How much internet is spent. How much internet does Skype eat in different modes

Analyzing the requests of visitors to our site, I see regular visits for requests like "How much is 500 MB?", "Is 1 GB of the Internet a lot or a little?" or "how much internet traffic is needed for a smartphone per month"? Understanding what users want to find out - which Internet package they should connect for their phone, tablet or USB-modem for a computer, for example, in the country, I will try to give them general recommendations.

First of all, 1 MB (megabyte) - 1024 Kb (kilobytes), and 1 GB (gigabyte) - 1024 MB. Accordingly, an Internet package of 500 MB is roughly 0.5 GB, but to be precise, then a little less.

What "weighs" how much today?

1 site page. This concept is loose. If you go to a simple text page (for example, the main page of the site " Mobile networks"), Then it will" eat "you only about 60 Kb of traffic. If the page contains photographs and other graphic elements, then it all depends on their number. If we average, then a page of an article with illustrations "weighs" usually 200-400 KB. If you have opened, for example, a large smartphone review, then we can already talk about several megabytes! In total, just reading the news, you will spend about 200 KB per page load. Mobile versions of sites may consume less, but to be honest, I don't like them.

1 music video. It all depends on the size of the audio clip (we will talk about the mp3 format) - its length, and quality (bitrate). Again, if you average, expect 3-5 MB per listen or download.

1 film. The size of a full 1.5 hour movie is very different from its quality (RIP, DVD, etc.) and compression ratio. If traffic is limited or there are speed issues, it is better to look for 700 MB movies as DVDRIP or other RIP. There are still quite a few films of this size, and most of them are of quite decent quality. For viewing on a laptop or tablet computer, the most it. Much more movies come in 1.4 GB. Many of them visually differ little or not at all from their 700-megabyte counterparts; it all depends on the conscientiousness of their conversion and compression. If you have a lot of Internet, the speed of 3G or 4G (LTE) allows, you are critical of quality, you want to enjoy multi-channel sound and have a huge high-resolution screen, then you can download movies in DVD-quality, which already "weigh" 5- 10-15 GB or more.

Streaming video. If you are going to watch online movies (and the speed allows you), for example, from, then keep in mind, although they have the maximum compression ratio there (some services allow you to change it - quality settings), you still watch the movie will reduce your traffic on average by 700 megabytes. With online TV - the same. Video session via Skype is similar, although much depends on the resolution of the web-camera. But a few megabytes per minute may well go away.

IP telephony. The traffic for a conversation over IP (similarly for Skype) will go about 128 Kbytes / minute. Maybe more. But "on 5 MB" you can communicate quite well. This is only audio, not video.

All sorts of little things. Checking mail, ICQ, Skype correspondence, social networks (Odnoklassniki, VKontakte, Facebook, Twitter). You don't need a lot of Internet here, unless, of course, you are not regularly sent "heavy" attachments by mail and you are not too active user social networkspressing the F5 key every minute. By the way, the pages of social networks "weigh" the same as other average sites, but at the same time they regularly "self-update", monitoring new messages that there is your traffic.

Memo to users of limited traffic USB modems

If you have purchased a relatively small Internet package for use in a stationary computer or laptop, using for the Internet cellular operator, and in the role of a modem - a "whistle", keep in mind that you can significantly save traffic (so that later you do not have to pay for all sorts of "turbo buttons") by disabling a variety of system updates of your programs, applications or operating system. And if I advise you to turn off antivirus updates, I will not, then at least temporarily it is quite possible to abandon the very gluttonous Windows updates. And they, at times, “eat up” your traffic many times more than you do, which can be an unpleasant surprise for you after just a few days.

How much internet do you need for a smartphone?

The smartphone lives its own "smartphone life", regularly visiting the Internet for updates in the background, checking your mail, synchronizing, etc. It doesn't matter what platform it runs on - Android, Windows Phone, iOs (iPhone), or even the ancient OS Symbian or Bada. Therefore, it is quite normal to spend 50 MB per day on his affairs. And this is 1.5 GB. per month! Of course, they can be reduced to 1 GB or less if you disable updates for various programs or turn off the Internet itself for long periods of time, but then the question arises - why do you need a smartphone? As a result, you should know if the operator happily informs you about an Internet package of 500 MB (about 0.5 GB) within the tariff, with full use of the device (along with browsing, WhatsApp, social networks, correspondence in instant messengers, etc.) this may not even be enough for half a month. The 1 GB package is a stretch. Optimally - about 1.5 GB, and even better "BIT" or "Super BIT" (the names of unlimited options from MTS, other operators may differ). The latter, though considered unlimited options, but have a certain daily traffic quota without speed limit, after which it drops significantly. But, in general, enough for a smartphone. At the same time "Super BIT" differs from "BIT" in that it works not only in the "home region", but throughout Russia. Otherwise, outside the "home region" you will find roaming charges with appropriate rates.

Now, at the dawn of the popularity of online games, the Internet has become almost unlimited everywhere, many Internet providers offer their users a decent connection speed, while paying for time or for megabytes / gigabytes is no longer necessary.

This is a great option for online games, since many people like to sit until the morning, and there is no need to worry about the fact that you pumped up a tidy sum

The players in World of Tanks have not spared attention either, there are cases that you have gone on a business trip and are using mobile internet or you have a limit channel at work, but you want to play your favorite game. Therefore, we will consider how much traffic World of Tanks is eating.

According to rough estimates, with the minimum-average settings, about 15-20 MB of traffic is consumed per hour of the game, this is provided if the card is of medium size.

That is, it turns out that if you spend 30 hours a month in the game, with 1 GB of traffic it will take up to 500 MB, which is extremely inconvenient and will bring costs. Now almost all mobile operators offer unlimited packages with excellent 3G / 4G speeds, so you get a decent speed comparable to your home Internet on your computer, and you don't have to worry about your traffic.

The game uses very little traffic. For 1 hour somewhere 28 MB

Well, they answered more correctly above. I haven't measured it for a long time.

I looked. During the month, 120 battles were played. The traffic went 228 MB. But this is about how I had to go into the client to check for bugs.

It should be remembered that the higher the quality of your Internet channel and the more stable your connection, the less packets will be sent, i.e. get extra traffic

Users who still have a limit tariff of 4 GB are recommended to play at minimum and medium settings, but if you improve the quality of the graphics, the game will accordingly consume more traffic per hour of continuous play. Therefore, calculate for yourself how much traffic World of Tanks eats, with proper use, you can stretch out even a month with the minimum tariff.

With regard to the connection speed, the game does not require a huge speed, but still it should be at least 512 kb / s, with a ping of no more than 60-80ms. A huge delay (ping) will entail brakes in the battle, to the point that you can "fly out" of the battle and bring defeat.

The speed limit is even more detrimental in clan and team battles, if someone from your team has a break or high pingthen there is a great chance to lose.

If you still use a metered connection, we recommend that you close all Internet browsers, Skype messengers, in general, everything that can "pull" extra megabytes, so you save money and leave the expense purely for the game. Check your computer for viruses and Trojans that use the Internet to download unnecessary traffic.

Through the Skype messenger, it is possible to easily enjoy communicating with friends, even if you are in Moscow, and the interlocutor is somewhere in Cambodia or at the North Pole. Moreover, a free basis for communication will be a good bonus in addition. You pay only to the ISP, not the system developers.

And when you have an unlimited tariff, then Skype is a free pleasure for you.

When you enter the messenger, without making calls, an average of 4 Kbps is transmitted. For voice communication, a minimum level of 24 and a maximum of 128 Kbps are consumed. It is possible to make voice calls with almost any bandwidth of the Internet connection. But video calling requires more.

Required bandwidth

What should be the speed for the messenger when making video calls. The bandwidth required for the application to work depends not only on the type of connection, but also on the desired quality.

The minimum speed for skype of very low quality is 128 Kbps. However, the more clearly you want to see the image, the faster the connection itself can be.

So what speed is needed for Skype with video. The proper speed level corresponds to approximately 300 kbps.

When making calls in HD format, you can achieve normal operation with an Internet connection of at least 1.5 Mbps. If the network is used for conferences, then the speed mode that allows optimal performance should be considered at least 2 Mbps. Moreover, the more interlocutors, the more anxiety.

How to check sufficiency

If you decide to install the messenger for certain purposes, you can find out if the connection on your device is sufficient to make different types of calls through the application. To do this, you need to take the following steps:

  • click on the name selected for the dialogue, user;
  • in the field that opens, place the cursor on the icon in the form of a ladder, and its name "Data on the quality of communication" will be displayed;
  • click on this option;
  • move to the "Connection" tab;
  • click on the "Check" icon. pic 1

Then a report on the connectivity will open. In case the application has a low speed level, it is more expedient to cancel the call or increase the throughput level.

You can check the speed level during a call. For this:

  • in the menu, click on the option "Call Technical Info" (Call Technical Info);
  • in the opened window (in the main section) calls Technical information reflected throughput. pic 2

Speed \u200b\u200bcalculation programs

There are special applications that determine how much traffic is consumed. There are a lot of them, although the most popular ones are:

  • Networx - keeps a full account of traffic from the selected device, calculating it by users, as well as by time (day, week, etc.). Moreover, there is a version that does not need to be downloaded.
  • Traffic Counter - for the mobile version, monitors general traffic, as well as incoming or outgoing. pic 3

Change speed

If your connection does not reach the required bandwidth level, then you can follow some recommendations:

  • close the accessory messengers used by the Internet (producing music or video);
  • disable video communication, leaving only voice during communication;
  • cancel forwarding of any files during the dialogue.

It is sometimes advisable to disable your antivirus. This is due to the permanent update of the database, which slows down the connection speed.

But if after that your problem is not resolved, you should contact your Internet service provider.

How much traffic is required for Skype

When the user's device is not unlimited tariff, then knowledgeable users do not recommend using the Skype program. Initially, it is better to find out how much Skype is spending traffic. You should be aware of the fact that traffic is consumed when making calls in two directions. Even when you receive a call, you will be charged.

What device is the program installed on

A lot of things are done with Skype. Thanks to this program, you can make video calls, send video messages or just correspond with the subscriber. Skype also allows you to make a call to landline phone or phone mobile operator... Transferring different files and folders is also possible in this program.

Of course, any action and even a simple wait for a file or a call to be sent will eat up some of your traffic.

Using the program in a mobile phone

Many people install Skype on their mobile phone, android or iphone. If you use Skype on your mobile gadget, the first step is to ask the operator what kind of Internet you have connected, unlimited, or you pay for data transfer.

Not connected on device unlimited Internet, which means it is worth finding out how much traffic is consumed in this case using Skype on the phone.

It is worth remembering that traffic is consumed even if you just startedSkypeon your phone and do not use it, that is, you have it at rest. When exchanging files and rewriting messages, the program will consume many times more megabytes.

Calling from phone to phone using skype takes about 0.05 MB per second from you. The same conversation only from mobile to laptop or PC already takes about 0.6 MB / sec. Accordingly, it is worth drawing conclusions and trying to call only the Skype numbers installed on mobile phones.

Skype on computer

When calculating the traffic consumed by Skype on a PC, it is very important to know what your Internet speed is. The faster you have the Internet, the less megabytes will pull the video call and send a message throughSkype.

How much traffic Skype eats will also depend on the user's actions in the program itself. When a video call is made with only one subscriber, then the resource consumption will accordingly be less than, for example, during a video conference with the participation of several people.

It is impossible to find out the exact figure

In principle, you can only approximately find out how much a minute or an hour of communication on Skype is eating.

Despite the most complex calculations, you can never say for sure how much traffic your Skype eats up, since you simply do not know what other actions it performs at the moment when you are talking with the subscriber.

It is simply impossible to calculate the consumption of megabytes for the conversation itself inSkypeand processes that you do not see. So the user is charged for broadcasting your status (online, offline, busy, away). It is broadcast constantly, without making calls or sending messages, the user pays money.

It is possible to roughly calculate how much a video call takes on. There are specially designed programs that will do the calculations for you. More than a dozen of such utilities have already been created, but most often users turn to only two of them:

  • Networx allows you to independently specify the time period for which you would like to receive data on traffic consumption. The created desktop version allows you to pass verification without installing it on the device.
  • Traffic Counter - a detailed analysis of incoming and outgoing information can be required from the program. The program is just perfect for use on a mobile device.

A group call of seven participants will use the largest number of megabytes. Therefore, it is better to arrange video conferencing when you use unlimited internet.

To save the Internet, the user can create a separate account and enter into it only the most necessary numbers for himself, in order to use it purely or only in case of emergency. You can call numerous friends and relatives from the device in which the unlimited is installed.

The question of how much traffic Skype eats always remains relevant for owners of limited Internet.

Answer to this question directly depends on several factors. Naturally, when making calls and communicating via instant messages, the application will consume more traffic than while in standby mode.

A too long list of your contacts can also affect the amount of megabytes consumed, since the program will constantly update information about users so that you can see the latest information about personal data and the network status of subscribers.

How much traffic Skype eats when making calls

Naturally, instant messaging is still the most economical way of communication, voice calls are in second place, and video calls are considered the most costly for traffic.

Below are approximate figures:

  • voice calls between Skype users: 3 Mb / min;
  • calls to mobile or landline numbers: 1 Mb / min;
  • video communication between mobile phones: 30 Mb / min;
  • video call between mobile or tablet and PC: 35 Mb / min.

If you notice that Skype traffic is being consumed too quickly, it is possible that the program is running in "Supernode" mode. This means that you allow the software to pass "foreign" traffic through your connection, that is, the application operates on the principle of peer-to-peer networks.

In all versions starting from 3.0, users can control this option and, if necessary, disable it. To do this, open the operating system registry (in the Run menu, type regedit) and add a branch with the following text:

After the above steps, restart the application.

How much traffic Skype uses

The question of how much traffic Skype eats is always relevant for owners of limited Internet. Let's try to figure it out.

What is the traffic consumption in Skype? The answer to this question can depend on several factors.

When making calls and chatting, Skype consumes more traffic than in standby mode. The amount of data transferred may be affected list of your contacts: if it is too long, then the traffic consumption increases. This is due to the fact that the application regularly updates information about contacts in order for you to see up-to-date information about the network status of subscribers and their personal data.

How much traffic does Skype consume when making calls? With a voice call, Skype eats up traffic much less than with a video call. The most economical way to communicate is sending text messages... Also, influence how much traffic Skype takes can internet connection method.

How many megabytes does Skype consume, approximate figures:

  • Voice calls between Skype users: 3 MB in one minute.
  • Voice call to mobile or landline phone: 1 MB in one minute.
  • Video call between mobile devices: 30 MB in one minute.
  • Video call between computer and mobile device: 35 MB in one minute.

As you can see, with video communication, the amount of transmitted data is 10 times more.

Now you know how much traffic Skype is eating. But if you notice that Skype eats up MB more than it should, then there is a chance that your Skype client is working in the " Supernode". In this case, you pass through your connection " stranger»Traffic based on the principle of functioning peer-to-peer network... In new versions of Skype, starting with 3.0, it became possible to control this function and disable it.

To resolve this issue, go to operating system registry, for this in the menu " Start"Select the item" Execute"And type" regedit»:

"DisableSupernode" \u003d dword: 00000001

Now you need to reboot for everything to work.

Or you can execute a special file that will perform the necessary actions automatically.

You can find out what traffic Skype has on your device using special programs. for instance free software NetLimiter Traff Monitor.

We hope that we helped you find out how much Skype traffic is pulling, and where to look for the ends if the amount of data transferred is very large.

Surely many already know the application for live video broadcasts from smartphones, which is called Periscope.

Its only drawback is the lack of a desktop client. I first realized this when I felt how my phone was heating up while watching a broadcast, and when I saw how much traffic it was eating. Searches on the Internet did not give much, basically all third-party solutions were sites - broadcast aggregators collected according to some incomprehensible algorithm, or "articles" telling that you can use Periscope on a computer through an Android emulator, though they are silent that launching Periscope in the emulator is more like a roulette wheel - you never know when the application will crash and whether the functions work at all. Viewing and creating broadcasts does not work at all, and you need to seriously try to view the map.

And then I decided to write my unofficial Periscope client for PC.

I note right away that at that time (January 2016) there were already some attempts to reverse-engineer the application. Not all of them survived, but one of them, periscope_api (Ruby library), has gained good popularity since April 2015, even though in fact it implements only one function - creating broadcasts in Periscope from a file using FFmpeg. These broadcasts could only be watched in a browser, because mobile apps would simply crash when trying to watch them. But I can't say that this project was useless - the author provided a description of the basics of the Periscope API.

Taking a debug proxy in one hand and a Javascript editor in the other, I began to explore the Periscope API and write my client for it. To write it, the technology of user scripts (userscript) was chosen, because it allows you to quickly write applications that, moreover, will weigh very little, will be as cross-platform as possible, requiring no complex compilation and assembly. Everyone has browsers, so why write something that duplicates their functionality?

After I uploaded the first barely working version to Github, I began to receive support letters, among which there was a letter with a link to a more complete API documentation, although the link led to a web archive, because the site disappeared from the Internet, having been there for a short time ... I posted a copy of this site in a separate branch of my client's repository, and started updating it regularly as soon as I found something new in the API. Here is the site itself:

While studying the Periscope API, I realized that there could be more functionality in official mobile applications if the API was used to the maximum. Most likely, this is done for greater usability, but for me it is interesting to make such an application that uses all the provided features. Therefore, I implemented some undocumented features in my client - for example, loading the full history of chat messages and non-fading messages from this very chat. To date, almost all the functions of mobile applications are implemented in my client. Only one problem prevented me from publishing it for the entire last month - the broadcasts created from the file do not work on the iPhone. the application crashes. This problem is still not resolved, and therefore I decided to release the client as it is.

So, an overview of the first unofficial desktop client, OpenPeriscope.

First, the installation process:

  1. Install the custom script manager
  2. Click on the link and then "Install"
  3. Go to the website
  1. Download and run the portable version from the releases section. Builds are available for Windows, Windows x64 and Linux x64.

At the first start, you will need to enter the secret key of the Periscope application, which is required for authorization supposedly in mobile application... The Periscope developers keep it a secret, but nevertheless, it leaked to the network, and now it can be easily found on the Internet for the request "Periscope Consumer / Secret Key". I cannot embed it in the application, because in this case, if the Periscope developers see my client, they will change the keys and we will remain at a broken trough. In addition, embedding the key in the client code will increase the number of spam and bots on Periscope, which is not my goal.

My goal is to make Periscope open source and enable everyone to get the full information available from Periscope.

When you enter the correct secret key, the Twitter website opens, with which you can log into your account. Allow the application to access the profile information and it will be passed to OpenPeriscope. Login by phone number is not yet possible, and I doubt that I will do it, because personally I do not want to share my number on Twitter.

The first section is an API test: here you can write any method and any parameters (in JSON format), and a response in JSON format will appear at the bottom of the page. This section is only interesting for developers, so let's move on.

The "Map" section is exactly the section for which I started writing my client, because I am interested to see what is happening in my city, and I just suddenly recognize someone I know 🙂 Red circles mean live broadcasts, blue - recordings, i.e. everything is like in a mobile application. When you click on any circle, information about the broadcast appears, and when you click on the name of the broadcast, you can open it on the website Pay attention to the download icon at the top left, near the sign out button. While it is visible, data is being downloaded from the periscope server. Wait for it to disappear before thinking that nothing is working.

The "Top" section contains popular broadcasts. When you click on "Get stream link", you can either get a direct link to the broadcast (ie, to a pure video stream), or download a playlist containing a replay. The live stream link can be pasted into some external media player, just like a repeat playlist. Using this link and playlist, you can also download broadcasts, for example, by submitting them to the FFmpeg program. The numbers near the icons with black men indicate the number of viewers of the broadcasts, you can sort them by clicking on the link "Sort by watching". The Following and Newest sections contain lists of subscriptions' streams and the newest streams, respectively. And when you click on the Chat link, we get to the comment section for the broadcast.

The "Chat" section was done in the IRC style, the same design and functionality. Comments do not disappear after 2 seconds, in addition, by clicking on the "Load history" link, you can download all chat messages sent before you entered the room. If Autoscroll is checked, the chat will automatically scroll down with each new message. The most attentive noticed the link "RTMP Link" in the screenshot and thought that it is possible to watch broadcasts via RTMP. But this is not so, not a single RTMP link worked for me.

The list of people is the same as in the mobile application. There is a search option. On the right, there are links to the user's profile on and, as well as the number of subscribers. When you click on the avatar, the avatar opens in the best available quality, and when you click on the name, the user profile obtained through the API

In the user profile, you can see all the broadcasts and replays of the user, as well as subscriptions and subscribed

And, perhaps, the most interesting section is creating a broadcast. At the moment, the created stream can only be played normally in the browser and in the Periscope app for Android. After filling in all the fields and clicking the Create button, the text of the bash script and a link for downloading it as a file appear at the bottom.

Yes, no script is generated for Windows yet, so try using virtual machines or the Cygwin emulator. Mac OS and FreeBSD users can try running the generated script if bash is installed. In any case, the script will require the installed programs to function: FFmpeg, h264bitstream and curl. Moreover, FFmpeg will have to be manually patched with my patch and built from source, otherwise the Android application will also crash. By default, the first frame of the video file is used as the broadcast thumbnail photo, but by editing the bash script, you can set any picture. Well, if you are on Linux, you can click on the "From camera" checkbox, and then the video will be taken from the webcam or any device supported by the FFmpeg program (and these are all V4L devices)

That's all, over time I will make edits that increase the performance and stability of the client, but for now I invite all interested developers to join me and create a complete alternative to the official applications, which will surpass them in the amount of useful functionality.

Tags: Crafts, Javascript, OpenPeriscope, Periscope

How much traffic is required for Skype

When there is not an unlimited tariff on the user's device, knowledgeable users do not advise using the Skype program. Initially, it is better to find out how much Skype is spending traffic. You should be aware of the fact that traffic is consumed when making calls in two directions. Even when you receive a call, you will be charged.

What device is the program installed on

A lot of things are done with Skype. Thanks to this program, you can make video calls, send video messages or just correspond with the subscriber. Skype also allows you to make a call to a landline phone or a mobile operator's phone. Transferring different files and folders is also possible in this program.

Of course, any action and even a simple wait for a file or a call to be sent will eat up some of your traffic.

Using the program in a mobile phone

Many people install Skype on their mobile phone, Android or iPhone. If you use Skype on your mobile gadget, the first thing to do is ask the operator what kind of Internet you have connected, unlimited, or you pay for data transfer.

The device does not have unlimited Internet connected, which means it is worth finding out how much traffic is consumed in this case using Skype on the phone.

It is worth remembering that traffic is consumed even if you just startedSkype on your phone and do not use it, that is, you have it at rest. When exchanging files and rewriting messages, the program will consume many times more megabytes.

Calling from phone to phone using skype takes about 0.05 MB per second from you. The same conversation only from mobile to laptop or PC already takes about 0.6 MB / sec. Accordingly, it is worth drawing conclusions and trying to call only the Skype numbers installed on mobile phones.

Skype on computer

When calculating the traffic consumed by Skype on a PC, it is very important to know what your Internet speed is. The faster you have the Internet, the less megabytes will pull the video call and send a message throughSkype.

How much traffic Skype eats will also depend on the user's actions in the program itself. When a video call is made with only one subscriber, then the resource consumption will accordingly be less than, for example, during a video conference with the participation of several people.

It is impossible to find out the exact figure

In principle, you can only approximately find out how much a minute or an hour of communication on Skype is eating. Despite the most complex calculations, you can never say for sure how much traffic your Skype eats up, since you simply do not know what other actions it performs at the moment when you are talking with the subscriber.

It is simply impossible to calculate the consumption of megabytes for the conversation itself inSkype and processes that you do not see. So the user is charged for broadcasting your status (online, offline, busy, away). It is broadcast constantly, without making calls or sending messages, the user pays money.

It is possible to roughly calculate how much a video call takes on. There are specially designed programs that will do the calculations for you. More than a dozen of such utilities have already been created, but most often users turn to only two of them:

  • Networx allows you to independently specify the time period for which you would like to receive data on traffic consumption. The created desktop version allows you to pass verification without installing it on the device.
  • Traffic Counter - a detailed analysis of incoming and outgoing information can be required from the program. The program is just perfect for use on a mobile device.

For those who use a megabyte tariff for Internet fees, as well as for users with not very good quality connection is an actual question, how much traffic does Skype eat? As with many questions, this can only be answered with an average answer. After all, everything can depend on factors such as:

Video quality

Of course, everyone wants the picture quality during a video call to be at a sufficiently high and comfortable level. However, quality comes at a price - the volume of traffic. The dependence here is simple: the better the quality of the footage, the more megabytes are consumed. If we talk about average numbers, how much traffic Skype uses on a video call, then at a speed of 500 kilobits per second (which corresponds to a good picture quality) a call will consume up to 500 megabytes per hour. For a group conference, this number will increase by about the same as the number of people taking part in it.

A possible way out of the situation is to forcibly lower the shooting quality in the webcam settings. But this does not apply to the interlocutor on the other side of the screen. Unless you ask him to lower the quality as well.

Using video mode

If the speed leaves much to be desired or the traffic limit is approaching, you can turn off the video and talk like on a regular phone. The savings will be substantial. So at a speed of 100 kilobits, one hour of conversation without turning on the camera, the traffic consumption will be on average only 80 - 100 megabytes.

Internet connection speed

Fast Internet is the dream of many. Paradoxically, but in this case it is only a minus: the higher the connection speed, the better the image quality, respectively, the greater the traffic consumption. So, at a speed of 20 kilobits per second with an audio call alone, about 20 megabytes will be consumed per hour, and already at a speed of 100 kilobits - 100 megabytes. For a video call, the numbers will accordingly increase several times. A forced decrease in the quality of the picture on the webcam can also serve as a way out.

What is the average consumption of Skype traffic?

Nevertheless, the statistics of traffic consumption in Skype still gives some averaged values. In addition to the above, you can note, for example:

  • screen sharing at speed 300 kbps - 300 MB per hour;
  • hD video calling - 1.5 GB per hour;
  • group conference for more than 7 people , - 4 GB.