Mts big ping what to do. How to reduce high ping to server or game. Below are some examples

Probably the worst dream of any avid gamer is a high ping in the game. And how to lower it is one of the main questions in such a situation.
What are pings? This is the time of passage of a special ECHO package from the computer to the server of the online game (World of Tanks, Warface, CS, etc.) and back. It is best played when it is low. With a high ping, it's bad to play and everything slows down. If it's too big, it's impossible to play. There are delays, which in the language of gamers are called "lags". What can be done and how to be in this case ?!
First, you need to determine which ping is good, which is normal, and which is bad. Well, everything is simple - the lower the indicator, the better. On average, a good ping is considered up to 30-40 milliseconds. From 40 ms. up to 100ms, depending on the game, is considered normal. But above a hundred, the indicator is considered bad. But then again, light and simple online games can work fine at high values \u200b\u200b(for example, the old "Contra"), while the same Dota or Warface will start to lag wildly.
There are two kinds of factors affecting response speed - which depend on your hardware and which depend on the provider. How to define "Where to dig"?

This trace immediately shows that the problems begin immediately, already on the subscriber's equipment, namely on a home router or modem:

And the next trace shows the appearance of significant delays on the 4th hop, that is, already on the provider's side:

For reference - all points after the first, that is, after your equipment, this is the area of \u200b\u200bresponsibility of your telecom operator.

If the problem is on your side:

First things first, eliminate any third party load on the communication channel. Do not be surprised that the ping is high if at this time you download two or three movies from the Internet. Disable the torrent client and any other file-sharing programs. Check if any application is downloading a large archive with updates.

The second thing that can significantly affect the response speed is the firewall, or firewall. Try to add the game to the list of exceptions to reduce ping. For the sake of experiment, you can try to turn it off altogether and take a measurement.

If you have a router and you are connected to it via WiFi, then try connecting via a cable and see if there is a difference. The fact is that sometimes, due to different reasons, the speed of the wireless network can drop significantly, making the connection unstable and even losing packets. The cable connection will be able to completely exclude such a scenario.

Also, sometimes placing the computer's IP in the DMZ in the router settings helps to slightly reduce the ping. This allows most of the packets to go directly to the computer without being filtered by the router's firewall.

Ping increases on the provider side:

If there are any problems on the side of your telecom operator, then in this case there are only two ways out to reduce the ping in Warface, Worlds of Tanks or another game.

1. Communication with technical support
This path can only give a result if the high ping starts already at the second or third step of the trace, that is, the reason is in the line or access equipment.
For example, if you are connected via aDSL technology, that is, it makes sense to apply for the inclusion of a special "Fast Mode" mode on the port. It turns off the error correction mode, due to which the travel speed is slightly increased. But it won't be possible to reduce pings especially strongly.

If you are connected via fiber optic (FTTB, GPON), then it is unlikely that anything can be done at all. Therefore, it remains to wait. Perhaps this is caused by a malfunction of the network equipment and the next couple of days the malfunction will be eliminated and the ping will become normal.

2. Change of provider
If the trace to the game server is very large (12 steps or more), then it makes sense to walk among friends connected to other telecom operators and start tracing. Providers usually use different trunk channels and you can choose the one who will have the shortest trace and the smallest ping. Most often, by the way, this is the only working way to reduce ping and achieve a high-quality and comfortable level of network play.

In this article, we will try to reveal as much as possible a topic that worries any 3g modem user, regarding the operation of these devices. Namely: optimizing modems and improving the signal, increasing the speed of work, etc.

Let's consider this problem using one example cellular operator and his modem. Optimization, improvement of the signal of the "HUAWEI E352" modem from the MegaFon provider. Surely all users of wireless networks have faced the problem of poor connection, poor modem signal. Sometimes the modem has an antenna connector, but this does not always help improve the signal or reduce ping. However, you can solve this problem yourself, strengthen the signal of your 3g modem at home, that is, make a signal amplifier yourself.

Below are some examples:

Let's go further. Most modem users have faced a problem when it suddenly, spontaneously turns off. In other words, it simply disappears from the system as a device, and after a while it appears again. This reason is hidden in the lack of power supply to the USB ports of the motherboard. This usually happens when an extension cable is used to connect a 3g modem. In simple language speaking, some of the power supplied from the mains goes directly to the USB cable.

As a result, the device may turn off at the most inopportune moment. From the above, we can draw a simple conclusion: in no case use an extension cable to connect a 3g modem!

Instability of 3G network

Many have faced a problem when the ping of a 3G network jumps from 700 to 1000, often even higher. In addition to this, the modem can spontaneously disconnect from the network. This is not due to a lack of food, but for another reason. We will talk about it below.

Consider why your 3G works, sometimes too fast, sometimes on the contrary, very, very slow. I think that everyone paid attention when the modem turns on in 3G mode when booting, and in the course of its work it unexpectedly switches to “EDGE” mode, or, even worse, throws it out of the network. The mode of automatic search for a stable signal is to blame here, for this reason the modem jumps in search of a signal either on WCDMA, then on HSPA, and sometimes on EDGE.

Let's give an example. In EDGE mode, the signal reaches 95%, in WCDMA its strength is 85%, and in HSPA mode it is generally 50%, well, a maximum of 60%. The modem automatically searches for the strongest signal and switches to the operating mode in it. How to make the modem work in HSPA mode, let us analyze it using the example of a 3G modem from MegaFon.

Having done all this, you can admire the fact that the connection in the MegaFon-Internet program always shows the HSPA mode. This program will drive the least traffic within the network, and your modem will work at the highest speed. For stable work "HSPA", 50% signal will be enough. Why did we do all this, you ask?

  1. Thanks to all of the above, we were able to reduce the ping from 1000 to 600.
  2. Pages in the browser began to open much faster.
  3. Online games do not slow down.
  4. One of the most pleasant moments is that the Internet stopped disconnecting, since for the stable operation of the Internet on the modem, we set only one operating mode.

We wish you all a fast and uninterrupted Internet!

Each modern childwho lives by video games, and an adult too, probably have repeatedly come across such a concept as "ping". He is also integral part established by the master of computer networks. Next, we will consider in more detail that this concept means and how to reduce ping to optimize gameplay or network performance.

What is ping and how to check it

Ping is a time period during which one information packet is transmitted from the client to the server and returned. Associating this process with real life, we can say that ping is like the time spent on the transition from home to the store and on the way back. The store is the server and the person is the client. The unit of measurement is millisecond (ms).

To determine the Windows OS ping, it is enough to enter the command line by entering the cmd command in the Run menu, which is called by the WIN + R key combination, or the Start menu search bar.

Then, you need to enter the "ping" command and specify the address of the remote machine / site through a space, the connection to which will be checked.

As you can see in the screenshot, the basic information allows you to see the average value and determine if there are sharp changes in case of a bad connection.

How to reduce ping - current ways

There are a number of basic actions during which the user may think that the ping value should be reduced relative to the connection to a particular server / site. Of course, this is necessary when it comes to playing online video games, where it greatly influences how the player's battle goes. It may also be required when setting up a solid computer network, where you simply cannot do without a high-quality connection.

If it is excessively high or constantly "jumps" relative to any of the directions of the client's connection to the server, then the problem may be as follows:

  • Bad internet connection. It is corrected as follows: the method of connecting to the network changes (the modem changes to a direct cable connection or another), the provider changes, if a low-quality connection is its flaw, the tariff is updated to increase bandwidthchannel allocated to the client.
  • Outdated network card driver. Everything is quite simple - you need to update it by downloading the necessary files from the manufacturer's website or any other thematic resource.
  • Viruses, startup list, bootloaders. All of the above can have a negative impact on the speed of the network. Naturally, the system needs to be cleaned of viruses, the startup list should be adjusted, leaving only what is necessary, the bootloaders should be disabled at the time of the game or any other actions related to connecting to a specific server. The latter is especially true for torrent clients, which, when downloaded, can "clog" the entire Internet channel allocated to the user.

You can also make certain changes to the system registry, but you should do it with caution, remembering that the consequences of the performed actions with the registry are sometimes quite difficult to fix.

Having started the registry with the "regedit" command entered in the same paragraphs as for the command line, you must do the following:

Parameters that do not exist can be created, but, again, we remind you that it is better to entrust the introduction of such changes to a specialist who feels confident when setting up system registry configurations. All of these actions will help reduce, but be careful.

How to reduce ping on the modem

People who use 3G modems to connect to the Internet are a separate category of users. The problem with working with such equipment is that they pick up the signal from the mobile towers of various operators, but this signal itself can be blocked by anything. All actions to improve the operation of a 3G modem and reduce ping require an increase in the power of the device itself.

Experienced players and specialists in working with such devices recommend the following methods of signal amplification:

Each of these actions will have a positive effect on the speed of the Internet and will significantly reduce the ping. You can check the connection level through the MDMA (Mobile Data Monitoring Application) application, which, after downloading and starting, will determine the connected modem (maybe not the first time), and then give the signal quality value in dbm units. Dynamic reading of information in real time with a delay of 5-30 seconds will determine the best place to place the modem.

How to reduce ping in games

Finally, we come to the most important stage, since the decrease in online games worries users most of all, because poor Internet connection and its other defects affect their success in battles. Let's consider making the necessary settings using the example of two very popular games: World Of Tanks and Counter-Strike: Global Offensive.

How to reduce ping in CS: GO

When playing CS: GO, you can change the ping by all the means described above, as well as by competently making changes to the launch parameters. To do this, you need to enter the library of games of the STEAM platform and select CS GO in it. Further actions are shown in the screenshot.

In the window that opens, click "Set launch parameters" and enter the values \u200b\u200bshown in the screenshot in the line that appears.

Also, the player is advised to indicate the optimal ping to the game to start the competitive mode so that it does not select servers for him more than a certain bar, if this, of course, is possible. To do this, in the menu "Settings" - "Game options", you must set the slider to the minimum value.

How to reduce ping in World Of Tanks

The peculiarity of World Of Tanks is that the game is played on a large number of servers, each of which is located regionally in different locations. Below is the geographical location of the main servers from the Russian cluster of the game.

You can control it by installing a special game modification or software, such as WOT Pinger.

With the help of this software, you can track the servers that are most optimal for the game and use them exclusively.

Thus, we can conclude that ping has a significant impact on the efficiency of working with certain servers / sites. To reduce it, you can use any of the above methods. You can also contact specialists who will make the necessary settings in the system and specific applications, significantly speeding up the operation of your computer / laptop. It is recommended to order the same setting from the provider, where the user will be able to tell which speed tariff access to the Internet will be much more profitable for him.