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Today, the TRP sports system is becoming more and more common among not only ordinary schoolchildren, but also adult citizens who want to prove to everyone their high level development of physical culture. Once a person signs up for this program, they can regularly learn about testing at many centers. To obtain comprehensive information regarding the TRP 2019 standards, there are tables of standards for all ages. It is necessary to use the official website, where all available information regarding this issue will be located.


Previously, such a system as the TRP was used only in the Soviet Union and existed until the end of 1991. Until that moment, the organization had been operating for 60 years and included all citizens aged from ten to sixty.

As contemporaries confirmed, half of the people from all over the country had the corresponding badges, which demonstrated their excellent physical fitness. Such a badge of distinction helped to get a certain position or place in an educational institution. At the moment, you can improve the chances of admission to the desired university if you fulfill the standards of the TRP 2019. The table of standards for all ages, which is open on the official website, is available to every user.

In 2014, the modern Russian government under the initiative of the president, it was able to restore the existence of a unique sports complex. At the moment, the TRP sports system is a full-fledged program and regulatory framework for the physical education of the country's population.

To achieve effective implementation of the TRP 2019 standards, you will need to know what standards are included in the table for all ages. Each user can easily understand it and determine what standards he needs to strive for in order to achieve the desired result.

You can prepare for passing the TRP standards with the help of specialized clubs, sections, as well as other groups of general physical training. It is important to keep in mind that all the exercises that candidates will have to face to obtain this unique status are public and simple.

This means that if a person does not want to attend special sections, then he can easily prepare on his own to comply with the TRP 2019 standards. The table of standards for all ages, which is available on the official website of this organization, outlines the basic requirements for obtaining a unique status.

Steps for getting a TRP badge

Depending on the age of each person, he becomes a member of a certain group, which is also called a "step". In total, eleven were created, and they include people from six to seventy years old. For each such group, three levels of difficulty are organized, namely the signs of the TRP 2019 standards. The table of standards for all ages comprehensively informs about all the required data. See what the rules of the TRP 2019

Table of standards for all ages

Table for schoolchildren

The first group includes children from six to eight years old. After her, the second stage, which includes children aged nine to ten. For schoolchildren of the fifth-sixth grade, a third group has been created, and the fourth and sixth correspond to adolescents who go to school.

The next group has a wide range of ages and unites citizens who have already reached the age of majority, but they are not yet twenty-one years old. The seventh is passed on to the next ten years. And then each subsequent group unites for ten years.

The basic standards of the TRP 2019 in the table of standards for all ages were created to check how much a person has developed his basic characteristics. They include the following important parameters:

  • strength;
  • agility;
  • endurance;
  • flexibility.

Exercises allow you to objectively assess how much a person is able to perform all kinds of exercises, and how his physical fitness is developed. Every subject Russian Federation has the right to regional level additionally include two more types of standards, as well as physical tests, to the obligatory list of exercises.

For this reason, all requirements in each stage are divided into two types:

  • required;
  • selective.

Benefit for the population from the implementation of the TRP program

The main tasks set by the state from the implementation of the TRP 2019 standards, tables of standards for all ages and other programs for improving the quality of physical education are to improve the nation's health. It also popularizes sports, therefore, more citizens spend their free time training, rather than spending time smoking and alcohol. As a result, the TRP not only increases the number of athletic people, but also accelerates the growth of the total population.

People form the opinion that it is imperative to take care of their body and health. Thanks to this, people will regularly play sports and develop their physical fitness. Also, the population gets the opportunity to form the need for systematic sports.

Additionally, a system of physical education is being massively introduced, as well as other complexes for the development of sports in all spheres of life. The main instrument for achieving this goal is the creation and commissioning of many new sports clubs.

Do not forget that participation in such events is as accessible as possible for any person. Absolutely every user has the opportunity to register on the official website and visually assess the TRP 2019 standards and tables of standards for all ages. Additionally, everyone can receive a comprehensive list of all the necessary information, which will definitely help to figure out how to choose the right day and time for testing.

Required documents for passing standards

When a person has already decided to participate in such a sporting event and came to a place indicated in advance, then he is required to present certain documents. These include:

  • medical certificate;
  • identification.

Without such valuable papers a person will simply not be allowed to pass the TRP standards in 2019. In order to familiarize yourself in advance with the requirements that are set for passing the standards, you must initially obtain such information in a special center or using the official website, where a table for all ages is presented.

Main sports disciplines for passing standards

The convenience of such a sports complex lies in the fact that it is universal for many athletes.

Supporters different types sports will be able to fully demonstrate their abilities and effectively fulfill the standards of the TRP 2019. Moreover, tables of standards for all ages are available to absolutely everyone due to the fact that information can be obtained using various sources, including the main website. The main disciplines include the following:

  • throwing;
  • incline;
  • swimming;
  • pull-up;
  • lifting the torso.

Each sporting standard has its own characteristics... For example, short-distance running is carried out exclusively on any level area where there is a hard surface that will be safe for the athlete. A high start is carried out if the distance is the smallest, namely thirty meters.

When the distance is increased to 60 or 100 meters, the athlete is asked to choose a high or low start. Each race is attended by two to four people, depending on the workload for the current day.

The organizers must carefully select the area for skiing in order to comply with the TRP 2019 standards. If a person chooses skiing, then it is allowed to use a free skiing style in running at all distances. It is also imperative that there is no wind here for the safety of the participants.

If candidates for the TRP badge choose to throw the projectile, then such an exercise must necessarily be carried out in a special stadium. If this is not possible, then the area used must have a flat area that has a corridor fifteen meters wide. To carry out such tests, special objects are used that are characterized by a weight of five or seven hundred grams.

When the forward bend is carried out, this exercise can be performed using a gymnastic bench. Each applicant chooses the most convenient way in order to meet this standard. Legs must be straightened in the knee area. The feet are parallel to each other. The optimal width, as can be seen from the table, is from ten to fifteen centimeters.

Swimming is performed in a style convenient for the participant of the TRP program. For this, short distances are used. They can be ten, fifteen or twenty-five meters. Depending on the most optimal option chosen, which will be more convenient for each participant in this event, the TRP norms may differ. The tables of standards for all ages have characteristic differences, since different age groups are involved, which differ significantly in their physical parameters: strength, endurance and speed.

One of the most popular exercises is the torso lift while the person is lying on their back. The people call this standard "to pump the press". It should be carried out exclusively on a specialized mat on which gymnastic exercises are performed.

In order for the pull-ups on the crossbar to be counted, you need to strictly follow the requirements of how to correctly do such a standard for each age. The grip of the hands is mandatory from above, and the hands must be placed shoulder-width apart. The trunk and legs need to be straightened, and the legs should not touch the floor. Only when these requirements are met, the number of pull-ups will be counted.

For the correct execution of the long jump in a static position, as indicated in the table, you need to put your feet shoulder-width apart, and the socks should be strictly aligned along the measurement line. A forward jump can only be performed when two legs move simultaneously.

The most popular strength exercise is the kettlebell snatch. For this, shells are used that weigh sixteen kilograms. The standard time for this discipline is four minutes. During this period of time, total kettlebell lifts that have been performed in accordance with athletic standards. Both right and left hand lifts are valid.

One of the more specific regulations is shooting. In order to perform such an exercise, you will need to use either an air gun or an electronic one. Regardless of the weapon used, the results or requirements for this exercise will not depend.

Standards tables

It is important to keep in mind that most exercises are the same for all categories. The main difference between the two is that there are different requirements for obtaining a specific TRP badge.

In some situations, not only the conditions for performing certain sports disciplines differ, but also the exercises themselves. For example, more physical disciplines are provided for boys, like kettlebell or pull-ups on the bar. In girls, when choosing the optimal exercises, the emphasis is precisely on speed and flexibility.

When choosing the appropriate TRP 2019 standards, you should pay attention to the tables of standards for all ages, which differ significantly. And before contacting the commission for the organization of physical education, it is recommended to check what are the requirements for the category of a particular person so that he is ready to receive the appropriate award

Among the proposed tests in the table there are both those that are required to be performed and alternative ones. That is, any athlete has the right to choose the most suitable complex, which is more suited to the characteristics of his physical training.

Exercises for the first stage

These test requirements are suitable for the smallest. Children from six to eight years old, inclusive, will demonstrate their physical abilities thanks to the simplest conditions that comply with the TRP 2019 standards. The table of standards for children from 6-8 years old is visible in the following screenshot.

1 step - for schoolchildren 6-8 years old -First page Stage 1 - for schoolchildren 6-8 years old - Second page

The first required test is shuttle running. This exercise is carried out in the mode: three distances of ten meters. Both girls and boys participate in the discipline. In order to be the first to get gold, you need to run the distance in 9.2 seconds. For silver, only 10.7 will be enough. And for bronze, you need to run two milliseconds slower.

Boys have stricter TRP norms: for the sake of gold, you will need to run thirty meters and 9.2 seconds. To obtain silver, you must meet the standard of 10.1. Bronze will be given to those who run no longer than 10.4.

An alternative exercise is to run thirty meters. Since such a standard takes less time, the requirements are stricter. Boys will be able to claim gold with a score of 5.9. Silver will be awarded only when reaching 6.7. For bronze, 6.9 seconds will be enough.

For girls, the TRP 2019 standards for receiving an award are significantly lower. Gold can be obtained by running for 6.2 seconds. Silver, as can be seen from the table, will be awarded to the girl who can cope with the standard in less than seven seconds. For bronze, 7.2 is enough.

The next important exercise is mixed movement. When it is performed, regardless of the gender of the person, the time spent on the distance is not taken into account. The length of this section of the territory is one kilometer.

To perform a forward bend, everyone needs to touch the floor with their fingers. Then gold will be counted.

In this group, for both sexes, there are eight types of tests. To get gold, you need to go through 7 disciplines and fulfill the TRP 2019 standards perfectly. The table of standards will allow you to determine in advance what requirements you are preparing for.

Exercises for the second stage

This group includes schoolchildren between the ages of nine and ten. The first mandatory standard for girls and boys is sixty meters. It takes boys ten and a half seconds to earn gold and eleven seconds for girls. Below is a table of standards for children from 9-10 years old.

Level 2 - for schoolchildren 9-10 years old - First page Level 2 - for schoolchildren 9-10 years old - Second page

Six minutes is enough for a girl for a gold badge, and four and a half for a boy.

The second stage features new optional tests. They include: throwing a ball in length, cross for 2 kilometers. This group of challenges also requires seven challenges to be completed to earn gold.

Exercises for Stage Three

This group includes children who have already grown to twelve years old. There is important feature, which is possessed by the main tests of this stage, namely: a run of 1.5 kilometers appears. Alternatively, a two kilometer competition is proposed. A table of standards for children from 11-12 is available on our website.

Level 3 - for schoolchildren 11-12 years old - First page Level 3 - for schoolchildren 11-12 years old - Second page

Also, the main TRP standards include a forward bend from a standing position. When carrying out this standard, be sure to keep your legs straight. Each member of this group is required to touch the floor with their fingers.

Optional tests include throwing a ball that weighs one hundred and fifty grams. To get a boy gold, you need to throw 34 meters, and a girl - 22.

If the area is snowy, then skiing is offered at a distance of three or four kilometers. If the territory is snowless, then you can participate in cross-country cross-country for 3 km.

To get gold in swimming for fifty meters, a boy needs to do it in 50 seconds, and a girl in 65 seconds. Applicants for silver just need to swim to the finish line.

For the third group, it is enough to complete eight tests to fulfill the TRP 2019 norm.

Exercises for Stage Four

This group is required to include children from the age of thirteen to fifteen years, inclusive. Mandatory tests should include running at a distance of sixty meters and two kilometers. The table of standards for children from 13-14 years old is visible on the following screen:

4 level - for schoolchildren 13-15 years old - First page 4 level - for schoolchildren 13-15 years old - Second page

The peculiarity of carrying out additional exercises is that there is a lifting of the body. This discipline is performed in the supine position. The number of times is counted as one minute. And the little man needs to rise forty-seven times for gold, and the girl forty.

The hiking trip is ten kilometers long. This discipline is designed to test nature's survival skills.

Another new discipline is self-defense without weapons. Twenty-six points for everyone is enough to get gold and fulfill the TRP 2019 norm. The table of standards says that for the 4th group, twelve types of exercises are given.

Fifth group

For high school students aged 16-17 years, a separate fifth group or table of standards for children from 16-17 years old has been created.

Level 5 - for schoolchildren 16-17 years old - First page Level 5 - for schoolchildren 16-17 years old - Second page

Its main feature is that a hundred meters run appears. This difficult exercise, which is included in the list of Olympic disciplines, can only be done by the strongest athletes.

A two kilometer run is held for both girls and boys. But when choosing a distance of 3000 meters, this exercise is used only for young men.

There are two strength disciplines for boys to choose from: kettlebell lifting and crossbar lifting. And also 2 exercises for girls: pull-ups from a hang in a horizontal position, as well as push-ups from the floor.

There was a significant difference between both sexes regarding the throwing of the sports equipment. The first is given an object weighing 700 grams, and the second - half a kilogram.

For this age, people go on a hike already at a distance of ten kilometers. This applies to everyone, regardless of gender and age shown in this table.

Also, the fifth group includes a total of twelve tests. But to get best sign differences, it is enough to successfully fulfill 8 standards.

Exercises for Stage Six

The 6th group includes girls and boys from eighteen to twenty-nine years old. Most of the tests that people must perform and belong to this stage do not differ from group number 5.

The table of standards for boys 18-29 years old is available below:

6 step - for men 18-29 years old - First page 6 step - for men 18-29 years old - Second page

As you can see from the table, boys run three kilometers, and the male half is given a crossbar and a kettlebell, and the ladies are offered a choice of push-ups and pull-ups lying on a low crossbar.

The same requirements are created for both parties regarding the conduct of a tourist trip.

Young men have a choice between eleven types of tests, and girls are given twelve. But, for the golden insignia, both groups must do eight exercises.

Table for girls aged 18-29 years:

6 step - for women 18-29 years old - First page 6 step - for women 18-29 years old - Second page

Exercises for Stage Seven

Twenty-year-old girls and boys are considered the strongest physical education people in the country. Therefore, after the seventh group begins, which includes people over thirty, the requirements for fulfilling the TRP standards gradually decrease. In 2019, the table for men aged 30 and above is as follows:

Men, 30-39 years old, 1 page 7 step - for men 30-39 years old - Second page

One of the first major differences is the lack of short-distance running exercises, that is, adults no longer run 60 or 100 meters. Standards for strength and flexibility exercises are falling dramatically. For example, for women over 34 years old, there is no throwing objects at a distance.

7 step - for women 30-39 years old - First page 7 step - for women 30-39 years old - Second page

In addition, the easing of standards is evidenced by the fact that the range of the tourist trip has returned to the level of ten kilometers. With each successive group after thirty years, the norms become easier for each user.

Eighth group

For people over forty years old, the level of stress during exercise is further reduced. Requirements are decreasing in all disciplines. For example, a hiking trip returns to the level of seventh graders and becomes five kilometers long.

For men, the standards are:

Stage 8 - for men 40-49 years old - First page Stage 8 - for men 40-49 years old - Second page

To receive the eighth grade insignia, you only need to successfully complete six tests. And for a silver or bronze badge, only 5 exercises will be enough. You can view the requirements in the table with the norms for women.

Step 8 - for women 40-49 years old - First page Stage 8 - for women 40-49 years old - Second page

Ninth group

For group number 9, which refers to people over fifty years old, the requirements are dramatically reduced. Men get the opportunity to perform push-ups from the floor instead of the classic kettlebell and crossbar.

Step 9 - for men and women 50-59 years old - First page Step 9 - for men and women 50-59 years old - Second page

The difficulty of the hiking trip and the number of tests compared to the eighth stage remain unchanged. The bar for flexibility and endurance exercise has also dropped significantly. For women, the standards will be as follows:

The last steps

For people over sixty, classic running exercises have been canceled. From strength exercises, only push-ups from the floor.

10th stage Standards for men and women 60-69 First page 10th step Standards for men and women 60-69 - Second page

Camping is no longer available at this group level. For a sixty-five-year-old man to receive gold for push-ups from the floor, it is enough to perform the exercise only eleven times, which is the TRP 2019 norm. The table of standards for the age of 60 and above differs depending on the level: the higher the person's age, the easier the requirements are given.

11 step - for women and men 70 years and older - First page Level 11 - for women and men 70 years and older - Second page

Regardless of what age a person has, he can successfully participate in the TRP system. To do this, you first need to visit the official website and see what requirements to fulfill for the desired result. For all ages, there are different standards, therefore, each person must initially assess what he is dealing with and properly prepare for the exercises.

If you take the matter with due seriousness, then a person will certainly succeed. Everyone will be able to receive the coveted insignia and thereby prove that he has excellent physical fitness.

A sedentary lifestyle is the main cause of many diseases, which has been proven by scientists more than once. Unfortunately, today this problem is relevant not only for office workers and people whose professional activity associated with the need to stay in a sitting position for a long time. More and more often, diseases resulting from insufficient physical activity are diagnosed in schoolchildren and students.

The physical culture and sports complex "GTO", proposed back in the 30s of the last century by the Supreme Council of Physical Culture, is designed to increase the interest of people of different age groups in a healthy lifestyle and teach people to live actively, paying enough attention to their health.

TRP program today

Undeservedly forgotten at the turn of the century, the TRP program was revived again by Vladimir Putin in 2013 and since then has been updated and improved annually, providing new opportunities for each participant. The updated table of 2019 includes TRP norms for people of different age categories, from schoolchildren 6 years old to active pensioners (no upper age limit has been established).

Anyone can become a participant of the "Ready for Labor and Defense" festival today. There are 11 steps depending on age:

As part of the TRP festival, standards for the following sports are passed:

  • pulling up on the horizontal bar;
  • flexion of the arms in the lying position;
  • forward bends;
  • standing long jump;
  • running long jump;
  • swimming;
  • cross-country skiing;
  • running for short distances;
  • running for medium and long distances;
  • throwing a sports equipment;
  • weight snatch;
  • shooting from an air rifle;
  • self-defense without weapons (introduced in 2018).

Of course, each age group has its own sets of disciplines and TRP norms, which are contained in the official table approved for 2019, which can be found on the pages of the official website of the program.

Why take the TRP standards?

Being fit, strong and athletic is fashionable and great! Everyone will agree with this, but not everyone will be able to pass the standards without correct and systematic preparation. And everyone has their own motivation for success:

  • for the smallest participants - the opportunity to relax in Artek for free;
  • for school graduates - additional points to the Unified State Exam;
  • for students - the opportunity to receive an increased academic scholarship;
  • for middle-aged people - a beautiful and healthy body;
  • for older people - a chance to prove to themselves and those around them that a person's capabilities are endless and even in old age life can and should be active and diverse.

Innovations 2018 and 2019

In 2018, the "Ready for Labor and Defense" program was revised, and in the coming 2019, updated TRP norms will be in effect for schoolchildren of grades 1-4. The standards for adults have not been revised, and therefore you can safely focus on the data of past years.

Among the innovations are also:

  • registration of test results in the metric system;
  • standardization of conditions;
  • additional end-to-end tests.

In 2019, the main innovation will be the opportunity to take part in the TRP program for persons with disabilities. In the past reporting period the new rules for this group of participants never came into force due to numerous legal difficulties.

Standards tables

We bring to your attention the TRP standards of 2019 for schoolchildren 6-17 years old - this is a new table of standards that came into force on January 1, 2018.

You can also see the table of standards for young people aged 18 to 29, which will be relevant in 2019.

In each age category, there are mandatory tests that must be passed to receive the badge of distinction and discipline "optional", the choice of which increases the chances of getting a gold TRP badge.

Where and how you can pass the TRP standards

In 2019, all participants wishing to participate in the program must first register on the official website, or submit an application by contacting one of the Testing Centers and providing the organizers with:

  • identity document;
  • 3 photos measuring 3 × 4 cm;
  • a certificate from a doctor confirming the absence of medical contraindications.

Important! Reception of TRP standards at physical culture lessons is not allowed. Moreover, the fact of the student's participation or non-participation in the TRP program should not in any way affect the final grade in the subject.

As a rule, the reception of standards is organized in sports institutions of cities, the list of which is approved by the organizers and posted on the official website of the program.

It is not the first year that the all-Russian physical culture and sports complex "Ready for Labor and Defense" has been actively introduced in Yamal. And this is good. Here you will have health promotion, and prestige, and additional points to the exam.

The health of the Russians is, frankly, not very good. Sixty percent of men and forty percent of women smoke. Half of the country! Fifty-eight percent of Russians suffer from hypodynamia. It is because of the lack of movement that problems with the heart and blood vessels begin. According to Rosstat data for 2015, about sixty percent of surveyed Russians do not play sports. Road to work-from work and watching football matches on TV - that's all physical education. What prevents our fellow citizens from going to the gym or doing exercises in the morning? The most popular answer is lack of time.
One of the ways to solve these problems is the development of the all-Russian movement "Ready for Labor and Defense!" By 2017, all Russians will have to pass the TRP standards. Schoolchildren and students will be the first to test their capabilities, then the rest of the population, including pensioners, will demonstrate their achievements. Many Yamal residents are ready to climb eleven age levels and go through twelve tests, from swimming and running to shooting and throwing a sports equipment.
For an explanation of whether this is so and what to expect from the TRP, information Agency "Sever-Press" contacted the Department of physical culture and sports of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug.

What is a TRP complex?
The All-Russian Movement "Ready for Labor and Defense" is a physical education program. It operated in our country from 1931 to 1991 and covered the population aged ten to sixty years. Thanks to the TRP, the USSR has its own champions and winners, the program educated and influenced the healthy lifestyle of every person. With the collapse of the USSR, the TRP complex ceased to exist. Since 2014, its revival began in Russia.

Why is it needed?
Compliance with the standards motivates adults and children to exercise, lead a healthy lifestyle, go to sections, visit gyms.

Who can fulfill the TRP norms?
The TRP standards can be fulfilled by Russians aged six to seventy years and older.

What privileges does the TRP badge give?
The presence of distinctions is taken into account when entering higher educational institutions. Students holding the gold mark may be awarded an increased state academic scholarship. For example, for five consecutive gold signs received a government award. Employers were advised to think over the issue of bonuses and allowances for distinguished employees. The incentive and reward program is still being developed.

Do you need to pass TRP standards every year?
No. The complex consists of eleven steps in accordance with age groups and standards for three levels of difficulty, corresponding to gold, silver and bronze signs. Exercises determine the level of development of a person's physical qualities: endurance, strength, flexibility and his speed capabilities. The regions were given the right to additionally include two types of tests in the TRP complex, including those for national, military-applied and the most popular sports among young people.
The state requirements of the TRP complex within each stage are divided into mandatory and optional.
Stage 1 - age group from 6 to 8 years old
Stage 2 - age group from 9 to 10 years
Stage 3 - age group from 11 to 12 years old
Stage 4 - age group from 13 to 15 years
5 step - age group from 16 to 17 years old
Stage 6 - age group from 18 to 29 years old
Stage 7 - age group from 30 to 39 years old
Stage 8 - age group from 40 to 49 years old
Stage 9 - age group from 50 to 59 years old
10 step - age group from 60 to 69 years
Level 11 - age group 70 and older

Who prepares children to meet the standards?
Training is provided by systematic classes in physical education programs in educational institutions, points of initial military training, sports sections, general physical training groups, sports clubs and independently. In addition, physical education teachers in schools are advised to draw up an individual schedule for meeting the standards for each student. So that it does not happen that the child fulfilled several standards of one step, and then moved to the next step by age, and did not manage to fulfill the remaining standards and did not receive the TRP sign.

Is it possible to refuse to comply with the TRP standards?
Nobody will force anyone to comply with the TRP standards. Everything is based on the free will of everyone.

What needs to be done to comply with the TRP standards?
To pass the standards of the TRP complex, you must register on the website by filling out a personal data form. Two photographs, three by four, must be attached to the application form. After registering for email the applicant will be sent a unique identification number of eleven digits. With it you can get to personal Area, where there are standard indicators for gold, silver and bronze insignia for the age level of the registrant. Here they will offer a convenient testing center, by choosing which, the participant will have access to the online calendar. It shows when and at what time the tests will take place.

Who should register children?
They can do it themselves or they can be registered by their parents. It is possible to register at the school, where informatics teachers can conduct an introductory lesson among high school students on registration in the system. The most important thing is not to register the child several times. If the registration took place outside the school, then it is necessary to inform the child's ID-number to the person responsible for the TRP at the educational institution.

Will all children be allowed to meet the standards?
Only students assigned to the main medical group for health reasons will be allowed to fulfill the standards. Students from the preparatory medical group will be able to fulfill the standards only after an additional examination by a sports medicine doctor. A special medical group is not allowed to fulfill the standards.

How to get medical clearance?
Medical clearance must be obtained prior to testing. Pupils and students receive it as a result of compulsory medical examinations. Adults can issue such a certificate at the clinic at the place of residence, provided that the population undergoes regular medical examination.

How many days can you fulfill the TRP norms within one stage?
It is possible to fulfill the TRP standards within the same age stage throughout the year, depending on the schedule established by the selected testing center. By guidelinespublished on the website, three or four types of tests can be performed in one day. Participants must be motivated to complete the tests successfully in order to perform better. Therefore, when drawing up an individual map of participation in the RLD complex, it is important to correctly approach the issue of distributing the load on the body.

Can you meet all the norms in one day?
Impossible. It is necessary to understand that there is only one attempt at meeting one standard. It is necessary to prepare for testing in individually and come to the testing center only when there is complete confidence in the successful completion of the tests for the highest rates.

Where are the TRP standards fulfilled?
For this, testing centers are created. Municipalities have the right to delegate these powers to an organization, the charter of which stipulates “activities in the field of physical culture and sports” as one of the main activities. It can be sport school, center additional education, general education school or youth centers.

How many times can a badge be awarded and when is it received?
The TRP insignia is valid within the age level, after which it must be confirmed again. The insignia is issued after successfully completing the required number of age-grade tests. The submission for awarding with insignia is organized by the testing centers at the end of each calendar quarter, after which the order of the regional body is sent executive power to the Department of Physical Education and Sports. The procedure for paperwork and the production of signs takes from four to six months, therefore, we have provided for two sessions of delivery of signs: based on the results of the autumn-winter and spring-summer periods.

Has anyone in the region already received TRP insignia?
Yes. Despite the fact that testing in Yamal was carried out in a trial mode, the Ministry of Sports of Russia provided an opportunity for Yamal schoolchildren to pass the TRP standards. As a result, in 2015, 1,751 Yamal residents passed testing, of which 105 people received TRP insignia of various degrees. It should be noted that the decision to award the All-Russian physical culture and sports complex "Ready for Labor and Defense" with a gold medal of distinction and a certificate for it is issued by order of the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation.

Elena Tregub,
IA "Sever-Press".

The words "Ready for Labor and Defense!" have long gone out of use and are strongly associated with modern people with the times Soviet Union... But few people know that these are not just words, but the name of a set of standards for physical culture, the fulfillment of which gave a golden TRP badge - the highest award of this kind. The standards of the USSR returned to our lives quite recently, so anyone can get this coveted award.

Historical reference

They were developed in 1930 in order to introduce the population to a healthy lifestyle. At the same time, a bronze, silver and gold TRP badge was introduced, the standards for the delivery of which these badges were relied on. Gradually, the norms were improved, various steps were introduced, corresponding to the ages of those who passed. Some researchers note that it was good physical fitness that helped young people and girls better prepare for the hardships of an unexpected war: throwing skills, physical strength, endurance - all this helped to quickly adapt to frontline conditions.

After the war, the TRP began to develop in the direction of preventing occupational diseases and restoring the health of the nation. With the collapse, the complex was practically forgotten, and only in 2014 it was again introduced at the legislative level. Today, with due effort, anyone can pass the TRP standards for a gold badge, which will give its owner a number of advantages.

How it works: steps

After the historical background, it's time to move on to explaining how the system of standards "Ready for Labor and Defense" is arranged. As before, it aims to popularize healthy way life among the population, while being generally available and optimal for all segments of the population. The complex has eleven steps corresponding to the age of those who go in for sports.

The first step - boys and girls from 6 to 8 years old, the second - from 9 to 10, and the third - from 11 to 13. The fourth and fifth steps are designed for young people from 13 to 15 and 16 to 17 years, respectively. The sixth step of the TRP norms - for men and women from 18 to 29, the seventh - from 30 to 39, the eighth - from 40 to 49, the ninth - from 50 to 59, the tenth - from 60 to 69 and the eleventh - from 70 and older. It is noteworthy that the golden TRP badge can be obtained only at the first seven steps, then the system is based on the enthusiasm of those involved in sports.

How it works: standards

Each stage has a number of tests, some of which are mandatory (although sometimes there are variations depending on, for example, the region in which the dealer is located), and the delivery of the other part depends on own desire... Of course, as the step rises, the tests become more difficult: for example, a six-year-old boy must do 17 push-ups to receive the highest award, but for a 17-year-old boy this is already considered too easy a task - he is asked to lift the kettlebell 35 times.

In total, the complex includes forty different standards, but, of course, half of them are not mandatory: for example, at 35, a woman needs to pass 5 standards, two of which have options to get a gold TRP badge.

Specific figures

Now let's move on to specific numbers and comparisons. For those who wondered how to get a gold TRP badge, you need to familiarize yourself with the provision on delivery, which indicates the results necessary to receive the award. Take a test like the forward bend, for example. At the first and second stages, children are supposed to stand and touch the floor with their palms with straight legs - the standard is mandatory. On the third, that is, at the age of eleven, the standard becomes “optional”, but the requirements for a gold badge remain the same.

For boys and girls at the age of 14, the slope is again mandatory. At the age of 16, the situation becomes more complicated: now the dealer is already on the gymnastic bench and still stretches down with straight legs. And only if the fingers of the young man are 13, and the girls are 16 centimeters below the bench, they have the right to apply for the badge. At the sixth step, young men are already allowed to bend only 10 centimeters, and even then, closer to thirty years (here crushing appears before and after 25 years), for women after 25, 13 centimeters are enough against the previous 16. By the age of forty, the requirements are even easier: 4 and 6 centimeters, respectively. From 50 to 70 years old, you only need to reach the floor with your fingers, and this time without a gymnastic bench that has accompanied the athlete for so long. At the highest, eleventh stage, in order to be eligible to qualify for the gold TRP badge, it is enough to touch the ankle with your fingers in an incline. Moreover, from the fourth to the last step, this test is mandatory.

Thus, completely trace the change in the requirements for the candidate for the award. It can be seen that the tests were made taking into account the age and physical condition of a person during this period of his life. Moreover, usually the test is passed under the supervision of a person who can provide first aid.

What for?

Few insignia provide as many advantages as a gold TRP badge. The main advantage for applicants is the addition of points to the USE results, their number depends on each specific university. For those who, for health reasons, cannot complete tests to receive the highest award, while having the opportunity to receive only a silver or bronze badge, or not having this opportunity at all, separate standards will be developed.

But it is imperative to take into account the fact that it is far from everywhere possible to take tests - only twelve regions of the country are entitled to take this exam. By the decision of the government, those living in other places, unfortunately, will be deprived of this privilege.

Where and how?

After it became known what the gold TRP badge gives, it would be time to clarify how exactly to get it. You can pass the standards in the regional DOSAAFs. This must be done by the cadets of the Society for Assistance to the Army, Aviation and Navy, only those who, for health reasons, will not pass the test are released. With the variability of the mandatory test, local authorities are authorized to independently choose which standards applicants for the insignia will have to fulfill, while they should start from climatic conditions specific region.

Before each test, applicants must listen to instructions on how to perform the exercise (if the test is performed incorrectly, the standard is considered not passed). All results are recorded in a special one for passing the TRP standards. Of course, the applicant must be admitted for medical reasons, he provides a certificate of this even before the start of the test.

Overall score

It is noteworthy that some athletes pass the TRP standards for fun. They do not pretend to any insignia, they simply show by their example that there is nothing complicated in these tests, they are available for every person who monitors their health at least a little. In principle, if you study the requirements, it becomes clear that you do not need to go in for sports professionally, regular exercise is enough - then it will not be difficult to get the coveted badge.


It is clear that it is not so easy to get an award of this level: before passing the TRP for a gold badge, you have to sweat on sports grounds... But at the same time, all the work will pay off handsomely, because the delivery of these standards only stimulates people of all ages to strive for better sports results, to take care of their health. Sport is a life that rewards for your efforts make it even more complete. You should try not for the badge, but first of all for yourself.

P. S.

Sometimes the city authorities conduct a demonstration delivery of the TRP standards. For example, in Kaliningrad, even the mayor of the city took part in folk festivities, who easily performed a kettlebell lifting test for a 50-year-old man. So sometimes you don't need to go to DOSAAFs right away to show yourself, it's enough just to follow the events of your city.