Who can work with education in jurisprudence. Major legal professions and positions. The advantages of being an investigator are

The profession of a lawyer does not lose its relevance; as before, many applicants submit their documents to the faculties of legal specialization. However, upon graduation, before former students it becomes a logical question: who can work after jurisprudence?

A lawyer is a specialist who possesses legal knowledge, knows how to use it and even educate others. Without legal experts, society would have plunged into chaos long ago.

Types of specialization

Absolutely all specializations in the field of jurisprudence allow you to hold any position in the field of law and teach. Receive higher education possible in the following areas of law:

  • forensic examination;
  • jurisprudence;
  • law enforcement activities;
  • legal support of national security.

Prospects for a young specialist

Despite the overcrowded labor market, a qualified lawyer can count on a high salary. Novice specialists can count on 30 thousand rubles, provided that they will be engaged in improving their professionalism and are ready for irregular working hours. But we are talking about lawyers who want to realize themselves in the field of protecting the interests of the enterprise. Who else can you work in the field of jurisprudence? Standard positions include the following:

  • lawyer;
  • referee;
  • notary;
  • prosecutor.

However, it should be remembered that these professions are potentially dangerous and carry risks, even a threat to the life of such a specialist.

A non-standard approach to choosing a profession

Are you attracted to jurisprudence? Who can work? The overview of the professions that you will find in this article will allow you to look at the issue much more broadly.


A mediator is a fairly new phenomenon for our country. This is a legal expert who acts as a mediator in disputes. The main goal of a specialist is to resolve a dispute that has arisen in almost any branch of law, in labor or family relations, economic or financial. In this case, a lawyer can conduct his activities on professional basis, that is, obtain an appropriate qualification certificate or act as an individual.

The mediator does not have the right to disclose information obtained during the resolution of the dispute. The cost of intermediary services is determined by agreement of the parties. It is worth remembering that while holding a public office, a lawyer cannot act as a mediator.

The main advantages of the profession include a free work schedule, high wages and interesting acquaintances. In addition, a specialist in this area should not directly resolve the dispute, but only must establish communication between the parties.

But, having received an education in the field of jurisprudence and who can work - having decided, choosing the profession of a mediator, it is necessary to remember that such a specialist is obliged to compensate for moral damage, losses if they occurred for the parties as a result of the actions of the mediator. This is not to say that customers are constantly knocking on the door, you have to look for them. The services of a mediator who has not received a certificate cannot be advertised in the media.

The average price for the services of a specialist in one dispute is about 170 thousand rubles.

Patent attorney

A patent attorney is another legal specialist who can work.

The specialist carries out his activities in the field of intellectual law, interacts with authorities state power... The main goal of the profession is to protect and preserve the rights to the results of the intellectual activity of the customer, namely:

  • inventions and achievements in almost any field, literature and art, culture;
  • trade marks;
  • utility models and designs;
  • innovative inventions;
  • phonograms, video sequences.

In order to professionally engage in such activities, a lawyer will have to pass certification for knowledge of intellectual property law and have at least 4 years of experience in this area.

To the main functional responsibilities include the following:

  • on the instructions of the principal, analyze documents;
  • interact with the patent office;
  • conduct an examination of documents;
  • represent the interests of the client in the authorities and courts.

The quality of work of a patent attorney is 95% dependent on work experience. The specialist has the right to independently carry out entrepreneurial activities.

The profession has a number of advantages, first of all, it is a highly specialized expert, who has much more advantages over an ordinary lawyer, especially if he has a qualification certificate, and minimal competition. The country's accession to the WTO gives a chance for the development of the intellectual industry in the state, therefore, there will always be work.

The disadvantages include monotony and monotony of activity.

Average wage patent attorney in the country - 40 thousand rubles. If this is a private practice, then the earnings are much higher, but irregular.

Credit attorney (or anti-collector)

We continue to review the professions in the field of jurisprudence. Who can work and what will be the salary? Consider anti-collectors. A relatively new profession and is associated with the rapid development of lending. Naturally, not all people know how to calculate their capabilities and fall into a hole in debt. Against this background, collectors appeared who, violating all the rights of the debtor and not neglecting any methods of collection, practically knock out debts. It is logical that people have appeared to help protect their rights - credit attorneys.

The specialist will also help at the stage of concluding a loan agreement, so that after a while it does not turn out that the borrower still needs to pay some commissions and hidden fees. But still, the main task of the anti-collector is the legal optimization of debt by reducing penalties and interest. A lawyer can represent the interests of his client in court, give recommendations and objections to the actions of the bank and the collection agency.

Antikollektor can work for hire or conduct an individual practice. It is desirable that such a specialist has practical experience in the banking sector.

The salary is about 40 thousand rubles, if you work for hire, in other cases it all depends on the client and the amount of debt.

Private detective

In the field of jurisprudence, who else can you work? It is worth considering the profession of a private detective. Usually, at the mention of this, only one association arises - Sherlock Holmes in a dark hat and with a pipe in his teeth. In practice, this is usually former employees Ministry of Internal Affairs who were engaged in operational-search activities, or investigators. Although such experience is not necessary for this work.

Today, the work of private detectives is fully regulated regulations, and lawyers wishing to master this profession will have to obtain a license.

Main functions:

  • investigation of crimes;
  • search for disappeared property;
  • verification of a specific identity, even during employment;
  • observation;
  • intelligence activities in the field of business.

The amount of remuneration in this case depends entirely on the client and the complexity of the task.

Arbitration manager

Another area of \u200b\u200bjurisprudence where you can work as a lawyer is an arbitration manager. To become a specialist, it is not enough to have only a law degree in your hands, you will have to undergo special training. The position does not imply career growth, but it is one of the highest paid. But for illegal acts, a specialist can be disqualified and even brought to justice. The arbitration manager has the right to simultaneously engage in any other activity. The essence of the work of an insolvency administrator is conducting bankruptcy proceedings.

Who can work in jurisprudence? The reviews recommend several more professions:

  • in Rosreestr as a specialist in registration of property rights;
  • an international lawyer in any company, of course, requires knowledge of a foreign language;
  • in the police.

The conclusion suggests itself that getting the profession of a lawyer is still promising, there will always be work.

Choosing higher legal education, many applicants do not know that the "Jurisprudence" direction has many specializations and training profiles that determine further professional career graduate.

In order to choose the desired specialization and navigate the training programs offered by universities, we continue to talk about some of the professions most in demand at modern market labor requiring the relevant specializations of higher legal education. In the previous issue, we talked about the professions of a legal adviser, lawyer, investigator, tax consultant, bailiff, notary, lawyer for registration of enterprises. In this issue we will tell you about the professions of magistrate, forensic expert, patent specialist and international lawyer.

Patent specialist

A patent specialist is a lawyer who knows everything about patents, protection and use of the results of intellectual activity. A patent is a document issued by a competent state authority and certifying the priority of an invention, authorship and exclusive rights to an invention. A patent is valid within the state in which it was issued. A patent can be obtained for an invention, industrial design, utility model. If the invention is used without the permission of the patentee, he may apply to the court for damages. At the same time, the owner of the patent has the right to issue a permit - a license to use his patented invention.

Legal protection of intellectual property (IP) objects is carried out in two main areas: industrial property law, copyright and related rights. Within these areas, a patent specialist can specialize in:

legal protection works of literature, art, computer programs;

law and show business;

combating video and audio piracy;

legal protection of high technologies (inventions, etc.);

combating pirate theft of trademarks;

preparation of patents, licenses, contracts;

know-how (production and commercial secrets);

legal protection of IP objects on the Internet.

IN job duties the patent scientist includes:

formation, execution and filing of applications for registration of copyright certificates, patents, trademarks, software products, databases, etc .;

conducting patent search, patent research, compliance analysis, compiling an overview of information on the direction of the company;

maintaining the company's database according to the available certificates in electronic and paper form;

preparation of license agreements, registration of the transfer of rights;

participation in courts, claim work;

export valuation;

monitoring of new inventions in Russia and abroad.

A patent expert with extensive experience and high qualifications can become a patent attorney. A patent attorney is a certified specialist with at least 4 years of proven experience in the field and who has passed the state qualification exam. Each patent attorney is assigned a personal identification number.

Patent attorneys not only have a higher salary than patent lawyers, but also have the exclusive right to conduct certain aspects of their professional activities. For example, international applications can only be filed through Russian patent attorneys.

What should I know

To fulfill your professional duties, future patent scientists should know: Russian, foreign and international law in the field of intellectual property, methods of registration and re-registration of rights to IP objects, organization of work on technology transfer; and must also have skills in working with sources of patent and innovation information. In addition to the legal basis of knowledge, the graduate must be able to conduct marketing research in innovation, have economic knowledge, own foreign languages (often requires knowledge of a technical language), be an advanced PC user. Knowledge of office work and negotiation skills are also among the required skills of a patent scientist.

How much does he earn

A budding patent specialist earns an average of 30,000-35,000 rubles a month. Several years of work in the field of patent activity increase the salary to 40,000-60,000 rubles. The small starting salary of a patent scientist is compensated by the opportunity to work part-time and part-time. In some workplaces, bonuses are provided for the successful resolution of issues. Patent attorneys receive from 60,000 rubles a month and have a free work schedule.

Where does it work

Specialists in the legal protection of intellectual property are in demand in ministries and departments, state and commercial


organizations, research and design institutes and enterprises of high technology, in law enforcement agencies in departments for combating counterfeit products, in customs services, at small and medium enterprises innovative business, in firms for the assessment of intellectual property, in the field of show business, in the media. The shortage of specialists in this area is enormous.

World judge

Justice of the Peace - the first link in the judicial system Russian Federation... In the court of this instance, even in tsarist Russia, minor civil and criminal cases were dealt with; since 1998, the institution of justices of the peace is gradually being restored in our country. Consideration of a case by a magistrate is the most accessible way of judicial protection of the population, since it is characterized not only by efficiency, but also by lower material costs for the state and citizens.

The competence of justices of the peace includes cases that do not require a complex legal assessment: criminal cases, the punishment for which does not exceed 3 years in prison, and various civil disputes over divorce, division of property, labor conflicts, property disputes. To competently resolve all these cases, a magistrate must be a universal lawyer and understand all areas of jurisprudence.

The Justice of the Peace carries out judicial activities within his site, which is created based on the population size (15-30 thousand people per site) in order to be as close as possible to the population. In total, there are about 400 sites in Moscow. At the same time, justices of the peace are included in the unified judicial system of the Russian Federation, therefore, their decisions and orders are binding on all state bodies, officials, physical and legal entities throughout the country. The decision of the magistrate can be appealed only in the next (higher) instance court - the district one.

The main task of a magistrate is to issue an impartial verdict alone with the case under consideration (without consultation and advice) after the trial. This implies high requirements for the moral status of a candidate for justices of the peace - it must be a citizen of the Russian Federation over 25 years old, not a member of any political party, not involved in entrepreneurial activitywho does not combine work as a judge with other paid work, except for teaching or research.

A magistrate must have at least 5 years of professional experience. A candidate for the office of a magistrate passes a qualification examination and only after that can he receive a recommendation from a panel of judges. The magistrate is appointed (sometimes elected) to his office for up to 5 years, possibly reappointment up to the age limit of 70.


What should I know

A justice of the peace must have a higher legal education with a civil law, criminal law or judicial law specialization. Besides meticulous knowledge russian legislation a magistrate will certainly need: intuition and the ability to understand people, readiness for non-standard situations, observation and attentiveness to trifles, high responsibility.

You will not find announcements of vacancies for positions of justices of the peace on job search sites - announcements of competitions for this position are printed in the media. Justices of the peace receive salaries from federal budget, and at first it is not very large: from 12,000 rubles. The existing numerous allowances for seniority, class, workload quickly increase the salary to 30,000-35,000 rubles. The salary of a magistrate is set at 60% of official salary The Chairman The Supreme Court RF.

Expert criminalist

A forensic expert conducts expert examinations, that is, uses special knowledge in the field of science, technology, art to establish the factual data necessary for the correct solution of criminal, administrative, civil and arbitration cases. There are a lot of types of examinations, here are just a few of them: ballistic, fingerprinting, computer-technical, portrait, handwriting, traceological, economic, technical.

Expertise is one of the main tools of the judicial process, it is appointed and carried out to establish the causes of death of people, the facts and methods of forging documents, as well as to establish the causes of a fire or a traffic accident, etc. document, recognition of the fact of paternity and the solution of other personal and work problems. Currently, litigants have the opportunity to choose between state expert institutions and independent experts.

The range of professional tasks solved by a forensic expert largely depends on the field of his activity. So, an expert in the department of autotechnical research of the Expert and Forensic Center (EKTs) of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate carefully studies the circumstances of the accident, examines the road traffic situation, makes a graphical analysis, conducts a technical and diagnostic study of the main car systems, examines material evidence - this is not a complete list of his work ...

A specialist in technical and forensic examination of documents conducts a handwriting examination, a chemical examination in order to establish the limitation of the production of a document. He can reveal a way


the production of documents in general and their details in particular, to establish the fact of changes in the original content, to identify the materials, objects and mechanisms used to produce the document. A special article is the study of documents equipped with special protective equipment.

What should I know

For a successful forensic examination, a specialist must have a set of legal and technical knowledge. In the legal block, it is especially important to know the legislation, the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Criminal, Civil and Arbitration Procedural Codes of the Russian Federation, Federal law "On weapons". In the area of \u200b\u200btechnical expertise, a forensic expert may need to be able to handle special equipment; useful knowledge in the field of natural sciences: chemistry, biology, medicine. The ability to work with a computer is especially important.

Future forensic experts at universities are well trained in programs of higher professional education in the specialties "Forensic examination", "Law enforcement", in the direction of "Jurisprudence" with a civil or criminal specialization.

Where does he work and how much does he get

Graduates of the above educational programs find application of their knowledge in state expert institutions, such as the EKTs GUVD, the Russian Center for Forensic Medicine, territorial subdivisions of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, and in non-state ones, such as the forensic institution ANO “Forensic Expertise Center”, independent expert agencies. They work in legal departments, law enforcement agencies, courts and prosecutors, patent offices, insurance companies and other organizations and institutions.

A beginner forensic expert receives 18,000-23,000 rubles a month. Further growth of the salary depends on the length of service and the place of application of professional skills. After 1-3 years of specialized work, a forensic expert receives 30,000-40,000 rubles a month. The salary of automotive experts is on average higher and amounts to 40,000-60,000 rubles a month.

International lawyer

Traditionally, the field of activity of a lawyer in the field of international legal relationship... An international lawyer can be considered as a kind of lawyer of an organization engaged in foreign economic activity. In this case, the lawyer has to decide everything legal problemsarising in connection with the activities of the organization not only in the domestic but also in the international markets.


The duties of a specialist in international law include:

registration and maintenance of offshore and resident foreign companies and companies registered in foreign jurisdictions;

preparation and approval of all types of contracts (sales, distribution, insurance, logistics, service etc.) and other legal documentation in a foreign language;

representing the interests of the company in arbitration courts, claim work, development of a strategy for international litigation;

interaction with state control and supervisory authorities in the Russian Federation and abroad;

conducting business correspondence and negotiations with foreign and Russian partners;

participation in international projects (M&A transactions, creation of a JV, building a corporate structure);

providing legal support in PR and marketing activities companies.

What should I know

In addition to the versatile legal knowledge required by an organization's lawyer in the domestic market, an international lawyer will need specific knowledge in the field of foreign law. Of course, such knowledge from related areas of economics, management and logistics, as: international settlements and monetary relations, markets valuable papers and stock markets, risk management, etc. The graduate must be a confident PC user, have the skills to use automated reference legal systems.

It should be especially noted the need for high-level language training for the professional activities of an international lawyer. The level of general knowledge required by foreign employers of English language - Advanced (oral and written), knowledge of legal terminology (English for Lawers) and business English (Business English) is encouraged. Possession of an additional diploma as a translator is highly appreciated. Recently, knowledge is often in demand german language... For a specialist in international law, it is very important to have a competent command of the Russian language, including written legal language, the ability to express and formulate legal positions.


Legal education implies a detailed study of such disciplines as civil, land, international, environmental, tax, criminal, business law; forensics, criminal procedure, and others. Here students learn:

  • qualified interpretation of laws and other regulatory legal acts and their application;
  • development of normative legal acts in accordance with the profile of their work;
  • making decisions and taking actions in accordance with the letter of the law;
  • participation in legal proceedings;
  • correct execution and drafting of legal documents;
  • participation in inquiries;
  • correct qualification of circumstances and facts;
  • analysis and assessment of expertise;
  • taking measures to restore violated human rights;
  • prevention of offenses and identification of circumstances contributing to them; and much more.
The educational process also implies extensive practice in various courts and in related departments, such as the prosecutor's office, the ministries of the interior and justice; in the police, court-medical laboratories, in notary and law offices, customs services, private detective and security agencies, etc.

Who to work with

Those who graduated from the law faculty have broad prospects in terms of choosing a future job. These can be federal, arbitration or constitutional courts, where the bachelor of jurisprudence can work as a forensic expert, bailiff, judge; prosecutor's office - at the initial stage, it is possible to work as an assistant prosecutor, lawyer; law enforcement agencies (police), where it is possible to work as a precinct, investigator, policeman, criminologist, investigator. There are wide prospects in private practice, where you can work as a legal adviser, lawyer, lawyer. But the most chances are to find a job in a private company and get the position of a corporate lawyer who monitors the legal purity and legitimacy of the company's activities. The task of a corporate lawyer also includes tracking all changes in legislation, drafting and checking the forms of contracts, consulting all divisions of the company.

Today we will talk about what constitutes profession lawyer... In the list of modern times, lawyers occupy one of the key positions, and this is no coincidence: competent specialists are needed in almost every branch of business or public service... Next, I will consider what the profession of a lawyer is, work as a lawyerwhat are legal profession, the pros and cons of this profession and many others important points... All this in order ...

Legal education and all legal specialties in the territory of the post-Soviet space became popular in the late 90s of the last century, and they still remain so. This happened due to the development of capitalism - a system in which in the most diverse spheres of human life there are always many questions of a legal nature, for the solution of which, naturally, competent specialists are required.

The word "Lawyer" comes from the Latin jus is law and means a specialist in legal matters. The profession of a lawyer is a very broad concept that includes many different areas, which I will consider a little later.

Every person, every family, every enterprise, every structure operates within the framework of certain laws and regulations issued by the state. The main such rules are systematized and enshrined in the codes of laws - codes and the constitution. But, as you know, not all comply with these laws, and often others suffer from non-compliance with the laws by some subjects. The profession of a lawyer exists in order to protect and defend the interests of subjects from non-compliance with laws, which has negative consequences for them.

We can say that in theory, the profession of a lawyer carries the noblest motives: to provide legal protection and eliminate legal disturbances. Unfortunately, in practice in our countries this is not always the case: often representatives of legal structures are themselves the main violators of laws. But we will not be equal to the worst, but we will assume that the situation should change in better side, because in this form it is not viable in perspective.

Legal specialties.

The profession of a lawyer includes a large number of different areas. Let's take a look at the most popular legal majors.

Lawyer - a lawyer who defends the interests of his clients in court proceedings. He independently collects the necessary information, studies the case materials, and does everything to ensure that the court makes a decision in favor of his client. A lawyer can be engaged in private practice, work in a law office or for a specific firm (full-time lawyer).

The prosecutor - a lawyer, in some ways the opposite of a lawyer, since he always represents the prosecution in court. But not only, besides this, the employee of the prosecutor's office monitors the observance of legislative norms, sometimes performs the functions of an investigator (see below). Prosecutors work in state structures: prosecutors and courts.

Referee - a very important and significant lawyer, on whom the outcome of any case depends. It is he who puts an end to the dispute between the lawyer and the prosecutor, having considered the case materials and their arguments. Judges are endowed with a certain power (there is even such a concept - "judicial power" - the third branch of power in the state), and therefore a very great responsibility is assigned to them. Often they literally act as arbiters of human destinies. A judge can work in courts of all levels, from local to state. However, it is very difficult to get a job as a judge: for this you need to meet many criteria, including considerable successful experience work as a lawyer, go through various checks, pass exams, and only then get to the commission, which makes a decision on the election of judges.

Notary - a lawyer engaged in the preparation and certification of documents that require notarization and certification. These can be various kinds of contracts, powers of attorney, copies of documents, extracts from documents, etc. A notary also bears a great deal of responsibility, since professionally drawn up and certified documents prevent the occurrence of problematic moments for his clients in the future. You can work as a notary both in a public and private notary office. Notaries make good money, but becoming a notary is also not easy - you will need to pass a very difficult exams and get a license. In addition, there are usually quotas on the number of notaries for all cities and districts, and a new private notary can appear only when the quota is expanded or if another ceases to operate and a place becomes free.

Investigator - a lawyer specializing in the investigation of crimes and offenses, initiating cases and conducting them with the aim of subsequent transfer to court. The investigator works with suspects, witnesses, conducts interrogations, searches for evidence, draws up protocols, interacts with other law enforcement agencies, etc. An investigator can work in the police, prosecutor's office and other law enforcement agencies. And it happens that investigators, having served in the authorities and having gained experience, become private detectives and work for themselves, which is more promising in terms of earnings.

Legal advisor - a lawyer who is responsible for compliance with the law in a particular organization: public or private. He solves all the problems of the organization, one way or another concerning legal norms: develops and verifies the concluded contracts, advises the management on legal issuesacts as a lawyer in the firm's litigation. There are legal advisers in almost every more or less large organization, and in very large ones these are entire legal departments with many divisions. In addition, a professional legal adviser can engage in private practice, providing paid consultations and providing legal assistance in their direction to everyone.

International lawyer - a specialist responsible for compliance with the norms of not only domestic but also international law. Such specialists are required in government agencies and companies working with foreign partners. The work of an international lawyer involves frequent business trips abroad and a thorough knowledge of the English language, incl. specific legal terms. A very serious, responsible and highly paid position.

Legal Lecturer - and, finally, any lawyer who has achieved success in his work, and sometimes even failed to achieve it, can become a teacher and teach other people who want to become a lawyer. There are many such applicants now, so competent teachers are always in demand, and their work is highly paid in TOP commercial universities.

Working as a lawyer: the necessary qualities.

Now let's consider what qualities you need to have in order to choose the profession of a lawyer and then work as a lawyer.

  • Responsibility - This is perhaps the main quality of all lawyers, without which there is nothing to do in this profession;
  • Integrity - working as a lawyer presupposes a principled defense of one's position (the position of one's client, one's enterprise);
  • Stress tolerance - in their work, lawyers are constantly faced with very serious ones, so they must be able to perceive them correctly;
  • Mindfulness, and even to the little things, one might say, meticulousness is also one of the necessary professional qualities lawyer;
  • Perseverance, patience, endurance - work as a lawyer, firstly, is associated with the need to constantly study changes in legislation, and secondly, the cases that he conducts can “drag on” for months or even years, and haste, as a rule, can only harm the success of the case;
  • Cold mind - a lawyer in his work should not be influenced by emotions - so his work will immediately lose its effectiveness, everything should be built only by calculation and the letter of the law;
  • Ability to negotiate - a lawyer must be an experienced diplomat, and even often - in order to be able to convince opponents to take the side of the issue he needs;
  • Moral qualities - and, finally, the work of a lawyer should not contradict the foundations of morality, because his work is to help, not harm people.

Working as a lawyer: pros and cons.

Let's take a look at the main pros and cons of working as a lawyer, because in any case there are always two sides of the coin.

Working as a lawyer, pros:

  1. Very good prospects for making money. Lawyers belong to the number both in the world and in a single country.
  2. High status in society. The profession of a lawyer initially gives a person a higher status in the eyes of others, because considered prestigious.
  3. Personal benefits. It is always easier for a person who is well versed in legislation, who has experience in resolving litigation (and this is what work as a lawyer), to solve any personal legal issues that may arise, and for this you will not need to contact other lawyers and incur considerable costs ...
  4. Interesting job. Finally, work as a lawyer, as a rule, is very interesting, it opens up good opportunities for self-realization and the development of intelligence. After all, each new case is individual, a lawyer will face severe mental and psychological confrontations with other lawyers, and these are excellent conditions for constant self-improvement.
  5. Benefit to people. Working as a lawyer involves providing constant practical benefits different peopleand it's always nice to feel useful.

Working as a lawyer, cons:

  1. Great competition in the labor market. Due to the prestige of the profession of a lawyer, many are trying to get it, which causes an overabundance of young professionals in the labor market and a high level of competition between them.
  2. No experience is just the worst job. The profession of a lawyer is one of those in which practical experience is the most important asset. Therefore, you can not even count on getting a good high-paying job as a lawyer without experience: first you have to recruit him for uninteresting and unpromising positions like lawyers in small budget organizations.
  3. Great responsibility and susceptibility to temptation. Since the fate of people or entire organizations often literally depends on the work of lawyers, they have a huge moral responsibility. And for the same reason, lawyers of all disciplines are often under pressure from competitors or relatives of the people against whom they are doing business. They can be offered bribes and even threatened, and very seriously. Not everyone is able to withstand such a burden of responsibility and pressure.
  4. Complicated licensing and exam procedures. To get the most prestigious, highly paid and promising positions of lawyers (judges, notaries, private lawyers, private detectives, etc.), you will have to pass very difficult exams and periodically confirm your qualifications. In countries with a high level of corruption, it is almost impossible to get such a position honestly.
  5. Irregular working hours, business trips. Working as a lawyer in many areas presupposes being constantly “on your feet”, and often requires trips to other cities and even long trips (for example, during the trial).
  6. Communication with unreliable people. Working as a lawyer in a number of areas involves constant communication with criminals, criminals, which also not everyone is able to withstand.

Now you have some idea of \u200b\u200bwhat the profession of a lawyer is, what legal specialties exist, what is interesting and promising to work as a lawyer, what are its pros and cons, and you can draw preliminary conclusions about whether you like it or not. Well, if you show interest, study more detailed information about this profession and choose the direction in which you would like to study.

By the way, the profession of a lawyer is one of those where a prerequisite for work will always be the presence of a specialized legal education, which is now often not cheap. In many other areas, you can work and build a career without higher education or with a non-core education, but in the work of a lawyer - not.

In conclusion, I would like to emphasize that when choosing the profession of a lawyer, you should not put the money that it can bring at the forefront. A lawyer is, first of all, a vocation to help people, to defend laws, to seek justice, and if there is no such vocation, the work as a lawyer is unlikely to work. Remember this and do not make such mistakes.

That's all for today. I wish you the right choice of the direction of your activity. Stay on and get lots of other useful practical information. Until next time!

Higher education is an important and responsible choice and the number of specialties today is twice as large as in the recent past. Applicants often cannot decide until the very last minute and choose the most profitable option. But what specialty is really in demand and can bring success in the future? Higher legal education has been considered very promising since the 2000s. The specialty of jurisprudence is the most popular and is considered one of the most prestigious. Let's consider in more detail the possible options for admission and all the necessary information about this choice.

Jurisprudence is a social science and specialty that studies law as a separate system that is part of social norms, forms of law in government organization and activities in the general political social system. This knowledge allows lawyers to maintain law and order and implement legal norms for all spheres of public life. Training in the legal field implies the acquisition of complete training in this specialty, a solid foundation of knowledge that allows you to carry out this type of activity to the maximum high level.

Types of programs of universities "Jurisprudence":
Master's degree

Directions of the specialty jurisprudence

HEIs offer different ways of acquiring these qualifications. Examples:

1) Undergraduate
The direction of training specialty Bachelor of Law - 521400, approved by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.
The graduate receives a qualification - a lawyer, bachelor of jurisprudence.
4 years are allocated for the study of all disciplines and the compulsory bachelor's program.

2) Specialist
Direction of training specialty 030501 jurisprudence, approved by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.
The graduate receives the qualification - a lawyer, a specialist in jurisprudence.
For mastering and training in this specialty, a period of 5 years is allocated full-time study.

3) Master
The direction of training is 521400 code of the specialty jurisprudence, approved by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

Upon completion of education, the graduate receives a qualification - a lawyer, master of jurisprudence. To master the entire volume of the program and study all the necessary disciplines, 2 years are allocated after studying at a bachelor's degree.

Universities of Moscow with a degree in jurisprudence

  • Higher School of Economics (National Research University) HSE
  • It is considered one of the most prestigious universities in the strange! According to known data, the university has the highest paid qualified teachers, founded on November 27, 1992. It has more than a hundred foreign universities for partners and provides an opportunity for exchange studies. However, it has a high price for paid education - 220980 rubles.
  • All-Russian Academy foreign trade (WAVT)
  • VAVT provides specializations - international law and foreign economic activity... Education at this university provides quality training in international legal specialization, has an in-depth study of disciplines and foreign languages. The All-Russian Academy employs some of the best teachers with vast experience in this field. More than affordable price for training - 150400 rubles.
  • Institute of International Trade and Law (IMTP)
  • This university is not state-owned and not as big as the previous ones. The institute is especially famous for its special approaches to teaching. The university studies in depth economic disciplines, foreign languages, which allows you to get the best international legal specialization. Also, IMPT is engaged in the employment of graduates, provides a bright student life and not only. The price for training is 98,000 rubles.

Specializations of the specialty jurisprudence

Specializations have various disciplines of study and future professions corresponding to them. A graduate of Jurisprudence can become a lawyer, corporate or international lawyer, etc. Types of specializations:

  • Advocacy
  • International legal
  • Constitutional and legal
  • Information and legal
  • Banking and legal
  • State and legal specialization and this is not the whole list.

The list of specializations covers almost the entire social life of society, absolutely everyone can find their profession. Especially popular now is the qualification of a lawyer specializing in jurisprudence. For a quality choice, you need to consult at the university of admission, there are also tests that determine the best belonging to a particular specialization.

Work in the specialty of jurisprudence

According to rough estimates, almost 30% of applicants dream of enrolling in the specialty of jurisprudence. But given the wide specialization of this area, graduates who have received higher education in the specialty of jurisprudence are divided into specialists of a huge number of future professions and can work in different structures and organizations.

An international lawyer is a qualified specialist with a higher legal education, who speaks one or more foreign languages.

An investigator is a specialist who investigates crimes, analyzes data, compares and finds solutions and assumptions, it is noted that jurisprudence is a criminal law specialty, which implies the training of prosecutors, lawyers and not only.

A lawyer is a specialist who provides legal protection to individuals and organizations.

Mediator is an independent mediator who acts between several parties and organizes dispute resolution.

A notary is one of the most popular professions in this field; it is a specialist who provides notary services for citizens or companies, acting in their interests. The notary certifies documents, certifies the authenticity, makes a certificate of ownership and more.