveness of its activities

1.3. The main directions of innovative development of the organization


Practical part

List of references


The innovation process is a process that brings together science, technology, economics, entrepreneurship and management. It consists in receiving innovation and extends from the conception of an idea to its commercialization.

Innovation is the transformation of potential scientific and technological progress into real one, embodied in new products and technologies. In accordance with international standards, innovation is defined as the end result of innovation, embodied in the form of a new or improved product introduced on the market, a new or improved technological process used in practice, or in a new approach to social services. Development, introduction into production of new products are important for increasing competitiveness and eliminating the dependence of the company on the mismatch of the life cycles of manufactured products. In modern conditions, products are being updated at a fairly rapid pace.

Innovation activity is a complex dynamic system of action and interaction of various methods, factors and governing bodies engaged in scientific research, the creation of new types of products, the improvement of equipment and objects of labor, technological processes and forms of organization of production based on the latest achievements of science and technology; planning, financing. The company is obliged to take care of its own competitiveness and profit. Consequently, it must monitor and predict the market situation, the line of behavior of the main and potential competitors, the emergence of new scientific and technological breakthroughs that can change in one direction or another the market equilibrium achieved at a given point in time.

The introduction of innovations can give four types of effect: economic, scientific and technical, social and environmental.

Chapter 1. Innovative activity of the enterprise

1.1. The essence of innovation

The innovative development of an organization in modern conditions is an integral part of its main activity, as it contributes to an increase in the level of competitiveness of products and the organization as a whole. The latter, in turn, is reflected in the indicators of profit and production efficiency. However, the Russian economy carries with it the legacy of a planned and administrative economy, in which the important role of introducing innovations was assigned only to promising industries. The leaders of many enterprises, organizations and firms still do not realize the primacy of scientific and technological development of their facilities and do not attach much importance to improving the quality of products and services, preferring cost savings as a way to maximize profits. This immediately reduces the adaptability of organizations to changes in the external environment and makes them uncompetitive in the medium and long term.

The experience of industrialized countries shows that the role of innovation in the economy is great. They, as a manifestation of scientific and technological progress, help to change and improve not only goods and services, but also the management system of organizations, bringing it in line with the requirements of the modern environment. Thus, innovations in an organization are a form of manifestation of scientific and technological progress at the micro level.

Innovation activity, despite its promising potential, can play a negative role in the case when the work of the innovation department in the structure of the organization exists by itself and its efforts are aimed at achieving their own goals. As a result, significant investments in innovation are wasted, that is, they are not aimed at achieving the main goal of the organization.

Innovation as a result of creative and investment activities is aimed at the development, manufacture and distribution of new types of goods, services, technologies, organizational forms at the firm level. The purpose of innovation is to increase the competitiveness of the firm, goods and services and thereby increase the firm's profits.

Investments - investments with the aim of maintaining and increasing capital. The structure of investments includes fixed, working capital, intangible assets.

An investor is a legal or natural person investing in innovation.

From the above, three possible criteria for the classification of innovations follow:

the degree of novelty for the firm;

the nature of the concept on which the innovation is based;

intensity of innovation.

The degree of novelty of an innovation largely determines the level of its competitiveness. The further the firm delves into new areas, the higher the strategic risk becomes.

From the point of view of novelty, the following products should be distinguished:

goods of world novelty;

goods new to the company;

expansion of the existing range of goods;

updated products;

change in product positioning;

cost reduction (price reduction).

1.2. Innovative development of the company is the basis for improvement

the effectiveness of its activities

Scientific and technological progress (STP) is a process of continuous development of science, technology, technology, improvement of objects of labor, forms and methods of organizing production and labor. It also acts as the most important means of solving socio-economic problems, such as improving working conditions, protecting the environment, and, as a result, increasing the well-being of the nation. Scientific and technical progress is of great importance for ensuring the system of national security and defense.

In its development, STP is manifested in two interrelated and interdependent forms (Table 1.2).

Table 2.1

Forms of scientific and technological progress

Forms of NTP

Timing and essence



Can last long enough and provide significant economic results (especially in the early stages)

Gradual and continuous improvement of traditional technical means and technologies; building a base for fundamental transformations


Qualitative changes are taking place in the material and technical base of production in a relatively short time. Promotes the rapid development of industries that determine the technical re-equipment of the national economy

Based on the achievements of science and technology. Characterized by the use of new energy sources, widespread use of electronics, new technological processes, progressive materials

The interrelation of these two forms is manifested in the following: STP forms the basis for fundamental transformations in the field of science and technology, that is, it contributes to the scientific and technological revolution (STR). Scientific and technological revolution, in turn, accelerates scientific and technological progress, brings it to a qualitatively new level.

The effectiveness of the innovative (scientific and technical) development of the organization is determined based on the ratio of the effect and the costs that caused it. The costs of improving the technology and organization of production affect the standards of labor intensity, material consumption and equipment productivity, which ultimately affects the cost of production. Planning the costs of improving the technology consists in determining the values \u200b\u200bof the increment of these costs, providing the desired increments in the values \u200b\u200bof the specified standards. Efficiency is a relative value, measured in fractions of a unit or as a percentage, and characterizing the result of the costs incurred. The criterion of efficiency is the maximization of the effect (profit) at a given cost or the minimization of costs (production costs) to achieve a given effect.

In recent years, the problem of systemic reform of Russian enterprises has acquired great importance. The question arises of a radical change in production technology, which is associated with the innovation strategy of enterprises, organizations and firms. Effective development and implementation of innovations allow the enterprise to successfully operate in already mastered areas and open up opportunities for entering new directions. This acquires a special role in a market economy characterized by rapid changes in the market environment and active competition between enterprises. The success of the implementation of innovations in an organization is influenced by many factors, including the availability of scientific and technical potential, production and technical base, basic types of resources, large investments, and an appropriate management system.

The correct ratio and use of these factors, as well as the close relationship through the management system between the innovation, production and marketing activities of the company lead to a positive result of the implementation of the innovation strategy.

The formation of innovative strategies is based on the general socio-economic goals and innovative objectives of the organization. Profit making and its maximization are the fundamental goals of the organization in market conditions. To achieve it, the organization defines specific goals of lower orders. Among the general socio-economic goals of the second level of the goal tree are:

an increase in the scale of production;

growing market share;

stabilization of the market position;

development of new markets.

A well-formed portfolio of innovative strategies contributes to a more rational allocation of resources and, accordingly, affects the efficiency of the organization as a whole. However, the process of developing and implementing an innovative strategy largely depends on the factors of the external environment of the organization. In strategic planning, it is necessary to take into account both the innovative potential of competitors, and the attitude of the state to the innovative activity of the organization, and the general scientific, technical, economic, political and social atmosphere in the country.

1.3. The main directions of innovative development of the organization

The main areas of innovative development of an organization in a modern economy include:

complex mechanization and automation;




introduction of new materials;

mastering new technologies.

1. Comprehensive mechanization and automation of production involves the widespread introduction of interrelated and interdependent machines, apparatus, instruments, equipment in all areas of production, operations and types of work. It helps to intensify production, increase labor productivity, reduce the share of manual labor in production, facilitate and improve working conditions, and reduce the labor intensity of products. Thus, mechanization displaces manual labor and replaces it with machines in the main and auxiliary technological operations.

Automation of production means the use of technical means with the aim of fully or partially replacing human participation in the processes of obtaining, transforming, transferring and using energy, materials or information. The following types of automation are distinguished:

partial (covers individual operations and processes);

complex (covers the entire cycle of work);

complete (the automated process is implemented without direct human participation).

2. Chemicalization of production provides for the improvement of production processes as a result of the introduction of chemical technologies, raw materials, materials, products in order to intensify, obtain new types of products and improve their quality. This reduces production costs and increases the efficiency of the organization in the market. Examples include new generation varnishes and coatings, chemical additives, synthetic fibers, lightweight and durable plastics.

3. Electrification of production is a process of widespread introduction of electricity as a source of power for a production power apparatus. Comprehensive mechanization and automation of production is carried out on the basis of electrification, and progressive technology is being introduced. Electrophysical and electrochemical processing methods make it possible to obtain products of complex geometric shapes. Lasers are widely used for cutting and welding metals, heat treatment.

4. Electronization of production involves the provision of all divisions of the organization with highly efficient electronics - from personal computers to satellite communication and information systems. On the basis of computers and microprocessors, technological complexes, machines and equipment, measuring, regulating and information systems are being created, design and construction work and scientific research are being carried out, information services and training are carried out. This ensures high labor productivity, shortens the time for obtaining information, and increases the speed of the production process.

5. Creation and implementation of new materials with qualitatively new effective properties (high-temperature strength, superconductivity, corrosion and radiation resistance, etc.), makes it possible to increase the competitiveness of manufactured products. This, in turn, has a positive effect on the organization's bottom line.

6. The assimilation of new technologies opens the way for solving many production and socio-economic problems. In the production process, fundamentally new technologies make it possible to increase the volume of output without involving additional production factors. The development of new biotechnologies will help to solve the problems of hunger in developing countries, the fight against agricultural pests without damaging the environment, the provision of raw materials for all regions of the world economy, and the creation of waste-free production.

Domestic enterprises in the context of a decline in production during the period of economic reforms faced a serious problem in the field of innovative development. The main difficulties were caused by the refusal to finance R&D by the state, which led to a temporary freeze of this type of activity in organizations. However, today many Russian enterprises have begun to adapt to market conditions, and there has been some upsurge in domestic industry. The transition of enterprises to self-financing, attracting investments from large international organizations gave a new impetus to the innovative activities of enterprises. In addition, the leaders of industrial enterprises realized that strategic planning in the field of innovation - a fundamental element of increasing the efficiency of the firm in a market economy. In this regard, a part of internal investments began to be directed to the innovative development of the enterprise.

Innovation, however, requires not only significant investment, but also effective management in order to obtain a positive result from its application.


The effect of the use of innovations depends on the results and costs taken into account. Determine the economic, scientific and technical, financial, resource, social and economic effect.

The commercial aspect defines innovation as an economic necessity, realized through the needs of the market. Attention should be paid to two points: "materialization" of innovation, inventions and developments into new technically advanced types of industrial products, means and objects of labor, technologies and organization of production and "commercialization", which turns them into a source of income.

The material results of innovation activities are created and mastered machines, equipment, instruments, and automation equipment.

Entering the technology market is evidence of the effectiveness of innovation.

Innovations enable the enterprise to increase profits, ensuring the competitiveness of products, reduce the risk of bankruptcy in the transition period, and ensure economic sustainability.

List of references:

Innovation management: Textbook / Ed. prof. V.A. Shvandara, prof. V.Ya. Gorfinkel. - M .: University textbook, 2004.-382s.

Production management: Textbook for universities / S.D. Ilyenkova, A.V. Bandurin, G. Ya. Gorbovtsov and others; Ed. S. D. Ilyenkova. - M .: UNITI-DANA, 2002 .-- 583 p.

Kazantsev A.K., Serova L.S. Fundamentals of Production Management: Textbook. - M .: INFRA-M, 2002 .-- 348 p. - (Series "Higher Education").


In modern conditions, innovative activity is inherent to one degree or another in any manufacturing enterprise. Even if an enterprise is not a leader in the innovation market, sooner or later it will certainly face the need to replace obsolete technologies and products.

Market conditions for the development of the economy are currently constantly putting forward the requirements of not only quantitative, but also qualitative transformations. These transformations can be carried out using the most advanced technology, technology, continuously developing the research base.

The success of any firm is determined not so much by the scale of production as by the ability to update the product range in accordance with the state of the market and the behavior of competitors. Firms can win the buyer and stay on the market only by offering new or improved quality products.

1. General characteristics of innovation and innovation

The term innovation is used in two senses. First, to describe the first use of a new product, process, or system. Second, to describe a process, including activities such as research, design, development and organization of production of a new product, process or system.

INNOVATION (eng, innovation) - innovation, innovation, innovation. In its most general form, this concept means: 1) investment in the economy, ensuring the change of generations of technology and technology; 2) new equipment, technology, products (goods) and services resulting from the achievements of scientific and technological progress.

The meaning of the term "innovation" depends on the specific purpose of research, measurement or analysis of an object.

Modern economic theory distinguishes between the following types of innovation:

introduction of a new product (product innovation);

introduction of a new production method (technological innovation);

creation of a new market for goods or services (market innovation);

development of a new source of supply of raw materials or semi-finished products (marketing innovation);

reorganization of the management structure (management innovation).

Innovation as a result of the creative process is the creation (or introduction) of new use values, the use of which requires the persons or organizations using them to change the usual stereotypes of activity, their skills. In this case, the most important sign of innovation in a market economy should be the novelty of its consumer properties.

Innovation is the use of the results of scientific research and development aimed at improving the process of production activities, economic, legal and social relations in the field of science, culture, education in other areas of society. This term can have different meanings in different contexts, their choice depends on the specific purpose of the measurement or analysis.

Innovation is the end result of innovative activity, which has received implementation in the form of a new or improved product sold on the market, a new or improved technological process used in practice.

The methodology for the systematic description of innovations in a market economy is based on international standards, recommendations for which were adopted in Oslo in 1992 and received the name "Oslo Guidelines". They are designed only for technological innovation and cover new products and processes, as well as their significant technological changes. An innovation is considered to have been implemented if it is introduced in the market or in the production process. Accordingly, two types of technological innovations are distinguished: product and process innovations.

Product innovation encompasses the introduction of new or improved products.

Process innovation is the development of new or significantly improved products, the organization of production. The release of such products is not possible using existing equipment or manufacturing methods.

All existing definitions can be attributed to five main approaches to the definition of innovation: 1) objective (in Russian literature, in this case, the word "innovation" is often used as the term being defined); 2) to process; 3) object-utilitarian; 4) process-utilitarian; 5) process and financial.

The main properties (criteria) of innovation are:

scientific and technical novelty;

practical implementation (industrial applicability), i.e. use, for example, in industry, agriculture, health care, education or other areas of activity;

commercial feasibility, which means that the innovation is “accepted” by the market; marketable; which, in turn, means the ability to satisfy certain consumer needs.

Since the new idea is embodied in real objects or processes, in so far as it turns out to be focused on meeting the practical needs of people. Thus, in a market economy, such an integral criterion of innovation as the practical embodiment of a new idea is closely related to the criterion of its commercial feasibility through the appearance on the market of new (innovative) products or services.

Innovation activities are activities aimed at using and commercializing the results of research and development to expand and update the range and improve the quality of products (goods, services), improve their manufacturing technology, followed by implementation and effective implementation in the domestic and foreign markets. Innovation activity associated with capital investments in innovation is called innovation - investment activity.

Innovation activity involves a whole range of scientific, technological, organizational, financial and commercial activities, which together lead to innovation.

Varieties of the main types of innovation activities can be:

a) preparation and organization of production, covering the acquisition of production equipment and tools, changes in them, as well as in the procedures, methods and standards of production and quality control necessary to create a new technological process;

b) pre-production development, including product and technological process modifications, personnel retraining for the application of new technologies and equipment;

c) marketing of new products, which involves activities related to the release of new products to the market, including preliminary market research, product adaptation to different markets, advertising campaign;

d) acquisition of non-material technology from outside in the form of patents, licenses, disclosure of know-how, trade marks, designs, models and services of technological content;

e) the acquisition of materialized technology - machines and equipment, in terms of their technological content, associated with the introduction of product or process innovations on IP;

f) production design, including the preparation of plans and drawings to define production procedures, technical specifications.

The innovation activity is based on scientific and technical activity (STD). In the implementation of scientific and technical documentation, the concept of "scale of scientific work" is important, which covers the following:

scientific (scientific and technical) direction - the largest scientific work, which has an independent character and is dedicated to solving an important problem of the development of this branch of science and technology. The solution of this or that scientific direction is possible through the efforts of a number of scientific organizations;

scientific (scientific and technical) problem - a part of the scientific (scientific and technical) direction, representing one of the possible ways to solve it;

a scientific topic is a part of a problem that is solved, as a rule, within a scientific organization and acts as the main unit of a thematic plan in financing, planning and accounting for work.

In the implementation of innovative activities, its objects and subjects differ.

The objects of innovative activity are the development of equipment and technology by enterprises located, regardless of the organizational and legal form and form of ownership, on the territory of the country.

Subjects of innovation activity - legal entities regardless of the organizational and legal form and form of ownership, individuals of the Russian Federation, foreign organizations and citizens, as well as stateless persons participating in innovation activities. The rights of the subjects are guaranteed by the Constitution of the Russian Federation. There may be innovators among the subjects. An innovator is the author of an innovation (discovery, invention, utility model, design solution, rationalization proposal, know-how, industrial design or other type of innovation).

The need for the formation of innovative activities is due to:

strengthening of intensive factors of production development, which contribute to the application of scientific and technological progress in all spheres of economic activity;

the decisive role of science in increasing the efficiency of the development and implementation of new technology;

the need for a significant reduction in the time required for the creation and development of new technology: an increase in the technical level of production;

the need to develop the mass creativity of inventors and rationalizers;

the specifics of the process of scientific and technical production: uncertainty of costs and results, pronounced multivariate research, risk and the possibility of negative results;

an increase in costs and a deterioration in the economic performance of enterprises in the development of new products;

rapid obsolescence of equipment and technology;

the objective need for the accelerated introduction of new equipment and technology, etc.

2. Forms of organizing innovation

The organization of innovative activities is aimed at streamlining the processes of generating new ideas, searching and developing technical solutions, creating innovations, as well as their implementation.

The forms of innovation activity can be: economic partnerships, various societies, state and municipal unitary enterprises and organizations, and research, design, design and industrial enterprises, as well as higher education institutions.

Innovative activity has the following basic forms of organization:

scientific centers and laboratories as part of corporate structures. They are called upon to carry out research and development work, organize the development and production of new products and services;

temporary creative research teams or centers that are created to solve certain large and original scientific and technical problems;

state scientific centers are a special type of state scientific organizations, the mechanism of activity of which is designed to ensure coordination, on the one hand, of the strategically long-term priorities of the state in the development of the most important areas of science and technology, and on the other, the economic and social interests of specific subjects of scientific and technical activity;

various forms of technopark structures (scientific technological and research parks, innovation, innovation-technological and business-innovation centers, business incubators, technopolises).

Technoparks are scientific and production territorial complexes, the main task of which is to create the most favorable environment for the development of small and medium science-intensive innovative client firms.

A business incubator is an organization where aspiring entrepreneurs acquire skills in running their own business, where they are provided with legal, economic and advisory assistance.

Technopolises are large modern scientific and industrial complexes, which also include a university or other higher educational institutions, research institutes, as well as residential areas. Favorable conditions are created here for the development of new scientific directions and science-intensive industries.

One of the forms of technological innovation is the venture business, which is treated as a risky business. Venture business is typical for the commercialization of scientific research results in science-intensive and primarily in high-tech areas, where the effect is not guaranteed and there is a significant share of risk. A venture capital firm is usually understood as a commercial scientific and technical firm engaged in the development and implementation of new and newest technologies and products with no predetermined income, i.e. with a risky investment of capital.

3. Mechanisms for organizing innovative activities at the enterprise

The mechanism for organizing innovative activities at the enterprise is focused on the formation and reorganization of structures that carry out innovative processes. Such work can take place in various forms, the main of which are creation, absorption, market innovation integration, selection.

Creation is the formation of new enterprises, structural divisions or units designed to carry out innovative activities. The most essential elements of new organizational forms are matrix structures, scientific and technical departments, scientific and technical organizations operating on market principles, internal ventures.

Matrix structures represent such organizational formations that are created temporarily - for the period of development and implementation of innovations, include specialists of various profiles, administratively subordinate to the heads of the corresponding permanent divisions, but temporarily assigned to work in a temporary implementation structure to carry out work in a certain specialization. Such temporary divisions allow you to unite various specialists for the period of development and implementation of an innovation.

Scientific and technical units are created on a permanent basis, they do not have economic independence, and their activities are carried out at the expense of the company's budget as a whole.

Independent scientific and technical organizations, on the other hand, have their own budget, they sell their developments to the production units of the company. This increases responsibility for the results of activities, their compliance with the company's goals and market requirements.

Internal ventures, or so-called intrapreneurship structures, are usually engaged in direct implementation of innovations focused on a new market niche.

In some cases, a very effective organizational mechanism can be the takeover by a large company of small innovative firms whose activities are within the scope of this company's interests. This mechanism assumes the implementation of large one-time costs, but leads to a significant reduction in the time required to enter the market with a new product.

The mechanism that complements the takeover is the establishment of close ties between a large company and small innovative firms, which are based on long-term contractual relationships and the aggregate of which is called market innovation integration. In this case, innovative firms retain their independence, but fall into the sphere of market production relations of a large company.

The combination of absorption processes and market innovation integration gives grounds to propose the use of the so-called rolling organization of the innovation process. Its meaning is to create an innovative environment for a manufacturing company, consisting of firms in relation to which the takeover (IFP), as well as market-integrated firms (RIF).

Allocation is an organizational mechanism that involves the creation of independent innovative companies that were previously part of integral industrial formations.

It is advisable to carry out such actions when a new direction of activity is formed, not related to the main specialization of the company, diverting its resources to itself.

At present, the organizational and legal forms of organizing innovative activities in the country correspond to the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (Civil Code of the Russian Federation) and the Law of the Russian Federation "On Science and State Scientific and Technical Policy".

4. Evaluation of the effectiveness of the organization of innovative activities at the enterprise

Implementation of innovative, like any other, activity is always associated with various internal and external costs. Therefore, to determine the economic efficiency of innovation, it is necessary to assess the cost-effectiveness of it.

It is necessary to distinguish between the cost-effectiveness of innovation activities among producers (sellers) and buyers. The main criterion for justifying the economic efficiency of innovation activity among manufacturers (sellers) is its result: net present value, which is determined by comparing the costs incurred and the results obtained and is taken as the basis for all subsequent justifications of the economic efficiency of a specific innovation project. The cost-effectiveness of innovation among buyers needs to be viewed from a different perspective. The buyer, acquiring innovations, improves his material and technical base, production technology and management. It bears the costs associated with the purchase of an innovation, its transportation, development, etc. The cost effectiveness of the buyer for the use of innovation can be determined and managed by comparing the following indicators:

costs of production and sales of products before and after the introduction of innovations;

proceeds from sales of products before and after the introduction of innovations;

the cost of consumed resources before and after the introduction of innovations;

average headcount, etc.

The sustainability of the project is understood as the limiting negative value of the analyzed indicator, at which the economic feasibility of the project is preserved. The project's resistance to changes in the analyzed indicator is calculated based on equating to 0 the equation for calculating NPV (net present value (net present value, net present value)).

A project is considered stable if, with a deviation of the project indicators (capital investments, sales, operating costs and macroeconomic factors) by 10% for the worse, the condition NPV \u003d 0 remains.

The sensitivity to the change in the indicator is also determined using the analysis, when the analyzed indicator changes by 10% towards the negative deviation. If after this NPV remains positive, then innovation activity is considered insensitive to changes in this factor. If NPV takes a negative value, then the activity has a sensitivity of less than 10% and is considered risky for this factor.

Summing up the results in this chapter, I would like to note that in the market conditions of management, such an indicator as the attractiveness of innovative projects, determined by the strategy of the innovator company, the conditions for attracting financial resources and their sources, and the innovator's dividend policy, is very important. This factor is very important when assessing the effectiveness of the organization of innovation in any enterprise.

5. Analysis of the external environment of the enterprise

The external environment is characterized as a set of variables that are outside the boundaries of the organization and are not the area of \u200b\u200bdirect impact. The external environment of direct impact is the organizations and people that are associated with this enterprise due to the goals and objectives they fulfill: suppliers, consumers, creditors, competitors, trade unions, trade organizations, government bodies, etc. The external environment of indirect impact includes: political , economic, demographic, socio-cultural, technological, environmental, geographical, climatic factors. These factors do not directly affect the operational activities of the organization, they predetermine the strategically important decisions made by its management.

An analysis of the external environment in the firm is carried out in order to determine those potential opportunities and threats that the firm must take into account when setting goals and objectives, when achieving them, as well as when planning innovative projects.

When analyzing the external environment of direct impact, the main attention is paid to the study of consumers (buyers). Consumer analysis sets as its main task the study of those who purchase the products of a given company. This method allows the company to find out which product is more in demand among certain segments of the population, what sales volume the company can expect in a given month, how the sales range can be expanded, what the future expects for this product, whether there will be demand for it in six months, etc. .d. The following criteria are used to create a big picture of the customer's image:

territorial location;

demographic factors (age, gender);

social affiliation of buyers;

the buyer's attitude to the product.

When analyzing the external environment of the enterprise, great attention should also be paid to the study of competitors. Competition (from the Latin concurrere - "to collide") is a struggle of economic market participants independent from each other for the right to possess limited resources.

In other words, it is such a process of interaction between companies acting in the market in order to achieve better marketing opportunities for their goods by satisfying the diverse needs of buyers. Competition is constantly present in the market between commodity producers. And in order for a firm to be successful, it needs to be constantly on the enterprise should research the labor market. To analyze the macroenvironment, you need to consider economic, political, social, etc. Components.

6. Methods for improving the organization of innovation

Everything that exists is aging. Therefore, it is necessary to systematically discard everything that is worn out, obsolete, has become a brake on the path to progress, and also take into account mistakes, failures and miscalculations. To do this, enterprises periodically need to conduct certification of products, technologies and jobs, analyze the market and distribution channels. Practice shows: nothing forces a manager to focus on an innovative idea more than the realization that the product being produced will become outdated in the near future.

To determine the ways to improve the organization of innovative activities in the company, it is necessary to clearly know what innovation requires:

Thorough analysis of all necessary factors;

A clear understanding of the goal pursued, i.e. a clear strategic orientation is needed;

Entrepreneurial management organizations, as they require financial and managerial flexibility and market orientation.

The innovation must be created and accepted by the society. Only in this case will it bring success.

The principles that the firm's technologists should take into account when creating an effective innovative product:

purposeful systematic innovation requires a continuous analysis of the possibilities of the above sources of innovation;

innovation must correspond to the needs, desires, habits of the people who will use it;

innovation should be simple and consistent with the firm's goals.

But it is necessary to take into account the principles, the use of which negatively affects the creation of an innovative product:

the complexity of the design of an innovative product - problems arise during operation;

incorrectly planned stage of creating an innovative product.

Innovation - changes in the economy, industry, society, in the behavior of buyers, manufacturers, workers. Therefore, it should always be market-oriented, guided by its needs.

For a firm to innovate, it must have a structure and mindset that fosters an entrepreneurial atmosphere and perceives the new as an opportunity.

The main organizing principle for innovation is to build a team of the best workers, freed from the current job.

To improve innovation in a firm, the following steps are required:

implementation of a system of continuous improvement;

improvement of the incentive and motivation system in order to encourage innovation (innovation);

creation of the company's website;

overcoming the resistance of employees to innovations (innovations);

modification of the system for collecting internal and external marketing information;

improvement of strategic management at the firm, regulation of procedures for the development, consideration, approval, implementation and monitoring of innovative projects.

At the same time, it is advisable to carry out a comparative analysis of the profitability of each of the areas of innovation, that is, it is necessary to determine the likely increase in profit for each area of \u200b\u200binnovation and choose the one that will provide the highest indicators. Carrying out this work is especially important, since during a crisis on the all-Russian market, a company may be limited in finances, which should be aimed at improving innovative activities.


innovation environment enterprise

Despite the difficult economic situation of many commercial organizations, in modern conditions there is a tendency to increase their innovative activity, especially in the field of product and technological innovations. This requires appropriate financial, human and material and technical resources, as well as special training, retraining and advanced training of managers in the field of economics, organization and management of innovation processes.

Innovation activities should create the necessary conditions for expanding, accelerating and increasing the efficiency of creating and implementing various innovations: product, technological, economic, social, etc., aimed at the development and implementation of competitive products and technologies at the level of world standards. This will make it possible to create highly profitable industrial production, including export-oriented ones, and numerous commercial organizations in the service sector (trading firms, mass catering enterprises, transport organizations, communications enterprises, banks, insurance companies, etc.).

List of references

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.Rumyantseva Z.P. General management of the organization. Theory and Practice: Textbook. - M .: INFRA-M, 2007.- 304s.


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