Production for what demand. Own production: ideas for business without investment, stages of organization. What okVED to indicate for the purpose of registration

  • Implementation of modular paintings
  • Chipboard coffins
  • Step-by-step opening plan
  • What documents are needed to open
  • Tax system
  • Permissions to open

We bring to your attention ten best business ideas for mini-production, which can be organized in conditions a small workshop or garage. Most of the products below can be produced by one or two people.

Modular paintings are a fashionable trend in home and office interior decoration. These products are in good demand and are purchased both as a gift and simply for decorating walls (for example, for a family photo).

Modular paintings production technology

Modular paintings are made from stretchers and fabric on which the image is applied. The production technology is not complicated and everyone can master it. Ready-made stretchers are purchased from private woodcutters (or purchased in stores), and the image is printed onto fabric using a conventional plotter.

Implementation of modular paintings

Modular paintings are realized through individual orders, specialty stores and hypermarkets, as well as in the format of live advertising (on busy streets). The retail price for modular paintings starts from 4 thousand rubles. Not a complicated business, which is organized in a small workshop. More ...

  • Business plan for the production of modular paintings (19 sheets) - DOWNLOAD ⬇

Wooden pallet Is a highly demanded product in logistics. Almost every industrial and commercial enterprisewho sells products in large quantities, needs pallets, which greatly facilitate the loading and unloading of goods.

Pallet production technology

On a small "garage" scale, pallets are made manually using a pneumatic hammer. The main difficulty is to produce those very thin boards that form the frame of the product. For cutting such boards, special multi-saw frame machines (for example, RM-50) are used. Average price - 500,000 rubles. The approximate cost of one wooden pallet is 120 rubles, while retail - at least 200 rubles. "Navar" from 80 rubles. from one pallet. Production of 100 pallets per day will bring about 8,000 rubles. How to quickly make a pallet:

Professional business plans on the topic:

  • Business plan for the production of wooden pallets (14 sheets) - DOWNLOAD ⬇

Chipboard coffins

We can say that a 100% option is the business idea of \u200b\u200bmaking coffins from chipboard (or other cheap materials). Funeral services are always in demand, regardless of the crisis. Expensive coffins may not go, but budget (economy) coffins will be bought up only in this way during the crisis. Chipboard is used as the frame of the economy coffin, and is sheathed with velvet or fabric. The cost of producing a unit of production is 2 - 3 thousand rubles. This option costs the customer 4-6 thousand rubles.

Professional business plans on the topic:

  • Business plan for the production of coffins (18 sheets) - DOWNLOAD ⬇

Garden figures are in good demand in the spring-summer period for decorating personal and summer cottages. The manufacturing technology of such products is extremely simple and comes down to pouring a pre-prepared mixture into a finished form. After the figure has dried, it remains only to paint it with a spray gun. The only difficulty is in this case - buy the very forms that are not cheap.

Garden figures are made from gypsum (a cheaper option), concrete or polystone. The most common ways of implementation: deliveries to large construction and hypermarkets, as well as sale near highways with a large flow of cars. The profitability of a business in the production of garden figures is estimated at 35%. More ...

Professional business plans on the topic:

  • Business plan for the production of plaster figures (14 sheets) - DOWNLOAD ⬇

Making reinforced concrete rings is not a bad idea for a small business. This product is in great demand in the construction of wells, ventilation shafts and bridges. Due to the fact that the rings are quite heavy and their delivery is extremely expensive, large manufacturers there are not many of these products. So no huge competition and pressure from federal players. This is one of best goods for small production.

What attracts this idea is a relatively inexpensive start and clear technology. The minimum set of equipment, including a concrete mixer, a vibroform and a vibrating sieve, will cost about 150,000 rubles. All this "line" can fit in an open area of \u200b\u200b100 - 200 square meters. m. The main thing is to choose a flat horizontal surface. The main raw materials for the production of reinforced concrete rings are: reinforcement cage, cement, crushed stone, sand and plasticizing additives. A sewer reinforced concrete ring with a diameter of 1 m at a cost price comes out in 800 - 1300 rubles. The minimum selling price is 2,000 rubles. A surcharge of about 100%! More ...

Professional business plans on the topic:

  • Business plan for the production of reinforced concrete rings (11 sheets) - DOWNLOAD ⬇

One of the most suitable ideas for mini home production is making silicone or polyurethane molds. Such forms are most often used for the production of decorative stone. The technology is quite simple, and from the equipment, basically only the "hands" of the master are required. To begin with, a sample is bought, according to which the future matrix (form) will be produced. It's easier for everyone to copy samples from natural stone. The first thing to start with is cut a sample of the stone in a thin layer and stick it on a flat surface. Then a formwork is created for pouring polyurethane. The joints are sealed. After the master model is ready, a release agent is applied to the model surface. Next, a polyurethane mixture is prepared. The most popular version is Ecarast RT 45A polyurethane. The resulting mixture is poured into the model and kept for 4 - 5 hours. The form is ready!

The retail price of a silicone mold starts from 1800 rubles. The margin is not less than 100%. You can (and should) sell such products via the Internet. So, according to data from Wordstat (Yandex statistics), the phrase "buy a mold for the production of stone" is searched for about 9000 times a month! At the same time, there is practically no competition. How a silicone mold is made is clearly shown in the following video:

Professional business plans on the topic:

  • Silicone molds business plan (13 sheets) - DOWNLOAD ⬇

A proven idea of \u200b\u200bhomemade mini-making is making cakes to order. The idea is perfect for home baking lovers.

With the advent of social networks, it has become much easier to advertise such a business. Colorful cakes, some of which cost more than 6,000 rubles. (Moscow, St. Petersburg), are laid out in photo albums, which are viewed by potential clients. Such cakes are most often ordered for birthdays, anniversaries, weddings and corporate events... It should be borne in mind that cake making to order is seasonal. Most of the orders come in the spring, while in summer there is silence as people go on vacation. Profitability this business estimated at 70%.

Decorating children's rooms with shelves has been considered extremely fashionable recently. This mini-furniture combines two useful functions at once. Firstly, this thing looks great, and secondly, you can put toys, flowers, various little things, etc. on it. In this case, the shelf house can not only be placed on the floor, but also hung on the wall. Thus, it will not take up space at all.

In general, the product is in high demand, it is ordered on the Internet and bought from furniture stores... The production of houses - shelves is a great option for a small family business, which can actually be organized in "garage conditions".

Shelf houses production technology

Materials for the house can be bought ready-made, so to speak. That is, you take ready-made cabinet-shelves, horizontal shelves, boards 10x3 cm, glue for wood, nails, etc., cut the required size of the boards and assemble the structure. If you fork out for machines and produce cabinet-shelves yourself, the income will be even higher, since material costs are reduced. A house measuring 600 * 400 mm will cost at least 3000 rubles. (prices can be found in online stores). While the cost of material is no more than 1000 rubles. Count "Navar" yourself. The main condition for success similar business - the presence of good masters. In principle, even beginners can assemble a shelf house. In the next video, a similar construction is assembled by an ordinary housewife:

A maternity pillow is a specific product that is bought, as the name suggests, only for a specific reason. But this does not make it low cost-effective. On the contrary, the mark-up for maternity pillows is several times higher than for the classic options. So, the price of an ordinary pillow made of artificial filler is on average 500 rubles, while for pregnant women it is at least 1100 rubles. Moreover, the material and filler are essentially the same.

Maternity pillows differ from ordinary ones in their unusual design, which can take the shape of a horseshoe or bagel to support the head and abdomen. The main purpose of such pillows is to adapt to the human body as conveniently as possible and provide comfort during rest. For a small manufacturer this item interesting in that, unlike ordinary pillows, it is very often bought on the Internet. Therefore, there are much fewer problems with sales. Can make a small website, place ads in social networks, on Avito, etc. There are also many options offline. For example, take products to specialized stores for expectant mothers. The workshop for the production of pillows can be mainly a modular function. That is, you buy naperniki made of TIK or microfiber fabric, cut the required sizes, make covers from cotton, calico, satin. Holofiber or artificial swan down can be used as filler.

This article will teach you how to sell products over the Internet:

How to make money on Avito - tips and types of earnings.

Professional business plans on the topic:

  • Business plan for the production of pillows for pregnant women (11 sheets) - DOWNLOAD ⬇

Metal stoves are in demand for private houses and baths. Various fireplaces, stove stoves are even installed in garages. It is not uncommon for such ovens to require an individual approach (each client needs his own sizes and gadgets). Therefore, in addition to generally accepted standards, it is possible to produce custom-made ovens.

One person can build a small oven in a mini-workshop. Materials will require sheets of metal, pipes, and from tools - a welding machine, a protective mask, a hammer, a set of electrodes and a grinder. Earnings from one sold part will largely depend on the high cost of the purchased material. Well, and the trade margin, respectively. So, the production of an elementary sauna stove can take 3,000 - 6,000 rubles, while it can be sold at a price of 10,000 rubles.

Step-by-step opening plan

  1. 1. Register an enterprise.
  2. Rent or buy production premises.
  3. Purchase materials and equipment required for production.
  4. Hire employees.
  5. To engage in the sale of manufactured products.

How much money can you make from mini - businesses

It all depends on the type of mini-business:

  1. If this is the production of modular paintings, then the implementation of one painting is from 4,000 rubles.
  2. 2. The production cost of 1 pallet is 120 rubles, and it can be sold for 200 rubles.
  3. The profitability of the production of chipboard coffins is 100%.
  4. The profitability of gypsum garden figures is 35%.
  5. The production of a reinforced concrete ring will cost 800-1,300 rubles; it can be sold for 2,000 rubles.
  6. The margin for the production of polyurethane molds is 100%.
  7. Profitability of custom-made cakes -70%.
  8. The production of houses - shelves will cost 1,000 rubles, and they can be sold at a price of 3,000 rubles.
  9. The cost of maternity pillows is 2 times higher than conventional pillows.
  10. The production of a metal stove - potbelly stove will cost 3,000-6,000 rubles, and it can be sold for 10,000 rubles.

How much money is needed to start a business.

Again, it all depends on the type of mini - production. For some types of mini-business, you can not rent a room, but use your garage or premises in the private sector, and the production of custom-made cakes can be set up at home. For others, it is necessary to rent a production workshop. In some types of business, hired labor must be used, and, accordingly, costs will increase. If you want to make good money and have some initial capital to invest, check out course catalogwho will help you understand the intricacies of investing and offer you ready-made solutions.

What OKVED to indicate for registration

OKVED 2 16.24- production of wooden containers. OKVED 20.75 production of other finished metal products. OKVED 26.66 production of other products from concrete, plaster, cement. OKVED 2 13.92 manufacture of finished textiles, except for clothing. OKVED 10.72.2 production of cakes and pastries for long-term storage.

Nowadays, a person who has asked himself the question of opening his own production has not just to find an idea for its further implementation.

To implement the plan, it is necessary to conduct an analysis of market supply and demand, assess competitive forces, calculate capital investments, risks, development prospects and profits.

Production is always profitable

Against the background of falling incomes of large and small firms, whose activities are related to stock markets and trade, the attractiveness of production is growing.

Dealing with it becomes clearly more profitable than "buy and sell" in any form.

The production of small and medium-sized businesses is becoming especially attractive, the opening of which does not require heavy investment, but it promises a good profit.

The stereotype "it is impossible to start a successful business without start-up capital" continues to dominate many start-up entrepreneurs.

In fact, given good prospects and competent management, opening your own production is not an easy, but a real goal.

Each person is able to achieve success by opening his own production and implementing his favorite business idea.

If you are only 100% sure that:

  • He will produce the chosen product with absolute knowledge and great pleasure.
  • The new manufacturer will be able to offer consumers a product not in a single name, but in the form of an assortment line.

Business ideas from scratch

If you are going to start your own business without investment, then, of course, it makes sense to give preference to a small production workshop.

When it comes to starting production from scratch, the most attractive are 10 options.

  1. Semi-finished products. Frozen dumplings, cutlets, dumplings, dumplings, pancakes - all this is bought with pleasure by consumers who do not have time to stand at the stove. Therefore, with a good price-quality ratio of this type of product, good sales are guaranteed.
  2. Muesli bars. Delicious and healthy food with a variety of fillings (here's a rich assortment for you). The cost of raw materials and equipment will amount to about 300 thousand rubles, and they can be recouped in six months with successful sales.
  3. Mini bakery. It also does not require special expenses, however, this business has a drawback: in your area or city, the market may already be occupied by freshly baked bakery products... If so, you can bake especially delicious pies or produce sheet dough, surpass competitors in quality, range and uniqueness.
  4. Handmade soap. You can definitely start manufacturing at home, and over time, when profit appears, you can purchase equipment and rent a room, spending about 500 thousand rubles.
  5. Custom furniture. The demand for original cabinets, tables and armchairs by individual sizes is considerable. The ability to make them according to the author's sketches, which can come with experience, is a good way to prosperity.
  6. Nails. To get started, you can purchase a used wire nail machine or a new old model. Such offers can be found on sale and their cost will be about 100 thousand rubles. Raw materials are also not expensive, and there will always be buyers for construction goods.
  7. Cinder blocks and other building materials. Many kinds building materials, you can do it without investment - at home, having equipped a garage or a barn for this purpose. They build a lot in Russia - the goods will not stale.
  8. Paving slabs. The thing is just as necessary and in demand. Equipment for its manufacture by vibration casting will cost 200 thousand rubles.
  9. Gravestones made of concrete. Sadly, the demand for this type of product is and will always be. Investment in equipment is approximately up to 70 thousand rubles. The technology is not too difficult to master.
  10. Mini typography. Equipment is required designed for small batches of printing products, which means it is inexpensive. And many firms and institutions need such products - there are chances to occupy their own niche.

Business ideas in production

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Small business ideas in manufacturing

A manufacturing business practically guarantees an entrepreneur a high profit and a stable income. Even in spite of large capital investments, production has been and remains the most promising type of activity. In this section you will find the most profitable ideas production for small businesses and find out what home business in the field of production, you can start a beginner.

So what is profitable in this line of business, and what is better to produce from scratch?

Cinder blocks. This production idea is good for those who live in the private sector. After all, all tools can be stored in the yard or garage. What do you need? Concrete mixer, vibrating machine, construction wheelbarrow and shovel.

Equipment costs will amount to about 55-100 thousand rubles, depending on the quality of the tools. A day, producing several hundred units of products, you can earn good money (about 100-200 dollars).

Styrofoam. The size of the required premises is about 150 square meters, purchase necessary equipment will cost 1.5 million rubles. As for the proceeds, you can count on an annual profit of about 1 million 500 thousand rubles.

2. Breeding of laying hens

Very cost effective and profitable production. For large-scale production of at least seven thousand chickens per year, investments of 400-500 thousand rubles are required, and the business itself will pay off in 8-12 months.

The largest costs are for the purchase of cells and incubator. For a very small production for several dozen chickens, about ten thousand rubles will be needed.

Breeding chickens is a great and uncomplicated business for the aspiring entrepreneur. Chickens are unpretentious in care and rarely get sick.

3. Casts and sculptures

Nowadays, casts of children's hands and feet, compositions of lovers' hands, small sculptures-gifts are very popular. Their production can take from half an hour to several days, depending on the complexity, and net profit one unit of goods starts from 500 rubles.

If use forms for the most popular sculptures, then the profitability of the business increases several times.

4. Making curd