Vegetable farm business plan. Business plan for growing vegetables. Greenhouse business is profitable

It follows from this that starting a vegetable growing business is a very good idea, however, to implement it, you will need to draw up a business plan for growing vegetables.

Almost every farm is engaged in the cultivation of vegetables, but not every farm makes a profit from this. Among rural population the most popular vegetables are tomatoes, carrots, potatoes, onions, which are usually grown for their own needs. It will be helpful to know that good planning, investment in business and a set goal will help you not only grow vegetables for yourself. but also get a decent income from this. In order for the vegetables you have grown to become profitable, you will need: a well-planned work schedule; to plan your future income and expenses, which cannot be avoided.

The realization of the grown crop should be practically no problem. To obtain a minimum profit, vegetables can be sold through outlets, shops, stalls in the markets, super and hypermarkets. However, in order to increase your profit, you should set yourself broader goals, such as processing vegetables or opening your own canning business. These goals will be quite easy to realize, because you will constantly be provided with your own raw materials, the quality of which will not have to be doubted.

In this case, your business plan should contain information about further development your business. You can go towards this goal gradually. The first few crops can be sold in order to gain the necessary experience and funds, to study the vegetable market and possible competitors. Subsequently, you can gradually expand production and strive to open your own factory.

Below you can download sample business plans that you can use as guides for developing your own.

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- this example is well suited for those who wish to attract state subsidies. The funds raised will be used for the construction of greenhouses, technical connection to power grids, purchase of seeds, etc. The example provides a list of products, market analysis, production and technological plans, financial plan and an assessment of possible risks.

- The purpose of this example is to grow vegetables such as tomatoes and cucumbers. A feature of the enterprise is the cultivation of high-quality and ecologically net products... The example contains plans for the production and sale of vegetables, an analysis of the state of the market and competition in it, a rationale entrepreneurial activity, assessment of possible production and commercial risks, etc.

- this example includes a production plan that describes the premises and equipment; marketing plan explaining. in what volumes the products will be sold; information about the organization, i.e. organizational plan; financial plan with calculations of key economic indicators.

- in this example, theoretical information on how to organize this type of business is used to a large extent. It also contains detailed economic calculations, which are issued in several appendices and tables that are in the production plan and in the project financing plan.

The selling price of which does not exceed 80 thousand rubles. For this money, it is planned to create a small greenhouse with an installed system of individual irrigation for each plant. In the second year, using the money received from the sale of products through supermarkets, it is planned to expand the business.

Assuming for 76 thousand rubles the installation of two heated greenhouses made of cellular polycarbonate. During the year, it is planned to carry out at least two full cycles of growing vegetables. And the total sales of vegetables for the year should be at least 3.5 tons.

Compiled on the basis of the experience of the large JSC "Teplichka". In addition to organizational, marketing and production plans, this project includes a study and analysis of the state of the vegetable market and a risk assessment.

The total investment in which is 62,000 rubles. For this amount, it is planned to install two greenhouses and purchase biofertilizers. After a year, it is planned to sell 550 kg of cucumbers, 600 kg of tomatoes and more than 150 kg of greens.

* Calculations are based on average data for Russia

Growing greenery is a business that you can do on your own site by building a greenhouse on it. He does not promise superprofits, but it is perfect as a side job.


The goal of the project is to organize a greenhouse farm for growing greenery for its implementation in the Rostov region. The main target audience is concentrated in Rostov-on-Don. The target audience is small wholesale buyers who sell their products to the city's population aged 20 to 50 with different income levels.

Growing demand for fresh vegetables and herbs, fashion for healthy eating and state support agriculture became the reason for the active development of the greenhouse business. In the Russian greenhouse economy, it is profitable to grow fresh greens for sale - they are more unpretentious than vegetables and do not require constant maintenance. As market research shows, the need for salad greens is increasing by 10% every year.

Thus, the idea of \u200b\u200borganizing a greenhouse economy for growing greenery is relevant. This business has the following advantages:

Preferential terms for doing business related to agriculture;

Increase in sales without investment!

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For the implementation of the project, a private land plot with a total area of \u200b\u200b50 sq.m. is used. The personal garden plot is located in the Rostov region, 25 km from the enterprise is the city of Rostov-on-Don.

The initial investment is 182,000 rubles. Investment costs are aimed at building and equipping greenhouses, advertising promotion, the formation of a working capital fund before the project reaches recoupment. The main part of the required investments, 68%, falls on the construction and equipping of greenhouses. Own funds will be used to implement the project.

The financial calculations cover a two-year period of the project. It is anticipated that business expansion will be required after this time. According to the calculations, the initial investment will pay off in the ninth month of operation. Based on the results of the first year of operation, net profit of 513,800 rubles and a return on sales of 47.8% are forecasted.


Greenhouse business in Russia is a promising area, which is explained by the growing demand for fresh vegetables and greens, the fashion for healthy food, the state priority of the development of agriculture in the country. Today, the state is increasingly focusing on the development of the industry, helping novice and existing farmers, allocating land at preferential rates, subsidizing interest rates on loans and providing grants for the development of greenhouse facilities. However, the main problem holding back the development of the industry remains high utility tariffs.

Currently, the greenhouse business continues to actively develop, increasing the production of vegetables and herbs in domestic greenhouses - through the construction of new greenhouses and the modernization of old production facilities. As a result, the gross harvest of vegetables and greens from protected ground for two last years grew by 17.7%. Despite this, the demand of Russians for protected soil products produced in the country is satisfied only by 26%. About 600 thousand tons of vegetables are harvested from closed ground in Russia, with a demand of 3 million tons. And this need grows annually by 10-15%.

In the Russian greenhouse business, it is profitable to grow fresh herbs for sale. These products do not require as much light and heat as vegetables, they are more unpretentious and do not require constant maintenance. Practice shows that growing greens is 5 times more profitable than vegetables.

In addition, according to marketing research, the need for people to include various varieties of greens in their diet increases by 10% every year, which creates a significant demand for these products among consumers.

Thus, the cultivation of greenhouse greenery is a promising business line. The peculiarity of greenhouse growing of greenery is the possibility of year-round production, under any climatic conditions. Table 1 summarizes the key advantages and disadvantages of growing greenhouse greens to consider when planning a business. With proper development, a business can generate a stable and high income.

Table 1. Advantages and disadvantages of greenhouse growing of greenery



Greens grow quickly, which allows you to take several crops per year and quickly generate income;

High and regular demand for products, which allows finding distribution channels;

Both wholesale and retail sales are possible;

Simple business organization;

Greens are unpretentious to care for and do not require much attention;

Small start-up capital;

It is not necessary to have specialized knowledge to grow greens;

The ability to organize a home business;

Fast payback

High level market competition;

The market is seasonally dependent;

Short shelf life of products and quick loss of presentation;
- to grow greens all year round, an expensive greenhouse is required;

It is impossible to sell products through stores without receiving permits;

Low price for products

When organizing a greenhouse business, it should be borne in mind that it is profitable only if the production is located in the southern or central regions of the country. It is more profitable to pay for the transportation of products to the northern territories than to engage in greenhouse business there, paying significant heating costs.

Thus, we can talk about the attractiveness of this business. Growing a greenhouse business can be a profitable and highly profitable business. A detailed business plan for growing greenery in a greenhouse will help to avoid problems when starting a business.


Leafy vegetables include lettuce, parsley, dill, onions, cilantro, basil, garlic, and a number of other crops. The greatest demand is for lettuce, onions and dill. The most profitable type of greens for growing is onion, as it is an unpretentious and fast growing crop. However, during its implementation, it may be difficult to find buyers, since many grow onions. The most cost-effective greens are lettuce. Recently, the cultivation of arugula is gaining popularity.

It is recommended to start by growing several crops and gradually expand the range. When selecting crops for cultivation, one should take into account the following parameters: growing season, required area for sowing, greenhouse growing conditions, endurance, demand, price. Table 2 presents comparative characteristics different types greens, which will help to correctly form the assortment.

Table 2. Characteristics of types of greens for cultivation

Types of greenery

Greenhouse cultivation

Growing season


Required area

Long-term storage


This project involves the cultivation of the following types of greens: parsley, dill, lettuce, feathers. All products comply with the requirements of GOSTs (GOST R 55904-2013, GOST 32856-2014, GOST 33985-2016 and GOST R 55652-2013, respectively). As packaging for fresh products, transparent plastic containers are used, as well as cone bags, which improve the presentation of products and simplify transportation. Packing of 100-150 gr. It is also planned to produce products in the form of assorted sets, which include at least two types of greens.

Products are sold at room temperature, chilled and are intended for retail and wholesale trading network, in enterprises catering and for industrial processing.

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Small wholesale prices for greens vary between 50-150 rubles. per kilogram. It should be borne in mind that the price of greens fluctuates depending on the season. On average, the price is 80 rubles. per kilogram at retail prices of 200 rubles. per kilogram.


The peculiarity of the greenhouse greenhouse business is that the target audience is not the end consumer, but wholesale buyers, distributors of products, represented mainly by various vegetable and grocery stores. Wherein, advertising strategy must take into account the requirements of the end user in order to plan production and forecast sales. The portrait of the final consumer of the products: the population of the city at the age from 20 to 50 with different income levels; gender and occupation as such do not play a role.

Thus, the marketing policy of the project covers both the assessment of the end consumers and the methods of promotion among the flower dealers. Advertising is aimed at establishing long-term cooperation and building a client base.

The most difficult task in the greenhouse business is finding a sales market. Greens are perishable goods, so a well-functioning distribution channel system and a competent marketing strategy are needed. In order to form sales channels, a novice entrepreneur should:

Analyze competitive environment, assess the level of demand for products, develop their competitive advantages;

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Conduct a price analysis of the market and offer more profitable terms as a supplier: lower cost, flexible system of discounts for wholesale buyers, guarantees, etc .;

Release directory finished products on paper and on the Internet. Form a list of potential buyers and send out commercial offers.

Sales channels for fresh herbs can be:

    retail grocery stores with a wide range of products;

    network grocery chains;

    vegetable bases;

    farm shops that specialize in the sale of organic products made in Russia;

    hoReCa segment establishments - restaurants and cafes.

Promising sales markets include online stores, which have recently gained popularity and offer customers fresh, farm products. To develop this sales market, you can unite with vegetable cooperatives presented on Internet sites. In the future, with proper advertising of your products, it is possible to open your own retail outlet.

Each distribution channel has its own advantages and disadvantages, which relate to the final cost of greens, the volume of sold lots, terms of cooperation, etc. To establish distribution channels and not suffer losses from overproduction, it is necessary to create a stable distribution network several months before the harvest. It should be noted that the search for new customers and the development of sales markets is an ongoing process, therefore, a sales specialist is needed to perform this function. His responsibilities will include attracting clients and working with them, as well as advertising support for the project and analyzing the effectiveness of using the advertising budget.

Promotion is carried out in various ways. The advertising budget is 30,000 rubles and consists of the following types of costs:

Creation of a product catalog (commercial offer) and printing of advertising material (including business cards) - 10,000;

Direct marketing is a way to increase sales by sending commercial letters to potential customers. Effective direct marketing is ensured by narrowing the target audience and a well-designed mailing list that may interest the client. The same group of expenses includes the costs of Internet promotion, call-promotion and transportation costs - 20,000 rubles.

Participation in various thematic fairs and business events is also expected.

The competitiveness of the project is ensured by high Quality products. In all promotional events, attention is focused on the merits of purchasing goods from a domestic manufacturer (saving transportation costs, lower prices, reduced risk of supply disruption, guarantees, flexible system discounts, high quality products, which is achieved by reducing delivery times).

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When planning the volume of sales, production capacity should be taken into account, since the maximum volume of production depends on the area of \u200b\u200bthe greenhouses, growing conditions, varieties of greenery, etc.

The maximum production volume is based on a greenhouse area of \u200b\u200b50 sq. m., an average ripening period of 30 days and an average yield of salad crops - up to 4 kg per 1 sq. m. In total, the annual yield of the greenhouse will be about 2400 kg per year, and 200 kg per month. This indicator should be guided by when planning the volume of sales.

How much can you earn from growing greenery? With an established sales system and an average retail price of 200 rubles. sales volume will amount to 40,000 rubles per month. In winter, when the prices of greens increase significantly, the monthly income can double.


How to start a greenery business from scratch? The project organization algorithm involves the following stages:

    Register a business as an LLC or individual entrepreneur;

    Decide on the place and technology for growing greens;

    Purchase specialized equipment;

    Hire skilled workers;

    Plant seed.

Let's dwell on each point in more detail.

Organizing a greenery growing business includes the following steps:

1) Registration with government agencies. This project focuses on growing greenery and positions itself as a personal backyard farm. Its activities are tax-free and do not require registration. This option is suitable for small production, which plans to cooperate with small distributors.

The enterprise is located on a personal garden plot of 50 sq. meters, located in the Rostov region. The city of Rostov-on-Don is located 25 km from the enterprise. Because the area of \u200b\u200bthe site does not exceed 2 hectares, for organizing a business it is enough to get only a certificate from the local administration that this site belongs to you and is used for growing greenery. With small production volumes, it is not necessary to register as an entrepreneur: in this case, you sell the products yourself or hand them over to dealers at wholesale prices. If in the future it is planned to sell products through grocery stores or vegetable stores, business registration will be required.

2) Production technology. The production technology provides for the creation of two greenhouses (total area - 50 square meters), the use of irrigation equipment. The process of planting seedlings, some care operations, as well as harvesting are carried out manually. The production cycle should be planned on the assumption that the first harvest is expected 30-40 days after transplanting.

There are different technologies for growing greens in a greenhouse:

Hydroponics (growing plants without soil in liquid media using fertilizers). The cost of 1 installation of hydroponics is about 1,500 rubles. for one installation;

- "intermediate" (peat, hydroponics and ordinary soil are used). This method is 3 times more expensive than conventional hydroponics.

There are also various types of soil that can be used in conjunction with hydroponics. Each soil has its own characteristics (table 3).

Table 3. Types of soil for greenhouse cultivation of greenery

Soil type

The cost

no unpleasant odor, plants do not rot, low price

require care (must be filled with hot water and placed in a container).

from 300 rubles. for 1 cubic meter

high availability

needs an introduction of various fertilizers and nutrients.

from 700 rubles for 1 cubic meter

Expanded clay

Moisture-retaining, lightweight, affordable price

does not contain nutrients, therefore it is necessary to fertilize regularly

from 1400 rub. for 1 cubic meter

practical economical option, good air permeability

heavy and does not retain moisture.

from 50 rubles. per kg

Coconut flakes

eco-friendly, durable, versatile primer

high price.

from 100 rubles. per kg


retains moisture for a long time, allows water to pass through, does not harm plants

high price

from 1500 rub. per kg

The choice of soil depends on many factors, including the characteristics of growing crops, from which the assortment is formed. The peculiarities of growing the selected types of greens are reflected in table 4.

Table 4. Features of growing various types of greens

Type of greenery

Growing features

    After germination, it takes about 25-30 days to harvest.

    Watering is needed abundant and frequent, and after cutting, fertilizing with fertilizers is required.

    When it is cloudy, additional lighting is needed, in winter we also supplement it with phytolamps (3-4 hours)

    Seeds germinate for 2-3 weeks, harvesting 40-50 days after germination

    Short shelf life, requires additional lighting in winter

    Shoots 5-7 days; harvesting - after 10-12 days.


    After cutting the leaves, you need top dressing

    Harvesting in 25-30 days

    Does not require special conditions and special care, but to increase yields, onions need to be regularly watered and fed with fertilizers

3) Purchase of equipment. Another important question when implementing a business project is how to choose a greenhouse for growing greenery? The construction of a greenhouse is a very important stage in the organization of this business. The quality of the products, and hence the success of the business, depends on how high-quality and technologically competent the greenhouse will be designed by 60-70%.

For growing greenery at home all year round, capital structures on a reliable foundation are suitable. The most efficient greenhouse system for growing greenery is a thermos greenhouse. This design, due to the double cover and the solar collector, eliminates the need for heating. Greenhouses with a frame made of wood, covering (roof - polycarbonate, walls - thick film) with a total area of \u200b\u200b50 sq.m. will cost, on average, 60-70 thousand rubles.

The volume of investments required to create greenhouses is 122,000 rubles. Of these, 80,000 rubles. - funds for the construction of greenhouses, and 42,000 rubles. - purchase of greenhouse equipment, the list of which is given in table 5.

Industrial greenhouses most often use hydroponic technology. They can significantly save space and reduce the cost of finished products. Plants are grown in liquid nutrient solutions, without the use of soil. The cost of a set of hydroponics for a greenhouse is about 70,000 rubles. For soil cultivation, greenhouses should be equipped with a drip irrigation system. The cost automatic system drip irrigation for greenhouses with an area of \u200b\u200b150 sq.m. - 12,000 rubles.

Lighting for greenhouses is provided by LED lamps, which have spectral characteristics that are completely identical to sunlight. Thanks to this, the normal process of photosynthesis in plants is ensured. In addition, LED lamps save up to 60% energy and do not heat up.

Table 5. List of farm equipment

The cost also includes the purchase of seeds, but you can grow them yourself, which will help you save money. You should also provide for the cost of biofertilizers - this cost item will amount to 7,000 rubles.

4) Search for sales channels for products. The green business will only generate stable profits throughout the year if distribution channels are in place. Therefore, it is necessary to pay special attention to the stage of searching for clients and establishing commercial cooperation. Wholesale of greenery is the best option sales organization. The basis for successful sales is competent price policy and a flexible system of work with clients.

5) Selection of personnel. At the first stages of work, an entrepreneur can perform all actions on his own. He will need help in the future. sales representativewho will look for new distribution channels for the products, as well as an assistant working in the greenhouse.


In the first year of operation, it is planned that the entrepreneur will independently organize the production process. It is allowed to attract third-party assistants at certain stages (for example, during a period of high sales).


The financial plan takes into account all the income and expenses of the greenhouse economy, the planning horizon is 2 years. Business expansion is planned after this period.

To launch the project, it is necessary to calculate the volume of the initial investment, which includes: the cost of purchasing equipment, advertising promotion on the market, the formation of working capital, due to which losses of the initial periods will be covered.

The initial investment for a greenhouse for growing greenery is 182,000 rubles. Of these, 68% falls on the construction and equipping of greenhouses, advertising - 16%, and working capital - 16%. The project is funded by equity capital... The main items of investment costs are shown in Table 6.

Table 6. Investment costs

Variable costs consist of the consumed capacity for irrigation, heating, as well as consumables (seedlings, fertilizers, etc.). In this case, utility costs are classified as variables. It is also necessary to calculate the production cost. Practice shows that the cost of growing greenery is 10-60 rubles (depending on the culture). To simplify financial calculations, the value of variable costs is calculated as the average cost of growing greenery - 25 rubles.

Fixed costs consist of advertising costs, depreciation charges, and biofertilizer costs. Lack of staff allows you to eliminate staff costs. The amount of depreciation deductions is determined on a straight-line basis, based on the useful life of fixed assets of 3 years.

Table 7. Monthly expenses

Thus, fixed monthly expenses were determined in the amount of 17,000 rubles.


The payback period of the project with an initial investment of 202,000 rubles is 10 months. The net monthly profit of the project upon reaching the planned sales volume will be 18,000 rubles. The planned sales volume is planned for the fifth month of work. Return on sales in the first year of operation - 47.8%. High profitability is achieved due to the high mark-up on products. Annual volume net profit for the first year of implementation will amount to 245,575 rubles.


To assess the risk component of a project for greenhouse growing of roses, it is necessary to analyze the external and internal factors... External factors include threats related to the economic situation in the country, sales markets. Internal - the effectiveness of the organization.

Among the internal risks, the following stand out:

Greens are perishable goods that cannot be stored for a long time. In order to avoid losses, it is necessary to constantly monitor the market and forecast demand;

Errors in estimating sales volumes, which may lead to product disposal. It is possible to reduce the likelihood of this risk by creating a well-functioning sales system for products;

Product quality that does not meet the declared requirements and market requirements: constant monitoring of quality and identification of deviations is required (non-compliance with technology or low-quality seed);

Errors in the process of growing products, on which the quality of products and yields depend. Reducing the risk will allow constant monitoring and competent work in greenhouses.

External factors include:

The presence of a variety of pests that can not only spoil, but also completely destroy the crop. This can be avoided by providing constant protection from pests;

Climatic conditions that complicate the process of growing products and entail additional expenses (in the case of a cold winter - for warming the room, in the case of a dry, hot summer - for watering). This risk is most specific to this type of business and is hardly manageable. The only thing that an entrepreneur should do in this case is to have a stock moneyto promptly respond to the problem and eliminate it;

High level of competition in the market. It is possible to reduce this risk with thoughtful marketing strategy and the achievement of certain competitive advantages (due to a more favorable price, special conditions, guarantees, additional services);

Termination of cooperation, entailing financial losses (reduced profits, increased costs for finding new partners, etc.) This problem can occur due to inadequate product quality, disruption of supplies, the emergence of a competitor who is ready to offer more favorable conditions. One way or another, an entrepreneur must always take this risk into account and create such conditions of cooperation that would be beneficial to both parties.

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In addition, the state provides support to this area in order to develop agriculture. Starting a business itself does not take much time, since it is possible to build greenhouses and resolve organizational issues in just a couple of months. Therefore, with certain knowledge and skills, it is quite possible to turn the greenhouse sphere into a source of income.

What to grow?

Before choosing the type of greenhouse, purchasing technical equipment and solving other issues related to the organization of a business, you need to decide what products you are going to specialize in. Conventionally, the greenhouse business can be divided into three categories based on what you grow:

Flowers. The flower trade is the most profitable branch of the greenhouse business, as these products are in unremitting demand. However, this will require start-up capital, about 4 times the initial investment in other industries, since growing flowers requires more acreage than, for example, growing vegetables.

Greens (onions, parsley, dill, lettuce, celery, basil, etc.). This direction is ideal for beginners. Greens are unpretentious and, with minimal amenities, grows well in almost any climatic conditions. To establish sales of products, it is enough to find retail buyers here.

Vegetables. The most common and in demand greenhouse crops are tomatoes and cucumbers - ideal if an entrepreneur decides to increase the return on his business and relies on wholesale... If you have an agreement with buyers from the restaurant sector, or at least with the owners of cafes, then it makes sense to start growing less common and more whimsical vegetable crops. Of course, their cost will be higher than the cost of the same cucumbers, however, the profit will bring more significant.

Exotic cultures. Although this direction is promisingly profitable, it is categorically not recommended for beginners, since it requires serious knowledge and expensive technical equipment. In addition, due to the whimsicality of cultures, atypical for the Russian climate, an entrepreneur is likely to risk losing his investment.

When making the final decision about the crops planted, you should carry out marketing research regional market in order to assess the feasibility, see which crops are most in demand, and build a pricing policy. In addition, take into account the climatic features of your location, as well as the remoteness of the growing area from potential buyers, since the heavier the product and the more demanding it is to storage conditions, the more difficult it will be to organize delivery.

Technical equipment

The most important element of the technical equipment of your site is, of course, the greenhouse (or greenhouses). The choice of type here depends primarily on which business format you prefer - seasonal or year-round. Seasonal cultivation is more economical and greenhouses suitable for this format can be divided into two types:

Film. The most economical option that Russian summer residents usually build "for the summer". The film is extremely low cost and can be easily replaced in case of damage. The main disadvantages are the fragility of polyethylene and a small throughput - that is, the plants in the greenhouse will not receive enough light for photosynthesis, so it will be necessary to periodically open the greenhouse door (when the weather permits).

Glass. For a long time, they were most popular with small farmers, since they allowed them to provide higher productivity than polyethylene counterparts. Glass greenhouses can be operated from early spring to late autumn (and with certain technical equipment - even in winter), they better keep the required temperature and let up to 90% of the sun light through. However, glass is also fragile and does not always withstand too low temperatures, and replacing cracked fragments will cost much more.

As for year-round cultivation, only the use of polycarbonate greenhouses is acceptable here. Having come into wide use relatively recently, this material, the heat capacity of which is several times higher than that of glass and polyethylene, immediately became popular with both summer residents and farmers. Polycarbonate is 8 times lighter than glass and 250 times stronger, which increases the life of the greenhouse significantly. In addition, polycarbonate greenhouses do not require the obligatory construction of a foundation, unlike glass counterparts (however, if you want to increase the productivity of your business, then you should not abandon the flooring). Erection polycarbonate greenhouse industrial type 6 meters wide, 6 meters long and 3.3 meters high will cost about 140,000 rubles. Each increase in length by 2 meters will cost about 30,000 rubles.

In addition to greenhouses, you will also need:

Irrigation system. The price depends on the complexity, the simplest option is drip (with a hose 20 meters long it will cost about 1,000 rubles).

Heating equipment and lighting systems. Practice has shown that the most convenient heating option is air heating - that is, the supply of warm air with the help of a heat generator through the openings of the duct pipe, which is installed along the perimeter of the greenhouse. It should be borne in mind that the payment of the costs associated with lighting and heating greenhouses will account for up to 90% of the flow costs.

Agricultural implements.

How to grow?

The most common way to grow greenhouse products is through a hydroponic system. It is distinguished by high performance indicators - one growing cycle takes 2-3 weeks, and the yield is 2-3 tons of products per hectare. These indicators are 5-10 times higher than the figures that can be achieved when using traditional way cultivation, that is, fertilizers - at the same time, hydroponics is less expensive and can be used both in small farms and in industrial greenhouses. However, it should be remembered that vegetables grown using hydroponics lose their taste significantly, which reduces the demand for products.

Land issue.

The greenhouse economy requires land areas. If you already own the land, then no additional difficulties are expected, if not, then you need to purchase it or rent it. In some regions, municipalities provide subsidies for these purposes in support of agricultural entrepreneurship. If we talk about specific rental prices, then the range is very wide and depends on the specific region - from 10,000 rubles per "one hundred square meters" to 90,000 per hectare. As for the size, a small area of \u200b\u200b3-4 "acres" may be enough to launch a small-scale business.

Documents and certificates

If the land on which you are going to build greenhouses is already your property, and you are not going to hire help workers and sell the grown products through stores and supply them to establishments general food, then the only document that you will need is a certificate that you are the owner of the land. In other cases, you should register as a business entity, and here there are two options: traditional individual entrepreneurship (IP) and a peasant farm (KFH). When registering an individual entrepreneur, an application is provided established sample, passport and TIN of the applicant and a receipt for payment of the state duty in the amount of 800 rubles. When registering a farm, an application, an agreement on the creation of a farm, a passport of the head of a farm and documents confirming the relationship or property of the head and other members of the farm and a receipt for payment of a state duty of 800 rubles are needed. The main difference between individual entrepreneurs and peasant farms is that with the latter option, the business entity has the right to count on certain benefits from the state.

In addition to the certificate of registration as a business entity, an entrepreneur who decides to stop growing vegetables should also receive an environmental certificate of conformity for their products. Obtaining this certificate will cost from 55,000 rubles and will take enough for a long time, however, it will significantly increase the competitiveness of products - now consumers are very picky about what they eat, and make sure that there are no foreign substances in the composition of certain products that stimulate growth, enhance taste or increase shelf life. To get into the trend of "green products", you need to go through several stages of environmental certification:

Build package required documents (certificate of registration of an entrepreneur, a free-form application, TU of certified products, GOST R certificate of conformity (if any), full package technical documentation) and submit them to the registration center. This list may vary depending on what type of product is undergoing the certification procedure:

Wait until the certification center makes a decision on the application (for this, specialists need to conduct a thorough analysis of the documentation provided).

In case of prior consent, the registration center specialists conduct an audit production process, take samples of samples and carry out laboratory tests, on the basis of which a decision is made to issue an environmental certificate of conformity or refusal to provide one.


The average profitability of the greenhouse business can reach from 15% to 25%. However, this indicator is extremely average, since it depends on the combination of many factors, in particular on climatic conditions region, on the length of the off-season and, of course, on the type of products grown. So, growing greenery is four times more profitable than growing vegetables. The payback period of the initial investment is on average 1-2 years.

More recently, in our country, the bulk of the population lived in countryside... Until the 90s, there were many collective farms that provided the domestic market with a significant part of the necessary agricultural products.

However, now the situation has changed dramatically, and the shortage of such goods began to be felt quite strongly, therefore vegetables and meat have recently been purchased in large quantities in other countries. In this regard, the demand for products manufactured within the Russian Federation remains quite high, because they do not require additional processing for a longer transportation.

Market analysis

Before starting to organize a business, you need to have a clear understanding of the conditions for conducting this type of activity. There are a number of important factors to consider:

  • Market saturation with products... It so happens that in some regions this market is quite saturated, and in the early stages it will be quite difficult to find your niche.
  • The presence of competitors and their pricing policy - analyzes large and small producers in a particular region or area, their production volumes.
  • Search for ways to sell - an important component of any business, because sometimes even high quality products at a low price are difficult to sell. It is necessary to identify potential buyers in advance, perhaps even hold a series of business meetings with them. You can offer grown vegetables grocery stores, vegetable bases, large wholesalers, etc.

Production plan

To organize a greenhouse, you need a land plot, which can be purchased or rented. Prices vary depending on the region and distance from large settlements.

Some regions have different support programs russian entrepreneurs, within which you can purchase plots with a large discount or get them for rent free of charge, subject to certain conditions. In order to find out, it is necessary to study federal and local laws.

The choice of a crop for growing depends on several factors: its simplicity, yield, and the cost of finished products.

Growing can be considered profitable dill - this plant is completely unpretentious, you can also choose radish or parsley, other herbs... Do not forget about cucumbers, onions and tomatoes... Particular attention should be paid to the winter harvest, when traditionally the prices for these vegetables increase several times.

For example, at the end of 2015, the retail price of cucumbers in the Central Federal District reached 285 rubles / kg. However, it should be borne in mind that this price is final and includes all margins. The wholesale price at which a large batch of cucumbers can be sold can range from 100 to 180 rubles / kg, depending on the quality of the product and the variety. The wholesale price of dill in the Central Federal District can reach 180 rubles / kg. If you supply the goods to the stores yourself, bypassing the wholesalers, you can sell them at a higher price.

Financial plan

An approximate cost estimate might look like this:

  • Purchase of a finished polycarbonate greenhouse (2 pcs.) - 70,000 rubles.
  • Other expenses: seeds - 6,000, gardening tools - 5,000, heating system - 11,000.
  • Purchases intended to ensure the functioning of the greenhouse: order coal (this is the cheapest fuel) - 10,000 a year, fluorescent lamps - about 15,000 rubles, fertilizers - 3,000 rubles / year.
  • Wage assistant - 120,000 rubles / year.

Total expenses in the first year of operation: 240,000 rubles.Expenses for the second and subsequent years: 139,000 rubles.

Also, the cost of the costs includes the rent for the site. But we do not include this value in the calculation, since we conditionally assume that the entrepreneur is the owner of the land.

Income calculation:

  • Suppose that in just a year, 2 tons of onions were grown and sold from two greenhouses at an average price of 120 rubles / kg. Total proceeds amounted to 240,000 rubles. Thus, there was no net profit in the first year.
  • IN next year with the same volume, the profit will be 240,000 - 139,000 \u003d 101,000 rubles.

The industry average profitability is 30-40%.

Organizational plan

For the organization of activities, it is best to choose an individual entrepreneur, because this allows you to reduce the cost of preparing and submitting reports, simplifies the maintenance of documentation.

It takes 5 working days for the tax office. To do this, you must appear at the Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service with a passport, TIN and fill out an application of the established form. You will also need to pay a state fee, which is 800 rubles.

When registering, it is important to choose a convenient taxation system. It is best to choose a simplified system. This will significantly reduce the level of taxes.

Availability of employees is optional. Usually, an assistant is needed to maintain documentation, submit accounting and other reports, or an auxiliary worker to help carry out the main work.

Detailed information on the technology of this activity can be gleaned from the following video:

Marketing plan, product sales

It is important to think in advance on how to sell products. There are several possible options:

  • Vegetable stores - with their help, you can quickly sell a large volume of products, but at a low price.
  • Wholesale warehouses that sell vegetables to stores.
  • Objects retail - the most profitable option, however, the volume of supply may be small, so it is necessary to look for several such points as regular buyers.
  • Restaurants and cafes.

The business requires virtually no advertising. Products are sold here through wholesale channels, and the main factor is the price and quality of the products.

Risk analysis

The risks of this type of business are mainly associated with the process of growing products:

  • Many people grow cucumbers from the beginning of February to the end of November, because working from November to January can be associated with increased heating costs, and in the event of prolonged frosts, you can lose your harvest.
  • The presence of pests. There are some types that are difficult to eliminate even with the use of pesticides.
  • Lack of literacy of an entrepreneur in the field of agriculture. Basic knowledge is required to grow vegetables. Errors in maintaining the correct humidity or temperature can significantly degrade yields or lead to a complete loss of production.
  • Insufficient study of sales routes. The removed vegetables and greens are rather perishable products, so they need to be sold as soon as possible. The absence of customers for some reason can lead to loss of yield.

Farming is a very rewarding and profitable field of activity. In this area, many pay attention to a business project for the cultivation of vegetable crops. Profitability similar business determined by different approaches to its organization.

The modern world offers many options, however, not all entrepreneurs have an idea of \u200b\u200bhow to do everything. By resorting to the help of specialists, you can significantly reduce the risks of a future project, take into account all the shortcomings and develop the strengths of your business. The profit will depend on many components. But it is important to understand that the effort and time spent will not be in vain.

Business plan for growing vegetables in a greenhouse

The owners of land plots, amateur gardeners, experienced agronomists can become the founders of such a business. The main thing is knowledge in the field of growing vegetables or berries.

There are 2 ways of doing agricultural business:

  • Conditions of private land;
  • Growing vegetable crops in large volumes on an industrial scale.

Harvesting of ripe fruits begins with the onset of summer and until the end of autumn, but the modern equipment of greenhouses with technological structures allows you to get a full harvest all year round.

You can grow fresh herbs, tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage, eggplant, potatoes, bell peppers, melons. It should be noted that organizing a business for growing strawberries in artificial conditions is a rather promising enterprise.

The profitability of the greenhouse business is a major issue. It should be realized that the income from the greenhouse is determined by the choice of the plants grown, the demand for fruits, experience, and the skill of the worker himself. However, if experience in caring for greens, berries, vegetables is completely absent, you can plant flowers, conifers, and other types of plants.

You can start a garden business with small volumes. This will allow you to give a real assessment of your capabilities, as well as determine consumer demand for certain types vegetables, berries.

Is the greenhouse business profitable?

To determine the size of the future production of vegetables, you should decide on their type. The direction of the business project itself will depend on this.

If the "warm garden" will produce a small amount of fruit, then the plan can be carried out on your own garden plot. If the scale is much wider, then the best solution would be to rent a land plot. Special attention must be paid to the soil, since the quality of the soil itself determines the quality of the grown product. The soil requires proper annual fertilization, then it will remain fertile for a long time. If a qualitative indicators the soil is far from ideal, you can start it immediately after the construction of the greenhouse structure.

We draw up a business plan for vegetables ourselves

Any kind commercial activities implies having your own business plan. It will allow you to take into account all aspects even before implementation, which will avoid wasting money along with possible errors.

Key aspects:

1. Seasonality of use. Determination of this moment will allow you to choose the right materials for organizing a greenhouse economy, its dimensions, design, and technical equipment. It is a known fact that the profit from growing berries, herbs and vegetables increases dramatically in winter, reaching 200%.

2. Watering, heating systems. The final consumption figures depend on the definition of their type.

3. Workers. When running a small farm, cultivating the land on your own is not difficult. Large greenhouses require approximately 1 person per staff for 2-3 sections. Wages are usually set based on production.

4. The quality, volume of products produced is proportional to the cost of seedlings and seed material.

5. Type of lighting. The equipment is a fluorescent lamp with an economical energy consumption.

6. Fertilizers, treatments for pests and diseases.

Everyone wants to save on employees, electricity, equipment, if they count on their own strength. Only not everyone can do it.

Plan your expenses. Calculate how much investment will be required. Several options can be compared. For example, heating with gas, electricity or household waste. Irrigation can be drip, manual sprinkling or special nozzles. Lighting, of course, is mandatory in winter and in the mid-season, here you will have to adhere to general recommendations.

To determine the average income in the future, it is enough to take into account the average cost of the fruit on the market, the cost of its growth. Establishing a permanent sales line is important here.

Drawing up a high-quality business project to organize a greenhouse business can be entrusted to a specialist. However, an independent study of all the nuances of the event will bring results, because every entrepreneur is interested in saving money and promising the development of his business.

Making a greenhouse: materials, types

The greenhouse is a frame with a different kind of coating: film, polycarbonate, glass. The main materials for the manufacture of the frame are wood, metal. A greenhouse can be profitable year-round if you use more durable materials instead of foil. These include frames made of metal with a polycarbonate coating. But it is best to use glass that can withstand wind loads, snow pressure in winter and retain heat even in severe frost. The cost of a glass and metal greenhouse is much higher, and many novice entrepreneurs simply cannot afford it.

Greenhouses made of wood and foil

Wooden structures are known to gardeners even before our era, and many invariably use them to this day. The undoubted advantages of such a greenhouse are high strength along with reliability, low price, availability of film, simplicity of construction, ease of use, but fragility is considered a significant disadvantage, the possibility of using it only in the summer.

If the wooden surface is not processed, then it quickly succumbs to the negative effects of temperature, water, dryness. A film material is stretched over the wooden frame, which allows the air to heat up from solar radiation and retain heat. The film is produced in different thicknesses and even with UV protection.

With frosts of about 10 degrees, it will not work to use such a design. But already with a steady spring warmth or early autumn, when night frosts do not exceed 5-6 degrees, you can safely start work (however, you will need a double film coating with an air gap).

Polycarbonate greenhouses

Polycarbonate has high technical characteristics, which are able to ensure a high-quality harvest. It is known that direct sunlight falling on an unprotected plant surface can cause irreparable harm to it. The structural feature of this material is a honeycomb that evenly scatters direct sunlight. At the same time, its strength is so high that it can withstand a weight of about 100 kg / 1 m².

Polycarbonate greenhouses are successfully used in winter, when there is heavy snowfall, they keep the air warm well, which is the main condition for the proper growth of vegetable and berry species. Other advantages of polycarbonate structures include fire resistance, resistance to sudden changes in temperature conditions.

If you choose the desired shade, then it becomes possible to regulate the ingress of sunlight into the greenhouse. This will work for some plants that only grow in low light conditions. There is a wide range of polycarbonates on the market in various shades. Availability is justified by the unusually high demand. But here it is important to take care of a strong frame so that in winter it does not bend under the pressure of snow.

Metal greenhouse structures

The metal itself is durable, its service life is quite long. With the correct installation of the frame, observance of the rules of use, the duration of the greenhouse's service will increase significantly. In addition, the metal is able to withstand heavy loads, and a structure made of a metal frame with polycarbonate sheets will generally last more than 10 years.

Technical equipment and communications

To obtain a high-quality harvest, the agrotechnology of the selected crop should be followed. The intensity and time of illumination, the amount and abundance of watering, the type of fertilizers and fungicides, and pest control will depend on this.

Technical convenience is very important when caring for plants. Modern opportunities allow you to use scientific advances, avoiding manual labor, which is suitable for large agricultural enterprises. The greenhouse business is impossible without special devices and systems. Their installation is considered the main component in the total amount of all costs.

These include:

  • heating system;
  • irrigation equipment;
  • lighting, lamps.


Connect the electrical wiring in compliance with safety measures. After all, it is a competent approach to complex matters that will ensure a regular supply of electricity all year round. The site must have the necessary facilities to install the equipment. Make sure the power line is connected to the leased area.

A greenhouse heating system can be different:

  • gas;
  • electric;
  • solid fuel (manufacturing is carried out independently or has a factory origin).

Small greenhouses can be equipped with an electric heating system. Greenhouse farms medium size is best heated with gas. Before the construction of greenhouse equipment, it is better to immediately learn about the possibility of gas, electric supply.

Solid fuel boilers were especially popular. Such heating began to be used a long time ago, then it was replaced by gas, electrical systems. Boilers require small investments, and are used when financial resources are limited. Economy, year-round availability of solid fuels are the main advantages. It is possible to construct such a heating system in a handicraft way. Many summer residents who know the basics of construction will be able to install it themselves and heat the greenhouse with firewood or ordinary garbage.

Summing up

There is no exact structured recommendation in the organization of greenhouse production of horticultural crops. It is possible to make only rough forecasts of the development of the project. It is important to take into account the opinion of professionals, the experience of other gardeners, summer residents, amateur gardeners. A properly organized event, a rational approach, a desire to be realized, the development of skills, experience can bring success to your business.