Transport, transport equipment and technology specialty. Transport equipment. Transport and its components

Transport technology (from lat. transporto - transfer, move, translate) is a set of branches of science, technologies and industries that provide transportation of people and goods. Transport equipment includes equipment that is used by the following types of transport:

The history of the development of transport technology

The emergence of transport dates back to ancient times. In ancient China, Persia, the Roman Empire, a large number of paved roads were built for military purposes. With the growth of exchange, sea shipping developed, rowing, and then sailing ships appeared. For the transportation of goods by land, slave-carriers were used, packs or 2-4-wheeled carts were used. The means of transport, like other means of production, belonged to the slave owner. In the field of exchange, transport was merged with trade.

In the early stages of feudalism, mainly goods were transported that could not be produced locally, mainly luxury goods. Land transport was predominantly packaged. Transportation on many large rivers in Europe (Rhine, Danube, etc.) has become a monopoly of boatmen's shops. With the growth of trade in cities such as Venice, Genoa, and the union of Hanseatic cities, maritime transport developed. The technique of maritime navigation gradually improved, especially with the invention of the compass, which made it possible to sail on the high seas. From the end of the 15th century. seagoing ships go out to the open ocean. The era of the great geographical discoveries begins. With the growth of exchange, trade, the accumulation of capital and the deepening of the social division of labor, favorable conditions were created for the separation of transport into an independent branch of production. In the 15-16 centuries. more and more shipowners specialize only in transportation. In Russia, a lively sea trade was carried out by Novgorodians. In the 16-17 centuries. developed northern sea shipping along the White Sea and the Arctic Ocean, as well as commercial shipping along the river. Volga and the Caspian Sea. In many countries, there is a post office and regular transport of passengers on land roads. In France, Germany, and later in England in the 17th century. improved roads are being built.

The creation of public transport, that is, the separation of transport into a special branch of production, takes place in Western Europe in the era of the industrial revolution (since the 60s of the 18th century). The development of large-scale capitalist industry required the cheap transportation of large quantities of goods. Canals and horse-drawn railways began to be built in Great Britain, France and Germany. In the 1st quarter of the 19th century. the transition to power-driven vehicles is being made; shipping companies and steam railways appeared. By the middle of the 19th century. the construction of public railways developed in almost all European countries and the United States, which was mainly due to their advantages (large mass, relatively cheap and high speed, regular delivery of goods) in comparison with other modes of transport, for example, animal-drawn transport and water transport. By the beginning of the 20th century. The world railway network was 1,114 thousand km, navigable rivers and canals - 318 thousand km, the freight turnover of railways - 753 billion tons / km, sea and river transport - 1545 million tons / km.

The growth of foreign trade between the countries has caused the rapid development of maritime shipping. Merchant marine at the end of the 19th century counted a significant number of steam ships. Motor transport appeared at the end of the 19th century. In the 20s. 20 century, providing transportation of goods over short distances and especially passenger traffic, he began to compete with rail and river transport in a number of capitalist countries. Civil air transport originated in the first quarter of the 20th century.

In the USSR, all types of transport belonged to the state. Leading place in transport system The USSR occupied the railway transport. An important role in the USSR is played by sea transport, which ranked 6th in the world in terms of tonnage; mainly carried out the transportation of foreign trade cargo, servicing internal sea communications (cabotage), as well as the transportation of goods by foreign charterers.

Especially fast after the Great Patriotic War 1941–45 motor transport developed. A powerful industrial base for the automotive industry was created, capable of fully meeting the rapidly growing needs of the country. The world's largest plant for the production of heavy-duty vehicles, the Kama Automobile Plant, is under construction (construction began in 1970). The volume of freight turnover by road transport as a whole in 1950-75 increased by more than 17 times, and passenger turnover by more than 58 times. A lot of work is underway to develop and improve highways. The network of paved roads increased by 3.7 times over the same period.

The high rates of oil and natural gas production and processing in the USSR led to the rapid development of pipeline transport.

Air transport connects everyone major cities, as well as with many localities within the country and with many foreign countries.

Railway transport

Railway transport (railroad) - a type of transport that transports goods and passengers by rail (railways) in wagons using locomotive or multiple-unit traction. Modern railway transport is the result of a long process of development of the railway network and improvement of their individual elements: tracks, stations, wagons, means of traction, signaling, communications, etc. The emergence of railways. transport is closely linked with the development of large-scale industry, especially mining and metallurgy.

The first in the world. The line Stockton - Darlington (21 km, England), built by J. Stephenson in 1825, was of general use with steam traction. appeared there. e. in Austria, Germany, Belgium, France, etc. In 1830 the first railroad was opened in the USA. Russia was also among the first countries to start building railways (1837).

Many inventors during this era tried to build a locomotive moving on rails. The works of the Scottish engineer and mechanic Richard Trevithick (1771-1833), who first came to the idea of \u200b\u200busing steam locomotives on specially arranged rail tracks, were of particular importance for the creation of railway transport. In 1803 Trevithick designed a steam locomotive for a rail track, and in February 1804 he conducted its first test (Fig. 1).

Figure: 1. Steam locomotive Trevithika.

In 1814, George Stephenson (1781-1848) designed and tested his first steam locomotive, which basically solved the problem of creating a steam railway transport. The Rocket was the most advanced locomotive of the time. The inventor adapted the tubular boiler, which had just appeared then, to the steam locomotive, which made it possible to significantly increase the speed of the locomotive. The "Raketa" was built taking into account all the achievements of steam locomotive construction of its time. It was, as it were, the result of the initial period of development of the steam locomotive (Fig. 2).

Fig. 2. Scheme of the steam locomotive D. Stephenson "Raketa"

The first steam locomotive in Russia was built at the Nizhne-Tagil plant in the Urals in August 1834 by remarkable Russian mechanics, serfs Efim Alekseevich Cherepanov (1774-1842) and his son Miron Efimovich Cherepanov (1803-1849). The Cherepanovs steam locomotive carried a train weighing 3.3 tons at a speed of 13 to 16 km per hour (Fig. 3). To increase vaporization, the Cherepanovs installed a smoke-fired boiler with a larger number of tubes than in Stephenson's steam locomotive, and also used a special reverse mechanism. Following the first steam locomotive, the Cherepanovs built a second, more powerful steam locomotive in 1835. In July 1835, Gornyi Zhurnal wrote that the second steam locomotive of the Cherepanovs "can carry up to 1000 poods of cargo."

Figure: 3. Model of the first steam locomotive by EA and ME Cherepanov.

In 1850-70 the construction of the railway began. and on other continents: Asia, Africa, South America and Australia. Railway construction in subsequent years was carried out on a large scale, but extremely unevenly in time and across countries.

At the beginning of the 20th century. network w. in the whole world exceeded 1 million km. The greatest increase in the network of roads occurred in the period 1880-90 and before World War I (1914-18), when an average of more than 20 thousand km of railway were put into operation. per year. Rapid growth in the 19th century. was caused primarily by their major advantages in comparison with other modes of transport. So, the cost of transportation of goods is already on the first rail. was 4-7 times lower than by horse-drawn transport, and even lower than the cost of transportation on shallow rivers and canals. Improvement of the railway. technology and the growth in the volume of traffic contributed to a further decrease in the cost of transportation.

Freight delivery speed by rail e. is approximately twice as high as by river and pipeline transport, but lower than by road transport and even more by air transport.

The carrying capacity of railway is huge. - from several million tons of cargo per year (on a single-track line) to hundreds of millions of tons in each direction (on a double-track line). Railway transportation is carried out regularly at any time of the year and day.

Rapid development of the railway network late 19th - early 20th centuries contributed to their great military-strategic importance. This mainly explains state aid the construction of the railway in many countries (free transfer of state lands to private railroad companies, participation in financing construction, state guarantee of timely payment of dividends on railroad shares, etc.). By the beginning of the 70s. 20th century from large countries only to the USA, all railways were private.

The cheapness of railways transportation in comparison with transportation by other modes of transport was delivered by railway etc. in many areas in a monopoly position. This allowed in the 19th century. set especially favorable rates for transportation by rail and make huge profits. Railway development transport gave a great impetus to the centralization of capital. In the 19th century. construction of 1 km of railway the line cost 50-100 thousand rubles. gold. Consequently, even the construction of a small branch was within the power of only a few millionaires.

Tractor equipment

Tractor (novolat.tractor, from lat.traho - I drag, pull) - a self-propelled (tracked or wheeled) machine that performs agricultural, road construction, earthmoving, transport and other work in a unit with trailed, mounted or stationary machines (with tools).

The first wheeled tractors with steam engines appeared in Great Britain and France in 1830 and were used in transport and military affairs; since 1850 steam tractors have been used in agriculture these countries, and since 1890 - in the agriculture of the United States. Valuable inventions on caterpillar tracks were made in Russia by D.A. Zagryazhsky (1837) and A.P. Kostikov-Almazov (about 1889). In 1888 the Russian mechanic F. A. Blinov built and tested a caterpillar tractor with two steam engines. In 1893–95, the self-taught Russian inventor Ya. V. Mamin created a self-propelled wheeled cart with an internal combustion engine. Since 1901, the Hart-Parr company in the United States has produced the first wheeled tractors with internal combustion engines. Since 1912 in the USA the company "Holt", and later in Germany by the company "Wanderer-Dorner" and in other countries have been producing crawler tractors. The first TVs were produced in the USSR in 1923 (Fordson-Putilovets). Since 1930, mass production of tractors has been established in the USSR, which made it possible in 1932 to abandon their import.

Tractors are divided into agricultural ones according to their purpose. and industrial. S.-kh. general-purpose tractors in a unit with appropriate machines (implements) carry out plowing, cultivation, sowing, harvesting and other work. The most powerful s.-kh. tractors are used in the development of virgin and fallow lands for uprooting stumps, removing and plowing shrubs and other works. Rowing tractors allow mechanizing inter-row cultivation - cultivation, loosening, hilling, dusting, harvesting row crops (corn, sugar beets, cotton, etc.). Peculiarities of row-crop tractors are adaptability to work with mounted machines (implements) and good maneuverability in row-crop spacing, significant (usually adjustable) track size, high ground clearance, narrow wheels (caterpillars). Basic models of industrial tractors are characterized by larger ones than those of agricultural tractors. tractors, traction. They carry out excavation, road construction, land reclamation and other work in a unit with a variety of mounted (bulldozer shovel, snow plow, excavator bucket, etc.) and trailed (scraper, grader, etc.) machines (tools). Depending on the operating conditions of the tractors, various modifications of the basic models are used (for example, for agricultural tractors - vineyard, swamp, steep-slope, garden; for industrial tractors - reclamation, timber-floating, skidding). By the type of mover, tractors are divided into wheeled and tracked.

Figure: 4. Garden tractor. THE USSR. 2. MTZ-80. THE USSR. 3. DT-75M. THE USSR. 4. T-150K. THE USSR. 5. T-150. THE USSR. 6.K-701. THE USSR. 7. "Bolgar" (NRB). 8. Fiat (Italy). 9. "Zetor". (France). 10. Case (USA). 11. "Massy Ferguson" (Great Britain, Canada). 12. Volvo (Sweden).

Automotive technology

Car (from auto and lat. mobilis - moving) - a means of road transport with its own engine.

Even in the Middle Ages, attempts were made to create carts that were supposed to be moved by the force of the wind or the muscular force of the people sitting in them. A machine that was quite perfect for its time (1752) was created by a Russian self-taught mechanic, peasant Leonty Shamshurenkov. His "self-running wheelchair" was set in motion by the power of two people. From 1784 to 1791, the Russian inventor IP Kulibin worked on variants of the three- and four-wheeled "scooter". In his "scooter" (Fig. 5), such elements of a car as a gearbox, steering gear, brakes, and roller bearings were used for the first time.

Figure: 5. "Scooter" by IP Kulibin.

With the advent of the steam engine (second half of the 18th century), the creation of self-propelled carts advanced rapidly. In 1769–70, J. Cugno in France (Fig. 6), and a few years later in England, W. Murdoch and R. Trevithick built steam cars. Steam cars became somewhat widespread in the 19th century, for example, the steam cars of G. Gurney and W. Hancock (England), A. Bollet, A. de Dion, and L. Serpollet (France).

Figure: 6. Steam carriage by J. Cugno.

In the 30s. 19th century there were attempts to establish regular passenger flights of steam vehicles. There were many interesting projects of using steam cars in Russia. The inventor and entrepreneur V. Guryev proposed (1837) to create a network of wooden (end) roads, along which steam trucks with wheeled trailers (carriages) could regularly operate in summer and sleds in winter. At the end of the 19th century. experiments were carried out to create electric cars powered by a battery; they found some spread. Russian engineer I. V. Romanov developed (1899) an original design of an electric cab and an electric bus. The inventions of the differential (1828, O. Pekker, France), pneumatic tires (1845, R. Thompson, England), front steered wheels on trunnions (1816, G. Langensperger, Germany), independent wheel suspension ( 1878, A. Bolle, France) and others.

The widespread use of the automobile as a vehicle begins with the advent of the high-speed internal combustion engine. E. Lenoir (France) in 1862 made an attempt to install his own gas engine on a car, which was unsuccessful. In 1885, G. Daimler (Germany) built a motorcycle with a gasoline engine, and in 1886 his compatriot K. Benz took a patent for a three-wheeled automobile with the same engine with a capacity of 0.75 liters. from. The following years marked the beginning of the industrial production of automobiles. In the 1890s. the first A. "Panard-Levassor" and "De Dion-Bouton" (France) appeared, in 1892 Henry Ford built his first automobile (USA) and began their industrial production in 1903 (Fig. 7).

Figure: 7. Ford car.

One of the first Russian cars "Russo-Balt" (1908) is shown in fig. 6. The first Soviet A. - AMO-F15 was released in 1924 (Fig. 8).

Figure: 8. Car "Russo-Balt".

In 1932, mass production of GAZ-A vehicles began in the USSR.

Science and education in the field of transport technology

Transport education - a system of training engineers, technicians and skilled workers in the design, construction, construction and operation of various types of transport (rail, road, sea, river, air, pipeline, industrial and urban).

In Russia, transport science and education originated in the early 18th century. (School of Mathematical and Navigational Sciences, founded in 1701 in Moscow; the Naval Academy, founded in 1715 in St. Petersburg). In 1781 a nautical school was opened in Kholmogory; in 1782, in connection with the increased need for specialists for the maintenance and operation of artificial structures on land and waterways, a special Corps of Hydraulics was organized, somewhat later the Moscow and Vyshnevolotsk lower technical schools of water communications, and in 1809 - the Office of Water and Land Communications (founded in Petersburg Institute of the Corps of Railway Engineers). In 1820, at this institute, the Military Construction School of Communications was established to train construction technicians. Among the graduates of the institute were P.P. Melnikov, N.O. Kraft, S.V. Kerbedz, M.S. Volkov, Ya.A. Sevastianov, L.F. Nikolai, Ya.N. Gordeenko, P.I. Sobko, FS Yasinsky and others, who later became the founders of the Russian school of construction and transport sciences; the institute formed the Russian system of transport education, the foundations of the science of communication routes. The Higher Marine Engineering School was founded in St. Petersburg in 1876, and the Moscow Transport Engineering School (since 1913 the Moscow Institute of Transport Engineers). In the late 19th - early 20th centuries. Petersburg Technological Institute, Moscow Higher Technical School, Kharkov and Tomsk Technological Institutes, and Kiev Polytechnic Institute began to train engineers for railway transport. In the second half of the 19th century. railway technical schools appeared (the first was in Yelets in 1869).

In the first years of Soviet power, special faculties (by type of transport) were organized in transport technical colleges. Already in 1920, the Petrograd Institute of Railways opened the faculties of land and water communications, then - road transport and air communications, in Moscow - the faculties of land and water communications and the operational department at the land faculty. In 1918, at the Petrograd Institute, a school of communications was established (now the Leningrad Technical School of Railway Transport named after F.E.Dzerzhinsky), in which the foundations of modern system secondary specialized transport education. Further specialization of transport education led to the creation in 1929–33 of a network of institutes for rail, water, road, and air transport. On the basis of the corresponding faculties of the Leningrad and Moscow institutes of railway engineers, road institutes were created in Leningrad (1929) and Moscow (1930), the institutes of the civil air fleet (1929) and water transport engineers (1930) in Leningrad, the Moscow Electromechanical Institute of Transport Engineers (1931) ... Transport technical colleges opened in large economic centers: in 1929 - Rostov, in 1930 - Kharkov, Dnepropetrovsk, Tbilisi and Tomsk institutes of railway transport, Odessa and Gorky institutes of water transport, road institutes in Kharkov, Saratov, Omsk, aviation institutes in Moscow and Kharkov and etc. In the 30-50-ies. Novosibirsk (1932), Tashkent (1931), Khabarovsk (1939), All-Union Correspondence (1951, in Moscow), Belorussian (1953, in Gomel), Ural (1956, in Sverdlovsk) institutes of railway engineers, higher engineering maritime schools in Odessa and Vladivostok (1944), in Leningrad (1954), the Higher Naval School in Murmansk (1956), the Novosibirsk Institute of Water Transport Engineers (1951), aviation and civil aviation institutes in Kazan and Ufa (1932), Kiev (1933), Kuibyshev (1942), Leningrad (1955), etc.

In 1976, 130 universities were trained for railway, road, sea and river transport and civil aviation, including 45 specialized and 85 polytechnical, mechanical engineering, engineering and construction, shipbuilding, etc. Among the specialized universities 13 institutes of railway transport - in Moscow (2 Institute), Leningrad, Dnepropetrovsk, Gomel, Rostov-on-Don, Kharkov, Sverdlovsk, Omsk, Novosibirsk, Khabarovsk, Kuibyshev and Tashkent. Main specialties: railway operation; automation, telemechanics and communication in railway transport; electrification of railway transport; diesel locomotives and diesel locomotive facilities; locomotive building (electric locomotive building and diesel locomotive building); car building and carriage facilities; construction of railways, track and track facilities; bridges and tunnels; economics and organization of railway transport; construction and road machines and equipment, etc. The leading universities are the Moscow, Leningrad and All-Union Correspondence (in Moscow) institutes of railway engineers.

Engineers for road transport produced by Moscow, Kiev, Siberian (Omsk), Kharkov and Tashkent road institutes. Main specialties: automobiles and automotive industry; operation of road transport; organization road traffic; internal combustion engines; car roads; bridges and tunnels; construction and road machines and equipment; economics and organization of road transport, etc. The leading university is the Moscow Automobile and Road Institute (MADI). Engineers in individual road specialties are also trained by 70 other universities, including 38 polytechnic, 15 engineering and construction institutes, a technical college at the Moscow Automobile Plant named after V.I. Likhachev and others.

For sea and river transport, highly qualified specialists are trained by the Odessa Institute of Marine Engineers, higher engineering maritime schools in Vladivostok, Leningrad, Kaliningrad, Murmansk, Novorossiysk and Odessa, Gorky, Novosibirsk and Leningrad institutes of water transport engineers. Main specialties: navigation on sea (inland water) routes; operation of water transport; shipbuilding and ship repair; hydrotechnical construction of waterways and ports; ship machines and mechanisms; economics and organization of water transport, etc. Engineers for water transport are also produced by the Leningrad and Nikolaev Nikolaev shipbuilding, Astrakhan, Far Eastern and Kaliningrad fishing industries and farms, Gorky, Far East and Komsomolsk-on-Amur polytechnic institutes.

Engineers for air transport in operational specialties (operation of air transport, engines, aviation devices and aircraft electrical equipment) are trained by the Academy of Civil Aviation in Leningrad, Kiev, Riga and Moscow Civil Aviation Institutes and the Aktobe Higher Flight School of Civil Aviation; in the specialties of aircraft construction, aircraft engines, dynamics and strength of machines, hydro-aerodynamics, etc. - Moscow, Kazan, Kuibyshev, Ufa, Kharkov aviation institutes and Moscow and Rybinsk aviation-technological, as well as some polytechnic, electrical and other institutes (Voronezh, Irkutsk , Komsomolsk-on-Amur, Tashkent, Novosibirsk, etc.). Leading technical college and research center - Moscow Aviation Institute. S. Ordzhonikidze.

Engineers for pipeline transport (for the design, construction and operation of gas and oil pipelines, gas storages and oil depots) are trained by the Moscow Institute of Petrochemical and Gas Industry, Ivano-Frankovsk Oil and Gas, Ufa Oil, Tyumen Industrial, All-Union Correspondence Polytechnic Institutes.

Engineers for urban transport are graduated from the institutes Moscow Power Engineering, Kharkiv Institute of Municipal Construction, Kiev Automobile and Highway (mainly for electric transport), Moscow and Leningrad Institute of Railway Engineers (for the design and construction of subways).

Building structures, etc.). Special training includes the study of organization, planning, management, economics of the relevant industry (automated control systems, computing technology in engineering and economic calculations, etc.). In addition to the compulsory ones, the curricula include alternative and optional disciplines that allow you to deepen knowledge in the chosen field of science and technology. During the training, students complete 5-15 course projects (works) - depending on the specialty, undergo educational and industrial practice (24 weeks). The training ends with a state examination in scientific communism and the defense of a diploma project (work). The term of study is 5-6 years. University graduates undergo an internship at their place of work for up to one year.

In the developed capitalist countries, the most famous centers of transport education are: in the USA - the Massachusetts Institute of Technology; in Great Britain - London and Birmingham universities, technological institutes in Loughborough and Cranfield, London Polytechnic Institute; in France - the National School of Bridges and Roads in Paris, Technical School of Aeronautics and Automotive; in the Federal Republic of Germany - technical universities in Darmstadt and Hanover, the University of Stuttgart; in Japan - the universities of Tokyo, Hokkaido, Kyoto, Kyushu, etc.

A graduate in the specialty 050713 - Transport, transport equipment and technology is awarded an academic degree - a bachelor of transport.
Qualifications and positions are determined in accordance with " Qualification handbook positions of managers, specialists and other employees ", approved by the order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of 22.11.2002, No. 273-P.

Qualifying characteristic of a bachelor of specialty 050713 - Transport, transport equipment and technologies

Sphere professional activity
The bachelor of this profile is prepared for activities in the field of material production, which includes a set of means, methods and methods of human activity aimed at solving complex problems related to the design, operation and repair of transport equipment.
Objects of professional activity
The objects of professional activity of graduates are: machine-building plants producing transport equipment and equipment; enterprises and organizations operating transport equipment; design, engineering and technological organizations; machine repair enterprises; brand and dealer centers of machine-building and repair plants; marketing and freight forwarding services; logistics systems, transport management services.
Professional subjects
The subjects of professional activity are:
- transport machinery and equipment; power equipment;
running equipment; working equipment; transport equipment drive systems; traffic control systems; life support systems;
- equipment for the manufacture, testing and disposal of transport equipment;
- equipment for maintenance and repair of transport equipment;
- control and measuring devices for the manufacture and operation of transport equipment;
- equipment for automation of work processes of transport equipment.
Professional activities
A bachelor in specialty 050713 - Transport, transport equipment and technology can perform the following professional activities:
Organizational and technological activities:
- development of design, technological, design and estimate documentation for the creation and repair of transport equipment;
- organization of the work of the team of performers, taking into account different opinions and acceptance management decisions;
- compromise solutions taking into account various requirements (cost, quality, deadlines and safety) at different types planning and determining optimal solutions;
- accounting for various types of costs in order to ensure the release of quality products.
Production and management activities:
- optimization of manufacturing technologies for transport vehicles and equipment;
- quality control of technological processes, materials and finished products;
- selection and effective use of materials, equipment and other means for implementation production processes;
- metrological verification of measuring instruments for product quality indicators;
- Carrying out measures for standardization and certification of transport machinery and equipment, technology for their manufacture and repair;
- organization and management of services, enterprises related to the operation and repair of transport equipment.
Project activities:
- defining the goals and objectives of the project, taking into account various factors when building the structure of their relationships and identifying priority areas for solving problems;
- development and analysis of options for solving problems of predicting consequences, planning and implementation of projects;
- development of projects of machines and equipment, taking into account technological, design, aesthetic, economic and other parameters;
- use information technologies when choosing materials, transport technology and equipment.
Functions of professional activity
The bachelor in his professional activity performs the following functions:
- carrying out work on drawing up technical documentation and established reporting on approved forms;
- conducting training and briefing on safety, labor protection and environment;
- monitoring the fulfillment of the requirements for the preparation of documentation for the quality management of transport equipment.
Typical tasks professional activity
The bachelor must be prepared for the following types of problems:
- technical and detailed design of units and parts of transport equipment;
- Carrying out tests of transport equipment and its elements for reliability according to standard methods;
- development of standard technological processes for the manufacture of blanks, parts, assembly of transport equipment units;
- production management at the level of production areas of transport enterprises;
- technological support of existing production;
- technical design of facilities automatic control transport equipment and equipment based on standard solutions;
- testing of automation equipment according to standard methods;
- development of vibration isolation systems for transport equipment and noise protection;
- analysis of the reliability and durability of transport equipment.
Areas of professional activity:
- improvement of the design of transport vehicles and equipment;
- complex mechanization and automation of transport equipment and technological processes;
- establishment and maintenance of optimal modes of operation of transport vehicles and equipment.
Content of professional activity
Participation in:
- organization and management of services of industrial transport enterprises;
- development of structures for production and technological, service and maintenance, installation, commissioning and design departments;
- creation and improvement of transport technology and equipment.
Requirements for key competencies of a bachelor in a specialty
050713 - Transport, transport engineering and technology bachelor must have an idea of \u200b\u200b(about):
- the main scientific and technical problems and prospects for the development of transport technology in conjunction with related areas of technology;
- the main trends in changes in the operating conditions of transport equipment;
- the economic foundations of production;
- methods of studying the state and demand for services transport market;
- taxation;
- methods of technical and economic analysis and engineering and management decisions;
- legal and legislative foundations of financial relations;
- the basics of management and marketing;
- organizational structure of mechanical engineering and repair production;
- the basics of comparison and evaluation of transport equipment;
- program-targeted methods and methods of using them in the analysis and improvement of production;
- the design of transport equipment;
- fundamentals of legislation and regulatory framework of the industry;
- fundamentals of a market economy;
- methods of engineering calculations and engineering and management decisions;
- the basics of certification and licensing of enterprises, service personnel;
- materials used in the construction of transport equipment and their properties;
- properties and features of the use of alternative fuels;
- design features of transport equipment using alternative fuels;
- the state and directions of the use of scientific achievements in professional activities;
- methods of work and communication with personnel, selection and placement of personnel;
be able to:
- to highlight program-targeted methods of analysis of technical, technological, organizational, economic and social issues;
- use advanced industry, cross-industry and foreign experience;
- to determine the features of the conditions for the design, manufacture, operation and operating modes of transport equipment;
- apply the data of the analysis of mechanisms of wear, corrosion, loss of strength of structures;
- to use legislative acts and technical regulations in force in transport, including traffic safety, working conditions, environmental issues;
- rely on the socio-psychological foundations of team management;
have skills:
- computer work;
- use of research methods and instruments;
- application of the main regulatory documents for the operation of transport vehicles and equipment;
- using metrological rules and regulations;
- ownership of methods technical control in the conditions of existing production;
- rational methods of searching and using scientific and technical information;
- In the organisation safe environment labor and accident elimination;
be competent:
- in the field of interaction between transport and other related industries;
- in the design, the choice of rational modes of operation and repair of transport vehicles and equipment;
- in the field of labor legislation.

General education disciplines
Required component
History of Kazakhstan
Kazakh (Russian) language
Foreign language
Computer science
Optional component

Basic disciplines
Required component
Mathematics 1
Mathematics 2
Physics 1
Physics 2
Descriptive geometry and engineering graphics
Theoretical mechanics
Theory of machines and mechanisms
Materials Science. Construction material technology
Electrical Engineering and Electronics Fundamentals
Transport economics
Strength of materials
Machine parts and design basics
Metrology, standardization and quality management
Optional component

Profile disciplines
Compulsory disciplines
Organization of production and enterprise management
Reliability of transport equipment
Fundamentals of technical operation of transport equipment
Basics of technology for the production and repair of transport equipment
Power plants of transport equipment
Foundations of automatic control theory
Dynamics of transport technology
Mechanics of liquid and gas, hydraulic and pneumatic drive
Optional component

Additional types of training
Physical Culture
Study practice

Freight One Intermediate State Control
IGA Final state certification
1) State exams in the specialty
2) writing and defending the thesis

The list of universities leading the recruitment of students in the specialty 050713 - Transport, transport equipment and technology

State universities
Kazakh Academy of Transport and Communications named after M. Tynyshpaev

Transport equipment includes:

  • - vehicles or rolling stock (TC);
  • - technical means of mechanization and automation of loading and unloading processes and transport and storage operations;
  • - service systems for transport users (clients);
  • - means of mechanization of processes in the transport infrastructure.

Vehicles (rolling stock) are designed to transport people and goods over a certain distance for a given period of time. TS are classified according to various criteria. The classification scheme is shown in Fig. five.

Modern vehicles are characterized by a wide variety of types of machines, their interaction with the transport space and modes of transportation. In practice, such a detailed classification is replaced by abbreviated names of vehicles with type indication, assignment of names to historical figures and technical developers. For example:

  • - railway vehicles are called trains;
  • -automobile vehicles - cars, buses with the names of manufacturers (VAZ, KamAZ, "Ikarus", etc.);
  • -water and air vehicles - by ships (ships) with the assignment of the names of historical personalities and developers of technology with classification by the type of working fluid of the engine or propeller (for example, the Vissarion Belinsky motor ship, Ilyushin IL-86 aircraft, Kamov KA-26 helicopter, etc.) etc.).

When scientifically - technical developments and the interaction of specialists - transport workers sometimes requires detailed qualification characteristic TS. In this regard, for example:

  • - IL - 76 aircraft: air main cargo vehicle with an autonomous chemical energy source and a winged suspension;
  • - the ship "Raketa" - a local river passenger vehicle with an autonomous chemical energy source and a winged suspension;
  • - train "Krasnaya Strela" - mainline railway passenger vehicle with a mixed energy source (autonomous chemical and centralized electric) and wheel suspension;

Page 1

Transport equipment includes (Fig. 4):

path (as a structural element);

vehicles (rolling stock);

technical means of mechanization and automation of loading and unloading processes and transport and storage operations;

computerized customer service systems;

means of mechanization of processes in the transport infrastructure.

Transport technology



Means of mechanization and automation

Service systems



Figure: 4. The composition of transport equipment.

Way. Each type of land transport has its own path, laid on the surface of the earth. A strip of terrain is set aside for the track and construction of railways, automobile roads, and other roads.

Between the rolling stock of terrestrial species and the surface of the earth there is always some bearing surface on which movement occurs.

Vehicles: classification, structure, features.

Their classification according to various criteria is as follows:

By type of transportation: cargo, passenger, cargo-passenger, technological;

By the distance of transportation: mainline, local;

By the type of energy supply: with an autonomous energy source and with a centralized one (electric transport, pipeline transport);

By the type of energy used: chemical, electrical, nuclear, wind, solar;

By the type of support suspension: wheeled, caterpillar, air support, water support, winged, roller, cable, magnetic.

The vehicle includes:

Autonomous control systems;

Transport medium;

Systems to ensure the functioning of the vehicle;

Power plants.

Autonomous vehicle control systems are designed to control vehicle movement according to a given program and include the following subsystems:

Controlling the parameters of a moving vehicle in space;

Diagnostics of the state of structural elements (t0 of water, oil, tire pressure, etc.);

Traction control;


Brake control;

The vehicle carrier is a supporting structure designed to accommodate all systems.

The systems for ensuring the functioning of the vehicle are designed to ensure the functional purpose of the vehicle and include:

Devices and equipment for accommodating passengers and cargo;

Household equipment;

Technological equipment.

Energy (power) installations are designed to ensure the movement of the vehicle, as well as to supply it with heat, electricity and include:

Engines (internal combustion engine, turbine, etc.);

Mover (wheeled, tracked, etc.);

Devices for supplying the vehicle with heat, electricity.

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Program description:


Training period:Two to five years

Required documents:

  • Certificate or diploma with attachment (originals)
  • UNT or CT certificate (if necessary)
  • Copy of the passport
  • Medical certificate 086U
  • 6 photos 3x4
  • If the surname is changed - a copy of the marriage certificate


The bachelor of this profile is prepared for activities in the field of material production, which includes a set of means, methods and methods of human activity aimed at solving complex problems related to the design, operation and repair of transport equipment.

Specialty "Transport technologies" allows you to train qualified personnel of transport organizations who could perform organizational, managerial, organizational and technological, commercial, marketing, research and design functions.

Objects of professional activity:

  • Engineering Plants
  • Enterprises and organizations operating transport equipment
  • Design and technological organizations
  • Transport management services
  • Logistics systems

Basic disciplines:

  • Mathematics
  • Physics
  • Theory of machines and mechanisms
  • Transport economics
  • Strength of materials
  • Metrology
  • Fundamentals of technical operation of transport equipment
  • The basics technological production and repair of transport equipment

Higher education. Mechanical engineering

In recent years, the production sphere has become increasingly popular, allowing for a good labor income for specialists involved in process control. This activity requires deep theoretical knowledge and practical skills. If you have thought about where to study for higher education as an auto mechanic, the list of universities on this page will help you navigate in choosing the right profile. The universities presented on the page implement distance * bachelor's programs in the areas of training "Modern technological processes of manufacturing parts in mechanical engineering", "Design of technological processes", etc.

Remote * form of higher education as an auto mechanic allows you to study without interruption from work in any region, regardless of the location of the university and the student's residence. The training is organized on the basis of Internet technologies, which make it possible to receive all educational information online. Upon graduation, graduates will have a higher education in mechanical engineering technology.

How is the training going?

The educational process with the use of distance * technologies is designed in such a way that the Listeners get access to personal account on the website of the university, where educational and methodological materials are displayed in electronic form. Acquaintance with the texts of lectures, the implementation of practical and test tasks allows you to master the stages in the required volume technological process in mechanical engineering, to understand the structure and principles of operation of technological equipment, to study the economics of a mechanical engineering enterprise. Listeners have the opportunity to chat with experts, leading disciplines, as well as specialists from the study department. Online lectures and webinars are held regularly, during which students can communicate with the presenter and other participants.

How to choose a program?

By clicking on the name of the educational program, users will follow the link to the page where detailed information on obtaining higher engineering education by correspondence is posted.

Diploma of higher education a mechanical engineer obtained in absentia is an official document recognized by employers and giving the right to employment in a specialty. The diploma of higher education as an auto mechanic gives the opportunity to work as:

  • workshop foremen,
  • mechanical engineer,
  • a technologist in the field of mechanical engineering,
  • car service masters,
  • and in other industrial activities.

Those interested can continue their studies in the magistracy.

The admissions experts will tell you more about the specific programs of Russian universities that provide students with a higher technical education. Fill out the form feedback... The staff of the "Bachelor-Master" project will answer any questions about the rules of admission, forms of payment, terms of training, organization of the educational process.

* Distance learning with the use of distance learning technologies