How to install the Internet on a new computer. How to connect wired internet via wifi router? Internet connection using a modem

Do you already have a laptop or are you just looking to buy one? Then it is advisable to think about connecting to the Internet, otherwise it will not be possible to fully use the equipment. Downloading programs, updates, anti-virus databases, as well as movies and music is impossible without it. There are many ways to connect to the global network. Wired and wireless access possible. Some of them do not require costs, while others force you to buy auxiliary equipment... Let's consider how to connect a laptop to the Internet in all existing ways.

A modern laptop and a global network are one

Wired connection

Wired access is considered the most reliable and stable, while the least expensive. It is enough to plug the cable into the connector on the laptop and make simple settings. Several technologies are used: optical cable and ADSL via telephone.


There are also several types of internet connections. Each of them has slightly different settings.

Dynamic and static IP address

With a static IP, you need to enter the IP address, as well as the subnet mask, gateway and DNS server in the network card settings manually. With dynamic IP, all data is assigned by the operator, and you do not need to make additional settings.

A yellow sign should light up at the bottom of the screen when the cable is connected. Right-click and go to Network Control Center - Change adapter settings. You will see an icon that says Ethernet or Local Area Network. On the double click icon - Internet version 4 - Properties.

If the operator provides a dynamic address, specify the automatic acquisition of IP and DNS. When static - enter all the data specified in the contract. Click OK. Now the internet will work and the yellow exclamation mark will disappear.

With this type, you only need to know the username and password. In the Network Control Center, click on Create and configure a new connection - Internet connection - High-speed (with PPPoE). Type in the username and password from the service agreement and come up with a name. If you enter all the data correctly, the connection will be established in a couple of seconds.

Subsequently, to connect, click on the network icon at the bottom of the screen and click "High-speed connection". When using Windows 10, you will be redirected to the Dialing menu, where you can connect, change or delete the connection.

VPN over L2TP / PPTP

Some providers, for example, Beeline, connect their subscribers using VPN technology, using the L2TP or PPTP standard. In the menu for creating a new connection, select Connection to the workplace - Use my Internet connection - Internet address, enter the data from the contract. Come up with a name, for example, the name of the provider, and click "Create".

Now go to the menu for changing adapter parameters. Right-click on the name of your connection (the adapter will be called WAN miniport) - Properties - in "VPN type" select the parameters recommended by the provider. We will connect from the networks menu by clicking on the name. If you have Windows 10, you will be redirected to the connection menu.

ADSL modem

ADSL access is not that popular. The signal comes from the telephone line, while the telephone itself continues to work as usual. Connect the phone and the modem to the splitter that distributes the signal from the line, the modem with the second connector to the laptop, and then set up the connection on the computer. The procedure is no different from cable internet.

The service provider will indicate on which connection it provides wired internet. Most often it is static IP or PPPoE. Use the previous point to configure the modem.

Wireless connection

To get wireless access, you need to purchase a Wi-Fi router. Plug it into an outlet, plug the Internet cable into the designated connector (it always differs in color). Next, enter the settings interface via a wireless Wi-Fi network or via a cable. Information about the login parameters is indicated on the router itself or in the instructions for it. Enter the IP address, username and password.

The first time you connect, you will be prompted for a quick setup. Select your city and provider name and enter your connection details. If your provider is not in the list, check with him the type of connection, select it in the network settings, enter the data, save and connect.

On the laptop, check for drivers for the wireless Wi-Fi module. This can be done through the Device Manager. If the module is working correctly, its name will be displayed in full. If the drivers are missing or installed incorrectly, there will be a yellow exclamation mark next to the name "Wireless adapter". You will need to download the driver for the wireless Wi-Fi module from the laptop manufacturer's website.

The Wi-Fi adapter must be turned on, it can be activated with the FN + F1 – F12 key combination. More details can be found in the instructions for the laptop. In the lower right corner of the screen, you will see the Internet icon in the form of an antenna with a yellow star. Click on it, select your wireless network from the available connections, enter the password and click "Connect".

mobile connection

When you do not have the opportunity to connect landline Internet, you can use the offer mobile operators... The quality of these services is high level... In many cities, the speed of access is equal to that of the Internet at home. You can connect via 3G modem, mobile 3G router, and use your phone as an access point.

3G modem

It looks like a USB flash drive into which a SIM card is inserted. When connecting for the first time, the system launches a program to configure the connection. If you purchased a modem in an official communication salon of operators, it will have a proprietary look and settings for working on the network of this particular company. With rare exceptions, you don't have to manually write the settings. You will need to select a tariff, use the menu to activate the SIM card and the balance on it and connect. Subsequently, it will be enough to insert the modem into the laptop and click the "Connect" button in the program menu.

3G router

In terms of functionality, this is an ordinary router, only a SIM card is inserted into it instead of a cable. Considering that most models have a built-in battery, you can distribute mobile Internet via Wi-Fi without being tied to a power cord. After inserting a SIM card, carry out the setup procedure as a normal router via the web interface.

Phone as hotspot

Another easy option is to use your Android or iOS phone as a modem. It is enough to activate the item in the menu. You can read more about this method in our article "How to connect your tablet to the Internet". However, it should be noted that the phone battery is very quickly depleted. Therefore, it is advisable to connect it to a power source or connect via USB.


Now you are familiar with all the ways to connect the Internet on your laptop. Establishing it via cable, Wi-Fi or modem is a snap. All service providers try to make life as easy as possible for their users. Even if something doesn't work out, you can call technical support.

What technology do you use to connect to the Internet? Share your experience in the comments.

Good day everyone!

As a rule, when connecting and setting home internet, you need to enter the settings of the router at least once by connecting to it with a network cable (via the LAN port). At least in order to set up a Wi-Fi network ...

In general, usually, problems arise more with wi-Fi settingthan directly connected to the LAN port of the router. However, in a number of cases interesting "incidents" occur: when I connected a computer and a router with a cable, but the network icon in Windows for some reason informs that there is no connection - the cable is not connected (and a red cross on the icon is lit).

In general, in this article I will consider in sequence all the steps for connecting a PC / laptop to the LAN port of the router. I think the article will be useful to all novice users who are trying to set up a home network.

Connecting to a router with a LAN cable

I'll start right off the bat ...

1) The first thing we need (except for a router and a PC, of \u200b\u200bcourse) is network cable... In general, usually, such a cable is included with the router (in 99% of cases). Most often, the length of such a LAN cable [from the set] is no more than 1 ÷ 2 m. This length is quite enough [in most cases] to connect and configure the router.

Note! If you do not have it, or its length is clearly not enough, you can purchase it at any computer store... Moreover, in the same place you can ask to cut the cable for a specific length ...

Network cable (1-2 m. Cable is included with all routers)

2) Next, connect the power adapter to the router and turn it on. Then plug the cable of your ISP into the "Internet" jack. One of the blue (they are often yellow) (LAN) ports must be connected to the LAN port of the laptop / PC.

As a rule, there are no problems with computers. Most models have at least a built-in mat. the card is a network card, and its port is easy to find on the back of the system unit.

With laptops - everything may be a little different. The fact is that modern laptops usually connect to the Internet using a wireless network, and not all devices have a LAN port. If you do not have a LAN port, then you need to purchase a special. USB to USB adapter ...

There are a lot of such adapters: there are ports suitable for both classic USB 2.0 / USB 3.0 ports, there are also more universal (with support for LAN, HDMI, USB) for USB Type-C. See screenshot below.

Note! You can buy such adapters for "pennies" in Chinese online stores. I told about the best of them in this article:

3) If both the computer and the router are turned on, everything is in order with the cable, then on the case of the router you should see several LEDs on (blinking): those responsible for power supply, LAN port, Internet (if the connection is established).

The LEDs on the router light up (including the LED that is responsible for the LAN port)

4) Ideally, you should see a network icon of the network in the tray without any warnings (signaling that the connection to the router is established, the Internet is available).

Network icon (Windows 10). Everything is OK!

But, unfortunately, in a number of cases, the router does not always automatically start working immediately (sometimes without manual configuration - nothing at all) ...

Why does an exclamation mark "light up" on the network icon after connecting (without access to the Internet)

Perhaps this is the most popular option (especially when connecting and configuring a router for the first time, for example, after changing equipment).

In this case, first of all, I recommend opening network connections and check if everything is in order there. To do this, press the combination of buttons Win + R and use the command ncpa.cpl (see screenshot below).

How to open network connections || ncpa.cpl command and Win + R

In the network connections window you need to open properties your connection (usually called "Ethernet" (as in my case) or "Local Area Connection").

  • obtain an IP address automatically;
  • obtain the DNS server address automatically (in some cases, it is recommended to specify DNS instead of the auto-option - this is DNS from Google.).

Save the settings and check the network operation.

Second important point - this is a check of the router settings. If you have not previously configured it, then, in principle, in most cases the Internet will not be until the connection parameters are specified. Different providers different requirements: as a rule, find the necessary logins and passwords, IP addresses and other parameters [which need to be entered into the router settings] it is possible in an agreement with the provider, which was concluded when connecting to the Internet.

To help! How to enter the settings of the router [just where you need to set the connection parameters] (for beginners) -

Configuring PPPoE connection in the Tenda web interface (for connecting to the Internet)

Why is the red cross on the network icon on the network icon after connection?

This icon means that you have no connection between the router and the computer (laptop). This can happen by different reasons... Below are the most common ones.

1) Check cable condition.

Is everything okay with him, is it not bent. It often happens that outwardly the cable may seem intact, but it has been severely bent several times, and the copper veins have been broken inside. Therefore, I would recommend trying a different cable.

2) Check if the cable is firmly plugged into the LAN port.

Often due to small manufacturing deviations (as well as rubber gaskets, which are often placed on them, roughness, etc.) RJ-45 connectors and LAN ports - not always and not every connector is fully inserted into every port. Ideally, after the connector has been inserted, you should hear a slight click (and on the PC / laptop network card, the LED should light up that the cable is connected (the same as on the router)). If the PC has several LAN ports, try using another one.

3) Check if your network adapter is enabled.

In Windows it may become so that the network adapter will be turned off. To check if this is the case, go to network connections (to do this, open the "Run" window with the Win + R combination, and use the ncpa.cpl command) ... Next, pay attention to which icon: when the device is turned off, it is black and white (as in the screenshot below).

You can simply right-click on the adapter to see the operating status and turn on the device (if needed). See example below.

Turn on the adapter / Network connections

I also recommend going to the device manager (Win + R combination and devmgmt.msc command) , and find your adapter in the tab "Network adapters"... Then try to turn it off / on (just right-click on it). An example is shown below.

To help!

That's all, happy and fast connection everyone!

All the best!

In this article, we will figure out in detail how to connect the Internet to a laptop via a wireless network or using a twisted pair, consider the features of each type of connection, settings for various OS versions and installed components.

Cable internet technology options

Conventionally, all options for connecting to the Internet via a cable can be divided into several main types.

  • Dial-up connection (Dial-up). This is a connection to the Internet via a cable, analogue modem, or the same telephone line. This access is also used in a digital connection using ISDN technology, with the installation of an appropriate adapter.
  • Dedicated communication channel. Assumes the use of a separate line from the PC / laptop to equipment owned and operated by the provider. There are two types of connections: up to 1.5 Mbps and up to 45 Mbps. It is considered the most effective for large enterprises.
  • DSL (Digital Subscriber Line) - one of the options broadband with which you can connect wired Internet to your laptop. Provides data transfer rates up to 50 Mbps. It is a digital connection using analogue telephone lines.

How to connect the cable to the laptop

Connecting a laptop to the wired Internet in any case occurs in the following order:

  • Dial-Up, the connection of the telephone line to the modem is configured, after that a cable connection goes from the modem to the laptop,
  • a dedicated communication channel comes to your apartment already via a twisted pair connection, it can be connected both immediately after entering the apartment and after the router / router, this does not matter,
  • DSL Internet also comes to the apartment via a telephone cable, so the activation takes place only after the modem is connected.

Settings in the operating system (consider for different OS versions - XP-10)

In almost all Microsoft operating systems, the menus are almost the same, so the menu transitions are identical for all versions of Windows.

  1. Go to Start\u003e Control Panel.
  1. We find "Internet Connection".
  1. Item "Network connection", create a new connection.
  2. Following the instructions of the New Connection Wizard, enter the login and password provided by the Internet provider.
  3. We find the properties of the TCP / IP protocol in the network tab and check that obtaining the IP address and DNS server is enabled in automatic mode.


One of the options for DSL connection (Point-to-point protocol over Ethernet) stands out from the background of other frequency of use (the majority of connected, modern access points are based on PPPoE protocol). The connection is made using an individual login and password.

Static or dynamic ip

A dynamic IP address is handed out by your ISP free of charge to connect to the Internet and can be assigned to another computer when you re-enter the network. The static version of IP (Internet Protocol) is purchased for separate money and provides more options, and is entered manually when connected to the Internet.

VPN over L2TP / PPTP

VPN (Virtual Private Network) - the ability to create a virtual network on top of a physical one.

  • PPTP. Any connection protocol is supported VPN network originally (the first protocol introduced by microsoft). It is the fastest connection protocol at the moment.
  • L2TP. Tunneled layer 2 protocol, almost all devices currently support it. Simple to configure, but the lack of encryption and data protection makes it dependent on the optional IPSec protocol.

Wireless connection via Wi-Fi (from a router)

Turning on the Internet on a laptop, provided that it is configured Wi-Fi networks from a router is a very simple task. There are several conditions necessary for this.

  • The presence of the network name and password from it.
  • A laptop with a working Wi-Fi module.

The connection takes place according to the following scenario.

  1. We turn on the router to the network and wait for the wifi protocol to load.
  2. We turn on the wireless networks on the laptop.
  3. We open the overview of wireless networks and find the one we need.
  1. In the menu that opens, enter the password and click the connect button.

Checking for an adapter

The presence of a wireless adapter is checked by the presence of a picture on the laptop box. If you bought a laptop from hand (used) without a box, then there will definitely be a duplicate mark on the wireless adapter on the case.

Installing the driver

Installing network card drivers on your computer is an important part of connecting to the Internet. Without a network driver, the laptop will not detect the WiFi adapter. The drivers are installed from the CD that comes with the laptop, insert it into the CD drive and follow the instructions of the installation assistant.

Required system settings for connection

To configure the Internet, you need to check the automatic receipt of the IP address and dns server. These settings are located under the path Start\u003e Control Panel\u003e Network and Sharing Management\u003e Connection Properties\u003e Internet Protocol Version 4 Properties.

Connecting via mobile internet

It is also possible to connect a laptop to the Internet via a mobile phone.

  1. We set up an Internet access point on the smartphone.
  2. We connect the phone to a laptop via USB or Wi-Fi.
  3. We install the drivers (depending on the brand of the phone) and connect to the Internet.

3G and 4G modems and routers

It is very easy to connect to the Internet using 3 and 4G modems, just install the drivers and connect to the Internet.

In order to connect to the wired Internet, you need to do the following:

Go to "Start - Control Panel".

Then "Network and Sharing Center".

In the window that opens, find the item "Change network settings".

In it, select the "Setting up a new connection or network" section.

In the next step, you must choose how to connect, select "High Speed \u200b\u200bwith PPPoE".

On the page for setting up a new connection, you need to enter the information that the Internet provider should have provided you, namely the login and password for access. If the provider has provided you with such data, then you must enter this data in the appropriate fields. You can also specify a name for the new connection in the "Connection Name" field. After that, you can try to connect to the Internet by clicking on the "Connect" button.

Connecting a laptop to the Internet via a cable

A laptop is often used as home computer, as a result of which the problem of access to inexpensive internet, which, in addition, has a high speed, is relevant for him. An Ethernet connection is more consistent with these qualities today, so we will tell you how to make correct settings internet connection on a laptop.

Ways to connect a laptop to the Internet

There are several ways to connect your laptop to the wired Internet:

  • via a USB modem, which is convenient, for example, in the country, but such a connection often does not provide sufficient speed and is usually more expensive;
  • using Wi-Fi, if there is an access point, for example, when a Wi-Fi router can be turned on with a stationary computer with the Internet;
  • this can be done via a wired Ethernet network that provides the highest speed, the connection to which will be discussed below.

Cable Internet for a laptop is the fastest, but also the most inconvenient, since in fact it can make from mobile computer stationary. In the country, for example, it is better to turn on a simple USB modem. For use in an apartment, a Wi-Fi router is very useful.

Preparing to connect the cable Internet

To set up an Ethernet connection, first connect a network cable to your laptop. You can also connect a router to it, which, after configuration, will be able to distribute Wi-Fi to any other devices, providing a pretty decent speed.

The "twisted pair" wire is laid from the switch at the entrance to the place where you plan to make an exit point to the Network. A special tool is used to mount an RJ-45 plug on the cable, which must be plugged into the corresponding socket on the panel on the side of your laptop.

Connecting to the Network will not be possible without the necessary drivers for the network card. To check the correctness of their installation, do the following:

  1. windows XP. Go to the control panel by clicking "Start", select the network connections section.
  2. For windows 7 and older. Go from the control window to the network and sharing settings section, then select the change settings item for the adapter.

If the window that opens is empty, the driver is probably not installed.

General rules for connecting high-speed Internet

The data required for connection is indicated in a special agreement. If you want to turn on the router, you will need to make other settings described in the specification for the device. If the network is not automatically detected, you will have to configure the TCP / IP protocol yourself.

In windows 7 and 8, the connection is made in the following order:

In windows 10, the connection is made as follows:

  1. From the Start menu options, go to Network and Internet.
  2. Next, you will need to open the adapter parameters setting.
  3. Next, follow all the steps, starting from the 3rd, described for windows 7 and 8 systems.

Further, no action is required - the connection should work at full speed automatically. If you connect through a router, the order may differ for different providers, so in order to set up the Internet, first find out the full information on the corporate website from the provider providing this service.

Alternative internet for summer cottages

Note that in the country, where it is not possible to connect to the Internet via a cable, the best choice will use a USB tethering. As a rule, there are no problems with its connection:

  1. Insert the SIM card into the modem, then connect the device to the laptop;
  2. The system will detect a new device and offer to install a program that allows you to use the modem on your device;
  3. You may then have to enter the PIN code indicated on the card, after which the modem will automatically connect the laptop to the Internet.

In a word, you can connect to the Internet, which would have a high speed even in the country, through a cable or router, while the procedure for setting up the connection may sometimes differ slightly.

How to properly connect wired internet to a laptop

Nowadays, it is already difficult to find the owner of a laptop that is not connected to the Internet. Despite the increasing development and spread of communication through Wi-Fi connections, access to the Internet through a cable attracts with its indisputable advantages, since it is more reliable and at the same time the lowest cost. Below are the detailed guides on how to properly connect a stable wired Internet to your laptop, as well as how to set it up for future work.

Connection procedure

There are 2 types of connection in total:

  1. Wirelessly
  2. Through a network wire.

The setup process after connecting via a network cable differs slightly depending on the version of Windows operating in the PC. But the procedure itself is very simple, since you only need to insert the cable from the provider into the socket of the laptop's network card. All laptops have a connector on the side of the case.

The connector requires the installation of a wire coming from a distribution device installed in the house.

Preliminary activities

But if the user has a question about how to connect the Internet to a laptop, then first you need to decide on the choice of a provider. To do this, it is recommended to analyze the following conditions:

  1. Possibility of cable connection to the system of the communication service provider;
  2. The price of the services provided;
  3. Providing the provider with an acceptable data transfer rate for the subscriber's requirements at an optimal cost;
  4. Service availability and responsiveness technical support provider;
  5. Additional criteria (promotions, special discounts, etc.).

Further, in order to connect to the wired Internet, you need to form an application on the official resource of the selected provider or by phone. Also, if possible, it is recommended to simply personally visit the nearby office of the communication service provider to draw up a contract.

Setting procedure

Just connecting the PC to the cable is not enough, since you also need to configure the Internet. First, we will take a step-by-step look at the entire setup process using the example of a laptop with Windows 7 installed.

Windows XP

In the case when the user solves the problem of how to connect a laptop to the Internet, on which the good old Windows XP is installed, then only a few steps should be taken:

  1. Open the "Control Panel" through "Start";
  2. Then go to the "Network Connections" section;
  3. Then right-click on "Local network connection", click on the line "Properties";
  4. Click once on the line "Internet Protocol (TCP / IP)" and then click "Properties";
  5. Next, in the displayed window, mark the item "Use the following IP", indicate the data specified in the subscriber's agreement with the provider;
  6. Done! Internet configured.

Windows 8

You must perform the following sequential steps:

  1. Enter the "Control Panel";
  2. Go to the "Network and Internet" section;
  3. Next, open the "Center for Managing Networks and Shared Access.";
  4. Place a check mark on the item “Configuring a new connection. or networks ";
  5. Specify the section "Connecting to the Internet", click "Next";
  6. Then it is recommended to set "High Speed \u200b\u200b(with PPPoE)";
  7. Print the name and access code specified in the agreement with the service provider, check the box “Remember this password”;
  8. Click "Connect".

Note: after entering the parameters, sometimes it is necessary to restart the laptop for correct operation.

How to set up an Internet connection on windows 7

A computer or laptop running windows 7, of course, can work without Internet access, but it functionality in such a case, they will not be used at full capacity. In addition, the World Wide Web in its state of the art - the main provider of information, software, entertainment content, etc. Therefore, the question of how to configure the Internet on windows 7 requires comprehensive analysis and successful resolution.

Preparatory stage

Before you start creating an internet connection, make sure your computer has all the necessary software and hardware.

  1. Connect the network card if it is not integrated into the motherboard or not previously installed as an expansion. The same applies to other devices through which you want to establish an Internet connection (USB modem, router, etc.).
  2. Install the drivers on the connected hardware. Devices will not work correctly without software. Drivers are usually supplied on disk, but if there is no media, they can be found on the official website of your network equipment manufacturer.

Connection setup

The instructions below will cover wired connections. If you want to create a wireless network at home, learn how to connect the router and properly configure its settings.

Be careful! The system will offer you several types of connection and you will have to choose the correct one depending on the type of equipment used.

When using a 3G modem, you usually do not need to create a new connection, since everything you need software installed automatically when a network device is connected to the USB port.

If you are using wired Internet, which is delivered via a cable supplied by the provider to your apartment, select the first type - "Internet Connection".

In the next window, the wizard will offer you to choose which technology will be used for the connection. Click on the "High Speed \u200b\u200b(with PPPoE)" button. At the bottom it is written that for identification you will need the login and password provided to you by the provider. These data must be entered in the next window.

The name of the new connection is also indicated here, which can be anything.

If you specified everything correctly, the following window will appear on the screen:

Network card settings

In some cases, providers require users to specify the IP address and DNS server address in the connection properties. To meet these requirements:

If you see error message # 651 when trying to connect to the Internet, check that the drivers for the network card are installed correctly.

Create a connection shortcut

The connection has been created and now you can use it to access the Internet or, for example, connect a remote desktop. Now, for convenience, let's bring the shortcut of the created connection to the desktop, so that right after logging into the system, you can connect to the Internet without starting the "Control Panel".

Your connection shortcut is available on your desktop - you can use it to access the World Wide Web.

How to connect wired internet to laptop?

In total, there are only two options for connecting the global Internet to your laptop: wireless and via a network cable. Moreover, one procedure is very different from another based on the version of the OS. Now let's find out how to connect wired internet to a laptop.

Getting started setting up

Before starting the configuration, it is imperative to make sure that the network cable has been connected to the computer, the network card has all the necessary drivers, and the Internet provider has started to provide the Internet service.

Using the example of one of the most popular operating systems Windows 7, the principle of connecting to the Internet will be considered. So, in order to become a participant " global web", You must do the following:

The user should get into the "Control Panel". This transition can be done from the Start menu.

We find the item that is responsible for the global network and enter it. Even on different versions of operating systems, this item looks about the same.

At this point, we go to the "Network and Sharing Center", where the main manipulations will take place.