At what temperature can a live chicken freeze. What temperature do chickens withstand in winter? Video: how chickens winter in a polycarbonate greenhouse

In large poultry farms, chickens rush all year roundand in household productivity greatly decreases with the onset of cold weather. Obviously, the temperature in the hen house affects the egg production of birds. In order for birds to continue to provide eggs to poultry farmers in winter, it is necessary to create good conditions for them.

The dependence of the productivity of layers on the temperature of the content

Chickens lay eggs for offspring. Their productivity peaks in the spring and summer. At this time, the best conditions are created for raising young animals - there is an abundance of food around, and it is warm outside. In autumn, the hormonal background in layers is rebuilt, molting begins. In nature, birds do not breed in winter, so their egg production decreases.

External conditions - a decrease in ambient temperature and a decrease in the length of the day - serve as a signal for the cessation of egg-laying for chickens. If the birds are kept in a cold poultry house, they will certainly respond to changes in temperature by reducing egg production. That is why poultry farmers try to create conditions for them in which the chickens would feel comfortable and continue to rush.

At what temperature do chickens run well?

For most breeds of chickens, a keeping temperature in the range from +15 to +25 degrees is suitable. At such values \u200b\u200bof the mercury column, they continue to lay eggs as usual, but provided that the daylight hours are 12-13 hours.

Important! In winter, the thermometer should not fall below the minimum value. Otherwise, the birds will not only have a decrease in egg production, but also a threat to their health.

To create suitable conditions for birds, you need to take into account the climatic features of the area. IN southern regions the chicken coop may not even be insulated for the winter. In the central zone and northern regions of Russia, it is necessary to use heating devices in order to maintain the desired temperature regime.

At what temperature to keep chickens, it also depends on their breed. Representatives of breeds, well acclimatized to the Russian winter, feel comfortable and rush when the temperature in the poultry house fluctuates between + 7 ... + 12 degrees.

Preparing the chicken coop for winter

The farmer must prepare in advance for the onset of cold weather. Before the start of the first frosts, they begin to warm the house. Various materials are used for cladding the premises, differing from each other in structure, density and cost:

  • styrofoam;
  • mineral wool;
  • penoplex;
  • foil-clad penofol is the most economical option.

Insulation of the chicken coop

The walls are sheathed from the outside, and if necessary, from the inside with the selected material. Plastic panels or slate sheets are laid on top of the insulation. The roof is inspected for cracks and leaks. Problematic places are being repaired. If there is an attic above the poultry house, a dense layer of straw is laid in it, then the cold will not penetrate into the room through the roof.

Particular attention is paid to the insulation of windows. The existing gaps are sealed with foam rubber or cotton wool. Many farmers tighten the window openings from the inside with thick polyethylene or hang them with old bedspreads. It is advisable to sheathe the ceiling from the inside with clapboard or boards.

Using deep bedding

A thick mat of straw, peat and sawdust is laid on the floor. It absorbs moisture well and retains heat. The recommended layer thickness is at least 20 cm. As use is made, the material is tossed every 5–7 days. Once a month, farmers renew the litter by adding a 10 cm layer, and it is completely replaced in the spring and autumn.

Attention! As a result of the activity of microorganisms, the deep litter heats up to 30 degrees, so that the chickens do not freeze. However, it emits harmful fumes of ammonia and hydrogen sulfide, so ventilation must be provided in the chicken coop.

Room heating methods

In regions where winters are harsh, farmers use different methods to heat the house. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Household heaters

The easiest way to keep your coop warm is by using an electric heater. They are of several types:

  • oil;
  • convector;
  • heaters.

Modern equipment is equipped with a heat sensor that automatically reacts to a drop in air temperature and turns on the device. By setting the thermostat to the desired value, the breeder can be sure that the birds will not freeze. The main drawback of this heating method is the impressive electricity bills.

Gas heating

It is unprofitable to buy gas equipment and pay for its installation if the farm is small. Heating of premises with gas is used mainly in large poultry farms. Another disadvantage of this method of keeping warm, in addition to the high cost, is the need for control by the farmer and elevated level danger. If there is a problem with the gas equipment, you will have to bear additional expenses for boiler maintenance and repair.

Stove-potbelly stove

Stove heating is the cheapest heating method; it is widely used in villages. Using this method assumes the presence of a chimney in the hen house and the observance of safety recommendations.

The disadvantage of stove heating is the need to stock up on a sufficient amount of firewood or coal and monitor the combustion process.

Infrared heaters

Modern farmers actively use infrared heaters to heat poultry houses. They heat not only the air, but also the objects in the room. Such devices are also equipped with a thermal sensor. Having set the desired mode, you don't have to worry about the birds - the temperature in the hen house will remain within normal limits.

IR heaters are economical in terms of energy consumption. To heat a chicken coop for 10–20 chickens, you need a 500 W device. Another advantage of such equipment is the ability to mount to a wall or ceiling. Birds will not be able to get close to the heater.

Infrared lamps

In addition to heaters, there are also infrared lamps. Farmers often use them to heat their chickens. They screw into a standard chuck. Advantages of IR bulbs:

  • low energy consumption;
  • are a source of not only heat, but also light;
  • by heating the air, infrared lamps eliminate excess moisture in the hen house;
  • do not burn oxygen;
  • the soft glow soothes birds and increases productivity.

Attention! One IR lamp with a power of 250 W effectively heats an area of \u200b\u200b10–12 m2. To distribute the heat evenly, it is recommended to use several lower wattage bulbs in different parts of the house.

Water heating

This heating method is available to farmers who have a house adjacent to a residential building. It will not be difficult to heat the chicken coop by pulling the pipe through the wall of the house. You will have to buy a radiator consisting of several sections and pay for equipment installation services.

At what temperature can chickens walk?

Winter walks are useful for chickens. In the absence of exercise in birds, the metabolism and psychological state deteriorate.

Out of boredom, the birds can even start pecking at each other. Experienced poultry farmers regularly release livestock outside even in frosty weather. The only condition is that walks should not be long. The hatch in the hen house is kept ajar so that the birds can return home at any time and warm up.

Attention! Chickens can walk if there is no wind or precipitation outside, and the thermometer is above -8 degrees.

Daylight hours and egg production

Even if the farmer takes care of heating the chicken coop, the egg production of chickens in winter may decrease due to the short daylight hours. To prevent this, lamps with conventional incandescent lamps are installed in the poultry house. Their power should not exceed 40 watts.

Attention! If the poultry farmer uses infrared lamps for heating, then there is no need for additional lighting.

Chickens run well when the day lasts at least 12-13 hours. It is this regime that needs to be installed in the chicken coop. When it gets dark outside, farmers turn on the lights for 4-5 hours. It is important to correctly position the light sources. Nests should be located in shaded areas of the house. It is best to install lights above the perches where birds like to rest.

Breeds of chickens that are not afraid of the cold and rush in winter

Breeders have bred a number of chicken breeds that tolerate cold well and do not stop rushing in winter. They share common characteristics:

  • small size of the comb and earrings - these do not freeze in the cold;
  • dense dense plumage with lush underfur;
  • fleshy body constitution.

Attention! For life in a chicken coop without the possibility of regular walking, breeds with a calm character are suitable.

List of cold-resistant chicken breeds:

  • brama;
  • wyandot;
  • australorp;
  • langshan;
  • plymouth Rock.

Having taken care of the warming of the poultry house in the fall, the farmer can be sure that the chickens will not freeze, and if their egg production will decrease, it will only slightly. The main thing is not to allow the temperature in the hen house to drop below +15 degrees in winter, although some breeds of chickens continue to rush even at lower thermometer readings. It is equally important to ensure the lighting in the house and provide the birds with adequate nutrition.

The desire of poultry farmers to get as many eggs from layers as possible is natural and understandable. However, especially relevant this question for those who wish to increase the profitability of their economy, build a real (albeit small) business. For this reason, it is imperative to know how to keep laying hens in winter, since it is during this period that the effectiveness of laying is reduced.

In addition, proper care of layers is important, because nature has not provided for the reproductive instinct for the winter, which means that egg-laying may be minimal or even zero if you do nothing.

On a note! Winter is a very tricky time of the year, and therefore, you should properly equip the area for walking. Draft and wind should not harm the birds.

First of all, remove all snow from the walking area. But the main thing is that chicken walking is prohibited at temperatures below -10 ° C. Although even if the temperature is higher, the walk should last a maximum of 15 minutes. If the outside temperature drops below -15 ° C, then airing must be postponed altogether.

Features of keeping chickens in winter and heating the chicken coop

Keeping hens in winter pays off entirely, provided that all the rules are followed. And it is not surprising, because in winter the average cost of eggs increases several times due to the shortage. So, if you keep laying hens in a hen house at a temperature of at least + 15 ° C, then you will receive at least 30 eggs from each bird every month. Maintaining this temperature is the best way to cost-effectively keep your flock and get the most out of your chickens.

Winter is also the best time to build new nests, which can be located both in the depths of the chicken coop, and separately from it. Chickens - however, like all birds - love secluded corners, and if there are such, they begin to rush intensively. Thanks to new nests arranged in this way, layers will be more comfortable in winter, and overall egg production will increase markedly.

On a note! Also, the room for winter keeping chickens must be spacious. To calculate the required area, you only need to know the number of livestock (1 m² for 2-3 chickens).

If you ignore this moment, you can prepare for a decrease in egg production, since the presence of birds in crowded conditions reduces their vital signs. Also note that in relation to the chicken coop, the rule that winter is the cleanest time of the year does not apply. During this period, layers should always be clean, which means that cleaning should be done more often than in summer. The litter should always be dry (if it is wet, this will lead to the development of respiratory diseases in birds, and chickens are known to be especially prone to this).

Video - Preparing chickens for wintering

What should be the lighting?

At first, eggs were laid by chickens solely for the purpose of procreation, and therefore it is obvious that birds do not have this instinct in winter. But you can "deceive" them and make spring right in, while much will depend on the light. In winter, daylight hours are significantly reduced, but you need to compensate for this deficit with artificial lighting. It is advisable to turn on the lamps from 6 to 9 o'clock (in the morning) and from 18 to 21 (in the evening). However, the duration of daylight hours should be no more than 14 hours, otherwise the birds will not have time to rest, which will negatively affect egg production.

Egg production - several important points

To increase egg production, you must:

  • maintain the optimum temperature in the chicken coop;
  • take care of the correct lighting;
  • provide a balanced diet (more on this later);
  • insulate the nests as much as possible;
  • to ensure the optimal density of livestock (2-3 birds per 1 m² of area).

If you adhere to all these requirements, the laying hens will feel comfortable in winter and delight you with a large number of eggs.

As for heating the chicken coop, this can be done in two ways:

  • natural heating (we are talking about warming the chicken coop, flooring);
  • artificial heating (stove heating, use of IR heaters, heat guns, air heaters, diesel ovens, etc.).

A few words about natural heating

As a rule, the goal of warming a chicken coop is to increase egg production (this indicator depends on heat by about 40%) or a set of muscle mass (the “slaughter” age of birds comes earlier, which means that there is a saving in feed). And if, thanks to natural heating, a temperature of at least + 7-10 ° C (or better + 13-15 ° C) is ensured, then there is definitely nothing to worry about.

Let's consider the main components of natural heating of the house.


Cover the floor of the room with slaked lime (consumption should be 1 kg / 1 m²), top with straw, sawdust or any other insulating material with a maximum of 10 cm layer. Subsequently, when the litter is moistened and trampled, add fresh material, also remember to regularly produce loosening with a pitchfork. Heat will be generated from this layer, which is caused by natural composting processes, and in the spring you will have an efficient one.

Thermal insulation

Insulate windows, doors (with a woven material - for example, an old blanket), walls (with mineral wool or foam) and the floor (with roofing felt or the same mineral wool). All these measures will help protect layers from drafts, and the poultry house itself - from precipitation. In addition, chickens warm themselves - it is only necessary that they eat well.

Video - Heating the chicken coop without fuel

Artificial heating

The most common option today is IR lamps. One IR lamp or, as an option, an IR mirror bulb can heat up to 10-12 m². The advantage of such lighting is that it is not the air that heats up, but the objects and surfaces where the rays fall. In addition, the infrared light dries out the litter and allows you to maintain the required humidity level. The lamp itself may not be switched off at all - its pleasant light has a calming effect on the layers. Finally, oxygen in the house is not burned, the IR lamp is easy to install and change, and its light helps the absorption of food and strengthens the chicken's immunity.

Note! The efficiency of the infrared lamp is quite high - up to 98%. It not only shines, but also heats - about 90% of all energy is spent on heat.

But IR lamps also have disadvantages - first of all, high electricity consumption, short service life, as well as frequent cracking in case of moisture ingress. Although this is more a matter of proper operation and quality of the lighting devices themselves.

Important! When installing such lamps in a chicken coop, remember: they must be located at least 50-100 cm from heated objects! Chickens also like to jump on everything, including lamps, and therefore it is worth taking care of ceramic cartridges and protective fittings in advance.

If the chicken coop is small, a 500 W infrared heater will suffice.

What about stove heating?

The chicken coop can be heated with the help of a "potbelly stove", but this way can hardly be considered ideal. If you install a "potbelly stove" (or a brick stove), you will inevitably face a number of mandatory activities.

These include:

  • insulation of heating elements of the heating unit (hens can burn themselves);
  • constant temperature control in the house;
  • fire safety (especially if the bedding is made of straw, and the room itself is wooden).

You should also pay attention to less popular heating methods, which are nevertheless often used. All of them are listed below.

Table. Less popular ways to heat a chicken coop.

Name, photoApplication features

Safe and smoke-free unit, the required power of which will depend primarily on the area of \u200b\u200bthe chicken coop.

An expensive heating option that can nevertheless provide a permanent temperature.

Can work on wood, paper, shavings. Heating in this case occurs due to air convection, i.e. due to the circulation of cold / heated air streams.

Suitable only for large buildings with high-quality ventilation.

As you can see, there are many methods for heating the chicken coop, and therefore there really is something to choose from.

Winter feeding of hens

IN autumn period laying hens' egg production is high, and therefore nutrition should be appropriate (many vitamins and elements important for the body of birds). In summer, there are no special difficulties with feeding at all. But in winter everything is more serious, because birds practically do not walk in the fresh air, therefore they do not have access to food that they could get on their own.

On a note! Feed the hens in winter three times a day (as much as possible), without removing all sorts of mash and mixed feed from the diet. The grains you use can be crushed to make them easier to digest and benefit the chickens.

Table. Daily ration for laying hens, depending on the season.

In some cases, the grain is given whole - this is how the body extracts heat during digestion. If the winters are cold, this will help keep the hens warm. Also note that it is better to take care of feeding in advance - prepare all the necessary products for the summer and autumn.

Note! Do not spare chalk, pebbles and gravel - hens should eat enough. There is no green grass in winter, and therefore you must take care of an equivalent replacement for greenery.

What can replace it? First of all, pumpkins and zucchini. They contain enough calcium, as well as vitamins. Carrots contain a lot of carotene, which will help to increase egg production and strengthen immunity. All root crops that have been grown in the beds are also suitable for this.

Even in summer you can dry herbs (nettles, for example, or clovers), and in winter hang them in a chicken coop. Pamper your hens with fish oil, meat scraps, and bone meal. Give the birds plenty of warm water.

Video - How to feed hens in winter

Master Class. Drinking bowl for chickens in which water does not freeze

The bottom line is to heat water using a conventional incandescent lamp. It will look something like this.

First, prepare everything you need:

  • trimming galvanized sheets;
  • incandescent lamp 40 W;
  • cord with base (can be found in any old chandelier);
  • pieces of profile for drywall;
  • manual riveter (as an option - you can use bolts).

How to make a box for heating drinkers

Step one... Cut the galvanized sheets to size, and bend the edges with a mallet or hammer.

Step two... Cut out small rectangles from the profile, make 2 holes in each.

Step three... Bend these rectangles into corners to hold the sides of the box together.

Step four... Connect the 3 walls together using a riveter. You can use, as previously noted, regular bolts. But rivets are definitely cheaper.

How to properly attach the cartridge

How to fix the fourth wall with a lamp

It is advisable to use such a device in chicken coops without heating and turn it on when the temperature drops to 0 ° C. If the frosts are really strong, you can use a more powerful light bulb.

As you can see, there is a small cover above the drinker at an angle of 45 ° - it is necessary so that birds do not fly onto the device. And, accordingly, they did not shit in the water they drink.

Winter drinker for chickens

Now you know everything about keeping laying hens in winter. There is really nothing complicated here, but everything needs to be taken care of in advance.

The productivity of laying hens will be better with the proper organization of caring for them in the cold season. The maintenance of laying hens in winter depends on climatic conditions region and breed characteristics.

  • Catering

    Preparations begin long before the cold snap. Make a list of what you need to keep chickens in winter:

    • comfortable conditions that will not affect the change in life;
    • good nutrition;
    • dry room with warm floor covering;
    • additional lighting.

    In winter, the livestock is reduced. Only healthy, hardy individuals are left that have retained their productive qualities. At this time, it is necessary to increase the supply of nutrients. They feed up to 3-4 times a day.

    High-quality fiber-rich feeding allows the laying hens to produce the optimal amount of energy needed to heat the body.

    in order to organize the full maintenance of chickens in winter at home, the diet should include:

    • wet mash of cereal porridge;
    • boiled root vegetables;
    • pumpkin;
    • hay from herbs, mainly deciduous plants;
    • sunflower seed and cake;
    • fish and meat and bone meal;
    • for broilers use special chicken feed, adapted to age.

    It is supposed to introduce fish oil into the diet. Adult give 2.5 ml / day. the course is 10-20 days. Fish oil continues to be given throughout the winter period at monthly intervals.

    Home preparation

    The poultry house must be insulated in advance. The preparation of the room in which the chickens will live includes the following steps:

    • high-quality cleaning and disinfection of the premises;
    • checking the functionality of the ventilation system;
    • repair of equipment in the chicken coop;
    • wall and floor insulation;
    • organization of additional lighting.

    so that the temperature always remains at the optimal level, install 2-3 thermometers in convenient places and check the readings several times a day. If there is a risk of severe cold snap in the house, it is worth setting additional devices for heating, safe for laying hens.

    The health of chickens is affected not only by temperature, but also by humidity. The optimal rate is 70%. During winter, nests and poles should be at least 60 cm from the floor.

    Daylight hours in winter are shortened. Daylight hours for laying hens in winter is 13 hours. Each square meter will require 5 watts of additional light from fluorescent lamps. You need to turn on the light at the same time in order to develop a reflex in layers.

    Caring for chickens in winter involves insulating floors by laying warm litter. In this regard, straw, hay, sawdust are well suited. It serves as an additional source of heat. The top layer is changed daily as it gets wet. The droppings react with the litter to generate additional heat. to avoid the appearance of mold, the lower layers of the litter are turned over every 3 days with a pitchfork.

    Organization of wintering without a capital chicken coop

    Depending on what temperature the chickens can withstand, they can be kept in polycarbonate greenhouses. An empty greenhouse in the country is the best option for wintering. To do this, you will need to carry out a number of arrangement activities:

    • clean the room;
    • to strengthen the walls and protect housing from drafts;
    • organize a ventilation outlet;
    • lay the bedding;
    • to establish perches, nests.

    In the absence of a warm room, chickens are kept in the garage in winter. The summer house is moved to the garage and additional lighting is arranged there, the floor is insulated.

    Raising chickens in cages provides more benefits than walking chickens. The cells are arranged in tiers. Each bird has 100 cm2 of area. This option is most acceptable if the wintering of domestic chickens is planned in a polycarbonate greenhouse.

    Advantages of the cage keeping technique:

    • poultry health control;
    • safety of feed from scattering;
    • the possibility of organizing full-fledged supplementary lighting and heating for all individuals at the same time.

    Additional heating

    Laying hens need additional heating in winter. Better to give preference to IR lamps. One such device makes it possible to heat 1-12 m2. It warms up not the air space, but the objects on which the rays fall. In addition, the IR lamp dries out the litter, which allows you to vary the humidity.

    Another advantage of this fixture is the ability to keep the light on around the clock. It is not too bright, has a calming effect on the nervous system of chickens and does not burn oxygen. The use of stoves is another way to heat the territory. More suitable for capital poultry houses in which chickens are kept in cages (there is a high risk of injury when walking around).

    Wintering chickens in a greenhouse involves the installation of heating equipment. Diesel ovens are suitable for large chicken coops. They are smoke-free and equipped different modes capacities, which are exposed depending on the area of \u200b\u200bthe territory. With such devices, it is possible to organize the hatching of chicks in incubators even in winter.

    Walking area

    Wintering of laying hens includes the organization of walking. Chickens tolerate temperatures down to -10 ℃. With a decrease in this indicator, it is better not to let the bird go outside so that it does not freeze its legs. If you notice that the birds are limping, do not let them go for a walk.

    The walking area should be prepared so that laying hens, when kept in winter, have the opportunity to perform a full exercise. The place is cleaned and sprinkled with hay or sawdust. in winter, snow should not lie on the walking area. It is better to take birds outside on sunny days for no more than 2 hours.

    Increased productivity in cold weather

    As soon as the birds moult and feathers change, you can start organizing winter care for chickens, which increases egg production. Laying hens begin to lay eggs less. the instinct of reproduction works in them in the spring. The organization of an artificial spring will help to preserve egg production.

    In winter, laying hens are best kept in a warm room, where the air temperature does not drop below 15 ℃. This will help increase productivity by 40%. chickens for the winter at home are supplemented with no more than 14 hours. Keeping chickens in winter with longer additional lighting reduces life expectancy. In some cases, extended daylight hours lead to premature molting. Then the chickens completely lose the ability to lay eggs and die 1-2 years earlier.

    Wintering of domestic chickens without loss of productive qualities is possible with the installation of a special device - a rheostat that controls the brightness of the lighting. This will allow you to send the bird to the night before dark. Special sensors vary the light from yellow to orange to night illumination.


    Chickens in summer greenhouse in winter they can withstand a temperature of 5-10 ℃ with proper care and hygiene. If chickens are properly cared for in winter, they fully retain their productive capacity.

    Chickens are unpretentious birds. However, they do not tolerate cold well, reducing or stopping egg production. Gaining weight slowly. Heat is also not conducive to productivity. To normalize clutch and weight gain, it is necessary to create comfortable conditions for pets. We will tell you what temperature should be in the hen house in winter. And how to maintain an optimal climate for laying hens and meat species in hot summers. And also in what kind of weather you can let them out.

    Temperature range for calm chickens

    First, let's figure out what temperature the chickens can withstand. This indicator depends on the type of bird. And it ranges from -10 to +27 degrees.

    At high temperatures, the egg shells will thin out. Their mass is getting smaller. And the number - to decrease. Not to mention the fact that when exposed to heat for a long time, birds drink a lot and eat little. This means they do not gain weight. In addition, chickens can get heatstroke.

    In cold temperatures, birds can freeze their feet, catkins and combs. And as a result of a severe cold, he will catch a cold and die.

    On the other hand, there is an opinion that healthy and well-fed chickens tolerate cold well. If comfortable conditions are created in their house, then the chickens will calmly go for a walk on a frosty day.

    But sharp temperature changes definitely negatively add up to the health of chickens. They become lethargic, prone to disease. Refuse to eat.

    How to keep it cool in summer

    Chickens need to be kept cool in summer. To do this, it is necessary to equip the room so that the chickens carry well or gain weight.

    How to build a poultry house suitable for birds in hot weather is described in the article "Construction of a summer chicken coop in the country".

    Periodically water the floor of the house with cool water.

    Arrange room ventilation.

    Provide the birds with enough liquid to drink.

    Sour milk helps chickens to survive the heat. Increases the number of eggs produced and the weight gain.

    The main thing is not to be mistaken

    In extremely hot weather, you can spray the birds with a sprayer. It is impossible to completely douse with water, and even cold. Sudden cooling can provoke a cold.

    Installing an air conditioner to cool the chicken coop is undesirable. Chickens catch cold quickly when exposed to direct cool air. It is better to install a thermo-automatic system that regulates the temperature in the house.

    Features of summer walking

    In summer, chickens can walk outside for about 10 hours. However, when walking birds, it is important to ensure that they do not overheat in direct sunlight.

    For this, a special protective canopy is installed. If this is not possible, green shrubs and tall grass are planted. So that the chickens hide in their shadows. It is recommended, even at the stage of building a chicken coop, to choose a place near buildings or trees.

    Important information about overheating

    Thermoregulation mechanism

    The world's climate is changing rapidly. And extremely high temperatures in summer have been observed by forecasters for more than a decade. Changeable weather does not allow the mechanism of thermoregulation of chickens to quickly adapt to new conditions.

    A healthy chicken has a normal body temperature of about 41-42 degrees. If the temperature indicator of the environment rises by 5 degrees, then the bird's body activates the process of thermoregulation.

    The chickens will actively exhale hot air for cooling. And drink plenty to prevent dehydration.

    In such conditions, the stomach of birds is filled with water. They stop eating. Go to the toilet more often. This flushes out the nutrients necessary for egg formation. Meat chickens lose weight dramatically.

    Heatstroke symptoms

    In severe heatstroke, natural cooling is not sufficient. Dehydration sets in and the chicken falls.

    With a slight heat stroke, the bird is lethargic. She's losing her appetite. Anxiety appears, impaired coordination.

    If measures are not taken in time, additional symptoms arise.

    The chicken constantly opens its beak. Cannot recover breathing. Breathes frequently and shallowly. The combs and earrings take on a pale shade. The bird loses consciousness and falls.

    At the second stage of heatstroke, saving the bird is problematic. It may not be possible to revive her. Fainting compromises the health of the chicken. And disrupts the normal functioning of the organs.

    Emergency help

    If the symptoms were detected in a timely manner, then the chicken can be returned to normal in less than two hours.

    The following measures should be taken urgently:

    1. Move it to a shade or cool place.
    2. Gradually lower your body temperature. For example, cover with a wet cloth. Sudden cooling can lead to cardiac arrest.
    3. Drink with water or saline (10 grams of salt per liter of water).

    Preventive measures

    In order to prevent heatstroke, it is not recommended to let the birds go for a walk in the sun. Drinking water should be regularly renewed.

    It is imperative to monitor the diet. Eating chickens on hot days should be light: fresh plant foods, minimal cereals. Remove corn or potatoes.

    Electric fans inside the coop will improve air exchange.

    Humidity indicators

    Humidity in the chicken coop should be between 60-70%.

    High humidity is caused by high temperatures in the house. Chickens breathe out water vapor. And there is evaporation from the drinking bowls.

    The humidity and temperature inside the house is regulated by ventilation. Also, ammonia, formed as a result of decomposition of the waste products of birds, is eroded.

    The air volume is calculated based on the weight of the birds: per kilogram of live weight, the air exchange is 7 m 3 / h. In winter, ventilation of the house is reduced. In order not to cool the room.

    Poor air exchange results in low or high humidity. Increases the concentration of harmful gases. Raises the temperature.

    All these factors negatively affect the health of chickens. Keeping in such conditions is fraught with diseases of the respiratory systems. Decrease or absence of eggs. Slow weight gain.

    About the influence of drafts and cold

    Too intensive ventilation, constant drafts in summer and winter will not bring health to the bird.

    In the draft, the body temperature of the chickens gradually decreases, which they are unable to restore on their own.

    It must be remembered that nature does not provide for laying chickens in the cold season.

    However, by creating a favorable environment, females will not decrease productivity. At above-zero temperatures of 22-25 degrees, laying hens will produce as many eggs in winter as in summer. And the meat poultry will continue to gain weight as it should.

    How to maintain a temperature in winter

    Optimal conditions

    Now let's talk about what temperature chickens withstand in winter. Indeed, for a good indicator of egg production and weight gain, additional conditions are needed.

    In winter, the temperature inside the house should not fall below +10 degrees and rise above +25.

    A thermometer is required for timely temperature control.

    Capital premises

    Among the economical options, a frame chicken coop is distinguished. The base is made of timber. Niches are sheathed with plywood or other materials. Insulation is placed between them.

    It will not be difficult to independently install a capital poultry house, guided by the article "Building a winter chicken coop with our own hands."

    Option for a temperate climate

    In regions with warm winters, you can save on building a chicken coop. And keep the birds in a polycarbonate greenhouse.

    Chickens rush only in the light. Therefore, you will need to think about additional lighting. It is also important to monitor the temperature regime, to heat the room.


    If necessary, the chicken coop can be insulated. This will help maintain optimal temperatures inside. This option is appropriate when keeping chickens in cold regions.

    The walls from the outside are finished with foam blocks, then with plastic sheets or slate. In especially cold regions, the inner walls are also insulated with foam.

    For chickens in winter, a litter is laid on the floor with a layer of 15-20 cm.Organic materials are suitable: peat, sawdust, hay. During the season, they periodically add another 5-10 cm. And loosen with a pitchfork.

    The attic, if any, is insulated with straw.

    Doors and windows are glued with rubber tape or covered over. Alternatively, use polyurethane foam.

    The door is sheathed with insulation and leatherette. Or hang with a thick cloth.

    The main thing when insulating is to isolate the materials. So that the chickens do not have access to them.

    Find out more in the article "How you can insulate a chicken coop for the winter with your own hands."


    In severe frosts, the temperature in the hen house, despite the insulation, may drop. Then artificial heating is used. There may be several options.

    Infrared lamps heat the room with rays. They work constantly, drying the bedding material. Does not burn oxygen. Do not disturb birds. Lamps are placed at a distance of 50-100 cm and protective cartridges are placed.

    You can use stove heating or a potbelly stove. However, you will have to constantly monitor their work. And insulate the heating elements from the chickens. In addition, a fire hazard arises in a wooden building with a bed of hay or straw.

    Diesel stove is safer. And does not emit smoke.

    The heater or radiator will be able to maintain the optimum temperature. But these are expensive options.

    A gas heat gun is used to heat large-area structures with good ventilation.

    More information in the article "Methods for heating a chicken coop in winter".

    Winter walks

    It is also important to let the chickens out of the house during winter. Layers gain weight quickly and stop laying eggs without physical activity. Meat birds do not need to walk for a long time. But a short walk won't do any harm.

    Snow is removed from the walking area. To prevent chickens from freezing their paws. Equipped with a canopy or roof from wind and precipitation. Open the house door for about 2 hours. So that the birds themselves choose the time for a comfortable walk.

    In the place of walks, feeders are additionally installed. Containers with ash or sand, for dry cleaning of plumage.

    It is advisable to release chickens at a temperature of at least 10 degrees. In colder weather, the chicken freezes and becomes sick. In case of ice, windy, snowy weather, walking time is reduced or not spent at all.

    From frostbite, the earrings, paws and combs of birds are greased. The walking area is also covered with straw or hay. Insulate the fence so that the hen does not freeze.

    In the process of raising poultry, it is necessary to pay special attention to the conditions of their keeping. So in the summer, this usually does not arise, however, after a cold snap, the behavior of birds also changes.

    In summer, caring for them includes a large content of greens in the diet and as much free movement of open areas as possible (it is advisable to make a fence from various predators). Proper care results in good health and high productivity of the birds.

    However, with the onset of cold weather, poultry farmers note a significant decrease in the egg production of chickens. This is due to the fact that to maintain the required body temperature, chickens consume more energy and move less, there is an increased need for additional mineral and vitamin elements.

    Also, the behavior of the bird is affected by the lack of green food and a reduction in daylight hours.

    To maintain a good level of egg production in chickens in winter, it is necessary to properly organize their place of keeping. After all, it is there that chickens will spend 80-90% of their time.

    Preparing the place of detention for the winter

    Long before the onset of cold weather, it is necessary to begin preparing the place for the winter keeping of chickens. Now let's determine what the conditions for keeping poultry should be and how to ensure them.

    Chicken coop

    This is the most ideal containment location, especially if it is robust and well designed. It must maintain optimal wintering conditions for chickens.

    These conditions include:

    • temperature regime, which must be constantly maintained within the range from +12 to +18 degrees;
    • air humidity is recommended to be maintained within 60-80%;
    • the air in the chicken coop must be constantly updated, but drafts must not be allowed;
    • lighting - in winter, chickens need an additional source of light, daylight hours for chickens should last 14 hours or more.

    Before preparing the chicken coop for wintering, it is necessary to disinfect the premises. This can be done with lime. It is diluted in a ratio of 2 kg per 10 liters of water. All surfaces are treated with the resulting solution.

    After disinfecting the chicken coop, it is necessary to examine it for drafts and crevices that will allow the cold to pass through. All gaps must be well sealed. Windows, if any, should be tightly closed.

    Simple actions to eliminate drafts will protect the birds of the chicken coop from disease and increase their productivity. In addition, it will help maintain a constant temperature regime.

    Did you know? Laying hens lay eggs only in daylight. If the time has come to dream, and it is dark in the hen house, then she will wait for the day or moment when the lights are turned on.

    For lighting, it is necessary to install a lamp, which will also serve as a means of additional heating of the room. In the process of installing it, you should choose a place so that the birds cannot injure themselves or harm the equipment.

    If there is a systematic blackout in your area, it is recommended to install an additional generator. It will help avoid stressful situations in the bird, which can cause interruption in egg production or lead to weight loss.

    For additional energy savings, you can set a timer that will regulate the length of daylight hours in birds.

    If there is no warm room

    Chickens are an unpretentious bird that adapts well to various conditions. Therefore, they can be kept in any room, the main thing is to ensure optimal conditions for their maintenance. So, some poultry farmers use a garage or greenhouse for these purposes.

    A room that is not heated needs to maintain a certain temperature regime. A gas heat gun, "potbelly stove", an electric heater or infrared lamps can be used as heating a utility room, where the temperature drops below +10 degrees in winter.

    In order for the paws of the birds to not freeze, it is worth spreading a bedding. It can be a layer of straw or sawdust 5 cm thick.However, do not think that such a bedding will protect chickens for the whole winter.

    It is capable of accumulating moisture, and as it accumulates, it is necessary to pour a new layer. In the process of decomposition, the interlayer will release heat, however, favorable conditions are created in it for the reproduction of pathogenic bacteria, in this regard, it is worth periodically cleaning the chicken coop.

    In the process of life chicken droppings gives off ammonia. To protect poultry from toxic fumes, additional ventilation must be provided.

    When designing and building a ventilation system, it is required to install an adjustable valve. It will allow you to control the incoming air flow into the room.

    If a greenhouse is used as a chicken coop, then a layer of snow can be poured on its sides. This layer will keep the room warm.

    It is also worth paying special attention to the diet and regularity of feeding, walking and daily routine. All these questions are important in the period of cold weather and increased nutritional deficiencies.


    In winter, chickens need a balanced and carefully thought-out diet. This will help them provide the same volume of eggs in both summer and winter, and allow broilers to gain weight quickly.

    The decrease in egg production in layers is due to the fact that the hen needs more nutrients to form an egg. With the onset of cold weather, the resources of the bird are rapidly reduced and, accordingly, the volume of eggs that it can lay decreases.

    Did you know?The laying hen is able to determine which egg has gone bad. If during the next collection of eggs you find some near the nest, then most likely they are spoiled.

    For growing layers in winter, high-quality compound feed is required, which will contain the optimal combination of all the necessary elements, vitamins and even, in some cases, drugs. Such food can be purchased at the poultry market.

    However, if it is impossible to buy such a mixture, then you can prepare the compound feed. When preparing it, it is worth observing a balance between proteins, fats and carbohydrates. It is also worth using vitamin and mineral supplements.

    The diet of chickens should contain cereals (corn, oats, barley and wheat), legumes, as well as meat and fish meal, salt, lime, chalk. Cereals should be given additionally. In this form, they take longer to digest and provide the proper level of energy for a longer time.

    Like any other animal, chickens need a varied diet. In this regard, it is worth giving them fresh or boiled vegetables. The use of wet feed is allowed if it is prepared with warm water.

    A balanced diet of chickens can be provided by herbal flour, which contains freshly cut herbs and all the necessary vitamins and minerals.


    In this case, it is worth observing the order of feeding: in the morning they give mixed feed, and in the evening - grain crops. Also, do not forget about foods that facilitate the digestion process. These include: sand, shell rock, or pebbles.

    Important!In winter, poultry owners may experience soft egg shells. This is due to a calcium deficiency in the chicken's body, so it is necessary to increase the amount of minerals.

    Water is of particular importance in the diet of birds. Drinkers can freeze in cold weather, so it is worth changing them regularly. The use of cold water is not recommended as it can cause health problems for the hen. It is best to pour in warm liquid.


    If the bird is not given the optimal amount of exercise, both the health of the chicken and its performance will suffer. Despite the low temperature, the animal needs a certain amount of sunbathing.

    Vitamin D, which chickens receive during a walk, promotes the absorption of calcium by the body. Concerning experienced poultry breeders recommend providing the hens with walking for 10-15 minutes every day.

    The best place for a winter walk is the aviary, which does not allow free movement around the site and protects them from predatory animals. For optimal walking, it is recommended to lay wooden flooring and straw in the aviary, this will protect the paws from frostbite.

    Important!If the ambient temperature drops below -10 degrees, then letting chickens go for a walk is not recommended, as the bird can freeze its paws. The ideal period for walking is a thaw.

    Daily regime

    In the summer, the daily regime of chickens is comparable to daylight hours. However, when the length of the day is shortened, poultry shortens their waking period and this fact often affects their egg production. Artificial lighting can reduce the influence of this factor to a minimum, which allows you to regulate the daily routine of layers.

    The optimal start to the day in winter should start between 6 and 9 am. Artificial lighting can be a harbinger of the onset of the waking period. During this period, it is recommended to feed the poultry and replace the water with warm water.

    Night falls between 6 and 9 pm, this period is accompanied by switching off the light. Thus, the length of the day will be 12-14 hours, which is considered optimal for the chicken.

    Compliance with the daily routine can facilitate a temporary relay that will automatically turn on and off the lighting. It is better to accustom chickens to this regime from November.

    Features of the content

    Creating optimal conditions for keeping chickens in winter will allow them to easily transfer winter cold... However, it is worth considering some features of their content.


    In winter, in order for the chickens to carry the same volume of eggs, it is necessary to monitor their litter. It should not be caked and collected in one place. To avoid this, you need to regularly smooth it with a rake.

    In the autumn and spring, it is worth gradually increasing and decreasing the duration of daylight hours in the hen house. Such a process will protect the bird from stress and, accordingly, will not let its egg production suffer.

    It is very important to collect eggs on time. Otherwise, the hen will replenish the nutritional deficiencies from the egg. The evening meal should contain grains that will digest during the night and keep the bird warm.

    Don't forget about chicken hygiene. In the litter that accumulates in the hen house, optimal conditions are created for the reproduction of pathogens. Therefore it is very important to clean the house regularly.

    Did you know?National Geographic researchers have shown that chickens can communicate with each other. And what a person perceives as clucking or clicking a beak is actually speech. They managed to isolate about 30 separate phrases, ranging from "I have to lay my eggs" to "danger, the predator is near."


    Growing poultry is not limited to layers only. Poultry farmers often raise meat chickens. These breeds are capable of gaining up to 2.5 kg in a short period of time, however, compared to their relatives, they are quite demanding to care for.

    Correct care provides 2 stages:

    1. First stage requires young chicks to be kept in a small cage, preferably with a pallet to facilitate cleaning. The use of such a cage provides for the location of the drinker and feeder outside of it. Another option would be to use a traditional box or small enclosure in a warm and heated room. But there are several advantages to using a cage. First, the cage is not disposable. Secondly, the external location of the trough and drinker will prevent water spilling and food scattering (which is especially important in the cold winter period).
    2. Second epap implies the maintenance of already grown individuals in an outdoor enclosure. There are no particular difficulties in creating it, but it is necessary to choose the right place.

    Both options should include the basic conditions for optimal chick management:

    • flooring - as for layers, it plays an important role and can include both a wooden floor and an interlayer of hay or sawdust, and its thickness should be at least 10 cm;
    • lighting - there is not enough natural light for the chicks. It is better for them to provide round-the-clock lighting, which will also act as a heater;
    • heating - a permanent source of heat should be provided, which can be a fireplace or heater. In the first days, the temperature regime should remain within + 35-36 degrees, and already at the age of two months it will gradually decrease to + 18-20;
    • feeding - sources of food and water should be freely available;
    • safety - it is necessary to avoid stress, as broilers have a rather shy character. In a stressful situation, they tend to group in flocks and can cripple each other. Another negative consequence of stress is weight loss;
    • hygiene - the place where chickens are kept requires constant attention. It must be kept clean and dry to protect the bird from disease.

    An important factor is the diet and feeding regime. Since these birds are raised for meat, they need to be fed regularly and in a balanced way, in which case they will quickly gain weight. The diet of chickens should contain wet feed, vegetables and cereals.

    You need to feed it 3 times a day. In the daytime, you need to give a mash, which will consist of boiled vegetables, chopped hay and flour, for example, barley. 2 more meals include corn. Do not forget about the vitamin and mineral complex. It is recommended to add baker's yeast and chalk to wet feed.

    Daylight hours for broiler chickens should be at least 18 hours a day.

    For fast weight gain, it is recommended to use more yellow foods in the diet, this will allow you to eat all the proposed food within 30 minutes. After eating, the food is removed so that it is not a kitty, and the lighting is dimmed. The decrease in light will reduce the activity of the bird and it will put on weight.

    And for enterprising people, this can be a good basis for starting their own business.