Products that sell well. High-margin products: rating. The most demanded products. What goods are profitable to trade at retail. Remote technical support is a great idea


Today, the unstable financial situation in the country leads to job cuts. Some people go into new companies after being laid off, while others look for ways to start their own profitable business. After reading the article, you will find out which business is profitable to open in Russia with little investment.

What business is in demand now

Supply is driven by demand. This is one of the main economic laws, therefore, in order to open the most popular business, you need to determine what products and services the population of your city needs. It is believed that in any region the organizations involved in the repair, replacement of plumbing, and the sale of household chemicals and products are in the greatest demand. To find out more precisely what kind of business is relevant now, an analysis of the market for services and goods will help.

Service demand

According to statistics, employment agencies are very popular: the crisis and constant layoffs increase the need for such organizations. The demand for the services of plumbers, hairdressers, electricians and funeral directors remains unchanged. In Moscow and other large cities in the first place in terms of the number of requests are companies that provide commercial transportation. Organizations from the field of beauty and health are only 1% behind in the top. Finding out what services are in greatest demand among the population, you can organize a profitable business.

What is profitable to sell now

Aspiring entrepreneurs love to wonder what people are in demand right now. Actual products remain the same. Examples of high-margin products: flowers, drinks, jewelry, handmade products. Such goods are distinguished by stable demand, low production and storage costs. Popular alcoholic beverages are considered popular products.

What business is now in demand in a small town

Small settlements are bypassed by novice entrepreneurs. In their opinion, the business there brings very little income. This is partly true, because salaries are lower there than in megacities. The costs of renting and purchasing premises will also be less than in big cities, so you can organize your own business with minimal financial costs.

The most popular business in a small town is a general hairdressing salon. In addition to hairdressers, there should be manicure-pedicure masters, cosmetologists and masseurs. Shoe and furniture repair shops are popular regardless of the country's financial situation. people tend to restore old things out of fear of big waste.

Demanded business

Commercial activity is always aimed at meeting the needs of people or stimulating demand. Any promising business is built on this. It is possible to create demand for products artificially by launching advertising for products on the street and on television. The relevance of the entrepreneurial field and whether business solutions are effective still play a significant role.

Profitable business

Commercial activity should bring maximum income with minimum cash investment and exploitation of various resources. A highly profitable business is characterized by these features. During a crisis, you should not open enterprises that manufacture any products. Their profitability will be low, the risks are high, and you will only see real profits in a few years. The service sector is considered to be successful.

Super profitable business

All start-up entrepreneurs dream of receiving fabulous money, but in practice, few manage to realize this. Some franchises allow you to build a super-profitable business from scratch in just a couple of months. Another way not to save money and get a lot of money is to create a completely new and in-demand business for the region. Options for directions: from restoration or car rental - to your own thrift store.

The most profitable business

By opening your own bakery in a large city, you can quickly return all your investment - in less than 2 months. The situation is similar with health food restaurants. People are no longer attracted to fast foods. The fastest paying business is able to return all invested funds in a month. Before starting your own business, study them by sorting them according to profitability indicators for your region - this way you can weed out proposals that will lead to bankruptcy of the company in the future.

Profitable business on the Internet

A distinctive feature of activities on the World Wide Web is the lack of attachment to their place of residence. You can look for clients both in your city and outside of it, so organizing a profitable business on the Internet is easier than doing it in a real market. A budding entrepreneur doesn't even need start-up capital. There are several areas of such business:

  • provision of online services (programming, design development, accounting, etc.);
  • launch of an online store;
  • participation in partnership programs;
  • creation and promotion of your information product.

An up-to-date business with the provision of services on the Internet can be created if you are an expert in any field. You need to design a portfolio or launch a business card site, where your skills will be detailed. You can launch an online store without money, acting as an intermediary between foreign sellers and buyers from Russia. The goods will be sold with a slight wrap.

Online store

Let's consider opening an online store in more detail.


  • minimum investment (often enough 10-15 tr.)
  • you can work within the Russian Federation from any city
  • everything is growing rapidly: in 2018, the turnover of online commerce exceeded 1 trillion rubles, the forecast for 2023/24 is 3-4 trillion.

The main problems 2 - find a profitable product and stand apart from competitors.

Advice - communicate more with the owners of existing online stores. Then the ideas will come by themselves.

The best place for communication is the clubs of Internet site owners. The largest of them - "Imsider", unites tens of thousands of entrepreneurs. The club is founded by the owners of large sites, every month there are large (including free) online and live events.

  • it is hosted by the founder of the club, Nikolai Fedotkin, the owner of the Video-shoper store (the site is visited by 10-15 thousand people a day)
  • the issues of choosing a niche (they give more than 1000 verified products), competition, website creation, advertising, suppliers, individual entrepreneurs, delivery, etc.

The webinar is free. You will not find anything better in Russia now.

Profitable business with minimal investment

Many people want to make a profit without spending their own money, but not everyone succeeds. In practice, a profitable business with minimal investment can be organized if you offer products of your own production, engage in intellectual work, or act as an intermediary, organizing sales and purchases. Some open collection points for glass containers or scrap metal in the garage.

Network marketing also refers to making money with a small investment. You can develop your business at home by recruiting interested persons from the population. If the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a network of independent distributors does not appeal to you, then you can start farming: the demand for basic food products that are not harmful from the point of view of ecology is high among residents of megacities.

Ranking of profitable businesses in Russia

Commercial activity must be profitable. The proceeds should cover the costs of the further development of the organization, remuneration of employees and the entrepreneur's own needs. If this is not observed, then the business is recognized as unprofitable. Some entrepreneurs initially choose unprofitable areas, which leads to the loss of finances over time. By examining the rating of small business by profitability in Russia, you can avoid this. The TOP 5 best entrepreneurs include:

  1. Private auditors... The economic state of the country, changes in legislation practically do not affect the popularity of audit. This list includes consulting services.
  2. Specialized clinics... Various types of cosmetic and medical procedures are in demand among residents of all cities, therefore this field of activity is classified as highly profitable.
  3. Accounting services... Needed by both small companies and large enterprises. The only drawback of this industry is high competition today.
  4. Law Offices... A highly profitable business with highly qualified specialists and many cases resolved in favor of clients.
  5. Microcredit... This niche has gained popularity over the past 3 years. Money is issued on the security of products manufactured by enterprises or any property.

Business profitability by industry

Cost-effectiveness measures determine whether a company will survive or not. They must be taken into account when choosing the direction of the enterprise. Economic efficiency indicators determine the company's development strategy. Below is a table showing business profitability by industry:

Business branch

Percentage of profitable organizations

Transport / logistics

Trade, catering

Finance, insurance, banking

Mechanical engineering

IT and software development

Business services

Car sales and service

Food industry

Scientific activity, education

Construction, reconstruction and modernization of buildings

Ore processing, mining

Pharmaceuticals, medicine

Hello dear reader! I am glad to welcome you to the vastness of our business magazine.

Recently, my colleagues and I thought about the question of which product is the most popular in Russia. I think every thinker sooner or later comes up with this question. Personally, he began to torment me from the moment when we decided to launch our online store, but that's another story.

Usually, one question causes a series of subsequent ones, so today there will be not only the top-selling goods in Russia, Ukraine and the CIS - we will also consider with you:

  1. trending products in online sales;
  2. what is in demand on message boards (;
  3. top 10 purchased products worldwide;
  4. which is currently being bought by a Slavic brother in China (using the resource

Purpose of this article - general development, expansion of consciousness. You will learn how to analyze the demand for a product and its seasonality using publicly available Internet tools, and most importantly, you will be able to show off new knowledge in front of your comrades. Let's start!

The best selling product in Russia and Ukraine

This information is unlikely to help you find a niche for your store, but at least it is interesting. You have a minute to think for yourself which product is the best selling in Russia.

And no, the answer is not food, not cigarettes or even alcohol, but we buy it almost every time we go shopping in a store or market. In general, the purchase of this product takes place automatically. Have you guessed?

So, the title of the best-selling product in Russia is the usual one plastic bag... Even on such a seemingly insignificant product, you can make millions of rubles.

The world has already begun to realize that plastic products cause great harm to the ecology of the environment. The problem is that polyethylene does not decompose for a long time, and this leads to the death of 1 million birds, 100,000 marine mammals and a huge number of schools of fish. In the USA and Europe, they began to refuse cellophane bags.

What to focus on when choosing a product for sale?

If you are interested in a product for sale, you should go the other way. You shouldn't be looking for the most popular goods, which are bought by the population in “wagons”. First of all, we need to look at the prospects and profitability - our product must also be ready for adverse conditions, since economic crises are not uncommon now.

The list of the most bought goods in Russia contains the following:

  • small household appliances;
  • electrical goods;
  • sanitary goods;
  • everyday tools;
  • household chemicals;
  • clothing and footwear;
  • children's products;
  • other goods of daily use.

Let's go through the list of the most demanded products:

  • meat (beef, pork, chicken, turkey);
  • semi-finished products;
  • chicken eggs;
  • frozen seafood (fish);
  • vegetable and butter;
  • cow's milk;
  • flour and pasta;
  • sugar and salt;
  • black tea;
  • cereals (buckwheat, rice, millet, oats);
  • vegetables (potatoes, carrots, onions, cabbage);
  • apples, bananas.

Something has a greater demand, something less. How to decide?

  1. Focus on your interest and think what is closer to your heart.
  2. Everything is learned by comparison: in order to make a choice in favor of a particular product, an analysis is needed (there will be a separate article about this).

It is beyond the scope of the article, so we will consider this problem in more detail another time. And now let's start compiling a rating of the most bought goods by Russians on the Internet. Go!

Top best selling products on the Internet in 2017

The Internet is a large and interesting market for three reasons:

  1. now the Internet coverage in Russia is about 74%, while there is a constant growth;
  2. the share of users of the older age group is also increasing;
  3. mobile Internet audience rushes at cosmic speed (30-40% of people visit our site from smartphones or tablets).

70% of all Russian Internet users entered the network at least once from a mobile device - a year ago, for example, this value was 56%.

Where does this rapid growth of the Internet lead? Together with it, the demand for goods and services increases, and this is what we need. Next, we'll look at:

  1. the most demanded and popular products in online stores;
  2. the most trending and hot products on one-page pages for today.

1. Search for a product in demand for an online store

In an effort to track the most in-demand and popular online retailers that are best bought by the public in 2016, we came up with the following top 10 list.

  1. Small household appliances are the leader in online sales today. The low price and compact size make these products almost ideal (but this product is not suitable for sale in your online store).
  2. Perfumes and cosmetics .
  3. Mobile devices.
  4. Laptops and tablets.
  5. Internet gifts and toys.
  6. Licensed software.
  7. Clothes and footwear.
  8. Books. Surprisingly, paper books are still popular. It would seem that they are expensive, besides there are many sites where you can download the literature of interest in electronic form for free. However, this does not stop paper books from selling.
  9. Online ticket booking. You will not be able to imagine how many planes are in the air now (how will you have a free minute, go to - this will expand the boundaries of your consciousness).
  10. Large home appliances.

Most of the listed products will not work if you are planning to open an online store from scratch. Problems and breakdowns may arise with equipment, and in order to earn money normally, you need to order in bulk. It is unrealistic to compete with large players who take goods in large wholesale and sell them at prices typical of regular stores.

2. One-page: what is it and why is it needed?

One page, landing page, landing page, landing page are all synonyms.

There is such a category as wow-goods (in Russian wow \u003d wow) - impulse demand goods. Have you ever had such a thing that you walk past a shop or a kiosk, saw an advertisement for a product on TV or the Internet, and you immediately wanted to buy it, although before that you did not even know about its existence? Chances are high that it was a product from this category. TV shops often sell wow goods too. Here are some examples:

  • an effortless slimming belt;
  • simulators that pump muscles without your participation;
  • all kinds of economists of water, light, fuel, etc .;
  • creams to enlarge something;
  • copies of branded watches, iPhones.

Are you familiar with CPA networks, affiliate marketing, and traffic arbitrage? If not, there will be a separate detailed article about this. In short, a CPA network is an intermediary between a webmaster (the person who works with sites and traffic) and advertisers who have a product. They are ready to pay a commission to the webmaster for promoting and selling the product. CPA networks sell wow products through one-page sites. Remember the phrase that demand creates supply? In the case of these guys, the opposite is true.

Here is one of the many pater networks - // After registration at the link //, the offered goods will be available, with which you can familiarize yourself (about 300 offers). I will cite 10 of them that were top at the time of this writing.

So, your attention is presented to the top of the most popular products that are sold through one-page sites in large volumes.

  1. Mask for blackheads and acne Black Mask.
  2. Solar powered PowerBank.
  3. Army wrist watch Amst.
  4. AB Gymnic belt.
  5. Corrector MAC.
  6. Waist Trainer Corset.
  7. Mangosteen is a slimming syrup.
  8. FishHungry Bite Activator.
  9. Hair spray Ultra Hair System.
  10. Titan gel.

Some data from Avito - the largest bulletin board in Russia

I tried to find information for 2016 but only came across an official report two years earlier. Since there is fish in the absence of fish and cancer, further we will talk about 2014. However, the information is interesting and useful, so there will be something to think about.

Carrying out a study, Avito analysts found out that website users skimmed 34.4 billion rubles in such categories of goods as:

  • personal belongings;
  • goods for home and summer cottages;
  • hobbies and leisure;
  • appliances;
  • goods for pets.

A third of the turnover was taken over by the categories "Personal belongings" and "Goods for home and summer cottages" (6.5 and 5.5 billion rubles, respectively). Funny point: Compared to the previous year, sales in these categories grew almost the same - by 38.6% and 38.3%.

And the best-selling category of goods turned out to be “Consumer electronics”: laptops, computers, video and photo cameras, smartphones and other gadgets were sold on Avito for 15.2 billion rubles. The amount is not small, but when compared with the previous year, the growth is only 13.2%.

3.5 billion rubles were spent on Hobby and Leisure, an increase of 47.4%. And they did not spare money on pets and spent 4.7 billion rubles: the annual growth was as much as 82%.

  • fan;
  • netbook;
  • swimsuit;
  • smartphone;
  • prom dress;
  • tent;
  • yorkshire Terrier;
  • video card;

From this list, we can conclude that demand is strongly influenced by the season.

How to analyze the seasonality of a product?

If you are reading this article because you are about to open an online store or start your own business, it is important not to miscalculate the seasonality of the product.

Let's look at the product that is at the beginning of the top on Avito - a fan.

To analyze seasonality and demand, we will use the well-known service It is designed to measure user interest that can be applied to the product we have selected. Before starting work, you must register / log in to the service. If you do not want to constantly pop up captcha, it is better to immediately disable adblock or its analog.

Next, we select the region that interests us (in my case, I look at the data for Russia, Ukraine and other CIS countries). Next, in a special field, I enter the query “buy a fan”, since it more accurately reflects the intention of users than just “fan”.

The service shows that over the last month there were 236,554 impressions for this request (wow, not sickly!). We can conclude that the product is in demand. And I'll check the seasonality of this product! I just did a search for "By words", now I will switch the checkbox to "History of requests" and see what happens. The graph shows that in 2016 the demand for fans has doubled compared to last year (apparently, this year is VERY hot). So, if you bought fans and started selling them in the winter, it probably wouldn't work. Therefore, never buy a product without testing demand!

Of course, the example I gave is obvious - it is clear that it is hot in summer and the demand for fans will be greater than in the cold season. However, not all products are that obvious. It is also better to look for niches where the schedule is just beginning to climb - it is better to prepare for the season in advance.

Rating of the most popular products from China

It is difficult to determine the sales leader of the Chinese market, because everything is bought on it and in huge quantities. Have you ever ordered something from China? Personally, I ordered a watch, a scale, an e-book case, a bag, a UV lamp, and all sorts of other things. If anyone does not know, here are 2 sites where the bulk of the population of Russia, Ukraine and the CIS orders goods from China:

  1. Aliexpress is more designed for retail purchase - here you can order goods in one copy without any problems. However, sometimes it is more profitable to buy a product in a regular online store than here.
  2. Alibaba is a large wholesaler: prices for goods are much cheaper, but you have to order in bulk. Delivery of goods often costs several times more than its cost.
  1. cell phones;
  2. clothing and footwear, including copies of world brands;
  3. laptops and tablets;
  4. appliances;
  5. computer components and accessories;
  6. goods for sports and recreation;
  7. bed dress;
  8. furniture;
  9. electrical goods;
  10. equipment and machines.

Of course, the data does not represent 100% reality, but the truth is somewhere near.

For women

For men

For children


Credit card flash drive

IPhone Waterproof Case

Convenient wallet for IPhone


The service industry is a broad area of \u200b\u200bbusiness. To correctly identify a profitable niche, you need to analyze the key market indicators. According to the State Statistical Service and other official sources, the most demanded services are those that are in great demand and are consumed in the highest volumes in terms of percentage value.

Analysis of the paid services market

According to Rosstat, in April 2016, paid services were provided to the population of the Russian Federation for 679.6 billion rubles, in January-April 2016. - by 2668.4 billion rubles. Share of expenses for their payment in consumer spending of the population in April 2016 It amounted to 22.1%, which is 0.6% lower than in April 2015.

Comparison of data in percentage and in kind (monetary terms) makes it possible to single out the most demanded and profitable services in terms of profit.

Table 1 The volume of paid services to the population

rUB bln

January-April 2016 in% to January-April 2015

Paid services total








physical education and sports


sanatorium and wellness



Price index is not calculated

Source: Federal State Statistics Service

In terms of money, the leaders (in descending order) are: utilities, transport, communications, household, medical, educational, housing.

Actual business model: Opening a company for renting handymen, income of 1.7 million rubles. in year .

Positive dynamics of growth (in descending order) for the period under review are: hotel, physical culture and sports, culture, housing, transport, medical.

Thus, transport, housing and medical - are in the greatest demand judging by the volume of provision for the reporting period, have a positive growth dynamics and are leading in monetary terms.

We do not consider communications and utilities as a profitable direction for business due to the provision of them to the population by specialized organizations, companies and enterprises.

And household, as one of the most popular types, judging by the amount of funds received for their provision during the reporting period, we will consider in detail in order to identify those that are in greatest demand.

As a result of analyzing the data of the Federal State Statistics Service for Household Services, we get the following picture. In value terms, the leaders are the maintenance and repair of vehicles, machinery and equipment (22,757.8 million rubles); repair and construction of housing (18,532.0 million rubles).

Thus, educational services remain, the demand for them will be considered in the context of preschool institutions.

Preschool education services: opening a private kindergarten

As can be seen in Table 2, the number of preschool education organizations at the end of 2015 decreased by 0.9 thousand.

And the number of pupils, according to Rosstat at the end of 2015, on the contrary, increased to 7160 thousand from 6813.6 thousand registered at the end of 2014. In addition, the number of new buildings significantly exceeds the number of kindergartens that can serve them.

This is how the economy of the private kindergarten "Interesting kindergarten" in Mitino looks like in figures:

Figure: 1. The Economics of an Interesting Kindergarten.
Source: RBC according to company data

Thus, the initial investment in the opening of a private kindergarten, including the renovation of the premises, a deposit for rent, the purchase of equipment, expenses in the first year of operation before reaching self-sufficiency, amounted to 15 million rubles. Monthly expenses in the process of operating activities amount to 2 million 950 thousand rubles, this includes: rent, wages, utilities, food, training materials, advertising and marketing. Revenue 3 million 650 thousand rubles, profit before taxes 700 thousand rubles, USN 15% "Income minus expenses" - 105 thousand rubles, net profit 595 thousand rubles. The actual period for reaching the payback is 21 months, the planned payback period is 36 months.

Private medical center services

In 2015, the Russian healthcare system, in view of the reforms carried out over the past few years, faced a completely natural result of the development of the industry. According to a study by the Higher School of Economics, 80% of Russians cannot count on free medical care from the state that meets their needs.

The result of the reforms was: a decrease in the quality and availability of free services, a global reduction in health care costs, a decrease in hospital beds by 9.3% on average in the country, a decrease in the number of doctors by 2.2%, and a decrease in the number of nurses by 2.8%.

Thus, the industry of paid medical services is attractive for investments also due to the fact that the state has regulated the procedure for including private clinics in the compulsory health insurance system (CHI). The opening of a private medical center is a profitable and in-demand business line.

In 2015, private medical clinics for compulsory medical insurance provided services worth more than RUB 1.2 billion.

According to Alexander Solonin, General Director of the Association of Private Clinics of St. Petersburg, the most popular areas of the industry are gynecology, therapy and dentistry.

Online advertising business

The Russian media industry has been changing its direction over the past few years. So, according to the publishing house "Expert" for 2015, the TV advertising market fell by 24% compared to 2014 to 1.7 billion rubles, the radio advertising market decreased by 32% to $ 189 million.

On the other hand, online advertising has a positive trend: the average annual growth rate was 16.2%. According to PwC's forecast, in 2016 Internet advertising will leave television advertising behind, reaching $ 2.12 billion and will become the new leader in the Russian media market. The main whale here is contextual advertising - this is exactly the type of advertising that business owners are ready to spend money on during a crisis.

Let's look at how the contextual advertising management business works on the example of the K50 platform, created by young entrepreneurs Stanislav Branovitsky, Ivan Krasnikov, Georgy Ternovsky. This is how the contextual advertising market looks on the example of the K50 company in numbers:

  • investments in K50 amounted to $ 0.8 million;
  • k50 turnover in April 2015 - 210 million rubles;
  • revenue of K50 in April 2015 - 2.1 million rubles;
  • k50 service offers 4 products;
  • 2500 registrations in K50 services;
  • 450 active customers use K50 products.

Transport service

According to the Institute for Transport Economics and Development (IEDT), the role of motor transport in the RF cargo turnover has a pronounced growth dynamics. Experts' calculations show that by 2030 the role of rail transport in the total volume of freight turnover in the country will fall from 87% to 83%, and that of road transport will grow from 9% to 11%. In the volume of cargo transportation, the same tendencies are observed: 20% and 15% for the railway and 78% and 83% for motor transport. Opening a transport company is a promising business line.

According to enterprising people, the Internet is not only an information medium, but also a huge trading platform that allows you to find buyers for any product. Thousands and millions of businessmen are trying to use this virtual resource productively and offer visitors to their sites a wide variety of products, which naturally leads to active competition between them.

Therefore, entrepreneurs today are in search of relevant ideas for 2020 - what to sell in an online store: it is obvious that the choice of goods completely determines the further strategy of action and the potential profitability of the business. Beginners usually rely on absolute hits and trendy novelties, forgetting about the transience of fashion. Meanwhile, other products are also characterized by stable demand, which makes it possible to make money on their sale not only during periods of excitement, but also over many subsequent years.

Product evaluation criteria

Finding what to sell in an online store in 2020 is quite difficult not only for a novice entrepreneur, but also for virtual trade sharks. The process of choosing a product involves the analysis of many seemingly insignificant factors that could potentially turn into a problem for an unprepared businessman. The attention of the creator of the trading platform requires:

  1. Demand. The profitability of a particular niche is primarily determined by the presence of a clearly defined target audience. You can offer the highest quality products and at the same time go broke if they are not in demand by customers;
  2. Market volume. In certain niches, the number of stores is measured in units - however, this does not mean that there is no competition in them. Perhaps more operators simply have nothing to do here. Therefore, you should make sure that the audience size is sufficient for a normal income;
  3. The presence of competition. You need to understand that virtual trading giants are already operating in some categories, and a beginner is unlikely to be able to compete with them. On the other hand, new niches are created every day: a businessman who has managed to occupy one of them has the right to count on his share of the profit;
  4. Entrepreneur qualifications. As a business, reselling a product requires knowledge of the chosen field. As a last resort, the seller must quickly study the features of the product in order to professionally advise customers;
  5. Attachment sizes. In some categories, the formation of a stock in an acceptable range requires significant investment. When choosing a niche, a businessman should adequately assess his financial capabilities;
  6. Profitability. In online advertising, there is a concept of customer acquisition cost. The profit from each order should at least cover these costs. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the costs of maintaining the warehouse and shipping the goods;
  7. Average check amount. The overhead of completing each order is usually independent of the value of the item. Therefore, it is more profitable for an entrepreneur to sell one expensive product than a dozen cheap ones for the same amount;
  8. Dimensions and weight of goods. Small in size and weight goods are cheaper and easier to store and ship - no need to rent a large warehouse, hire loaders and transport vehicles;
  9. Availability of suppliers. Reliable suppliers of the most popular goods in 2020 should work in the chosen niche. It is desirable that there are several of them - this way you can choose the most favorable terms of cooperation;
  10. The duration of the transaction cycle. The maximum interval between order fulfillment and receipt of payment for it is no more than two weeks. Otherwise, you can sell off all warehouse stocks and be left without working capital;
  11. Frequency of purchases. Making money on repeat sales to regular customers is easier and more cost-effective than constantly attracting new customers. An entrepreneur should choose a product that is ordered at least once every 6-12 months;
  12. Lack of obsolescence. Be wary of new products in the 2020 market, which are often subject to rapid obsolescence. For example, women's clothing or smartphones are rapidly going out of fashion, while tableware or home textiles remain relevant for many years;
  13. Seasonality. Of course, the sale of designer felt boots, New Year's souvenirs or Easter decorations looks extremely attractive in terms of profitability, but such a business is relevant no more than a couple of months a year.

Product selection methods

How can an entrepreneur determine what is in demand in the market for services and goods in 2020? There are several available tools for measuring the level of demand for certain products, allowing you to indirectly assess the prospects of creating an online store in a chosen niche:
  • Market research and statistics. Thanks to the analytical work of various agencies, you can find out what is selling best on the Internet: the 2020 statistics published on their websites allow you to identify the categories that are popular among consumers. However, the entrepreneur must choose specific types of goods on his own;
  • Google Trends. The service helps to assess the dynamics and number of searches for a product or service name in Google and YouTube searches over the past year. Accordingly, by increasing the number of user requests on a particular topic, you can find out what is profitable to sell in 2020;
  • Yandex Wordstat. A similar tool that uses the capabilities of the Yandex search engine. Statistics for measuring the frequency of queries, by keywords, contains the results for the last two years, and geographic targeting allows you to refine the data for a specific city or region;
  • Announcement sites. Bulletin boards like Avito or Yandex.Market are used by a huge audience of buyers. Using these tools, you can also determine the demand for goods in 2020: you should create several competent offers for the sale of various products, and then measure the intensity of requests for each of them.

What can you sell online?

In theory, virtual marketplaces can sell anything from souvenir magnets to industrial plants. However, an entrepreneur who wants to build a profitable business should know what is most often bought on the Internet: statistics for 2020 allows you to rank the most popular categories of goods and highlight niches with a high mark-up among them.

Small household appliances

Small household appliances tops the top-selling products on the Internet in 2020. Buyers prefer virtual stores due to the price, which is 20-40% lower than in conventional retail outlets, and a huge range of hundreds and thousands of items.

The most in demand are:

  • Household appliances - vacuum cleaners, irons, steamers;
  • Personal care equipment - electric shavers, epilators, hair dryers, curling irons;
  • Kitchen appliances - mixers, blenders, coffee makers, meat grinders.

Nevertheless, the level of competition in this segment should make a businessman think: large network companies have already divided the domestic market among themselves, and therefore the search for a vacant niche can turn into a difficult task for a beginner.

What to do in this situation:

  1. Set a price lower than competitors;
  2. Search for affordable analogues of products of well-known brands;
  3. Provide the buyer with the possibility of delivery, installation, service.

Clothes and footwear

In the second place in the ranking of the best-selling goods on the Internet in 2020 - clothes and shoes. This looks somewhat unusual, since any client tries to study and try on the product before buying. Therefore, the demand is mainly for things of common brands with the quality known to the customer in advance and an understandable size grid.

Most often, women and children's clothing is bought online; many buyers are also interested in various accessories - bags, belts, gloves. However, when working with such a product, it is necessary to closely follow fashion trends and update the assortment in time - otherwise the businessman runs the risk of filling the warehouse with illiquid assets.

Digital technology and accessories

People who prefer to buy phones and tablets on the Internet consider the wide range, the ability to choose a model with the desired technical characteristics and the price, which is again 20–40% lower than in conventional electronics supermarkets, as the main arguments in favor of such a solution.

Of course, the sales leaders remain models of well-known brands - Samsung, Apple, HTC, LG or Sony. Recently, however, due to the reasonable pricing strategy and quality control policy of the PRC manufacturers, the popularity of brands like Xiaomi or Meizu is growing, allowing many aspiring entrepreneurs to build.

Unfortunately, due to active competition, it is inappropriate to set a margin higher than 6-10% on digital equipment. However, this does not apply to accessories: covers, headsets, headphones, chargers, protective glasses and holders are successfully sold with a 150-200% mark-up.

Perfumes and cosmetics

The main target audience in this market niche is women. When choosing decorative and everyday cosmetics, they are guided by the reviews of their acquaintances about the product, the brand's popularity and personal experience of using certain products. The most popular products in Russia in 2020 are:

  • Hair dyes and strengthening balms;
  • Everyday cosmetics - mascara, nail polish, lipstick;
  • Depilation formulations;
  • Face masks and creams;
  • Gift sets of cosmetics;
  • Manicure tools.

The situation with perfumery looks similar. Since it is impossible to assess the advantages and disadvantages of a fragrance remotely, buyers prefer mainly popular brands and products that they use or have used before. The following practice is also known: customers visit the nearest salon and choose perfumes there, which they then buy much cheaper in the online store. Therefore, the assortment of a virtual point of sale should consist of products widely represented on the domestic market.

Computer technology

There are not so many well-known manufacturers in the segment of computer equipment and components, and therefore users are not afraid to order their products on the Internet. In addition, new models are constantly appearing on the market, falling into ordinary stores only after some time. The list of current products for sale in 2020 includes:

  • Processors;
  • RAM, motherboards and video cards;
  • Winchesters and SSDs, flash drives;
  • Power supplies and housings;
  • Printers, scanners, multifunction devices;
  • Monitors;
  • Mining equipment;
  • Laptops and netbooks;
  • Keyboards, mice and other accessories.

At the moment, the niche is oversaturated with stores that are actively competing with each other. A beginner who wants to find his buyer will either have to offer a completely exclusive product (for example, Chinese mining equipment or industrial microcontrollers), or invest huge funds in website promotion, while not forgetting to maintain the widest range.

Household products

The abundance of products in this category allows the entrepreneur to implement a wide variety of strategies. Some stores successfully sell products of a certain brand, others specialize in one type of product (for example, bed linen), and still others offer visitors everything that one can imagine - from cutting boards to fireplaces in the country. Among the best selling products in 2020:

  • Crockery and kitchen utensils. Chinese goods in this category are in demand due to their low prices, and European ones due to their high quality;
  • Home textiles. Bed linen is the leader in this category. They also buy good towels, tablecloths, blankets and even curtains.

Goods for kids

Obviously, parents who are caring for a child have no time to shop in search of the right products. Therefore, many of them, who are in the category of the most active Internet users by age, prefer to order everything they need on virtual sites. However, such buyers choose products for children very carefully, focusing on:

  • High quality and safety of goods;
  • Availability of hygiene certificates;
  • Possibility of returning some items from the order.

Many entrepreneurs start out selling toys. However, there are other noteworthy products on the list of popular products for sale on the Internet in 2020:

  1. Diapers, rompers and other knitwear for newborns;
  2. Diapers, sanitary napkins, powders;
  3. Baby food, milk formula;
  4. Pacifiers, feeding bottles;
  5. Strollers, cots, baby bedding;
  6. Walkers, children's bicycles;
  7. Coloring, cognitive and educational games.

Large home appliances

The sale of large household appliances seems to be one of the most difficult niches for beginners to access, outstripping the implementation of computers and smartphones in complexity. Indeed, a businessman has to invest a lot of money in filling the store with goods and forming an acceptable assortment.

In addition, customers who want to make an expensive purchase still prefer to check the equipment before paying, make sure it is functional and free from defects, get advice on the rules and features of its operation.

Finally, the dimensions of the products make their storage and transportation much more difficult. The low price of an online store, combined with costly long-distance delivery, in fact, may turn out to be more expensive than the high cost of goods in an ordinary supermarket of appliances in the amount of a budget transportation service.

Therefore, large household appliances remain in the top of the goods for sale mainly due to large retail chains that have the necessary resources to purchase, store and transport them.

Goods for sports and outdoor activities

The sporting goods market is actively developing - mainly due to the fashion for a healthy lifestyle. Many city dwellers who suffer from a lack of physical activity buy bicycles, start jogging, yoga or various types of fitness: each of them can become a client of an online store that sells sportswear, shoes and equipment.

Working in this segment requires some preparation: an entrepreneur must not only be well versed in the specifics and characteristics of the products he offers, but also be able to choose what will correspond to modern trends and be in demand. The assortment of a specialized online store may include such popular products for sale in 2020 as:

  • Sports equipment and exercise equipment;
  • Sports nutrition;
  • Tracksuits, training clothes;
  • Gadgets for active lifestyle supporters;
  • Bicycles and spare parts for them;
  • Tourist equipment.

Products for car enthusiasts

This category can be divided into two niches - the sale of spare parts and the sale of car accessories. The first of them requires in-depth knowledge of the nomenclature and interchangeability of parts, since the number of car models today is measured in thousands. Therefore, businessmen practice a narrower specialization, dealing exclusively with specific car brands or manufacturers from certain regions - for example, from Korea or Germany.

The second niche is more attractive for beginners: accessories are usually standard or universal without reference to a specific car model, and the markup for them reaches 100%.

What to sell in 2020 online store:

  • Car tires;
  • Navigators;
  • Video recorders;
  • Receivers and acoustic systems;
  • Baby seats;
  • Alloy wheels;
  • Alarm systems;
  • Motor and transmission oils;
  • Batteries;
  • Seat covers and floor mats.

Handmade goods

An entrepreneur intending to sell handmade goods can put up for sale both self-made souvenirs and products of other masters. Both options are interesting for a beginner due to the lack of competition in this niche and minimal investment in the organization of trade. The top 10 most popular products for sale on the internet 2020 include:

  • Paintings;
  • Knitted products;
  • Handmade toys;
  • Leather bags, wallets, belts, purses;
  • Figurines, vases, decor items;
  • Flower pots;
  • Cutlery made of wood;
  • Jewelry and jewelry;
  • Designer clothes with painting or embroidery;
  • Wedding accessories.

Moreover, it is not at all necessary to limit the range of handmade goods: raw materials, materials and tools for their production are also in well-known demand among craftsmen - yarn, threads, ribbons, beads, sets for the production of soap and candles, sheets of leather, paints, sets of cutters and much other.


A large number of supermarkets and small grocery stores today hinder the development of this segment of virtual commerce. In order to avoid competition, entrepreneurs have to choose their target audience more carefully. So, they are definitely interested in ordering food products via the Internet:

  • Vegetarians, supporters of a healthy lifestyle, consumers of organic and environmentally friendly products;
  • Working people who don't have time to go shopping;
  • Customers buying pizza, sushi and national dishes with delivery.

However, there is a niche in which online stores have an undoubted advantage in comparison with conventional retail outlets - the sale of elite varieties of coffee and tea. The main advantages of these products are high price, clearly defined target audience, huge potential for re-sales and almost complete absence of analogues on the shelves of grocery supermarkets.

Goods for pets

To imagine the size of the pet products market, it is enough to remember that every third Russian family contains one or more pets. At the same time, it is rather difficult to find a specific food or a suitable cage for a pet in ordinary pet stores - usually only the most popular products are presented here. What can be successfully sold on the Internet:

  • Food for birds, fish, cats and dogs;
  • Hygienic fillers;
  • Flea and tick products;
  • Cosmetic products for animals;
  • Toys;
  • Collars, muzzles, leashes;
  • Cages, carriers, houses;
  • Clothes for animals.

With the exception of pet food and veterinary drugs, most pet products are manufactured in China, which allows aspiring entrepreneurs to buy them for literally pennies and resell them at a high mark-up. In search of products in the middle price segment, you can also turn to domestic manufacturers, who often offer good quality products.


Users appreciated the convenience of ordering a variety of tickets on the Internet: for example, those who want to get to a concert of their favorite musician just need to go to the operator's website and make a few clicks to book in advance the required number of seats in the required row. In addition, online advertising allows customers to know about an upcoming event much earlier than regular posters.

Popular products for sale on the internet 2020 are:

  • Railway and air tickets;
  • Tickets for shows and concerts;
  • Tickets for sporting events;
  • Movie and theater tickets.

Competition in this niche is low, mainly due to the complexity of organizing ticket sales. Indeed, transport companies and show business operators prefer to work with a narrow circle of partners, which can only be the owner of a popular and frequently visited website.

Chinese products

With its minimal start-up capital requirements and high profitability, it attracts many entrepreneurs from China. However, despite the high competition, such activities remain an excellent option for starting your own business on the Internet. and other Chinese trading platforms are:

  • Shoes, clothes;
  • Bags, belts and other accessories;
  • Automotive products;
  • Souvenirs;
  • Digital technology.

The main disadvantages of this niche are a wide variation in product quality among manufacturers and an unsatisfactory delivery speed. Therefore, the online store owner should take the time to find reliable suppliers and purchase a trial batch of products before placing a bulk order.

On the other hand, these same disadvantages can be viewed as advantages: it is thanks to them that a private buyer is afraid to order something in China on his own and prefers to use the services of an entrepreneur who has solved all the problems with the choice and transportation of goods for him.

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Virtual trading trends

While studying, a novice entrepreneur should pay attention to the current trends in the virtual trading market:

  • The most compelling argument for customers is the price. According to the polls of the Yandex.Market service, 64% of visitors to online stores pay attention to it first of all;
  • The segment of mobile commerce is growing. Customers appreciated the convenience of buying goods directly from a smartphone, and therefore trading platforms began to actively acquire mobile applications;
  • The number of purchases from regions is increasing. Undoubtedly, megacities like Moscow and St. Petersburg retain their leadership in sales volumes, but recently there has been a significant influx of buyers from the provinces.

Accordingly, a businessman will have to not only find out what is in demand among the population in 2020, but also learn how to properly sell their goods:

  1. In the absence of experience and impressive capital, it is not recommended to start a business in competitive niches such as the sale of digital and computer technology, household appliances, clothing and footwear of well-known brands;
  2. The segments of household goods, food products, car accessories, goods for animals and handmade souvenirs remain relatively free;
  3. When selling an expensive product, you need to make sure that it is exclusive, rare or specialized;
  4. The site should at least display correctly on the screens of mobile devices, although the presence of its own application seems to be more desirable;
  5. An entrepreneur who has organized prompt delivery to regions and small towns receives additional benefits.


The peculiarities of the virtual environment have a significant impact on the conduct of trading activities in the network. On the one hand, there are no geographical barriers for an online store, the range is limited only by the owner's capabilities, and the absence of the need for personnel and production space reduces overhead costs. On the other hand, you have to work from scratch to attract customers and promote the site, while an ordinary stall to receive a stable flow of customers is enough to place in any place with high traffic.

However, the main reasons for failure are still the entrepreneur's arrogance and excessive self-confidence, his lack of desire to take into account any other opinion other than his own, as well as a lack of knowledge in the chosen niche. Therefore, the creator of an online store must clearly understand what exactly, to whom and how he is going to sell.