What should a college nurse do. Operating room nurse - become the star of the operating room! Responsibilities of a nurse

Specialists of the profession are middle medical personnel with a certain range of duties. In relation to the doctor, the nurse is a junior specialist. This information is included in the Nursing Diploma. Both women and men can be specialists. To do this, it is enough to have a secondary specialized medical education and undergo training in nursing.

Positions, duties and types of nurse

There are several types of positions related to this profession. In medical institutions there are different job titles: midwife, nurse, packer. The positions held by men are called: obstetrician, orderly, nurse, packer. And although all of the listed professions have different duties, but still, each clinic interprets them in its own way.

For example, a nurse is not on the same level as a nurse: the latter has other duties. She gives directions junior staff(sister-hostess, barmaid, junior nurse and nurse including). A specialist in this profession is responsible not only for giving orders, but also for monitoring their implementation.

According to the profile of work, nurses are divided as follows:

  1. Home. The sister has a higher medical education, her duties include issues of labor organization and advanced training of junior and middle staff.
  2. Older. The “head” nurse differs from the “senior” one in that the latter participates in administrative and economic issues, assists the head of the polyclinic department, and controls the work of ward nurses.
  3. Guard or ward. Performs the duties assigned to her in the wards (care for the sick, monitors the condition of patients).
  4. procedural. The sister carries out the instructions of the doctor, helps to carry out manipulations, takes blood from a vein for medical research, performs infusions and intravenous injections.
  5. Operating room. Assists the surgeon during operations, prepares for surgery (prepares underwear, dressing and suture material, surgical instruments).
  6. Precinct. Helps the local doctor during the reception of patients who live in the area assigned to the doctor. The nurse conducts preventive measures, performs medical procedures at home.
  7. Dietician or dietitian. She works under the guidance of a dietitian, her duties include compiling a menu, monitoring the distribution of food, monitoring the sanitary condition of the dining room.
  8. Children's. This is a sister of a children's hospital with the skills of communication and dealing with children. Pediatric nurses provide care for newborns and children up to adolescence.
Establish contact with the child main duty child care worker

There are nursing staff who work with highly specialized doctors, assist and carry out their instructions: they put droppers, prepare tools. They work with ophthalmologists, neuropathologists, otolaryngologists.

A separate category of nurses is staff for civil defense. These sisters have non-medical, but higher education. Such nurses must be trained and qualified in a higher educational institution related to the reserves of nursing staff. If the patient has a higher pedagogical education, then it is possible to teach the basics of medicine in institutions of secondary education.

Categories of nurses

Mandatory for obtaining a qualification category is certification nurses. There are 3 skill levels, which is defined as a "category":

  • second;
  • first;
  • higher.

Certification directly depends on the length of service: to obtain the highest category, you need to undergo training and work in your specialty for at least 7 years, the first - 5 years, the second - 3 years. For attestation commission the nurse must prepare a report for the work done and submit it no later than 4 months before the date of certification.


Nursing workers must attend refresher courses and training at least once every 5 years. They are organized at the expense of the budget of the medical institution or Money employees. Such training and advanced training programs for nurses help not only to gain new knowledge, but also to move up the career ladder, or retrain and become a more highly specialized nurse.

Examples of programs and the cost of learning new knowledge:

  • nursing care for newborns - 14,000-20,000 rubles. The program includes educational activities and classes in reality simulation centers.
  • nursing in pediatrics - 14,000-21,000 rubles. The program is necessary for district nurses of polyclinics, for specialists preschool education and schools.
  • nursing in surgery - 14,200 rubles. The course is suitable for hospital surgical nurses, primary care professionals, outpatient and clinical surgical nurses.

List of educational institutions where you can get additional training and improve your skills as a nurse:

  • St. Petersburg Center for Postgraduate Education;
  • Higher Medical School in Moscow;
  • Academy of Medical Education. F. I. Inozemtseva;
  • Training Center of the Association of Medical and Pharmaceutical Universities in Moscow;
  • CNTI Progress.

How to study to be a nurse

Before applying for training nursing, you need to know what a nurse should be. The specialist must be friendly, considerate and have a sincere desire to help each incoming patient. It is necessary to have communication skills in order to explain to the patient the need for procedures without entering into verbal altercations with him.

To become a nurse, after graduating from a secondary school, you need to enroll in a specialized secondary institution - a medical school or college. During their studies, all students are sent to the hospital for practice, where they provide training on how to put droppers, apply bandages and give injections, that is, they learn to fulfill their duties.

The nurse must be able to perform simple procedures

After receiving a diploma, you can go in search of a job. Career development is possible in the following variations:

  1. Receive a salary increase by working in the same position, constantly improving your skill level.
  2. Develop in the administrative direction: you can become a head nurse of a hospital or to start a department.
  3. Go to medical school and become a real doctor.

The average salary of nurses depends on the type of profession, category and duties. Below are the data of the highest paid nursing jobs:

  • children's nurse in Ukraine - 32000 UAH;
  • a nurse at a cosmetologist in Russia - 30,000 rubles.

Nursing is a specialty, the importance of which can hardly be overestimated. In fact, no doctor can do his job without such an assistant. Given this, we can safely say that a nurse is indispensable in any clinic or hospital.

However, how much do we know about the duties that this employee performs? What kind of difficulties do they sometimes have to face? And what are the prospects for a girl who has chosen the path of a nurse?

General information about the profession

The nurse is first and foremost the right hand of the doctor. Her main task is to follow the instructions of the doctor to whom she is assigned. This may be the collection of tests, the installation of a dropper, the issuance of bed linen to the patient, and so on. That is, by and large, the role of the nurse is auxiliary.

But, despite this, she is an important member of the staff of any medical institution. After all, the nurse takes on the lion's share of the work, thereby unloading the doctors. And those, in turn, will be able to devote more time to more important tasks: diagnosing diseases, prescribing a course of treatment, therapy, and so on.

How to become a nurse?

The duties of a nurse require an appropriate education. You can get it at a medical college or school. Training takes from 3 to 4 years, depending on the chosen institution.

During this time, students will learn all the skills that are necessary to work in this specialty. In particular, they will learn Latin (which is indispensable when writing prescriptions), first aid methods, the basics of therapy, the rules for using medicinal preparations, and so on.

Statutory classification of nurses

When discussing this profession, one cannot ignore the fact that there is a classification of nurses. And, despite the fact that the education required is the same, the range of responsibilities is different for everyone.

So what are the types of nurses?

  • The chief nurse is the only position that requires a higher education. Her main task is control. It is this employee who makes adjustments to the work of middle and junior medical personnel.
  • The head nurse is a position assigned to each head of the department. Main function- maintaining order in the territory entrusted to her by managing her own subordinates.
  • The guard nurse is a specialist who makes sure that patients strictly follow all the doctor's instructions: take medicines, keep bed rest or diet.
  • Procedural nurse. It is she who is responsible for the injections and droppers prescribed by the doctor. In addition, she collects samples and takes them to the laboratory.
  • The operating room nurse is the surgeon's right hand. She prepares the operating room before the operation, checks that everything is in place, and brings all essential tool. In the future, she follows all the instructions that the surgeon gives her: apply a scalpel, a clamp, or, say, a tampon.
  • A district nurse is a specialist assigned to a specific doctor. Most often, this position is associated with paperwork: filling out cards, working with documents, keeping records, and so on.
  • The junior nurse is the lowest rung of the hierarchy. Her duties include caring for the sick and following orders from senior colleagues.

Required Qualities

So, the duties of a nurse cannot be called too complicated, especially when compared with the work of doctors. However, they should not be underestimated, because the health of another person is at stake.

Therefore, the future specialist should have the following personal qualities:

  • a good memory in order to remember many terms and names of drugs;
  • responsibility, because, as mentioned earlier, any oversight can cost a person a life;
  • speed of reaction in order to make the right decision at a critical moment;
  • compassion, because without it she will not be able to provide the sick with the care they need;
  • strong nerves and psyche, since in medicine you will have to deal with many things, including unpleasant ones.

What will you have to do at work?

In every medical institution there is a nurse's own instruction (job description). This document contains full list all duties this employee, and upon taking office, he is obliged to familiarize himself with it. It is simply impossible to describe all the possible requirements specified in this document, as they may vary depending on the policy of the institution.

However, here are a few examples:

  1. First of all, the nurse monitors the condition of the patients. He takes tests, takes an interest in their well-being and takes them to medical procedures.
  2. Any nurse follows the instructions of doctors, especially when they relate to working with patients.
  3. A number of procedures related to the treatment of the patient also falls on the shoulders of this employee. So, nurses put droppers, give injections, conduct physiotherapy and give dosed doses of drugs.
  4. In addition, nurses often work with hospital records. For example, they fill out patient cards, keep records of hospital inventory, submit documents for discharge, and so on.

Advantages and disadvantages of the profession

If we talk about the pros, here, first of all, it is necessary to note the high demand in the labor market. Almost every specialist can count on a free place in his city.

However, there are also disadvantages. In particular, low wages and lack of career growth. Even with all your desire to rise above the position of a senior nurse, it simply will not work.

When I was little, I decided that I would save lives, and somehow it turned out that the first rescued was a cat. An absolutely healthy cat, by the way. Her ear, incised by my own hands, determined my fate in the future, and my love for carving a sofa and puncturing everything that came to hand resulted in admission to a medical school. I came to surgery as an operating room nurse.

The work of an operating room nurse

First operation

The first operation I was supposed to assist failed after 10 minutes. I fainted. Blood, the smell of pus, a nervous surgeon, and a very green me. But, everything is not so scary, the main thing is to understand that everything takes time and patience. The main thing would be desire.

Once in surgery, I seriously hoped that my only responsibility would be to supply instruments during the operation, but that was not the case! And sterilize the instruments, and follow the observance of asepsis and antiseptics, and prepare the dressing material, and transport the patients to the operating room, and make sure that the patients are correctly laid on the operating table (and there are a lot of nuances), make sure everyone works well, the documentation lead ... The very juice is to prepare the surgeon for the operation, that is, to make sure that he is completely sterile (“Comrade surgeon, did you wash your hands so simply, or up to your elbows, as you need ?!”), and you need to dress him correctly (the suit is correct fasten, attach some of the instruments correctly, otherwise something else will fall off at the most awkward moment), and set up for the operation, and surgeons are such nervous and suspicious creatures ...

Second operation

I remember how, on the second operation in my life, I gave the surgeon instrument after instrument, and he suddenly needed to wipe his bald head from sweat. Remember how in the movies, the nurse gently dabs the surgeon's forehead with a small cloth? I started to do the same and heard: “Ahhh, what are you doing, we’re not in the movie, three foreheads with this rag, like holes, otherwise you iron it here!”. The operation was practically thwarted because everyone, including the surgeon himself, began to laugh wildly.

It probably seems to you that everything is very difficult, but when you start working as an operating room nurse and in the operating unit, you become the star of the entire department, because it is you who are always needed and without you everything is as if without hands! The surgeon will not save anyone if you do not prepare him, the anesthesiologist will not select the right drug if you do not check, and the patient will not choose the surgeon until you write everything down and sort it out!

I am very satisfied with my work and, frankly, proud of myself. This position is the very way to prove to yourself how strong your spirit is, to cultivate humanity in yourself and a desire to help people. Yes, I come home tired and constantly want to sleep, but to be honest, these are all the pleasant moments of my life. I am grateful to the cat that paved the way for me in life.

And now I decided to continue my studies and entered the medical university. Because I want my forehead to get wet and I want to be another reason for hospital tales.


A nurse (in the male version: a nurse) is a specialist with a specialized secondary medical education who helps the doctor, provides pre-medical medical care, performs many tasks for the needs of a medical institution.

Depending on the doctor of which specialty the nurse is assigned, she performs various auxiliary functions: collecting tests, performing injection prescriptions, droppers, changing linen, organizing medical nutrition, preparing surgical instruments, filling out medical documents.

The nurse is engaged in medical procedures, monitors the well-being of patients, distributes medicines, observing their dosage prescribed by the doctor, keeps records of medical equipment, controls the timing of the technical inspection of medical equipment, and submits documents for registration.

The profession of a nurse is designed to facilitate the work of a doctor, to free up his time for receiving patients and performing professional duties.

The nurse facilitates the work of the doctor, frees up his time for receiving patients and performing professional duties.

Nursing Specializations

There are many specializations of professions:

  • head nurse supervises the work of all nurses, fulfills requests for the purchase of medicines, dressings, other medical supplies, and also draws up a schedule of duty and vacations for nurses, monitors the material and technical equipment of the hospital. She must have a high school diploma.
  • Senior nurse helps the head of the department, is responsible for the order in the department, controls the nurses and nurses subordinate to her.
  • junior nurse takes care of patients, follows the instructions of senior colleagues.
  • post nurse Responsible for the implementation of doctor's prescriptions, controls medication, visits to relatives.
  • Charge nurse monitors the condition of patients in the wards of ordinary and intensive care, is responsible for compliance with bed rest, diet, measures blood pressure, pulse, respiratory rate.
  • procedural nurse works in the treatment room, makes injections, droppers, medical manipulations prescribed by the doctor (nebulizer, aspirator), collects analyzes and sends them to the laboratory.
  • operating room nurse assists the surgeon before, during and after the operation: prepares the instruments, assists during the operation, counts the instruments and dressings used during the operation.
  • surgical nurse works in the surgical department, in the dressing room, makes dressings, removes sutures, assists the surgeon in minor surgical interventions (opening a boil, placing a catheter, drainage).
  • laboratory nurse accepts biological material and performs manipulations as directed by the doctor.
  • Patronage Nurse monitors the condition of the newborn after his discharge from the maternity hospital, monitors compliance with the schedule of vaccinations and examinations of the baby by narrow specialists.
  • Gerontological nurse works in a nursing home, in the geriatric department medical organization, helps the elderly to maintain health, follows the doctor's recommendations.
  • school nurse(or a pre-school child care institution) monitors the condition of children, admits them to classes after an illness, conducts hardening measures, preventive examinations, performs vaccinations and medical tests, appoints quarantine if infections are detected, gives a diversion from physical education or sports competitions for health reasons.

There are also nurses at specialized departments - physiotherapy, exercise therapy, dental and other offices.

The school nurse monitors the condition of children, conducts preventive examinations, performs vaccinations and medical tests.

Places of work

Nurses work in clinics and hospitals, in schools, kindergartens, sanatoriums, rest homes, hospices, maternity hospitals, military hospitals, places of detention and many other institutions.

History of the profession

The Sisters of Mercy trace their genealogy back to the 11th century, when the first women's communities began to appear in Europe, on the basis of monasteries, in which they cared for physically suffering patients. In the 13th century, the first orphanage was opened, where orphans and abandoned children were nursed. Then the sisters of mercy began to help the wounded, a little later they took responsibility for those with leprosy. Officially, the birth of the first community of sisters of mercy dates back to 1641 - then the first school was created to train women in this profession.

In Russia, sisters of mercy have been officially known since 1863, when the Ministry of War issued a decree on the establishment of nursing care for the wounded on a permanent basis. Since 1997, nurses in Russia have received an official code of ethics for communicating with patients.

Sisters of mercy of the Omsk military hospital during the First World War. 1915

Responsibilities of a nurse

Main official duties nurses are:

  • Pre-medical care.
  • Patient care.
  • Assistance to doctors, sterilization of instruments.
  • Collection of biological material for research.
  • Fulfillment of medical orders.
  • Management of junior medical staff.
  • Disposal of medical waste.
  • Records management.

Requirements for a nurse

The main requirements for a nurse are as follows:

  • Higher medical or secondary medical education, a valid certificate in nursing.
  • PC skills.
  • Performance and courtesy.

The duties of a nurse include the collection of biological material for research, as well as the execution of medical appointments.

How to become a nurse

To become a nurse, you need:

  1. Graduate from a university (faculty of higher nursing education) or a medical school / college with a degree in Nursing.
  2. Receive a certificate along with a diploma for the right to self-employment.
  3. To be eligible to work as a subspecialty nurse, you must complete advanced training courses.

Nurse's salary

The spread of income is large: a nurse receives from 15,000 to 80,000 rubles a month. The most demanded and paid profession in major cities and in the Far North (in the Yamalo-Nenets district, a vacancy for a nurse with salary 80,000 rubles per month). The work of a nurse at home is paid by agreement.

The average salary of a nurse is about 27,000 rubles a month.

Where to get training

In addition to higher education, there are a number of short-term training usually lasting from a week to a year.

Interregional Academy of Additional vocational education(MADPO) teaches in the specialization "" and issues a diploma and a certificate.

When a person first goes to the hospital, he wants to get to a good doctor. But already during the second visit, he is more concerned about the qualifications of the nurse, whose professionalism largely determines both the "comfort" of medical procedures and the general emotional state of the patient. That is why the representatives of the profession of a nurse are considered the second most important person after the doctor, not only formally, but also in fact.

When a person first enters the hospital, regardless of whether he needs to undergo a routine medical examination or the reason for the visit is in poor health, he wants to get to a good doctor. But already during the second visit, he is more concerned about the qualifications of the nurse, whose professionalism largely determines both the "comfort" of medical procedures and the general emotional state of the patient. That is why representatives profession nurse are considered the second most important person after the doctor, not only formally, but also in fact.

It is quite natural that the requirements for nurses are no less, and in some cases even more stringent, than for certified doctors. After all, the doctor only examines the patient, and, if necessary, prescribes treatment for him, and the nurse is directly involved in the treatment and implementation of medical procedures. Accordingly, there is nothing strange in the fact that only people with certain skills can become good nurses. personal qualities, with a list of which, as well as with all the features of this profession, we invite you to familiarize yourself.

Who is a nurse?

A representative of junior or middle medical personnel who occupies the niche of a junior specialist in the hierarchy of health workers (as evidenced by the corresponding entry in the nurse's diploma). This is a doctor's assistant who follows the instructions of the doctor and carries out the nursing process.

This profession is a logical continuation of charitable societies, consisting of the so-called sisters of mercy, who saw the main task of their activity as disinterested help to all the weak and suffering. The first professional nurse is considered to be Florence Nightingel, who, during the Crimean campaign, organized a detachment consisting of nuns and sisters of mercy, whose members helped doctors nurse wounded soldiers in field hospitals. By the way, worldwide professional holiday nurses celebrate May 12 - the birthday of this brave woman.

It should be noted that if the first nurses, as a rule, did not have a medical education, then for medical workers modernity, this is a prerequisite for admission to work. An exception may be only those employees of medical institutions who are not directly related to the implementation of medical practice (that is, nurses, nannies, housewives, etc.).

The professional duties of modern nurses directly depend on the type of their activity. So, a nurse in a treatment room is engaged in sterilizing instruments, performing procedures prescribed by the attending physician (for example, giving an injection or putting a dropper), collecting biological material for analysis, etc. The operating nurse assists the surgeon during surgical interventions (including preparing a surgical instrument, dressing and suture material, etc.), and the district nurse helps the district doctor to receive patients, maintains a patient record, takes part in preventive measures and performs medical procedures according to the prescription of a doctor at home.

What personal qualities should a nurse have?

The work of a nurse involves interacting with different people. And the effectiveness of her professional activity. Therefore, it is impossible to imagine a nurse who does not have such personal qualities as:

  • politeness;
  • tact;
  • responsiveness;
  • sociability;
  • stress resistance;
  • a tendency to empathize;
  • responsibility;
  • dedication;
  • accuracy;
  • personal organization;
  • tolerance.

In addition, a good nurse should be a little bit of a psychologist. After all, it is possible to treat patients not only with medicines, but also with the right words, instilling confidence in the patient in himself and his strength. And of course, a nurse should be able to provide first aid, know the features of taking medications and love her job so much that she does not think about her own comfort and convenience.

Benefits of the Nursing Profession

Main advantage of the nursing profession, just like any other medical specialty, lies in the ever-increasing demand for qualified specialists for modern market labor. Despite the fact that every year a huge number (about 100 thousand people) of well-trained specialists of middle and junior medical personnel leave the walls of educational institutions in Russia, the shortage of nurses is acutely felt in almost all medical institutions in the country.

Another advantage of this profession can be called a large "geography" of employment. Firstly, you can get a job as a nurse not only in a hospital, clinic or medical and sanatorium institution, but also in a kindergarten, school, large enterprise or to a recreation center (by the way, nurses with an attractive appearance and knowledge foreign language enjoy in great demand in airlines as a flight attendant). And secondly, a nursing diploma will allow a specialist to find a job in their specialty in any country in the world, and for this it will not be necessary to undergo expensive training at all.

And most importantly, the knowledge and skills gained both at an educational institution and at work allow nurses to quickly respond to the slightest changes in the health status of their loved ones, and thereby prevent the development of dangerous diseases.

Disadvantages of the Nursing Profession

It is not difficult to guess that the main disadvantage of the nursing profession is low wage. According to statistics average salary nurses in Russia is about 20 thousand rubles. The salary of a nurse seems especially low compared to the rather difficult working conditions:

  • irregular work schedule - nurses have to work on weekends / holidays, and on night shifts;
  • emotional and psychological stress - often patients of medical institutions become asocial individuals (drug addicts and alcoholics), who do not differ in balance and stability of the psyche. Yes, and ordinary patients at the time of exacerbation of the disease may not behave quite adequately;
  • professional risks - nurses, like doctors, often come into contact with people suffering from deadly diseases, so there is always a risk of contracting a dangerous disease.

Well, if we take into account that people's lives depend on the concentration and professionalism of a nurse (imagine what can happen if a nurse mixes up tests or a doctor's prescription), and this is a huge responsibility both to her own conscience and to the public, it becomes clear that only the person who really loves this profession can become a nurse.

If you are ambitious and think that you can help sick people not only in treatment or manipulation rooms, but also at the post, for example, of the head nurse, who is responsible for the competent organization of the work of all junior and secondary medical personnel in medical institution, then you have a direct road to the faculty of higher nursing education at a medical university.

Well, to make it easier for you to decide on the choice of a place of study, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the TOP-5 best medical schools in Russia on the basis of which the training of nurses is carried out:

  • St. Petersburg State Medical University. I.P. Pavlova;
  • First Moscow State Medical University. THEM. Sechenov;
  • Krasnoyarsk State Medical University. Professor V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky;
  • Miass Medical College;
  • Sverdlovsk Regional Medical College.