Transport market. Marketing and transport services market

Market relations are increasingly developing in all sectors of our country's economy. Transport, being a full market subject, should adequately fit into this relationship. Observing the general objective economic laws of the market, it should, taking into account his own specifics, ensure the normal functioning of the free economic space of the state and sufficient profitability of transport enterprises, firms and other associations.

The market is a set of acts of the purchase and sale of goods and services between sellers (manufacturers) and buyers (consumers), based on demand and supply through commercial and other exchanges with the help of market infrastructure, including banks, stock exchanges, transport, communications. Thus, transport, on the one hand, "physically" implements this exchange (circulation of goods and services). On the other hand, the service itself provides the main subject entities: sellers and buyers, i.e. Forms a transport market.

Transport products is moving. Useful effect that appears as a result of moving, its end result is the delivery of goods and people to the destination. This is the main "products", i.e., the service of transport that has an innumerable form of consumption. However, like every product, it is characterized by its high-quality features, i.e., to successfully sell it, it is necessary to ensure high level Quality of transport services: Delivery is exactly on time, without loss, with a maximum share of facilities for customers.

Ensuring all this requires significant material, labor and financial resources. Consequently, transport services have a certain value (consumer and exchange), which occurs in the process of transport and is included in the price of goods at the point of consumption. However, the price of transport products on the market, like every product, should be determined by supply and suggestion with regard to socially necessary costs Labor and consumer transport properties. While the prices of transport product products (transport tariffs) are governed by the state, and therefore transport has certain restrictions on competition of market structures.

Thus, market features transport services are:

the inventical nature of transport products, like any service (the inability to accumulate "stock", coincidence of production and implementation processes, etc.);

the spatial separation of landfills for the implementation of transport services, their non-interchangeability, which limits the intra-separable (in one form of transport) competition;

universality and the mass of the transport market in society, its monopolism;

the role of railway transport in the transport market largely depends on its versatility, productivity, placement of communications, level of technical equipment, transported and bandwidth, cost, convenience and safety of transportation. These indicators characterize the amount and quality of shipping offers;

the demand for them for freight transportation is formed by the socially necessary need for material exchange. The ratio of supply and suggestions for transport services by type of transport determines the level of participation of each of them in transport system And at the same time is the incentive of their development.

An important principle modern market is the orientation to the end result. In this light, the main thing is not saving costs, but providing services higiful quality, relevant requirements and (or) the desires of the consumer. Such quality, as a rule, requires an increase in costs. However, due to the growth of demand for such services, an increase in sales (especially with a slightly greater price), the manufacturer's profit may even increase, the consumer will receive a more durable quality product (saving, thus at the frequency of purchases) or the most complete and earlier service .

Integrated marketing provides for the need to produce not what you want to produce, but what consumers need. At the same time it is necessary to study the final consumer purposes, requests. Frequently, railroad workers think that customers need cars, and in fact they need (consumers) delivered products that they can carry either another type of transport or generally replace with another type of raw materials, fuel or equipment. Today at developed countriesah integrated marketing encourages not so much competition as co-operative (the so-called strategic alliance). Instead of competition between rail and road transport, their integration is more profitable for both carriers and customers, cooperation for the best transport service of cargo owners from the door to the door and "exactly on time". It is in such a direction that integrated transport marketing should develop.

Transportation, performing the role of a certain intermediary (along with wholesale and retailers, dealers, distributors), has an impact on the effectiveness of the distribution channels and product distribution. At the same time, the company will choose a firm, the choice of transport, its work, to a large extent.

The market, as a mechanism that combines buyers (customer demand bearers) and vendors (suppliers) of transport services has its own specifics and takes a variety of forms. Functioning competitive marketsthat suggest a large number of independent existing enterprises interested in transportation, has a direct impact on the work of the transport.

Questions and tasks solved in the enterprise, many:

1. Additional services for insurance of the most expensive transportation, especially during the first year after entering new technologies;

2. Simplify the procedure for presented by the Clientele of Applications based on contracts;

3. Information activities;

4. Provision of services for the arrival of goods, as well as services in all cases when the client has difficulty loading and unloading along the traditional or new technology etc.

In general, the country of lack of demand for transportation, as a rule, does not happen, since this demand is the natural need of people and society. Transportation is "blood vessels" of production and economic systems, and without it they cannot function. However, on certain types of transport and in certain regions, such a state is quite possible. Let's say the desire of the cargo owners to use vehicles for guaranteed delivery to long-distance component components and other products instead of railways. Another example is to reduce passenger travel in a long-term message (incident demand) due to a sharp rise in price of ticket prices. The irregular demand for transportation is often caused by the non-medical work of some enterprises, seasonality of production and consumption of certain types of products, etc. In some cases, excessive or inertial demand for transportation is allowed, for example, due to the occurrence of counter, excessively repeated, excessively distant and other irrational transport.

To organize the normal operation of the transport, it is very important to know the upcoming size of the demand for the carriage of goods, i.e., commenscing the demand with available resources, to develop transport plans for various dates: to perspective, current and short-term periods. In them, with varying degrees of detail, the upcoming transport volumes and the size of transport work, as well as the main freight traffic and the density of transportation in the direction of the transport network. It is very important to establish the structure of the upcoming traffic on the birth of goods, especially mass.

Main feature international transport - their competitive character. In order to increase competitiveness in the field of freight transport, it is necessary to improve the tariff system, namely keeping rates stable, reducing the cost of transportation. In order to surrender in competition and not to lose customers, the company must improve its tariff system.

Thus, it is profitable to combine the carrier at such a long distance railway and road transport, that is, ETK needs to be developed modern species bimodal transportation the main goal The use of which is to reduce the cost of transportation of goods and increasing the competitiveness of ETK LLC in the freight market.

Topic 2. Transport services market and its features

(2 hours)

1. Characteristics of the market of transport services.

2. Internal I. external environment motor transport enterprise.

The market is A combination of acts of purchase and sale of goods and services between sellers (manufacturers) and buyers (consumers), based on demand and suggestions through commodity and other exchanges with the help of market infrastructure, including banks, stock exchanges, transport.

Transport services market - the scope of transportation of passengers, cargo, cargo and baggage, maintenance and repair vehicle, subsidiary and other types of work (services) associated with transportation (Economic Dictionary).

Thus, transport, on the one hand, "physically" implements this exchange (circulation of goods and services). On the other hand, the service itself provides the main subject entities: sellers and buyers, i.e. Forms a transport market.

Transport products is moving. Useful effect that appears as a result of moving, its end result is the delivery of goods and people to the destination. This is the main "products", i.e., the service of transport that has an innumerable form of consumption. However, like every product, it is characterized by its high-quality features, i.e., to successfully sell it, it is necessary to provide a high level of quality of transport service: Delivery is exactly on time, without loss, with a maximum share of facilities for customers.

Ensuring all this requires significant material, labor and financial resources. Consequently, transport services have a certain value (consumer and exchange), which occurs in the process of transport and is included in the price of goods at the point of consumption. However, the price of transport products on the market, like every product, should be determined by supply and proposal, taking into account the socially necessary labor costs and consumer transport properties. While the prices of transport product products (transport tariffs) are governed by the state, and therefore transport has certain restrictions on competition of market structures.

Thus, the peculiarities of the transport services market are:

· An innoral nature of transport products, like any service (the inability to accumulate "about the supply", coincidence of production and implementation processes, etc.);

· The spatial disconnection of the polygons of the implementation of transport services, their non-interchangeability, which limits the intra-separable (in one form of transport) competition;

· Universal and community community market in society, its monopolism;

· The role of railway transport in the transport market largely depends on its versatility, performance, placement of communications, the level of technical equipment, translucent and throughput, cost, convenience and safety of transportation. These indicators characterize the amount and quality of shipping offers;

· The demand for them for freight transportation is formed by socially necessary need for material exchange. The ratio of supply and supply for transport services by type of transport determines the level of participation of each of them in the work of the transport system and at the same time is the incentive of their development.

An important principle of the modern market is the orientation to the end result. In this light, the main thing is not cost savings, but the provision of the highest quality services that meet the requirements and (or) consumer desires. Such quality, as a rule, requires an increase in costs. However, due to the growth of demand for such services, an increase in sales (especially with a slightly greater price), the manufacturer's profit may even increase, the consumer will receive a more durable quality product (saving, thus at the frequency of purchases) or the most complete and earlier service .

Transportation, performing the role of a certain intermediary (along with wholesale and retailers, dealers, distributors), has an impact on the effectiveness of the distribution channels and product distribution. At the same time, the company will choose a firm, the choice of transport, its work, to a large extent.

The market, as a mechanism that combines buyers (customer demand bearers) and vendors (suppliers) of transport services has its own specifics and takes a variety of forms. The functioning of competitive markets, which suggest a large number of independent existing enterprises interested in transportation, has a direct impact on the work of transport.

The main feature of international transport is their competitive nature. In order to increase competitiveness in the field of freight transport, it is necessary to improve the tariff system, namely keeping rates stable, reducing the cost of transportation. In order to surrender in competition and not to lose customers, the company must improve its tariff system.

Transport is a full market subject. Observing the general objective economic laws of the market, it should, taking into account his own specifics, ensure the normal functioning of the free economic space of the state and sufficient profitability of transport enterprises, firms and other associations.

The market is a combination of acts of purchase and sale of goods and services between sellers (manufacturers) based on demand and supply through commercial and other exchanges with the help of market infrastructure, including banks, stock exchanges, transport, and others. Thus, transport, on the one hand, "physically" implements this exchange (the appeal of goods and services), and on the other hand, it provides the service to the main subjects of the market: sellers and buyers, i.e. forms a transport market. Schematically, it can be represented as part of the market space of the commodity exchange or commodity, shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1 - Shipping Scheme

What sells transport in the market? Moving the goods can be understood as the process and as a result. However, the process of transportation is not important for cargo owners, and its end result is the delivery of cargo to the destination. Consequently, transport sells transportation or delivery as a result of its activities. This is the main "products", i.e., the service of transport that has an innumerable form of consumption. However, like every product, it is characterized by its high-quality features, i.e., to successfully sell it, it is necessary to ensure a high level quality of transport services: Delivery accurately on time, without loss, with maximum amenities for customers. Ensuring all this requires significant material, labor and financial resources. Consequently, the main production of transportation - transportation and other transport services - have a certain value (consumer and exchange), which occurs during the transportation process and is included in the price of goods at the place of consumption. However, the price of transport products on the market, like every product, should be determined by supply and proposal, taking into account the socially necessary labor costs and consumer transport properties.

The role of this or that type of transport in the transport market largely depends on their versatility, productivity of communications, the level of technical equipment, translucent and throughput, cost, convenience and safety of transportation. These indicators characterize the volume and quality of shipping offers. The demand for them for freight transportation is formed by the socially necessary need for material exchange. The ratio of supply and supply for transport services by type of transport determines the level of participation of each of them in the work of the transport system and at the same time is the incentive of their development.

The use of marketing elements was given attention to foreign railways in the conditions of the so-called commercialization process. Railways of economically developed countries put a goal to abandon state subsidies for operational activities and ensure cost-effective work in competition with other types of transport and, above all with road transport.

An important place to achieve this goal is given to marketing measures. The question arises: Currently there are currently such measures in our country, where railway transport occupies a practically monopoly position, and technical condition Roads and lack of rolling stock do not allow to improve freight traffic?

The need for railway orientation on transport marketing is caused by many circumstances.

Firstly, improving the quality of freight traffic relates to the number of urgent tasks, and marketing development is closely related to the management of product quality (transport services).

Secondly, the growth rate of freight transportation, which is now the greatest part of revenues and profits, will be reduced in the future. This is due to the accepted course on the resource saving, containing the production and production of fuel and energy resources, a decrease in the front construction work. IN last years Rail transportation volumes in our country have been reduced due to falling the volume of national production. All this complicates receipt of income and arrived from transportation traditional way. To ensure the necessary sensitive working conditions, the railways are already engaged in subsidiary activities, thanks to their profits from which there seeks to compensate for the decrease in traffic. In this regard, improving the quality of transportation, as well as the expansion of the range of all kinds of additional services acquire great importance not only from the point of view of national interests, but also the commercial interests of the railways and their units.

Third, an important problem is the correct and objective assessment of the share of railways in the transport market of Russia. In marketing it is believed that it is not important that we think about our production and the product, but what customers think about them. As a rule, at all forums it is reported that rail transport performs more than 80% of the internal cargo turnover with common use. However, it is well known that more than half of the rolling stock of motor vehicles and almost 80% of water transport are increasing and privatized, i.e. is not commonly transport. Oil pipeline transport, although it is considered specialized, is in state owned and is a competitor of railway transport, especially on the transport of light oil products.

Cargo turnover in the Russian Federation (taking into account the pipeline) in January 2012 compared with the same period of 2011 increased by 4.1%, up to 428.4 billion tons - kilometers, reported federal Service state statistics RF. At the same time on railway This indicator rose by 11.5%, on a car - by 10.2%, whereas in the air - decreased by 10%.

Compared with the previous month in January, the cargo turnover decreased by 1.4% (Table 1, Fig.1.1).

Table 1 - cargo turnover of transport in the Russian Federation, taking into account the pipeline in January 2012 - 2011 (in billion ton kilometers):

Fourth, in the establishment of market relations in the economy of the country, in particular on railway transport, there was a different situation with centrally planning. Large independence is provided by railways, departments of roads and linear enterprises. The network layer contains individual functions for managing the transportation process and coordinating solutions of non-timeling regulations of railway transport. Planning is carried out on railways (enterprises). In a market economy, an acute affects the financial situation of railways. Growth and decline in freight transportation volumes.

Figure 1.1 - freight turnover of railway transport of the Russian Federation by year

Russia railway transport from the beginning of the 1990s. It works in conditions when the volume of traffic is reduced, the prices for materials, fuel, electricity and other resources are growing, the financial position of linear enterprises and the social protection of workers is very unstable. Practical measures are taken for the development of market relations and stabilizing the financial situation on transport, but this is not enough. Have to search modern approaches To marketing organization on the railway.

The main idea of \u200b\u200bmarketing is that each railway, on the one hand, must be maximally adapted to changing market conditions, and on the other hand - to actively influence the market, on consumers of transport services (clientele) and achieve their goals - increasing income (profits) .

The rigidity of such a setting of goals in market relations is legitimate in the absence or failure of state subsidies to ensure the operational activities of railways. The market is considered as many groups of people, institutions, enterprises - cargo owners with the general need for transport services that have the opportunity to pay for the satisfaction of this need.

Implementing continuous improvement tactics Even in long-known traditional vehicles, the railway can provide themselves to the market share, services, income. It is very important to find the "niche" of the market, which gives a significant effect, steady increase in income. In recent years, with a decrease in transportation volumes, railways persistently carried out measures to increase income from the subsidiary activities and other paid services ( paid services population, production of consumer goods).

The definition of freight transport needs requires careful analysis and forecasting of conditions in the transport market and evaluating its impact on the financial results of railways. It is necessary to identify possible ways to attract additional goods, and including at the expense of new shippers or other types of transport, commercial structures, individuals, as well as to solve the tasks of expanding transport services using contractual tariffs for partial revenue losses. In the context of competition in the market, reduce operating costs below a certain limit is not actually possible. We need to look for ways to increase the volume of traffic and income. It must be submitted: what is the advantage of the railway in a competitive struggle? Need to know and understand modern methods Studying the market, clientele, transport services and competitors.

In enterprises with the production of world levels there should be no at all. Such an order requires a completely different approach to the management of the quality of transportation and the organization of cargo delivery, new methods for improving the transportation process in accordance with the requirements of marketing.

In a relatively stable market, exercising long-known (traditional) transport and services, it is necessary not only to take care of price reduction, but also to think about improving quality, improve at least some consumer properties of transport services. It is necessary to know in advance which properties attract the clientele in the first place. For this, I need marketing. At the same time, about innovations, some improvements in the organization of transportation, improving the quality, income from transportation must be thought constantly, and not from the case towards the case. Issues and tasks solved on the basis of marketing, a lot. It:

  • - additional services on insurance of the most expensive traffic, especially during the first year after entering new technologies; (For example, all cargoes in containers are insured at the Chelyabinsk station - the main South Ural Railway is insured in containers, following mixed or international communication);
  • - simplifying the procedure for presented by the clientele of applications based on contracts;
  • - information activities;
  • - provision of services upon arrival of goods, as well as services in all cases when the client has difficulty loading or unloading along the traditional or new technology.

It is necessary to evaluate the prospects for work on this market and find out what kind of changes in the organization of transportation is waiting for the client. With any kind of changes in the delivery of goods, you need to use advertising, explaining that the client wins from innovations, which material promotion One who is the first to decide to pay for the proposed innovations. Development of measures of this kind is also part of marketing.

Marketing is designed to expand commercial activity Enterprises, improve planning, improve the transportation process, influence the stabilization of the financial situation and the conditions of the economic environment in which the railway will have to work.

So, why does the railway need marketing?

First, to improve the quality, income and profits from transportation to stabilize the financial situation.

Second to implement modern system Planning, initially orienting the railway operation to the client, for the analysis of its needs, requests and preferences, to the desire of linear enterprises to react as much as possible to any changes in the composition of the clientele, their response to those, or other types of transport services.

Third, to reasonably and effectively dispose of financial resources for the development of projects, justification and introduction of modern technologies in the transport of goods as new models of transport services.

Fourth to work with the smallest difficulties in the market.

In conditions state regulation Tariffs state bodies take on the function of establishing general level Tariff for the carriage of goods and passengers for tariff approximation:

  • - to the maximum level of production costs;
  • - average level of production costs;
  • - minimal level of cost coverage, highlighting certain directions of transportation, etc.

The main tools for regulating the transport services market are:

  • - regulation of activity in the market;
  • - regulation of entry into the market;
  • - regulation of tariffs;
  • - Taxes and subsidies.

The level of tariffs can be set in several ways.

  • 1. The level of carriage tariffs is determined by the need to ensure each enterprise in income received in some year (base year). Income information submitted by the company is carefully checked. The provision of incorrect data is rigidly punishable by law. As the main component of the company's income, there are means designed to compensate for the current costs of production and sales, depreciation, amounts paid in the form of taxes. Income includes profits that are calculated based on its norm. The profit rate is set to the factors that the role of which in each particular case can be either greater or less: intersectoral comparisons of the profit rate, the task of attracting private capital into a specific regulated industry; Transferring a busy company in it to possession or order of part of state property. The mass of profits is calculated by multiplying its norm on the base, including investments without depreciation. The current value of these investments is determined at the cost of the cost (as a rule, at current prices) previously made investments. The income level is set to certain period. It can be installed before revising the goals of regulating or regulating mode. It is important to determine the value of fixed assets. As a rule, the market and book value is considered equal. The level of profit rate is equal to the level of dividend and long-term percentage.
  • 2. Establishing tariffs based on previously existing costs. The essence of the method is to maintain the "ceiling" of tariffs at the level on which they remained at a specific date in the past. Periodically revised the "ceilings" of tariffs.

The disadvantages of these methods include:

  • the inability to achieve the level of tariffs equal to the maximum level of transportation costs;
  • the establishment of fixed tariffs in time, which disrupts the mechanism for optimizing the distribution of resources;
  • The real value of the investment, on the basis of which the tariffs are ultimately determined, can significantly change due to inflation or reduce demand for services.

In conditions of significant inflation, adjustable tariffs do not allow the firm to fully receive the profit on which she counted. Deviations are accumulated by a cumulative principle. The higher the inflation and longer than the lag between the change in prices for production factors and the revision of transportation tariffs, gem more profit lose transport firms. The result of this is often a reduction in the quality of carriage services.

Russia's market economy makes new requirements for the quality of transport services. The emerging market of transport services can be divided into segments that take into account the priority requirements of users of transport services: the speed of delivery, safety, the cost of transportation. When transporting expensive goods, increasingly preferred is given road transport. In the navigation period, significant volumes of carriage of bulk cargo switch to water transport due to the low cost of transportation.

Questions of improvement tariff policy The Russian transport system needs to be solved comprehensively, taking into account the principles of pricing of all its participants. For example, in the transport of goods in a mixed railway and water communication, it is advisable to provide a cross-cutting tariff rate in which the cost of transportation by rail, the cost of transshipment in the port and freight.

The All-Russian Tariff Congress, held in 1998, was developed by the general direction of the work of railway transport, ensuring the balance of the interests of transport workers and users of transport services. The most important I. priority direction Railways has determined the establishment of contact relations with the subjects of the Federation.

In the period 1989-1990 In transport, new price missions of tariffs on all types of transport were formed on transport: railway, sea, river and automobile.

After 1991, deep liberalization was carried out tariff regulation On all types of transport with the exception of the railway.

In accordance with the Decree of the President of the RSFSR of 03.12.1991 No. 297 "On Measures on Pricing Liberalization" and Decree of the Government of the RSFSR of December 19, 1991 No. 55 "On Measures of Prices Liberalization" carried out liberalization of prices and tariffs in the economy, including in transport . From the tariff price missions there were tariffs for aviation transport, to transport goods and passengers in railway transport and some sections of tariffs for overload operations in ports.

Since the beginning of 1993, a transition to the use of free tariffs for the carriage of passengers and related work and services on internal airlines within the territory of the Russian Federation (Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of September 17, 1992 No. 1089 "On State Regulation of Prices for Separate Types of Energy") .

Subsequently, a number of government decisions were adopted to introduce tariff regulation processes in state system:

  • 09/17/1992 No. 724 (with change and extra. Dated December 4, 2001) - on the establishment of a limit level of profitability in the formation of free tariffs for the transport of passengers by air and related work and services in the amount of 20% to the cost;
  • 08/30/1993 No. 876 (in the RSD. From 10/16/2000) - On the establishment and regulation of tariffs for the services of icebreaking fleet, loading and unloading operations in ports and port fees;
  • 03/07/1995 No. 239 "On measures to streamline state regulation of prices (tariffs)" (as amended by 01/25/2017);
  • 08/17/1995 No. 147 "On natural monopolies" (as amended from 05.10.2015), which identifies the spheres of natural monopolies on transport (rail transportation, port services, airports and terminals), as well as legal, organizational and procedural mechanisms for infrastructure regulation railway transport.

In tab. 11.9 presents the dynamics of tariffs for separate species Transport from 1995 to 2015. The highest change in tariffs was observed in 1993 - 35.6 times, and at rail transport - 37.4 times, on the sea - 56.5 times. It should be noted that on the railway, the freight transport tariff index for the entire period (with the exception of 1999 and 2000) is higher than on average by type of transport; On the pipeline, on the contrary, - until 1998, inclusively lower than the average, and in 1999 and 2000. - above. In air transport since 1997, there is a steady tendency to exceed the average tariff index.

On March 19, 2001, the Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 194 approved the "Regulations on the basics of state regulation of tariffs for freight rail transportation". This resolution defines the foundations of state regulation of tariffs for the carriage of goods by the subjects of the natural monopoly - federal railway transport. In 2004, this resolution has lost its strength in connection with the statement of government decree dated December 15, 2004 No. 787 "On the basics of state regulation of tariffs in railway transport." the federal law dated July 13, 2015 No. 248-FZ introduced from November 15 in Russia a paid passage for federal highways for truckshaving a lot of more than 12 tons or excess of dimensions. The relevant amendments were also made to the federal law of 08.11.2007 No. 257-FZ "On road road and road activities in the Russian Federation. "

Objectives of state regulation:

  • achieving the balance of interests of the subjects of natural monopoly on railway transport and consumers of their services;
  • protection of the economic interests of consumers of services of railway transport organizations, reducing national economic costs and ensuring the availability of railway transport services for consumers;
  • development of a competitive environment in the transport services market;
  • ensuring sustainable and cost-effective operation of railway transport organizations;
  • Creation of economic incentives in organizations to reduce the cost of transportation and improving the quality of transport services, and in consumers of railway transport organizations - to improve the transport properties of goods and optimization of transport links.

Road tariff indices by major modes of transport 1

for the carriage of goods by rail

for cargo transportation by road

for transportation (pumping) of goods by pipeline transport

Total for freight transportation on the Russian Federation

The principles of state regulation of tariffs for freight transportation by rail are as follows:

  • Application throughout the Russian Federation a unified structure and system for building tariffs that ensure the reimbursement of economically reasonable costs and profit;
  • distribution of operating costs by road modes based on the corresponding techniques;
  • ensuring non-discriminatory consumer access to railway transport services, including its infrastructure;
  • establishment for all shippers (consignees) of uniform terms of tariffing, special conditions of freight rail transport;
  • ensuring the publicity of decision-making on tariff regulation, including the establishment of the level of tariffs, their changes and the rules of application;
  • Compliance of the tariff system for market conditions for market conditions (the transition as market relations and competition from tariffs regulated by the state, to the contractual tariffs for transportation);
  • Introduction separate accounting costs in naturally monopolized and potentially competitive sectors of transport services;
  • Restriction of cross-subsidization of some kind of transportation at the expense of others.