How to start a greenhouse business? Greenhouse production and installation: a profitable business for the summer season Business plan for the production of greenhouse metal structures

People in big cities get tired of the hustle and bustle, therefore more and more often they buy land plots, where they rebuild their dachas, do business. This trend has only become stronger in recent years. It is for this reason that business in this sector is becoming more and more attractive. You can earn money both on or, and on the production of greenhouses.

This equipment uses an automatic control system. The location of the mounting holes can be pre-programmed along the entire length of the profile. The roller stand gives the profile the required radius deflection, which allows the production of arched elements.

Part of the equipment:

  1. Cassette-type mill. Required for rolling a new greenhouse profile.
  2. Pneumatic cutting shears. Required for cutting products on narrow profile production lines.
  3. Uncoiler for metal tape 200 mm. The rolled blank is installed in the technological chain. It is then unwound and fed for slitting or cross-cutting up to 200 mm wide.
  4. ACS system for the line (automated control). Required for complete automation of production.
  5. Hole punching unit (pneumatics)

When purchasing equipment, instructions for making profiles are attached.

How does a processing line work?

Make greenhouses and greenhouses taking into account the following data:

  • the optimal width is 3.5 meters;
  • low wall height - 1.5 m;
  • length - no more than 6 m;
  • door width - 1 m;
  • the best frame material is metal (durable and strong).

Making a frame with your own hands

How to assemble a polycarbonate greenhouse?

How much money is needed?

Complete production:

  • purchase of equipment - 700,000 rubles.
  • purchase of materials - 300,000 rubles.

The cost of transparent cellular polycarbonate (production - Russia):

Thickness, mmWeight 1 sq.m., kg1 sheet (2.1x12 m), rub.
4 0.8 4 500
6 1.3 7 300
8 1.5 8 800
10 1.7 10 200
16 2.7 20 000
20 3 22 000
25 3.5 25 000

In addition, the cost of renting an area is needed - this is about 15,000 rubles.

Business payback (not only production, but also sale of greenhouses, installation) - about 6 months. With an uninterrupted flow of customers, this period will be much shorter, because it is possible to return all investments in the business during the manufacture of 5 greenhouses - this is 2 months.

Establishing a sales market

An important factor is the availability of a sales market. If you already have it, then it is quite possible to recoup all investments in the first 2 - 3 months from the beginning of opening a business. Therefore, before opening a business for the installation and assembly of greenhouses, it is advisable to create a client base. This is done in all available ways: through newspaper ads, posting about services on Internet portals. You can offer services to people involved.

Of course, you need to understand that this business will be relevant only during the summer seasons. The peaks in demand and buying activity occur in autumn and spring. In winter, many entrepreneurs are reorienting their business towards building greenhouses. But we must bear in mind that the production of winter structures will be much more expensive. In addition, additional knowledge is required to manufacture greenhouses.

Selling value of polycarbonate greenhouses with steel profile:

Size (LxHxW), mCost, rub
4х2х315 000
6x2.5x2.620 000
8x2,1x322 000
10x2.5x2.639 000

Other production options in the garage

Sandwich panels

Given the growing demand for thermal insulation materials, this direction will be beneficial for Russia. The technological line together with the installation costs 3 million rubles. We will acquaint you with the sandwich panel production technology, capital investments and product marketing features. Key points are described in.

Cinder block release

Cinder block is an easy-to-manufacture building material. At a price, brick and foam block are significantly inferior to it. It describes the technology, the necessary components, equipment and other important points for starting a business.

Furniture manufacturing

Is one of the cheapest garage business options. When buying inexpensive equipment, the investment is about 70,000 rubles. But there is an option with minimal investment - to assemble furniture, and order cutting from specialized companies.

Every second owner of a private house or summer cottage has a positive attitude towards the possibility of installing a greenhouse in his subsidiary farm for growing cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage, strawberries and even flowers. However, few at the same time have sufficient experience or resources for independent design and construction of such a structure.

Taking this into account, the production of polycarbonate greenhouses is a highly profitable type of business that can be opened even in your own garage: the popularity of this type of greenhouse structures is mainly due to the affordable price and high performance characteristics of the materials used for their manufacture.

Business features

Entrepreneurs considering the production and sale of polycarbonate greenhouses as a promising business in this type of activity are primarily attracted by the low capital intensity of production and the high liquidity of the equipment used: it is enough to invest 170-200 thousand rubles in the purchase of ordinary power tools and find suitable suppliers of fairly common building materials.

The demand for greenhouses peaks in early spring and late autumn. Therefore, it is best to start implementing this at the end of February in order to build up a client base of sufficient size by the beginning of the season. As for the cold season, greenhouses and various winter gardens are in demand at this time. Due to the structural complexity, the cost of such structures is several times higher than the price of standard greenhouses, however, their construction requires certain experience and skills: this is where the knowledge accumulated in the summer will come in handy.

It is also advisable to study how to build a thermos greenhouse for winter cultivation with your own hands: such designs are in demand among farmers and entrepreneurs who are engaged in floriculture or cultivation of crops such as green onions, dill, parsley and strawberries throughout the year.

Business is distinguished by a profitability of 100-120%, but that is why it is quite difficult to find a free market niche: in large cities, supply significantly exceeds demand. The way out can be either the formation of competitive advantages that are interesting to the consumer (price promotions, warranty support, short order execution time), or an even narrower specialization - for example, the production of industrial greenhouses. In addition, when developing a marketing strategy, you should always remember who the target audience of the business is:

  • Owners of summer cottages and subsidiary farms interested in vegetable growing in order to meet their own needs;
  • Farmers for whom the sale of greenhouse products is the main or additional way of generating income;
  • Industrial greenhouse complexes with an area of \u200b\u200btens of hectares.

Types and purpose of greenhouses

Regardless of who becomes the buyer of such a greenhouse of its own production, the basic requirements for its design will be approximately the same - durability, strength, adaptability to regional climatic conditions, ease of use and low price.

In addition, when choosing a model, everyone is guided by their own motives. The owner of the site, on which the landscape designer has worked thoroughly, will be more likely to be interested in a stylish appearance and original architectural solution, while the entrepreneur considering, first of all, will pay attention to the operational characteristics and the possibility of adapting the interior space to specific production needs.

To a certain extent, preferences are also influenced by the list of plant species that are supposed to be cultivated in artificial conditions: for example, for planting tomatoes or a rectangular structure with vertical walls is needed, since in the first case the bushes are high and grow poorly under arched vaults, and in the second - flower pots are placed in several tiers.

In addition to classification by purpose (seedling, vegetable and flower), greenhouse structures are also divided according to the form into:

  1. Rectangular with a gable roof. The greenhouse frame outwardly resembles a house with walls up to 1.5 m high and a ridge located at a level of 1.8–2.2 m. Thanks to this shape, the owner does not have to bend his head while working, and the vertical arrangement of the walls allows plants to be placed on racks and shelves. Another advantage of the design is a large roof slope: in the manufacture of polycarbonate greenhouses, the calculated value of the snow load can be reduced, since the snow will slide down under the influence of gravity;
  2. Arched. In this case, the greenhouse frame is based on arcs with a radius of 2–2.2 m located in a row. Due to the absence of corners and planes, the structure is characterized by a minimum consumption of covering material, good light transmission and high resistance to wind loads, however, snow from horizontal sections of the roof must be removed manually. In addition, special equipment is required for the manufacture of arched greenhouses, and therefore it is rather difficult to build such a structure from scrap materials;
  3. Rectangular with sloping walls. The shape of such a greenhouse is an intermediate option that combines the advantages of an arched and gable structure. Due to the fact that the walls are installed with a slope, the usable base area increases, and the amount of reflected sunlight decreases;
  4. Wall mounted. With a good location of the capital structure (house, shed), a greenhouse with a pitched roof can be attached directly to its wall: this option allows you to save on building materials and use the area of \u200b\u200bthe site as efficiently as possible. In addition, in some cases, the entrance is equipped directly from the room, turning the structure into a greenhouse;
  5. Polygonal. Octahedral buildings with a hipped roof are constructed mainly for decorative purposes, using metal and glass (less often monolithic polycarbonate) as a material for the manufacture of a greenhouse. Nevertheless, the design is not devoid of practical advantages: at different times of the day, each of its facets is illuminated by direct sunlight.

Polycarbonate greenhouse production technology

The step-by-step production of a greenhouse with your own hands is a technologically uncomplicated process that is accessible to anyone with minimal experience in handling a power tool. The installation of a standard design in this case includes the following steps:

  1. Arrangement of the foundation. Building materials and type are chosen based on the requirements and financial capabilities of the customer;
  2. Frame fabrication. On special equipment for the manufacture of greenhouses, the main elements are cut. For wood processing, circular and band saws are used, for cutting and bending a profile pipe - metal cutting and rolling machines;
  3. Assembly of the structure. On the prepared foundation, a frame is assembled, which is subsequently sheathed with polycarbonate sheets;
  4. Installation of additional elements. Greenhouse construction work is completed with the installation of doors, manual or automatic vents, heating and irrigation systems, shelving, as well as arrangement of beds.


The construction of the foundation, including the greenhouse, requires preliminary marking and leveling of the surface of the site. Then, in accordance with the nature of the soil, a specific structure is selected - tape, block, brick or wood. It should be noted that the cost of manufacturing a polycarbonate greenhouse directly depends on the option chosen: a strip foundation is considered the most expensive and durable, and one made from a bar at a low cost requires replacement every 5-6 years. However, each species is characterized by its own advantages and disadvantages:
  • Wooden from a bar 100x100 mm. In addition to the low price, the main advantages of this type include low weight, accessibility and mobility: if necessary, the structure can be disassembled and moved to a new place. However, despite the antiseptic impregnation, the tree becomes unusable after a few years in conditions of high humidity with constant contact with the ground;
  • Blocky. Before installing such a foundation, you need to dig a trench around the perimeter of the greenhouse, and then place concrete blocks in it and align them in a horizontal plane. The high cost of the structure in this case is due to the laboriousness of construction and the need to use lifting equipment for the production of polycarbonate greenhouses, which is fully compensated by the service life measured by decades;
  • Brick or stone. To lay natural stone or bricks, you need to either master the skill of a bricklayer, or be able to attract qualified specialists to the construction. In terms of cost, such a foundation is the most expensive, and in terms of service life it practically does not differ from a block foundation;
  • Tape. A complex and expensive foundation - for its construction, you need to dig a trench, install the formwork, strap the reinforcement and pour concrete. Accordingly, making a polycarbonate greenhouse with your own hands requires the inclusion of a concrete mixer, a welding machine, shovels and wheelbarrows for transporting land into the list of equipment. Despite the high cost, this solution is one of the most popular due to its reliability, durability and the ability to get a perfectly flat base.


When making a polycarbonate greenhouse with your own hands, to assemble the frame, you can use any materials that have sufficient strength - rolled metal, wooden beams, gypsum plasterboard profiles and even polypropylene pipes. However, despite the lightness and cheapness, the last two options in mass production are quite rare - the domestic buyer prefers more solid structures:

  • Wooden frame. In addition to low thermal conductivity, this option is characterized by ease of installation and ease of processing of elements - to make a wooden greenhouse, it is enough to have a hacksaw and a screwdriver at your disposal. All elements are assembled on corners and screws, and then treated with antiseptics or drying oil. Significant disadvantages of a wooden frame are the high price and fragility;
  • Steel frame. The basis of this design is rolled metal - a corner, a channel, a square or rectangular pipe. For the manufacture of a greenhouse from a profile pipe, it is advisable to use galvanized elements, since at high humidity even annual repainting does not save the metal from corrosion. The main advantages of the steel frame are durability and practicality, and the disadvantages include increased thermal conductivity, the presence of temperature deformations (which is especially important in the manufacture of large industrial greenhouses) and laborious installation: mainly welding or bolted joints are used for assembly.


Due to its low thermal conductivity, high strength and reasonable price, cellular polycarbonate is the optimal material for making a greenhouse. This thermoplastic with a thickness of 3.5 to 10 mm is produced in sheets 2.1 m wide and 6 or 12 meters long: when designing the structure, it is advisable to take these dimensions into account in order to avoid waste.

The only drawback of the material is a high temperature deformation, reaching 5 mm per meter of length (taking into account the difference between winter and summer temperatures). Therefore, for fastening the sheets, special joints are used that allow some mobility of the polycarbonate relative to the frame:

  • Plastic thermal washers. The large diameter (33 mm) and the presence of an elastic sealing ring allows such a fastener to securely hold the sheet even in strong winds, and the cap provided by the design protects the screw head from corrosion;
  • Detachable or one-piece H-profile. In this case, the profile itself is attached to the frame, and the sheets are inserted into its side grooves and held there by frictional force. This technology for the production of greenhouses requires an accurate calculation of thermal gaps in order to avoid falling out of polycarbonate from the profile in winter and "swelling" in summer;
  • Galvanized tape. The sheets are overlapped on the frame and pressed at regular intervals with a tightly stretched steel tape. It should be noted that this mounting method can only be used in arched structures.

Polycarbonate has an open honeycomb, into which not only dust and dirt, but also various insects can easily fall. To protect the ends of the sheets, all joints are glued with a plastic perforated tape, and the lower edges are additionally protected with U-shaped end caps.


As a business, the production of greenhouses on a wooden or metal frame does not require a large room: the final assembly of the structure and cutting of sheets are carried out exclusively at the customer's site. One-time orders can be carried out even in your own garage, if you install a machine here for the production of polycarbonate greenhouses, however, with an increase in the scale of the enterprise, there is inevitably a need for territory for storing raw materials and finished products. Therefore, at a certain stage of business development, you will have to search for a workshop that meets the following requirements:

  • Total area - from 40 m², including storage facilities;
  • Ceilings 3.5–4 m high up to overlap;
  • Connection to 220/380 V power grids;
  • Availability of heating for winter operation.

In large regional centers, such production areas can be rented in industrial zones at a rate of 200-250 rubles / m² per month.


The organization of a business in the production and sale of polycarbonate greenhouses involves the purchase of not only power tools, but also specialized equipment designed to work with rolled metal. For example, making an arched-type greenhouse with your own hands from a profile pipe requires a special pipe bending machine: depending on financial capabilities, you can choose a low-performance model with a manual drive, or a more powerful version with an electric one.

A concrete mixer, shovels and earth wheelbarrows are used in the construction of strip and block foundations, and the welding machine is used when assembling the frame and tying fittings. To save money on transport services, it is desirable for an entrepreneur to also have at his disposal a vehicle for transporting equipment, frame parts and polycarbonate sheets.

Equipment list

Name price, rub.
LBM (Bulgarian) 2500
Greenhouse Roll Forming Machine 56000
Pendulum cutting machine 21000
Concrete mixer 200 l 13000
Welding machine 7000
Cordless screwdriver 3500
Aluminum ladder 2500
Drill 4000
Jigsaw 3500
Measuring and marking tool 4000
Consumables, drills, abrasive discs 2000
Hand tool 5000
Total: 124000

Financial investments and profit

When calculating the amount of initial investment, an entrepreneur needs to take into account not only the costs of purchasing equipment for the production of greenhouses, but also the costs of an active advertising campaign. Developing your own website can also be a successful way to attract customers: buyers often study the prices and characteristics of products from different manufacturers on the Internet.

Initial investment

The amount of current monthly expenses is determined mainly by the size of staff salaries. Of course, at the initial stage, you can independently start making greenhouses with your own hands, however, as the flow of customers increases, you will have to additionally hire two assemblers to assemble products, and one master to work in the workshop.

Current monthly expenses

To calculate the profit from the manufacture and installation of polycarbonate greenhouses to order or for sale, you need to draw up a detailed estimate, including the cost of purchasing material and fasteners, as well as the cost of all related work.

Estimate for the manufacture of a greenhouse 3x6x2.2 m

Name Qty price, rub. Amount, rub.
Galvanized profile 20x20x2 mm 98 m 102 9996
Polycarbonate 2.1x6 m 4 things. 1650 6600
Connecting profile 12 m 50 600
End cap 12 m 42 504
Perforated tape 26 m 16 416
Roofing self-tapping screw 5.5x25 mm 300 pcs. 1,2 360
Thermal washer polycarbonate 300 pcs. 5,7 1710
Hinges 8 pcs. 20 160
Total: 20346
Tape 18 m 8000
Blocky 18 m 5300
From a bar 100x100 mm 18 m 1200
Price on strip foundation: 28346
Block foundation price: 25646
Price on a foundation made of timber: 21546

The market value of such a product without a foundation is at least 25,000 rubles, and the profit from its sale is 4,654 rubles. It should be noted that with large production volumes, the price of a greenhouse can be further reduced by receiving a wholesale discount on the purchase of a profile, polycarbonate and metalware.

Construction works

With a continuous flow of customers, four people (including the owner of the enterprise) can manufacture and install up to 15 arched greenhouses within a month. Income in this case is determined not only by the size of the product itself, but also by the type of foundation.

Income depending on the type of foundation

Advertising campaign

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To quickly and reliably recoup the initial investment, you need to start building a client base even before searching for premises and purchasing equipment. If preliminary market research reveals the presence of significant demand and the absence of major competitors in the region, you can adjust the list of equipment and purchase, for example, more powerful machines. In general, to find the first buyers, they use:

In the Russian climate, greenhouses and hotbeds are often the only reliable way to get a good harvest. There are several ways to produce and install greenhouses - it all depends on your financial capabilities and plans.

Climate change in recent decades has forced the search for unconventional ways to grow vegetables and fruits. Growing crops outdoors has become more problematic due to deteriorating ecology, unstable weather conditions, the often uncontrolled use of chemicals, etc.

Using greenhouses for growing crops was a way out. In addition, in the Russian climate, the greenhouse allows you to harvest much earlier, and often get harvests all year round, than significantly increase the profit of the business owner. Greenhouses are easily located on cottage and summer cottages, in summer health centers, farms and even on the territory of industrial enterprises.

The production of greenhouses has become a promising business for the reasons listed above. Consider what it takes to organize this profitable and promising business.

Details of the business idea for the production of greenhouses

Consider several options for the "greenhouse" business. The meaning of such a business is the production and subsequent installation of greenhouses and greenhouses. A promising option for the development of such a business may be the production of winter gardens and greenhouses. They differ from greenhouses in the complexity of their design, the use of new materials and a much higher cost. However, the demand for such structures is constant, especially with good advertising and the reputation of the manufacturer.

Greenhouses can be built from scratch using special equipment purchased or rented. You can also purchase individual elements from manufacturers (supports, fences, stairs, doors, etc.) to complement your own designs.

There are three groups of greenhouses:

  • individual;
  • farm;
  • industrial.

The differences between them are in area, level of equipment, process automation and, of course, in cost.

It is possible to manufacture greenhouses of the following types:

  • with a frame made of polyethylene pipes and a film cover;
  • with a frame made of wood and frames with foil or glass;
  • with a metal frame and wooden frames;
  • completely metal with glass.

Ordinary glass is not used for the manufacture of greenhouses, since it does not transmit ultraviolet light, which is necessary for plant growth. You need to use special glass or plastic wrap.

Option 1

Specialized enterprises produce greenhouses of various sizes, ranging from the smallest with an area of \u200b\u200b12 sq. m and 24 sq. m. The cost of such greenhouses starts at 20,000 rubles. An interesting type of business can be the installation of greenhouses on site. It is easy to transport the greenhouse: the frame weighs 50-90 kg and can be transported in the trunk of a car. The cost of installing such greenhouses is about 10-20 thousand rubles.

Option 2

Greenhouses are usually made independently from polycarbonate, pipes and plastic wrap. The easiest way is to make arch-type greenhouses, structurally consisting of arcs attached to the soil surface without a foundation. A transparent film of different density (depending on the customer's request) is stretched over arcs.

Installation of such a structure is very simple, the cost of materials is also low. To start a business, for this reason, the production and installation of arched greenhouses is unlikely to be justified. Additional costs will also include drawings, frame structures and coating materials. A small greenhouse will cost at least 8,000 rubles.

Option 3

Novice businessmen can be recommended to start with the production of polycarbonate greenhouses-pavilions. These are tall structures designed to accommodate a person in full growth. Polycarbonate is durable (service life 30-35 years), with good thermal insulation. A cellular polycarbonate sheet is attached to a pre-prepared galvanized iron frame. The sheets are connected together with a factory sealed tape. For the installation of such greenhouses, it is often required to concrete the foundation. And this is an additional well-paid job.

The production costs of such a greenhouse are low - only about 10,000 rubles. The whole complex of works lasting 2 days with the cost of the greenhouse will cost the client about 25,000 rubles.

An additional advantage of such a greenhouse is the absence of complex structures that must be ordered separately. The client should be attracted by an individual approach to his order. A greenhouse or greenhouse of the required size will be made and installed exactly where needed. This is especially important for complex areas, where it is often necessary to install greenhouses near permanent buildings.

The specifics of the greenhouse business

To start work on the production and installation of greenhouses does not require large funds. If a production site with equipment for the production of greenhouse structures is not provided, then 70-80 thousand rubles is quite enough. The invested funds can be recouped very quickly if you have permanent orders.

Industrial equipment for the production of structural elements of greenhouses can be purchased gradually as the business develops. The customer base is the main thing in this business. It should be borne in mind that the need for greenhouses is seasonal. Advertising should be constantly present in specialized publications for gardeners, farmers, etc. Submit information about yourself in gardening partnerships, dacha communities. Place ads in rural district newspapers, radio, TV.

Maximum demand for greenhouses in spring and autumn. In winter, you will need to "switch" to winter gardens and greenhouses. Working with such structures is more difficult, so you can start it after gaining some experience with greenhouses. It is better to start a greenhouse business in February, before the start of the season. Thus, the invested funds can be quickly returned and invested in business development.

In this material:

In some regions of the country, the production of greenhouses as a business is becoming very relevant. As you know, an important condition for making a profit from money invested in a business is the right idea. It should not only be relevant, but also correspond to the size of the investment.

In our time, there are not so many free niches for doing business. In any case, there will be competition. The main thing is the ratio of the demand for goods and the number of offers in this area. For example, to trade food, you can open a store anywhere, even next to other similar outlets. However, there are other options when the product is not so in demand, but the competition is small enough, so such an investment of funds will be very profitable.

Gardening is one of the favorite things of many Russians, so a large number of citizens dream of a high-quality greenhouse. Some entrepreneurs who practice growing cucumbers in a greenhouse as a business will be happy to purchase quality products from a domestic manufacturer, if they are also sold at an acceptable cost.

Features of the manufacture of greenhouses

Nowadays, when the popularity of environmentally friendly products is growing rapidly, the demand for greenhouses in most regions of the country is growing. For this reason, experts believe that the production of equipment for garden plots has great prospects.

Greenhouses can be used not only in small garden plots, but also on farms, as well as in industrial scale enterprises. Depending on this, the equipment will differ in the type of material used, size and accessories.

The greatest demand today is for greenhouses, the production of which is based on the use of polycarbonate. Experienced gardeners know how high quality, durable and convenient they are. Moreover, this type of greenhouse perfectly conducts light, but at the same time retains the sun's rays. It should be noted such important advantages as heat resistance and low price.

Polycarbonate greenhouses are in the greatest demand. However, there is a demand for glass and even film greenhouses and hotbeds. They can be made on the basis of a metal or wood frame. It is on the material chosen for the manufacture of equipment for the garden that its cost depends. The simplest and most inexpensive are ordinary greenhouses on a plastic frame covered with a film. This option will be in demand among gardeners who grow vegetables in small areas. But the production of expensive large glass and metal greenhouses will be popular with large farmers who have been producing cucumbers and tomatoes for sale for many years.

Greenhouse manufacturing technology

To make a greenhouse, the business needs to be well studied. In fact, there is nothing supernatural in this, but you still need to have certain skills and experience. If a novice businessman has never done anything like this before, it is worth reading special literature and practicing. To begin with, you can install several greenhouses on your site, then please your friends with greenhouses, and only then fulfill customer orders and receive money for your work.

The process of making greenhouses begins with pouring the foundation. Further, on its basis, a frame is installed according to a previously selected technology. It is worth noting that before installing a greenhouse, you must first create its project in order to make the most accurate calculations. After the frame is mounted, you can proceed to the installation of polycarbonate, polyethylene or glass sheets and panels. They are securely attached to the frame with a special tape.

Thus, there is a quality room for growing vegetables. This process can be done all year round. For this, heating is installed in the greenhouse. By the way, the service for the installation of heating devices can be made part of your business in the greenhouse, expanding the range of work. Most often, electric convectors are used as heating in greenhouses, which are evenly placed in the greenhouse.

Equipment for work

To open your own business for the manufacture of greenhouses, you need to stock up on certain tools, without which further work will be impossible. First of all, we are talking about a device for manual bending of pipes. This should be high-quality equipment that can handle fittings, pipes and metal profiles. It is desirable that the tool be able to bend at a given angle. Such equipment costs about 15 thousand rubles.

Thus, the initial investment will amount to 60 thousand rubles, which will be spent on the purchase of equipment. But we must not forget about the premises for work. You don't need a lot of space here, but you will have to rent a small hangar. In addition, to fulfill orders, you will have to purchase material, namely a metal or plastic profile, film, polycarbonate sheets and glass. Heating systems must also be available.

Business profitability

The greenhouse all year round as a business of growing cucumbers, tomatoes and other vegetables is practiced by many summer residents and professional farmers. Experienced entrepreneurs say that orders come in quite often, especially during the spring season. The more clients, the faster the initial investment will pay off.

If we calculate all the expenses, then the cost of 1 medium-sized greenhouse is about 10 thousand rubles. At the same time, it will cost the customer already 25. Thus, already from 1 order, the manufacturer can receive up to 150% of the net profit. It is rare to see a greenhouse business with this level of profitability.

After completing 4-5 orders, you can return the invested capital and start earning a net profit. Roughly, with an average number of orders, you can earn this money in just a couple of months.

It is best to start working with small greenhouses for amateur gardeners. To make a large industrial greenhouse, you may need special equipment, the cost of which starts from 200 thousand rubles. But this is for the future. For a start, an enterprise should earn a reputation and advertise itself well. After the business begins to generate real income, this money can be invested in expanding the enterprise and reaching a new level.

Search for buyers

One of the most important issues in any kind of business is the sales market.

When it comes to the greenhouse, the business can be developed by focusing on gardeners and gardeners. They have the greatest demand for inexpensive polycarbonate structures. But here it must be said that the competition in the production of such greenhouses is quite high, so it is better to expand the assortment in order to increase the number of potential customers.

It is advisable to check the presence of competitors and the availability of this niche in a particular locality before investing money in this enterprise. To do this, you can flip through newspapers with ads, pay attention to the poles and stops, which are usually full of such advertisements. By the way, it is the above methods that are the most qualitative means in order to announce your business to the whole world. Advertisements can also be placed in shops that sell seeds and garden equipment and on the Internet.

If you produce greenhouses, the business involves finding clients, so you need to show people that it is your work that is the most profitable and attractive offer compared to competitors. All this must be described in advertising leaflets. An example is the speed of work or the convenience of delivery. A good marketing ploy, especially at first, would be a discount system that can be offered to regular customers or to those who "bring a friend."

Well, one of the important steps, without which a greenhouse business will not be legal, is the procedure for registering a businessman with the tax authority. You will first need to choose a suitable taxation system. In this case, any of the allowed for individual entrepreneurs will do. It is advisable to choose the option with the minimum number of accounting reports so as not to be distracted by paperwork and focus on the quality of the products.

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Bella Potemkina is a famous Russian designer. Bella's main motivator to develop her brand was the desire to bring true beauty to the fashionable Russian market, which literally strangled the plastic mass market. The theme of the first BELLA POTEMKINA collection is sophisticated vintage. Skirts with angels on silk, luxurious garden flowers on linen, white lace collars and cuffs - a little retro, a little chic, ...

Investments: 400,000 - 800,000 rubles.

The Sumarokov Brothers workshop is a production and trading company. We produce equipment for growing plants at home, greenhouse and other conditions. The main products are grow boxes - special "cabinets" with adjustable temperature, lighting and humidity, in which our clients grow various plants. We are also official dealers of related products from Europe, necessary for progressive crop production. Franchise Description ...

Investments: from 1,200,000 rubles.

Sweet Berry has been operating in the children's fashion industry for over 9 years in the middle price segment. The federal dealer network of the company has been developing since 2006 and has more than 250 outlets represented in more than 50 cities in Russia and the CIS countries. Designers in Italy and a design department in Russia allow the company to navigate not only in world trends, but ...

Investments: from 1,500,000 rubles.

Stabilized plants, mosses and flower arrangements are widely used all over the world to decorate the interiors of offices, banks, hotels, shopping centers, car dealerships, receptions, shop windows, exhibition stands, conference rooms, any public premises, as well as apartments, cottages, villas. However, in the cities of Russia this niche is still quite free, and you have every chance to take leading positions in your region. ...

Investments: 65,000 - 99,000 rubles.

ARTprinters is a simple, profitable, interesting business. At the same time, it is based on a unique and exclusive service - digital painting of nails, flowers and any small items (phones, souvenirs, Easter eggs, etc.). From the equipment you will need: a special printer, a computer, a couple of tables and a chair. Accordingly, there is no need to rent large areas. You can open a studio at home. Need not…

Investments: from 500,000 rubles.

VeGa Flowers is a young, fast-growing franchise based on the uniqueness and originality, as well as the lack of a complete analogue of its product, the stabilized bouquet from VeGa Flowers, which retains the properties of natural freshness for many years without requiring watering and maintenance. It is absolutely environmentally friendly and hypoallergenic. Such a miracle is possible due to the replacement of water in the plant itself by ...

Investments: from 250,000 rubles.

TerraFiori company. Absolute Imitation of Natural Flowers. Founded in 2012. Flowers made from ecological silicone are a unique product, an innovation in the world of floral decoration! The geography of business is the entire Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The advantages of these colors: Fully convey the appearance, color and even tactile perception of living plants; Dust resistant; Maintenance-free; Frost resistant; Hypoallergenic; A large, constantly growing assortment (roses, ...