Motivational package. Social package as effective motivation of employees

During the crisis, many companies continue to cut budgets and save on everything, some even refuse social packages, which, of course, can negatively affect employee motivation. FinAssist partner Alexander Volobuev told how you can create an effective motivation package for staff, even with a minimum budget.

Social package and social guarantees are not the same

I would like to clarify immediately what a social package is, since some HR managers mix the two different concepts: social package and social guarantees. The grounds for providing social guarantees are the requirements of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, and the introduction of a social package or a set of benefits for personnel in a company is a voluntary decision of each employer, and this is the fundamental difference between these concepts.

At the same time, the content of the social package can be very diverse, depending on the tasks that the company's management wants to solve with the help of this motivation tool, which works to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the business.

Budget options for social packages

Now in our difficult times, most companies are trying to form budgetary social packages, which is possible even with a minimal budget. Here are some examples of low-cost but effective employee retention benefits: health award (for those who did not take sick leave for a year); free work schedule, half-holiday, ability to perform certain types work at home; gifts for the holidays for the children of employees; sale of used corporate cars and computers to employees at discounted prices; additional paid vacation day, etc.

It is enough for an HR manager to leave his office and go around nearby shops, hairdressers, fitness clubs and other useful establishments, negotiate with them and receive discount cards specially for his staff - and now the employees will be satisfied! All of this can be done even if you don't have a budget for your benefits at all.

How not to leave employees without medical insurance

One of the most common components of the social package is voluntary medical insurance, or, in short, VHI. In our practice, we constantly communicate with HR managers and see that companies are doing their best to maintain this type of insurance so as not to lower the motivation of personnel. A competent top manager understands that the availability of VHI policies for his staff is a guarantee that the employee will receive medical assistance quickly and efficiently, and this will have a beneficial effect on his condition and the number of attendance hours at work.

One of the options for reducing the cost of voluntary medical insurance is insurance with a deductible, i.e. part of the cost of medical services will be paid by the insured employee independently to the cashier medical institution... The employer concludes the contract with the VHI franchise with the insurance company, and he also pays the insurance premium under this contract, after which he distributes the VHI policies to the insured employees.

There are three types of franchise. First, a conditional deductible - the insurance contract sets an amount that is not payable: if the treatment costs less than the deductible, then medical services paid by the insured themselves. If this amount is exceeded, the insurance company pays all costs.

Secondly, an unconditional deductible - the client always pays for the treatment himself within the established deductible. If the treatment is more expensive, then the insurance company pays all costs only in excess of the deductible.

And finally, a temporary deductible - a period is established during which the insurance company does not pay compensation, for example, the first three months from the date of the contract. Illness or injury suffered by the insured during this period is not an insured event.

For employers, the VHI program with a franchise allows, in the event of a small budget, not to leave their employees without medical insurance. As for the personnel, employees will be able to receive qualified medical care even in expensive premium-level clinics at a very modest price, since part of the payment falls on the employer who paid him a VHI policy with a franchise.

You will save money if you study the needs of your staff for VHI

The management of one of the capital's companies applied an interesting way of managing the social package, which allows solving such problems as maintaining the social package, the ability to independently choose a clinic for employees, and reducing the cost of the social package. As before, the company does all the work of choosing a service provider. Further, employees are offered to use any of the services on a co-financing basis. 70% of the costs are borne by the employer, and 30% are paid by the employee himself. This practice has clear advantages: the service is purchased only by those who are really interested in it; the service is in demand, which increases the subjective value of the social package for the employee. It is very important here to ideologically justify this decisionso that employees correctly understand the idea of \u200b\u200bco-financing and do not think that the company has simply decided to save money.

The management needs to explain to its staff that even with economic difficulties, the company still cares about the health of its employees, and therefore allocates a certain amount to pay for VHI. For some who do not like going to doctors or are young and healthy, the basic VHI package will probably be enough, while others who are interested in high-quality medical care and regularly monitor their health are given the opportunity to pay a little extra and get an extended VHI package with access to wonderful clinics.

Having carried out such a gradation of employees according to their, let's say, degree of need for voluntary medical insurance, the company, of course, gets another way to optimize its budget for medical insurance.

The fact is that, as practice shows, not every employee is motivated by the presence of a VHI policy - some (mainly young men under 25) do not need it at all, and they will never use it in a year. And people over 30-35, on the contrary, appreciate having a policy, and for them this is a good motivating factor. In general, the main thing is to know your employees, study their needs, be sensitive and attentive to them - then, even with a minimum budget for the social package, it will be possible to create good conditions for them.

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More and more employees, when hiring, pay attention to the social or compensation package that will be provided to them in the company. The Labor Code of the Russian Federation does not mention the employee's social package, so companies independently form social packages depending on how qualified they want to attract to work. In this article we will look at Russian and European social packages and try to look at the problem from the side of improving employee motivation.
The social package of each company is formed on the basis of financial capabilities and the degree of management's understanding of its role in motivating the labor activity of personnel. There are organizations where the content of the social package changes depending on the length of service, position held, etc. In most cases, this inequality causes a wave of dissatisfaction among the entire staff. However, most entrepreneurs offer the usual packages of free benefits for everyone, such as: health insurance, tea, coffee, office cookies, compensation mobile communication and lunches, day off without deduction from wages, etc. At the same time, western companies, offer such compensation packages for their employees:
Luxury health insurance on a voluntary basis;
Power compensation;
Mobile Compensation;
Payment for the sports hall;
The ability to independently choose the start and end time of the working day;
Various bonus payments related to the birth of children, weddings, etc.;
The ability to take time off without deduction from wages through overtime;
The ability to work remotely.

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In addition to the above, the location of the office is important for all employees, and therefore, it is recommended to open offices in the city center. The quality of the work environment also greatly affects employee motivation.
The company must pay great attention to ensuring that each employee values \u200b\u200btheir work as a place that provides a high degree of social protection. For this, in addition to various payments, the organization must regularly announce the results of the financial year, paying attention to the stable position in the market and stable growth.
According to the results of a statistical study, more than 70% of Russian citizens believe that the social package is an important addition to employment, about 20% do not pay attention to it and only 8-10% do not know anything about the social package or have not decided whether they need it. The category of people most interested in the social package includes specialists with higher education, women, Russians, whose income does not exceed 25,000 rubles. per month, and people between the ages of 25 and 35.
But, unfortunately, not many companies today can see a social package consisting of all of the above. Although what can we talk about if many russian companies do not even provide mandatory benefits. Payment for sick leave, vacation, as well as a medical policy for nonresident citizens is not a bonus provided by the company, these are mandatory conditions for legal employment in Russia. Whereas the rest of the incentives depend on the degree of care of the management of its employees, as well as on how highly it values \u200b\u200bthem.

Introduction 3
1. Theoretical aspects social package at the enterprise 6
1.1 Essence, concept of social package 6
1.2 Types of benefits and benefits of the social package in Russian and foreign companies 16
2. Analysis of the effectiveness of the social package in Russian and foreign companies (on the example of the Krasny Vostok company and the Heineken company). 28
2.1. Determination of the quantitative and qualitative composition of the social package in companies 28
2.2. The impact of the social package on staff motivation in companies 33
3. Recommendations for improving the social package in the Russian company "Krasny Vostok" 43
3.1. Revealing the advantages of the social package of the Heineken company over the social package of the Krasny Vostok company 43
3.2. Proposals for improving the social package in the Krasny Vostok company 46
Conclusion 51
List of used literature 55
Appendix 1 List of benefits provided to employees by foreign and Russian companies 57

1. Tax Code Russian Federation part one of July 31, 1998 No. 146-FZ and part two of August 5, 2000 No. 117-FZ (as amended on December 30, 2008) // Russian newspaper, 2008, №267.
2. Labor Code of the Russian Federation of December 30, 2001 No. 97-FZ (as amended on December 30, 2008) // Rossiyskaya Gazeta, 2008, No. 267.
3. Vikhansky O.S., Naumov A.I. Management. Textbook. - 3rd ed. - M .: Economist, 2005 .-- 376 p.
4. Gerchikova IN. Management: Textbook. - 3rd ed., Rev. and add. - M .: UNITI, 2007 .-- 421 p.
5. Andreeva E. Effectiveness of the social package // Kadrovik. Personnel management. - 2008. - No. 1. - S. 16-20.
6. Babynina L. Additional social benefits for workers // Personnel business. - 2005. - No. 1. - S. 23-28.
7. Gorbunova E. Has the social package taken root in Russia? // Personnel Management. - 2008. - No. 7. - S. 17-20.
8. Magura M., Kurbatova M. Benefits and social package // Personnel management. - 2007. - No. 13-14. - S. 15-18.
9. Mazo B. Salary and social package. Features of motivation and incentives for personnel in conditions design organization works. Salary as the main way to motivate and stimulate personnel // Kadrovik. Personnel management. - 2007. - No. 2. - S. 26-31.
10. Mamedova A.A. Experience in assessing the personnel motivation system // HR service and enterprise personnel management. - 2006. - No. 5. - S. 39-42.
11. Mitrofanova E., Rozina E. Formation of the system of remuneration at small enterprises // Kadrovik. Personnel management. - 2009. - No. 1. - S. 13-16.
12. Muller B. Social programs of the company // Kadrovik. Labor law for a personnel officer. - 2007. - No. 7. - S. 22-26.
13. Pylaev A. Social package in the employee compensation system
as a tool for the functioning of labor market institutions // Personnel Management. - 2007. - No. 18. - S. 31-35.
14. Romanovskaya A. Optimal social package // Consultant. - 2006. - No. 7. - S. 19-22.
15. Sardaryan A., Komarova T., Khozhempo V. Motivational function of the social package: how to interest the worker of the XXI century? // Personnel Management. - 2008. - No. 8. - S. 35-39.
16. Tsarenko Y. Social package as a type of incentive // \u200b\u200bKadrovik. HR administration... - 2008. - No. 1. - S. 29-32.
17. - site of the Krasny Vostok company.
18.http: // - the site of the Heineken company.

The retention of employees at the enterprise, the formation of a corporate culture should be facilitated by measures social plan.
At present, the situation on the Russian labor market has changed significantly in favor of job seekers. Moreover, in many cases it is difficult for employers to find specialists of the required level of training. And the situation is especially tense with highly qualified specialists in certain areas of activity: such as strategic management, marketing, sales, information Technology and etc.
The desire to obtain highly qualified specialists leads to competitive struggle for them using different methods. Raising wages remains one of the most important ways to attract and retain
specialists, but is no longer decisive. As practice shows, the motivational efficiency from the base pay is very low, because the employee quickly gets used to the level of the current wage (on average, within 1-8 months). In addition, paying employees only a salary means, ultimately, surrounding yourself with middle peasants. Therefore, personality-oriented social politics firms: the use of so-called social packages, as well as a profit sharing system.
The ideal social (compensation) package includes:
- medical care and life insurance;
- educational programs;
- subsidies for rest, travel, free meals (sometimes even three meals a day);
- provision of a car, mobile phone;
- payment for kindergartens and nurseries, gyms and swimming pools;
- non-state pension insurance;
- as well as additional days to the 28-day leave prescribed by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.
As a rule, today the set of benefits in Russian companies is limited to 2-3 items from this list (usually medical care and free meals - lunches). According to official data (the study was conducted by the Ankor employment agency), the situation with benefits in foreign companies operating in Russia is different.
1. In addition to state health insurance, 79% of companies provide their employees with health insurance (and most of them pay for it in full).
2. Approximately 80% of companies pay for meals for their employees (costs per employee range from $ 2.5 to $ 8 per day).
3. Car and cellular telephone are given to the head of the company, top managers (top managers) and, less often, representatives of middle management. Many
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foreign companies provide a vehicle for managers who use it as a tool for their work (sales managers, troubleshooters, etc.).
4. About 40% of firms issue loans to employees. Interest ranges from 0.6 to 15, and the repayment period is from 1 to 5 years. This takes into account the status and salary of the employee.
5. 24% of companies provide benefits to nonresident specialists: they reimburse transportation costs for the employee's relocation and transportation of things, and also pay rent for housing.
An important element of the social package is the provision of medical care, payment for health insurance. The management of many companies began to understand that the health and fitness of an employee is as much a resource as his qualifications and experience. Therefore, more and more attention is paid to programs aimed at improving the health and maintaining good physical shape of employees. This includes paying for insurance policies, renting gyms, courts, swimming pools. And it makes a profit. The experience of many companies shows that money invested in the health of employees pays off handsomely.
Advocacy and assistance in keeping active, healthy way life (including such popular methods today as fitness, etc.) can significantly increase the level of prestige of the company among young people and adults.
For many workers, the housing problem is urgent. It is clear that even large companies are not able to provide housing for all their employees in need at the same time, but you can help the best employees buy an apartment by giving them loans on preferential terms. Moreover, if the company employs several people from the same family, this benefit may apply to each family member. In this case, they will be less likely to entice specialists to other enterprises through family ties.
All employees should be aware that the issuance of loans for housing is determined by the economic capabilities of the company. They are issued annually, for example, to ten employees of the company - persons with great experience of impeccable work, highly qualified specialists.
Trade unions should be more actively involved in the implementation of social programs, such as providing or assistance in obtaining or buying housing. It may be advisable to build housing (apartments, cottages), which is rented from the company and becomes the property of the employee only after 15-20 years of work in the company. In this case, the employee will not be distracted by construction and will be able to give more energy to execution. job responsibilities... In addition, during the most productive life period (15-20 years), the employee will work in the company, raise children in a spirit of loyalty to his company, and most likely bring them to work in it (as is the case in Japanese "family" corporations). As a result, the company will not lose either in labor efficiency or in the pace of development.
Joint holding of various thematic events, including excursion and educational and sports and health-improving ones, can have a significant impact on the teamwork and the development of the corporate spirit in the company. Collective “outings” help establish and maintain good relationships between employees. Psychological research has shown that if workers have to work alone or in a hostile environment for a long time, they begin to experience severe discomfort, which negatively affects performance, worsens attitudes towards work, and ultimately leads to high turnover.
Paying for the education of children of the company's employees is another motivating factor. It can be organized for children who graduated from school with a medal or without a triple. At the same time, top and middle managers get the opportunity to educate their children for free, subject to a legally formalized obligation (contract) of children for a certain period of work.
thief in the company. Children (not medalists) of other employees of the company can receive material support in the form of a scholarship from the company.
In addition, the social package of an enterprise may include:
- reimbursement of the costs of treatment, prosthetics and other types of medical and social assistance to workers who are injured in accidents at work, or at the conclusion of the health authorities who have established an occupational disease;
- payment of a lump sum when an employee retires for old age or disability;
- payment of a one-time benefit at the birth of a child to female employees (in addition to the state one) in the amount of 10 times minimum wage labor established by the Government of the Russian Federation;
- providing employees with a paid three-day vacation, based on the tariff rate (salary), in the case of:
- death of a spouse, child, parents, brothers and sisters;
- the birth of a child;
- your own wedding;
- weddings of children;
- provision of annual paid leave on September 1 to mothers or other persons raising schoolchildren (grades 1-4).
Based on the presented material, you can consider the resources for expanding the social package for employees of your company, aimed at increasing their motivation (and, as a result, increasing the competitiveness of the company). This will prevent negative social and psychological phenomena in the team from manifesting themselves. Individual worker dissatisfaction is less likely to find collective support. Dependent sentiments, which are formed everywhere (in any social environment) with equalization, will decrease.
Impact of training on work efficiency and career growth of employees. The development of modern business, accompanied by tougher competition, more and more leads managers to understand the need to define a unique mission and basic principles of the company's activities, to form an effective corporate culture of the organization.
However, many managers still believe that building a career is an employee's own business. The main thing is that he must work well, and the career "will take shape by itself." Moreover, managers are often not interested in additional training of employees, because they are afraid that such an employee may move to another company, for more money or a higher position. The effect of the “purchase price” also works, when, when a person is hired, the HR manager or immediate supervisor initially sets a “price tag”: what this person is capable of and what heights he can achieve. In most cases, this assessment is highly subjective. And if the organization has not developed the practice of revising the "price tags", then many employees over time begin to strive to remove such "labels" that limit their growth potential, which is quite natural for the development of personality.
An experienced organizational leader understands that if employees see their careers as successful, the organization will benefit.
Perhaps the most effective method helping employees in building a career is training, including training and consulting, allowing the employee to acquire new knowledge and skills and, therefore, to find new opportunities (to build professional direction career). Training programs are becoming an increasingly important motivating factor for company employees. And the fact that the management is not afraid to let the employee go for a while, giving him the opportunity to find out what salaries and prospects are in other places, has a positive effect on the psychological climate in the organization and speaks not only of care, but also of trust in the employee.
The distribution of functions and responsibilities of specialists in organizing employee training is built as follows.
HR specialists:
- make up a program and coordinate the learning process;
- prepare educational materials;
- coordinate career plans and employee development activities;
- organize training outside the company;
- determine the effectiveness of training.
Line managers (by line of business):
- determine the need for employee training;
- provide the necessary information for training;
- conduct training at the workplace;
- predict training needs in accordance with the development plan of the unit and the career plans of employees.
When organizing corporate training CEOs and HR-directors (managers) of companies often have a question: which is better - to hire a full-time trainer for this purpose or contact a training company? On the one hand, the internal trainer of the company knows well its needs, organizational structure, dynamics of development and corporate culture, can develop trainings for a specific task. And at the same time, his services will cost the company less. But on the other hand, it will be more difficult for him to defend his position before the leadership. And the training provider will not only be able to see the “weak points” with a fresh look, but will not be afraid to express his opinion and offer his vision of solving problems to the customer. At the same time, the task of the external trainer is to understand the needs of the client and offer possible options for training programs aimed at solving the customer's problems, together with him to choose the appropriate training system and adapt the trainings specifically for this client.
How to choose the right training company? Quite often, the main criterion for choosing a training program is its
price. In this regard, it is important to answer the question: will the required result be achieved in this case? For this to happen, you need to take into account: the degree of popularity of the provider company in the market and its reputation, the professionalism of the trainer, his experience in conducting similar trainings for this business sector, customer feedback and how the development and training will be carried out. It is necessary to answer the questions: will the provider be able to provide the premises, necessary equipment, quality handouts, and food for the training participants? What is the structure and duration of the educational program, training? Will certificates be issued? Is it planned to adapt the training: how will the preliminary study of the customer's business processes, his staffing needs, the level of training of the trained personnel take place? How should the effectiveness of the training be assessed?
Before deciding to order a training, the manager should calculate the “price” of the problem existing in his organization, that is, the amount of losses if it is not solved, and compare this amount with the cost of the training, which should help solve this problem.
It should be borne in mind that short-term training programs are not always sufficient to achieve the required results. The corporate training system, designed for several months with certain breaks, works much more efficiently. With such a system, the efficiency of the assimilation of the material increases, the cost of training decreases and it becomes possible to track the intermediate result in order to adjust the program if necessary.
Today russian market educational and training services offers the widest range of training programs for personnel of different levels: from specialists without work experience to top managers. These are open seminars and trainings, corporate programs, developed taking into account the specifics of a particular market segment. Proposed and complex services for clients: consulting, optimization of the organizational structure, staff recruitment and training. Such a system not only provides the client with additional opportunities, but also involves a system of corporate discounts.
Quite recently, such a phenomenon as coaching (from the English coaching - to instruct, inspire, train) has appeared on the training market. One of the definitions of coaching is a supportive attitude towards the client with the main emphasis on ensuring that the client achieves his goals, independently solving his problems, to the greatest extent realizing his own abilities and capabilities. At first, coaching was considered a tool for increasing the personal effectiveness of “top officials”, including top managers, and today many companies organize such special trainings for line managers.
In the process of coaching, as a rule, the worldview of employees, working procedures, structures, processes in the organization change. All this happens against a background of resistance (any system resists change).
Coaching helps to find answers to questions, how to create new thinking, corresponding to the new reality, how to change your business in accordance with the changes in the world around you. The main difference between coaching and other developmental programs - such as, for example, training specific skills: communication, sales, etc. - is that the coach-consultant does not give the client ready-made answers to questions, does not indicate what needs to be done to solve the problem , but only helps to find the best solution. In the process of coaching, the client is asked questions that lead him to a state in which he must find the answers himself, having experienced some kind of insight (creative insight). Essentially, coaching combines consulting and training procedures. It helps to define goals and develop an organization's development plan.
According to many HR managers, even if the company has a full-time trainer, it can be useful to invite a well-known training provider to conduct additional training for employees - the result of such joint training is usually much higher. At the same time, it is better not to wait for the moment when serious "painful moments" arise in the company's activities, but to plan the development of a business training program for employees as a system of preventive measures aimed at preventing possible problems, and entrust this work to professionals.

The concept of corporate social responsibility appeared in the USA in the 60s of the XX century, and in Europe the term “corporate social responsibility”Was first used in 1993, when the then Prime Minister of the European Commission, Jacques Delors, made a call to business to be socially responsible. The European Commission has promoted the emergence of social guarantees in enterprises. The innovations in employee benefits packages are still relevant today. The crisis is over, the belts can be weakened.

What is a "social package"? Many bonuses can be added to the financial motivation of employees: additional medical and pension insurance, preferential rates and discounts for using the services of partner companies - banks, mobile operators, shops, travel companies... The company may issue credit cards and various subsidies to employees. The use of these alternative methods of remuneration depends on the policy of the company and the professionalism of the management.

The forms of the social package can be completely different, standard and exotic. This is fitness and a paid lunch, table tennis and money for gasoline. Some companies bribe with their attitude towards children: they arrange Christmas trees, kindergartens at the office.

A properly organized social package can and should be made absolutely individual. Benefits should take into account the "merit" to the firm. For example, after three months of work in a company, an employee receives a communication payment, after six months - a payment for a fitness club, after one year of work - medical insurance. After five years of work, you can, for example, provide an employee with a family vacation in exotic countries. Thus, it is possible to achieve the prolongation of employee loyalty.

The benefit program should be tied to the employee's achievement. It is imperative to divide all employees into groups depending on the length of service, KPIs and other things, and assign their benefits to each group. The employee must understand what he loses if he ceases to correspond to his category. According to the results of work for the current period, the employee can be transferred either to a lower category, or to a higher one, or to assign the old one to him.

The Russian mentality is very different from the Western one. In fact, in Russia, in most of the country's territory, the social package means the implementation labor code and no more. But in developed countries when applying for a job, the candidate takes into account the peculiarities of pension insurance, training, flexibility of the additional social package.

Large Russian companies that provide their employees with a social cafeteria (a choice of bonuses) can be counted on one hand. And even those crises forced them to reconsider their obligations.

Only now is the market gradually reviving and again increasing the volume of social guarantees and bonuses.

Against the background of the bright slogans about the buffet of bonuses, the facts of hiding the death of employees, paying for death only through the court and other hard-hitting things look much more convincing. We do not accept employee insurance. The company can provide a candidate with a company car, and then evade payments to the family if he crashed in the same car.

This inconsistency is due to the fact that every employer wants to look respectable, but at the same time does not have a truly stable financial position and cannot afford the consistent implementation of social protection.

Of course, death is a rare case at work, but chronic and acute illnesses received at work should also be regarded as risks and should also be covered by insurance.

In France, 90% of workers have voluntary health insurance. This percentage of coverage for Russia seems unrealistic.

More and more employers are recognizing the need to use various social bonuses for staff retention. One of the options to make your company attractive is voluntary pension insurance. Social bonuses in the form of contributions to pension funds well known as a loyalty building tool.

Voluntary pension insurance has enormous potential. More and more companies are expected to take advantage of this opportunity. But so far there are no signs that it will be soon. Especially in light of today's pension reforms. At the same time, large employers overseas create funds to provide additional income for employees after their retirement.

Tying a person to an organization means making it as difficult as possible for their decision to fire. When a family loses when they leave kindergarten and gets into debt on a loan that was received on favorable terms (but these conditions are valid only until the moment of dismissal), and the employee loses his car, phone and lunch - it really becomes very difficult to quit. Therefore, the social package in large organizations is not only about taking care of employees, it is primarily about ensuring stable work firms. When forming a package of benefits, special attention should be paid to the "child issue", because keeping children in their hometown, next to their parents automatically and very firmly ties employees to the enterprise. A “correct” social package that will link an employee and a company for a long time should affect the life of the whole family, if any, or seriously change a person's life. Benefits can open up new opportunities for employees and new horizons. And at the same time close horizons that are not beneficial to the employer ... By the way, the management of the company can make excellent money by providing loans to its employees.

If the company has organized a “benefit cafeteria”, i.e. bonuses can be selected, then employees need to focus on quick selection. For example, a fixed amount can be allocated for a year, which can be partially spent on VHI schemes, and the rest for a pool, massage, etc. If the employee does not have time to spend the entire amount by the end of the year, it "burns out". This way makes people think, treat benefits as their cash, go to the gym, finally ...

List of possible options for benefits:
Paid weekends, time off, or on the occasion of a personal holiday, bereavement, wedding, childbirth, etc.
New Year bonuses
Free food or drinks
Dental care
Social insurance (medical, pension contributions, voluntary insurance premiums for employees and their families, insurance against death, accident, hospitalization, illness, disability
Severance pay
Payment for fitness, swimming pool
Education (MBA, languages, internships, second higher education)
Spa treatment;
For office employees - chiropractor and ophthalmologist services right in the office.
Material assistance for various needs;
The ability to take a loan from an employer
Possibility to hold events on the employer's premises
Payment for housing
Home loans
Payment for communication, Internet
Payment for transport (gasoline, travel card, metro cards)
Provision of equipment (PC, car, telephone, etc.)
Balance between life and work (Work-Life)
Flexible schedule
A gym for an employee and his family members (wellness plan)
Family celebrations
Women's day - 1 day, once a month, a day off only for women, which she can use at her discretion
Payment summer camps for children
Payment for children's education
Providing employees' children with tickets new Year's performances and gifts;
Additional vacations;
Recognition of merit (Performance and Recognition), development and career growth
Employees can receive significant remuneration for making a significant contribution to the results of an enterprise.
Appointment of employees for outstanding individual or team achievements, for milestones of achievement by participation in long-term projects.
Recognition of seniority. Employees who have a certain experience can receive gift certificates and other differences.
Other options:
Financial assistance at the birth of a child, admission to grade 1, graduation from school.
Kindergarten payment
Payment baby food
Allowance for workers who came from the ranks of the Armed Forces
Retirement benefit payment
Financial assistance for the funeral of family members, making monuments and fences at the expense of the enterprise.
To find the package that best suits your business, it is important to take into account the opinions of employees, ask them what they really want, conduct focus groups. Employee interests vary by company size, company area, gender.

Research on the interests of employees must be carried out constantly throughout the year, since interests tend to change, many of the bonuses quickly become irrelevant. In addition, the results of these studies must necessarily be agreed with a lawyer before being put into practice. Also, we must not forget that the benefits must work for some time until the employee evaluates them and feels real benefit. That is, the return on benefits is always delayed and the time period for assessment is from a year. Once the benefit package has been created, it must be effectively communicated to employees. Often, employees in small companies say their HR departments talk too little about employee benefits.

Every business must define the best way convey information. For example, some people mail their bonus letters directly to their employees' homes.

The more time is invested in finding the right programs, the higher the return will be in the form of lower costs and higher labor productivity.

Can. But in order to build it, you need to have mathematical abilities and independence of assessment. The system of benefits should be created on the basis of a mathematical formula describing the "correct" behavior of an employee in the firm. "Correct behavior" implies the achievement of the company's goals.
If the salary is paid for a person's potential and it can be predicted through key competencies, then the benefits pay for the results. For example, if we are talking about the work of sales managers, then their work experience is potential. And a “properly executed sale” is a result that can be expressed through mathematical formulas.

It is clear that the formula for mutual "happiness" is calculated purely individually and cannot be taken from the HR departments of other companies. Therefore, if an HR specialist wants the system of benefits in his company not to be like "lordly fun" ("I wanted - paid, did not want - did not pay"), but obey very specific, predictable rules, you need to either order it from those who knows how to apply mathematical knowledge in practice, or remember how to do it himself.