How to block internet computer time. How to turn off mobile Internet on Iphone and Ipad. Set traffic limitation

Manufacturers of modern mobile devices trying to outperform their competitors by offering buyers a wide range of fashionable gadgets. Cell Phones occupy a large share in the list of such products and are in well-deserved demand from the population. Modern phones are equipped with a large number of applications and programs and allow you to access the Internet at a convenient time and anywhere. And there is absolutely no need to know all the subtleties and capabilities of such phones, but you still need to have an idea and be able to use their main functions.

For example, all modern models of mobile devices have the ability to access the vastness of the World Wide Web. Some of the phones can only support standard online communication programs, but smartphones are capable of providing an excellent connection to the Network and the smooth operation of a large number of applications. Therefore, the settings of many smartphones make it possible to go online by default and download the necessary updates.

Turning off the Internet will help you avoid unexpected expenses

If Internet traffic is expensive or limited, or if the battery is low, the available resources may run out at the most inopportune moment. For example, a trip abroad is planned. As you know, abroad such pleasure as traffic due to roaming will cost a tidy sum.

Or there is a need to reduce the consumption of battery power, or maybe you just want to take a break from the information flow that flows from the vastness of the virtual network.

Modern mobile devices already have an automatic function of regularly updating applications without the knowledge of their owners and performing a number of actions using precious minutes of traffic. In order to turn off such functions, you just need to perform a few simple manipulations.

Let's figure out how to turn off the Internet on your phone and restrict the access of your mobile device to the World Wide Web

Steps to Disable Internet on Android Device

  • We enter the control panel located at the top of the screen. First, check the status of the icons: WiFi, GPS, mobile Internet... An illuminated icon indicates that these functions are active. To disable or enable a connection, you just need to select the appropriate icon with the required value.

  • We enter the main menu and click on the "settings" icon. Here we select "wireless networks" from the highlighted menu and set the check mark opposite the item that we want to remove to the "off" position.
  • In this way, you can disable access to the Network in roaming and data exchange by making a choice on the appropriate value in the menu. To disconnect all connections, it is convenient to use "airplane mode" by selecting it from the task menu at the top of the screen. In some devices, the flight mode selection menu can be accessed by long holding the phone off button. In this case, a menu will open:

  • You can also install an Android app on your device to help you manage connections. Such programs allow you to turn off access to the network with a slight movement of the hand.

Disconnect on Windows Phone

There are several ways to disable traffic on platforms Windows Phone 7 and 8. The methods here are exactly the same. Go to the menu and find the settings icon. Then we find the item "data transfer" and set the checkbox in the "off" position.

You can also use Flight mode. In this mode, both the reception of data and the transmission of all external radio signals are stopped. This also applies to Wi-Fi, GPS, mobile Internet. You just need to find "Airplane mode" in the settings and drag the slider to the "On" position. In this case, the status bar should show the image of the aircraft.

If it is necessary to disable the Wi-Fi function by opening the "settings" select the appropriate menu item and check the "off" position.

Disable internet on ios for iphone and ipad

To turn off 3G Internet and data transfer, go to the "Settings" menu and set the slider opposite the cellular data to the left extreme position. You can also go down below and opposite the points 3G and data roaming by selecting the appropriate menu item, disable unnecessary functions using the slider.

Previous firmware versions provide for a slightly different course of action.

  • Open the "settings" item and select "Basic". Then, having opened the "Cellular data" section, set the checkbox to the "off" position.
  • To turn off wi-fi, open the "settings" line in the main menu and select wi-fi, then move the button to the left.
  • Like other operating systems, ios has a "Flight Mode" function. In order to enable it, in the "Settings" menu, move the slider to the extreme left position next to the "airplane mode" item.

The function of accessing the Internet is also disabled by contacting the operator mobile communications, regardless of the brand of the phone and the operating system available.

Open your current connection. Click on the "Start" button and then go to the "Control Panel" tab. Find the "Network and Sharing Center" icon, then dislocate the current connection and click on the "" button. You can also disable it through the tray by double-clicking on the icon.

If you are using a gprs modem, then you need to open the program, when a connection is established. Find the "disable" button and click on it. You can also disconnect the gprs modem from the computer, thereby breaking the connection to the network.

When working on a network using a dial-up modem or a dedicated one, you can unplug the telephone line cord, disconnect the connection, or disconnect the modem from power. You can do this by pressing the power off button of the modem or by unplugging its power cord. Alternatively, you can unplug the cable that connects your computer and modem.

In order to disconnect a connection that was established using wi-fi, you can either click on the button that controls the wi-fi adapter, or use the method indicated in step number one. When using wi-fi and a modem, you can de-energize one of these devices using step three.

Keep in mind that the method that is the safest for yours is to disconnect through the program that does it, or through the explorer. Other methods can harm you and your equipment, especially if you are not disconnecting power through the off button, but by unplugging the power cord from the outlet.

The Internet has become so tightly embedded in everyday life that, to one degree or another, it began to satisfy the needs of almost all categories of the population. However, in some cases, the worldwide network can harm users, and then they need to disable access to the Internet.


In most cases, when the Internet is disconnected in the network, you only need to interrupt the communication session. To do this, go to the main "Start" menu on your computer and click on the "Control Panel" section. In the list of subsections that opens, find the "Network Control Center" column, click on it, and then find the link to the current connection. Click on this link and at the bottom of the window find the "Disable" button. As soon as you click on it, the connection to the Internet will be interrupted.

If you need to prohibit the use of the Internet, the method of disconnecting from the worldwide network will be different. For example, when several family members use the computer at once and you need to control one of them, use the functions of the Kaspersky security program. Log into the Kaspersky Internet Security system by clicking on the corresponding icon and find the "Parental Control" tab. In the list of functions, find the link "disable access to the Internet" or "restrict", where put down the time for which you want to disable access to the Internet.

For users who have only recently joined the ranks of the happy owners of their own computer, it is difficult to believe that just a few years ago, access to the network was fraught with certain difficulties. This is now, in the days of cheap fares and high-speed tariff plansWhen fiber optic lines are introduced into every home, the main problem is choosing a provider that provides unlimited access. Users with such a connection do not have to worry about how to turn off the Internet, thanks to its unlimited. Although sometimes they have such a need.

In parallel with the above access, there is currently a limited analogue. This is an echo of the old days, very popular with wireless providers. In this case, it is simply necessary to know how to turn off the Internet, otherwise one day you may miss a certain amount on the account.

Are you a Windows user? A good and reliable system, and very popular. But novice users with limited Internet often cannot believe when they find that the treasured megabytes of traffic disappear "nowhere." This is due to the default update mechanism. Here, indeed, with good intentions ... Dear Windows developers proceeded from the fact that everyone had an unlimited high-speed connection for a long time, and the question of how to turn off the Internet is a thing of the past. The update consists in downloading updated files and programs from the company's servers. Sometimes their volume exceeds 100 MB, which is not always acceptable for users with a megabyte payment. In addition to updating the system itself, many other programs use similar mechanisms, and, which makes it difficult to detect them, network activity is not constant, but occurs at certain intervals (a vivid example is complex systems antivirus protection). The right thing to do is to turn off the Internet on your computer, if you do not plan to use it in the near future. Thus, any attempts by programs to independently access the network will be impossible in principle. In addition, the unnecessary temptation of ill-wishers to get through the open network ports of your computer disappears. It is also helpful for Unlimited Network Users to know how to disable unlimited Internet... Have you all heard of the viruses that create the "botnet"? We interrupt access and run the antivirus. In fact, there are a huge number of reasons why you need to be able to disconnect a connection.

So how do you turn off the internet? There are several ways to solve the problem: in most cases, the simplest - using the built-in tools of the operating system; then we should mention various programs - the same Handy Cache, but these are more specific situations, so we do not consider them.

During the initial creation of a connection, the New Connection Wizard offers to place an icon-shortcut on the desktop to quickly enable / disable the Internet. If you have the icon, then there is nothing easier to interrupt the connection: launch it and press the "Disconnect" button.

Second way (no icon). Open the Network and Sharing Center from the Control Panel. We select "Change adapter parameters". All possible connections will be displayed in the window that opens. It is very simple to define the active one: there is no red cross on it. Click on it with the right mouse button - "disable".

The third option (fast). By pointing the cursor at the monitors icon next to the clock and pressing the left mouse button, the active connection will be indicated in "Connected". We select it and give the command "Disable". It's that simple. If everything is done correctly, the monitors icon next to the clock will be crossed out.

Don't know how to turn off the Internet on MTS? This is no big deal! As a client of the operator of Mobile TeleSystems OJSC, you can unsubscribe from the mobile Internet service in one of the following ways. It is enough to familiarize yourself with each of them, and then choose the most suitable one for yourself.

Through your personal account on the Internet

To disconnect the Internet from MTS on mobile phone, you can use the "Internet Assistant", which is accessed in personal account on the company's website. To disconnect the Internet through your personal account, you must:

  • register and log in on the MTS website (if registration was previously performed, you do not need to re-register it),
  • in your personal account, select the "Services and services" tab, and in it the option - "Service management";
  • find the Internet tab in the list of services connected to the number that opens;
  • disable mobile internet using an auxiliary option.

You will learn more about working with the "Internet Assistant" from the video.

In the branch of the MTS company

You can find out how to turn off the Internet on MTS assigned to a certain number, as well as ask a specialist to do this, at any of the company's branches, providing the employees of the MTS customer service point with your passport.

Managers will not only provide advice, but also disconnect necessary services within minutes. This option is perfect for those clients who access the Internet through a SIM card installed on the modem (in this case, the SIM card can be completely blocked).

By call to the operator

An operator will help to disconnect the Internet in the phone, for communication with which you need to:

  • call the short number "0890";
  • listen to the end of the information recorded on the answering machine, and press the proposed number of the conversation with the operator on the phone;
  • wait for the connection with the operator and explain to him the essence of the problem.

It is not necessary to wait for the operator's response; you can use the auxiliary options offered by the autoinformer. With the help of the voice menu, it is possible to disable any service independently, using the prompts of the voice menu.

By changing the settings in the phone

When the Internet is activated, special settings come to the mobile. If you delete them, then Internet access will be unavailable. Subscription fee unused traffic will not be charged in this case either.

Via sms

The MTS company allows you to disable unlimited Internet by sending an SMS message to a special number. The system considers such a message as a request to disconnect the service. To do this, you need to know the tariff option, which is assigned to the number, and the number required to send a request. Such information can be obtained on the official website of the operator.

Features of disconnecting some Internet services from MTS

"Internet 2014"

In order to disable the "Internet 2014" service, which allows you to use 50 MB of available traffic for 2 rubles per day, you need to send an SMS message with the text "20140" to the number "111".

You can also send a request by dialing the combination "* 214 * 0 #" and pressing the call button, then wait for a message from the system and select one of the options offered in it. Or you can do the same using the number "* 111 * 2014 #".

"MTS tablet"

For users who have connected the "MTS Tablet" service on the tablet, it will be possible to disconnect the Internet using the methods listed above. Also, MTS has developed a special website for its clients: "". Having entered this resource, owners of mobile devices can disable any service, including MTS Tablet.

"Super MTS"

To deactivate the Super MTS service, you should select one of the following options:

  • send a request by dialing the combination "* 111 * 8649 #" on the mobile and the call key (in response to the sent request, the system will offer several ways to connect or disconnect any service in SMS);
  • send a message with digits "8649" to the short number "111" to deactivate the service within 24 hours.

"Super Beat"

You can deactivate the Super Bit service by sending requests and SMS messages to the system. In this case, the request is sent by dialing the combination "* 111 * 628 #" and pressing the call key. SMS should be sent to number "111" with the digital text "6280".

"Mini Bit"

You can deactivate the "Mini Bit" service by using the universal method of deactivating Internet services provided through the "Bit" system. You just need to dial one of the following requests: "* 111 * 252 * 2 #" or "* 252 * 0 #" and press the call button.

Hey! Today I will show you how to turn off mobile internet on an android phone. It doesn't matter what provider you have, MTS, Megafon, Tele2 or Beeline, if you turn off the data transfer to mobile network, the internet will be disconnected. This must be done if you connect to the Internet via wi-Fi router... But, if you have enabled mobile data transmission, your Wi-Fi traffic will be counted on the mobile Internet. If you have “per minute” billing, you pay for 1 MB, you will be charged money.

If you are using free internet via wi-fi and you have a mobile Internet connected, turn off mobile data. Everything is very simple! See further! The easiest way, it is available on every android smartphone, from the top of the screen, swipe down from the top of the screen. A panel will open, it should display the Mobile data or Data transfer icon in the form of a globe or sphere. Just click on the icon to disable or enable mobile internet. Another option, on the home screen of your smartphone, click on the Settings icon.

In Settings, click on the Data Usage tab.

On this page, you should see the Mobile data parameter. Click on the switch on the right.

A notification window will open. Click on the OK tab to confirm the operation. Note. Without a Wi-Fi connection, you will not be able to use the Internet!

All is ready! You turned off the mobile Internet, to turn it back on, turn on the mobile data transmission.

It's so simple and quick that you can enable or disable the mobile Internet on your android phone.

Still have questions? Write a comment! Good luck!