Atlant telecom - personal account. Internet and Wi-Fi network setup Atlant Telecom. Features of equipment connection

After connecting to the Atlant Telecom network, you can configure the connection yourself, using the instructions. For a fee, the company also provides a house call service. The equipment required to connect to the network can be borrowed from the provider or purchased from third-party suppliers.

Advantages and disadvantages of Atlant Telecom

The main advantages of this company include stable work, a large selection of tariff plans, the ability to access internal services and file storage. With a cable connection, local sites are loaded at speeds up to 100 Mbps. Most popular services:

  1. Video - a selection of 30 thousand films and videos;
  2. Audio - over 180 thousand recordings including music and audiobooks;
  3. Radio - about 700 digital radio stations.

An unpleasant feature of the Internet from this service provider is the limitation of the speed of work from the moment the monthly traffic rate was exceeded. After spending 400 GB per month, the bandwidth decreases from the maximum possible 75 to 4 Mbps. This restriction does not apply to access to local resources, so it is recommended to use them to download large amounts of information.

ADSL connection

Connect an Annex A splitter to the telephone cable that is routed to your apartment or house. This device is usually included with ADSL modems and ADSL-enabled routers. Using the second cable, connect the input on the modem to the "Modem" connector on the splitter. If you plan to use landline phone, plug it into the remaining output of the ADSL filter.

Connect the modem to your computer via an Ethernet cable. Then plug the network device into a power outlet and wait until the connection is established. When the IP address and other session parameters are assigned on the side of the Internet provider, the “Internet” LED on the device will light up. The meanings of other indicators can be found in the instructions. Atlant Telecom recommends the following models of ADSL modems:

  • Zyxel 660RT3;
  • D-Link DSL-2540U;
  • TP-Link TD-8817.

Important! To connect a computer, you can use not only the recommended, but also any other modems that match the characteristics. In this case, the provider does not guarantee correct operation and assistance in setting up when contacting the support line.

The further configuration algorithm depends on the client equipment model. You can clarify the procedure for specifying parameters in the instructions for the device, and the account data is provided by the service provider. ADSL modem can be connected not only with a computer, but also with a router that supports Wi-Fi. Such a scheme will allow you to connect to home network smartphones, tablets and other devices equipped with a Wi-Fi module.

Tutorial video: Internet setup Atlant Telecom

Ethernet connection

In addition to ADSL access, Atlant Telecom also provides the ability to connect via an Ethernet cable. This technology is more promising, since the network speed is much higher than when using a telephone line. The cable is laid into the subscriber's premises, after which the master or the user himself connects and configures the network. Instructions for setting up routers can be found on the customer support portal.

To specify Wi-Fi parameters, open the address of the router's web interface using any browser. The required IP in most cases is located on the underside of the router. Enter it in the address bar and go to the specified address. An authorization window will open, containing text fields for entering a username and password. This data can also be found on a sticker under the router.

After authorization, the start page of the router control panel will open. Most often, it contains information about connected devices and general network statistics. In the main menu, select "Wireless", "Wireless" or "Wi-Fi" (the name may differ on different routers). Enter a new network name (SSID), select WPA / WPA2 security and enter a strong passkey. Reboot the router and connect to Wi-Fi using the changed parameters.

Advice! If a cable internet will be used only on one computer or laptop, no separate network equipment is required. It is enough to connect the cable to the Ethernet connector on the PC.

Personal account Atlant Telecom - this is an innovation in the evolution of the Internet network, dreams of stopping standing in long queues to pay for services, waiting for hours until a master receives you in order to consult about their problems, come true thanks to him. Now you have the opportunity, without leaving your home, to pay for all services, receive a free consultation and cut all problems at the root. Certainly there is a small commission for some services, but it's worth it.

How to enter your Atlant Telecom Personal Account

To enter, you just need to visit the official website and press the button personal Area, then enter your username and password, and now you are at your personal workplace.

To gain access to your personal account, if you are not a subscriber of Atlant Telecom, you should connect to the use of its services. It is extremely simple to do this by leaving a request on the website, or by calling hotline office in your city.

Payment for services

Now you do not need to stand in hourly queues to pay for Internet message services, there is such a function in your personal account. Now you can pay for all services in the following ways:

Using a bank card. Just enter the card details, confirm the operation with the code that will be sent to you by a message on your phone, and you're done.

System (ERIP). With its help, payment can be made in any of the following ways: transfer from the phone balance, pay through the terminal, pay through an ATM, electronic wallets, etc.

We will also mention the good old way. You can also pay for services at the Belpochta branch. By visiting and paying in cash at the checkout

Tariff change

Also, your personal account provides complete information about tariffication and allows you to change your tariff at any time to a more profitable one for you.

To switch to a tariff of a lower cost, you will have to pay, while the transition to a more expensive tariff is free.

Consider the procedure for changing the tariff through your personal account:

  1. We go to your personal account.
  2. Go to the "List of services" tab and select your current tariff.
  3. Press the control button, then put a tick in front of "change tariff plan».
  4. Choosing a new tariff.
  5. We confirm our actions.

There is also a function to suspend the tariff plan, the cost of such a service is determined by the provider, when you first use the service, the service is free, the stop is carried out for up to 30 days.

Atlant Telecom official website:

Atlant Telecom login to your personal account:

Email: [email protected]

Speed very bad
Availability very bad
Support service very bad
Price quality very bad

Disgusting internet

I am simply horrified by the behavior of this sharashkin desk! For more than a month I have been at war with them. I'll start from the beginning. Not to mention the periodic breaks in communication and the complete lack of respectful attitude of would-be VKontakte workers (Yana Koleda), who, after asking for the contract number, go for an hour for a smoke break and ignore all questions about where and how I can leave a complaint. A month ago, after 10 months of using the services of this operator, my ping rose to 60. Those who play online games will understand me from a half-word that you cannot say about the company's employees who unanimously claim that the difference between ping 12 and ping 60 no. The fact is that the ping went up on two computers at the same time, connected via LAN. When I connect space via wi-fay, then the ping is 20 and keeps up with dignity. Accordingly, the problem is not mine, they have a problem. Just dudes after 10 months of using the Internet, they increase my ping by 4 times and claim that this is the norm, which is not visible at all and "Now, if you had 200, then we would have thought what to do." For a month I wrote, asked, called. To all my inquiries, the answer was the same: “Your appeal has been received and sent to work in the department technical support... When processing an appeal, if the need arises, our specialist will contact you. " And that's all, silence. Every 4 days I write again and again the same answer and the same silence. When asked on to explain to me where and to whom to contact me with a complaint, the operator Alexander from number 330 simply ignores to the last and hides all opportunities to contact people who are responsible for the competence of employees !. And from the specialist Timur from the technical support service, the hair stands on end! They brought me to hysterics. Why should I pay 40 !!! rubles a month for your disgusting Internet, which suddenly, for no apparent reason, has changed ?! What kind of attitude is this? And they all boil down to the fact that "the legislation and you read the agreement?" Yes, I did. You have reduced without my knowledge throughput 4 times - since you consider yourself right, then we will resolve the issue through the courts. The contract is 11 months old, so I will not break it and pay 50 rubles more to these scammers. Then it remains to endure this circus for a month and forgive goodbye. Long live by-fly. For the same money I will connect the same kaku, only there I already know that they fix their jambs at the end of the debate. And wellcome with its attitude and disgusting internet, I hope, sooner or later, will sit in a huge puddle.