Internet mgts: reviews, packages, tariffs

There are situations when you just need to check the speed of the Internet. For example, you cannot understand why the pages are loading slowly or what the actual speed of your Internet is and whether it matches your tariff plan. In this case, we advise you to check the speed of the Internet connection using special programs.

Any speedtest program will help you to do this. You can use it to check the speed of downloading and uploading files. Our website for checking Internet speed offers you one of the best programs to test the speed of the Internet connection mini.

If you would like to know the speed of your home or work Internet, we advise you to use the Speedtest mini program located on this page. Note that checking the Internet speed will not take much time, maximum - two minutes. Besides, this program does not require installation on your personal computer and works online.

Before you run the speed test, we recommend that you be sure to complete all downloads in the browser, disable download programs such as utorrent, as well as online radio and television. The operation of these programs significantly affects the speed of the Internet and can significantly affect the results of checking the Internet speed.

A few words about how the Internet speed is checked. After clicking the "Start test" button, the download of a special file starts to the computer and its size and download time are recorded. After the file has been uploaded, the second stage of verification begins - it is already uploaded to the Internet. At the same time, the time for which it was produced is also recorded. Then the program tells you what your actual internet speed is.

Checking Internet speed is a completely simple and safe procedure. The only nuance that should be remembered is that when uploading and downloading a file, traffic is counted, so consider this point in the event that you do not have unlimited Internet.

As a rule, the speed of the Internet connection depends on many parameters.

For a more accurate measurement of the Internet speed, you must:

  • Only 1 computer should be connected to the router;
  • The testing computer or laptop must be connected to an ONT or ADSL router via an Ethernet cable (not Wi-fi);
  • On the testing computer, all programs for downloading or communicating on the Internet are closed (which take away the speed, albeit insignificant);
  • Open a browser with one tab and run internet / internet speed test.

Also, the speed of the Internet connection depends on your hardware: Network card, if the computer is connected via a cable to the router or a Wi-Fi adapter, wirelessly to the router. These devices have their own throughput internet connection and if you have high speed internet, and the network adapter does not support this speed, then the speed will not match with your tariff plan.

If these criteria are met, the speedtest will show your speed, which should match your chosen tariff.

For other providers such as Onlime, Beeline and others by ethernet technologies (when a "twisted pair" cable comes into your apartment), you can measure the speed directly without a router. Connect your computer directly to the internet cable, set up the connection and check the speed.

Grade: 3 Checking

Didn't write reviews before, but for some reason I wanted to. I guess I just want to use the services of an organization that will satisfy not only my needs, but also maintain the quality of service at an altitude. By the way, the latter is still lame.
I have been using the company's services for a long time. As probably many. I am quite satisfied with the quality of the services provided. There are many channels on TV, which, of course, I don't watch all. The main thing for me is signal stability. I watch few channels, but the quality of TV triples me.
I use the internet at home. The speed is enough for me especially new. They even change the router to a new one, albeit at my request.
As for Mobile communications, everything is more complicated here. Works in many places, very well, but not everywhere. I often visit the Moscow region at the dacha of friends, there is generally disgusting quality of communication. Catches in 2 places throughout the house. On the territory of the site, the story is the same (so as not to think that the aluminum roof reflects the signal). It's not even worth talking about the Internet there. here is a minus. Otherwise, a convenient connection. All relatives are on MTS, so it is beneficial to communicate with them. And the bill comes in one piece in the receipt with the phone, so you don’t worry about being left without connection.
I think the downside is, of course, the support / sales service, and in the forehead attitude towards customers.
Here's a story from life: In January, they called me and offered to switch to more profitable terms... I won't go into details of the conditions now, it doesn't matter. Nevertheless, I understood what was being offered to me and I was only interested in one question: how much more expensive? For myself, I understood the price / quality ratio of the new package. They said that it will cost only 300 rubles more. In the first full month, under the new conditions, everything went well. As promised, I overpaid 300 rubles. But then the fun begins. As it turns out, with the transition to a new package, the trial period of Amediateka Premium is automatically activated. Of course, no one warned me about this, because I would have turned it off as unnecessary.
Further in the new statement I see the connected service and contact the support service in VK. I get a dry answer in the style of "everything is to blame on the site."
What we have as a result, the overpayment in the bottom line is obtained more after the first month, if you do not turn off the additional package.
In my opinion, it is somehow worth warning about this if you call yourself and offer something. Pain / sadness / longing. The money now cannot be returned, as they were assured of support, although the amount is not large. It's a shame.
Take OKKO for example. The subscription was written off, called, said that by chance, they returned. Unless of course you used it. without any questions or reproaches.
I will say this: the company itself is good. The services are fine. There is little customer focus. I didn't see it - it's my own fault.
From the recommendations, I advise you to take links to the conditions and read them in full. Or elicit all the hidden commissions from operators.
Will I recommend to friends? Not sure yet. While there is such an attitude to the problems of clients, probably definitely not.

Moscow is one of the most technologically advanced cities in Russia and the world. Dozens of large and small firms are involved in providing commercial Internet access. In the market - MGTS, a subsidiary of MTS. What are the features of the services provided by this corporation in terms of organizing Internet access and related services?

"MGTS": about the company

One of the largest wireline communication operators in the Russian capital. Currently, the company provides telephone services, Internet access and digital TV channels, as well as a number of related services.

MGTS is a company with a long history. According to some reports, it was founded during the tsarist Russia, in 1882, when the first telephone exchange in Moscow was opened on Kuznetsky Most. Now the largest shareholder of MGTS is MTS and its subsidiaries.


One of the most famous products of the company is the Internet from MGTS (fiber optic). Reviews about this service are found in a wide range. Now several hundred thousand Moscow subscribers use the network access within the framework of this product. Also "MGTS" provides similar types of services to legal entities.

For a long time, telephone DSL channels were the main technology of communication with the network in MGTS networks. But little by little, another method of accessing the Internet is acquiring the status of the leading one - GPON from MGTS. Reviews about it generally reflect positive user assessments in terms of changing access technology. The fact is that when using GPON channels, optical fiber is used in its pure form, which allows data transfer at a very high speed.

Services - more and more varied

Since 2009, MGTS has been providing services in the Triple Play segment based on the current Internet infrastructure. The "Internet TV" service has appeared. MGTS, reviews of which are largely determined by the quality not so much of the main service - providing access to the network, but also in terms of additional services, is considered by many Muscovites to be a reliable supplier of modern TV content. The range of channels within tariff packages from this provider sufficiently diverse. In the same year, the Internet provider MGTS (reviews of many users characterize this initiative very positively) began selling network access services in a "box format". Buying it, the client could start using the Internet by simply connecting the equipment to a computer and not thinking about the settings. While services from many other providers require in many cases a wizard call to work with the equipment accordingly.

Boxed solution

Actually, the equipment within the framework of the service in question even outwardly looks like a box, decorated in corporate identity companies. It contains instructions on how to organize a home Internet, which are quite comfortable to read even by an inexperienced user. MGTS (reviews of many customers speak of an extremely positive assessment of this aspect) has compiled a corresponding "box" manual so that you can go online without contacting the support service.

Although, if necessary, you can always call the MGTS contact center - its number is indicated on the "box". The user has the marked manual and a modem at his disposal. As a rule, it belongs to the budget series, however, the functionality of this device, as noted by many experts, is quite at the level.

Unusual and promising services

Among other notable services of "MGTS" - the service Through it, adults can control the use of the Internet by children - mainly allowing or prohibiting going online on certain days and hours. The technologies with which MGTS works are constantly evolving. Thus, in the fall of 2014, information appeared in various sources that the provider was going to introduce complex algorithms for analyzing Internet traffic. This type of technology will enable efficient filtering of online packets, as expected. It is also supposed to be used as a marketing tool.

GPON technology

Let's study in a little more detail the nuances of the most modern technology by which this Moscow provider provides Internet access - GPON from MGTS. User reviews, as we noted above, characterize this kind of communication channel as having a very high speed. The corresponding figure can even for home Internet users reach hundreds of megabits / sec. However, high is not the only advantage of GPON (also called "Jeepon") over previous technologies.

Communication - stable

When using GPON channels, the reliability and stability of the connection is achieved. Loss of communication, freezes and other problems typical for technologies of previous types are not typical for networks using optical fiber. Another notable feature of GPON - you can adapt to it wide range additional services, which, in fact, does the Moscow provider we are considering. Internet "Jeepon" from "MGTS", reviews of which largely indicate that the above advantages of technology are not theory, but reality, is complemented by a large number of other services available to the company's clients. Communication with the network is carried out through a user modem, which is usually leased by MGTS. Modern models of the corresponding devices allow you to access the Internet via Wi-Fi. This means that you can access the network from several devices at once.

ADSL technology

Of course, even in such a technologically advanced city as Moscow, there are districts and houses that fiber has not yet reached, or technical capability there is no need to connect everyone to it. In this case, MGTS offers its client to organize a home Internet via ADSL access. In principle, this technology is quite capable of satisfying most of the needs of modern users. In particular, with regard to the aspect of speed - when using ADSL, it is quite possible to achieve an indicator of 7-8 megabits, or even more. For viewing pages, videos, listening to music, talking on Skype this is quite enough.

The main thing is the phone at hand

ADSL technology has some advantage in terms of convenience - the current telephone line is used as a communication channel. There is no need, as is the case with GPON, to mount something additionally. At the same time, as such, the phone remains functional - the digital signals of the modem are filtered using a small splitter connected to the network. In this case, while talking on the phone, the subscriber will not hear third-party signals generated during the operation of the ADSL modem.


Consider the principles of tariffing, which the Moscow operator adheres to for quite competitive market... According to some user reviews, MGTS regards the Internet as a flagship service. Accordingly, any errors and miscalculations at the level of tariffication are probably undesirable here - customers can easily go to another provider, of which there are a lot in every district of the capital. Among the most notable features of the tariffication characteristic of MGTS is the postpaid settlement system. That is, you can first use the network, and then pay the invoice - and with that in a large number of ways.

Due to the technological differences between GPON and ADSL channels, the tariffication principles for each of them differ from MGTS.

  • ADSL access can be significantly cheaper - for example, there is an option with an Internet connection for 150 rubles per month. True, the speed in this case will be relatively low - 3 megabits.
  • In turn, the cheapest tariff for GPON connections from MGTS is 300 rubles per month at a speed of 15 megabits.

The general pattern for both tariffs is that the more expensive a specific offer, the cheaper the speed increase is, if expressed in separate megabits.

But, as we have already noted above, in practice, the optical fiber used when accessing the Internet from MGTS (reviews of many users confirm this) may not provide a tangible increase in page loading speed. Simply because the specificity of the corresponding Internet traffic does not imply the transfer of a large amount of data.

Rates are competitive

Internet tariffs offered by MGTS - reviews of many clients testify to this - are quite competitive, although, as some experts admit, there are quite a few Moscow providers whose prices are lower with comparable access speed and connection stability. At the same time, "MGTS" can offer an option in which billing will take place not on a monthly basis, but on a daily basis. Many users are impressed by this opportunity. Internet access becomes possible only on those days when access is really needed. In this case, you do not have to pay per month.

In general, the responses sent by users to the major Internet access provider "MGTS" are very positive. Moscow is a city where the competition between providers is rather tough. And therefore, if the degree of customer sentiment is positive, this can be an indicator of the company's success. And this is largely due, according to experts, precisely with the attractive tariff policy of this provider.

Personal Area

One of the basic tools for interaction between MGTS and Internet users is the Personal Account online service. In it, a client of a Moscow provider can receive all the necessary information regarding any services he uses or plans to use. Services can be managed through convenient online tools.

Prospects assessments

We studied the main features of technologies and tariffication of services of one of the largest Moscow telecommunications companies, observed the degree of sentiment that contains reviews. The Internet "MGTS", as we said above, according to a number of IT experts, is considered as one of the key services... At the same time, it will be useful to assess the marketing prospects of brand promotion in the Moscow telecommunications market.

According to some experts, the company has every chance to consolidate its status as one of the leading communication providers in the Russian capital. Home Internet "MGTS", television, fixed communications, as experts and many users who leave reviews on thematic portals believe, are services that are provided by the provider with an optimal combination of quality and tariffs.

There is information that MGTS plans to occupy about half of the market broadband in Moscow by 2016. At the same time, the share of proceeds from the provision of the corresponding services will be about 60%. As part of this strategy, the MGTS management plans to cover all Moscow districts where it is present and provides services with a GPON network. In addition, as evidenced by the reviews left by experts, MGTS plans to actively provide Internet not only to individuals, but also to organizations. At the same time, online access will be complemented by other services, such as, for example, cloud software, in particular, accounting, as well as hosting.

In addition, as evidenced by the opinions and reviews found in the expert community, MGTS views the Internet as the leading, but not the only service that is significant from the point of view of business development. There is information that the company plans to take one of the leading positions in the digital TV market as well, increasing its share in this segment up to 26%.

Competition is the engine of progress

However, experts believe that competing companies will try to do a lot so that the Moscow provider does not succeed in doing everything exactly as planned. And this is despite the fact that MGTS has the highest technological level of communication infrastructure. Many of the largest providers in Moscow, which are direct competitors of MGTS, are actively improving their own capacities. For example, it is believed that strong competition gPON technologiesused by "MGTS" may be compiled by other promising communication standards, such as, for example, DOCSIS. Some Moscow providers are using them quite actively.

MGTS: reviews

What is the degree of sentiment in customer reviews of the Moscow City Telephone Network? User opinions can be roughly classified in several areas.

The first concern tariff policy provider. In relation to it, the reviews are rather neutral: on the one hand, one cannot say, as MGTS clients believe, that the prices are high, on the other hand, there are telecommunications companies that offer more competitive tariffs.

Another group of reviews characterizes the actual quality of the connection. There are very different opinions here. Critical ones reflect some instability of online channels in terms of using popular file hosting services, trackers. However, regarding this point of view, there are counterarguments that are based on the thesis that the actual responsibility for the quality of communication in this case lies, rather, with the site owner than with MGTS. Positive reviews reflect a high speed of access to most Internet resources, minimal ping (response between a request and a server response), and a stable connection. In many respects, such sentiments, according to experts, may be due precisely to the advantage of the fiber-optic communication channels used by MGTS.

Another direction in the spectrum of opinions of the company's clients reflects the quality of the provider's technical support. Opinions vary here, but on the whole the ratings are positive. This may be due, according to analysts, to high competition in the flagship segment in which MGTS operates. If the subscriber does not like something about communicating with the support service, he may immediately decide to change the provider.

Today it is not easy to imagine your life without the Internet. Someone needs it for study or work, others - in order to keep abreast of what is happening in the world, and for someone it helps to improve themselves or just have fun. Regardless of what you are using the Internet for, it is quite obvious that you would like such a connection to be good quality, functioned smoothly and at decent speed. And, it would seem, how could this happen differently today? Reviews of thousands of people confirm that it can. Some have serious difficulties using the Internet connection and would like to change their provider in order to receive better services. Others are not satisfied with their cost tariff planand they would like to find a company that will provide services on the same terms, but only at a lower cost. All these claims and wishes are understandable. If the client invests his cash in the opportunity to use this or that service, he must receive it of the appropriate quality. However, unfortunately, not all providers think in this way. Many seek to make the most of their subscribers, while deceiving them. In an effort to avoid such cooperation, many choose to connect to the Internet MGTS. Why do so many people prefer this particular provider? How is the MGTS Internet configured? What tariffs and service packages does the company offer? What is the maximum Internet connection speed that the organization in question is willing to provide? What do the reviews about the features of connecting and then using the Internet from this company tell?

To understand all these issues, we will consider in detail the principles of MGTS functioning, its proposals for subscribers, as well as customer responses about the quality of the services provided to them. This will help you to form your own opinion about the company in question. Be careful.

About company

MGTS began its activities at the end of the nineteenth century. It was then that the Moscow City Telephone Network was officially founded. In just twenty years, about 17 thousand people have become its subscribers. Over the next decades, the company has been actively developing and improving in the field of providing communication services. Already in 2004, a radical modernization of the MGTS functioning system was carried out. It was then that the company made the Internet an accessible service for hundreds of thousands of Russians.

Today MGTS Internet services are available to absolutely everyone. The organization even specially conducts training courses to improve the Internet literacy of older subscribers, which allows them not to limit themselves in using the Internet and self-development.

What else has the company done recently:

  • Launch of the "Home Operator" project.
  • Support for small businesses by expanding the functionality of the "Digital Office" package.
  • The ability to independently form a suitable package of services.
  • Personal bonus program.
  • Running the latest technology evaluating the real quality of streaming video directly in the process of viewing.
  • Updating the line of tariff plans.

Already today, Internet and television services from MGTS have become incredibly popular. The company is actively developing and improving for the benefit of its users.

the Internet

The company in question provides its customers with uninterrupted unlimited access to the Internet. The unique services of this organization are made by modern technology that allows you to use the Network at a colossal speed - 500 Mbit / second, the speed of the MGTS Internet. The company has sufficient technical equipment in order to maintain a connection to the Network of its subscribers without interruptions, at a stable speed, regardless of the time of day. The latest technologies used make it possible to keep the quality of communication at a sufficient high level... Now using the Internet has become more comfortable than ever.

Reviews highlight the following advantages of MGTS Internet:

  • A router (modem equipped with a Wi-Fi function) is provided free of charge.
  • The ability to use the Internet at high speed, using it for communication, learning and entertainment.
  • Various tariffs for Internet MGTS. The line is so flexible that you can find a package even for 300 rubles a month.
  • Fast connection.
  • Discount provided that several services are connected at the same time.
  • Post-factum payment in a single invoice.
  • Carrying out a personal fiber-optic channel to your apartment.
  • If you have any difficulties using the MGTS Internet, the company's technical support will provide all the necessary advice.

Hundreds of thousands of customers considered the above information as sufficient reason to become subscribers of the company in question.

Internet tariffs

Many people decide to use the Internet from MGTS (Moscow), because the tariff proposals seem to them quite profitable. Especially when you compare them with competitors' offers.

Available tariffs for the Internet from MGTS:

  • 60 Mbit / second - 360 rubles per month;
  • 200 Mbit / second - 490 rubles per month;
  • 500 Mbps - 1600 rubles per month.

Others like daily billing plans. But what if the connection is functioning intermittently or actual speed does not match the one stated in the tariff? The best way out is the following: ask for help in the Internet technical support from MGTS. The specialists working there will be able to provide you with all the necessary information, advise and help you solve the problem. Therefore, this opportunity should not be neglected.

But what if you want to use the services of the company in question, but none of the stated rates suits you? Contact MGTS employees using feedback and discuss the current situation. It's safe to say that the company's managers will be able to offer you a suitable option. After all, the company's goal is to earn with its high-quality services good reputation among their subscribers.


Why do many prefer unlimited Internet from MGTS? Because the company in question provides its customers with many opportunities to save money. Connecting to the Internet from MGTS can be carried out through a variety of promotional offers, which allows subscribers to save their money. What promotions are relevant today?

  • Telephone and internet for those who have recently moved into new housing.
  • Special tariff for Project Armata fighters.
  • Coupon entitling you to free computer assistance.
  • A smartphone for a ruble, subject to the activation of certain service packages from MGTS.
  • Amazing parameters (500 SMS messages, 500 minutes, speed 200 Mbps, 20 GB mobile internet MGTS for only 750 rubles).
  • GPON. New opportunities for Internet users.

All this has already attracted thousands of subscribers to the Internet from MGTS. Services of such a plan make such pleasant promotional offers unique and popular. Perhaps some of the above will interest you too.

Service packages

If several services are connected simultaneously, the subscriber is entitled to a discount. For the convenience of users were prepared by the company MGTS internet packageswhich consist of combinations of services in various variations. These can be packages that include Internet connection, digital TV and mobile communications. The wider the combination, the greater the savings. So, what are the available service packages that include MTS mobile communications, MGTS Internet and television? At the moment, the following proposals are relevant:

  • Internet + Television - 500 rubles per month.
  • Internet + Mobile communications - 500 rubles per month.
  • Internet + Mobile communications - 650 rubles per month.
  • Internet + Mobile communications - 750 rubles per month.
  • Internet + Mobile communications + Television - 850 rubles per month.
  • Internet + Mobile communications + Television - 950 rubles per month.
  • The ability to collect your own personal set of services. Available options: home Internet, home phone, digital television, mobile connection, security, video surveillance. The calculator will automatically calculate the cost of the tariff plan and the amount of the discount that you are entitled to.

The variety of available tariffs for the Internet MGTS (Moscow) will allow everyone to choose the service package that suits him as much as possible. Perhaps you will find something suitable among the described assortment.

Payment method

How can you pay for using MGTS home Internet service? There are several methods available. Let's consider them further.

The following are especially distinguished:

  • There is a possibility of payment in MTS stores. In this case, the commission will not be charged, and the enrollment will be made instantly.
  • You can also pay for the Internet MGTS by credit card or from your MTS mobile account.
  • If you pay for the service in question at Platina KB, MTS-Bank PJSC, MKB OJSC, VPB AKB ZAO, Mosoblbank, KKB OJSC, then the commission will not be charged.
  • Also, immediately the payment will be credited with funds provided that the following electronic wallets are used: "Qiwi", "Yandex.Money", "MTS.Money", "WebMoney".
  • Among other things, you can use ATMs and electronic terminals. No commission will be charged.

The company has done everything possible to make the payment procedure as simple as possible. You can choose any of the above methods. Now funds come to your account as quickly as possible: from instant crediting up to three working days. Moreover, if you have a debt and the provision of the service was suspended, then after a period from half an hour to two hours after payment, the blocking of the service will be automatically removed. You do not have to notify the company in any way.

Electronic invoice

Correct use of home Internet MGTS will help you take care of environment... How? The company says it uses around 288 tonnes of paper annually to generate bills. How can you help save trees from being cut down for commercial use? Start using e-invoices. About 350 thousand subscribers have already switched to them. Thus, they were able to save already three hundred trees. And this is not the limit. You can also become a part of this movement together with MGTS Internet.

Reviews allow you to find out what are the benefits of using electronic invoices. Among them are the following:

  • Ease of connection.
  • Free subscription.
  • Payment terms remain the same while the electronic invoice is delivered much earlier than the paper version.
  • You can easily control the state of your personal account, no matter where you are.
  • Payment can be made in one click, without even leaving your own home.
  • You will receive SMS notifications when payment has been received.

Reviews about MGTS Internet and the use of electronic invoices lead to the conclusion that this is incredible convenient way receive information about the current state of the account. Perhaps you will like it too?

Positive customer reviews

Describing the Internet MGTS, reviews highlight both positive and negative points. In order to provide a holistic picture of how customer service is carried out in the company in question. First, let's discuss what subscribers like in work of MGTS... The following points are especially highlighted:

  • The real Internet speed is fully consistent with the declared one.
  • The company provides customers with a Wi-Fi router free of charge.
  • It is very convenient to pay.
  • Continuity of service provision.
  • Availability of lucrative offers.
  • Wireless Internet.
  • 24/7 technical support that functions perfectly.
  • Good communication anywhere in the apartment.
  • Professional and punctual craftsmen.
  • Quick installation of all necessary equipment.
  • High speed of application processing.
  • Affordable prices for services.
  • The invoice is provided at the end of the month.
  • A fifth of the amount paid for the Internet will be returned to the mobile account of the MTS card.
  • Friendly call center staff.
  • If you have any problems, the managers of the company will not disregard them.
  • The simplest connection is in those homes where a landline telephone is used.

For many, the service described above is fully satisfied. However, not all are of this opinion. Thus, MGTS 'reviews of the Internet are often mostly negative. What is the reason for this?

Negative customer reviews

Why is MGTS 'home Internet so upset? The following points are highlighted:

  • It can be difficult to get through to call center employees.
  • Sometimes the connection is paid.
  • Shortcomings caused by the company's fault are not always corrected.
  • Frequent modem failures.
  • In some cases, the Internet speed is not supported at the previously stated level.
  • Many are not satisfied with the quality of the services provided.
  • Sometimes there are misunderstandings with the technical support staff.
  • Customers notice shortcomings in the process of installing the necessary equipment.
  • A free low quality router.
  • Internet outages.
  • Incorrect organization of the consumer service mechanism.
  • Some people have difficulties in using the official website of the company.
  • When the Internet was connected, some of them had their landline phone disconnected.
  • Poor feedback.
  • Enough limited opportunities to pay bills.
  • The rates do not indicate the desired high speed.
  • Inconvenient location of the router.

Of course, many points do not depend on the company as a whole, but rather on specific installers or call center operators. However, this does not make it easier for clients. Besides, shouldn't the company be more careful about the recruitment process and the organization of the quality control system for their work? This is worth considering.

Instead of a conclusion

MGTS is a company with a rich history and colossal experience in the communications market. In general, it has been successfully operating for over a hundred years, constantly developing and improving for the benefit of its customers. Today MGTS can offer to use Internet services, digital television, mobile or fixed city telephone communication. A rare provider can boast of such a package of available services. You can connect one of the services listed above or choose a whole package that will include a combination of several or even all of the previously mentioned possibilities. Why do so many choose to do this? Because the company meets its loyal customers halfway and provides substantial discounts to those who decide to use the whole package of services from MGTS. This choice will help you save a significant amount of money every month. MGTS cares about the well-being of its subscribers and is ready to do a lot, if not everything, in order to earn their trust and loyalty. The overwhelming number of clients of the company in question later recommend it to their friends and acquaintances. Isn't that the highest praise?

Customers also like the opportunity to choose a payment method that suits them. And there is plenty to choose from: cash payment in MTS communication stores, payment through a bank, using a bank card, through a terminal or ATM, transfer from electronic wallets of various payment systems. The opportunity to receive electronic invoices instead of paper receipts is also encouraging. They arrive earlier than the latter, and they should be paid at the same time.

However, customers also leave a lot of negative responses. Most of them are directed to field staff (call center operators, installers, and so on). But some are directed at the very essence of the company's functioning. They relate to tariffs, Internet connection speed and other similar issues.

Before entering into an agreement with any company that provides communication services, carefully study it and carefully read the terms to which you agree. You must know exactly what the Internet speed is stated in the contract, how many TV channels you will be able to watch (if we are talking about this service), when you should pay bills, and how much you will have to pay monthly. It would also be good to understand how soon the service will be resumed after the previous shutdown, when you pay debts and deposit the required amount of money. It is important to know about all this in advance. This will save you from unpleasant surprises during the operation of your electronic devicesand will also help to have uninterrupted access to the Internet at a speed that suits you, based on your desires and needs.

Don't forget about your own safety too. If you have been provided with data from your personal account on the official resource of the company in question, do not transfer them to any unauthorized persons. Information about the state of your personal account and the mechanism for managing it are strictly confidential. This will protect you from the tricks of scammers and save your money. Among other things, if you prefer to pay your bills online using electronic payments, only enter your bank card details if you are sure that the connection is secure. These simple security measures can help you avoid serious problems.

Make decisions that you don't have to regret later. Let the use of your chosen services bring you only positive emotions!