Jsc aak progress contacts. Arsenyev Aviation Company "Progress" named after N.I.Sazykina. Participation in associations

Arsenyev Aviation Company "Progress" named after N. I. Sazykina

OJSC "Arsenyevskaya Aviation Company" PROGRESS "named after NI Sazykin" - an aircraft building company located in the city of Arseniev, one of the largest enterprises aerospace RF. Part of the Russian Helicopters holding company. Today, the hallmark of AAK Progress is the Ka-50 Black Shark and Ka-52 Alligator combat helicopters developed by the Kamov Design Bureau, produced by orders of the Russian Ministry of Defense.

The aircraft manufactured by the plant has been repeatedly demonstrated at international air shows and arms exhibitions. AAK "Progress" has closely cooperated for decades with the world famous design bureaus - A.S. Yakovleva, O.K. Antonova, M.L. Mila, N.I. Kamova, MKB "Raduga".

Production area plant - 290,000 sq.m. The number of employees is 6000 people.

The labor merits of the plant's collective were marked with government awards: the Orders of the Red Banner of Labor (1977) and the October Revolution (1986). For 70 years of work of the Progress plant, 625 employees have been awarded state awards and industry awards. Three people were awarded the title of Hero of Socialist Labor - plant director Sazykin N.I., locksmith Kuznetsova M.A., turner Udovenko N.F.,.


In 1986, the plant began to receive design documentation, and in 1988, the assembly of the first pre-production helicopter of the B-80 type, later called the Ka-50, began. On May 22, 1991, the first Ka-50 helicopter, assembled at Progress, took off at the plant's airfield. Until 2006, 9 machines of this type were delivered to the customer. At the present time, several more Ka-50s have been manufactured, and previously produced vehicles have been repaired. The production of the Ka-50 type helicopters has been temporarily suspended pending the specification of the appearance of the helicopter in the context of its combat use with the Ka-52 type helicopters.

In 2004, by the decision of the Board of Directors of JSC AAK "Progress", Yuri Petrovich Denisenko was appointed General Director of the plant.

  • Ka-50 - "Black Shark" combat helicopter
  • Ka-52 - Alligator all-weather combat helicopter
  • Ka-62 - multipurpose helicopter
  • 3M-80 - anti-ship cruise missile complex "Mosquito"
  • 3M-80E - anti-ship cruise missile of the Moskit-E complex
  • 3M-80MVE - anti-ship cruise missile of the Moskit-MVE complex
  • 3M-82 - anti-ship cruise missile

AAK "Progress" exported its products to more than 50 countries of the world: Vietnam, Iraq, Cuba, Yemen, China, Syria, India, Algeria and other countries.


AAK "Progress" carries out repairs

On Friday, September 9, at the Arsenyev Aviation Company "Progress" named after N.I. Sazykina of the Russian Helicopters holding (part of the Rostec State Corporation) celebrated the 80th anniversary of the enterprise. On this day, the grand opening of the monument to the Ka-50 "Black Shark" helicopter, demonstration flights of aviation equipment and festive concert... Also, the audience was presented with a novelty - the Ka-62 helicopter.


In honor of the holiday, the employees of the enterprise were reduced their working hours, so that they had time to stroll through the museum of the plant under open air.


On its birthday, the plant was visited by the management of the enterprise, Russian Helicopters and Rostec Corporation



Part of the exposition of the open-air museum on the territory of the Progress plant


The ZM-80 "Mosquito" supersonic anti-ship cruise missile and the P-15M anti-ship missile, the world's first anti-ship missile that has undergone real combat use.


Final assembly shop technicians walk through the plant.


On the eve of the holiday, September 8, in the Progress Palace of Culture general manager of the Russian Helicopters holding Alexander Mikheev presented government and departmental awards to honored workers of the enterprise.

In the photo: a monument to the Mi-24 helicopter at the Palace of Culture of the Progress company in the city of Arsenyev.

The grand opening of the monument to the Mi-24 helicopter took place on September 29 at the Palace of Culture of the Progress company in honor of the 110th anniversary of the founding of the urban settlement. This monument is a recognition of the merits of the work collective of AAK "Progress", gratitude not only for the invaluable contribution to the country's defense, but also for the development and support of the hometown of Arseniev.

Alexander Mikheev, General Director of the Russian Helicopters holding, which includes AAK PJSC Progress, addressed the plant's staff. He addressed all those present with congratulations. “I wish the staff and veterans of PJSC“ Arsenyevskaya Aviation Company “Progress” named after N.I. Sazykin "health, further fruitful development and new labor achievements for the benefit of protecting our Motherland!" - said Alexander Mikheev at the end of his congratulatory speech.



The first festive event on September 9 was the grand opening of the monument to the Ka-50 Black Shark helicopter.


The helicopter glider, made about 20 years ago at PJSC AAK "PROGRESS", was transferred to the city of Arsenyev by the Ministry of Defense Russian Federation this July. Subsequently, it was brought to an exhibition appearance by the efforts of the airline's specialists and installed on a pedestal on the Glory Square near PJSC AAK PROGRESS.





The honorary right to open the monument and give a welcoming speech was given to: Yuri Denisenko, Managing Director of PJSC AAK PROGRESS, Head of Arsenyevsk City District Alexander Dronin, General Designer of JSC Kamov Sergey Mikheev and Bishop of Arsenyevsky and Dalnegorsky Guriy


Manager director of PJSC AAK "PROGRESS" Yuri Denisenko.


General Designer of JSC "Kamov" Sergey Mikheev






Also on the day of the anniversary, media representatives were able to see the production facilities of the enterprise.





Second Ka-62 in the final assembly shop




Then the guests of the holiday were invited to the Progress flight test station, where demonstration performances of aircraft modellers from the Primorsky Territory and the Amur Region took place.



At the static parking lot, a prototype of a promising civilian multipurpose helicopter Ka-62, as well as a serial Ka-52 Alligator combat attack and reconnaissance helicopter, which today is the "calling card" of the Arsenyev Helicopter Plant, was presented to the attention of residents and guests of the city for the first time.
















Demonstration flights began after the holiday. The Ka-52 "Alligator" helicopter manufactured by PJSC AAK "Progress" performed aerobatics.

In total on this day, the Arsenyev Aviation Company "Progress" them. N.I. Sazykin was visited by more than 10 thousand people: representatives of the government of the Russian Federation, regional authorities, aircraft and machine-building industries, employees of the enterprise and their families, residents and guests of Arsenyev.


Transport and assault helicopter Mi-8AMTSh




Parachutists performed a complex and rare aerobatics "bell"


The highlight of the program is aerobatics on the Ka-52 "Alligator"




Ka-52 launches heat traps




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-Assembly of the Ka-52 at the plant in Arseniev:

Some reports about Ka-52 helicopters in my blog:

Arsenyevskaya Aviation Company Progress named after Sazykin is one of the largest enterprises in the aerospace industry in Russia. Visiting card of the plant are the Ka-52 Alligator combat helicopters developed by the Kamov Design Bureau, produced by orders of the Ministry of Defense. A large photo reportage about how these legendary cars are built.

Below the cut are photos about the production of Ka-52 "Alligator" helicopters at the AAC "PROGRESS" plant named after Sazykin

On December 25, 2013, at OJSC Arsenyev Aviation Company Progress named after N.I.Sazykin (AAK Progress, part of OJSC Russian Helicopters, a subsidiary of OPK Oboronprom), an official ceremony of handing over to the Ministry of Defense was held in Arseniev Russian consignment of 14 regular combat helicopters Ka-52 "Alligator" manufactured by the enterprise.

The ceremony was attended by the Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Air Force, General Viktor Bondarev, and the General Director of the Russian Helicopters holding, Alexander Mikheev. The helicopters will enter service with the Army Aviation of the Western Military District.

Far Eastern Federal University is completing large-scale work on the creation of an intelligent robotic complex for processing polymer composite parts of new civilian Ka-62 helicopters. This model of the Arsenyev Aviation Company "Progress" named after N.I. Sazykina is one of the most anticipated novelties of the Russian Helicopters holding on the world market. The unique system, designed and assembled by scientists from the FEFU School of Engineering, is capable of waterjet processing more than 250 types of parts up to six meters in size from 22 types of composite materials. At the final stage, it is necessary to finally debug the operation of the complex, and by the end of 2015 - to launch it into pilot operation directly at the plant.

Rector of the Far Eastern Federal University Sergey Ivanets visited aircraft factory "Progress" in Arseniev. Representatives of the enterprise, which is part of the Russian Helicopters holding, demonstrated to the head of the university the results of work on the modernization of production and told about the first results of cooperation between the aircraft plant and the FEFU.

First of all, representatives of the plant demonstrated the production process of the Ka-52 Alligator all-weather combat helicopters, as well as prototypes of the deck modification of this model - the Ka-52K, produced for the Ministry of Defense. The assembly site for prototypes of the new multipurpose helicopter Ka-62.

A tactical flight exercise was held at the Chernihiv army aviation airbase in Primorye, during which the crews of the Ka-52 Alligator and Mi-8AMTSh Terminator helicopters launched a missile strike at the targets and manpower of the simulated enemy.

On the territory of the Chernigovka army aviation base, tactical flight exercises were held. The pilots of the Ka-52 "Alligator" attack helicopters learned how to launch a missile attack on a simulated enemy amphibious assault force. According to the legend of the exercises, illegal armed groups on landing boats and amphibious armored vehicles tried to seize the coast of one of the regions of the Primorsky Territory.

On the territory of the Chernigovka army aviation base, tactical flight exercises were held. The pilots also learned how to launch a missile strike on a simulated enemy amphibious assault. Also at the base there was a training on landing and preparing a helicopter in a chemically contaminated area.

On Thursday, February 5, a joint training of army aviation and air defense took place at the Chernigov airbase. It was attended by helicopters Ka-52 "Alligator", Mi-8 AMTSH "Terminator" and the calculation of the anti-aircraft missile-gun complex "Pantsir"

The new combat helicopters have a wide range of capabilities, good maneuverability and the latest weapons. During the exercise, the helicopter pilots performed maneuvers of various complexity in order to escape from the attack of the air defense systems of the conditional enemy with the suppression of his radar equipment

04/20/2012 at the airbase of the Russian Air Force "Chernigovka", for the first time there were demonstration flights of the newest combat helicopters Ka-52 "Alligator" and Mi-8AMTSh, which became part of the air base.

It is noteworthy that only two air garrisons are equipped with Ka-52 Alligator combat helicopters. This is the center for combat use and retraining of flight personnel in the city of Torzhok and the 319th separate helicopter regiment of the combat command, which is now part of the Chernigov air base.
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Arsenyev Aviation Company "Progress"named after N.I. Sazykina is an aircraft building company located in the city of Arseniev, Primorsky Krai. The Aviation Plant is the largest highly equipped enterprise, a carrier of unique aviation and rocket technologies. This is the only company on Far East, which is part of the Kamov association. The history of the plant begins in 1936, with the selection of a site and the construction of an aircraft repair plant and a workers' settlement in the village of Semenovka. After the commissioning of the first hulls already in 1939, work began on the repair of aircraft and their engines, and in 1941 the production of training aircraft UT-2. The aircraft fuselage, center section and wings were made of wood.

Today the airline "Progress" is open joint stock company with a mixed form of ownership. The controlling stake belongs to the state. The year of corporatization is 1993.

Production area of \u200b\u200bthe plant - 290000 square meters... The number of working personnel is about 4000 people. The aircraft manufactured by the plant has been repeatedly demonstrated at international air shows and arms exhibitions. For decades AAK Progress has been closely cooperating with the world famous design bureaus - A.S. Yakovleva, O.K. Antonova, M.L. Mila, N.I. Kamova, A.N. Tupolev, MKB "Raduga".

The hallmark of AAK Progress is the Ka-50 Black Shark and Ka-52 Alligator combat helicopters developed by the Kamov Design Bureau, produced by orders of the Russian Ministry of Defense. In addition, supersonic cruise missiles of the Moskit-E complex were mastered for export supplies.

More than 30 years for the needs of customers in required volumes shipments of sea-based missiles of several brands were carried out.

In the post-war years, the company did not part with small aircraft: various modifications of the Yak-18, Yak-50, Yak-55 sports aerobatic vehicles were produced here, and at present the airline produces two-seat master class sports aircraft of the Yak-54 type. This aircraft, created on the basis of proven systems and units of the Yak-55M single-seat sports-acrobatic aircraft, is easy to fly. Its piloting is quite accessible even to a novice pilot. A large margin of safety, high power-to-weight ratio and excellent controllability enable an experienced athlete to perform the most difficult aerobatics maneuvers on the Yak-54. On this plane, Russian athletes have repeatedly won prizes at competitions of various levels.

The MI-34S multipurpose light helicopter has been mastered and mass-produced. Within the framework of the Federal Disposal Program, the technology for the disposal of aviation and missile weapons has been tested. Preparations are underway for the production of repairs for MI-24 helicopters of all modifications. A wide range of services is provided legal entities and the population, a large range of products is manufactured by interfactory cooperation.

The scope of the plant:

Development, production, service maintenance modernization and repair of weapons and military equipment;

Utilization of weapons and military equipment;

Development, production, distribution and maintenance of aerospace equipment, other industrial and technical products, consumer goods.

Today, JSC AAK "Progress" has such technological capabilities as foundry and production of parts from plastics and rubber.

Foundry can produce:

Manufacturing of model wooden equipment of any complexity and configuration.

Lost wax castings from structural alloy steels 25L, 35HGS, stainless steels VNL-3, VNL-4, aluminum alloys AL-9, AL-19, VAL-10 with dimensions up to 500 * 200 * 300 mm, with a minimum wall thickness of 3 mm. Alloys in furnaces IST-0.16

Casting into the ground from magnesium alloys ML-5, ML-5Pch, aluminum alloys AL-9, AL-19, AL-2, VAL-10 of various complexity and configuration. Weight Limit castings 200 kg, minimum wall thickness 4 mm. Smelt metal in 250 kg resistance furnaces.

Investment casting of VT5L titanium alloy and into rammed graphite molds. The maximum weight of castings is up to 100 kg, the minimum wall thickness is 3 mm. Alloy smelting in vacuum arc furnaces VDL-4, NIAT 833D.

Steel and iron castings from alloys 25L, Sch18, 110G13L, obtained by casting into the ground. The maximum weight of castings is 400 kg. Smelt metal in induction furnaces IST-0.4 - with a capacity of 400 kg and IST - 1.0 - with a capacity of 1 ton. Heat treatment of 110G13L alloys in heating furnaces at a temperature of 10,000 degrees.

Castings from aluminum alloy AL-2, obtained by injection molding on A71108 machines. Weight of castings up to 3 kg.

Chill casting from aluminum alloys AL-9, AL-19, AL-2, VAL-10. Casting weight up to 10 kg.

Casting of large-sized thin-walled castings from the AL-2 alloy, obtained by the parallel approach of the mold halves on the VP-10, VP-20, LPS-9 casting and squeeze machines.

The enterprise has a fleet of hydraulic presses for molding products from various rubber compounds according to customer specifications.

Among the first in the industry, Progress AAK developed and successfully implemented a program to modernize the existing quality system. The company has a conclusion of the voluntary certification system "Military Register" No. BP 04.212.1541-2004 on the availability of conditions at the enterprise that ensure the fulfillment of the state defense order in the production, maintenance and repair of weapons and military equipment.

From year to year, the company is increasing its technical potential by mastering the production of new aircraft and helicopters. The plant works in close contact with the world-renowned design bureaus OJSC Kamov, OJSC MVZ named after M.L. Mil ", JSC" State Design Bureau "Raduga" named after A.Ya. Bereznyak "and JSC" Design Bureau named after A.S. Yakovlev ". The labor merits of the plant's collective were marked with government awards: the Orders of the Red Banner of Labor (1977) and the October Revolution (1986).

The company makes significant contributions to the city budget of the city of Arsenyev, which contributes to the development of the city.

In 1936, the Council of Labor and Defense of the USSR founded plant No. 116 in the city of Arseniev (Primorsky Territory, Far Eastern District). In the early years, he specialized in aircraft repair. Cars of that time were successfully repaired there. Further development went very intensively. For more than 70 years of its existence, the plant has mastered all new technologies and switched to full-scale production of aircraft parts. At the same time he became a leading aviation enterprise the whole seaside. The company is named after Nikolai Sazykin. He headed the post of director for 16 years. It was during this period (1959 - 1976) that the small aircraft repair plant turned into a leading enterprise.

In 1969, AKK Progress began production of the legendary Mi-24 helicopter. It was produced on this enterprise almost two decades. Numerous modifications of it are being collected to this day. Mi-24 continues to be the most massive attack helicopter russian army... It has set five world records.

Today AAK "Progress" produces one of the most advanced rotary-wing combat vehicles in the world - the KA-52 "Alligator". This vehicle is in service with the Russian army and can be exported. New modifications of this helicopter are being mastered. Reconnaissance and shock and sea-based.

The release of multipurpose civil helicopter Ka-62. The start of production is scheduled for 2015. Today, AAK "Progress" is carrying out large-scale work under the federal program "Development of the military-industrial complex of the Russian Federation for the period 2011 - 2020". To fulfill it, it is necessary to carry out an almost complete technical re-equipment. foundry... It constitutes a significant percentage of all production capacity. AAK Progress even receives many orders for the manufacture of large castings from other enterprises. At the second stage of the federal program, it is planned to master composite materials, introduce digital control technologies.

AAK Progress is part of the Russian Helicopters holding. Due to this, close cooperation and industrial cooperation with other companies that are part of this holding are being conducted.

OJSC Arsenyevskaya Aviation Company Progress named after N.I.Sazykina "

OJSC Arsenyevskaya Aviation Company Progress named after NI Sazykina ”is a large aircraft building enterprise located in the Primorsky Territory and specializing in the production of combat helicopters. The products of AAK Progress are used in more than 50 countries, are in service with the Russian Air Force and, in terms of a number of indicators, have no analogues in the world.

Yaks and Doe

The hallmark of the enterprise is the Ka-50 Black Shark and Ka-52 Alligator combat helicopters developed by the Kamov Design Bureau, produced by the orders of the RF Ministry of Defense.

Arsenyevskaya company "Progress" traces its history back to 1936, when the aircraft plant No. 116 was organized in Primorye. In conditions of tense relations with Japan, which occupied neighboring Manchuria, it was necessary to ensure the repair of aviation equipment on the spot, so that in the event of a military conflict, damaged aircraft would not be transported through half of the country to Western Siberia.

During the Great Patriotic War the enterprise mastered the production of training aircraft UT-2, which were used for training flight personnel. In total, about 3,000 of these machines were produced. In the post-war period, the plant began producing sports aerobatic vehicles of the Yak family, and since 1959, the serial production of rocketry has been launched here.

The accumulated experience of rapid re-profiling of production lines allowed Progress to quickly fulfill the next task - to organize the production of the first in the USSR combat helicopter Mi-24 ("Crocodile", in a later modification - "Doe"). In the 70-90s, 2,443 such helicopters rolled off the assembly line of the enterprise - two per week.

Sharks and alligators

In 1991, in Arsenyev, the country's first combat attack helicopter Ka-50, known as "Black Shark". It was designed to destroy armored and mechanized vehicles, air targets and manpower on the battlefield, and had no equal in terms of efficiency / cost. However, until 2006, only nine of these machines were produced - the 90s turned out to be a difficult period for the enterprise. Specialists and workers left to seek their fortune in trade, and there were very few orders. In the worst years, the number of employees sometimes dropped to 600 people. For comparison, at present, Progress employs more than 6,000 employees, it has actually become a city-forming enterprise.

Since 2009, the plant began production of modern Ka-52 (Alligator) helicopters. In 2011, this machine was recommended for adoption by the Russian Air Force, and an order for 140 of these machines was received from the Ministry of Defense. In the coming years, "Alligators" should become the main combat helicopters of the Russian army.

The territory of the plant is about 290,000 sq. m, this is 12.5 times the size of Red Square. Production is constantly being modernized, new machines and equipment are being purchased, we have our own the educational center... In 2010, a new Italian foundry complex was commissioned, which made it possible to significantly improve the quality of parts casting - unfortunately, there are no analogues of such a complex in Russia. Work is underway to create a fundamentally new technology for the airline - a single information field that allows tracking manufacturing process at any stage.

The company's revenue in 2011 amounted to 10.3 billion rubles. (a year earlier - 7.8 billion rubles) - one of the largest indicators in the entire russian industry... Today AAK Progress is a powerful and dynamically developing production site of the Russian Helicopters holding. In addition to the legendary combat helicopters, the Arsenyevsk company produces Yak-55 and Yak-55M sports aerobatic aircraft, multipurpose lungs helicopters Mi-34S, as well as supersonic cruise missiles of the ship-to-ship class. With such a scale of activity, it is not surprising that now Progress is the largest production company in all of Primorye.


Where in Russia give birth to an unknown turntable?

JSC "Arsenyevskaya Aviation Company" Progress "them. NI Sazykina ”is a large aircraft building enterprise located in the Primorsky Territory and specializing in the production of combat helicopters. The products of AAK Progress are used in more than 50 countries, are in service with the Russian Air Force and, in terms of a number of indicators, have no analogues in the world.