Online Rostelecom onlime problems with television. Help. Wireless online. setting wifi home

Wired Internet a huge number of people in our country use the provider Rostelecom. Reliability of connection and access to the World Wide Web, a large coverage area - these are exactly the factors that speak in favor of connecting to such networks from Rostelecom. But to a greater extent, users trust their connections to this company because it is one of the main providers of government telecommunication lines, and, as you know, at this level, leaks and hacks are the least likely.

Everything is fine, but there is no good without bad, and in every barrel of honey you can find a fly in the ointment. This can happen with any global connection, and at one fine moment you may find that for some reason it simply does not work, it is impossible to open pages or visit your favorite social network. What could have happened? Let's take a closer look at everything.

There can be many answers to this question, and in order to find out specifically why Rostelecom's Internet does not work, you need to carefully study the reasons for what happened:

  • This is trivial, but you may be denied access due to late payment for the service. The company cannot operate at a loss, and if the payment is not received within the specified time, then of course the Internet will not be available.
  • There may be a break in the fiber optic cable if your dog gnawed through it, or a poor connection of the contacts. In such cases, no signal is sent to the device. Or the provider is carrying out maintenance work, and the station does not give out a signal.
  • Incorrect output settings, both of the computer itself and the router, the wrong port or IP address is specified. And in order to use the router, Rostelecom recommends using certain brands Wi-Fi equipment, which are adapted to work in the company's network.
  • If your connection goes through a telephone communication method, then the reason may lie in the failure of a special device, a splitter, which converts the frequency to the desired reception range. Or there was an unexpected interference in the telephone connection, and the signal cannot break through, therefore the network does not work.
  • Hardware errors of the network converter adapter in the computer itself, or a virus has disabled the settings of the communication network you have set.

Emergency help

If you yourself are not able to deal with the problems, then you need to know where to call so that the specialist will provide you with all possible assistance and help you deal with the equipment:

  • If there are problems with home connection, then you should make a call to 8 800 100 08 00. They will definitely contact you and give you a qualified explanation.
  • If there are problems with mobile access to the World Wide Web, then on the customer support portal you can ask a question online and get a quick solution.
  • If you are served by a Rostelecom provider in the Moscow region, then all rights are transferred to the OnLime subsidiary. We give you the address where the request should be sent - [email protected].

The service works around the clock, but if for some reason you do not get through or the phone is constantly busy, we suggest checking the settings of your equipment or computer.

Self-elimination of possible problems

If you are using a router, try logging into the network without it by directly connecting the cable to your computer. No answer? You can try reinstalling the network card driver. Enter the "Device Manager", find the desired position and right-click to bring up the context menu - a new window will open where you can update, uninstall or reinstall the network adapter software.

Internet Rostelecom not working again? Then let's try another method.

First, understand how your provider is supplying you with a signal - by fiber optic cables, via telephony or twisted pair, the verification of the settings will depend on this:

  1. If via telephony. When concluding a contract, you should have been given instructions - read it carefully, compare all indicators with those installed on your splitter. Please note that if the DSL / PON link indicator is off, it means that there is a problem in the wires. The LAN button is off - this means that it is impossible to transmit or receive a signal, and a message will appear on the screen stating that the cable is not connected. Here you need to check the integrity of the cable or contacts - perhaps this is the problem. If the Wi-Fi indicator is not active, then the equipment setting is not correct or not at all. And if all indicators are actively on, which indicates serviceability, then the reason may be different.
  2. If using a twisted park and ETTH protocol. In this case, the user needs to know his password and username to access the Internet, and if an error is displayed, for example, or, then the code can easily determine the reason and correct it.

Checking the hardware settings

It often happens that the equipment settings are completely wrong and access to the World Wide Web in this case will be absent. You can make a diagnosis yourself and try to fix the problem.

If you use Internet access only from a PC

If you are the only user home internet, and do not distribute it through a router to other devices, then there should be no problems if you entered your input data correctly.

If you see a yellow question mark in the tray, then this indicates that the network card drivers are either outdated and need to be updated, or not installed at all, and just need to be installed on the computer.

Click on the question mark and configure the update via the disc supplied with the equipment. You can check the settings like this:

  1. Right-click in the tray opposite the computer icon to enter the "Network Control Center".
  2. In the upper left block, click on the line "Change adapter parameters", and find the Ethernet position.
  3. Now from the context menu, which is called by right-clicking on the Ethernet position, go to the connection properties. There should be such parameters: Internet version - 4.
  4. Now again you need to go to the properties, and check the DNS server address - these are the values \u200b\u200bthat are provided individually for each user, they are in the service agreement. Write them down exactly as indicated there.

If you are using a router

  1. Check the contacts of all connections, after connecting, the authorization page will be displayed in the browser.
  2. Here you need to specify your personal data, and enter the interface.
  3. But for the router to be able to distribute the Internet to other devices, the connection must be protected using the SSL protocol, this will be displayed when you try to access the Internet for the first time.
  4. You just have to enter the correct password from the network, usually it is written on the box with the device. Save all the values \u200b\u200band go online.

You should be fine!

Provider Online represents a large and well-known company Rostelecom. Moscow residents will be able to connect high speed internet, digital televisionand also establish a home telephone line.

Online company has been operating since 2008 and is actively developing. The list of available services is expanding and their quality is improving.

Why might the internet not work?

  • a wide range of available broadcasts;
  • variety of channels;
  • additional features, including parental control, stop and record broadcasts.

Online provider has taken care of high quality provided services, but there are situations when digital television disappears at home. In such a situation, many people do not know what to do. There are several reasons - a lack of a reception area, an outdated receiver, a failure in the settings of the set-top box (error 6) and the antenna.

If several channels are missing, you can use the automatic search. To do this, you can make manual settings and tune the frequency. When there is no picture on the screen at all, this indicates incorrect cable connections or incorrect video input. You need to check the connection, the outlet. On the set-top box, the indicator should light up green.

When the message “No signal” or “No access (6)” appears on the screen, you can check the antenna connection and the amplifier's performance. There are situations when they simply leave and after the correction the signal resumes. In case of any failures in the operation of digital television or the Internet connection, you must submit an application to the specialists of Online, who will tell you what it means to have this or that error. They promptly solve all problems and help to restore the Internet, digital television and equipment.

Provider OnLim is a project from Rostelecom that is gaining momentum in popularity in Moscow. The reliability of the company contributes to this, favorable rates and good speed provision of the Internet. Since 2008, the telecommunications brand has been actively developing, introducing more and more new tariffs, promotions, services and develops services for convenient use of services.

Official website of the provider Online

Opportunities and functionality of the personal account of the OnLime provider

The range of possibilities of the cabinet is very wide, almost all control can be carried out online. Having spent a little time studying the interface, the subscriber gets timely control over the connected services, promotions and news. So, personal Area OnLime allows you to:

  • connect / disconnect services;
  • change the tariff plan;
  • view detailed information about all services of the company;
  • view financial information;
  • manage a bonus account;
  • receive cash flow reports;
  • receive receipts for payment of the bill;
  • manage personal data;
  • set parental controls;
  • create and track maintenance requests;
  • manage your SMS notification subscription.

Login to OnlineLime Personal Account

Getting started is pretty simple. The first and most important condition is to be a subscriber of Rostelecom OnLime. Access to the Personal Account is automatically generated after creating a connection request. That is, registration of the Online account takes place at the provider's office.

To sign in, follow these steps:

Now you can fully manage all the features of the OnLim account, if you wish, you can also change your login and password to more convenient and memorable ones.

Login and password recovery

If the data has been lost or forgotten, you can easily restore it. To do this, the OnLime provider offers two ways, we will consider them in more detail.

The first way

  1. From the website under the login form, click "Forgot your username / password?"
  2. We get to the recovery page, in the proposed fields we indicate our personal account number (8 digits without spaces) and the phone number specified earlier in the LC, in the format +71234567890 .
  3. Put a tick in front of the agreement with the terms of recovery and click the gray button "Restore"
  4. We are waiting for SMS messages to the phone with a username and password.
  5. After entering the OnlineLime cabinet, for data security, it is recommended to change the password.

Second way

This method is suitable for those who, for one reason or another, cannot restore access through the site or do not remember their personal account / phone number. You need to make a phone call to the support service 8 800 707 12 12 or write an appeal to email. address [email protected] with a corresponding request. Additionally, for security purposes, the operator can request information about the subscriber:

  • passport data;
  • the address to which the Internet is connected;
  • code word (if it was specified at the conclusion of the contract).

Personal account OnLime for Android ("LC OnlineLime") and iOS ("My Online")

The provider has taken care of the convenience of its subscribers as much as possible, because it is not always possible to access a computer. After the appearance mobile application control at hand.

Personal functionality cabinet OnLime and the entrance to it is identical with the authorization on the site. In case of any problems with the entrance, contacting technical support... For a faster solution, describe the situation as much as possible and inform the specialists:

  • the brand of your smartphone;
  • the type of operating system and its version;
  • what password and login is set (numeric or alphabetic);
  • you can also attach a screenshot.

The entire wide range of services offered by the provider can be viewed on the official website onlime ru and in your personal account. To resolve additional issues, the OnLime company in Moscow offers many convenient options for communication - from calling support to writing on social networks.

If you are lucky, and your provider, keeping up with the times, provides you with the opportunity to access the Internet using the modern IPv6 protocol; I congratulate you. Over the next few years, providers will actively switch to the latest technology, so you can put it; the transition to IPv6 is inevitable.
Operating systems Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 8.1 out of the box; ready to work on IPv6 networks. It remains only to configure the network card. The only thing I want to warn you about this meeting; if you have a home wireless router (router), then, in principle, it makes no sense to configure IPv6 in the local network. You only need to configure IPv6 to work towards the provider on your router. The local network can be thrown on IPv4.
But if your provider's cable is connected through a switch or directly to the computer's network card; in this case, you should use the annotation below.

How to enable TCP / IPv6 on windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 8.1?

By default, the Internet Protocol TCP / IPv6 on modern versions of Windows is already enabled and configured to automatically obtain IP addresses. But it also happens that the TCP / IPv6 protocol may be disabled during configuration or after installing any software.
To check this, you need to go to Network Connections. To do this, press the Win + R button combination, in the Open line, write the ncpa.cpl command:

Click the OK button.
The Network Connections window will open. Select the desired network connection and right-click on it:

In the context menu, select Properties. In the opened window of connection characteristics, we look at the checkbox on the Internet Protocol version 6 (TCP / IPv6) component.

How to set up IPv6 on windows 7, Windows 8, and Windows 8.1?

To configure Internet Protocol Version 6 (TCP / IPv6); in the properties of the network connection, click on the Internet Protocol version 6 (TCP / IPv6) component and click the Properties button.

I would like to note that in the networks of huge Internet providers, you do not need to manually register the IP address, since there is an active DHCPv6 server in their network and the system will receive the address from it.

Online - personal account: registration and login

Therefore, we tick the Obtain IPv6 address automatically and Obtain DNS server address automatically. In 99% of cases, this will be one hundred percent sufficient.
If you want to use some other DNS server instead of the provider's server, then you must check the Use the following DNS server addresses box, and enter the addresses there:

For example, you can use Google's DNS servers:
You can also register the addresses of Yandex DNS servers:
Main; 2a02: 6b8 :: feed: 0ff
Additional; 2a02: 6b8: 0: 1: feed :: 0ff
Main; 2a02: 6b8 :: feed: bad
Additional; 2a02: 6b8: 0: 1 :: feed: bad
Main; 2a02: 6b8 :: feed: a11
Additional; 2a02: 6b8: 0: 1 :: feed: a11

How to find your IPv6 address:

To see what the IPv6 address has been assigned to you, in Network Connections on the required connection, right-click and select the Status menu item. Later, in the Connection Status window, click the Details button:

We look at the line IPv6 address; this is the address given to you by your ISP.

Checking IPv6 operation:

To check the operation of the IPv6 protocol and its support by your provider, you can use the following services:
IPv6 test from Google; link.
IPv6 test from; link.

Review of the Internet ON-LIME. World wide web with digital HD television.

OnlineLime: Internet

Installing routers with WiFai

Now the latest telecommunication solutions are available in a simple and affordable implementation.

OnLime (the OnLime site is here) is an inexpensive and full-featured access to entertainment, work and communication for modern people who want to stay at the peak of information technology.
If earlier the brand belonged to the National Cable Networks (OJSC NKS), now the brainchild has passed into the good hands of Rostelecom. The one connected to Online gets an avalanche of the latest telecommunication possibilities, which make it possible to turn an apartment into a full-fledged home office. A connection additional services will help to brighten up home leisure, having fun without leaving home.

Flexible unlimited tariff plans OnlineLime

... make it possible to form a unique set of services, which include:

  1. Dedicated INTERNET by fiber optic technology
  2. Digital TV (TeleCard) with HD channels
  3. Telephony
  4. Multiservice network
  5. Home network local resources

Prices for unlimited online access
... Minimum tariff plan " He Lime 15 Summer»Speed \u200b\u200b15/7 megabits / s (DL / UL, respectively) costs only 300 rubles per month.
. « He Lime 30»The speed on the tariff plan is 30/15 Mbit / s and costs 500 rubles.
... In the tariff “ OnLime 55+»Kaspersky Anti-Virus license is included. Speed \u200b\u200b55/25 Mbit / s, cost 700 rubles / month.
... the fastest tariff " OnLime 80+»At a speed of 80/40 Mbit / s, and also included in the package of services Kaspersky Anti-Virus.
You can find out more about the tariffs on the company's website, using the link at the top of this page.

How to pay for Internet access?

Convenient payment: the entire range of services is paid from one account, so it is easier to make payments and control expenses. There is an intricate bonus program: the bill can be paid both with money and with bonuses.
The current discounts will reward subscribers who connect to several services at once, for example, subscribers who subscribe to the "Internet + TV" package are entitled to a discount equal to ten percent. The opposite is also true: if you already have internet connection, you can connect one TV and pay less!

Here are listed wireless routers 100% compatible with broadband Online. Wizards install WiFi routers for existing clients to distribute a WAN signal throughout the house. Since the provider's technology (see below) is not burdened with encryption on the client side with L2TP / PPTP protocols, then you are much freer in choosing a Wi-Fi router. Those who do not download files through torrents can purchase budget models of routers, like the Asus WL520 GC, or the Asus RT-G32.

  1. Tp-Link TL-WR 340GD Router is indecently cheap, but it will quite adequately provide an apartment or a small house with the Internet
  2. Wireless 150 G DLink DIR-615 with delivery and installation on two computers will cost 2200 rubles
  3. Zixel Kinetik Lite, 3100r - a balanced, budget solution suitable for building a network of three laptops
  4. For lovers of torrents, we recommend Zixel Keenetic: a fast two-antenna router (4000r)
  5. D-link Dir-655 is a powerful gigabit (1xWAN + 4LAN) router with three N 300 MIMO antennas

At your request, we will bring to your home and we will install a new router at a price of 1900 rubles. The price depends on the router model, the degree of distance from the metro station and the number of devices to which the router is connected.

We also install any of the Wi-Fi routers at your request, call our phone from above!

oNLIME ISP connection technology

The subscriber's connection to the Internet ONLIME is made free of charge via a fiber-optic dedicated line, the transmission medium of which is a standard twisted pair Fast-Ethernet 100 Base-T. Computer requirements are minimal, you only need a network card of the above type. Setting up a network for online is minimal, you just need to drive in an IP address, Server DNS and a gateway, there are no VPN connections that complicate the life of users of routers and non-standard versions of operating systems in Online, so the reliability of the Internet connection here theoretically should be higher than B-Line-o- similar providers using PPTP / L2TP authorization protocols to admit subscribers to the global network. Internet connection from Online is carried out at speeds up to 80 Mbit / s. On some segments, the address is issued automatically via DHCP, then the whole process of setting up a network connection is reduced to sticking a patch cord into a computer!

providers news:

Wireless ONLIME. Installing Weifai home

If you need to save yourself from wires, for a small surcharge, you can install a Wifi router, gaining complete freedom of movement around the apartment!

Game serversA Online will give the young generation to break away in popular online battles like:

  • CS 1.6
  • Counter-Strike "Source"
  • Quake III Arena
  • Call of Duty (2 & 4)
  • Team Fortress 2

Game server addresses, DC hubs, FTP Servers and others free resources published on the provider's page.

Voip telephony works on OnLime!

Those who plan to connect to the Internet to buy an Ip phone in order to operate the services of cost-effective telephone conversations will be delighted to learn that the On-Lim provider supports IP phones. Thanks to the open (white) addressing scheme, the provider does not interfere with the establishment of outgoing and incoming calls via SIP protocol, which has been proven in practice computer specialists LanIntegro. During testing, the following network equipment was used: ROUTER DIR300 (hardware revision B1), a telephone with VOIP support Zyxel P-3000RDL EE. The connection was established through the Telfin operator.
3Com Wi fi routers are a great budget solution for Internet sharing at great prices!
... We configure Vpn connections on the Asus RTG32 router professionally, and we will also help to establish a local home network

I ordered a week before moving to a neighboring apartment, in the same house, in the same entrance, on the same floor, on a specific date (working day). The application was confirmed. On the day of the move (it could have been at least a day before) a woman called and said that suddenly the craftsmen did not have access to the attic, and they had to wait a week until they could get there in order to plug the cable. I told her that the apartment was next door, the distance was 5 meters, and asked to send the master nevertheless so that he would physically throw the cable in the entrance, and change the port in the attic later, as soon as possible. She said that it is absolutely impossible to do this, because this is a new address, a fundamentally new connection, a completely new port, a completely different cable and all that. I work from home and I need the Internet every day, when I asked how I should work for a whole week without access to the Internet, they told me that they could not help (we don't care about your problems). The next day I took a cable from work, dragged it along the ceiling on screeds, twisted it like a collective farm, spending 15 minutes, used the Internet this week without problems. The day came when the masters came. The application was for the evening.


How to connect internet from Onlime?

In order to connect to the Internet, you first need to clarify the connectivity. You can clarify the possibility of connection in the following ways: fill out an application for connection (located above) or call and clarify. If the connectivity is present, then within a few days or on the same day you contact you will be able to enjoy work or play on the network.

How to set up Internet from Onlime?

Setting up the Internet from Onlime, in principle, is not required if you have one computer connected by wire. The Internet configures itself. If the Internet does not appear in the PC after connecting the main cable, then most likely there are problems in the PC or errors in the software.

Is Onlime a good provider?

For several years of close work with this provider, no significant problems have been recorded on the part of the provider. In 99% of cases, people are not satisfied with the work of the Internet due to their ignorance: there are certain problems in the work of their computers.

Forgot your Wi-Fi password?

If you have forgotten the password for the Wi-Fi router (router), you can always view and / or change it in the hardware or operating system settings. If you do not know how to do this and / or you have definitely lost or forgotten it, do not despair, but contact us for help. Always happy to help.

Onlime not working?

The Internet from Onlime works great! Most often, problems arise on the client side: the settings of the router (router) are lost, the drivers are not working correctly, the computer is infected with viruses, etc. Only in 1% of cases the problem is on the side of the company. Please contact us for help - we will come, check, adjust, tell you what happened.

How to set up a Wi-Fi router (router) for Onlime?

If you have a modern router with normal firmware, you can read the manual and configure it yourself or contact us for help. If you set up Wi-Fi on your own for several PCs, do not forget to configure the security of the wireless network and change the standard password for accessing the equipment to a more complex one.

Internet problems (slows down, buggy ...)

As noted above in the FAQ, in 99% of cases, problems are on your side (viruses, PC errors, corrupted or outdated drivers, incorrect settings) that need to be eliminated for comfortable work.

Technical support

We provide almost a full range of services for connecting and configuring the Internet and equipment for working in Online networks. If you have any difficulties with the settings of your computer, router, programs, please contact us, we will help.

Where does Online work?

Online networks cover more than 90% of the territory of Moscow. There is almost always an option to connect you to the internet. What to choose: Beeline or Online? For us, the choice between such popular providers for home use as Beeline and Online is obvious - Online! And this is despite the fact that we are cooperating with Beeline. We value the reliability, quality, simplicity and convenience of using the services of this company.

Which router should you choose?

It all depends on how high-quality Internet access you want and what budget you are counting on. There is a huge amount of equipment on the market, the cost is from 500 rubles and more. Of course, in some cases cheap equipment will not work as well as more expensive ones. There are always options to choose from based on your needs and equipment operating conditions.

Buy a router or rent?

Frankly speaking, it is better to buy a new high-quality router because, as practice shows, a miser pays twice.

How to check the speed of Online?

Note that the speed of Internet access via Wi-Fi does not always correspond to the tariff plan used. This is due to the fact that some equipment does not meet the speed requirements and most often (at maximum tariffs) the speed is "cut". You can check the speed of Online operation on the website or by entering the request "check the speed of the Internet" in search engine... To get the most accurate internet speed possible, you need to directly connect the cable to your computer, not over Wi-Fi.

How fast can you connect Online?

After completing an application for connecting services (Internet / TV), a specialist will come to you within five days and connect you. The "Urgent Connection" service is available. After completing the application within a few hours, you can already enjoy working on the network.

What to do if Online does not work after reinstalling the OS?

This may mean the following: the Internet is not paid for, the drivers are not installed, the OS is crooked, the settings are out of order, they are not connected to the wireless network.

Basic instructions for setting up Onlime

  • Setting up a digital receiver with a built-in hard disk (OnLime station)

You can find other setup instructions above - you need to click on the instructions tab.

Key features of the Internet from Online

  • Urgent connection. If you have a serious need or desire to connect to the Internet as quickly as possible, you can let us know about it before 5 pm of the current day and on that day we will connect you to the Internet.
  • SMS notification. If on your account cash end, but you do not even know about it, you in advance on the contact mobile number phone will receive an SMS about your account status.
  • Promised payment. Waking up in the morning, turning on your computer, you find that the Internet is not working. No problem! Call service and tell them you want to use free service The promised payment and in 10 minutes you will have the Internet.
  • Turbo button. Low speed, need to download a large file? Order a temporary speed increase for just 5 rubles and in a couple of minutes you will be able to download the file at the maximum available speed.
  • Filtering traffic. On the web, you can come across many sites with questionable content. Traffic filtering service will cut off more than a million unwanted website addresses around the world.
  • Local drive. If you and your friend are subscribers of Online company, then you can transfer files to each other at any time with the maximum available speed.

User reviews are the second thing you need to familiarize yourself with when choosing an Internet provider. The first and foremost thing is to read the contract. But more often than not, official documents are not read at all, and reviews are studied after troubles have arisen in order to prove their case. It turns out to be a vicious circle. In our article, using an example internet Service Provider Onlime consider how to act in problem situations, what to pay attention to, how to behave with company representatives.

Internet Service Provider Onlime: Overview

OnLime is the brand of the largest telecom provider in Russia, OJSC Rostelecom, under which it operates in Moscow and the Moscow Region. The merger of the two companies took place in 2008, since then "OnLime" has consistently led the rating of metropolitan providers of home Internet, digital television and telephony. According to the company, 3.2 million apartments have Onlime TV and access to the network using FTTB technology.

"OnLime" has its own backbone network, laid in accordance with the ring architecture of the capital. of district and regional significance pass underground, through sewer mines. From district nodes to individual clusters (about 10 nearby houses), cables go along power lines. Highways cover all areas of the city and suburbs.

All cables, except from the entrance to the apartment, are redundant. A circular single break also contributes to greater fault tolerance: the backup line will immediately turn on. Only severe accidents can disable TV broadcasts and the Internet connection.

The TV signal comes from 10 satellites that are capable of receiving more than 200 channels, including in HD quality. Alcatel-Lucent's online data center equipment is characterized by high port density and high power.

Onlime: Internet tariffs, connection features

For new subscribers, "OnLime" offers a promotional connection for 290 rubles / month. within 3 months. Next, you are prompted to select a tariff option:

1. "OnLime-100" - unlimited Internet for up to 100 Mbps.

2. "OnLime-60" - the maximum declared speed is up to 60 Mbit / sec.

3. "OnLime-30" - unlimited traffic at speeds up to 30 Mbps.

To identify the user of the Onlime-Internet service, each client is given a username and password, access to their personal account. debited daily in equal installments.

Connection takes place within 1-3 business days from the date of application. The contract is concluded in the presence of the master, the selected options and services are entered into it, the maximum connection speed that the company provides through the channel from the data center to the user's equipment is indicated.

Onlime: home internet reviews

The latter is the reason for the negativity from many users. No. 1 in the rating negative reviews - low connection speed. For example, 25-30 Mbps. instead of the declared 60 Mbit / sec.

In response to negative reviews, Onlime states that contractual speed is a theoretical concept. In practice, this parameter is guaranteed over the channel interval between the company's server and the user's computer. Areas where packet transmission rates can be cut are:

  • User equipment that, for some reason, cannot deliver the required speed (curve firmware or software, weak specifications, radio equipment operating in the 2.4 GHz band in the immediate vicinity, etc.). A rough analogy can be drawn: it is impossible to watch a 3D film on a black-and-white tube TV "Rainbow", even if this service is paid for.
  • The channel from the data center to the global server and this server itself, due to its load, which the provider cannot influence, can also cause a slight decrease in speed.

The connection speed is always less than the one stated in the tariff. A deviation of 5-10% is considered normal if the Onlime setting is correct. After 30 Mbps. the difference in speed is noticeable only when downloading large amounts of information.

How to behave in case of problems with the Internet?

What must be required from the provider through a written statement:

  1. Check technical condition connections to understand at what stage speed is lost.
  2. Checking Internet settings in your personal account.
  3. Troubleshoot fiber optic cable problems.
  4. Repair or replacement of non-working equipment.

What you can do yourself:

  • Update computer software, network card drivers, equipment. Install an antivirus (one!) And scan. Download and update the router's firmware. When using Wi-Fi on multiple devices, the speed is cut between them. As a last resort, the connection can be made faster by disabling the Windows firewall (mandatory with a working antivirus).
  • If Onlime-Internet is gone, and the usual actions do not help, you need to check with a technical service consultant whether the MAC address of the machine is correctly registered in the settings. This is a trifle, but in 30% of cases of lack of access, it is human error that is to blame.

Home television and telephony "OnLime"

Digital TV Onlime - the ability to watch over 200 channels, including in HD quality. Moscow subscribers can choose a unique option "Interactive TV" - not only a variety of channels, but also the ability to regulate broadcasting, record or pause TV programs, access to a media library, multi-window. Interactive television connects with internet cable and HD set-top box.

Digital TV customers are offered a choice of 4 tariffs and additional packages ("Cinema +", "Adult", "Football" and "Our Football +", Viasat HD):

  • starting - 111 channels for 320 rubles / month;
  • optimal - 136 channels for 450 rubles / month;
  • advanced - 164 channels for 580 rubles / month;
  • maxi - 203 channels for 1700 rubles / month

Tariff options for interactive TV cost the same, but 10 more channels are provided.

Those who use the Internet from "OnLime" can connect home phone either with a per-minute payment (0.5 rubles / min.), or an unlimited option.

Onlime (digital television): reviews

What problems do OnLime customers note? It:

  1. No picture, bad picture.
  2. Lack of channels, their wrong setting.
  3. Unstable operation of the set-top box when switching to Interactive TV.
  4. Additional packages do not work, their quality is poor, etc.

There was a surge of similar negativity in 2010, when there was a massive transition from analogue to digital broadcasting. The residents did not know how to tune the receivers, the channels changed places and "disappeared", the televisions were not adapted for "digital", the masters could not cope with the current requests. Over time, the situation has stabilized. Now we are seeing a shift from digital to interactive TV. The settings need to be changed again, the receivers need to be improved, the Internet cable installed, and the learning to use online services unusual for TV. To a large extent, this technology is still being "tested" by the provider itself, tests are carried out (on clients), which does not add either love or loyalty to the provider.

What to do if the TV does not work:

  • Perform receiver autotune several times.
  • Call the master (via Onlime sales offices, phone hotline or website) and hope that it will have few applications on the list.

The expectation of a specialist, his professionalism and politeness is a separate conversation.

Onlime: technical support, wizards, call-center

Only the lazy does not speak about the rudeness and non-punctuality of the provider's masters. The operator, accepting the application, warns that the technician can come at any time during the working day. This irritates working people.

Every morning the foreman distributes applications to the foremen. Specialists are assigned to a specific area. Applications are on a first come, first served basis, if there are many, they are postponed the next day. The queue can be scheduled several weeks in advance - unfortunately, this is typical of the giant providers during the introduction period new service... The master has no right to demand money for setting up, training and demonstrating the service. He cannot leave before the client is satisfied that internet Onlime, the telephone or TV is fully functional.

Technical support, which is far from being engineers, does not configure channels remotely. She can: change the tariff, the package of channels, include the promised payment, advise on payments and charges.

A lot of negativity is associated with the fact that the provider's representatives call with offers to take advantage of the promotion or activate the service. In this case, you need to write a statement to exclude your number from the call list.

Onlime: equipment

Often people write such reviews: "Onlime gives out used equipment, which obviously does not work, because it is outdated even for its manufacturers."

Router and router from Upvel, D-Link - Chinese-made devices with an average quality level. NetGear supplies premium devices that can connect in two bands - 5 GHz for large amounts of information and 2.4 GHz for general surfing the net.

Which is better: buy a router or use the provider's offer? It is better to choose your own equipment more powerful, with up-to-date firmware; it is suitable for any operator, but you will have to configure it yourself. An onlime router is cheaper, you can rent it and change it if necessary.

When concluding a contract, you need to be careful with the wording. The rental of a router involves a small amount, which will be increased subscription fee... Upon termination of the contract on the day of termination, the complete set must be returned to the sales office in working order. Otherwise, in accordance with the agreement, the company has the right to assume that the router has been bought out, and its full cost will be charged from the client's personal account.

An installment purchase or a one-time purchase can be beneficial if the provider is not going to change, and you don't want to buy a more expensive device.

Not all Chinese devices are bad, but the provider's technicians confirm that standard Upvel routers are of average quality and, despite the declared speed of 150 Mbit / s, they can hardly cope with 80 Mbit / s. After receiving the equipment from the provider, its software must be updated without fail.

Onlime: resolving controversial issues

It is very revealing how the provider's specialists work with pretentious clients. We are talking, first of all, about incorrect or not received payments, cancellation of contracts, promotions, etc.

According to consumer reviews, Onlime is rarely in a rush to give refunds in the event of a problem on their part or the end of the relationship. According to the law and the Agreement on the provision of communication services, an application for financial problems must be resolved within 10 working days, a complaint on a technical issue within a month. The arrival of the master, whatever the workload of the technicians, can be expected within 5 working days.

Rules of conduct in the sales office "OnLime"

1. Only the owner of the contract with a passport or power of attorney needs to contact the sales office. The operators will not even talk to relatives or friends, and this is their right.

2. An agreement is a guarantor that the obligations of both parties will be fulfilled. Therefore, when signing, you need to read every word of it and be attentive to the wording. If it says: "a router in installments", then it will have to be redeemed, even if the client has been using the service for a week. You need to be especially careful with shares: in case of early termination of relations, there may be penalties and fines.

3. Having written the application, ask for a copy certified by the seal and signature of the operator. Do not wait for a solution to the problem right at the sales office: consultants only register complaints and provide superficial information, and a specially trained department is engaged in the consideration of applications, whose employees know the contract by heart. It is also useless to ask for the telephone number of the "head of this office." A copy is needed in order to prove your case in the event of a "loss" of the original.

4. Be polite.

It would seem that if users write such reviews, Onlime should have gone broke for a long time. But, according to statistics, the number of complaints registered in the network does not exceed a fraction of a percent of the total number of subscribers. 90% of non-working services are associated with equipment misconfiguration or human error, and only 10% - with fiber optic cable breaks.

Completely trouble-free operation is not guaranteed by any supplier, especially such a giant one as Onlime (Rostelecom). In any case, knowledge of your rights and obligations, attentiveness and courtesy are the basis of a long and mutually beneficial relationship with the provider, which means a stable high-speed internet, interesting TV programs and a ringing home phone.